SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF 11/29 - 12/5, 1982 page two DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT WED .- 12/1 9:00 am Rm. 10214 DOT Bldg. HEARINGS - Drunk Driving 426-1495 7:00 a.m. Lv. National - TWA # 111 F/C - Seat 3D (also Gordley & Sheila Bair) 10:02 a.m. Arr. K.C. (met by Dave Fulton - Farmland ) 11:15 a.m. SPEAK - Farmland Industries Annual Conf. - Municipal Auditorium - K.C. 11:45 Luncheon - Ballroom - Muehlebach followed by remarks & brief ! & A 1:30 Press Conf. - Press Rm. - Muehlebach 12:30-2 pm S-120, Cap. LUNCHEON - Steering Committee (newly elected GOP Sens. attending) Mary 42708 2:00 2228 NSOB JUDICIARY COMMITTEE (nominations) 6:30 Arr. Alameda Plaza - Int'1 Ballroom for Lakemary Ctr. Endowment Award Dinner 7:30-9 p.m. Woodside Racquet Club in Westwood, KANSAS CITY, KS. RECEPTION for Sen. Dole by Common Cause THURS. - 12/2 9:00 S-228 Cap. (Old Sen. Chamber) - Republican Conference 9:30 301 OSOB RULES COMM. MTG - Martin Luther King statue in Cap.) 1:00 J-214 Cap. Mtg. w/Stockman, Cochran, Helms & Lyng -ag approp. & export subsidies 2:00 324 OSOB AG Comm .. - Hrg. - Assessment of GATT Conf. 4:30-6:30 S-138, Cap. BIRTHDAY PARTY/RECEP. for Paul Arneson Alvina 41639 by Sen. Pressler 5:30-7:30 EF-100 Cap. RECEP. by Pres. Comm. on Mental Retardation (Sheila Burke) 5:30-7:30 4232 DSOB RECEPTION by Am. Psychiatric Assn. Sheila Burke 682-6060 5:30 - ? Cap. Hill Club RECEPTION by Nat1 Soc. of Fundraising Execs 6-8:00 Caucus Rm, CHOB RECEPTION FOR all Congressman by Nat1 Council Chris/Nancy for Resource Dev. (AACJC) - Judy Whisker & other Kansans attending SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF 11/29 - 12/5, 1982 PAGE THREE DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT FRI .- 12/3 cancelled 9:00 a.m. S-228, Cap MEETING of Republican Senators (01d Senate Chamber) 9:30 235 RSOB HEARING, Jt. Jud/Commerce (cable copyright act) 11:00 SEN. OFC. Mtg. w/Drew Lewis (Harry Graham sit in) 11:30 Mtg. w/A. G. Smith & Senators Baker & Thurmond on bankruptcy bill - S-230 Cap. Carolyn Havel (33: 2141) 12:00 2221 NSOB SPEAK-off-cuff - Sen. Armstrong's staff Seminar 12 P.M. LUNCHEON MTG OF AM. ASSN OF Polit. Consultants 1202 DSOB Post-election Conference 1:00 SPEAK - off-the-cuff w/Bob Strauss 2:00 Sen. OFC. Mtg. w/Mr. Trowbridge (on Soc. Sec. Comm.) w/Carolyn? (626-3800) 2:30 " " Mtg. w/John Sears (Manville bankruptcy, Japan trip & politics) (331-3700) 3:10 Sen. Ofc. Mtg. w/Amb. Okawara, Japan (re trade issues & Amb. upcoming trip to Japan for mtg. w/new Premier) 234-2266) 6-8:00 pm 1401 21st St., NW RECEPTION by Ripon Society (home of Cong. /Mrs. Jim Leach) SAT. - 12/4 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1982 7:00 a.m. Depart National Airport - TWA #111 F/C Seat 3D (John Gordley - Seat 6B) 10:02 a.m. Arrive Kansas CitY Met by Dave Fulton, V.P., Government Affairs - Farmland Ind. and driven to Municipal Auditorium 11:15 a.m. SPEAK - Farmland Industries Annual Meeting - General Session Municipal Auditorium 11:45 a.m. VIP Luncheon - Colonial Ballroom - Radisson Muehlebach PARTICIPANTS Farmland Industries Board of Directors (Kansas Directors: Willard Bahr - Sabetha Fritz Gwin - Beloit Otis Molz - Deerfield W. E. Rice - Baldwin Far-Mar-Co Board of Directors (Kansas Directors: Quentin Base - Sedgwick Donald Crane - Wright Larry Hixon - WaKeeney Heads of State Cooperative Councils Other Program Participants and Hosts Senator Dole introduced by John Anderson Brief Comments by Senator Dole - followed by informal Q & A 1:30 p.m. Press Conference - Press Room - Radisson Muehlebach 1:55 p.m. Depart Muehlebach enroute Bartle Hall 2:10 p.m. Tour exhibits at Bartle Hall - accompanied by Fritz Gwin & Dave Fulton 3:30 p.m. Will be met by Dave Owen at the Government Affairs Booth - Bartle Hall 6:30 p.m. Arrive Alameda Plaza - International Ballroom for Lakemary Center Endowment Assn. Reception & Dinner Will present you will award for your efforts in behalf of Lakemary Senator Dole's Schedule - Wednesday, December 1, 1982 7:45 p.m. Depart Alameda Plaza 7:55 p.m. Arrive Woodside Racquet Club Common Cause Reception honoring you for work on Voting Rights Act in progress since 7:30 8:30 p.m. Depart Woodside Racquet Club 8:55 p.m. Arrive Kansas City Municipal Airport - The Airmen Terminal (east side of airport -- across field from Exec. Beechcraft) 9:00 p.m. Depart Kansas City enroute Washington Lear 35 - Tail # N3RA Pilot: Gerald Pope CoPilot: Gary Roper (plane belongs to Nat'l Coop. Refinery Assn. - McPherson) 12:00 Midnight Arrive Washington National - Butler Terminal SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF DECEMBER 6 - 12, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MONDAY, DEC. 6 8:00 am Sheraton- Carlton SPERLING BREAKFAST (Betty Kimmerling 785-4400 10:30 2228 NSOB JUDICICARY COMM. - (judicial noms.) 11:00 Sen. Ofc. Interview - Ann Swardson, DALLAS MORNING NEWS 12:00 Interview - Jules Witcover 1:30 pm 2213 NSOB MEETING w/Tuition Tax Credit Coalition (Phil M.) Bob Baldwin 385-5826 2:00 2228 NSOB JUD. CTE. (nominations) 3:00 Sen. Ofc. Interview - Hobart Rowen, WASH. POST 3:30 Sen. Ofc. Sec'y Block (Vivian 447 - 6967) 5-7:30 S-207 Cap. RECEPTION by Intl Fund for Animal Welfare (Mark S.) 53531 6-8:30 Cong. Rm Cap. Hilton RECEPTION by Fed. Farm Credit Board (John/Mark) 6-9:00 2165 RHOB CHRISTMAS PARTY by Beech A/C (Staff invited) 276-1000 TUES., Dec. 7 8-8:30 am Hunt Room Fairfax Hotel SPEAK Institute of Explosive Makers (breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m.) 10:00 2221 NSOB ENERGY SUBC. (mining reclamation) 11:45 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:00 Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap. Luncheon for Ray White, Wade Roberts & crew members from Europe triP 12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON (also John G. 2:30-4 pm 1301 LHOB CFTC CONF. 5:00 SEN. OFC. Allen Balch - Tape radio spots 5-6:00 LEE HALLS RM ARLINGTON HYATT (KANSAS ATTENDING) 5:30-7:30 1202 NSOB RECEP ON NEW BOOK "DRAWINGS/WASH.GEO'TWN" JOE BRAND 457-6038 6-8 State Rm Mayflower RECEP. - Natl Assn of Mfrs. (SEN. ONLY) for new Members 626-3828 6:30-8:30 Hyatt Reg. Ballrm A RECEP. by August Busch III for Freshmen Members Page Two SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF DECEMBER 6 - 12, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT WED., Dec. 8 7:10 NBC/WRC Studio TODAY SHOW - 4001 Nebraska Ave., N.W. (be at studio at 7:00 a.m.) 9:00 2221 NSOB JUD. COMM. (nominations) RULES COMM. 9:30 Finance Comm. - (nom. hugs.) RULES COMM. 10:00 AM 301 RSOB Computer & Commun. systems for Senate 10:00 2221 NSOB FINANCE COMM. - Mark-up of Hiway excise tax bill 10:30 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (Pending Business) - Exec. Sess. 12:30-2:00 S-120 Cap. Steering Comm. Luncheon 2:00 S-230 Cap. COMM. ON COMMITTEES 2-4 pm 1302 LH08 - CFTC CONF. 4:30 2221 NSOB FINANCE COMM. - Exec. on Hiway excise tax bill 5:30-7:30 S-207 Cap. CHRISTMAS PARTY by Women of Health (Sheila Burke) 393-6700 5:30-8:00 4230 DSOB RECEPTION by Sen. Stennis, Cochran, Heflin & Denton & Tenn. Tombigbee Dev. Auth. 45744/46253 THURS., Dec. 9 9:00 324 OSOB AG. PROD. SUBC. - Hrg. on new Farm Bill (Block attndg.) 9:30 am 301 RSOB RULES COMM. (pending business) 9:45 2322 RAYBURN HOUSE AG. COMM. - Hrg. on HR 6928 (animal welfare) 2:00 5110 NSOB Gg. Prod. Sube ( Block opleg at 2:00) 56395~56396 3:30 1301 LHOB CFTC Conf. 3:00 S-228 Cap. Rep. Conf. (retification of action of Comm. on Committees 5-8:00 pm Hyatt Reg. Hugo's Penthouse CHRISTMAS PARTY by Boeing Co. (By Invit Only) 6- ? 318 RSOB A.F. Liaison CHRISTMAS PARTY (Jack/Marcie) OK 6- 8:00 Trader Vic's RECEP. for Larry Pressler & new Rep. Senators (Sen. co-host) Outrigger Rm, Cap. Hilton 7:30 & 8:15 Great Rm Thom. Jefferson Building Senate Ldrship RECEP & DINNER (Sen. & Elizabeth) Page Three SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF DECEMBER 6 - 12, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT FRI., DEC. 10 8:35 am Reg. "A" Rm Hyatt Reg. SPEAK - Nat1 Conf. of State Legis. (Breakfast from 8 - 9:30 a.m.) 9:15 S-207 Cap. SOC. SEC. COMM. Meeting 9:30 2221 NSOB FINANCE - Tax Subc. - msic. tax bills 11:00 mitg. w/ truckers Rep. members of Finance - A-224 Cap. 11:00 Off Sen. Floor(V. Mtg. w/ DOE Secly Don Hodel 11:30-2:00 S-207 Cap. Luncheon -SOC.SEC. COMM. Refectory 12:30 pm - 1:15 luncheon Nat1 Academy of sciences SPEAK - Luncheon Meeting - Nutrition Fdn. speech in auditorium "C" St. Ent. (2100 block)- (Letar 2/ atv 22 ndl) Lili (334-2578) (334- 2345) 02872-0778) 2:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (nominations) cancelled 2:00 2221 NSOB SOC. SEC. COMM. Mtg. 5:30-7:30 EF-100 Cap. Engagement Party for Sheila Burke & David Chew 45435 ( Gayle ) 7 & 8:00 318 RSOB RECEP & DINNER - Kappa Sigma \"Man of Year Award\" (Sen. to introduce Larry Speakes) SAT., DEC. 11 SUN., DEC. 12 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF DECEMBER 13 - 19, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MON., 12/13 That - witz w/Jake Profile - mollie 5 4865 11:00 am 2221 NSOB PRESS CONF. on Polish Solidarity 12:00 pm S-224 Cap MEETING of KS Mayors & Secy of Energy Hodel (Randy) No 1:00 Cab. Rm W.H. MEETING w/PRESIDENT & Drunk Driv. Comm. (N.W. Gate) - Reven cover Mary Watson 1:00 Sen. Floor CLOTURE VOTE - Hiway excise bill 1:30 S-206 CAP AG. COMM. - Mark-up of Farm Bill 3:30 2219 NSOB MEETING w/Bill Brock & members of Fin. Cte. (Ted) 5:30-7:30 Rayburn Cafe. CHRISTMAS PARTY by Jim Broyhill (Sen. only) 52576 5:30- 7:30 418 S. Cap. SE F.R. for Dave Emery - Sheet Metal & A/C Contractors 547-8202 Mary Hasenfus 5:30-7:30 AFL-CIO Bldg. Lobby FR & Recep. for Polish workers - Lane Kirkland 815 -16th St. ,NW Kennedy, Moynihan, Meese & Donovan attndg. 8:00 W.H. (S.W. Gate) CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE TUES. 12/14 8:00 am Cap. Hill Club SPEAK -8:30 - Charls Walker Tax Group Priv. Din.Rm #1 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 5:30-7:30 1828 L St,NW (Coop Lg Bd' rm) RECEPTION for Gary Myers, Pres, Natl Council of (John G. ) Farmer Coops by C.L. USA 872-0550 5:30- ? 1825 I St,NW Suite 1040 CHRISTMAS PARTY by Futures Indus. Assn. (by invitation) 466-5460 Page Two SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR DEC. 13-19, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT WED., 12/15 8:00 S-205 Cap. BKFST. Mtg. w/WATERTOWN TIMES Newspaper Group (638-4642-Allen Henry) 10:00 am 2221 NSOB FIN. CTE. (Laxalt bill-gambling debts) 12:00 pm S-138 Cap. LUNCHEON for Randy (stop by) 12:30 S-120 CAP. STEERING COMM. LUNCHEON (Helen X 45597) 5-7:00 1301 LHOB RECEPTION for departing Members of House Ag. Cte. by de la Garza 50021 6-8:00 2154 RHOB RECEPTION for Bud Brown 54324 6-8:00 Smithsonian Nat1 Museum of History RECEPTION - KS Christmas Tree Doxie Keller 6:00 Geo' twn Club COCKTAIL/BUFFET by LTV Corp. (Sen. Only) 775-3915 (Karen) 6:30-8:30 Quality Inn Pent. City CHRISTMAS PARTY by Closeup 892-5400 (Penny) THURS., 12/16 Cancelled 8:00 am Secy's Din. Rm. HEW BREAKFAST by Secy Schweiker w/Durenberger Long, BaucUS 245-6786 (Sandy) 12:00 pm TO 12:20 West Front Cap. Homecoming for World Bike for Hope group (Dave Duncan (Pat Duncan's son a rider) (if rain, in EF-100 Cap) 4:00 S-324 Cap (enter thru S-321) FAREWELL PARTY for Schmitt & Hayakawa by Humphrey 5:00 301 RSOB CHRISTMAS PARTY by Rules Cte (Sen. & Jo-Anne) 5:00 2228 NSOB CHRISTMAS PARTY by Judiciary Comm. 5:30-7:30 318 RSOB CHRISTMAS PARTY by Women in Employee Benefits 659-5522 7:30-11:00 Watergate Hotel CHRISTMAS PARTY by Bob McCandless & Co. (by invit. 223-8442 (Continental only) Room) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR DEC. 13-19, 1982 Page Three DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT FRI., 12/17 5-7 EF-100 Cap. welcoming R-cep. for Tatiana Lozansky by YR's SAT., 12/18 SUN., 12/19 Eastern Cong. Desk 488-4104 Piedmont Cong. Desk 347-3694 United States Senate MEMORANDUM 12-13-82 Senator, Have the following on your reservations for Christmas week: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24 12:00 Noon Lv. National Eastern #375 (2 coach seats res'd) 1:06 p.m. Arr. Charlotte SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 12:15 p.m. Lv. Charlotte Piedmont # 208 (2 seats) 1:15 p.m. Arr. National Airport MONDAY, DECEMBER 27 8:22 a.m. Lv. Charlotte Eastern #281 (YOU ARE PRIORITY WAIT LISTED ON THIS FLIGHT) 9:59 a.m. Arr. Miami 12/14 2 coach seats confirmed O.K. also. Thurs. Dec. 23 (under m/m John Hanford) 8:25 pm No natil 9:30 pm our Charlotte EAL# 391