SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 5 MONDAY, AUGUST 30 9:00 Depart National Airport via Eastern Shuttle 11:30 SPEAK - Sheet Metal Workers Int'l Assn. - Sheraton Centre - NYC 1:45 Visit to N.Y. Stock Exchange (Bunny Lasker arranging) 4:00 Depart NY via Eastern Shuttle 5:03 Arr. National TUESDAY, AUGUST 31 12:00 FORTUNE Mag - photos in Sen. Ofc. - during lunch 1:00 PBS-TV Nightly Business Report - 22219 NSOB (10 min.) 6:45 Dinner w/Bob Juliano - Romeo & Juliet WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 7:50 Arr. Sheraton-Carlton - Crystal Rm. for 8:00 Godfrey Sperling Bkfst. 10-10:20 Nat'l Public Radion "Morning Editon" - by phone call from Sen. Ofc- Tent. 11:00 Don Penny & Jay Berman - Sen. Ofc. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 9:30 Interview - Independent Network News-TV - 2219 NSOB (post-elec. Sess./Soc.Sec. 10:00 Interview - Satellite Network News-TV - 2221 NSOB (Sess. on Soc. Sec.) 2:30 Depart for N.Y. - via Eastern Shuttle FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 in N.Y.C. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 to Miami SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Seaview MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 - LABOR DAY Seaview SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1982 8:40 a.m. Arrive Eastern Shuttle Gate - National Airport Don Penny will meet you at the Shuttle 9:00 a.m. Depart National Airport - Eastern Shuttle 9:58 a.m. Arrive LaGuardia Airport Don Penny arranging transportation -- you will be met and taken to Berkshire Hotel (if staying over) Berkshire Place Hotel - 21 E. 52nd St. (212) 753-5800 11:20 a.m. Arrive Sheraton Centre Convention Center - 7th Ave. at 52nd St. (212) 581-1000 You will be met and taken to holding room off Convention Center 11:30 a.m. SPEAK - Sheet Metal Workers' International Association - Convention Center - Sheraton Centre Hotel Contacts: Larry Cassidy, Exec. Asst. to President Room 4631 - (212) 581-1000 Vic Camber - Sheraton Centre Edward J. Carlough, Gen. Pres. of Assn. - Sheraton Centre Convention Desk: (212) 765-9076 or 9077 12:00 Noon Depart Convention Center (you are invited to attend -- or stop by -- closed luncheon of the General Executive Council of the Association -- 12 or 13 people -- it will be in a room near the Convention Center; however the room is not yet determined) There will also be press availability - Larry Cassidy will advise you on this 12:45 Lunch 1:45 Visit New York Stock Exchange (to be arranged by Bunny Lasker) 4:00 p.m. Depart New York via Eastern Shuttle 5:03 p.m. Arrive National Airport Andy will meet you and take you to office Page One SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE WEEK OF SEPT. 6 - 12 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT TUES., 9/7 WED., 9/8 (following appointment is circled and crossed out) 8:00 Hyatt Reg. SPEAK -- Jackson, Miss. Chamber Group (handwritten) This was scheduled for Sept. 9 - we cancelled out (Sen. in Ks. w/ Reagan) 11:30 and 12:00 pm Hyatt Reg. Yorktown Rm. RECEPTION & LUNCHEON by Wheat Industry Council (Nutrition Ed. Program) Chris 12-2 pm S-207, Cap. LUNCHEON (joint by Steering Cte and Wed. Club) 6-8:00 Basil's 400 1st St, S.E. RECEPTION -- publication Rick Smith's book 6-8:00 Sen. Baker's home- 3224 Woodland Dr.NW RECEPTION for Sen/Mrs. Pressler by Sen/Mrs Baker & Sen. Abdnor THURS. 9/9 IN KANSAS 5:30-7:30 Cap. Hill Club RECEPTION by Industrial College of Armed Forces Jack 693-830 6-8:00 Cap.Hill Club Eisen. Lounge FR RECEPTION for Cong. Wampler (Senators only) Page Two SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE WEEK OF SEPT. 6-12 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT FRI., 9/10 8:00 am Fairfax Hotel SPEAK - Producers Advisory Forum 10:00 2221 NSOB FIN. CTE. (Subchapter S) 1:00 pm Cap. Hilton Ballroom SPEAK - Nat'l Assn. of Towns & Townships Paula Alf 737-5200 (12:15 luncheon; 1:30 Watts spkg) (following appointment is handwritten) 3:30 SeniStudio Interview (Walt) (following appointment is handwritten) 4:00 (illegible) Feldstein? 6-8:00 Blair House RECEPTION 1982-82 Class of White House Fellows 659-4522 SAT., 9/11 8:00 Res., Amb/Mrs. Gottlieb 2825 Rock Creek Dr. DINNER for M/M Bob Strauss (informal) SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR BOB DOLE Tuesday, September 7 3:32 p.m. Lv. Washington National via TWA 391 (First Class - Seat 1C) 5:00 p.m. Arrive Kansas City International Airport Met by: Chris, driver for BMA Insurance (Contact: Helen Shubert, Bill Grant's secretary: 816/753-8000 Home : 913/432-5375) Chris will drive you to Kansas City Downtown Airport for departure from Executive Beechcraft Services via BMA airplane, Sabreliner, Tail #1909R 6:15 p.m. Approximate arrival, Hays, Kansas Met by: Kenny Dole RON: Russell Wednesday, September 8 9:00 a.m. Lv. Russell Airport via Piper Navajo, Tail #4085L Contact: Aircraft Services 913/825-6261 (Courtesy Dean Evans) Pilots: Ray Farmer & Max Pickering 9:45 a.m. Arrive Norton Dean Evans arranging for someone to meet you and take you to funeral services 10:00 a.m. Funeral Services, Congressman Keith Sebelius Lv. 12:00 noon (Approx.) Norton via Aircraft Services aircraft 12:30 p.m. Ar. Russell (Plane will continue on to Wichita with passengers Pat Roberts and possibly Jack Brier) NOTE : President Reagan arrives Kansas Thursday, Sept. 9 - - 10:20 a.m. in Topeka for helo to Manhattan, arriving there at 10:47. Speak at K-State at 11:15, with 11:45 return helo to Topeka, for 12:35 arrival at GOP fundraiser at Ramada Inn. UNCLASSIFIED CIRCLE ONE BELOW IMMEDIATE (circled) PRIORITY ROUTINE CLASSIFICATION MODE DACOM.# (handwritten) 09 DEX # TTY # PAGES (handwritten) 19 RELEASER (handwritten) G.W. DTG (handwritten) 0800152 SEP 82 FROM/LOCATION/ 1. (handwritten) LYNN MORGAN Persas Adn Washington TO/LOCATION/TIME OF RECEIPT 1. (handwritten) Dan Morris PRESOS Adn Manhattan, Kansas 2. (handwritten) TOR: 0800502 SEP 82 3. 4. INFORMATION ADDEES/LOCATION/TIME OF RECEIPT 1. 2. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/REMARKS: (following is handwritten) Please notify upon receipt and delivery. UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION Page 1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 7:45 a.m. Press plane departs Andrews AFB en route Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas. GUEST AND STAFF INSTRUCTIONS 7:45 a.m. Vans for staff not manifested on Marine One depart West Basement. Proceed to Air Force One and board. 8:15 a.m. Those with own transportation should be at Andrews AFB, Base Operations Building. 8:20 a.m. Those manifested on Marine One should proceed to South Lawn. 8:25 a.m. THE PRESIDENT proceeds to South Lawn for Marine One boarding. PHOTO COVERAGE Sec AIRCRAFT SEATING DIAGRAMS section for Marine One manifest. 8:30 a.m. Marine One departs South Lawn en route Andrews AFB. Flight Time: 15 mins. 8:45 a.m. Marine One arrives Andrews AFB. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED ARRIVAL THE PRESIDENT proceed to board Air Force One. See AIRCRAFT SEATING DIAGRAMS section for Air Force One manifest. 8:50 a.m. EDT Air Force One departs Andrews AFB en route Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas. Flight Time: 2 hrs., 30 mins. Time Change: - 1 hr. Food Service: Breakfast Press plane arrives Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas. 10:20 a.m. CDT Air Force One arrives Forbes Field, Air National Guard Ramp. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED ARRIVAL See Tab A for arrival diagram. Page 2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 THE PRESIDENT deplanes and proceeds to Marine One. GUEST AND STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Those manifested proceed to assigned helicopter. Staff not manifested proceed to van for departure en route Ramada Inn Downtown. 10:27 a.m Marine One departs Forbes Field en route Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. See AIRCRAFT SEATING DIAGRAMS section for Marine One, Nighthawk Two and Three manifest. Flight Time: 30 mins. 10:57 a.m. Marine One arrives Kansas State University Stadium landing zone. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED ARRIVAL See Tab B for diagram. THE PRESIDENT deplanes. Met by: Gov. Alfred Landon Sen. Nancy Kassebaum THE PRESIDENT proceeds to motorcade for boarding. GUEST AND STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Those manifested in motorcade proceed to assigned vehicles and board immediately. All others will be escorted to event site viewing area. 11:02 a.m. THE PRESIDENT departs K. S.U. Stadium en route Ahearn Field House and Gymnasium. Drive Time: 3 mins. MOTORCADE ASSIGNMENTS Lead D. Morris Spare D. Fischer L. Speakes Page 3 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 Limo THE PRESIDENT Gov. A. Landon Sen. N.Kassenbaum J. Baker Follow-up Control M. Deaver Military Aide Dr. D. Ruge Security 1I Support E. Hickey M. McManus W. Henkel Ofcl. Photogr. 11:05 a.m. THE PRESIDENT arrives Ahearn Field House and Gymnasium. proceeds inside. Met by: Gov. John Carlin (D-Kansas) Dr. Duane Acker, President, Kansas State University See Tab C for gymnasium diagram. CLOSED PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED ARRIVAL THE PRESIDENT proceeds to holding room. THE PRESIDENT departs holding room en route off-stage announcement area. Ruffles and Flourishes Announcement (off-stage) "Hail to the Chief" 11:10 a.m. THE PRESIDENT proceeds dais and is seated. Gov. Carlin makes brief remarks. Dr. Acker makes brief remarks and introduces THE PRESIDENT. 11:15 a.m. THE PRESIDENT makes remarks. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE LIVE LOCAL TELEVISION 11:35 a.m. THE PRESIDENT concludes remarks and remains at podium. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 Page 4 Mr. Bill Rogenmoser, President, K.S.U. Student Body presents gift of saddle blanket to The President and Gov. Landon. THE PRESIDENT departs dais en route holding room. GUEST AND STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Those manifested in motorcade board assigned vehicles. All others will be escorted to helicopter landing zone. 11:45 a.m. THE PRESIDENT departs Ahearn Field House and Gymnasium en route K.S.U. Stadium. Drive Time : 3 mins. MOTORCADE ASSIGNMENTS Same as on arrival with the exception of : Sen. and Mrs. Dolo will move to Limo and Sen. Kassenbaum and Gov. Landon will remain at site. 11:48 a.m. THE PRESIDENT arrives K.S.U. Stadium landing zone and proceeds to board Marine One. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED DEPARTURE Refer to Tab B for diagram. See AIRCRAFT SEATING DIAGRAMS section for Marine One, Nighthawk II and III Press Helicopters manifests. 11:55 a.m. Marine One departs K.S.U. Stadium en route Billard Airport, Topeka, Kansas. Flight Time: 30 mins. 12:25 p.m. Marine One arrives Billard Airport, Topeka, Kansas. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED ARRIVAL See Tab D for diagram THE PRESIDENT deplanes and proceeds to board motorcade. 12:30 p.m. THE PRESIDENT departs Billard Airport en route Ramada Inn Downtown. Drive Time : 5 mins. Page 5 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 MOTORCADE ASSIGNMENTS Lead D. Morris Spare D. Fischer L. Speakes Limo THE PRESIDENT Sen. R. Dole E. Dole J. Baker Follow-up Control M. Deaver Military Aide Dr. D. Ruge Security II Support E. Hickey M. McManus W. Henkel Ofcl. Photogr. Staff I E. Rollins W. Sittmann Medic Guest I MC Jeffries MC Winn MC Wittaker Camera I Wire I Wire II Camera II Camera III Camera IV Press Van Guest/ Staff Van WHCA Ambulance Tail 12:35 p.m. THE PRESIDENT, accompanied by Sen. Dole, arrives Ramada Inn Downtown and proceeds to holding room. Page 6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 CLOSED PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED ARRIVAL See Tab E for hotel diagram. THE PRESIDENT, accompanied by Sen. Dole, arrives holding room. Met by: David Owens, Chairman, Kansas G.O.P. fundraiser Morris Kay, candidate for Congress Dan Thiessen, candidate for Lt. Gov. Sam Hardage, candidate for Governor OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ONLY Refer to Tab E for hotel diagram. 12:40 p.m. THE PRESIDENT, accompanied by Sen. Dole, departs holding room, proceeds to Forum Room, enters and 1 proceeds to dais. Attendees: 85 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ONLY Refer to Tab E. Mr. David Owens introduces THE PRESIDENT. 12:45 p.m. THE PRESIDENT makes brief remarks. 12:55 p.m. THE PRESIDENT concludes remarks and departs, accompanied by Sen. Dole, en route Regency Ballroom. 1:00 p.m. THE PRESIDENT, accompanied by Sen. Dole, arrives Regency Ballroom for G.O.P. luncheon. Announcement (off-stage) THE PRESIDENT, accompanied by Sen. Dole, proceeds to dais and takes seat. Attendees: 750 Mr. Owens makes welcoming remarks. 1:05 p.m. Lunch is served. 1:30 p.m. Sen. Dole makes brief remarks and introduces THE PRESIDENT. 1:35 p.m. THE PRESIDENT makes brief remarks. Page 7 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 EXPANDED POOL COVERAGE 1:45 p.m. THE PRESIDENT concludes remarks and proceeds to suite. 1:50 p.m. THE PRESIDENT arrives suite. 2:10 p.m. THE PRESIDENT departs suite en route motorcade for boarding. 2:15 p.m. THE PRESIDENT departs Ramada Inn Downtown en route Forbes Field. Drive Time: 15 mins. MOTORCADE ASSIGNMENTS Same as on arrival with the exception in Limo is THE PRESIDENT and J. Baker. 2:30 p.m. THE PRESIDENT arrives Forbes Field and proceeds to board Air Force One. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED DEPARTURE Refer to Tab A. See AIRCRAFT SEATING DIAGRAMS section for Air Force One manifest. GUEST AND STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Board Air Force One immediately. 2:35 p.m. Air Force One departs Forbes Field en route Hill AFB, CDT Utah. Flight Time: 2 hrs. 30 mins. Time Change: - 1 hr. Food Service: Lunch Press plane departs Forbes Field en route Hill AFB. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 Page 8 3:50 p.m. Press plane arrives Hill AFB, Utah. 4:05 p.m. MDT Air Force One arrives Hill Air Force Base, Utah. See Tab G for diagram. OPEN PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED ARRIVAL THE PRESIDENT deplanes. Met by: Major General Leo Marquez, Commander Ogden Air Logistics Center Brigadier General Stanton Musser, Vice- Commander, Ogden Air Logistics Center Colonel Joseph Battaglia, Commander, Hill AFB THE PRESIDENT proceeds to motorcade for boarding. GUEST AND STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Proceed immediately to motorcade and board. 4:10 p.m. THE PRESIDENT departs Hill AFB en route Ogden Hilton Hotel. Drive Time: 10 mins. MOTORCADE ASSIGNMENTS Lead J. Kuhn Spare L. Speakes D. Fischer Limo THE PRESIDENT J. Baker Follow-up Control M. Deaver Dr. Ruge Military Aide Security II Support E. Hickey M. McManus w. Henkel M. Evans Page 9 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 Staff I S. Studdert Medic Staff II Guest I Guest II Camera I C. Bakaly Wire I Wire II Camera II Camera III Camera IV Press Van M. Weinberg Guest/Staff Van All others WHCA Ambulance Tail 4:20 p.m. THE PRESIDENT arrives Ogden Hilton Hotel, 247 24th Street, and proceeds to 7th Floor. See Tab H for diagram. CLOSED PRESS COVERAGE CLOSED ARRIVAL Met on 7th Floor by: Clayton Wyman, General Manager, Ogden Hilton Hotel Dave Hartvigsen, Sales Director Vicki Maughan, Sales Manager OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ONLY THE PRESIDENT proceeds to Suite. GUEST AND STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Those staff with rooms on 7th Floor (see attached list) should proceed to 7th floor to pick up room keys. Page 10 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 All other staff and guests should proceed to staff office, Room 202/204, to pick up room keys. BAGGAGE WILL BE DELIVERED TO ROOMS. 4:55 p.m. THE PRESIDENT, escorted by Richard Richards, departs Suite en route Union-Pacific Room A for Western States Republican Chairman's meeting. 5:00 p.m. THE PRESIDENT, escorted by Richard Richards, arrives Union-Pacific Room A, 1st Floor, and proceeds to seat at table. See Tab I for diagram. Attendees: 25 PRESS POOL COVERAGE (beginning only -?) Richard Richards makes brief remarks and introduces THE PRESIDENT. 5:03 p.m. THE PRESIDENT makes brief remarks and commences question and answer session. OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ONLY -? 5:30 p.m. THE PRESIDENT concludes and returns to Suite. Evening Private dinner in Suite. REMAIN OVERNIGHT: Ogden Hilton Hotel TAB A THE TRIP OF THE PRESIDENT TO KANSAS September 9, 1982 Forbes Field Arrival/ Departure Diagram Marine One Nighthawk Three Nighthawk Two Air National Guard Base Operations Limo Air Force One Press Press Helicopter Press Plane KEY: THE PRESIDENT GUESTS/STAFF TAB B THE TRIP OF THE PRESIDENT TO KANSAS K.S.U. STADIUM LANDING ZONE September 9, 1982 Arrival/Departure Diagram Ahearn Field House Press Filing Center Limo Denison Avenue NH-3 M-1 West Stadium Press Helicopter I Press Helicopter II (to be pre-positioned for departure only) Denison Avenue Anderson Avenue 17th Street KEY: THE PRESIDENT PRESS GUESTS/STAFF TAB D THE TRIP OF THE PRESIDENT TO KANSAS B LLARD AIRPORT ARRIVAL September 9, 1982 Terminal Arrival Billard Airport Marine One Limo Parking Lot Nighthawk 2 Press Helicopters Nighthawk 3 Hanger TAB E THE TRIP OF THE PRESIDENT TO KANSAS RAMADA INN ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE September 9, 1982 Press Office To Ballroom Lower Lounge Press Filing Center Pool Stairs Pool Holding Point Limo Staff to 2nd Floor Staff Entrance Staff Entrance Jefferson Street Madison Street KEY: THE PRESIDENT PRESS GUESTS/STAFF SEATING DIAGRAM OF VH-3D MARINE ONE SOUTH LAWN to ANDREWS AFB FORBES FIELD to K.S.U. STADIUM K.S.U. STADIUM to BILLARD AIRPORT SEAT ASSIGNMENTS 1. J. Baker 2.THE PRESIDENT 3. 4. 5. Michael K. Deaver 6. David C. Fischer 7. Military Aide 8. 9. Larry Speakes 10. 11. Dr. D. Ruge 12. Edward V. Hickey 13. 14. 15. USSS 16. USSS VC137C- 27000 PASSENGER SEATING ARRANGEMENT FWD ENTRY AREA STATE ROOM 1 STATE ROOM 2 LOUNGE STAFF ROOM GUEST FWD PASS COMP ROW AFT PASSENGER COMPARTMENT & ENTRY AREA FWD ENTRY AFT ENTRY STATEROOM 1 1. THE PRESIDENT 2. 3. 4. 5. STATEROOM 2 1. 2. 3. 4. LOUNGE 1. M. DEAVER 2. 3. (handwritten) J.Baker 4. 5. (handwritten) W. Clark 6. 10 STAFF SEATS TABLE #1 1. L. SPEAKES 2. M. MCMANUS 3. W. SITTMANN 4. OFCL. PHOTOGR TABLE #2 1. D. FISCHER 2. MIL AIDE 3. E. HICKEY 4. DR. D. RUGE SECRETARIAL UNIT 1. S. MOORE 2. AF-1 STENO 8 GUEST SEATS ROW #1 A. Sen. R. Dole B. E. Dole C. MC Whittaker D. MC Jeffries ROW #2 A. MC Winn B. E. Rollos C. Sen. J. Garn D. Sen. O. Hatch (handwritten) R Richard (handwritten) M glasscock (handwritten) WSC? (handwritten) R.Richards 10 FWD PASS COMPARTMENT SEATS ROW #1 A. USSS B. C. D. E. ROW #2 A. USSS B. C. D. E. 16 AFT PASSENGER COMPARTMENT SEATS 1. USAF 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PRESS 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. AIR FORCE ONE ANDREWS AFB TO TOPEKA, KANSAS OPEN SEATING FROM: FORBES FIELD, KANSAS TO: K.S.U. STADIUM TO: BILLARD AIRPORT TO: NIGHTHAWK TWO MANIFEST 1. M. MCMANUS 2. W. HENKEL 3. W. SITTMANN 4. D. MORRIS 5. OFCL. PHOTOGR 6. USSS 7. USSS 8. USSS 9. USSS 10. USSS 11. USSS 12. USSS 13. USSS 14. USSS NIGHTHAWK THREE MANIFEST 1. Sen. R. Dole 2. E. DOLE 3. SEN. J. GARN 4. SEN. O. HATCH 5. E. ROLLINS 6. MC JEFFRIES 7. MC WINN 8. MC WHITTAKER 9. R. RICHARDS 10. S. MOORE 11. (handwritten) M.GLASSCOCK 12. 13. 14. PRESS HELICOPTER 1. M. WEINBERG 2. R.KUONEN 3. WHCA AUDIO 4. WHTV 5. WHTV 6. USSS 7. PRESS 8. " 9. " 10. " 11. " 12. " 13. " 14. " 15. " 16. PRESS 17. " 18. " 19. " 20. " 21. " 22. " 23. " 24. " 25. " 26. " 27. " 28. " 29. " 30. " VC137C- 27000 PASSENGER SEATING ARRANGEMENT FWD ENTRY AREA STATE ROOM 1 STATE ROOM 2 LOUNGE STAFF ROOM GUEST ROW FWD PASS COMP ROW AFT PASSENGER COMPARTMENT & ENTRY AREA FWD ENTRY AFT ENTRY STATEROOM 1 1. THE PRESIDENT 2. 3. 4. 5. STATEROOM 2 1. 2. 3. 4. LOUNGE 1. M. DEAVER 2. 3. (handwritten) J. BAKER 4. 5. (handwritten) W. CLARK 6. 10 STAFF SEATS TABLE #1 1. L. SPEAKES 2. M. McManus 3. W. SITTMANN 4. HENKEL TABLE #2 1. D. FISCHER 2. MIL. AIDE 3. E. HICKEY 4. DR. D. RUGE SECRETARIAL UNIT 1. S. MOORE 2. AF 1 STENO 8 GUEST SEATS ROW #1 A. SEN O HATCH B. (handwritten) POLITICAL AFFAIRS C. SEN J GARN D. ROW #2 A. (handwritten) M GLASSCOCK B. C. D. (handwritten) NSC? 10 FWD PASS COMPARTMENT SEATS ROW #1 A. USSS B. C. D. E. ROW#2 A.USSS B. C. D. E. 16 AFT PASSENGER COMPARTMENT SEATS 1. USAF 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PRESS 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 15. 16. AIR FORCE ONE TOPEKA, KANSAS to OGDEN, UTAH VC137C- 27000 PASSENGER SEATING ARRANGEMENT FWD ENTRY AREA STATE ROOM 1 STATE ROOM 2 LOUNGE STAFF ROOM GUEST ROW FWD PASS COMP ROW AFT PASSENGER COMPARTMENT & ENTRY AREA FWD ENTRY AFT ENTRY STATEROOM 1 1. THE PRESIDENT 2. 3. 4. 5. STATEROOM 2 1. 2. 3. 4. LOUNGE 1. M. DEAVER (crossed out) 2. 3. J. BAKER 4. 5. (handwritten) W. CLARK 6. 10 STAFF SEATS TABLE #1 1. L. SPEAKES 2. M. MCMANUS 3. S. STUDDERT 4. W. HENKEL TABLE #2 1. D.FISCHER 2. MILITARY AIDE 3. E. HICKEY 4. DR. D. RUGE SECRETARIAL UNIT 1. S. MOORE 2. AF - 1 STENO 8 GUEST SEATS ROW #1 A. W. SITTMANN B. OFCL. PHOTO C. (handwritten) (POLITICAL) D. (handwritten) (R. RICHARDS) ROW #2 A. MARK WEINBERG B. EDDIE SERRANO C. (handwritten) NC D. (handwritten) NC (handwritten) NSC? (handwritten) M.GLASSCOCK 10 FWD PASS COMPARTMENT SEATS ROW #1 A. USSS B. C. D. E. ROW #2 A. USSS B. C. D. E. 16 AFT PASSENGER COMPARTMENT SEATS 1. USAF 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PRESS 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. AIR FORCE ONE OGDEN AFB to ANDREWS AFB (following page is crossed out) SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 8:15 a.m. (No later than.) Arrive Andrews AFB. 8:45 a.m. Depart Andrews AFB via Air Force One 10:20 a.m. Arrive Topeka. Transport via Marine One helo to Manhattan 11:15 a.m. President's Remarks -- Kansas State University, Ahearn Field House and Gymnasium, Manhattan (20 minutes' remarks) Helo back to Topeka 12:35 p.m. Arrive Ramada Inn Downtown for GOP Major Donors' Reception 2:05 p.m. Depart Forbes AFB 5:40 p.m. Arrive Andrews AFB (Met in Distinguished Visitors Lounge by Andy) (handwritten) All Changed 9/7/82 (Reagan going on to Utah from Kansas and had to get Senator out afternoon of the 7th for Keith Sebelius's funeral a.m. of 8th) SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR BOB DOLE Tuesday, September 7 3:32 p.m. Lv. Washington National via TWA 391 (First Class - Seat 1C) 5:00 p.m. Arrive Kansas City International Airport Met by: Chris, driver for BMA Insurance (Contact: Helen Shubert, Bill Grant's secretary: 816/753-8000 Home : 913/432-5375) Chris will drive you to Kansas City Downtown Airport for departure from Executive Beechcraft Services via BMA airplane, Sabreliner, Tail #1909R 6:15 p.m. Approximate arrival, Hays, Kansas Met by: Kenny Dole RON: Russell Wednesday, September 8 (following appointment is crossed out) (handwritten) via State Trooper car - airports fogged in 9:00 a.m. Lv. Russell Airport via Piper Navajo, Tail #4085L Contact: Aircraft Services 913/825-6261 (Courtesy Dean Evans) Pilots: Ray Farmer & Max Pickering (handwritten) Hal Boyd 9:45 a.m. Arrive Norton Dean Evans arranging for someone to meet you and take you to funeral services 10:00 a.m. Funeral Services, Congressman Keith Sebelius (handwritten) UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - WEST SIDE OF TOWN. 12:00 noon (Approx.) Lv. Norton via Aircraft Services aircraft 12:30 p.m. (crossed out) Ar. Russell (handwritten) TOPEKA (Plane will continue on to (crossed out) Wichita (handwritten) K.C. with passengers Pat Roberts (crossed out) and possibly Jack Brier) NOTE : President Reagan arrives Kansas Thursday, Sept. 9 - - 10:20 a.m. in Topeka for helo to Manhattan, arriving there at 10:47. Speak at K-State at 11:15, with 11:45 return helo to Topeka, for 12:35 arrival at GOP fundraiser at Ramada Inn. (handwritten) Sept. 9 - Return to DC via BMA plane. Page One SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13-19, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MONDAY 9/13 8:30 am Walter Reed Dental appointment 576-1821 Mrs Posey 12:00 pm 444 N. Capitol (Amer Hosp Assn) SPEAK - off-the-cuff for MILLICENT FENWICK Amer. Hosp Assn 12:45 DuPont Plaza Hotel SPEAK - luncheon-Natl Interrelig. Task Force (following appointment is crossed out) 1:00 2228 DSOB SUBCTE IMMIG & REFUGEE (Refugee Reauth. Act) 2:30 Sen. Ofc. Interview w/Elizabeth Drew 3:00 2219 NSOB Mtg. on Tuition Tax Credit (Phil M. & Don Susswein sit in) 4:00 Sen. Floor Vote on Debt Limit 4:15 Sen. Ofc. MTG. W/KS. SAVINGS & LOAN LEAGUE MEMBERS (4) 4:00 OFF SEN. FLOOR Rm. 110 PHOTO W/LIZ ROBBINS FOR STORY ON HER IN U.S. NEWS 6:00 236 Mass Ave., N.E. Yorktown Rm Live appearance on KARD-TV, Wichita 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. RECEPTION by Distilled Spirits Council 6-8:00 Cap Hill Club FR RECEPTION for Senator Weicker 6:30-7:30 345 Cannon HOB Caucus Room RECEPTION & DINNER by Cable TV Industry (Invitees only - no staff) 737-3220 7-8:00 4 Seasons Hotel LePetit Champs Rm FR RECEP & DINNER for Senator Chafee (Senator a co-host) TUESDAY 9/14 8:30 (handwritten) Dewey Rm, Plaza Level Stouffer's Inn Arlington, VA SPEAK -- Natl Assn of Med. Equipmt Suppliers Dan Bourne Ph: 979-6800x7138 9:45 (handwritten) 2300 NSOB Mtg. w/Thurmond prior to 10:00 a.m. Exec. 10:00 2228 DSOB JUD CTE (Cte Business) 11:00 2219 NSOB Interview- Irving R. Levine, CBS - TV taping 11:30 Sen. Ofc. Senator Griffin (handwritten)(822-9333) - Jim Schoener (S.995- Doug) 11:45 S-230 CAP. Wkly Mtg. CHMN Cte's 12:30 pm S-207, Cap. LUNCHEON MTG - Repub. Pol. Cte. 43835 2:30 Sen. Ofc. Dr. Sakoh & Shinya Totsuka, Sen. from Japan (Claud sit in) 5:30-7:30 B-339 RHOB RECEP - A. F. Assn "Salute to Congress" Jack Cletus Pottebaun (Wichita) 6-8:00 318 OSOB Caucus Rm RECEP for "American Character" radio series hosted by Sen/Mrs Thurmond, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale & Rand Araskog (SENATORS ONLY) Page Two SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13-19, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT WED. 9/15 (handwritten) cancelled 8:00 AM H-236, Capitol (crossed out) BREAKFAST by Wichita State for Cong. Delegation Randy, Scott & Chris 9:30-10:15 GOP Leadership Mtg. (Sen. & House) w/Pres. - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W. Gate) on agenda for balance of Session 9:30 2228 DSOB JUD CTE (S.2482, Trademark Counter- feiting Act of 1982) 10:00 2221 NSOB FINANCE COMM. - mark-up - Tuition Tax Credit 10:00 324 OSOB AG. CTE (FIFRA Markup) 11:00 Sen. Ofc MEETING w/N.W. KS Educational Svc Center Randy (handwritten) CANCELLED 12:05 TRIANGLE BY CAP. ARR. FOR 12:10 TAPING OT "TAKE TWO" BY CNN (10 MIN.) 12:00 S-211, Cap. LUNCHEON, hon. Yoram Aridor, Fin. Min. Israel (will try) MARYLOU 48109 12:20 MTG. W/JIMMIE DEAN & ED JAENKE 12:30-2 S-120, Cap. LUNCHEON, STEER. CTE. HELEN 45597 (following appointment is handwritten) 1:30 Sen. Ofc. Tom Johnson 2:00 pm 324 OSOB AG.CTE (FIFRA MARKUP) 2:00 2228 DSOB JUD. CTE (PDG. NOMINATIONS) 2:30-3:00 Sen. Ofc. Michael Meldon w/4 Eagles (Dennis Bradford, Vernon Pellow, Stephen Jernigan and David Barry) 484-6730 (handwritten) CANCELLED (following appointment is crosse out) 3:00 H-208 CAP. Conf. on H.R. 4717 (following appointment is handwritten) 5:00 VOTE- cloture motion on Helms amend (Mrs Ayers) 5-7:00 S-207 Cap RECEP. by Amer. Textile Mfrs Inst. 862-0521 5-8 Cap. Reflecting Pool Recep. by USA TODAY 5-7:00 401 M St., S.W. Rm 1200 W. Tower RECEP. by EPA Ed 382-4700 5-7:00 B-354 RHOB RECEP. honoring Tip O'Neill & Bob Michel by Amer. League of Lobbyists 466-7980 5:30-7:30 B-339 RHOB RECEP. by Amer. Chiropractic Assn Sheila Burke 276-8800 (handwritten) CANCELLED (following appointment is crossed out) 6-? Hyatt Reg. FR RECEP. for Jim Collins (Sen co-host) 6:30-8:30 Post 9th Flr 1150 15th, NW RECEP. on publication of Lou Cannon's book, Reagan 6:30-8:30 Georgetn Club FR RECEP for Clint Roberts, S. DAK. (Sen co-host) 7:30-9:30 G. Mason U. (old Kanns) Arlington Frank Wolf Kick-Off Campaign SPEAK - Institutional Investors Institute - mt. Vernon Pm. Sat. Vernon Pm. 8:00 PM Madison Hotel (handwritten) Mt. Vernon Rm SPEAK - Institutional Investors Institute Page Three SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13-19, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT THURSDAY Sept. 16 8:30 am Shoreham Hotel Ambassador Rm. SPEAK - Breakfast Mtg. - Natl Black Repub. Council LeGree Daniels 484-7628 9:30 Hyatt Reg. SPEAK - Sav. Bank Assn of N.Y. 9:30 S-230 Cap Mtg. of Senate GOP Leadership (re lame duck Session on Soc.Sec.) 9:30 (handwritten) 1318 OSOB (crossed out) 2221 NSOB HEALTH SUBC. (Hosp. Reimb.) 10:00 324 OSOB AG. CTE (FIFRA Markup) 10:15 2221 NSOB Finance - Exec. (Tuition tax credit) 10:30 2228 DSOB JUD. CTE. (S.2784, Major League Sports Commission Prot. Act.) (following appointment is handwritten) Tent. 11:30 Ko. Bankers mtg. 2:00 H-208 Cap. Conf. on H.R. 4717 2:00 pm 2228 DSOB JUD CTE (S.J.Res. 199, Voluntary Prayer Constit. Amendment) 2:00 324 OSOB AG CTE (FIFRA Markup) 2:15 S-207 Cap. Receive "Watchdog of Treasury Award" (If can't do call Tuckie Bartlett, Mr. Koch ofc) 337-9413 5:30-7:30 345 CHOB RECEP, by Am. Assn of School Adminis. Randy 528-0700 x236 5:30-7:30 Wash. Hilton RECEP by Natl Governors Assn 6-8:30 The Sequoia-Hains Pt. Dockside (boat will be stationary) recep. by insurance companies 7:00 Hyatt Reg. (handwritten) Columbia "C" Rm. RECEP & DINNER by KS Bankers Assn. FRIDAY 9/17 8-9:30 am Suite 1100 1875 I St., NW SPEAK (on record) L.A. Times BREAKFAST Jack Nelson 293-4650 10:30 Sen. Ofc. Peter Brown, Scripps-Howard (on Soc. Sec.) 10:00 5110 DSOB SUBCTE SEP. POWERS (Taiwan Communique..) 10:45 Sen. Ofc Dick Ryan, Detroit News. (for WICHITAN Mag.) - Dole profile 11:00 Sen. Ofc. Bob L. & Mark McC. - re Press Club Speech 11:45 Sen. Ofc. ; Wilbur Mills 12:45 Sen. Ofc. June Koch, HUD - 755 6480 1:30 Sen. Ofc. Bob Ball, former Soc. SEc. Commissioner 4:00 " " Photo w/Howie Wilson (Finance) 4:30 " " John Sears - Sen. Ofc. (re Manville bankruptcy-w/Pete & Doug) 6:30-? Intl Inn Thomas Circle (Poolside) RECEP by Repub. Nat1 Hispanic Assembly (Sen. w/be honored along w/other Members) Fernanco Oaxaca 213-559-2727 8:00 F St. Club DINNER for the Pfligers (Black tie) 423-4028 Mrs. Hendricks (following appointment is handwritten) 7:30 Don Penny's home THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1982 TO: SENATOR FM: WALT RE: NATIONAL PRESS CLUB SPEECH DATE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1982. PLACE: HOTEL WASHINGTON : 15th AND PENNSYLVANIA ARRIVAL TIME: NOON. YOU WILL BE MET ON THE 15th STREET SIDE OF HOTEL. RECEPTION: YOU WILL BE ESCORTED TO THE RECEPTION ON THE MEZZANINE. RECEPTION TIMES: 12-12:20 PM. 12:20 PM: RECEPTION GUESTS HEAD TO BALLROOM. 12:25 PM: HEADTABLE GUESTS LEAVE FOR HEADTABLE. 12:26 PM: SENATOR REMAINS BEHIND FOR A PICTURE WITH THE PRESS CLUB PRESIDENT. 12:30 PM: LUNCH BEGINS IN BALLROOM. 12:45 PM: H.L. MENCKEN AWARD, PRESENTED BY BALTIMORE SUN. WINNER IS DAVID C. ROSSIE OF THE BINGHAMTON PRESS. 1 PM: INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR BY VIVIAN VAHLBERG, PRESS CLUB PRESIDENT. 1:05 PM: SPEECH BEGINS. 1:30 PM: SPEECH ENDS. 1:30 - 1:57 PM: Q&A SESSION - - VAHLBERG WILL READ QUESTIONS FROM AUDIENCE. QUESTIONS ARE PRESCREENED AND ORDERED BY TOPIC. 2 PM: NATIONAL PRESS CLUB FUNCTION OVER. FACTS: 1) MEDIA: THE SPEECH WILL BE CARRIED LIVE BY NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO TO 280 STATIONS, AND TAPED FOR REBROADCAST BY C-SPAN TELEVISION FOR 1200 CABLE TV SYSTEMS ACROSS THE COUNTRY. EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL OTHER MEDIA, INCLUDING KANSAS PRESS CORPS. 2) PREVIOUS SPEAKER (FRIDAY, SPEPTEMBER 16th): PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT MARCOS. 3) NEXT INVITED SPEAKER: ALLEN NEUHARTH, CHAIRMAN GANNETT - - USA TODAY. CONTACTS: VIVIAN VAHLBERG, PRESIDENT : 737-6699 STAN COHEN, HEAD OF SPEAKER'S BUREAU: 638-5300. NATIONAL PRESS CLUB GENERAL NUMBER: 737-2502. ITINERARY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1982 (handwritten) Seats 8 - Lear Jet 25D Tail N212NE White w/ green + beige stripes Captain: Ron Stoltzaus Co Pilot: Bill Hogan 4:15 p.m. Senators Stevens, Dole, Percy, Packwood, Mathias and Thurmond depart Dulles Airport, Page Airways by Northeast Jet Company charter, lear jet 25 (tail number to be furnished on Friday) . (Assume everyone will get himself to airport so as to have car for return later this evening.) 5:15 p.m. Arrive St. Louis Midcoast Aviation (314) 427-7060 Senators will be met by Senator Danforth 5:20 p.m. Senators will be transported to the Bauernhof in a motor home provided by Mr. Busch. Wiley Harrell and Rick Keating of Anheuser Busch's Washington office will be on board. 6:00 p.m. JCD & Senators arrive at the Bauernhof Apartment for a press conference. Contact No. at the Bauernhof for the evening will be (314) 843-1700 6:30 p.m. Press Conference ends There will be food and drink here. The Senator's will have an opportunity to freshen up. They should eat here since it will be difficult for them to eat once they arrive at the Bauernhof. Mr. Busch and host couples will meet with JCD and the Senators 7:00 p.m. Senators and their host couples will enter the Bauernhof. From 7:00 p.m. until 8:15 p.m. the duty of the host couples is to ensure that their Senator meets as many people as possible. 8:15 p.m. Senators will be ushered to the stage. 8:20 p.m. Program begins. Senators seated in chairs on either side of the podium. August A. Busch III will welcome attendees, thank ticket sellers and introduce Senator Danforth. 8:25 p.m. Senator Danforth will make brief remarks and introduce his guests. 8:30 p.m. Each Senator will make brief remarks about the importance of Danforth's re-election. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 (continued) If there is time, August Busch will take questions from the audience for the Senators. 9:00 p.m. August Busch will indicate that the Senators must leave for a scheduled flight back to Washington, D. C. JCD and other Senators will depart the Bauernhof through the exit at rear of stage. The Senators will be transported to the Motor Home for transportation to the airport. (JCD will be driven directly to Lambert Field by Craig Kilby) 9:45 p.m. Senators arrive Midcoast Aviation. 10:00 p.m. Wheels up for Washington, D. C. (Danforth will not return to D.C. at this time.) 12:30 p.m. Arrive Dulles, Page Airways MEMORANDUM September 24, 1982 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ED DUCKERS RE: UPDATE ON DANFORTH CAMPAIGN OPPONENT - HARRIET WOODS Woods was a radio and television producer. She was elected to the State Senate in 1972 from the University City area of St. Louis. She has been active in the State Senate since then. She is described as a "liberal, activist urban politician." During the campaign she has played on the fact that she is a woman to stress her commitment and sensitivity to the poor and senior citizens. ISSUES The major issue is, of course, the economy. Woods is attacking "Reaganomics" and emphasizing unemployment. Woods has started to make Danforth's personal wealth an issue, claiming that his wealth causes him to be insensitive towards the less fortunate. Woods is also attacking Danforth for his votes on Social Security -- particularly the minimum benefit -- and for his committee votes on Medicare. She links this to her own sensitivity to the under- privileged and Danforth's insensitivity. OUTLOOK Danforth's polls indicate that the voters still feel positive about President Reagan and when reminded that it took 20 years to get in the mess we're in, the polls indicate voters still want to give the program a chance. Danforth estimates that he has lost 50,000 to 60,000 votes because Woods is a woman. Polls show steady erosion in Danforth's lead, however he still has a margin in the mid-teens. They expect the campaign to get very negative and dirty in the last month as Woods attacks Danforth's wealth, votes on Social Security, etc. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20-26, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MON., 9/20 12:20 pm Mezz. Level Hotel Wash. SPEAK, Recep. /Lunch - H.L. Mencken Award - PRESS CLUB 2:00 pm 6226 NSOB JUD. CTE. (S.2784, Maj. League Sports Comm. Prot. Act) 2-6:00 2172 RHOB MEETING, Natl. Comm. on Soc. Security Reform 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. FR RECEP for Sen. Hatch (Sen. co-host) 484-5525 6:30-8:00 V.P.'s home RECEPTION - Inner Circle TUES., 9/21 8:30 am Hyatt Reg. Columbia "A" SPEAK - Natl Mass Retailing Instit 1013 457-1000 Gov Peabody 9:15 EF-100 Cap. Canton, Ohio Chamber members visiting Rep. Regula - SPEAK 9:30 324 OSOB FOR. AG. POLICY SUBC. (exports of Textily Hause processed value-added prods.) (following appointment is handwritten) 10:30 2795 RHOB Testify House (illegible) (following appointment is crossed out) 10:30 2228 NSOB JUD. CTE. (pdg cte bus) (following appointment is handwritten) 11:00 S-230 Cap mtg . w/ Sen. Baker Between 11 & 12 424 OSOB SPEAK - Lockheed Constituent Relations Seminar (30 min) 11:45 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 1:30 S-206 Cap. Mtg. w/Thurmond, A. G. Smith, Dep. A. G. Jonathon Rose Holly x47742 2:30 Sen. Floor Clutore Vote on Helms School Prayer Amend. (15-20 min.) 2:00 2219 NSOB Tape 20/20 3-4:30 Regency A Rm-Hyatt Reg. Pres. spkg. in behalf of Dave Emery × 4235 (following appointment is handwritten) 3:30 2228 NSOB Judiciary - (illegible) 5:30-7:30 203 Maryland Ave, NE FR Recep. for Paul Pfeifer, Ohio Sen. Cand-home of Jack Ferguson 7:15-8:45 Bolivian Emb. 3012 Mass. Ave. N.W. Dinner (Hispanic event) 7:30 Cap. Hilton M.C. dinner for John Rhodes 7:00 pm 245 OSOB RECEP by Harry Byrd for FIN. CTE. STAFF 7-9:00 3322 O St. NW FR RECEP for John Heinz Loredana 48710 Page Two SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20-26, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT WED., 9/22 9:30 am 301 OSOB RULES CTE (Pdg legis & admin. bus) 10-12 2221 NSOB FIN. CTE. (tech. corr & Subchapt. S) 12:30-2:00 pm S-120 Cap. STEERING CTE. LUNCHEON 2:00 2228 NSOB JUD. CTE. (nominations) 2-5:00 S-205 Cap. Presentation of "GUARDIAN OF SMALL BUS. AWARD" & photos Caro1 554-9000 2:30 (handwritten) S-207 Cap. (crossed out) 457 OSOB SPEAK - off-cuff to Biden supporters 45042/40122 Marianne 3:30 Sen. REC.Studio NEW YORK TIMES on tax equity (1 hr.) 5:30-7:30 318 OSOB RECEPTION - Natl Assn of Rehab Facilities (Kansans attending) Randy/Chris 6-8:00 Cap Hill Club FR RECEPTION for Cong. Bud Hillis (Sen. co-host) 6-8:00 City Tavern Club 3206 M St, NW FR RECEP. for Robin Beard Susan 546-4028 (following appointment is handwritten) 7:30 - 8:15 Recep - Great Hall - 14th St (illegible) (handwritten) 8:15-9:00 Commerce Dept WICK event "Save Commerce Dept. Aquarium" EMCEE (following appointment is handwritten) 9-10:00 Dinner Program - down one flight THURS., 9/23 (following appointment is handwritten) 8:30 2221 NSOB Tax (illegible) - (misc tax bills) 9:30 am 2228 NSOB CRIMINAL LAW SUBC (purchase of prison-made products) 9:30 2172 RHOB HELSINKI COMM. Hearing (assassination attempt on Pope) 10:00 H-208 Cap. Conf. on H.R. 4717 Testify- Budget (following appointment is handwritten) Tent 10:30 Testify - Budget Comm. 12:00 Cloture Vote on Helms Prayer Amend. 3:30 S-116 Cap. Working coffee mtg. w/Pieter Dankert, Pres. , European Parliament 4:00 S-206 Cap. Sen/House Judiciary Leadership - mtg. on Judgeship & Bankruptcy bills 6-8:00 318 OSOB RECEP by Natl Assn Private Psychiatric Hosp. (Sheila) 393-6700 6-8:00 1015 -18th St-11th Fl. FR Recep. for Cong. Hellenbeck 6-8:00 Sheraton-Carlton RECEPTION for Pete Wilson 42351 7-9:00 Motion Picture Assn 1600 I St., NW RECEPTION & Preview of "Closeups"(new film)(Sen.-co-host) 892-5400 (handwritten) 293-1967 Page Three SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20-26, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT FRI., 9/24 9:30 Satellite News Network taping - Conf. Rm. - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 am 2228 NSOB COURTS SUBC. 10:30 2221 NSOB Finance Comm. - Exec. - tech. corr & Subch. S) 11:00 (crossed out) S-205 Cap. (handwritten)Sen. ofc. SIGNING CEREMONY (Cooperative agreement betw. AID & KU Med. Center)-nutritional anemia (following appointment is handwritten 3:30 Judy Therapy SAT., 9/25 3:30 pm St. Louis departure for Danforth event in St. Louis, MO. (Sen. Danforth's office providing details) SUN., 9/26 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF SEPT. 27 - OCT. 3, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MON. 9/27 9:00 am Sen. Ofc Ralph Nader Magazine (15 min.)-Tyler Bridges 9:30 Exec. Rm 2219 PBS Nightly Business Report T.V. (10 min.)-Kim Kuntz 10:00 Sen. Ofc. N.Y. Times/Nat1 Journal, Tim Clarke (20 min.) 10:30 Sen. Ofc. Dunn's Business Month, Dole Profile - Ann Riley (20min.) 1:00 pm Triangle East side of Cap. CNN Interview (5-10 min.) 1:30 Sen. Ofc. Bill Pierce, Dan Huber & Rob Johnson, Cargill (US/USSR trade) 2:00 2221 NSOB Pensions Subc. 6:00 224 OSOB Initiation of Vic Sherlock into KAPPA SIG (RECEPTION follows at 7:00) (Sen.) 7:30 Jockey Club DINNER w/Mr./Mrs. Bryce Harlow TUES. 9/28 9:00 am 2221 NSOB FIN. CTE. (Flat-Rate tax) 10:30 2228 NSOB JUDICIARY (Comm. bus) 11-11:30 6226 NSOB SPEAK (Jaycettes nat1 group) 80 people (on tax) 11:45 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN'S MTG 12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 2221 NSOB FINANCE COMM. - Exec. (tech. corr. & Subch. S) 5-7:00 Cap Hill Club RECEP for Cissy Baker by Sen. Baker & Bob Michel 6-7:00 Cap Center F.R. - Pascale Matt Boland 457-0853 home 652-3030 7:30-8:00 4 Seasons (handwritten) Dumbarton Rm. F.R. - DINNER Sen. Schmitt (host table) Page Two SEN. DOLE'S SCHEDULE WEEK OF SEPT. 27 - OCT. 3, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT WED. 9/29 8:15 am Hyatt Reg. Everglades Rm SPEAK - Am. Bus. Conf. (use glass elevator to 2nd Floor) Trish Jeffers 822-9300 9:00 S-227 Cap. (Michel's ofc) MTG w/Members from Grain States (John G.) 9:00 S-205 Cap. RULES CTE. 10:00 2221 NSOB FIN. CTE. (Flat-Rate tax) 10:00 324 OSOB AG. CTE. (Nominations) 10:00 2228 NSOB JUD. CTE. (S-2784-Maj. League Sports Comm. Prot. Act) 10:00 450 OEOB Signing of U.S./Egyptian Bilateral Investment Treaty (Claud) Dan McGuire 395-3406 12-2:00 Cap. Hill Club LUNCHEON by Mainstream (Ed) 12:30-2:00 S-120 Cap. LUNCHEON, Steering Cte. Helen 45597 1:30 2221 NSOB INT'L TRADE SUBC. (import relief for steel industry) 1-6:30 1202 NSOB EXHIBIT of advanced systems to aid handicapped (Ed) 2:00 2228 NSOB JUD. CTE. (nominations) (following appointment is handwritten) 4:30 Sen Offc. Allen Balch 5-7:00 318 OSOB N.Y. State Farm Harvest RECEPTION by D'Amato 6-7:00 EF-100 Cap. RECEPTION by Sen. Brady for key GOP officials in N.J. Jean 4744 6-9:00 S-207 Cap. RECEPTION celebrating publication of Illust. Life of Christ from Nat1 Gallery Collection (Sen. Baker & Cong. Boner) 466-8225 6-8:00 Folger Library 201 E. Cap. St. F.R. RECEPTION for Dave Durenberger 544-5800 (Sen. a co-host) 6-8 Hyatt Regency (handwritten) Columbia "A" FR Recep. for Larry Hogan 6-8:00 Sheraton Carlton Crystal Room F.R. RECEPTION for Trible (Sen. a co-host) Page Three SEN. DOLE'S SCHEDULE WEEK OF SEPT. 27 - OCT. 3, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT THURS. 9/30 8:30 am Cap. Hilton Congres. Rm. (handwritten) Go to drive entrance SPEAK - Health Forum 9:30 Sen. Ofc. Lyn Nofziger & Pierre Talenti (following appointment is handwritten) 9:50 Sen ofc. or 2219 NSOB John McKinney & John (illegible) Corp 10:00 2221 NSOB FIN. CTE. (Flat-Rate tax) 11:00 S-116 Cap. Briefing by Israeli Amb. Moshe Ahrens -by For. Rel. X 47953 11 and 12:30 H-130 Cap. MTG. & LUNCH by Women's Jewish Fed. of Greater Kansas City (Randy) (following appointment is handwritten) 11:30 Sen. Ofc. Vera Glorer (10 min) on "People to Watch in 1983) 12-1:00 L'Enfant Plaza Hotel (handwritten) Degas Rm. (2nd Floor) PAC LUNCHEON by Sen Laxalt for Barbara Vucanovich (former NEV. staff member of Laxalt, running for Congress) Eileen 43542 2:15 (or following Ist vote after 2:00) - Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (noms) 5:30-7:30 345 CHOB RECEPTION by Mobay Chemical Corp. (Kansans attding) (Randy or Mike) 6-8:00 Cap Hill Club Eisen. Lounge RECEPTION for Larry Winn 52865 6-8:00 Sheraton Carlton Crystal Rm. RECEPTION by Am. Academy of Ophthalmology 737-6662 6:30-8:30 Hyatt Reg. Reg. Ballrm RECEPTION by Intl Assn Drilling Contractors (KSN.'s attdg) 7:30 L'Enfant Plaza Ballroom SPEAK (Power & Commun. Contractors) Mike Strother 484-8100 FRI. 10/1 7:15 am 2020 M St.NW CBS Morning News 7:30 Metro. Club BREAKFAST, James Evans, Ted Brophy, Bob Beck and Dr. Ruben Mettler Cathy 212-826-8205 8:00 Sheraton Carlton (handwritten) Chandelier Rm. F.R. BREAKFAST for Gene Knorr (Sen. co-host) (following appointment is handwritten) 9:15-9:40 Dept. Auditorium-Commerce SPEAK - Int'l Assn. of Drilling Contractors 10:00 Ch.of God in Christ Memorial Svc. for Sam Jackson - 1435 Park Rd., N.W. 2:00 V.P.Ofc.-Cap. Mtg. w/ Regan, Block & others on crisis in farm economy (John) 3:00 Nat'l Cts. Bldg. Inaugural Spec. Sess. of U.S. Ct. of Appeals -711 Madison Pl., NW (Pete) 6:30 & 7:15 Pentagon Room 3E880 (handwritten) River Entrance Stag Dinner for Japanese Min. of Def., Soichiro Ito by Sec'y Weinberger cocktails in Sec'ys ofc. at 6:30; dinner - 7:15 in room next of his ofc. (handwritten) Greta 697-7064 (handwritten) Regretted