SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 28 - JULY 1 Page Three DATE/TIME STAFF CONTACT LOCATION EVENT 7/2-Fri. 9:30-12:30 FIN. 2221 DSOB Spd. & Tax Recon Bill 2-5 FIN. 2221 DSOB Spd. & Tax Recon Bill SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 5 - 11 MONDAY, JULY 5 - HOLIDAY. TUESDAY, JULY 6 10:30 Appt. - Dr. Coogler, Dental Lab - Walter Reed 11:30 Dr. Davia - Walter Reed WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 7:00 Arr. NBC - 4001 Nebraska Ave. for 7:15 a.m. Appearance on TODAY SHOW Interviewer: Chris Wallace) Contact: Peter Hively 686-4231 or 4232 9:00 Mtg. w/Mr. Keel (Vern Orr's Deputy) on NGT - Sen. Ofc. (Jack & Randy) 10:00 Ken Peterson, TOPEKA CAPITOL - Sen. Ofc. (int. on tax pkg.) 12:00 Dental Appt. - Betty 1:30 Interview - Irving R. Levine, NBC-TV (flat tax) THURSDAY, JULY 8 cancelled 8-8:30 On CBS Morning News on flat tax - 2020 M St., N.W. 9:00 SPEAK - Am. Farm Bureau Fed. - Columbia Rm. - Capitol Holiday Inn -600 C St. , S.W. 10:00 KSPT-TV, Minneapolis - 2219 NSOB (15 min. on tax reform, Dole-Grassley 10:15 U.S. NEWS - Sen. Ofc. (Courtney Sheldon & Bob Barr) tax pkg. 11:15 Cable News Network - Sen. side of Cap. (swamp site) - tax pkg/flat tax (John Quirk) 11:30 TIME Mag. - Sen. Ofc. (Dave Beckwith, bus. writer, tax pkg. - 20 min. FRIDAY, JULY 9 9:30 ABC- Radio- of flatter 10:00 James I Kilpatrick - Sen of 10:45 Tape 15 min. for NBC Nightly News - 2219 NSOB (on tax compliance) 11:30 Photo w/interns - Sen. Ofc. 11:45 Joe Gimmelli, Ct. reporter (formerly on Judiciary) -Sen. Ofc. (PH: 548-3334 1:00 Appt. - Walter Reed, Nuclear Medicine Dept. - 1st F1. (across from X-ray) only light bkfst. before appt. SATURDAY, JULY 10 6:30 Nat'l League of Families Banquet - Stouffer's Nat'l Ctr. Hotel - Arlington (Ann Griffiths 223-6846) SUNDAY, JULY 11 12-2 Picnic by Washburn Alumni Assn. - Gunston Hall - Rt. 1 - Alexandria (Elsie Lesser (913) 295-6641 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 12 - 18 MONDAY, JULY 12 9:30 Mtg. w/European Parliament Members on ag issues - S-205 Cap. (John G.) 1:00 Luncheon w/European Parliament Members - S-116 Cap. 6:45 arr. WETA-TV- 3620 S. 27th -Ar1. for 7-7:30 Appearance -McNeil/Lehr (flat tax & tax bill) Dole & Cong. Gephardt TUESDAY, JULY 13 10:00 Judiciary Comm. 2228 NSOB (Comm. business) cancelled 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. O.K. .2:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) Following 1st vote after 3:00 - Judiciary Comm. - S-224 Cap. (Exec.) 6:30 & 7:00 Recep. & Banquet by Nat'l Assn. of Farmer Elected Committeemen (John or Mark) Roof Terrace - Hotel Washigton (M/M Herb Edmonds, Ks.) WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 9-10 GOP Senate-House Leadership Mtg. w/Pres. - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W.Gate) Fran 456- 9:30 Criminal Law Subc. - 2228 NSOB (insanity défense) 7054 (Sheila, Walt/Scott) 9:30-10:00 Joint Red Cross/NBC Press Conf. - 457 OSOB 10:30-4:30 Mtg. of Pres. Comm. on Drunk Driving - S-205 Cap. (Kevin Manson) 11-12:00 47 4-H'ers from Ks. (mainly 1st Distr) - 154 OSOB (Mark S. - Sen. stop by-Nancy stopping by) 1:30 Briefing on tax plan - 450 Old EOB (enter 17th & G) 456-6073 02 395-6073 2:00 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (TV coverage of Senate) 1-224 Cap. 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (nominations) 4:15 Mr. John McGillicuddy, Chrmn. & Pres., Manuf. Hanover Trust - S-230 Cap. 4:15 Working Coffee w/Pres. Roberto Suazo, Honduras - S-116 Cap. (Sen. only) Lyme X47953 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 12 - 18 Page 2. THURSDAY, JULY 15 9:30 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on corporate mergers & jobs training) 9:30 Judiciary Comm. 2228 NSON (Trademark Counterfeiting-Act) 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 2:00 Ag Comm. -- 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 3:00 Vic French, Nat'1 Retail Assn. & Dick Darling, J.C. Penney - Sen. Ofc. 5-7 Recep. - College Republicans 90th Anniversary - Crystal City Marriott (CR's - 484-6527) FRIDAY, JULY 16 9:30 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (tuition tax credit) 10:45 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 2:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 2:45 Rand Araskog, Chrmn & CEO, ITT, & John Ryan, Wash. V.P., ITT- Sen. Ofc. 3:30 Frank Borman, Jim Reineke, Eastern A/L & T. Korologos - Sen. Ofc. 3:45 Gov. Jim Thompson, Ill. - Sen. Ofc. 3:55 Bert Beedy, Assoc. Gen. Contactors - Sen. Ofc. (re completed contracts) 4:00 Mtg. w/Bob L, Rod, Mark & Dave - Sen. Ofc. (re safe harbor) SATURDAY, JULY 17 SUNDAY, JULY 18 10:00 Tape Radio Spots - Sen. Ofc. (w/Allen Balch) 6:30 Briefing Session for 40-50 Independent Oil peoply on Tax Bill - Columbia \"C\" Rm. - Hyatt Regency (Sen. arr. betw. 7:00 and 7:15) Contact: Lloyd Unsell 857-4700 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 19-25, 1982 MONDAY, JULY 19TH 9:30 2221 NSOB TAX SUBC. (Misc. tax bills) 10:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (insanity defense) 12:15 West-side Capitol Balanced Budget Amdmt. RALLY WITH PRESIDENT (Sen. on platform) 2-6 2168 RHOB A - B Meeting of Natl Comm on Soc. Sec. Reform 5:30-7 Cap. Hill Club RECEPTION - Am. Lobby (Senators only) Re: Balanced Budget Amdmt 53865 8:00 Firenze House 2000 Albemarle St. NW 2800 DINNER for Laxalts by Ital. Amb. & Mrs. Petirgnani (BLACK TIE) 328-5574 TUESDAY, JULY 20TH 8:30 Secy Regan's Ofc Coffee & Donuts Mtg. (Regan, Dole, Long, Chapotan & Thomas) Cathy or Bill D. 566=2037 cancelled 10:00 2228 NSOB -JUD. COMM. (Comm. business) 11:45 S-230 Cap. Chairmen's Mtg. 12:30 S-207 Cap. Policy Luncheon 6-8 S-207 Cap. RECEPTION BY GEN. MILLS Rest. Group Assn. (John/Mark) 463-6590 cancelled 6-8 Univ. Club 1135 16th, NW RECEPTION by U.S. Wheat Assn. (John/Mark) 780 2110 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 19-25, 1982 PAGE TWO WEDNESDAY, JULY 21ST 8:00 Hyatt Reg. BREAKFAST by Dep. P.M. Jamaica re CBI (Bryce Rm) -2nd Flr Ted Kassenger) Joyce 452-0660) 9:00 301 OSOB Rules Comm. - (Sen. TV coverage) 9:30 2221 NSOB Int'1 Trade Subc. (tariff bills) 10:00 457 OSOB JUD. COMM. (Gov. merger oversight) 12-2 1202 NSOB LUNCHEON by Nat1 Youth Science (2 Ksns. ) (Ed or ?) 2:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (nominations) O.K. 6-8 9600 Ferry Harbour Ct. Alexandria, VA F.R. RECEP. for Cong. Paul Trible (home of Secy and Mrs. Regan) SEN. - CO-HOST Don Baldwin 223-6850 THURSDAY, JULY 22ND 9:30 2221 NSOB INTL TRADE SUBC. (tariff bills) 11-11:45 1-117 Cap. 4321 NSOB Perey's ofc MEETING with French Ag. Min., Madame Cresson) Howard 49515 12:30 BF-100 Cap. LUNCHEON for French Min. of Ag., Mme. Cresson by Cong- Foley Sandi 52006 2-4 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (bankruptcy hearings - SENATOR chairing for one hour min. ) FRIDAY, JULY 23RD 10:00 2228 NSOB JUD. COMM. (bankruptcy hearings) ITINERARY KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI July 26, 1982 MONDAY, JULY 26 2:45 p.m. EDT Senators Baker, Dole, Gorton, Rudman & Baker aid & Alex Netchvolodoff (Sen. Danforth will already be in Missouri) Depart Washington National Airport, Butler Aviation via Hawker Sidley 125, 600 series, Tail #N334JR Pilots: Ed Davis, Joe Thieleman 4:15 p.m. CDT Charter arrives, Kansas City Downtown Airport, Executive Beechcraft (816) 842-8484. Senator Danforth will join party at airport. 4:30 p.m. CDT News Conference, Lobby of the Airport 5:00 p.m. CDT O.K. Senator Danforth and party depart via four cars for dinner/reception at the home of George Powell, Jr. (Wife: Mary Kay) , 1040 West 57th Street (816) 523-6549 (drive time: 30 minutes) 7:10 p.m. CDT Depart Powell residence for Folly Theater (each Senator will be assigned a host couple who will introduce them to guests at the Folly. -- depart via 8 cars for Folly Theater. Go to back stage door entrance. 7:30-8:45 p.m. Folly Theater, 300 West 12th (816) 842-5500 Senators should visit with guests in the three lobbies of the theater. 8:45 p.m. CDT Senator Danforth and guests move into theater, guests seated. Informal introductions, remarks. Irv Hockaday will introduce Sen. Danforth. Sen. Danforth will introduce Senators. There will be some questions asked general-type, probably on the economy, the situation in the Middle East, etc. 9:30 p.m. CDT Senator Danforth and party depart Theater for Kansas City. downtown airport (5 min. drive) 9:45 p.m. CDT Charter departs Kansas City for Washington 12:30 p.m. EDT Charter arrives Dulles Page Airways