Page Four SEN. DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF SEPT. 27-OCT. 3, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT SAT. 10/2 SUN. 10/3 2-5:00 pm Cap. Children's Museum PICNIC PREVIEW of Kaleidoscope by M/M Don Hall (CASUAL DRESS) 737-8440 800 3rd St. NE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 4-10, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MON., Oct 4 Senator out of town 6-9 pm Machinists Bldg. RECEPTION by Natl Council of Senior Citizens (Randy) 347-8800 1300 Conn. Ave NW TUES. Oct 5 Senator out of town WED. Oct 6 Senator returns late afternoon 6-7:30 pm Ticonderoga Rm Hyatt Regency RECEPTION by Dealer Bank Assn (Mike P) 857-0100 6-8:00 Basil's F.R. RECEPTION for Tom Trimarco (Sen. a co-host) (check mark) Joe Bosco 293-1922 (marked "O.K.") 6 & 8:00 Cap Hill Club F.R. RECEP & DINNER for Tom Evans (check mark) Bob Huntley 54165 6:00 Eisenhower Lounge RECEPTION (Sen. a co-host) 8:00 (Rm. to be determ.) DINNER Page Two SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 4-10, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT THURS. Oct 7 8:30 am Madison Hotel Exec. Chambers SPEAK - Evans-Novak Political Forum 6:30-8:30 pm Key Bridge Marriott STAFF RECEPTION by Dodge City, Garden City & Great Bend & Western KS. Mfrs. Assn. FRI. Oct 8 Senator in Minneapolis SAT. Oct 9 SUN. Oct 10 Senator out of town 10/7/82 Buty- revised 10/10/82 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- OCTOBER 7-14, 1982 ADVANCE: Ed Duckers, Mike Pettit Thursday, Oct. 7 5:00 pm EST Lv. Washington National - Butler Aviation via Pillsbury Falcon 20 Jet (White with blue markings - Tail No. 544X or 644X) Butler: 549-8340 6:20 pm CST Ar. Minneapolis, Minnesota Burlington Northern Flight Svc. 612/726-5700 MET BY: Randy Russell, Pillsbury 612/330-4290 NOTE: Randy will serve as escort to all honoraria events 6:00 pm Reception 7:00 pm Dinner (6:45 PM Arrival) Hosts: Cargill (Honorarium) Minneapolis Club 612/332-2292 (Pete McVay, Cargill Pres.) CONTACT: Rob Johnson Cargill Govt. Relns. 612/475-6206 RON: North Star Hotel 612/338-2288 NOTE: With exception of General Mills, all of tomorrow morning's events are within two square blocks of the hotel. HOWEVER, overnight accommodations for tomorrow night change to Radisson South. Friday, Oct. 8 7:30 am Randy Russell will meet Senator in lobby of North Star Hotel, for escort to 7:30 am-8:15 am Meet Dan Willius, IDS Govt. Relations, who will escort to: (7:45 arrival) Breakfast - Investors Diversified Services (12 IDS Executives), followed by: 9:15 am-9:00 am IDS All-employees (100) meeting (Honorarium) 27th Floor SPEAK - Comments on 97th Congress, followed by Q & A CONTACT: Sue Wilson 612/372-3232 -2- Friday, Oct. 8 9:45 am-11:00 am First Bank Systems - Honorarium 12th Floor Reception Area - Met by Lloyd Brandt, and escorted to Board Room SPEAK - General economic issues & tax CONTACT: Lloyd Brandt or Becky Malkerson 612/370-5176 NOTE: Attempts to change schedule of this event were unsuccessful. Hence, there is very small amount of private time before and after this event -- possible good opportunity to transfer from North Star Hotel to Radisson South, or retire to hotel for phone calls, etc. 11:30 am-1:00 pm Lunch - Pillsbury (Honorarium) 48th Floor - meet with CEO, President and Senior Vice-Presidents, then proceed to 31st floor for luncheon -- which begins at 12:00 noon. SPEAK - Pillsbury PAC members Followed by Q&A Randy Russell will then drive Senator to General Mills to arrive at 1:30 pm-3:00 pm General Mills - Honorarium Met at front door by Austin Sullivan, General Mills Govt. Relns., for escort to Board Room for meeting with General Mills executives CONTACT NO: 612/540-7264 3:00 pm Randy Russell will pick up Senator and transport to 3:05 pm-4:00 pm PRESS AVAILABILITY - Senator Dave Durenberger Radisson South Hotel - Parlor 1114 612/835-7800 NOTE: Press availability will consist of meeting with representatives from two daily papers. Senator Dole has also been asked to spend time making phone calls to rural network radio stations and discuss with them the good things Senator Durenberger has done for the agriculture community. NOTE: WALT RIKER LOOKING FOR OTHER MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES AT THIS POINT IN SCHEDULE Senator Durenberger campaign staff will provide car and driver for escort to: -3- Friday, Oct. 8 5:00 pm Arrive WCCO-TV 612/339-4444 5:10 pm-5:15 pm Live Interview - Ann Rubenstein 7:30 pm ARRIVE AT DURENBERGER EVENT -- Schedule for which is as follows: Radisson South Hotel, Minneapolis 612/835-7800 6:30 Reception begins (Veranda Room) 6:45- 7:15 Receiving Line (Sen. Dole requested) 8:00 Dinner served (Great Hall) CHange tables for each course; after dinner VIP's move to head table, where each will be called on to make positive remarks about Senator Durenberger 9:15 Dinner concludes RON: Radisson South Hotel 612/835-7800 CONTACT: Dinner - Midge Dean 612/884-5070 Press - Gene Holderness 612/884-7425 Saturday, Oct. 9 8:30 am CDT Durenberger staff and car will pick up Senator at Radisson South Hotel 8:45 am CDT Arrive Burlington Northern Flight Service 612/726-5700 Depart Minneapolis en route Dickinson, N.D. via Ryan Aviation Citation (White w/blue and gray) (Tail #981EE) CONTACT: Ron Ryan or Barbara 316/942-0141 Barbara - home - 722-8825 FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 41 mins (Also change to MT Time in ND) 9:30 am MST Arrive Dickinson Air Service Dickinson, North Dakota Airport: 701/225-5856 MET BY: Maurice O'Connell and Gene Knorr (check mark) (Mr. O'Connell owns American State Bank) -4- Saturday, Oct. 9 10:00 am PRESS CONFERENCE/CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST (marked O.K., for Gene Knorr) Holiday Inn 701/227-1853 CONTACT: Ray David 701/227-1876 Ward Kirby 701/227-1841 Campaign coordinator: Phyllis Connally 701/852-0156 10:30 am Depart Dickinson, North Dakota en route Havre, Montana - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 16 mins. 11:45 am Arrive Havre, Montana Hensley Flying Service 406/265-5212 MET BY: Greg Bogut and Larry Williams (Senate candidate) 12:00 noon-1:30 pm Duck Inn, Havre, Montana 406/265-9751 12:00 - Lunch (media will attend) 12:30 - Larry Williams remarks and introduction of Senator Dole 12:40 - SENATOR DOLE REMARKS 1:00 - Q&A 1:10 - PRESS AVAILABILITY 1:30 - Depart for airport CONTACT: Ownie McBride or Gabby 406/755-7889 or 257-6132 1:45 pm Depart Havre, Montana en route Columbus, Nebraska - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 10 mins 4:55 pm CST NOTE RETURN TO CENTRAL TIME Arrive Columbus, Nebraska Columbus Aircraft Services 402/564-0521 MET BY: Jim Keck (Senate candidate) 5:00 pm-6:30 pm Cocktail reception and buffet Knights of Columbus Hall 402/563-9249 CONTACT: Bea Whitmore 402/331-4444 6:50 pm Depart Columbus, Nebraska, en route Lincoln, Nebraska - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 21 minutes -5- Saturday, Oct. 9 7:15 pm Arrive Lincoln, Nebraska Duncan Aviation 402/475-2611 MET BY: Nebraska State Patrol 7:30 pm-9:00 pm Arrive Governor's Mansion for reception for Governor Charles Thone 402/471-3466 9:15 pm Arrive Duncan Aviation - via State Patrol CONTACT: Sam Jensen Thone Finance Chairman, Omaha 402/341-5421 Peg Tegtmeier, Governor's Office 402/471-2244 9:20 pm Depart Lincoln en route Clinton, Iowa - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 3 mins. 10:25 pm Arrive Clinton, Iowa Straley Flying Service 319/242-5721 NOTE: Airport closes at 8:30, but runway is open and they have automatic pilot-controlled lights. Tauke's people should be sure to call few days in advance to insure gate is left open for access to runway to pick up Senator. MET BY: John Judge (available to take to church tomorrow, if desired) RON: Best Western Frontier 319/242-7112 Sunday, Oct. 10 TAUKE WELCOMING COMMITTEE: Mayor Clyde Johnson, Dan Johnson, St. Clair College, Paul Seyfert, Farmer, Jack Mayfield, Retired, George Pillars, Emcee for brunch -6- Sunday, Oct. 10 12:00 noon PRESS AVAILABILITY - Congressman Tom Tauke 12:30 pm-3:00 pm Brunch Fundraiser - Congressman Tauke Clinton Boat Club 319/242-9574 CONTACT: Mahala Sack or John Judge 319/243-4981 Mahala - home - 319/242-7387 Pat Wickser, A.A. - 202/225-2911 3:30 pm Depart Clinton en route Cedar Rapids, Iowa - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 27 minutes 4:00 pm Arrive Cedar Rapids, Iowa Wathan Flying Service 319/366-1891 MET BY: Larry Rollsstad, Benton Co. Chairman, Cooper Evans for Congress Mr. Marlyn Jorgensen, Farmer and Evans Agriculture Chairman Who will transport to: 4:30 pm Arrive Van Horn, Iowa NOTE TO ADVANCE: This event needs to be shored up by about 15 minutes, but the Evans staff is reluctant to shave off any more time than they already have. Your help will be needed to insure Senator Dole's departure from Van Horn by 6:15. 4:45 pm-6:15 pm Van Horn American Legion Hall Ice Cream Social/Open House for Farmers 319/228-8726 4:45 - Photo Opportunity and mingle 5:45 - Cong. Evans remarks and introduction of Senator Dole 5:50 - Q&A 6:15 - REMARKS BY SENATOR DOLE 6:30 - Scheduled conclusion of event CONTACT: Christy Livingston 319/234-5997 6:15 pm Depart Van Horn via automobile en route Cedar Rapids (Wathan Flying Service) 6:45 pm Arrive Wathan Flying Service and depart en route Algona, Iowa - via Ryan Citation 319/366-1891 FLYING TIME: 41 minutes -7- Sunday, Oct. 10 7:30 pm Arrive Algona, Iowa Algona Aviation 515/295-7769 MET BY: Mrs. Al (Marge) Bremer and Nancy Olson 7:30 pm-8:30 pm Coffee Reception - Al Bremer for Congress Algona High School (commons grounds) (In progress since 7:00) CONTACT: Nancy Olson 515/423-2195 8:40 pm Senator Dole, Al and Marge Bremer depart Algona Aviation en route Mason City - via Ryan Citation FLIGHT TIME: 20 minutes 9:00 pm Arrive Mason City, Iowa Dwyer Aircraft 515/423-6453 MET BY: Greg Young, Bremer Campaign Mgr. 9:15 pm PRESS INTERVIEW - Al Bremer Sheraton Inn, Mason City 515/424-1480 9:30 pm RON: Sheraton Inn, Mason City 515/424-1480 Monday, Oct. 11 8:00 am Fundraising breakfast - Terry Branstad (Federal Holiday) Sheraton Inn 515/424-1480 9:45 am Senator Dole and Lt. Gov. Branstad depart for Mason City, Dwyer Aircraft 10:00 am Arrive Dwyer Aircraft 515/423-6453 10:15 am Wheels up en route Marshalltown, Iowa via Ryan Citation FLIGHT TIME: 25 minutes 10:40 am Arrive Marshalltown, Iowa Marshalltown Aviation 515/752-0012 MET BY: Augusta and Joe Petrone, who will provide ground transportation 515/753-7284 11:05 am Arrive residence of Kenneth and Clyde Gethmann 1400 Lincoln Towers Circle 515/753-6937 -8- Monday, Oct. 11 11:00 am-12:00 noon Fundraising luncheon - Terry Branstad Gethmann residence 515/753-6937 Mr. Petrone will provide ground transportation (Senator Dole and party to return to Marshalltown Aviation, and Lt. Gov. Branstad to another local event) CONTACT FOR BRANSTAD EVENTS: Trip Howell, Finance Dir. 515/282-8290 Bonnie Smalley, Scheduler 515/282-1918 12:20 pm Arrive Marshalltown Aviation 515/752-0012 12:25 pm Depart Marshalltown en route Atlantic, Iowa - via aircraft provided by Danker campaign: Ryan Aviation will deadhead to Omaha (Ryan Aviation crossed out and replaced with Twin Cheyenne - KVI ins. co. and "from Marshalltown" written in the margins) 1:00 pm Arrive Atlantic, Iowa MET BY: Charles Streeter (former Jepsen staffer) 1:00 pm-2:30 pm Luncheon - Arlyn Danker (In progress from noon) Atlantic Country Club 712/243-3656 PRESS AVAILABILITY TO FOLLOW CONTACT: Roger Hughes 712/323-1003 or 319/373-1238 2:35 pm Depart Atlantic, Iowa, en route Omaha, Nebr. - via Danker Aircraft 3:00 pm Arrive Omaha, Nebraska Aire Kaman 402/422-6789 Written in margins: Press Conf. - Walt arranging 3:05 pm Depart Omaha en route Kansas City, Mo. - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 39 minutes 3:45 pm Arrive Kansas City, Missouri Executive Beechcraft, Downtown K.C. Airport 816/842-8484 MET BY: Max Klein - Dole Staff -9- Monday, Oct. 11 3:45 pm-6:30 pm PRIVATE TIME 7:00 pm PRESS CONFERENCE (changed from "PRESS AVAILABILITY") John Sharp Campaign Hqtrs. 8734 Blue Ridge Blvd. (Off 435 South - 87th St. Exit) 816/761-3760 7:30 pm-9:00 pm Fundraising Reception - John Sharp Stevenson's Apple Farm (Highway 40) Lloyd Stevenson, owner and host 816/373-5400 NOTE: ATTEMPT DEPARTURE NLT 8:30 CONTACT: Ray Bening 816/761-3760 8:30 pm Depart Stevenson's Apple Farm en route Executive Beechcraft, Downtown K.C. Airport 9:30 pm Wheels up Kansas City en route Sikeston, Missouri - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 10:00 pm Arrive Sikeston, Missouri Sikeston Aviation 314/471-9056 MET BY: Peter Kinder RON: Ramada Inn 314/471-4700 Tuesday, Oct. 12 7:30 am-8:45 am Breakfast - Congressman Bill Emerson Ramada Inn, Sikeston 314/471-4700 9:00 am PRESS AVAILABILITY - Bill Emerson CONTACT: Peter Kinder 314/335-1184 9:30 am Depart Sikeston Aviation en route Nevada, Missouri - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 3 mins. 10:33 am Arrive Nevada, Missouri Aero B. Services 417/667-5776 MET BY: Congressman Wendell Bailey and Carl Johnson (farmer) (417/966-7305) CONTACT: Lonnie Whitaker 816/228-4544 -10- Tuesday, Oct. 12 10:45 am-11:30 am Arrive Crawford House Retirement Home Chapman Estates 1117 Northwest, Nevada 417/667-5847 (Tour facility and mingle with residents - Press to accompany) NOTE: Congressman Bailey will discuss Social Security. 11:45 am Farm and Home Savings Association (25th largest S&L in U.S.) Office of C.R. "Sunny" Duncan, Pres. & Ch/Bd. 417/667-3333 50-60 people for fundraising event -- no ticket price for admission. Senator should encourage strong financial support for Congressman Bailey. 12:45 pm Depart Farm and Home Savings en route Aero B. Services 1:00 pm Wheels up en route Wichita, Kansas - via Ryan Citation 981EE FLIGHT TIME: 44 minutes 1:44 pm Arrive Wichita, Kansas Ryan Aviation 800/835-2707 or 316/942-0141 MET BY: Dave Matthews Sam Hardage Campaign Mgr. Dave Matthews will escort Senator to join in-progress motor tour of Sedgwick County with Sam Hardage -- most probably at: Garden Plain, Kansas for Tour: Garden Plain State Bank - 316/535-2256 Phil's Barber Shop - 316/535-2961 2:30 pm Cheney, Kansas for Tour: Citizen State Bank - 316/542-3142 Davis Chevrolet - 316/542-3114 Campbell Coach Co. - 316/542-3189 4:00 pm Wichita, Kansas Tour of Vulcan Plant 6200 South Ridge Road 316/524-4211 Handwritten: 4:40 press conf. Vulcan Plant 5:00 pm Clearwater Nursing Home 316/584-6981 (Genevieve Wilbur) -11- Tuesday, Oct. 12 6:00 pm Rally - Dinner and speeches Star Lumber employees' recreation cabin 71st St. South and 103rd St. West (S.W. Wichita - NO PHONE) 7:30 pm-8:30 pm Meeting with Sam Hardage, Dave Owen and Wichita oil interests Wichita Country Club 8501 East 13th Street 316/682-5566 9:00 pm Depart Wichita (handwritten: Jabara Field) via Hardage Turbo Commander (Red, White & Blue) - Tail #124SA 9:40 pm Ar. Leavenworth, Kansas (handwritten: Sherman Field - Craigs Aero Soc. 913/651-6749) MET BY: Steve Cohen RON: Ramada Inn 913/651-5500 CONTACT FOR HARDAGE EVENTS: Mike Murray or Mona Hines 316/264-0754 Wednesday, Oct. 13 7:30 am Breakfast - Morris Kay Ramada Inn, Leavenworth 913/651-5500 10:00 am PRESS CONFERENCE & Coffee Reception Lawrence Headquarters, Morris Kay 1601 West 23rd Street 913/843-1085 (Marcia Goff, Ofc. Mgr.) 12:00 noon Luncheon - Morris Kay Downtown Ramada Inn - Topeka 913/233-8981 CONTACT: Donna Shultz 913/233-2756 1:30 pm Depart Billard Field, Topeka, Kansas via Hardage Turbo Commander #124SA 2:00 pm Ar. Downtown Kansas City Airport Avitat (near Air Midwest Air Center) 816/474-5960 Handwritten: met by: Margaret Ruff 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Fundraising Reception - Sam Hardage Residence of Lloyd and Alice Silver 2300 West 70th Terrace Mission Hills, Kansas 913/362-2388 -12- Wednesday, Oct. 13 3:15 pm-4:15 pm PRESS RECEPTION - Sam Hardage Johnson County Republican Hqtrs. 95th and Mission Road 913/648-4440 4:30 pm-5:15 pm Private Reception - Sam Hardage ($1,000 each) 5:15 pm-6:30 pm Indian Hills Country Club Host: Jim Lockton 913/362-4530 7:00 pm Depart Downtown K.C. Airport Avitat 816/474-5960 via Hardage Turbo Commander $124SA 7:30 pm-9:30 pm Garnett, National Guard Armory Multi-county rally - Sam Hardage 913/448-3924 NOTE: DEPART NLT 8:30 8:30 pm Depart Garnett en route Kansas City Downtown Airport - via Hardage Turbo Commander #124SA -12- Wednesday, Oct. 13 3:15 pm-4:15 pm PRESS RECEPTION -- Sam Hardage Johnson County Republican Hqtrs. 95th and Mission Road 913/648-4440 4:30 pm-5:15 pm Private Reception -- Sam Hardage ($1,000 each) 5:15 pm-6:30 pm Public Reception -- $250 each Indian Hills Country Club Host: Jim Lockton 913/362-4530 7:00 pm Depart Downtown KC Airport Avitat 816/474-5960 via Hardage Turbo Commander $124SA 7:30 pm-9:30 pm Garnett, National Guard Armory Multi-county rally - Sam Hardage 913/448-3924 NOTE: DEPART NLT 8:30 8:30 pm Depart Garnett en route Kansas City Downtown Airport - via Hardage Turbo Commander #124SA 9:00 pm Arrive Kansas City Avitat 816/474-5960 MET BY: Max Klein RON: Alameda Plaza 816/756-1500 Thursday, Oct. 14 TENTATIVE ONLY - DETAILS TO FOLLOW (crossed out) 7:30 am-9:00 am Breakfast for Sam Hardage Wyandotte County (handwritten: Holiday Inn Towers - 424 Minnesota 913/342-6919) 10:40 am Depart Kansas City via United 957 12:00 noon Arrive Los Angeles, California MET BY: Price Waterhouse Limousine (handwritten: Stan Brietbard (213) 625-4587 or Sharm Woloz 213-613-3762) 1:00 pm Arrive Century Plaza Hotel 213/277-2000 1:30 Press conference OCT 14-19 SCHEDULE WILL BE TELECOPIED TO KANSAS Betty 10/13/82 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- OCTOBER 14-18, 1982 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/224-6521 (Ofc.) 703/920-2732 (Res.) Wednesday, Oct. 13 RON: Alameda Plaza Kansas City, Missouri 816/756-1500 Thursday, Oct. 14 7:30 am Max Klein (Dole Topeka staff) will pick up Senator Dole at Alameda Plaza 8:00 am Arrive Holiday Inn Towers 424 Minnesota Kansas City, Kansas 913/342-6919 Breakfast for Sam Hardage (Kansas Gubernatorial) (In progress since 7:30) NOTE: Sam must leave no later than 9:00 am for K-State event in Manhattan CONTACT: Tim Pickell, K.C. Attorney 913/362-8560 9:00 am Conclusion of breakfast Max Klein will drive Senator to Airport 10:40 am Depart Kansas City via United 957 (1st cl.) NOTE: Dave Owen will join tour at this time. 12:00 pm Arrive Los Angeles, California MET BY: Price Waterhouse limousine 1:00 pm Arrive Century Plaza Hotel 213/277-2000 1:30 pm 20 minute meeting in Senator's room with Mark McConaghy (Staff Director, Joint Committee on Taxation) 1:50 pm Rod DeArment (Deputy Chief Council, Senate Committee on Finance) will join meeting with Senator Dole and Mark McConaghy NOTE: Mark and Rod at Beverly Hilton Hotel (213/274-7777) -2- Thursday, Oct. 14 2:00 pm Allen Rodway will meet Senator in his room. NOTE: ALLEN WILL BE ADVANCING THE CALIFORNIA PORTION OF THE TOUR, EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. Allen is former Reagan White House staffer, currently L.A. small businessman. Arrangements for Allen made through Mike Woodson and Bruce Decker. ALLEN RODWAY: 6926 Morella North Hollywood, CA 91605 213/982-4593 2:30 pm PRESS CONFERECE (Price Waterhouse) Brentwood Room - Century Plaza Hotel 213/277-2000 3:00 pm-5:30 pm Price Waterhouse Tax Conference on TEFRA Grand Ballroom - Century Plaza Hotel (1500-3000 in attendance) 213/277-2000 Program: 3:00 Registration 3:30-4:20 4 Price Waterhouse partners will speak on technical aspects of TEFRA 4:20-4:30 Bobby Shapiro Remarks for 10 mins., followed by intro. of Senator Dole 4:30-5:00 SENATOR DOLE REMARKS re history of TEFRA and prognostication on what to expect in future 5:00-5:30 Q&A CONTACT: Stan Breitbard 213/625-4587 Sharon Wallace 213/613-3762 5:30 pm Price Waterhouse will have limo at rear loading dock for hasty departure for next event. 5:45 pm Arrive Murdock Plaza Board Rm. (Pent House) 10900 Wilshire Boulevard, West L.A. 213/208-6055 MET IN LOBBY BY: Donna Tuttle (Holmes Tuttle's daughter-in-law) -3- Thursday, Oct. 14 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Fundraising Reception Carol Hallet, Candidate for Lt. Gov. Murdock Plaza Board Room 213/208-6055 CONTACT: Donna Tuttle 213/472-3043 or 376-0843 AT EVENT: Roberta, David Murdock's secty. 213/208-6055 7:00 pm Madeline Rungaitis, Larry Scott's secretary, will pick up Senator at Murdock Plaza for transportation to next event. 6:30 pm-8:30 pm Fundraising Reception - Campaign America (Dole PAC) Beverly Wilshire Hotel - Le Petit Trianon Room 213/275-4282 HOST: Larry Scott, Lawbar Petroleum 213/475-8888 Madeline Rungaitis, secretary NOTE: Today is Larry Scott's 62nd Birthday. 8:30 pm Madeline Rungaitis will drive Senator back to Century Plaza Hotel for overnight. NOTE: Larry Scott, Fred Russell, Al Damm (retired Continental Airlines President) and others getting together for very informal private dinner after recept. (at unspecfied location). Senator invited -- if interested, can play by ear. RON: Century Plaza Hotel 213/277-2000 (handwritten: Rm. 1906) Friday, Oct. 15 10:15 am Allen Rodway will meet Senator in hotel lobby, for escort to Santa Ana via automobile provided by Gus Owen, owner of Owen Yachts DRIVE TIME: 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on traffic. CONTACT: Gus Owen 714/838-2023 11:30 am Reception 12:00 pm Luncheon Saddle Back Inn 1660 East 1st Street (Off Freeway #5) Santa Ana, California Fundraiser for Bill Dohr (House candidate) -4- Friday, Oct. 15 NOTE TO ADVANCE: Senator Dole has $1,000 check from Campaign America to leave with Bill Dohr for his campaign. 1:30 pm Luncheon concludes CONTACT: John Paul Phaup 714/750-9702 1:30 pm Depart Santa Ana for return to Los Angeles, via automobile provided by Gus Owen DRIVE TIME: 1 1/2 hr., this time of day CONTACT: Gus Owen 714/838-2023 (handwritten) 2:30 Editorial Bd. Mtg - L.Q. Times - 202 W. 1st St. LA. Jill Stormont (213) 972-7928 3:00 pm Arrive Century Plaza Hotel to freshen up, make telephone calls, etc. 4:00 pm Allen Rodway will pick up Senator for transport to next event 4:00 pm-5:30 pm Reception - California Golden Circle Beverly Wilshire Hotel Le Petit Trianon and Grand Rooms 213/275-4282 NOTE: Pete Wilson and Ted Stevens will also be in attendance NOTE: Golden Circle group consists of high dollar donors to State GOP. CONTACT: Diane Stadlinger 714/545-7175 (Hayakawa's office) Telecopier No. if needed: 714/836-2614 5:30 pm Senator Dole, Senator Stevens and Mayor Wilson depart Golden Circle Reception via 3 vehicles provided by Pete Wilson's campaign -- John Fish, Wilson Advance person. NOTE: Allen Rodway will temporarily depart tour at this point. 6:00 pm Depart Santa Monica, Gunnell Aviation 213/391-6354 via Learjet or Cessna Citation provided by Wilson campaign -- Details available later. -5- Friday, Oct. 15 7:15 pm Arrive Stockton, California Warner Aviation Terminal 209/982-1010 MET BY: Van Logan, White House volunteer advanceman, assisting Wilson, for transport to 7:30 pm Reception and Dinner - Pete Wilson Albert's Restaurant, Stockton East Hammer Lane & North Highway 99 209/931-1763 NOTE: Jim Lake advises Frank Light of Sun Diamond Growers, who attended Campaign America reception in Washington, will be at Wilson fundraiser. Light has raised approx. $300,000 for Wilson -- has $2,000 to give to Senator Dole for Campaign America. CONTACT: Marty Wilson, Jan Thomas or Diane Scott 714/296-8892 RON: Stockton Hilton Hotel 209/957-9090 Saturday, Oct. 16 7:30 am Barry Kriebel, Attorney with Sun Maid, will pick up Senator Dole at Stockton Hilton Hotel for transport to airport CONTACT: Barry Kriebel 209/466-4851 - ofc. 209/957-4594 - res. 8:00 am Depart Stockton, California Warner Aviation Terminal 209/982-1010 Via Turbo Commander (changed from Beechcraft Baron N4795M) furnished by Sun Maid 10:00 am Arrive Riverside, California Riverside Municipal Airport (In front of main terminal) 714/688-4213 MET BY: ALLEN RODWAY (REJOINS TOUR HERE) and Supervisor Al McCandless (House candidate) 10:30 am-1:00 pm Brunch - Al McCandless Mission Inn - Spanish Dining Room Riverside, California 714/784-0300 CONTACT: Norma Pepiot, Campaign Mgr. 714/788-2570 -6- Saturday, Oct. 16 ADVANCE: Senator Dole has $1,000 check for Al McCandless from Campaign America. (crossed out) Brian Lungren campaign staff will pick up Senator Dole at Mission Inn for transport to Long Beach, California 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Reception - Brian Lungren Virginia Country Club Long Beach, California 213/427-0924 NOTE: Congressman Dan Lungren, candidate's brother, will also be in attendance. ADVANCE: Senator Dole has $1,000 check for Brian Lungren from Campaign America. CONTACT: Jackie Campbell 213/438-9776 5:00 pm Steve Kinney or his younger brother will pick up Senator at Lungren event for transport to Heliport in Long Beach NOTE: Steve Kinney formerly of Chanute, Kansas -- is godfather of Cindy Harris's niece. CONTACT: Steve Kinney 213/641-7690 or 824-0066 (Ofc.) 213/823-7200 (Res.) 5:30 pm Depart Long Beach via helicopter en route Catalina Island 5:50 pm Arrive Catalina Island (event in progress) 5:30 pm Reception 7:00 pm Dinner (Cioppino Feast) Yacht Club, 4th of July Cove 213/510-0303 or 547-2477 Fundraising event for George Deukmejian NOTE: CASUAL DRESS - TIE NOT RECOMMENDED 7:00 pm-7:15 pm Introduction of George Deukmejian, who will speak for 15 minutes, and then introduce Senator Dole 7:15 pm-7:30 pm SENATOR DOLE REMARKS 8:00 pm Depart Catalina via helo en route Long Beach -7- Saturday, Oct. 16 8:30 pm Arrive Long Beach helopad, and Steve Kinney will drive Senator to Disneyland for overnight 9:00 pm Arrive Disneyland RON: Disneyland Motel 714/778-6600 Sunday, Oct. 17 8:30 am Limousine furnished by Dr. Schuller will pick up Senator in front of main reservation lobby (Disneyland Hotel) for transport to church at Garden Grove 8:45 am Arrive Garden Grove, California Robert Schuller TV Program (Hour of Power) Program of Events: 8:45 am - Arrival for make-up, etc. 9:30 am - Taping of program 11:15 am - Repeat of program 11:45 am - Departure CONTACT: Marjorie Kelley 714/971-4075 11:45 am Schuller limousine will pick up Senator Dole 12:00 pm Arrive Orange County Airport (John Wayne Airport) Martin Aviation 714/546-4300 12:15 pm Depart Orange County en route Las Vegas, Nevada, via Owens-Illinois Gulfstream Jet Tail No. N902 (white and blue) CONTACT: Merle Wood Marion Labs, Kansas City 816/363-4900 NOTE: ALLEN RODWAY DROPS TOUR AT THIS TIME 12:45 pm Arrive Las Vegas, Nevada Hughes Executive Terminal 702/739-1100 MET BY: Arrangements/Hospitality Committee Nat'l Assoc. of Wholesale Druggists and Mark Davis, Chic Hecht campaign 1:00 pm Arrive MGM Grand Hotel 702/739-4111 (Freshen-up, phone calls, etc.) -8- Sunday, Oct. 17 2:15 pm-2:45 pm PRESS CONFERENCE - Chic Hecht MGM Grand Hotel (Room to be provided later) 702/739-4111 3:00 pm SENATOR DOLE REMARKS (20 mins. & Q&A) National Association of Wholesale Druggists "Leadership in the '80's" MGM Grand Hotel Adelphi and Broadway Rooms 702/739-4111 CONTACT: Bill Taggart 347-6880 Don Higgins 684-6400 (Grand Marshal of Parade) Merle Wood Marion Labs 816/363-4900 4:15 pm Mark Davis, Chic Hecht campaign, will meet Senator at MGM Grand for escort to Hecht event 4:30 pm-6:00 pm Reception - Chic Hecht Las Vegas Country Club 702/734-1122 CONTACT: Mark Davis, John Read, Glenn Malden or Sarah Katz 702/385-0823 Hecht campaign staffer will transport Senator Dole to Las Vegas Airport 7:20 pm Depart Las Vegas via Western Airlines 268 9:23 pm Arrive Salt Lake City, Utah MET BY: Senator Hatch campaign staff RON: Little America Hotel 801/363-6781 Monday, Oct. 18 9:00 am-10:30 am Breakfast - Senator Orren Hatch Utah Chapter, Hospital Financial Managers Little America Hotel 801/363-6781 NOTE: Talking points have been prepared by Sheila Burke and telecopied to Kansas City. REMARKS -- SENATORS HATCH AND DOLE -9- Monday, Oct. 18 10:45 am Depart Little America Hotel 11:00 am Arrive Salt Lake City Airport Interwest Aviation 801/359-2085 11:15 am Depart Salt Lake City via Learjet, Tail No. 80DH CONTACT: Herb or Barbara Barken International Corp. 801/322-0655 NOTE: Expenses for charter aircraft to be reimbursed by Wholesale Druggists 2:00 pm Arrive Manhattan, Kansas MET BY: Frank Mosier 2:30 pm-3:30 pm "Dole Coffee" Wareham Hotel Manhattan, Kansas 913/776-4891 NOTE: Morris Kay will be in attendance. Event is being promoted as a Dole function, but purpose will be to boost Morris Kay candidacy. CONTACT: Joan Mosier 913/776-8821 (ofc.) 913/539-4988 (res.) 3:45 pm Depart Manhattan, Kansas via airplane to be furnished by Governor Thompson (Details to be furnished later) 5:00 pm Arrive Chicago, Illinois (Details to be furnished later as to which airport, and who is to meet Senator) 5:30 pm-7:30 pm Fundraising Reception - Governor James Thompson Mid-America Club - 80th Floor Standard Oil Bldg. 200 East Randolph Drive 312/861-1100 Format: Receiving line with Senator and Governor BRIEF REMARKS by Governor and Senator CONTACT: Tom Morsch or Cindy Tanner 312/558-1982 or 217/525-1982 -10- (whole page crossed out) Monday, Oct. 18 8:15 pm Depart Chicago en route Washington, D.C. via aircraft provided by Governor Thompson 11:15 pm Arrive Dulles Airport Washington, D.C. MET BY: Andy Woodcock RON: Washington, D.C. Monday, Oct. 19 8:00 pm DEBATE - League of Women Voters Rayburn House Office Bldg. - Caucus Room Betty 10/15/82 REVISED SCHEDULE -- SENATOR BOB DOLE -- OCTOBER 17-18, 1982 NOTE: ONLY THAT PORTION FROM CALIFORNIA ONWARD IS REVISED. Sunday, Oct. 17 12:15 pm Depart Orange County Airport (John Wayne Airport) Martin Aviation 714/546-4300 via Owens-Illinois Gulfstream Jet Tail No. 902 (White and Blue) CONTACT: Merle Wood Marion Labs 816/363-4900 12:45 pm Arrive Las Vegas, Nevada Hughes Executive Terminal 702/739-1100 MET BY: Mark Davis, Chic Hecht campaign (who will escort to hotel) and Hospitality Committee from Wholesale Druggists 1:00 pm Arrive MGM Grand Hotel 702/739-4111 (Freshen-up, phone calls, etc.) Mark Davis will then escort Senator to: 2:15 pm-2:45 pm PRESS CONFERENCE - Chic Hecht MGM Grand Hotel - Gable 1 702/739-4111 NOTE: Hecht campaign requests Senator emphasize positive influence Hecht will have in Washington (closeness to Laxalt and Reagan, etc.) -- Cannon is making his seniority an issue. CONTACT: Mark Davis or Glenn Malden 702/385-0823 3:00 pm SENATOR DOLE REMARKS (20 mins. + Q&A) National Assoc. of Wholesale Druggists "Leadership in the '80's" MGM Grand Hotel - Adelphi & Broadway Rooms 702/739-4111 CONTACT: Merle Wood 816/363-4900 Don Higgins 684-6400 Bill Taggart 347-6880 -2- Sunday, Oct. 17 4:15 pm Mark Davis, Chic Hecht campaign, will meet Senator at Druggists event for escort to Hecht event 4:30 pm-6:00 pm Reception - Chic Hecht Las Vegas Country Club 702/734-1122 CONTACT: Mark Davis, John Read or Sarah Katz 702/385-0823 Hecht campaign staff will transport Senator Dole to Las Vegas Airport 7:20 pm Depart Las Vegas via Western Airlines 268 (1st class) 9:23 pm Arrive Salt Lake City, Utah MET BY: Julie Barrett, Hatch campaign 801/364-1081 (ofc.) 801/582-1999 (res.) RON: Little America Hotel 801/363-6781 Monday, Oct. 18 8:00 am PRESS BREAKFAST - Senator Orrin Hatch Little America Hotel 801/363-6781 9:00 am-10:15 am Breakfast - Utah Chapter, Hospital Finance Managers Little America Hotel 801/363-6781 REMARKS -- SENATORS DOLE AND HATCH CONTACT: Julie Barrett 801/364-1080 (Ofc.) 801/582-1999 (Res.) 10:15 am Depart Little America Hotel en route Airport 10:30 am Depart Salt Lake City Airport Interwest Aviation 801/359-2085 Via Learjet, Tail No. 80DH CONTACT: Herb or Barbara Barken International Corp. PO Box 22269 AMF Salt Lake City, Utah 84122 801/322-0655 -3- Monday, Oct. 18 1:15 pm Arrive Manhattan, Kansas MET BY: Frank Mosier 913/539-4988 (Res.) 913/539-3531 2:00 pm-3:30 pm "Dole Coffee" Wareham Hotel Manhattan, Kansas 913/776-4891 NOTE: Morris Kay will be in attendance. CONTACT: Joan Mosier 913/776-8821 (Ofc.) 913/539-4988 (Res.) 3:45 pm Depart Manhattan via Learjet Tail No. 80DH 4:15 pm Arrive Kansas City International Airport (Pilot will request permission to taxi up to TWA) 4:38 pm Depart Kansas City via TWA 230 (1st class) 7:54 pm Arrive Washington National Airport MET BY: Andy Woodcock SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- OCTOBER 20-21, 1982 Wednesday, Oct. 20 4:00 pm Lv. Washington National via Eastern Airlines shuttle NOTE: Liz Robbins will be on same flight -- will bring briefing material for Senator. 4:58 pm Arrive La Guardia Airport, New York MET BY: Limousine provided by Liz Robbins 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Fundraising Reception (John Sununu) Princeton Club (James Madison Room - 2nd Floor) 15 West 43rd Street 212/840-6400 CONTACT: Pat Coady Coady Fahnstock 212/524-0657 (Ofc.) 212/625-4676 (Res.) Mary Ellen Joyce Sununu Campaign Coord. 603/668-1144 Shearson limousine will wait for Senator Dole, and deliver to: 7:00 pm-9:00 pm Shearson/American Express Dinner 21 Club - Private Room 212/582-7200 CONTACT: Liz Robbins 544-6093 Shearson limousine will drive Senator Dole to Stamford, Connecticut RON: Stamford Marriott Hotel 203/357-9555 Thursday, Oct. 21 8:15 am Congressman Stewart McKinney staff will meet Senator Dole at his room, for escort to: 8:30 am-9:30 am Fundraising Breakfast - Cong. McKinney Stamford Marriott Hotel 203/357-9555 9:30 am-10:00 am Press Conference - Cong. McKinney Stamford Marriott CONTACT: Paul Hicks 203/348-6520 -2- Thursday, Oct. 21 10:00 am Depart Stamford Marriott Hotel via automobile furnished by McKinney staff 10:25 am Arrive Main Terminal, Westchester County Airport Ryebrook, New York 914/946-9000 10:30 am Depart Westchester County Airport via helicopter -- accompanied by Congressman John LeBoutillier 11:00 am Arrive Sands Point, New York Tour of Helen Keller National Center for Deaf/Blind Youths and Adults 516/944-8900 LeBoutillier staff will escort to: 12:00 pm Luncheon Long Island Assoc. of Commerce & Industry Huntington Station, N.Y. Huntington Town House 516/427-8485 REMARKS - Senator Dole (General remarks re Cong. LeBoutillier and possible comments on the tax bill. This organization was opposed, and Congressman LeBoutillier voted against.) LeBoutillier staff will escort to: 1:00 pm Luncheon New York Credit and Financial Management Association Woodbury, New York Cresthollow Country Club 516/692-8000 2:00 pm PROMPT DEPARTURE via automobile furnished by LeBoutillier staff CONTACT: Chris Braunlich, A.A. 202/225-5956 516/365-9420 (N.Y. ofc.) 3:00 pm Depart LaGuardia Aprt via Eastern shuttle 4:00 pm Arrive Washington National MET BY: Andy Woodcock REVISED SCHEDULE -- OCTOBER 21 2:00 pm Depart Cresthollow Country Club Woodbury, New York via helicopter furnished by Thompson Industries, Dudley Thompson (President) Pilot: Keith Fritz 516/883-8000 2:20 pm Arrive Middletown, New York State Police Helopad Crystal Run Road MET BY: Congressman Ben Gilman Auto 3-4 miles to Goshen, New York for: Senior Citizens Rally (500 senior citizens) LaNeves Restaurant Route 17M, Goshen, NY 914/294-6888 Following rally, drive to Westchester County (Greenberg) and do door-to-door meet and greet with Congressman Gilman 5:00 pm Depart Goshen en route La Guardia (via auto) 6:00 pm Depart LaGuardia via Eastern shuttle 7:00 pm Arrive Washington National MET BY: Andy Woodcock CONTACTS FOR GILMAN EVENTS: Levi (pronounced Layvee) Rabinowitz 212/757-5311 Bob Becker (Gilman AA & Campaign Mgr.) 914/343-4615 Betty SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- OCTOBER 24-27 ADVANCE: Scott Richardson Sunday, Oct. 24 6:15 pm Depart Washington Nat'l via NW 367 (1st Cl.) 7:34 pm Arrive Detroit, Michigan MET BY: Jimmy Dawahare RON: Pontchartrain Hotel 313/965-0200 Monday, Oct. 25 8:40 am Met in hotel lobby by Phil Ruppe and his driver, Jim Story, for escort to: 9:00 am-9:30 am PRESS CONFERENCE - Phil Ruppe Detroit Press Club 313/962-3090 CONTACT: Jimmy Dawahare (FOR ALL RUPPE EVENTS) 313/540-0444 9:30 am-10:00 am Jim Story will drive Senator and Phil Ruppe to Rosen event 10:00 am-10:45 am COFFEE - Jerry Rosen Rosen Headquarters 21211 Telegraph Rd. (betw. 8 & 9 Mile Rd.) Southfield, Michigan 313/352-4015 CONTACT: Liz or Jerry Rosen or Bob Jablonski 313/352-4015 10:45 am-11:10 am Jim Story drives Senator, Phil Ruppe and party to City Airport Met at City Airport by: Ray Chambers, Washington lobbyist for Chicago & Northwest Transportation Co., and Phil Ruppe's former Admin. Asst. 11:15 am Wheels up, Detroit City Airport, via Chicago & Northwest Transportation Co. private jet, tail no. to be determined 12:15 pm Arrive Traverse City, Michigan MET BY: Vicki Clarendon, Nat'l Republican Senatorial Cmte. & Gene Veliquette, Inner Circle Mbr. who sold 70 tickets to event 12:30 pm-1:00 pm LUNCHEON - Phil Ruppe Traverse City Country Club 616/947-9140 NOTE: Host for all Traverse City events is former Senator Bob Griffin -2- Monday, Oct. 25 1:00 pm-1:40 pm "Low Dollar" RECEPTION - Phil Ruppe Traverse City Country Club NOTE: Former Governor Romney may be holding separate press conferece at 1:30 for all Republican candidates. 2:00 pm-2:30 pm "High Dollar" RECEPTION - Phil Ruppe Traverse City Country Club 2:45 pm Wheels up Traverse City, via Chicago & Northwestern Transportation Co. jet 3:45 pm Arrive Cleveland, Ohio Burke Lakefront Airport MET BY: Bill Williams President, Republic Steel 4:00 pm-5:30 pm RECEPTION -- Paul Pfeifer Union Club 1211 Euclidi Ave., Cleveland 216/621-4230 HOSTS: E. Bradley (Brad) Jones, CEO, Republic Steel; E. Mandell (Dell) deWindt, CEO, Eaton Corp; Stanley (Stan) Pace, President, TRW; Allen Holmes, Senior Partner, Jones-Day law firm. 5:30 pm-6:00 pm PRESS CONFERENCE - Paul Pfeifer Union Club CONTACT: John Hicks or Mary Morgenstern 216/621-4255 6:00 pm Bud Brown staff person will pick up Senator for escort by car to: 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Arrival - RECEPTION - Congressman Bud Brown (EVENT IN PROGRESS FROM 6:00 p.m.) Hellriegel's Inn Painesville, Ohio 216/354-9530 NOTE: Joint event for Gubernatorial candidate Congressman Clarence "Bud" Brown and Glen Warner, Congressional candidate. -3- Monday, Oct. 25 8:00 pm RALLY - All state-wide candidates (Ohio) Mentor High School 216/255-4444 EMCEE: Coach Woody Hayes CONTACT: Jim Nathanson or Holly Oelslager 614/463-1982 Holly - Residence - 216/477-6493 9:00 pm Wheels up from Painesville, Ohio, via twin-engine private aircraft furnished by Brown campaign -- details to follow. 9:25 pm Arrive Becket Aviation Youngstown, Ohio, Municipal Airport 216/746-6555 MET BY: Fred DeLucca, Airport Manager, and Kathy Koledein, Tom Ridge campaign Kathy Koledein will drive Senator to Sharon, Pennsylvania for overnight 10:00 pm RON: Sheraton Inn Sharon, Pennsylvania 412/528-2501 Tuesday, Oct. 26 7:30 am-9:00 am BREAKFAST - Tom Ridge for Congress Oak Tree Country Club Sharon, Pennsylvania 412/528-9985 (Cong. Lyle Williams, Ohio, may attend) 9:30 am PRESS CONFERENCE - Tom Ridge 10:00 am-10:30 am LIVE INTERVIEW - WBZY Radio (Senator & Ridge) New Castle, Pennsylvania 412/656-1140 11:00 am-11:30 am BRUNCH - Tom Ridge Residence of Mrs. John G. McConahy New Castle, Pennsylvania 412/654-9272 NOTE: Mrs. McConahy active in anti-cult movement -- daughter was involved CONTACT: Jack Potter, Ridge Lawrence Co. Chm. 412/654-1603 12:00 pm-1:00 pm LUNCHEON - Private - Tom Ridge Private luncheon with attorneys, accountants, bankers -- to shore up GOP support. Sheraton Inn Sharon, Pennsylvania 412/528-2501 -4- Tuesday, Oct. 26 CONTACT FOR RIDGE EVENTS: Kathy Koledein 412/983-1500 - ofc. 412/981-9470 - res. 1:15 pm Wheels up Sharon, Pennsylvania via aircraft furnished by Jim Sutherland (Gene Atkinson campaign) Jim: 800/245-0329 - ofc tollfree 412/658-3761 - ofc. 412/586-9632 - res. 1:30 pm Arrive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania MET BY: TENTATIVE ONLY - CONFIRMATION TO FOLLOW 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Coffee for volunteers - Ted Jacob for Cong. Jacob Headquarters - Pittsburgh 412/922-2150 or 922-5160 CONTACT: Ted Jacob (res.: 412/963-9630) Joe Adamcek (res.: 412/931-7448) "Petey" (res.: 412/341-9422) 3:00 pm-3:30 pm PRESS CONFERENCE - Ted Jacobs Jacob Headquarters 4:45 pm-5:05 pm PRESS CONFERENCE - Senator John Heinz Hyatt Hotel - Chatham Center 412/471-1234 SENATORS PARTICIPATING: Dole, Jepsen, Mathias, Mattingly, Grassley & Percy -- SENATOR DOLE TO TAKE THE LEAD AND SERVE AS KEY FOCAL POINT. 5:10 pm WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION - Receiving Line BALLROOM, Level Two - Hyatt Hotel SEE DETAILED SCHEDULE FOR HEINZ EVENT (ATTACHED) 9:00 pm-9:20 pm REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 9:45 pm Depart Hyatt Hotel via car en route Bethany, West Virginia for overnight Transportation furnished by Benedict campaign CONTACT FOR HEINZ EVENT: Tom Exton 412/642-7667 -5- Tuesday, Oct. 26 10:25 pm Arrive Bethany, West Virginia RON: Lodge on grounds of Bethany College - details to be furnished later Wednesday, Oct. 27 7:45 am-9:15 am BREAKFAST - Cleve Benedict Bethany College Bethany, West Virginia Depart Wheeling via twin-engine aircraft furnished by Benedict campaign 10:00 am-10:30 am PRESS CONFERENCE - Cleve Benedict and J.D. Hinkle (House candidate) Morgantown, West Virginia 10:30 am-11:30 am RALLY - Cleve Benedict & J.D. Hinkle Morgantown, West Virginia 11:45 am Wheels up Morgantown via twin-engine furnished by Benedict campaign 12:45 am Arrive Washington National Airport NOTE: PRECISE DETAILS ON BENEDICT EVENTS TO BE FURNISHED MONDAY, OCT. 25 Senator JOHN HEINZ for Pennsylvania 224 Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 642-7667 MEMO TO: Senator Dole FROM: Tom Exton DATE: October 21, 1982 SUBJ: John Heinz Reception and Dinner (Tuesday, Oct. 26) On behalf of Senator Heinz, I'd like to thank you for participating in our final fundraising event of the 1982 campaign. When you arrive in the Pittsburgh area, you will be picked up and driven to the Hyatt Hotel-Chatham Center for the event. Transportation will be provided at the end of the evening as well. You will receive a more complete briefing about the evening when you arrive. This will contain a complete schedule, names of key guests you will be meeting and the name of your staff escort for the evening. Attached is the evening's schedule as of today, but let me go through the evening's activities and outline your actions. PRESS CONFERENCE This will be a brief (15 minutes) meeting to demonstrate that not only do the people of Pennsylvania support Heinz but that his colleagues in the Senate do as well. Questions will be allowed. VIP RECEPTION/BRIEFING After the press conference, Heinz and fellow Senators will proceed directly to a wine and cheese reception with guests (as of today there are about 150 tickets sold). After 30 minutes, guests and Senators will go to the VIP Briefing. Because of the demand for tickets, the Briefing has been split into two rooms: Chatham AB and Chatham C. Senators will be divided as follows: (over) Paid for by the National Republican Senatorial Committee Authorized by People for John Heinz Committee Senator's Memo Page 2 Chatham A/B Chatham C Senator Mattingly Senator Jepsen Senator Grassley Senator Mathias Senator Percy Senator Dole The room will be set up in theater style seating. Depending on which room your in, either John or Teresa Heinz will introduce you to the group for remarks and Question and Answer. This will be a very informal session where you should touch on your Committee work, economic prospects for the country, foreign affairs and so on. This is an opportunity for the guests to get to know you and your views on issues. DINNER Upon completion of the VIP Briefing, the Senators will go in for the dinner. Each Senator will have a staff person to escort them to their tables. Each Senator will switch tables after each course. In this way, each table of 11 guests will have a VIP seated at their table some time during the evening. You will be provided with table assignments as well as names of the key people sitting at your tables. Your escort will guide you to your tables. CONCLUSION After the dinner is over, we will provide you with transportation to your next stop. Your travel arrangements are as follows: Departing that night for West Virginia Time and type of transportation undetermined as of 10-21-82 TECHNICAL PROGRAM OCTOBER 26, 1982 VIP 4:45-5:05 pm PRESS CONFERENCE Hyatt Hotel, (Location to be determined) ALL SENATORS present 5:05 pm Proceed to BALLROOM, Level Two (wine and cheese reception will have begun at 5:00 in the Foyer) 5:10 pm Wine and Cheese Reception VIP's form Receiving Line Photo opportunities here (as people come from receiving line, staff will funnel into Briefing Rooms) 5:45 pm Briefing Sessions begin. Chatham A/B: SENATOR MATTINGLY SENATOR GRASSLEY SENATOR PERCY Chatham C: SENATOR JEPSEN SENATOR MATHIAS SENATOR DOLE Introduction of Senator Jepsen Introduction of Senator MATTINGLY 5:50-5:55 pm SENATORS JEPSEN and MATTINGLY address group. 5:55 pm Question and Answer period. TECHNICAL PROGRAM: VIP 6:00 pm Introduction of Senator MATHIAS Introduction of Senator GRASSLEY 6:05 pm Senators MATHIAS and GRASSLEY address group 6:10 pm Question and Answer Period 6:15 pm Introduction of Senator DOLE Introduction of Senator PERCY 6:20 pm Senators DOLE and PERCY address group 6:25 pm Question and Answer Period 6:30 pm SENATORS JEPSEN, MATHIAS and DOLE move from Chatham C to Chatham A/B to say hello to other group SENATORS MATTINGLY, GRASSLEY and PERCY move from Chatham A/B to Chatham C to say hello to other group 6:40 pm Guests adjourn to dinner VIP's adjourn to Chatham C until dinner 6:58 pm TOM EXTON to move VIP'S to BALLROOM for dinner TECHNICAL PROGRAM OCTOBER 26, 1982 DINNER 7:05-7:10 pm FRANCO HARRIS welcomes guests and introduces (to be determined) 7:10-7:13 pm Invocation -- by: (to be determined) 7:13-7:15 pm National Anthem 7:15-7:17 pm Pledge of Allegiance 7:17-7:19 pm FRANCO HARRIS introduces ELSIE HILLMAN 7:19-7:30 pm MRS. HILLMAN introduces VIP'S: (ask them to stand) SENATOR DOLE SENATOR GRASSLEY SENATOR PERCY SENATOR JEPSEN SENATOR MATHIAS SENATOR MATTINGLY ASSISTANT SECRETARY WALKER ADMINISTRATOR HANZLIK ATTORNEY GENERAL LEROY ZIMMERMAN 7:30-7:45 pm FRANCO HARRIS asks guests to begin dinner FIRST COURSE: gazpacho (already on tables) 7:44 pm FRANCO HARRIS to podium announcing next move VIP's change tables 7:45-8:00 pm SECOND COURSE: salad 7:59 pm FRANCO HARRIS to podium announcing next move VIP's change tables 8:00-8:15 pm THIRD COURSE: sorbet 8:14 pm FRANCO HARRIS to podium announcing next move VIP's change tables 8:15-8:35 pm FOURTH COURSE: medallions of beef 8:34 pm FRANCO HARRIS to podium announcing next move VIP's change tables TECHNICAL PROGRAM: DINNER 8:35-8:50 pm FIFTH COURSE: strawberry mousse & coffee 8:50 pm FRANCO HARRIS introduces DAVE RODERICK, Dinner Chairman. (Senator Percy departs at this time) 8:52-8:55 pm DAVE RODERICK introduces Senator HEINZ 8:55-9:00 pm SENATOR HEINZ introduces SENATOR DOLE 9:00-9:20 pm SENATOR DOLE give dinner address 9:20-9:30 pm SENATOR HEINZ does thank you and November 2 pep talk 9:30 pm Benediction REVISED SCHEDULE -- SENATOR BOB DOLE Tuesday, Oct. 26 9:45 pm Depart Hyatt Hotel (Pittsburgh) via car furnished by Cleve Benedict campaign 10:25 pm Arrive Bethany, West Virginia RON: Gresham House Bethany College 304/829-4343 (Nancy Alt) Wednesday, Oct. 27 7:45 am-9:00 am BREAKFAST - Cleve Benedict Bethany College Seminar "The Changing Landscape of American Politics in the 1980's" REMARKS - Cong. Benedict & Senator Dole (4-10 mins. ea. plus Q&A) CONTACT: Todd Bullard, Bethany College Pres. 304/829-7720 (Res.) 304/829-7111 (Ofc.) (Daughter is Deputy Campaign Mgr.) 9:15 am Depart Bethany College via automobile en route Wheeling Airport 9:30 am Depart Wheeling via Cessna 340 furnished by Benedict campaign 10:00 am Arrive Morgantown MET BY: Dee Brown 304/292-3005 (Ofc.) 10:30 am-11:30 am RALLY - Cleve Benedict & J.D. Hinkle Monongalia Court House Square Morgantown, West Virginia (PRESS WILL COVER) 11:45 am Wheels up Morgantown via Cessna 340 furnished by Benedict campaign CONTACT: Norm Rankin 304/345-7621 12:45 pm Arrive Washington National Airport MET BY: Andy Woodcock SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- OCTOBER 27-29 Wednesday, Oct. 27 3:38 pm-4:58 pm Lv. Washington National - TWA 391 Ar. Kansas City MET BY: Nelson Krueger 6:30 pm Meet Senator Danforth, who will speak to Local chapter, National Association of Women in Business Maggie Jones' Restaurant Kansas City, Missouri 816/333-7335 7:00 pm PRESS CONFERENCE - Senator Danforth Danforth Headquarters 912 East 63rd 816/361-2922 RON: Alameda Plaza 816/756-1500 NOTE: Max Klein will join tour at some point in the evening Thursday, Oct. 28 6:00 am Max Klein will drive Senator from Alameda Plaza en route WDAF-TV 6:30 am Arrive WDAF-TV 3030 Summit - Signal Hill 816/753-4567 6:45 am LIVE INTERVIEW - TODAY SHOW (Judy Woodruff) CONTACT: Jerry Solomon 686-4231 7:05 am Depart WDAF-TV en route Downtown Kansas City Airport 7:30 am Depart Downtown Kansas City Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 Via Ryan Aviation Citation #979EE CONTACT: Barbara Andrew Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 Barbara - Res. - 772-0144 Ryan "In-State No." 316/942-0142 FLIGHT TIME: 39 minutes Thursday, Oct. 28 8:10 am Arrive Clay Center Spice Aircraft 913/632-3217 (NOTE: If runway is slick or visibility bad, will have to go into Manhattan) 8:20 am PRESS CONFERENCE - Clay Center Dispatch 913/632-2127 CONTACT: H. Edward Valentine, Jr. Editor Clay County Republican Chairman: Tim Ryan 913/632-6397 (Res.) 913/632-5666 (Ofc.) 9:00 am Depart Clay Center en route Salina FLIGHT TIME: 22 minutes 9:22 am Arrive Salina Flower Aviation 913/825-6739 9:45 am PRESS CONFERENCE - AIRPORT CONTACT: Salina Journal - 913/823-6363 KSAL-AM - 913/823-3701 KFRM-AM - 913/825-4611 KINA-AM - 913/825-0266 Saline County Chairman: Selma Steele 913/825-5746 10:30 am Depart Salina en route Colby FLYING TIME: 48 minutes 11:18 am Arrive Colby Colby Flying Service 913/462-6532 11:25 am PRESS CONFERENCE CONTACT: Colby Free Press - 913/462-3963 KXXX-AM - 913/462-6762 Goodland Daily News - 913/899-2338 KLOE-AM - 913/899-2309 KLOE-TV - 913/899-2321 Thomas County Chairman: Scott Wieland 913/462-6691 -3- Thursday, Oct. 28 (Colby, Kansas) Sherman County Chairman: Doc Leslie 913/899-6243 12:00 pm Depart Colby en route Garden City FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes 12:30 pm Arrive Garden City Robinson Aviation 316/275-4221 AIRPORT PRESS CONFERENCE: Garden City Telegram - 316/275-7105 KGLD-TV - 316/276-2311 KIUL-AM - 316/276-3251 KBUF-AM - 316/276-2366 Finney County Chairman: Bette Jo Roberts: 316/275-5715 (Res.) 316/276-3423 (Ofc.) 1:15 pm Depart Garden City en route Liberal FLIGHT TIME: 24 minutes 1:39 pm Arrive Liberal Liberal Aircraft 316/624-1646 1:45 pm PRESS CONFERENCE: Southwest Daily Times - 316/624-2541 KLIB-AM - 316/624-2556 KSCB-AM - 316/624-3891 Seward County Chairman: Elizabeth Hill 316/624-7060 (Res.) 316/624-9853 (Ofc.) 2:15 pm Depart Liberal en route Great Bend FLYING TIME: 35 minutes 3:20 pm Arrive Great Bend Midwest Piper Sales 316/793-7471 3:30 pm PRESS CONFERENCE: Great Bend Tribune - 316/792-1211 KCKT-TV - 316/793-7868 KVGB-AM - 316/792-4317 -4- Thursday, Oct. 28 (Great Bend) Barton County Chairman: Bob Parrish 316/793-7723 (H) /793-3518 (O) 5:15 pm Depart Hutchinson en route Kansas City FLIGHT TIME: 41 minutes Handwritten in margins: Stop in Emporia en route 6:00 pm Arrive Downtown Kansas City Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 MET BY: John Palmer (or Max Klein's car can be left at airport earlier in day, and Max can drive to evening events) 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Village Church 6641 Mission Road Prairie Village 913/831-2275 (Sam Hardage addressing congregation) 7:15 pm Arrival at Hardage Rally (in progress 7:00 to 10:00 pm) Ramada Inn Towers - Ballroom I-35 and 87th Street Overland Park 913/888-8440 RON: Alameda Plaza Kansas City 816/756-1500 Friday, Oct. 29 7:30 am Depart Alameda Plaza en route Downtown Kansas City airport 8:00 am Depart Downtown Kansas City Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 Via Ryan Aviation Citation 979EE FLIGHT TIME: 47 minutes 8:50 am Arrive Wichita Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 316/942-0142 (In-state number) Friday, Oct. 29 9:30 am President Ford arrival 9:40 am RALLY - Sam Hardage Ryan Aviation - Mid-Continent Airport 316/942-0141/2 President Ford, Senator Dole and Sam Hardage to leave rally in 1 car to: 10:10 am-10:30 am Fundraising Reception Room F - Airport Hilton 316/945-5272 10:45 am President Ford departs Wichita 10:50 am Depart Wichita en route Topeka FLIGHT TIME: 34 minutes 11:25 am Arrive Billard Field, Topeka Capital Air 913/233-6677 MET BY: 12:00 pm-1:30 pm Topeka Chamber of Commerce Lunch REMARKS - Re economy and tax 1:45 pm Depart Billard Field en route St. Joseph, Missouri FLIGHT TIME: 23 minutes 2:10 pm Arrive St. Joseph, Missouri St. Joseph Flying 816/233-3444 BALANCE OF SCHEDULE TO FOLLOW LATER SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- SATURDAY, OCT. 30, 1982 9:20 am Lv. Kansas City Downtown Airport via Ryan Citation 979EE 10:00 am Ar. Independence Municipal Airport Met by: Kathy Driski (Dave Owen's sister) 11:00 am-12:00 pm NEEWOLLAH PARADE (Rose Mary Mong driving car Senator Dole rides in) CONTACT: Rose Mary 316/331-5382 or 231-3705 or 331-5592 Karen Reeder Generalissimo, Neewollah 316/331-2153 (Home) 316/331-2400 (Neewollah Ofc.) Frank and Vy Blackwood 316/331-4546 (Transportation Chairman) 12:45 pm Depart Independence Municipal Airport 1:15 pm Arrive Winfield MET BY: 2:00 pm-3:00 pm ARKALALAH PARADE CONTACT: Robert McGehan 316/441-0125 or 442-0230 3:25 pm Depart Winfield 4:10 pm Arrive Kansas City International Airport 4:38 pm Depart Kansas City - TWA 230 7:46 pm Arrive Washington National Airport MET BY: Andy Woodcock CBS NEWS A division of CBS Inc. 2020 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 (202) 457-4321 BY HAND October 29, 1982 FACE THE NATION DATE: Sunday, October 31, 1982 GUESTS: Senator Bob Dole Republican of Kansas Senator Wendell Ford Democrat of Kentucky ARRIVAL TIME: 11:00 a.m. Eastern STANDARD Time (for make-up and photographs) 2020 M Street, Northwest AIR TIME: 11:30 a.m. (live) PANEL: 1. George Herman, CBS News/Moderator 2. David Broder, POST 3. Phil Jones, CBS News CONTACT: Associate Producer Jim McGlinchy 457-4481 (office) 536-5393 (home) CBS News Desk 457-4444