(Handwritten: illegible) SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR BOB DOLE January 3rd through 8th, 1983 Tuesday January 3 3:59 p.m. Depart National Airport- Eastern Flight #319, Seat 4C 5:49 p.m. Arrive Kansas City International Airport- JOhn Palmer will meet you and take your to the RON-Alameda Plaza- 816/756-1500- Steve Coen will also be at the Alameda WEDNESDAY January 4 9:15 a.m. Steve will meet you and take you to the Kansas City Star Office Meeting with Editorial Board- Kansas City Star & Times 1729 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri CONTACT: Al Bohling 816/234-4478 PRESS CONFERENCE- Granada Royale- 816/756-1720 220 W. 43rd (illegible)p.m. Luncheon Meeting sponsored by Midcontinent Small Business United Granada Royale, 220 W. 43rd- CONTACT: Junia Milvaine- *16-842-5454 Granada Royale 816/756-1720 1:45 p.m. Depart Kansas City for Olathe 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Meeting with Johnson County Mayors, Commissioners, Business Leaders and Legislators- Olathe Public Library, 201 E. Park, Olathe CONTACT: Bill Franklin- 913/782-5000 Olathe Public Library- 913/764-2259 3:45 p.m. Depart Olathe for Topeka 5:00 p.m. Arrive Ramada Inn Downtown, Topeka- 913/233-8981- Judy Kay will have you checked in 6:00 p.m. to 6:40 p.m. Free- Rest and freshen up 6:35 p.m. (Illegible) Contact: (Handwritten: Dan White 360 people) Roy Williams 913/354-8541 RON- Ramada Inn Downtown, Topeka- Phone 913/233-8981 Thursday January 5 10:00 a.m. Meeting with Topeka Mayor Doug Wright and Topeka businessmen. invited by Mayor Wright are as follows: Sam Cohen Ed Hart, Merchants National Bank Bill Wall, Kansas Power & Light Jerry Wolf, Goodyear Tom Clevenger, First National Bank (Handwritten: Dale Dennis) 11:30 a.m. PRESS CONFERENCE- Labby, Ramada Inn Downtown Noon to 1:30 p.m. Rotary Luncheon, Grand Ballroom, Ramada Inn Downtown Chuck McAtee and Justice Bob Miller will meet you at the door CONTACT: Frank McGrath, 272-4060- You will speak immediately following lunch and will share the program with Matt Kiene 1:45 p.m. Depart Ramada Inn for Lyndon 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Meeting with constituents- Burns and Burns Attorneys Office. 704 Topeka Avenue, Lyndon, Ks, Will have coffee with constituents and then Marian Burns will take you around to some of the businesses. Marian is running for the State Senate. CONTACT: (Illegible) 3:45 p.m. Depart Lyndon- May want to stop in Carbondale and Burlingame evening- Open Ron- Ramada Inn Downtown, Topeka, Kansas 913/233/8981 FRIDAY January 6 7:30 a.m. Depart Ramada Inn for Phillip Billard Airport 7:45 a.m. Depart Phillip Billard Airport for Hays- Navajo Twin, Tail 318725 Pilot: Ed Himburg Co-pilot: Dennis Bogan CONTACT: BETTY GARRISON 913/827-4484 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Arrive Hays Airport 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Meeting with constituents, American Legion Bldg. 13th & Canterbury Rd. CONTACT: Bonita (Ross Beach's Office) 913/625-7353 Jerry Moran- 913-628-8226 ** Suzanne St. Pierre with CBS 60 Minutes will follow you throughout the day If you drive from Hays to Russell with Kenny, the 60 Minutes crew will follow you- if you want to fly from Hays to Russell, they will meet you there 10:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. RUSSELL 2:00 p.m. Depart Russell for Hutchinson- Navajo Twin. Tail #1872H 2:45 p.m. Arrive Hutchinson- Marty and Jim Fee will meet you at the airport and take you to the Hutchinson National Bank CONTACT: Marty Fee Home: 316/662-9594 Office 316/662-2381 3:00 p.m. PRESS CONFERENCE- 3rd Floor Lounge, Hutchinson National Bank 1 Polarts Plaza, 316/662-0561 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Meeting with public officials and businessmen- 3rd floor lounge, Hutchinson National Bank & Trust Co. 4:45 p.m. Depart Hutchinson for Topeka- Navajo Twin, Tail #1872H Pilot: Ed Himburg Co-Pilot: Dennis Bogan 5:45 p.m. Arrive Phillip Billard- Topeka RON- Ramada Inn- 233-98981 SATURDAY January 7 11:00 a.m. Meeting with Republican Leaders- Attorney General Bob Stephan's Office, Kansas Judicial Center. PHONE: 296-2215 Bob Stephan Ross Doyen Mike Hayden Dixie Roberts Dave Owen Fletcher Bell Vern Chesbrow 12:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Meeting with Sam Cohen and Labor people- will have details 6:00 p.m. Lyon County Livestock Association Annual meeting, Anderson Hall, Lyon County Fairgrounds, Emporia, Kansas. Dinner will start at 6 p.m. and you will speak at 7 p.m. Have advised them that you must be out by 8 p.m.- should be no problem CONTACT: Alvin Maley- 316/342-2437 (Illegible) Depart Emporia for Kansas City (Illegible) Arrive in Kansas CIty Ron 8:45 p.m. Depart KCI Eastern Flight #324 12:00 p.m. Arrive National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JAN. 9-15, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon., Jan. 9 12-12:15pm S.E. Lawn CEREMONIAL TREEPLANTING, hon. Martin Luther King, Jr. U.S. Capitol 12:30pm 1730 PA Ave, NW Suite 200 S P E A K- Dr. Charls Walker's group 393-4760 (Followed by brief meeting w/ Charlie Brown, Chrmn, AT&T & Charlie Walker) 2:45 141 Hart INTERVIEW by JOURNAL OF COMMERCE (Linda Stern) 15 min. 3:00 141 Hart MTG. w/ Buck Chapotan Tues., Jan. 10 8:00am S-230 Cap BREAKFAST by Sen. Baker w/ Arthur Burns and Senators Dole, Baker, Domenici, Garn, & Hatfield Julie 43135 9:00 S-207 Cap. BRIEFING BY KISSINGER on Cent. America (Senators Only) Howard Green X43835 11:00 141 Hart INTERVIEW w/ Eliz. for "People-to-People" Show w/ Rona Barrett 1:00 Eliz. Ofc. TAPE INTERVIEW w/ Eliz. for "People-to-people" Show w/ Rona Barrett (Crossed out: 3:00 141 Hart MTG. w/ Boone Pickens (per call from Bob Strauss) (Handwritten: cancelled) 3:00 141 Hart MTG. w/ Charlie Brown, Chrmn., AT&T (w/ John & Mike sitting in) 6:30 & 7:15 Sher-Carlton Chandelier & Crystal Rooms RECEPTION/ DINNER, hon. Bd of Overseers & Sr. Staff of Hoover Inst. by Emil/ Mrs. Mosbacher & Dr. Glenn Campbell Wed., Jan. 11 12:30 pm NYC 8th Flr 22 Cortlandt St. S P E A K- Wall St. Journal luncheon in Journal offices Pat Broderick 212-285-5273 (Bob Bartley's secy) 4:00 pm Arr. Nat'l- Eastern Shuttle 6:15 pm Vista Intl 1400 M St., NW RECEPTION, by Zhao Ziyang, Premier of State Council of People's Republic of China 7:15 2133 Wisconsin Ave, NW. CNN Interview (from 7:30 to 8:00) Thurs., Jan. 12 8:15 Arr. W. House S.E. Gate SIGNING CEREMONY honoring Chinese Premier- East Rm. (thru Dipl. Recep. Rm) 1:00 SD-210 Interview- SIXTY MINUTES 3:15 pm US Chamber 1615 H St., NW S P E A K- Edison Electric Institute Fri., Jan. 13 6:00 pm Miami, FLA Pavillion Hotel Biscayne Blvd. S P E A K- S.E. Bank Corporation Sat., Jan. 14 Sun, Jan. 15 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1984: 8:25 am Depart National Airport via Pan Am # 251 F/C (Seat 2C) from NORTH TERM. 10:45 am Arr. Miami (The Seaview car will meet you at the airport Free time till your speech at 6:00 unless you want to stop by the Florida business conference at which Domenici, Chiles, etc. are speaking (ARTICLE AND INFORMATION ATTACHED) I have advised Mae you might want the Seaview car to take you to the Pavillion for the 6:00 pm event. 6:00 pm SPEAK (Panel discussion) Southeast Bank Corporation The Pavillion- on Biscayne Blvd. in downtown Miami (by Hyatt Regency)-100 Chopin Plaza- Phone: 305/577-1000 8:00 pm Dinner by Southeast Bank Corp. following 6:00 pm meeting (they would like you to stay for this but it's your option) NOTE: They will have a room at the Grand Bay Hotel in Coconut Grove if you want to stay there. Phone: 305/858-9600 Or return to Seaview Phone: 305/866-4441 CONTACTS FOR FRIDAY FOR S.E. BANK CORP. Barbara Collingwood, Charlie Zwick's sec'y- s05/577-4015 or Barbara Sachs, Lloyd Cutler's sec'y in Washington- 202/872-6000 NOTE: you have an open return ticket SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JAN. 16-22, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MON, Jan. 16 in FLORIDA TUES, Jan. 17 2:00 (Handwritten: O.K.) (Crossed out: Arr Dulles- Falcon Jet (Dwayne) S.E. Bank Corp. to pay F/C airfaire ?? WED, Jan 18 8:30 Walter Reed Dental Clinic Teeth cleaning (Janet Hill 576-1394 or 1395 9 or 9:30 Ward 72 Appt. w/ Dr. Van Dam, orthopaedic surgeon ?? 2:00 141 Hart MTG. w/ Clarence Pendleton & Linda Chavez, Civil Rights Comm. (Sheila B.) THURS, Jan. 19 (Handwritten: cancelled) (Line crossed out: 12:00 pm Indianapolis Indiana S P E A K- Indiana Grain & Feed Assn.) FRI, Jan. 20 5-7:30 pm Des Moines Iowa F.R. for Sen. Grassley SAT, Jan. 21 10:00 am Wichita S P E A K- Wichita Eagle Seminar 2:00 pm Houston, TX S P E A K- Homebuilders SUN, Jan. 22 PAGE 1. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- JANUARY 20 AND 21, 1984 FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 8:00 am Depart National- United A/L #803 F/C Seat 1B 8:59 am Arrive O'Hare Kirk Ferrell, Sen. Jepsen's Iowa staff, will meet you at United gate and take you to Butler Aviation terminal at O'Hare PH:312/686-7000 9:30 am Depart Butler Aviation via Westwind jet Tail: #48WW Pilot: Dave Rod Copilot: Jim Schrier Manifest: Senator Dole, Kirk Ferrell 10:15 am Arr. Niederhauser Airways Terminal-Waterloo, Ia. PH: 319/268-0877 Farm Foum in progress since 10:00 am. 12:00 Noon Farm Forum Luncheon- The Broom Factory 1:00 pm Press Conference- The Broom Factory 1:45 pm Depart Broom Factory enroute airport 2:00 pm Depart Niederhauser Airways- Waterloo via Navajo 310 Tail # N325EC Pilot: Copilot: 2:45 pm Arrive Des Moines Flying Service- Des Moines PH: 515/285-4221 PAGE 2. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- JANUARY 20 & 21 FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 (continued) Jim West, Sen. Jepsen's Iowa Administrator will meet you 3:30 pm Meeting with John Ruan- Ruan Center (you and Sen. Jepsen meeting w/ him) PH:515/245-2555 (there is a chance Ruan may be out-of-town, if so, will go directly to hotel) 4:00 pm Depart Ruan Center enroute Marriott 4:15 pm Arrive Des Moines Marriott PH: 515/245-5500 Personal time until 5:15 (Jeff Goodman, Grassley's staff will meet you & Elizabeth and take you to Patron Recep. 5:15 pm Arrive Dubuque Room- Des Moines Marriott for Patron Reception in progress since 5:00pm 5:45 pm Depart Marriott for Ruan Center (4 min. walk) 5:50 pm Press Conference- Bankers Trust Training Rm.-- Ruan Center PH: 515/245-2505 6:10 pm Depart Ruan Center by car 6:15 pm Arrive Dinner Reception- Gaskill Room Veterans Auditorium- Des Moines PH: 515/283-4168 6:45 pm Head table guests assembly (behind East curtain) 7:00 pm Program begins- Main Level- Veterans Auditorium (Grassley's staff will have further details on your arrival in Des Moines on program format) 7:30 pm Dinner/ Dancing- Main Level- Veterans Auditorium (Jeff Goodman will arrange for you and Elizabeth to leave whenever you wish) RON: Des Moines Marriott PH: 515/245-5500 PAGE 3 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- JANUARY 20 &21 SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 7:55 am Gregg Struve, Grassley volunteer will meet you at your room to take you to airport 8:25 am Depart Elliott Flying Service- Des Moines Aiprot PH: 515/285-6551 Lear 25B Tail # N906SU Pilot: Bruce Schow Copilot: Orlando Linearas Manifest: Senator Dole 9:25 am Arrive Ryan Aviation- Wichita PH: 316/942-0140 (Steve Coen will meet you) 10:00 am Arrive Shocker Club- Wichita State Coffee & Donuts informal meeting (Four eeconomists will open seminar with a panel, followed by floor discussion with you, then Kassebaum, then Glickman) PH: 316/684-7231 Shocker Club 11:30 am Depart Shocker Club (Steve Coen driving) 12:00 Noon Depart Ryan Aviation enroute Houseon Lear 25B Tail # N906SU (Same as inbound trip frokm Des Moines) 1:30 pm Arrive Hobby Field- Houston Atlantic Aviation PH: 713/644-6431 (John McKay and Bob Muzzy of the Homebuilders will meet you- the aircraft charter thru Ryan was arranged by John Oliphant) 1:50 pm Arrive Astrodome- Nat'l Homebuilders Annaul Convention PAGE 4 SENATOR DOLE's SCHEDULE- JANUARY 20 AND 21 SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 (continued) 2:00 pm National Assn. of Homebuilders "Great Deficit Debate" (Also on program: President Ford, Jim Jones, Jim Wright 4:00 pm Program ends OPTION: If time permits, you have been invited to stop byu their Capitol Club Reception ($5,000 plus contributors- at Astrodome) betw. 4:15- 4:50 pm Homebuilders limo will take yuo to airport 6:20 pm Depart Houston Internatioanl Aiport Continental # 196 F/C Seat 2 E 10:15 pm Arrive Dulles (Dean will meet you on arrival) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JAN. 30-FEB. 5, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MON., Jan. 30 8:00 SH-141 MTG. w/ Sec'y Vern Orr (also Mike & John P) 9:30 am Wash. Hilton Intl Ballroom S P E A K- Amer. Hospital Assn. 12:00 pm SH-210 S P E A K- Labor Officials 12:45 SDG-18 S P E A K- Natl Assn of Royalty Owners 223-5730 Mike Keeling or Shannon (Handwritten/Crossed out: 5:30-7:30 2175 (Crossed out: (Illegible)) Madaline Smith, Wichita) 5:30-7:30 CapHillClub Eisenhower Lg. RECEPTION, Natl Assn. Casualty/ Surety Agents Mike/John 6-7:30 Wash Hilton RECEPTION, Amer. Hosp. Assn. Sheila/Ed 6:30 Mayflower (Handwritten: State Room) S P E A K- Senate Youth Program Dinner 7:00 Cong. Club RECEPTION, hon. Pres.'s of Cong. Award Councils 2 TUES, Jan. 31 9:30-10:30 W. House (Cabinet Rm. (N.W. Gate) Sen/ House GOP Leadership mtg. w/ Pres. (on budget) Fran 456-7054 9:30 am SD-215 FIN. CTE (S.1992, for policyholder prov.) 11:00 Caucus Rm. CHOB Inaug. Gold Cong. Award Ceremony 11:15 (Handwritten: SD-234) MTG w 30 people, KS Hospital Assn. Sheila/ Ed (Handwritten: Judiciary & MC Rm.) 11:45 S-230 CAP CHAIRMEN'S Meeting 12:30 S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 pm SH-141 MTG w/ John Koepke, KS School Bds (22 people) (Handwritten: 7 or 8) Chris (Handwritten: cancelled) (Line crossed out: 2:00 pm SD-215 FIN. CTE (CTE budget & Child Supp. Enforcemt Prog.) (Line handwritten: tent 5-6 mtg. w/ Sec'y Regan & GOP members of Finance (Bill DiBeta 568-2647)) 5:30 2175 RHOB RECEPTION, hon. Members, 98th Congress, (Handwritten: by AARP (Maedeon Smith, Wichita) 5-7:00 SH-210 RECEPTION, Amer. Collectors Assn. Mike/ John P 5-6:30 EF-100 Cap RECEPTION/ PRESS CONF., Intl Exposition of Rural Dev (Mark/JohnG) 5:30-7:30 B-338/9/40 RHOB RECEPTION, Nat'l Schl Bds Assn Chris 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg RECEPTION, hon. Rob Mosbacher (Sen. only) (Handwritten: cancelled) (Line crossed out: 8:00 2534 Belmont Rd, NW DINNER, hon. Robert & Helen Strauss by Sir Roy/ Mrs. Denman)