SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 26 - AUGUST 1 MONDAY, JULY 26 2:45 Depart National Airport - Butler Aviation - enroute K.C. (for Danforth event) 4:15 Arr. K.C. Municipal Airport - Exec. Beechcraft 4:30 News Conference - Airport Lobby 4-6 Recep. by American Student Assn. - 318 OSOB (500 coll. students from across country) (handwritten) OK (typed) 7:30 Camp. Event for Danforth - Folly Theater - K. C. Mo (handwritten) (see attached) 12:30 Arr. Dulles - Page Terminal - TUESDAY, JULY 27 (11:00 handwritten, 9:30 crossed out) 11:00 9:30 Judiciary Comm. - (crossed out) 228 NSOB (handwritten) S-206 Cap. (typed) (Comm. business) (handwritten) did not do (typed) 10:00 Mtg. w/Pres & 17 Sens. on Bal. Budget Amend. - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W.Gate) 11:00 Malvina Stevenson, TULSA WORLD - Sen. Ofc. 11:30 Westinghouse TV Int. - outside S-206 Cap. 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 11:55 Mtg. w/Rostenkowski - H-208 Cap. 12:30 Mtg. w/Doug Bennett & Bob Neville, Pres., Nat'l Restaurant Assn. - Sen. Recep. Rm. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (2:00 handwritten, 1:30 crossed out) 2:00 1:30 Health Subc. - 2221 NSOB (alcohol treatment/Medicare) 4:30 Mtg. hosted by Baker & Laxalt w/12 Chrmn. & Pres. of large industries - S-230 Cap. 5:30 Jules Witcover interview - Sen. Ofc. 6-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Cable TV ASsn. - 2168 RHOB (Walt/Scott) WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 (9:00 handwritten, 9:30 crossed out) 9:00 9:30 Trade Subc. 2221 NSOB (sugar and coffee agreements) (handwritten) cancelled (following appointment crossed out) 10:00 Judiciary Comm. 2228 NSOB (insanity defense) 10:30 Interview - IRON AGE MAGAZINE, Editor Barry Le Cerf - Sen. Ofc. (economy, taxes, proifile 11:30-2:00 Hot Dog Buffet by Am. Meat Inst. - S-207 Cap. (John/Mark) (handwritten) Cancelled (following appointment crossed out) 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Noms.) 5:30-7:30 Victory Celebration on Voting Rights passage - 1202 NSOB Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of July 26 - August 1 Page 2. THURSDAY, JULY 29 8:00 Bkfst. by Comm. for a Responsible Federal Budget - EF-100 Cap. (Sen. only invited) (discuss Reconciliation & budget process) 8-9 Bkfst. by Nat'1 FFA - B-339 RHOB (Mike Torrey, Wamego & other Ksns) Mark S (9:00 handwritten, 8:45 crossed out) 9:00 8:45 Photo for WASHINGTONIAN MAG. - Cap. - Rotunda Steps. (Nunn, Baker (crossed out) & O'Neill also) 9:30 Finance Comm. 2221 NSOB (unempl. comp.) (handwritten) 10:00 Jordan Haines - Sen ofc. 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 SNOB (Const. Amend- Voluntary Prayer) (handwritten) 12:00 Gov. Milliken, MIch- Sen. Ofc (re: unempl. comp) 4:00 Mtg. w/Rostenkowski - H-157 Cap. 6-8 Recep. for "Columbia" astronauts (Tom Mattingly & Henry Hartsfield) - 1202 NSOB 7:30 White House Dinner - honoring P.M. Indira Gandhi - BLACK TIE (S.W. Gate) FRIDAY, JULY 30 10:00 Mtg. w/Conable - S-205 Cap. 11:30 Linwood Holton - off Floor 3:20 Arr. Nat'l Press Bldg. - 529 - 14th St., N.W. for 3:30 Taping \"FROM EDITOR'S DESK) 26-min. Q&A (Panel: Bob Bartley, Ed. WALL ST.J. & Michael Levitas ED., Sunday, N.Y. TIMES "WEEK IN REVIEW") (handwritten) Cancelled (following appointment crossed out) 3:30 Appt. - Dr. Coogler, Dental Clinic Walter Reed (576-1808) 5:55 p.m. Depart National - Piedmont # 315 6:45 p.m. Arr. Raleigh-Durham Airport SATURDAY, JULY 31 3:05 p.m. Depart Raleigh/Durham - Piedmont # 458 3:51 p.m. Arr. National SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 (blank) Page 1 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE -- WEEK OF AUGUST 2 - 8, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT 8/2 - Monday 9:00 2221 NSOB Finance Comm. (CBI) 10:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (insanity defense) 11:00 2213 NSOB Mtg. w/Coalition on Tuition Tax Credit (arr. by Eliz.) 1:00 2213 NSOB Interview - Ben Pfleiger & John Mushek- U.S. NEWS 4:00 252 Old EOB Mtg. w/Stockman, Chapotan, Donovan (w/Rod & Sydney) unempl. comp 5:30-6:30 S-207 Cap. RECEP. - Wildlife Legis. Fund Sen. only 6:00 2213 NSOB Mtg. w/Bob L., Mark, Sheila - health portion of tax bill 8/3 - Tuesday 10:00 1100 LHOB Tax Bill Conference 11:15 Off Sen. Floor Pat Healy, Milk Producers (w/John Gordley) 11:45 S-230 Cap. Chairmen's Meeting 12:30 S-207 Cap. Policy Luncheon 4:30-6:30 1202 NSOB Mich State Soc. Icecream Social Sen. only 5-7:00 Suite 208 7th & E, NW RECEPTION by Intl Trade Comm. CHMN Eckes (523-0155) (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club FR RECEPTION for Haley Barbour, Miss. cand. (Senator, CO-HOST) (handwritten) O.K (typed) 6-8:00 ROA Bldg. FR RECEP/BUFFET for Cong. Bill Dickinson Sen. only 6-8:00 Basement Rotunda CHOB RECEP. by General Mills (by invitation only) (52456) Page 2 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE, WEEK OF AUG. 2-8, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT 8/4 - Wednesday 9:30 1100 LHOB Tax Bill Conf. 10:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM (insanity defense) 12:30-2:00 S-207 Cap. Join Wed. Club & Steering Comm. Luncheon 2:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM (nominations) 3:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (pending Comm. business) 3-3:30 (handwritten) (N.W. Gate) (typed) Oval Ofc. - Wh. House Mtg. w/Pres., Dole, Baker, Stevens, Lott, Conable, Michel 4-4:30 Cabinet Rm. - Wh. House Mtg. w/Pres & full Senate & House Leadership 4:30-5 Oval Ofc. - W.House Mtg. w/Pres. & Long, Michel & Conable (handwritten) 5:30 S-224 Cap. 8/5 - Thursday 9:00 Satellite interview on tax bill - S-243 Cap. (Stevens' ofc.) (handwritten) - 2 min. (handwritten) cancelled (following appointment crossed out) 9:30 2221 NSOB FIN. COMM. (Social Sec. oversight) 10:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (malt beverage comp. act) 1:15 1100 LHOB Tax Bill Conf. 8/6 - Friday (8:00 crossed out, 10:00 handwritten) 8:00 10:00 Hyatt Reg. Cap. Hill SPEAK - Intl Platform Assn. 11:00 Pentagon Purple Heart Embossed Envelope Ceremony 1:00 2219 NSOB Nat'l Restaurant Assn, Am. Motel & Hotel Assn., Bob Juliano, etc. 1:15 Sen. Ofc. Bob McGlotten, Assoc.Dir., Legis. Dept.- AFL/CIO (637-5090 (handwritten) Cancelled (following appointment crossed out) 1-2:00 2221 NSOB Finance Comm.- Hrg. on CBI 2:00 S-224 Cap. Mtg. w/ Barber Conable 4:00 2221 NSOB SPEAK (10 min) off-cuff to Armenian Assembly Summer Interns 4:15 Conf. Rm. Phil Jones Interview 4:30 Sen. Ofc. Intern Photos 4:35 Sen. Ofc. Mtg. on Tax Bill Page 1 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE -- WEEK OF August 9-15, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MONDAY, AUG. 9 10:00 2221 NSOB FINANCE (Tuition Tax Credit markup) 1:15 (handwritten) 1100 LHOB (location crossed out) 1202 NSOB TAX BILL conference 2:30 Roosevelt Rm.-W. House Tuition Tax Credit Mtg. w/Pres TUES., AUG. 10 9:30-10:30 Cabinet Rm. - W.House Sen/House GOP Leadership Mtg. w/Pres. 9:30 2221 NSOB TRADE SUBC. (Freedom of Emigration Provisions) 10:00 324 OSOB BRIEFING by Secy Block on farm economy (John/Mark) 11:00 318 OSOB Memorial Svc. for Glenn Troop 11:45 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN's Mtg. 12:00 Sen. Ofc. Paul Thayer, Pres., LTV (Chamber Pres.) & Julian Scheer 12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 (tent) VOTES on Suppl. Approp. 5:00 S-116 Capitol Top Secret Briefing by Richard Fairbanks, State on Mid-East (Senators only) (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 5:30-8:30 526 6th, SE F.R. RECEPTION for Jim Jeffords (SEN. - CO-HOST) at home of Stewart Mckinney 6-7:30 S-207 Cap. RECEPTION for Dr. Butler, Nat'l (Ed or Nancy) Kim 45364 Inst. on Aging (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 6-8:00 Cap Hill Club F.R. RECEPTION for John Rousselot (SEN. CO-HOST) (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 6:30-7:30 Watergate Restaurant (Riverview West Rm) F.R. RECEPTION & DINNER for Paul (CO- crossed out) (SEN. CO-HOST) Trible (Riverview West Rm) (CONT.) Page 2 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE -- WEEK OF Aug. 9-15, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT WED., AUG. 11 10:00 324 OSOB AG. RES. SUBC - (Meat & Poultry Insp.) (9:30 handwritten, 10:00 crossed out) 9:30 10:00 2221 NSOB Finance Comm. - Pub. Debt Limit, Tuition Tax Cr. & MFN Ext. for Romania (handwritten) (mark-up) 12-1:30 S-205 Cap. Luncheon Mtg. w/W.House, Treas., Stockman, Long, Conable, Rostenkowski & approp. staff 12:30 H-139 Cap. LUNCHEON by Wichita City Officials 2:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COM (nominations) 2:00 324 OSOB AG. RES. SUBC. (meat & poultry) (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 5:30-7:30 1219 34th, NW Geotwn. F.R. RECEPTION for Lou Striegel at home of Donald Charney (SEN. CO-HOST) Jim Striegel 918-494-6051 (handwritten) O.K (typed) 6-8:00 Cap Hill Club F.R. RECEPTION for Manuel Lujan (SEN. CO-HOST) 6-? S-207 Cap RECEPTION for Gary Myers, Pres-elect Natl Council of Farmer Coops (John/Mark) 484-1880 THURSDAY, AUG. 12 9:30 2221 NSOB FIN. COMM. (tax court nom's) 10:30 (no location given) Betty - dental apptmt (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 12:30 Cap Hill Club F.R. LUNCHEON for Cleve Benedict (SEN. CO-HOST) (handwritten) Tent. 2:00 (324 crossed out) 324 1301 LHOB Ag. Conf- Reconciliation - Ag portion & food stamps (CONT.) Page 3 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE -- WEEK OF AUG. 9-15, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT FRIDAY, AUG. 13 10:00 EF-100 Cap. Ag Conf. 11:30 Oval Ofc. -White House Photo w/Pres. for Patrick Ewing (N.W. Gate) 2:00 EF-100 Cap. Ag Conf. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 (blank) SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 12:00 Arr. NBC Studio - 4001 Nebraska Ave., N.W. for 12:30 Appearance on "MEET THE PRESS" Panelists: John Dancy, NBC; Dale Tate, Cong. Qtrly. Hobart Rowan, WASH POST; Bill Eaton, L.A. TIMES Contact: Bill Monroe - (O) 686-4361 or 686-5898 (H) 229-1433 Page One SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF AUGUST 16-22, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT MONDAY, AUG. 16 10:00 S-205 Cap. Mtg. of Sen. Ag Conferees following 10:00 Mtg. S-207 Cap. Ag Bill Conf. 10:30 am 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (S.2784, Maj. League Sports Comm. Prot Act) 12:40 Grass triangle by Sen. Cable News Network (6 min) (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 5:30 pm Cap Hill Club FR RECEPTION for Phil Ruppe 8 & 8:30 Valley Forge Rm, Hyatt Reg. FR RECEPTION & DINNER for Phil Ruppe hosted by Nancy Kassebaum & Ed Rollins 10:30 Sen. TV Gallery "NIGHTLINE" - following Pres. TV news conf. TUESDAY, AUG. 17 10:00 am (handwritten) S-207 Cap. (following location crossed out) 324 OSOB AG COMM (nominations incl. Mizell) (handwritten) Cancelled (following appointment crossed out) 10:30 (handwritten) S-224 Cap (typed) 2228 NSOB JUD COMM (nominations) (12:15 handwritten, 11:00 crossed out) 12:15 11:00 2221 NSOB Press Conf. 11:45 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 S-224 Cap. Ag Comm. - (noms., incl. Mizell) 2:00 Sen. Recep. Rm. Photo w/Helen DeWitt & 2 other Right-to-Lifers 4:00 S-224 Cap. Mtg. on Insanity Defense (Thurmond, Biden, Specter & other interested Jud. Comm. Members) Page Two SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF AUGUST 16-22, 1982 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT WED., AUG. 18 9:30 Sen. Ofc. Interview- Joe Kraft, WASH. POST (following appointment crossed out) 10:00 2221 NSOB Finance Comm. Mark-up of Tuition Tax Credit 10:00 am 324 OSOB AG COMM (markup on FIFRA) 10:00 2228 NSOB JUD COMM (S.J.Res. 199 - Const. Amdmt, Prayer in School) 11:00 Phone Call Int. - Wash. Post Magazine (following two appointments blacked out, illegible) 2:00 pm 2228 NSOB JUD COMM (nominations) 2:00 2221 NSOB FIN COMM (Soc Sec Disability Ins. Program) 4:30 Sen. Ofc. Interview - Hugh Sidey, TIME MAG. 5:30 Rose Garden-Wh. House Pres. announcing Bipartisan support of Tax Bill 6:15 & 7:15 224 OSOB Kappa Sig pledging & Initiation of Vic Sherlock, Tower's staff 7:15-8:15 224 OSOB Recep. following Vic Sherlock's initiation 9:45 Arr. Cable News Net. for 10:00 Appearance - "FREEMAN REPORTS" (1 hr )-2133 Wosc, Ave., N.W. THURS., AUG. 19 9:30 Sen. Ofc. Mtg. on Bankruptcy - Doug Comer sitting in 10:00 Sen. Ofc. Interview- John Averill, L.A. TIMES (in-depth profile) 10:30 am 2228 NSOB Judiciary Comm. (noms.) 10:30 Sen. Ofc. Mtg. on Tuition Tax Credit (handwritten) 11:00 - - Howard Fineman - Newsweek (handwritten) 12:00 - RCC - TV - S-243 (following appointment crossed out, handwritten) 2 (no location given) Mark Up - Finance 5:00 SEn. TV Gallery Cable News Network "NEWS WATCH" (10 min.) 6:45 WETA-TV For 7:00 Appearance on McNEIL/LEHRER REPORT (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 6:30-8:30 pm Home of Clark MacGregor 2834 Foxhall Rd. For 7:00 Appearance on McNEIL/LEHRER REPORT Jean 45141 FRI., AUG. 20 9 - 1:00 pm (location handwritten) 5110 NSOB Mtg of Natl comm on Soc Sec Reform 10:30 2219 NSOB Interview - Mutual Broadcasting Radio 11:00 2212 NSOB NBV-TV (for evening news (tent crossed out) 2:30 (tent) Sen. Ofc or off Floor Apptmt with Alan Greenspan 395-5132 Nancy SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF AUGUST 23 - 29 MONDAY, AUGUST 23 10:45 Appt. - Dr. Coogler - Walter Reed Dental Clinic (Mrs. Weissman 576-1809 (following appointment crossed out) 6:30 & 7:30 FR Recep. & Dinner for Sen. Schmitt - Dumbarton Rm. - Four Seasons (host table) TUESDAY, AUGUST 24 9:45 Arr. WDCA - 5202 River Rd. - Bethesda for 10:00 A.M. Appearance on "AMERICA'S BLACK FORUM" hosted by Dolores Handy (G.W. Pkwy. North to Beltway - Beltway to River Rd. (1st or 2nd exit in Md. - East on River Rd. (approx. 1-15 blocks - WDCA on right behind Roy Rogers) (handwritten) 654-2600 1:45 General Press Conf. - 2221 NSOB (What Cong. will do after recess?? 2:00 Int. - Juan Williams - WASH. POST - on tax bill (20 min.) - Sen. Ofc. 2:30 Telephone Int. - David Elias, ROQN & COUNTRY MAG. - Tax Shelters (716) 856-8605 3:00 Filming - Touche/Ross - 2219 NSOB (on tax bill - 10 min.) 4:00 Int. - John Lofton - CONSERVATIVE DIGEST - on tax bill & conservatives - Sen. Ofc. 5:00 Phone Int. - WMCA-AM Radio, N.Y.C. "Bob Grant Show" - 15 min. live int. on tax bill (212) 586-5700 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 9:30 John Sears - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 Appt. w/Richard Viguerie - Sen. Ofc. 10:45 Photo w/Dr. Wallace (Dr. Dawkins' wife) - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Appt. - Bob Myers, Soc. Sec. Comm. - Sen. Ofc. 12:00 Cong. Charles Wilson - Sen. ofc. 1:30 Liz Herman, UPI - Sen. Ofc. (profile) 15 min. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 (handwritten) 10:00 (rest of appointment left blank) (handwritten) 10:30 Don Penney - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Bill Brock - Sen. Ofc. (handwritten) 11:30 Bob Shapiro - Sen. Ofc. (Carol - 395-3201 822-8571 FRIDAY, AUGUST 27 9:00 Jim Lake - Sen. Ofc. (9:30 handwritten, 10:00 crossed out) 9:30 10:00 Terry Dolan, NCPAC - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 CNN "NEWSMAKER" - at studio - 2133 Wisconsin, N.W. (1/2 hr. interview) SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 11:00 SPEAK - TIPRO Meeting - Mandalay Four Seasons - Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport (handwritten) O.K. (typed) 4:45 FR Recep. for Paul Findley - Quincy Country Club- Quincy, Ill. 5:30 FR Buffet dinner for Findley - Quincy College Gym Annex 7:30 Depart Quincy College enroute airport ITINERARY FOR SENATOR DOLE - SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1982 7:30 a.m. EDT Depart Butler Aviation - National Airport Lear Jet 35A Tail # 99 VA Pilot: Ron Ryan CoPilot: David Field 9:40 a.m. CDT Arrive Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport - General Aviation (use Ozark gate) Will be met by Frank Pitts 9:50 a.m. CDT Arrive Mandalay Four Seasons Hotel Ph: (214) 556-0800 Go directly to Mandalay West Room (Lobby level) for brief press conference 10:00 a.m. CDT SPEAK - TIPRO Annual Summer Meeting - Mandalay East Room - Mandalay Hotel (Huck Boyd will meet you at the hotel & fly to Wichita with you) 10:45 a.m. CDT Depart Mandalay Hotel enroute airport - General Avia. gate 11:00 a.m. CDT Wheels Up enroute Wichita 11:45 a.m. CDT Arrive Ryan Aviation Terminal - Wichita Airport (316) 942-0141 Steve Coen will meet you and Ed and drive you to Chamber 12:00 Noon Arrive Wichita Chamber of Commerce 1:00 p.m. CDT Depart Wichita Chamber 1:10 p.m. CDT Arrive Wichita Senate Office - 4th Financial Center (316) 263-4956 1:15 p.m. Phone call to KFRM/Salina - Howard Tice (elevator bankruptcy call-in) Phone: (913) 825-4611 1:30 p.m. CDT Press Conference - Wichita Senate Office 2:00 p.m. CDT Meeting with Sam Hardage - Wichita Senate Office Hardage Campaign Office No. (316) 264-0754 (Mona) 2:30 p.m. CDT Meeting with Wanda Bell & Jim Harrison, Directors of new program sponsored by VISTA to recruit volunteer youth - Wichita Senate Office 2:45 p.m. CDT Photo with Susan Roenbaugh, candidate for State Repr. and possible brief visit with Jerry Caywood - Wichita Senate Office 3:00 p.m. CDT Depart Wichita Senate Office 3:20 p.m. CDT Arrive Ryan Aviation - Wichita Airport (316) 942-0141 3:30 p.m. CDT Wheels Up - enroute Quincy, Ill. NOTE: Crew change -- Pilot: John Quinn (same plane) CoPilot: Stan Moore 4:25 p.m. CDT Arrive Quincy, Ill. Airport Will be met by Paul Findley or Don Norton, his Campaign Manager -- or someone from his Committee ITINERARY FOR SENATOR DOLE - SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1982 Page 2. 4:30 p.m. CDT Depart Quincy Airport 4:45 p.m. CDT Arrive Quincy Country Club for VIP Reception Hosts: Gene Hutter and Jack Sharkey 5:30 p.m. CDT Depart Quincy Country Club 5:40 p.m. CDT Arrive Quincy College Gym Annex 5:50 p.m. CDT Press Availability (10 minutes) 6:00 p.m. CDT Greet guests 6:10 p.m. CDT Program begins 6:20 p.m. CDT Remarks by Senator Dole (handwritten) for Findley Acknowledgement by Congressman Findley 6:45 p.m. CDT Depart Quincy College enroute airport 7:00 p.m. CDT Wheels Up enroute Washington 9:45 p.m. EDT Arrive Butler Aviation - Washington National Airport