SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 31-JUNE 6 MONDAY, MAY 31 - Memorial Day 10:40 Memorial Day Services - Arlington Cemetary - Amphitheater & Tomb of Unknown Soldier TUESDAY, JUNE 1 7:55 Arr. Walter Reed - Ward 72 (for lab work) 8:10 Dr. Ognibene - podiatrist 8:30 Dr. Stutzman 9:30 Dr. Sutley, dentist (for check-up) 10:00 Dental Clinic (for cleaning) 10:30 Dr. Brouillete, optometrist 11:00 Dr. Davia, cardiologist 2:00 John Datt, Am. Farm Bu. Fed. - Sen. Ofc. (with Mark sitting in) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 7:30 Bkfst. by FAA - B-369 RHOB (Mark S.) Lu Wall, Hesston Corp., spkr. 8:30 Bkfst. w/Rowland Evans - Metropolitan Club - 17th & H Sts., N.W. 10:30 Cong. Dave Emery - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 James Reston, N.Y. TIMES - Sen. Ofc. (30 min.) (marked O.K.) 12-2 FR Luncheon for Toby Roth - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) X55665 2:00 Mike McCabe,Gen.Coun. & Warren Cassidy, Exec. Dir., Legis., NRA - Sen.Ofc. (Pete sit in) 2:30 Mary Oakes, Hercules, Inc. (Lawrence), Tom Dalonzo, Hercules & 3 others - Sen.Ofc. (w/ Ad Hoc Group in Support of HR 4566, Tariff Suspension bill) w/Claude G 2:45 Iowa Public TV Network interview - Sen. Ofc. (15 min.) - grain elevator bankruptcy bill (marked cancelled and crossed out) 3:00 Interview - KARD - Wichita - Sen. Ofc. 5:00 -? Recep. by Cong. Caucus for Women's Issues & Nat'l Bd. of YWCA - 345 CHOB (887-0377 (marked O.K.) 7:00 -? Dinner for Dave Emery by Machine & Tool Industries - Cap. Hill Club (check mark) (Sen. & Eliz.) contact: Collin Moller X56116 7:15 Cocktails & Dinner - 1982 Eye Ball - Great Court - Mazza Galleria (Sen. & Eliz. Hon. patrons) 7:30 & 8:30 Cocktails & Dinner by M/M Istomin for Danish Princess - Cocktails - 109 W.G. South; Dinner - Jean Louis (business suit) THURSDAY, JUNE 3 10:30 Capitol Cloakroom - Sen. Radio/TV Studio (Ellen Wadley) 12:00-2:00 Mainstream Mtg. & Luncheon - Exec. Suite - Cap. Hill Club (Catherine Dighton 833-1136) Randy FRIDAY, JUNE 4 9:00 (changed from 11:00) Mtg. of Pres. Comm. on Drunk Driving - Dept. of Transp. (Kevin ??) SATURDAY June 5 8:10 a.m. Nelson will pick you up at the Alameda and take you to Municipal Airport - Executive Beech, where Bob Davis will meet you in Cessna Citation 8:30 a.m. Depart Kansas City Municipal for Phillip Billard in Topeka. 9:15 a.m. Arrive Phillip Billard - Max Klein will meet you and take you to the Ramada Inn. 9:30 - 9:45 a.m. Opening Ceremonies - VFW Convention - Grand Ballroom, Ramada Inn. 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Depart Phillip Billard - Cessna Citation - for Hays (will make arrangements for Kenny to meet you in Hays) 11:15 a.m. Arrive Hays 2:00 p.m. Meeting at Ramada Inn in Russell with Postrock Water District (Randy is setting this up) 5:15 p.m. Depart Hays (or Russell - will find out if the Citation can land at Russell Airport) for K.C.I. Depart KCI 6:40 p.m., United Flight #350 Arrive Dulles 9:58 p.m. SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE FRIDAY June 4 Depart National 9:55 a.m. - TWA Flight #221 Arrive St. Louis, 11:01 a.m. Connect with TWA Flight #501 Depart St. Louis 12:15 p.m. Arrive K.C.I. 7:14 p.m. 1:15 p.m. Arrive KCI, Nelson Krueger and Max Klein will meet you at the airport and take you to the Kansas City Senate Office for the press conference. 2:30 p.m. PRESS CONFERENCE 3:10 p.m. Depart Kansas City office for Fairfax GM Assembly Plant. Nelson and Max will accompany you. 3:30 p.m. Arrive Fairfax GM Assembly Plant, 100 Kindelberg Road. Enter plant through Door 16 - Plant Security will be advised you are coming. Contact: Darrell Kegerreis, Plant Manager 913-281-6201 4:15-4:30 p.m. Depart Municipal Airport - 421 Cessna Twin: Tail #6161X Plane will be at Executive Beech, - Midwestern Distributors, Inc. 5:15 p.m. Arrive Fort Scott Airport - The Chamber and the Mayor are making arrangements for transportation from the airport. Airport: 316/223-9822 Chamber Contact: Wally Ingram 316/223-3566 6:00 p.m. PARADE. Ray Shepherd has arranged for a convertible for you to ride in. There is a coffee at the Best Western they would like you to attend briefly - guaranteed they would be done by 8 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Depart Fort Scott for Kansas City Municipal - Cessna 421 Tail #6161X 8:45 p.m. Arrive Executive Beechcraft - Kansas City Municipal Nelson will take you to the Alameda RON Alamade Plaza 816/756-1500 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 7-13 MONDAY, JUNE 7 10:45 Bob Walker - Sen. Ofc. 3:30 Mtg. w/Dick Hummel & 10 or 11 other Ks. Health Care Assn. members-2219 NSON (w/Sheila) 4:00 KARD-TV interview - Conf. Rm. 5:00 Mel Sherin, GF Ind. - Sen. Ofc. (re cptg.) 5:30 Tape radio spots - Sen. Ofc. (Allen Balch) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Am. Public Health Assn. - 345 CHOB (Sheila) 789-5623 (marked O.K.) 5:30-7:30 FR Recep. for Virginia Smith - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) (check mark) 6-7:30 Recep. by American Alliance (health, recreation & educ. group) - S-207 Cap. (Karen) Vicki Worrell, KU 476-3400 TUESDAY, JUNE 8 7:30 Bkfst. by Ks. Health Care Assn. - Bunker Hill Rm- Hyatt Regency (Sheila) (Lynn Bachmann-Brown, Ks.) 8:00 Bkfst. by Ks. Assn. of Commerce & Industry & Council of State Chambers - S-205 Cap. (Mike) 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Comm. bus.) 10:00 Filming - Am. Soc. of Assn. Execs. - 2219 NSOB (15-20 min) (15 min) 10:30 National Journal interview - Sen. Ofc. (Rich Cohen) budget & finance Comm. Leadership 12-1 Tape radio spots - Sen. Ofc. 2:00 Social Sec. Subc. - 2221 NSOB 3:00 Interview on voting rights - NBC-TV - Bobbi Hornig/John Dancy (15 min) Conf. Rm. 3-5 Recep. by Children's Welfare League - S-205 Cap. (hosted by Jane Russell) Sydney 3:30 Mtg. w/sponsors of Food Stamp prop. - Sen. Ofc. 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Council of Farmer Coops - Russell Sen. Courtyard (John/Mark) (marked O.K.) 6-8 FR for Cleve Benedict - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) (check mark) 6:30-7:30 Recep. by Am. Recreation Coalition - Ticonderoga Rm. - Hyatt Regency (Ed) Larry Keller, Wichita & Barney Goldberg, K.C.) 7:00 Recep. & Dinner by Am. Horse Council - Potomac Rm. - Hyatt Regency, Crystal City 296-4031 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of June 7-13 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 8-9 Bkfst. by Public Housing Authority - 2168 RHOB (Jack Davis, K.C., Ks.) Mike 9:00 Int'l Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB 9:30 Agency Admin. Subc. - Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (Fed. Tort Claims Act) 9:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (noms. - FEC) 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 1:00 SPEAK - Am. Horse Council Luncheon - Crystal City Hyatt Regency - 250 (Tod or Susan) 2:00 Energy Subc. - 2221 NSOB (energy tax options) 2:30 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) (marked O.K.) 5:30-7:30 Recep. & Receive Award - Indep. Bakers Assn. - 2168 RHOB (award presen. approx 6:30 (marked O.K.) 5:30-7:30 FR Recep. for Tom Evans - Presidential Rm. - Mayflower (Sen. a co-host) (marked O.K.) 6-8 FR Recep. for Sen. Chafee - home of Amb. & Mrs. Charles Whitehouse - 2425 Foxhall Rd. (Sen. a co-host) 6-8:30 Recep. by Close-Up - Sheraton Nat'l Hotel - Arlington (Penny 892-5400) THURSDAY, JUNE 10 9:30 (changed from 10:00) Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB 10:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (FEC noms.) 11:30 Mr. Tout, Chairman, IPAA - Sen. Ofc. 12:00 SPEAK - WETA Bus. & Industry Luncheon Mtg. - Hyatt Regency - Regency A Rm (speak -- 1:20) 2:00 ag. Comm. 324 OSOB (food stamp mark) 3:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB 4:00 Mtg. w/Neil Offen, Direct Sell. Assn., Rich DuVos, Jim Preston, World Book, etc-2219 NSOB (775-0428) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'1 Assn. of Development Companies - S-207 Cap. 6-7:00 Stop by informal recep. for callers for Camp. Am. FR - 116 Club 5:30 Senators Only briefing on Lebanon - S-116 Cap. (by Amb. Fairbanks FRIDAY, JUNE 11 9:45 Interview - Barbara Cebular (for Finance press) - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 11:00 Mtg. w/Sec'y Regan, Buck Chapoton - Sen. Ofc. 12:00 Mtg. w/Sec'y Schweiker & Tom Donnely - Sen. Ofc. 3:30 Phone Interview - GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, Larry Spohn - Ofc. (re Voting Rights 3:34 Phone Int. - US.S. NEWS - Sen. Ofc- (Soc. Sec.) 4:00 Phone Int. - ABC Radio, L.A. - Sen. Ofc. (budget, 3rd year tax cut, Pres. letter) United States Senate MEMORANDUM BETTY: Please add to Senator's schedule -- for a drop-by if he can: Thursday, June 10 - 6:00-7:00 p.m. 116 Club Cocktails with following individuals who will be making follow-up calls for Campaign America: Doug Bennett Jim Lake Tom Korologos Morgan Williams Bill and Judy Taggart Ken Benjamin Dick Tribbe Paul Arneson Jim Mack Tad Davis Wes McAden Bob Ellsworth Mike Scanlon Robin Dole Kathy Royce Jo-Anne Coe (Darrell Coover picking up the tab for this, since their PAC can't contribute to another PAC and will not allow him as an individual to do so either.) (I've moved it to the 116 Club simply to get it out of a Federal office building) Jo-Anne SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 14-20 MONDAY, JUNE 14 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 10:30 SPEAK - Tree Planting Ceremony for Capitol Page Graduation - Sen. side of Cap. (5 min) 11:30 Mtg. w/Prime Min. Seago - Sen. Ofc. 1:00 Lunch w/Sen. Long - S-202 Cap. 2:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 4:00 Mtg. on Voting Rights - S-230 Cap. (Dole, Baker, Stevens & Kennedy) w/Geo. P.) 5:00 Mtg. w/Stuart Watson, CEO, Heublein, & Fred Meister, Dist. Spirits Assn. - 2229 NSOB (DISCUS 5:15 Mtg. w/Sen. Domenici & Steve Bell - Sen. Ofc. (on budget) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. for Assn. PAC's & Am. Soc. of Assn. Execs. - B-338-339 RHOB (383-1023) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Exec. Comm. of Am. Bankers Assn. - Ist Fl. Foyer - RHOB (Mike?) Judy 467-4086) 6:30- 7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Life Companies - 2168 RHOB (John Beck, KC. & other Ksns.) (Mike) TUESDAY, JUNE 15 8:30 Bkfst. by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Ks. - H-139 Cap. (Wayne Johnston & other Ksns.) (Mike P. -- Sheila cannot attend) 9:30 Mtg. on Voting Rights - Mathias' ofc. (358 OSOB) (Martha X 43892) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (exec.) (crossed out) 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 10:30 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending business) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:00 Luncheon honoring BrigGen. James Dozier - F St Club (by M/M Raymond Rossi (Sen. only) (Miss Myles 337-2354 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap 3:00 VOTE on Cloture on Voting Rights 3:15 KMBC-TV Interview - 2229 NSOB (on Watergate) 4:00 Mtg. in S-230 Cap. (Dole, Sen. Baker, Jim Baker, Stockman & Domenici) 5:30 Briefing on Lebanon by Ass't Sec'y of State, Nicholas Veliotes - S-226 Cap. 632-3786 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Int'l Fdn. of Employee Benefit Plans - B-338, 339 & 340 RHOB 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Sen. & Mrs. Cochran for Sally Carmichael, Pres, Am. Symphony Orch League - EF-100 Cap. (Sen. only) (marked O.K.) 6-8 FR Recep. for Arlan Stangeland - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) (check mark) Peggy X 52265 6:30 - 8:30 Recep. by Douglas Vaz, Min. of Ind. & Commerce, Jamaica - 2472 RHOB (Claude/Ted) (775-0333) 6:30-8:00 Recep. & Present. of Everett Dirksen Award for Disting. Reporting - S-207 Cap. (hosted by Sen. & Mrs. Baker) David Rogers, Boston Globe Wash. Bu. recipient (Sen. stop by) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of June 14-10 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 8:15 Bkfst. by Ks. Elec. Coop. Youth Tour Group - 2318 RHOB (John/Mark ) photo at 8:45 9:00 Mtg. in Baker's ofc. - S-230 Cap. (Dole, Baker, Jim Baker, Domenici, Stockman) 9:30 Criminal Law Subc. - 2228 NSOB (S. 2043) (crossed out) 9:30 Rules Comm. 301 OSOB (FEC noms. & Sen. TV coverage) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (exec.) (crossed out) 10:00 Ag Comm. 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 11:30 Photo w/Dr. Thomas Melady - Sen. Ofc. or 2219 NSOB (he is mtg. w/Karen) 11:30 & 12:30 Recep. & Lunch by Elec. Companies Assn. of Ks. - 2318 RHOB (Randy or Mike) 12:30-2:00 Steering Comm. Luncheon - S-120 Cap. (Rose Ann X 45597) 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (noms.) 2:00 Mtg. in Baker's ofc. - S-230 Cap. (same group as 9:00 a.m.) 2:30 Mtg. in Stevens Ofc. - S-243 Cap. (Dole, Stevens, Mathias, Specter, Cochran, Chafee, Cohen, Mattingly & Gordon - on voting rights) 5:30-7:30 80th Birthday Party for Geo. Murphy - 318 OSOB (Sen. only) (638-5023) 6-8 Recep. by Am. Land Title Assn. - 345 CHOB (Ksns. expected) Ed 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Recreation & Parks Assn. - B-338 RHOB (Ed) 6:30 -?? Senate "Family" Picnic by V. P. & Mrs. Bush - V. P. Home - Mass. at 34th, N.W. (RAIN DATE JULY 20) (X 43004) THURSDAY, JUNE 17 9:15 Photo W/FFA Leadership Conf attendees from KS (Matt (illegible) et al) Mark & photo 9:30 Criminal Law Subc. - 2228 NSOB (S. 1339) (crossed out) 10:00 Finance Comm. 2221 NSOB (Exec.) 12:45 SPEAK - Brookings Luncheon - G-221 NSOB (Lunch at 12:15) 1:15 Mtg. w/Sidney Peterson, Chrmn., Getty, Tom Hennessey, Pub.Affairs, & Elvira Orley- Wash. Rp., Getty Oil - Sen. Ofc. (with Bob L.) (marked cancelled and crossed out) 4:30-5:15 Mtg: w/Madame Edith Cresson, French Ag Minister - 4311 NSOB (Howard × 49515) (crossed out) 5:00 - 7:00 Recep. by Satellite News Channels - Ballroom - Mayflower (Walt??) 6-6:30 awards ceremony 5:30-7:30 Recep. Nat'l Year of Disabled Persons 1982 - S-207 Cap. (Ksns. attndg) Randy or Chris??) 6-8:30 or ?? Mtg. S-224 Cap. (Bob, Rod, Mark, Dave w/Sens.) 6:30-8:30 Recep. during RNC Mtg. - Lincoln Rm. - Wash. Hilton (Sen. only) 484-6630 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of June 14-20 Page 3. FRIDAY, JUNE 18 (marked cancelled and crossed out) 8:00 Bkfst. honoring French Ag Min., Madame Cresson by Tom Foley - EF-100 Cap. (X 52006) (crossed out and check marked) 9:00 Tape "Operation Uplink" Satellite interview - S-243 (Stevens' office) 10:30-11:A-9:30 Mtg. in Baker's ofc. - S-230 Cap. (Dole, Baker & Gov. Ray - budget issues) meredith x43135 (crossed out) 10:00 Finance Comm. 2221 NSOB (Exec.) 10:30- 11:00 Mtg. w/Mickey Edwards and Tom Loeffler - Sen. Cloakroom (intangible drilling costs) (marked O.K.) 1:15 SPEAK - off-cuff for Cong. Ritter's District Day - H-139 Cap. (check mark) 2:00 Tax Subc - 2221 NSOB (members deductions) SATURDAY, JUNE 19 9:00 SPEAK - Bkfst. - Nat'l Mental Health Assn. - Key Bridge Marriott Potomac Rm. 528-6405 (Bkfst. is at 8:30) 10:30 SPEAK - Day Care Council - International Hotel - Washington Rm (main ballroom) Thomas Circle 5-7 Recep. by N. Carolina Colonial Dames - Dumbarton Oaks - 2715 Q St., N.W. (Sen. & Eliz.) (informal) SUNDAY, JUNE 20 (marked cancelled and crossed out) 8:00 p.m. 10th Anniv. Celebration - David & Susan Brinkley - Pisces Club (BLACK TIE) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK of June 21-27 MONDAY, JUNE 21 9:30 Jud. Comm. 2228 DSOB (S.1215 - Malt Beverage Interbrand Comp. Act) (crossed out) 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark up) 10:00 Mtg. w/Bill Davis, Goodland, KS - with 2 or 3 sugar beet growers 10:20 Dwayne Andreas - Sen. Ofc. 10:30 36 Madison High School (Ks.) - 2221 NSOB (Bill Elrod in charge) - winners of Am. Industrial Arts Student Club award - (Photo at 10:45) handwritten: 11:00 Betty - hair appt - Walter 1:15 SPEAK to Repub. Sen. Trust at L'Enfant Plaza Hotel (Ballrm A) Packwood 45244 2:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB. (FIFRA) 2-6 Mtg. Nat'l Comm. on Soc. Sec. Reform - 2168 RHOB handwritten: 5:00 Mtg w/Meere & Latta - W. House (S.W. Gate) 5:00 Recep. W.H. of Repub. Sen. Trust (S. W. Gate) 5:45 - 6:30 (changed from 5-6) Mgc. Sen. Ofc. with Jordan Haines, Russ Meyer, Dwayne Wallace and Don Slawson (w/Nancy Kassebaum) 5-8 Recep. at Cap. Hill Club for retirement of Gene Bradley/Boeing (by invit) 558-9664 5:30-7:30 Recep. at Monocle - Burlington Northern Inc. (Mike) 484-4510 (marked O.K.) 6-8 FR Buffalo Road at Cap. Hill Club for Cong. Latta (SEN. - Co-host) Guest-Secy Regan 484-5525 6-8 Recep/Buffet at Hyatt Reg. (Valley Forge Rm) - Food Mkt. Inst. (Chris/Mark) 452-8444 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of June 21-27 Page Two TUESDAY, June 22 9:30-10:30 Rep. Leadership Mtg. - Cabinet Rm-White House (N.W. Gate) budget, urg. suppl. & debt ceiling 10:00 Jud. Comm. 2228 DSOB Exec. Session (full committee) 10:00 Ag. Comm. 324 RSOB (Food stamp MARKUP - crossed out and replaced with FIFRA) 11:00 Mtg. w/P.M. Begin - 4221 NSOB 12:35 (changed from 11:30-2:00) SPEAK G-219/221 DSOB - Luncheon, Nat'l Assn. Indep. Insurers Darrell Coover 484-2350 11:45 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN's meeting 12:00 SPEAK at Hyatt Reg. for Nat'l Food Pol. Instit. - Yorktown/Valley Forge Rm 12:30 Luncheon at S-207 Cap. (Policy Luncheon) 2:00 VOTE - Amend. # 62 (disagreeing w/Conf. Rpt. on Supply Approps.) 2:00 Ag. Comm. 324 RSOB (Food stamp MARKUP - crossed out and replaced with FIFRA) 4:00 Photo in Sen. Ofc. with 2 Jap. Exc. Students/KS & Jap. Amb. (Walt/Scott) (marked O.K.) 5:30-7:30 FR Recep at Hay Adams for Gene Knorr, N.D. (Sen-Co-host) - Preamble Suite (Wickham - 301-539-2530) 5:30-7:30 Recep. at 2318 RHOB - NREC (Rural Elec.) (John/Mark) (Joyce Welsh - 857-9555) 5:30-7:30 Cong. Recep. at B-339 RHOB - Nat'l Apartmt Assn. (Patti Saari - 786-5111) 6-7:30 Recep. at 2154 RHOB - Nat'l Cable T.V. (Walt/Scott) 6-8 FR for Cong. Don Ritter - Cap. Hill Club 775-3673 (marked O.K.) 6-8 Recep. at Cap. Hilton (Trader Vic's) for Sen. Roth (Sen. - Co-host) (check mark) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of June 21-27 Page Three WEDNESDAY, June 23 9:00 Mtg. w/Reg. Members of Finance & Sec'y Schweiker - 2219 NSOB (on spending) 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 10:30 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (Exec.) 12-2:00 Luncheon in S-207 Cap. - YMCA Youth Governors (Ed) Geo. Lazar 862-9687 12:30 Luncheon for Pres. Luis Albert Monge Alverez/Costa Rica in S-116 Cap. (Sen. stop by) (Sandy or Lynn) 47953 1:00 SPEAK-off-cuff - Business Government Relations Council -University Club -1135 - 16th St.NW 862-8800×175 1:30 Health Subcte. at 2221 DSOB (Medicare & Medicaid) 2:00 (handwritten: 1st vote after 3:00) Jud. Comm. hearing at 2228 DSOB 8.224 Cap. (crossed out and replaced with S-224 Cap.) (Pdg. Nominations) 2:15 (changed from 3:00) Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 4:00 Mtg. w/Bill Clark regarding Taiwan - S-206 Cap. (arr. by Steering Comm) Jade X 45597 4:30-6:00 Recep. for 1982 State & Nat'l TAR Leaders - Fourth Fl. - Chairmen's Conf. Rm. - RNC 631-9625 5-7:00 Cocktails for Chris Cook, new Editor, K.C. Times, 1319 Est. - Suite 501 (Walt) 5:30-7:30 Recep. - "Farewell Chief" - Navy Liaison in Courtyard RSOB (Marcie/Jack) (Rain 224 RSOB) 6-8:00 Cong. Recep. at 318 RSOB by Long John Silver Fran. owners (Ksn. exp.) (Mike) Mr. Cotton 606-268-5211 6-8:00 CAMPAIGN AMERICA - FR at Basil's (Sen.) 6:30-8:00 at Tunisian Emb. - Nat'l Broadcasters Edit. reception (Rep. Conf.) (Walt/Scott) THURSDAY, June 24 9:30 Criminal Law Subc. - 2228 NSOB (Insanity defense) 9:30 (changed from 10:00) Fin. Comm. - 2221 DSOB (MARKUP Reconciliation) 2:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Mark-up Reconciliation) 2:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 2:30 Jud. Comm. 2228 DSOB (Unfair Foreign Competition Act) 2:30- 4:30 TAR mtg. - 3110 NSOB (handwritten: Stop by for 5 min. if can) Tent. 3:30 mtg. w/Sec'y Regan & reps on Finance 6-8:00 344 CHOB Reception - Hispanic Scholar of Year 659-6876 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of June 21-27 Page Four FRIDAY, June 25 9:00 TAPE at S-243 (Stevens) "Operation Uplink" - Satellite Interview (crossed out) 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark up) (crossed out) 10:00 Fin. Comm. at. 2221 OSOB (MARKUP of Reconciliation) (tent.) 11:30 M/M Carlo Tondi (Maria), Alice Fiocchi & Fred LeBeau (Alice's brother) -Sen. Ofc. -- & lunch in Cap. (crossed out) 2:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (mark-up on Reconciliation) (crossed out) 2:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (food stamp mark-up) 7:00 SPEAK at Yankton, S.D. to GOP State Convention ? SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 25 and 26 FRIDAY, JUNE 25 3:45 p.m. Depart National Airport - TWA # 391 5:13 p.m. Arrive Kansas City (will be met by TWA repr. and taken to Gate 36 - adjacent to TWA gates where the Beech Baron will be parked) 5:30 p.m. Depart KCI enroute Yankton, N.D. - Beechcraft 58 Baron Tail # 3702K Pilot: Jack Wright CoPilot: Bob Lavenburg 7:00 p.m. Arrive Yankton, S. Dak. airport (will be met by Jim and Bill Deam, Don Peterson, Convention Chairman, and Dan Parrish, S. Dakota Rep. State Chairman, and taken to Sheraton Hotel) 7:25 p.m. Arrive Sheraton Inn - Yankton, S. Dak. Phone: (605) 665-2906 (marked O.K.) 7:30 p.m. Banquet begins - South Dakota Republican State Convention Main Banquet Room - Sheraton Inn 8:45 p.m. SPEAK - following dinner 9:20 p.m. Depart Sheraton Inn enroute airport (same plane as above - Beech Baron) 9:45 p.m. Depart Yankton airport enroute Des Moines 11:15 p.m. Arrive Des Moines airport - Des Moines Flying Service (will be met by Jim Wilson, Sen. Jepsen's 3rd District Field Repr. is from Waterloo) 11:35 p.m. Arrive Hotel Ft. Des Moines - 10th & Walnut Phone: (515) 243-1161 (Jepsen's staff will have you pre-registered and will give you key) RON: Hotel Ft. Des Moines Phone: (515) 243-1161 SATURDAY, JUNE 26 (marked O.K.) 7:30 a.m. Fundraising Breakfast for David Readinger, 4th District Cong. candidate hosted by Sen. Grassley -- you are listed as "expected" guest on invit. Governor's Room - Hotel Ft. Des Moines 7:50 a.m. Jim Wilson will meet you at the breakfast and drive you to the Marriott 8:05 a.m. Arrive Marriott Hotel - 700 Grand Avenue Phone: (515) 245-5500 Go directly to Salon "A" - 2nd Floor where Sen. Jepsen's breakfast for the State Central Committee is in progress (in attendance will be Lt. Gov. Terry Bransted (Gubernatorial candidate, and Arlen Danker, who is running against Tom Harkin, 5th District, and possibly other candidates) SNEATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 25 and 26 Page 2. SATURDAY, JUNE 26 - Continued 8:35 a.m. Depart Marriott Hotel enroute Veterans' Auditorium Jim Wilson will be driving you 9:00 a.m. Press Conference - Veterans' Auditorium - 833 - 5th Avenue Press Room - 2nd Floor Phone: (515) 283-4168 - Conv. Ctr. Ofc. At conclusion of Press Conference go to Main Convention Hall for brief remarks at Iowa GOP State Convention (marked O.K.) 9:25 a.m. You will be introduced by Del Stromer, Speaker of the Iowa House and Convention Chairman 9:30 a.m. SPEAK (approx. 3 min.) 9:40 a.m. Depart Auditorium enroute airport (Sen. Jepsen's staff will have your luggage in the car) 10:00 a.m. Arrive Des Moines airport - Des Moines Flying Service (plan is to have someone else from Jepsen's staff pick up Nancy K. and she will be at the airport when you arrive) 10:10 a.m. Depart Des Moines airport enroute Butlet Terminal - National Airport Cessna Citation II Tail # N372CC Pilot: Bob Fizer Copilot: Mack Angel (the pilots will have box lunches on board) 1:40 p.m. Arrive Butler Terminal - National Airport (Andy is leaving your car at the airport) PHONE NUMBERS FOR RETURN FLIGHT Russ Meyer - home (316) 682-1963 Marilyn, his secretary - office (316) 685-9111 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF June 28-July 1 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT 6/28 - Monday 7:00 am 4001 Nebraska NBC - "Today" Show with Chris Wallace on tax - 10 minutes Walt 7:50 Sheraton-Carlton Godfrey Sperling breakfast (8-9) (Meet Sperling in Lobby at 7:50 - proceed to Crystal Room) Walt 16th & K, NW 10:00 JUD. 2228 DSOB S. 1256 - Retail dealers agreement act (Ksn. to introduce) 2:00 Sen. Ofc. Pat O'Donnell, Don Sichert & Dick Darling - JC Penney Co on behalf of Retailers Assn 6:00 Eisen. Lounge CAP. HILL CLUB Surprise Party - Jack McDonald 759-3080 6-8:00 CAP. HILL CLUB V.P. & Black Repub. 6/29 - Tuesday 9:30-12:30 FIN. 2221 DSOB Spd. & Tax Recon. Bill (crossed out) 10:00 JUD. 2228 DSOB Exec. Cte. meeting 10:15 Mtg. of Rep. Sens. on Finance - 2219 NSOB 12:15 Voting Rights Signing Ceremony - Rose Garden - White House (S.W. Gate) Arr. by 12:00 Nancy Wilson 456-6782 2-5 FIN. 2221 DSOB Spd. & Tax Recon. Bill DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT 6/30 - Wed. 9:30-12:30 FIN. 2221 DSOB Spd. & Tax Recon. Bill 9:30 Criminal Law - Subc - 4232 NSOB (Insanity Defense) 9:30 RULES 301 RSOB FEC nominations (Radio & TV) Jo-Anne 10:00 JUD. 2228 DSOB Boulder decision & pot. antitrust liabl-local gov. 2-5 2221 DSOB Spd. & Tax Recon. Bill 5:30-7:30 Hyatt Reg. Hotel Cap. Hill PAC FR Reception - Calif. Senate election (handwritten: for Pete Wilson) (check mark) Rep. Sen. Cte 224-2351 (marked O.K.) 6-8:00 154, RSOB Reception - Dr. Manfred Worner Dep. Parl. Ldr-W. Germ Bund. Sen. Quayle Robin Beard 7/1 - Thurs. 9:30-12:30 FIN. 2221 DSOB Spd. & Tax Recon. Bill 10:00 JUD. 457 RSOB New Merger guidelines - oversight of gov. merger enforcement policy (marked cancelled) 6-8:00 3322 "O" St. Georgetown Cocktail Reception - "People for John Heinz" (check mark) (question mark) Peggy Neely 224-6324 (marked "O.K.") Sen. Heinz