3 WED, Feb, 1 6:30 am (pickup) Watergate S. 7:00 am appearance on TODAY SHOW 8:00 am Madison Dolly Madison Rm PEAK -Amer. Textile Mfrs. 10:00 SR-328A AG. COMM. (hrg. on State block grant option for food stamp program) 10:00 SD-226 SUBC. ON COURTS (Alternate Dispute Mech -- Civ. Case Backlog) 10:00 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC. (Peer Review Org's for Medicare) 10-11:30 S-205 Cap 1ST MEETING of Repub Conf Task Force on Equal Rights for Women (Sheila Bair) 11:30-12:15 Eliz. ofc. LUNCHEON w/Jerry Falwell 12-1:30 S-207 Cap LUNCHEON - "THIS" (Hosp. Info Svcs) 12:30 SD-106 LUNCHEON - 22nd Anniv. U.S. Youth Program (Ed to attend and Senator to stop by) 1:15-2:30 1302 LHOB SPEAK - Natl Council of Jewish Women 2:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg nominations) cancelled 2:15 SH-210 AWARD - Golden Bulldog 2:45-5 SH-141 VISIT by Greater K.C. Section/Natl Council of Jewish Women (Senator speaking at 1:15) Chris or Judy 4:00 EF-100 Cap. BRIEFING ON BUDGET by Stockman, Regan & Feldstein for Finance, Budger & Approp. Comm. Members (Rod will also attend) 5:45 Arr. WETA-Ar1. FOR 6:00 PM AIR TIME FOR MacNEIL-LEHRER (25 min. on budget) 5:30-7:30 SR-325 RECEPTION w/80-90 members Phillips Petroleum Co. (Ed) 6-8:00 Geo' twn Club RECEPTION, hon. Sen. Daniel Evans (Sen. only) 7:30 Jockey Club DINNER w/Eliz & Dr. Schuller 4 THURS, Feb, 2 7:35 Arr. Chamber 7:50 Chamber of Comm. Do \"BIZNET\" Live Interview for nationwide telecast 463-5600 (Jed Heydinger) 8:15 am Ch.Commerce 1615 H St, NW SPEAK - Breakfast Bunch of Chamber 9:30 SD-215 FIN CTE - (Secy Regan-Admin.'s budget prop) 10:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COM. (pending business) Cancelled 11:30 am SR-325 LUNCHEON, hon. PRESIDENT ?? ?? Mtg w/Future Homemakers of Amer (Kansans) Mark S. 5:30-7:30 1605 N.H.Ave, NW Second Anniv. Nofziger & Bragg FRI, Feb. 3 . n. Han- Bu - Lower Level 8:15 Ramada Renaissance 7143 SPEAK - AARP Mtg. (Maydene Smith, Wichita, attndg.) N. Hamp. near M St, NW 9-10 sd-106 Briefing for apart a scheduling secretaries concerning Capital apat. denke 9:30 am SD-215 FIN CTE (S.1804, foreign sales corp. act) 10:00 SD-226 PRESS CONF. on Adoption Scam 12:30 pm S-205 Cap LUNCH w/Federal Councillor Kurt Furgler, Minister of Economy and Vice Pres, Switzerland 12:30 S-207 Cap LUNCHEON, by Sen. Baucus (Montana Beef) 4:00 mitg. w/ E diz gin Burnley, Sem Symms & Wallop (on truck tax) 8:00 Hay Adams DINNER/DANCE w/Murdocks - BLACK TIE (Eliz) 5 SAT, Feb. 4 SUN, Feb. 5 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF FEB, 20-26, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Feb. 20 noon SENATE RETURNS Tues, Feb. 21 8:00 am House DinRm BREAKFAST for KS Cong. Members by ROA delegation (John P/Mike) 19:30-10:30 Cabinet Rm-W. House House/Senate GOP Leadership Mtg. w/Pres. (Lebanon & deficit (NWGate) 9:30 SD-215 INT'L TRADE SUBC (trade reorg .- S.121, S.1723) 9:30 SR-301 RULES CTE (funding res. for 84) 9:30 SD-226 CONSTIT. SUBCTE (ERA) 10:00 SD-226 JUV. JUSTICE SUBC (Missing Children) 12:05 pm Minneapolis SPEAK - Land O' Lakes 6-8:00 Folger Lib. Hyatt Regency Valley Forge Rne . F.R. RECEPTION for Sen. Helms Page Two Wed, Feb. 22 9:00-9:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. of "Fiscal Policy group"-Dole, Baker, Domenici, Hatfield, Laxalt & 9:00 am SR-328A AG CTE (hearing on Grace Comm. rpt) GARN SD-562 PATENT SUBC (video sales & rentals) cancelled 11:30 SD-226 SEP. OF POWERS SUBC (S.Con.Res. 40 markup - grandparents' visitation rights) 12:00 pm Press Club SPEAK - Natl Press Club Lunch 4:30 SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg nominations) 2:30 VOTE ( death penalty) 3:30 1.202 Cap 4:30 SH-141 TAPE SPOT FOR PRESSLER (Bailey-Deardorff doing) Eleanor Rhodes × 41641 5-8:00 2168 A&B, RHOB RECEPTION, by Renewable Fuels Assn for Sen. Durenberger & Rep. Daschle 6-7:30 LHOB Cafeteria RECEPTION, by Am. Soybean Assn (John G/Mark) 6-8:00 CapHill Club Eisenhower Lounge F.R. for Cong. Joe Skeen (N.MEX) Thurs, Feb. 23 8:00 am Colonial Rm Mayflower SPEAK - Natl Ag. Forum 9:00 SR-328A FOR. AG. POL SUBC (S.2005/S.2304, trade legislation) 9:30 SD-210 CAUCUS of GOP Finance Members 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (deficit reduction) . Mark-up) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (exec) 12:30 pm Quality Inn Cap Hill SPEAK - Job Service Empl. Comm. 2-4 Rm. 208,Old EOB (NW Gate) MTG. ON DEFICIT REDUCTION hosted by Jim Baker (Lynn Skulnick 456- 2230) 5:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Wm. White, head of Mott Fdn. & Chuck Chamberlain re Fdns. 5-7:00 LHOB B-223 RECEPTION hon. Members 98th Congress by + Tom Prayer, Council, Council on Flux. 5:30 AN-141 Natl Sheriffs' Assn. (stop by if poss) Jerry Campbell, Leavenworth mitg . w/ Jack Persone mitg. w/Long (Rod & Mike Stern) 6-8:00 Univ. Club RECEPTION by Natl Corn Growers Assn. , hon. Board of Directors (John G/Mark) 3 Fri, Feb. 24 8:00 White House Mess (S.W.Gate) BKFST. MTG. w/Stockman & Tom Foley 8:30-10am SD-106 BREAKFAST hon. Sen. Randolph by Blinded Vets Assn 9:00 SR-253 COMMERCE CTE hearing on nom. Charles Hardin (MD) to be Asst Secy. DOT and Jim J. Marquez (KS) to be General Counsel, DOT -- Sen. Kassebaum presiding 9:00 HAIR APPT 9:30 S-207 Cap. SPEAK briefly for Trible 9:30 SD-215 SUBC ON TAX & DEBT MGT (high tech/deprec) 9:30 SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (markup - S.J.Res. 1 (cong. compens; ) S.119 (Const. Conv proced) ; S.139 (Pub Schl Civ Rts) Chmn Hatch will preside. 11:30-1:30 Rm. 208 01d EOB (NWGate) DEFICIT REDUCTION MTG. (Lynn or Linda Bennett 456-2230 3:30 DEPART BUTLER AVIATION - National 5:15 Arrive Manchester, N.H. 6:00 pm Manchester, NH TESTIMONIAL DINNER for Judge William Treat Sat, Feb. 25 8:00 am Manchester, NH SPEAK - Major Donors Breakfast 9:30 Manchester, NH PRESS CONF - Easter Seal Sun, Feb. 26 SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - FEBRUARY 24 - 25, 1984 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24 3:30 pm Depart Butler Aviation - National Aiport VAC-11 Jet (seats 15) Tail # NC12Z Pilot : Howard Holland or Rob Vuksanovic Copilot: Mert Munson or Joe McGonagle Manifest: Senator Dole Byron Radaker, Chrmn, Congoleum Corp (own plane) Sen. & Mrs. Humphrey (Patty) Cong. & Mrs. D'Amours (Helen) Mrs. Olga Hirshorn, friend of Bill Treat & trustee of the Hirshorn Foundation 5:15 pm Arrive Manchester Airport Met by Norm Stahl 5:35 pm Arrive Center of New Hampshire Hotel PHONE: 603/625-1000 Private time 6:00 pm Press Conference - Mezannine 2 Center of New Hampshire Hotel 6:30 pm Join VIP Reception - Mezannine 1 7:00 pm Dinner honoring Bill Treat - Main Ballroom Center of New Hampshire Hotel 8:00 pm SPEAK 10:00 pm DINNER ENDS Dinner ends RON : Center of New Hampshire Hotel PHONE : 603/625-1000 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 8:00 am Breakfast Meeting New Hampshire GOP Major donors group (The Republican Trust) Salon \"B\" (part of ballroom) - Center of New Hampshire Hotel Contact: Fred Gagnon, Chairman or Bobbe Hantz - Ph: 603/225-9341 Senator Dole's Schedule - February 24 & 25, 1984 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 (cont'd) 9:10 am Depart Center of New Hampshire Hotel (Bob Monier will drive you to Easter Seal Ofc. 9:20 am Arrive Easter Seal Office for Kick-Off Press Conference of Easter Seal Accessible Voting Project 555 Auburn Street, Manchester PHONE: 603/623-8863 9:30 am State Repr. Matt Sochalski (also on Board of State Easte Seal Society) will introduce Michael Smith, Pres., Nat'l Easter Seals Michael Smith then introduces you 9:35 am Senator Dole makes brief remarks 9:45 am Depart Easter Seal Office Bob Monier will drive you to meet up with Reagan-Bush Bus Tour either in Portsmouth by 11:30 lobster boat tour and demo -- OR If too late for Portsmouth tour, will take you to Wolfeboro for 1:15 pm rally of Reagan-Bush group CONTINUATION OF TOUR AS SHOWN BEGINNING ON PAGE 2 OF REAGAN-BUSH SCHEDULE 11:00 a.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Yokens Center and proceed to dais for rally. (Brief remarks by each principal; expected attendance - 400) meet up with tour OPEN PRESS COVERAGE 11:30 a.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart en route fishing dock. Drive Time: 10 mins. 11:40 a.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive dock and proceed to board lobster boat for tour and demonstration. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE or 12:00 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart en route Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. Drive Time: 1 hr. 15 mins. 1:15 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Wolfeboro Municipal Boat Docks and proceed to dais for rally. (Brief remarks by each principal; expected attendance - 150) OPEN PRESS COVERAGE 1:25 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart and proceed on walking tour of Wolfeboro. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE Tour Stops : Mast's Landing Restaurant Black's Gift Shop Train Station Hardware Store Music Store 1:55 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart Wolfeboro en route Moultanboro, New Hampshire. Drive Time: 35 mins. 2:30 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Moultanboro Fire House. 2/23/84 12:00 pm - 2 - Met by: Frank McIntyre, Selectman Jim Woodman, Police Chief Frank Stewart, Fire Chief Ernest Davis SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE proceed inside to meet with volunteer firemen and police. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE 2:45 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE proceed across street for tour of Country Store(one of three oldest country stores in America). OPEN PRESS COVERAGE 2:55 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart Moultanboro en route Squam Lake. Drive Time: 25 mins. 3:20 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Squam Lake (site of \"On Golden Pond\" ) for photo opportunity. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE 3:30 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart en route Plymouth, New Hampshire. Drive Time: 15 mins. 3:45 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Plymouth Campton Holiday Inn, Plymouth, New Hampshire for rally. (Remarks by each principal; expected attendance - 150) OPEN PRESS COVERAGE 4:10 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart Plymouth en route Littleton, New Hampshire. Drive Time: 50 mins. 5:05 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Continental 93 Motel, Littleton, New Hampshire and proceed to holding room. PRIVATE TIME: 20 mins. (Press filing time) 2/23/84 12:00 pm - 3 - 5:25 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart en route Littleton Town Hall. Drive Time: 5 mins. 5:30 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Littleton Town Hall for rally. (Brief remarks by each principal; expected attendance - 200) OPEN PRESS COVERAGE 6:00 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart Littleton en route Whitefield Airport. Drive Time: 15 mins. 6:15 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Whitefield Airport. 6:20 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE depart en route Washington National Airport. Flight Time: 2 hrs. 2 hrs 45 min. 9:20 p.m. SECRETARY DOLE, SENATORS BAKER AND DOLE arrive Washington National Airport. 2/23/84 12:00 pm - 4 - 8AM- Trust BrEst Center - Sen Dale 910 - to Easter Sere - (w/Donna) 55.5 Au burn St. Easter Seal - 5.6 blacks - MUST BE Thereal 915 AM MUST LEAVE IN TIME TO MEET BUS SCHEDULE OF SENATOR HOWARD BAKER, SENATOR ROBERT DOLE,) AND SECRETARY ELIZABETH DOLE IN Ports mouth FOR NORTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE BUS TOUR ON THE ROAD AGAIN NO LATER Than 11- 11:15 AM aT Yokems FEBRUARY 25, 1984 8:30 AM Credentialing at Zayre Parking Lot 589 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 8:45 AM Depart Manchester Zayre En Route Portsmouth (DRIVE TIME: 9:45 AM Credentialing in Portsmouth at the Municipal Lot corner of Hanover and High Streets 10:00 AM Depart Municipal Lot en route Geno's Cafe (DRIVE TIME: 5 Minutes) 10:00 AM Principals Arrive Rochester, New Hampshire Airport Depart en Route Geno's Cafe, Portsmouth, NH 1 (DRIVE TIME: 20 Minutes) NORTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE BUS TOUR PAGE TWO 10:20 AM Arrive Geno's Cafe Met by: Evelyn Marconi Begin Arrival Ceremony: Mini Rally Brief Remarks (5 Minutes Each) 10:20 AM PRESS Open Press Coverage 10:30 AM Depart Geno's on Foot en Route Blue Fin Fish Market ( WALK TIME : 5 Minutes) 10:30 AM PRESS Proceed Principals on Walking Tour to Pre-position at Blue Fin Fish Market : 10:35 AM Arrive Blue Fin Fish Market Met by : : Demonstration of Fish Fileting Presentation of Lobsters 10:35 AM PRESS Open Press Coverage 10:50 AM Depart Yoken's (DRIVE TIME: 10 Minutes) NORTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE BUS TOUR PAGE THREE 11:00 AM Arrive Yoken's Proceed to Dias for Rally Brief Remarks by: Senator Baker Senator Dole Secretary Dole 11:00 AM PRESS Open Press Coverage 11:30 AM Depart Yoken's en route Marconi's Fishing Boat Tour (DRIVE TIME: 10 Minutes) 11:40 AM Arrive Marconi's Fishing Boat Dock 11:40 AM Proceed to Boat Tour: Discussing Navy Yard and Lobster Traps/Boats PRESS Open Press Coverage NORTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE BUS TOUR PAGE FOUR 12:00 PM Depart Marconi's Boat Tour en route Wolfeboro (DRIVE TIME: 1 Hour 15 Minutes) 1:15 PM Arrive Wolfeboro for Rally and Town Tour 1:15 PM Remarks by principals: Senator Baker Senator Dole Secretary Dole (3 Minutes Each) 1:25 PM Conclude Rally and Proceed to walking tour ( Feed Ducks) 1) Mast Landing (restaurant) 2 ) Black's Gift Shop 3 ) Train Station 4 ) Hardware Store 5) Music Store 1:50 PM Conclude Walking Tour and Proceed to bus 1:55 PM Depart Wolfeboro en route Moultonboro (DRIVE TIME: 35 Minutes) 2:30 PM Arrive Moultonboro Fire House for Rally and Tour of one of the oldest Country Stores in America (50 People) 2:32 PM Staff Hold until press in position 2:32 PM PRESS Open Press Coverage NORTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE BUS TOUR PAGE FIVE 2:35 PM Unload Staff Bus/Meet Volunteer Fire Department - Police and inspect fire engines Brief Remarks (5 Minutes Each) Met by: Selectman Frank Mc Intyre Police Chief Jim Woodman Fire Chief Frank Stewart Ernest Davis 2:45 PM Depart Fire Station en route Country Store 2:46 PM Arrive Country Store for Tour Met by : 2:55 PM Depart Moultonboro for Photo-op at Squam Lake (DRIVE TIME: 25 Minutes) 3:20 PM Arrive Squam Lake for Photo-op 3:25 PM Depart en route Plymouth ( drive time: 16 minutes) 3:40 PM : Hold for courier service for Press at Mobile Station at Route 25 & 193 Ashland Exit 3:50 PM Arrive Plymouth Campton Holiday Inn for Rally 150 People (Remarks 5 Minutes Each) Met by: PETER ST. JAMES 3:50 PM PRESS Open Press Coverage 4:10 PM Depart Plymouth for Mittersill (DRIVE TIME: 35 Minutes) NORTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE BUS TOUR PAGE SIX 4:50 PM Arrive Mittersill for Staff Hold and Press Filing Time 4:50 PM PRESS Press escort to filing center Filing time: 20 Minutes 5:10 PM Depart Mittersill for Littleton (DRIVE TIME : 20 Minutes) 5:30 PM Arrive Littleton for Rally at Town Hall 300 People Remarks: 5 Minutes Each Met by : 5:30 PM PRESS Open Press coverage 6:00 PM Depart Littleton for Franconia (DRIVE TIME: 10 Minutes) 6:10 PM Arrive Franconia for Roast Beef dinner at Town Hall Mix and Mingle (200 People) 6:10 PM PRESS Open Press Coverage NORTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE PAGE SEVEN 6:30 PM Depart Franconia en route Mittersill (DRIVE TIME: 10 Minutes) 6:40 PM Arrive Mittersill Met by: Jack Wettenhall Principals Proceed to Downtime ( DOWNTIME: 1 Hour) 6:40 PM PRESS Press proceed for Hospitality Suite Staff to Hospitality Suite 7:40 PM - Principals proceed to Private Dinner with Jack Wettenhall 7:40 PM PRESS Closed Press Coverage 8:40 PM Conclude dinner - Proceed to chalet for 20 Minutes Downtime 9:00 PM Depart Chalet for reception in Lodge and Saturday Night Comedy Show 9:30 PM Proceed outside for Fire Show 9:40 PM Conclude Show - Optional: Show Remain for Comedy NORTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE PAGE EIGHT 9:40 PM PRESS Open Press Coverage RON : MITTERSILL SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF FEB, 13-19, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION STAFF CONTACT Mon, Feb. 13 TO CALIFORNIA Pl. by L. a. Die Comm. (Spec. It. FR Comm. - handled by Camp. am. of. ) Tues, Feb. 14 IN CALIFORNIA Wed, Feb, 15 6-7:30 pm B-338, RHOB CONG. RECEPTION by Natl Dry Bean Council (John/Mark) Thurs, Feb, 16 5:30-7:30pm 4 Seasons RECEPTION, by Natl Futures Assn (John G.) Corcoran Ballrm 6:30 Hyatt Reg. Reg. B/C/D Rms. RECEPTION, by KS Bankers Assn (Mike/John P) Fri, Feb. 17 Sat, Feb. 18 Sun, Feb. 19 5:30 pm ROA Mem.Bldg. 1 Const. Ave RECEPTION, by Coast Guard D.C. Chapter/ROA (John P.) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF FEB. 6-12, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Feb. 6 10:00 SD-366 INTRODUCE Ann Mclaughlin for her nom. hearings (Ann-343-7351) 47157 10:00am SD-215 ENERGY/AG TAX SUBC (S.1675, public lands acq.) 11:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Boone Pickens & Ed Forgotson 2:30 pm SD-215 FIN. CTE (proposal for free trade with Israel) 5-7:00 S-233 Cap RECEPTION by Sen. Baker for Jim Range (Sen. stop by) 6:00 CapHillClub C.A. function SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF FEB. 6-12, 1984 Page 2 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Tues, Feb, 7 8:00am Hyatt Reg. BREAKFAST by K.C. Metropolitan Region (Mike/John P) 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (Admin. Budget - Heckler testifying) 10:00 SH-141 MEETING w/new officers Natl Cattlemen's Assn incl. John Meety (John G) 11:45 am S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN's Meeting 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 1:45 S-305 Cap. MTG. on Truck Tax (Elizabeth, Sens. Wallop & Symms) w/Harry Graham 4:30 SH-141 MEETING w/Ks. Pork Producers (John G.) 4:45 SH-141 MTG. w/John Amos & Othe11 Hand 5-7:00 1301 LHOB RECEPTION by Natl Ag Chemicals Assn (John G/Mark) 296-1585 5:30-7:30 SD-106 RECEPTION by Farm Credit Council (John G/Mark) 6-8:00 CapHillClub F.R. for Trent Lott (Sen. only) 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg Reg. Ballrm RECEPTION by Mortgage Bankers Assn (Mike/John P) 6-8:00 Cafeteria, LHOB RECEPTION by Natl Pork Producers (John G/Mark) 6:15 CaucusRm, CHOB RECEPTION by Chlorine Inst. (J.M.Boyd, Wichita and other Kansans) Page 3 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF FEB. 6-12, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Wed, Feb, 8 8-9:00 am H-130 Cap SPEAK - "Chowder & Marching Group" (Repub. House Ldrship/approx 30 other GOP Members) (contact either Rep. Gradison or Margaret) 53164 10:00 am SD-215 FIN CTE (Grace Commission Recommendations) 12:00 pm Quality Inn SPEAK - Natl Pork Producers 12:45 Speak Cap Hill Federal Ballroom 4:00 SH-141 MEETING w/Pillsbury Execs, incl Dick Koonrod (John G.) (Senator stop by) 2:00 SR-328A AG. Prod. SUBC. (S.2085 - Cotton Classing to Producers) 2-2:30 S-243 Cap. MTG. - GOP Conf. Task Force on Equal Rights for Women (Sheila Bair ?? ) 3:15 SH-141 MTG. w/Don Treadwell, Pres., Jack Carlson & Al Abrahams, Realtors Assn. 3:30 MTG w/ Block of wheat program 5:30 SH-141 Conf.Rm. MTG. w/Todd Strange, VP & Frank McFadden, Chrmn. Blount Int'l (& Don S) 5:30-7:30 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by Natl Home Study Council (Chris/Judy) 234-5100 7:00 Old Colony Inn Alexandria - SPEAK - WIC NAT'L MEETING Commonwealth Rar - Conference Center 548-6300 - la mag at desk Dang Patterson Thurs, Feb. 9 8-9:00 Watergate Terr.Rest BKFST. MTG. w/John Camp, Martin Sorkin & Larry Woods, Sr. Econ. VP for Mobil Oil 9:15- 9:45 10:00 am SD-226 JUD CTE (exec on Gun Bill) cancelled 10:10-10:30 SR-301 TESTIFY BEFORE RULES COMM. on Finance Comm. Budget 10:50- Intl Club SPEAK - Business Council 3rd Flr ConfRm 1:15 OR 1:30 Sen. Dining Pm. Cap. Lunch- R. hayder a day. Heidi ( Melinda) 2:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (truck tax) 2:00 SD-226 JUDUCIARY COMM. (pending business) 3:00 S-407 Cap. BRIEFING by Ken VanDam on Mid-East situation (Members Only) 3-5:00 pm SD-430 FAREWELL RECEP for Tom Parry by Sen/Mrs. Hatch 45253 (Senators only) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF FEB. 6-12, 1984 Page 4 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Fri, Feb. 10 9:00 am 4 Seasons SPEAK - Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Assn Salon "A" 10:30 SH-141 Appt. w/Dick Rosenbaum RECESS BEGINS C O B Sat, Feb. 11 9:15 Watergate Terrace BKFST. w/Ron Richey 5:30 Dept. W.G.So. w/Lloyd (pick up Eliz. at 5:45 downtown) 6-6:30 Eisenhower Rm. - Cap. Hill Club (Bob Carlson wedding) Recep. following -Pvt. Dining Rms-3rd F1. 7:15 Dep. Cap.Hill Club 6:30-8 pm Vista Hotel Ballroom OAS BUILDING RECEPTION for Hon. Comm. of D.C. Special Olympics (you are on Hon. Comm/Robin on Planning Comm) BALL follows at OAS Building BLACK TIE BALL follows at OAS Building BLACK TIE 7:15 Vista Int'1 Hotel Ballroom VIP Recep. for D.C. Special Olympics Sun, Feb, 12 Betty Kenny- 483-33 3z: KANSAŞ. SCHEDULE ·· February-15 -'17, 1984 ...4 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15 4:15 pm Arrive KCI; TWA Flight #96 4:25 pm Depart KCI - CESSHA TURBO, Tail #N818PL- Pilot: Bruce Anderson & Co-Pilot 5:15 pm Arrive Marysville Airport 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Marysville, City Hall - Meeting with constituents - 209 N. Eighth 913/562-5331 CONTACT: Jim Ungerer 913/562-3901 Joe Kennedy 913/292-4782 # 7:00 pm Depart Marysville for Washington (22 miles) 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Washington, Swirly Top Steak House - Meeting with constituents 124 W. Seventh, 913/325-2203 CONTACT: Beverly Stigge 913/325-2951 9:00 pm Depart Washington for Belleville (31 miles) 9:30 PM Arrive Belleville KON - Bel Villa Best Western - 913/527-2231 (Jct. Hiways 36 and 81) Thursday February 16 8:00 am to 9:30 am Breakfast - Bel Villa - Meeting with constituents CONTACT: Narvene Brzon 913/527-2856 9:30 am Depart Belleville for Scandia (9 miles) 9:45 am to 10:15 AM Scandia - informal meeting B & J Cafe, Main Street and/or Scandia State Bank, Main Street 913/335-2810 913/335-2243 10:15 am Depart Scandia for Courtland (8 miles) . 10:30 AM TO 11:15 AM Courtland - Informal meeting Gino's Cafe, Main Street, middle of the block, west side 913/374-4451 and/or Swedish American State Bank, & block North of cafe 913/374-4231 11:15 am Depart Courtland for Mankato (14 miles) 11:30 am to . 1:00 pm Mankato - Meeting with constituents Buffalo Roam Steak House, Hwy. 36 913/378-3971 CONTACT: Bernice Howard 913/378-3787 Thursday, February 16, cont'd 1:00 pm Depart Mankato for Lebahon (10 miles) .... 1:30 PM TO 2:15 PM Lebahoh informal meeting i Lamgrey's: Cafe; Hwy:281 in; Lebanon, 913/389-9221 . CONTACT: Sharleen Allen 913/389-6981 2:15 pm Depart Lebanon for Smith Center (12 miles) 2:30 PM TO 3:30 PM Smith Center - Meeting with constituents Courthouse CONTACT: Steve Flint, Register of Deeds 913/282-6379 *** This is County Government Day and all area High School Students will be at the courthouse 3:30 pm Depart Smith Center for Downs (26 miles) 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm Downs - informal meeting Cafe downtown. 4:45 pm Depart Downs fon Osborne (12 miles) 5:15 pm TO 6:15 PM Osborne - informal meeting First State Bank & Trust, 203 W. Main, Meeting room in basement CONTACT: Don Gregory 913/346-5445 6:15 pm Depart Osborne for Luray (23 miles) 6:45 pm to 7:30 PM Luray - Coffee and visit Peoples State Bank 913/698-2209, Main Street CONTACT: John O'Leary> 913/698-2200 7:30 pm Depart Luray for Russell (25 miles) 8:00 pm Russell - Everett Dumler's home in Russell; presentation of sculpture 418 E. Third, 913/483-2054- 4805 RON - Russell Inn, Hwys. 281 S & I-70, 913/483-2107 Bruce 272- 7739 farkas - 862- 2790 Kathleen : 272-0956. Mc Connell Base Operations 316-681-52 February 7. 7:00 :a.m. Depart. Russell Airport .= CESSNA -TURBD, Taf] #N818PL (John will need to be picked PILOT: Bruce Anderson up at the Russell Inml & Co-Pilot 7:45 a.m. Arrive Pratt Airport - Steve and Don will meet you 8:00 a.m. TO 9:30 a.m. Pratt - Breakfast Meeting with constituents - Municipal Building CONTACT: Wanda Konpld -316/672-4727 316/672-6446 or 235] 9:45 a.m. Depart Pratt Airport - CESSNA TURBO, Tail #N818PL PILOT: Burce Anderson & Co-Pilot 10:20 a.m. Arrive Wellington Airport - Don ,Fambrough will pick you up 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Wellington - Uptown Restaurant - 100 Block on E. Lincoln 316/326-5606 11:45 a.m. Depart for Derby - Don will drive you 12:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Derby - Meeting with constituents/press, Warren Company, 60] N. Balti CONTACT: Norma Jean 316/788-6388 · Phone: 316/788-3791 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wichita 3:30 p.m. Depart Wichita, 5:05 p.m. Depart KCI - TWA Flight #158 8:13 P.M. Arrive Washington National Flight Plan - PBR # 84-0063 Mc Connell Jamen 126.2 Colonel Brace - 316-681-5593 NOTAM- Middle marken for SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - MINNEAPOLIS,MINN., FEBRUARY 21, 1984 10:00 am EST Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport Lear Jet, Tail # N64CF Pilot : Will Noll Copilot : Lou Corvett Manifest: Senator Dole John Gordley Morgan Williams Walt Riker or Scott Richardson 11:20 am CST Arrive Page Airways - Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport PHONE; 612/726-5214 Met by Mr. Claire Sandness, Chrmn. of Board - Land O' Lakes 11:45 am CST Arrive Municipal Auditorium, Minneapolis PHONE: 612/870-1801 Frank Bezdicek OR 612/870-8877-Msg.Ctr. 12:00 Noon Morgan Williams introduces Senator Dole 12:05 pm CST Senator Dole SPEAKS - Land O' Lakes Annual Meeting 12:40 pm CST Depart Municipal Auditorium enroute airport Roger Dunnette, Land O'Lakes Mgr. of Corporate Communications will accompany you to airport and do intervieww enroute 1:05 pm CST Arrive Page Airways -Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport 1:15 pm CST Depart Minneapolis Lear Jet, Tail # N64 CF (same as outbound flight) 4:25 pm EST Arrive Butler Terminal - National Airport Dean will meet you on arrival Betty SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - MINNEAPOLIS,MINN., FEBRUARY 21, 1984 10:00 am EST Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport Lear Jet, Tail # N64CF Pilot : Will Noll Copilot : Lou Corvett Manifest : Senator Dole John Gordley Morgan Williams Walt Riker or Scott Richardson 11:20 am CST Arrive Page Airways - Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport PHONE; 612/726-5214 Met by Mr. Claire Sandness, Chrmn. of Board - Land O'Lakes 11:45 am CST Arrive Municipal Auditorium, Minneapolis PHONE: 612/870-1801 Frank Bezdicek or 612/870-8877-Msg.Ctr. 12:00 Noon Morgan Williams introduces Senator Dole 12:05 pm CST Senator Dole SPEAKS - Land O'Lakes Annual Meeting 12:40 pm CST Depart Municipal Auditorium enroute airport Roger Dunnette, Land O'Lakes Mgr. of Corporate Communications will accompany you to airport and do intervieww enroute 1:05 pm CST Arrive Page Airways -Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport 1:15 pm CST Depart Minneapolis Lear Jet, Tail # N64 CF (same as outbound flight) 4:25 pm EST Arrive Butler Terminal - National Airport Dean will meet you on arrival SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF FEB, 27- MAR, 4, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION Mon., Feb. 27 EVENT STAFF CONTACT 9:30 am SD-215 NTL TRADE SUBC (hearing on trade reorg.) 10:00 Wash.Hilton Intl Ballroom I SPEAK - Natl Jew. Community Relations Adv. Council 12:00 pm InteriorDept SWEARING-IN, Ann Mclaughlin (in Clark's ofc - Rm. 6151) (Sherine - 343-7351) 12:30 " " LUNCHEON (in Ann's ofc - Rm. 6116) 343-7351) 1:30 pm SD-215 HEALTH SUBC (S.2053, Community & Family Living) 3:30 SH-141 MTG with Sen. D' Amato (Tamara 46542) 4:45 SH-141 MTG. on Fed. Hiway use tax (Mike Strother & farm types) w/Harry G 4:00 SH-141 MIG w/Charlie Leppert & Sr. VP/CEO Proctor/Gamble (R&D issue) Ann M. 4:30 SH-141 MIG w/Dep.For.Min. Maria Groza, Romania (Mr. Neagu 232-6593) 4:30 S-206 Cap JUSTICES MIG (w/Renquist, O'Connor, Sen. Laxalt, Hatch, DeConcini, Grassley) re: Intercircuit Tribunals 5:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Bob Juliano re tip reporting 6:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION, hon. Jos. Di Genova by Natl Italian-Amer Fnd'n Page Two Tues, Feb. 28 7:30 - 9:15 am Caucus Rm CHOB BREAKFAST by Am Assn Commun/Jr. Colleges & Assn of Commun College Trustees (Linda) 10:00 am SD-215 FIN CTE (markup - deficit reduction) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg cte bus) 11:45 S-230 CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 S-207 POLICY LUNCHEON 3:00 pm S-233 Cap MEETING hosted by Sen. Baker for Exec Cte Natl Gov. Assn. (w/Sen. Dole, Domenici, Garn & Hatfield) 4:30 SN-141 Suty a Pat O' Keefe butg. Best of Labor (Sen . + Mike P.) 5-7:00 2157 RHOB RECEPTION, hon Congress by Am Assn Equipmt Lessors 5:30-7 Madison Bldg Buffet DinRm RECEPTION by Natl Council Sav. Institutions 5:30-7:30 345 CHOB RECEPTION by Am Legion Cdr Keith Kreul hon. Congress 6:00 S-230 CAP 6-8:00 CapHillClub RECEPTION, by Water/Wastewater Equipmt Mfrs Assn (Ed) 7:00 Hotel Wash. Ballroom RECEPTION/DINNER, KS Farm Bureau Presidents/wives (John/Mark) Page Three Wed, Feb. 29 9:15 SR-385 Rally & Press Briefing for Int'1 Trade & Investment Act (Ted/Len) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up of deficit reudction) Cancelled (Sen. Chafee substituted for Sen. Dale 12:30 pm-WETA, Ar] 1: 15 - 1:30 S- 230 Cap. mtg. of Fiscal Group ( Baker, Dall, Domenica, Sam, Hatfield, hardt) 2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (nominations) 2:30 SR-302 SIGNING CEREMONY of Fed. Railroad Loan (Mike P. arranging) 5-7:30 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by ProSoCo, Ins., K.C., KS (doing Capitol restoration) - need ticket 5-7 SD-106 Mtg. w/delegation of athletes from U.S. Winter Olympic Team (stop by) 5:30 - 7:30 UPI Hqrs 1400 I, NW 9th Floor RECEPTION, opening UPI New World Hqtrs. 6-8:00 LHOB Cafeteria MISSISSIPPI GUMBO FESTIVAL by Rep/Mrs. Lott (Sen./Eliz try to stop by) 6-7:00 Hyatt Reg. RECEPTION - opening Children's Def. Fund Natl Conf. (Chris/Judy B) 6:30 Folger Lib. RECEPTION/Buffet for 1st Natl Rep Sen. Trust mtg ( Gracia 44285) (Sen./Eliz. only) Thurs, Mar 1 8:00 am CapHillClub BREAKFAST, by Ag Sci/Tech (John G/Mark) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up of deficit reduction) 10:00 am SD-226 JUD. CTE (hearing -Meese nomination) 11:45 & 12:15 S-120 Cap RECEP/LUNCHEON by Boeing for members KS State DElegation (John P/Mike) Brenda 558-9670 12:00 pm ST-6M Cap LUNCHEON (to meet Roberto C. Goizueta, Chmn Bd, and CEO, Coca-Cola, by Sen. Mattingly & Sen. Nunn) (Sen. stop by if possible) 2:00 - 2:30 S-230 CAP mitg. of Self House NOP Budget Group. 2:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Ks. reprs. of Children's Defense Fund (Chris - you stop by) 2:30 SH-2155 Finance Comin (mark-up deficit reduction 4:00 SH-141 Conf. Rm. INTERVIEW - Cable News Network (Mary Ann Sures) - 10 min. on taxes S-230 5-6:30 S-230 Cap. FAREWELL RECEP. for Jerry Carmen (Dole, Baker, Humphrey & Rudmanhosts 8:00 6901 Radnor Rd Bethesda DINNER at home M/M Jim Lynn with Eliz. - informal (Gretchen 861-3915) 2/28 Regretted to Gretchen for both Sen Eli.