SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 3 - 10 MONDAY, MAY 3 9:00 Courts Subc. - 2228 NSOB (bandruptcy) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (Food for Peace Program relating to China) . 1:00 SPEAK - Luncheon by Employee Stock Ownership Assn. - Capitol Hilton -Federal Room (Luncheon is at 12:30 - you will be introduced by Bill Dexter, Gott Corp. - Winfield, Ks.) (293-2970) 2-2:45 Mtg. w/Pres.& Sen. & House Rep. Leadership - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W.Gate) Fran 4:00 3:1- Press Conf. on Voting Rights - 301 OSOB 456-7054 5:30-7:00 Recep. by Am. Assn. of School Administrators - 2175 RHOB (Karen) 528-0700 X 228 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Fraser Assoc. (Eleanor Williams, V.P.) -1210 Conn.Ave. ,N.W. (452-1188) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Am. Academy of Ophthalmology - 2168 RHOB (Gold Rm) - Sheila 6-8 Recep. by Independent Bankers Assn. - 2154 RHOB (332-8980) TUESDAY, MAY 4 8:15 Bkfst. by Ks. Elec. Coops for rural electric leaders - S-205 Cap. (John/Mark) 8:30 SPEAK - Government Research Corp. - 6226 NSOB (Barbara Norris 857-4400) 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 4:00 Ity of al abrahours, Julian La Giusta Nat'l aran of Realtors- Sen the 4:15 4:00 Presentation of Resolution on Taxes - by DeConcini, Tom Donahue, VP, U. S. Chamber & Bob Hall, Economist, Hoover Inst. - Sen. Ofc. (photo) 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. Senate/House Dinner - International Ballroom - Wash. Hilton (you & Eliz. are at tables hosted by Fed. of Am. Hospitals) (Black tie optional) Cindy Williams 833-3090 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 3 - 5 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 8:30-9:30 Bkfst. by Small Business United - 318 OSOB (Pack St. Clair, etc) Mike (Sen stop by) 10-10:40 Mtg. w/7 Members of Nat'l Governors Conf. - S-230 Cap. (w/Baker & other Rep. Econ. Task Force members) Snelling, Busbee, Matheson, Ray, Milliken, Alexander & Thompson - budget options for New Federalism 10:15 Photo w/Phil & Mrs. Adrian, Hesston & grandson -Sen. Ofc. § block grants 10:00 Criminal Law Subc. - 2228 NSOB (gun control) 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (loan ceilings) 10:30 Press Conf. - 2221 NSOB (food stamps) 10:30 Helsinki Comm. Mtg. - H-236 Cap. (Sergei Soldatov) 12:30-2:00 Joint Wednesday & Steering Comm. Seafood Luncheon - S=120 Cap. (X 42708) 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (noms) 3:30 kg. Comm - 324 OSOB 3:00 Judiciary Comm. - 412 050B 4-6 Recep. honoring Capitol guides - S-120 Cap. (Sen. only) (543-8921) 6:30-8:30 Winthrop Rockefeller Distinguished Rural Service Awards Pres. - Botanic Gardens (John Mark) cocktails 7-7:45 7:30 SPEAK - Dinner - Bd. of Dirs. of McDermott, Inc. - Madison Hotel - Board Room 7:45 - 8:15 SPEAK (John Henry THURSDAY, MAY 6 8:00 Bkfst. by Ks. Insurance Industry - 5110 NSOB (Bud Cornish, et al) Mike/Randy 1:00 Jed Brophy a Bob Kilpatrick, Chrom- Conn Ken a Stan Hidalgo .. Sex age. (w/Rod) 2:00 Int'1 Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB (reciprocity) 5:30-7: 30 \"Alaskan\" Recep. hosted by Alaska delegation - EF-100 Cap. (Sen. only) Fail X43004) 6-8 Recep. by Am. Fishing Tackle Mfrs. Assn. - B-338 RHOB (any fisherman on the staff ... ) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 3 - 10 Page 3. FRIDAY, MAY 7 8:00 Bkfst. hosted by Larry Winn for Dr. Wallace Smith, Pres., Chruch of Latter Day Saints (world hdqtrs. in K.C. area) - A-236 Cap. 8:30 Bkfst. w/Germond & Whitcover - Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap. (S-110) 10:30 Hedrick Smith - N. Y. TIMES - Sen. Ofc. 9:00 Jt. hrgs - Tax & Savings Subcs. - 2221 NSOB (treatment of dividends, etc.) 9:30 Hair appt 12:05 Cable News Network \"Take Two\" - grass across from Sen, steps (10 Min. ) tape at 12:10 12:30-2:00 Birthday Party for Domencic - S-207 Cap. (Sen. stop by) angela x41090 5:45 p.m. Depart Dulles - Western # 671 F/C 8:10 p.m. Arr. Salt Lake City SATURDAY, MAY 8 A.M. Salt Lake City Afternoon: Idaho Falls Evening: Sheridan, Wyoming SUNDAY, MAY 9 Return to Washington SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - MAY 7 - 9, 1982 (Salt Lake City, Idaho Falls and Sheridan, Wyo. ) FRIDAY, MAY 7 5:45 p.m. Depart Dulles - Western # 671 (F/C) - non-stop 8:10 p.m. Arrive Salt Lake City Will be met by Jan Bennett, Sen. Hatch's office, and Scott Richardson and driven to the Hotel Utah - South Temple and Main Streets RON: Hotel Utah - (801) 531-1000 (Jan Bennett - home: (801) 582-1999) SATURDAY, MAY 8 Sen. Hatch's Salt Lake City Office (801) 364-1081 7:50 a.m. Depart Hotel Utah - Don Fletcher will pick up Senator and Scott (Sen. Hatch and Bill Loos will be with Fletcher) 8:15 a.m. Arrive KUTV-TV station (NBC) - 2185 South 3600 St. West Ph: (801) 973-3000 O. K.8:30 a.m. News taping with Senators Garn and Hatch (interview conducted by Lucky Severnson and Rod Decker) 9:15 a.m. Depart KUTV 9:45 a.m. Arrive Nibley Park Elementary School - 2700 South 850 East Phone: (801) 487-4787 O.K.10:00 a.m. Town Meeting - Nibley Park Elementary 200-300 people expected (will be a panel of Senators Dole, Garn and Hatch responding to questions from the audience) 11:15 a.m. Depart Nibley Park Elementary 11:45 a.m. Arrive home of Ellis Craig - 1170 Oak Hills Ph: (801) 582-3711 for Fundraising Brunch (approx. 30 people) 12:50 p.m. Depart Ellis Craig's enroute airport 1:20 p.m. Depart Salt Lake City - Western # 264 Home: (208) 529-0865 1:59 p.m. Arrive Idaho Falls - Contact: Dennis Olson, St. Chrmn: (208-523-4650-ofc. . (208-523-4659-ofc. (will be met and taken to private room at airport for meeting with approx. 10-12 key Republican leaders in State) Airport Manager's Ofc. (208) 529-1221 2:45 p.m. Press Conference and Rally - at Idaho Falls Airport (expect 100 plus for rally) Senator will make brief comments, then take questions from Press - following that, will be open to questions from audience - 3:30 p.m. Depart Red Baron Aviation - Salt Lake City Airport enroute Sheridan, Wyo. Cessna 340 - Tail # N6292N (from Big Horn A -Sheridan) Pilot: Bill Brown (307) 672-3421) CoPilot: Forrest Asmun Page 2. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - MAY 7 - 9, 1982: SATURDAY, MAY 8 - continued Wyoming Contacts: Mary Ann Sutton - Wyo. St. Hdqtrs- office (307) 234-9166 home (307) 234-6842 Wallop Camp. Ofc. - (307) 672-9727 Wallop's Ranch (unlisted) (307) 674-6086 Saturday - State Convention - Sheridan Coll. (307) 674-6446 MDT 5:00 p.m. Arrive Big Horn Aviation Terminal - Sheridan, Wyo. airport (will be met by someone from Sen. Wallop's staff and taken to hotel to freshen up) 5:20 p.m. Arrive Sheridan Center Motel - 609 N. Main Ph: (307) 674-7421 Personal time 5:40 p.m. Depart Sheridan Center Motel (pick up by Sen. Wallop staff member) 5:55 p.m. Arrive Old Sheridan Inn - 5th St. & Broadway Ph: (307) 672-5861 O .K .6:00 p.m. Press Conference - Parlor - 01d Sheridan Inn (Dole, Wallop, Simpson and Cheney) 6:30 p.m. Proceed to Reception - Main Banquet Room - Old Sheridan Inn (in progress since 6:00 p.m.) O.K . 7:00 p.m. Dinner Begins - Wyoming State Convention - Main Banquet Rm. - Old Sheridan Inn 8:00 p.m. SPEAK - following diner 8:40 p.m. Depart 01d Sheridan Inn 8:55 p.m. Arrive Big Horn Aviation Terminal - Sheridan, Wyo. 9:04 p.m. Depart Sheridan enroute Denver 11:00 p.m. Arrive Combs Gates Aviation - Stapleton Airport - Denver Phone: (303) 398-5600 (pilot to radio ahead and Combs Gates will have van standing by at gate to take you to hotel - pilot has been advised to call) : Arrive Stouffer's Denver Inn - 3020 Quebec St. (at airport) MDT 11:15 p.m. RON : Stouffer's Denver Inn Phone: (303) 321-3333 SUNDAY, MAY 9 MDT 8:50 a.m. Depart Stapleton Field - Denver - United # 166 (F/C) Seat 2B EDT 2:10 p.m. Arrive Dulles (Andy will meet you) CONTACTS: Salt Lake City - Jan Bennett - Hatch's Ofc. (801) 582-1999 - home (801) 364-1081 - office Idaho Falls - Dennis Olson, State Chairman (208) 523-4650 - office 523-4659 - prive office no. 529-0865 - home (will probably be in office -private number - Saturday morning) Beverly Packer, County Chairman (208) 529-3754 - home Jim Davidson, Exec. Dir. Rep. Party of Idaho (208) 343-6405 -ofc. 6406 ofc. Sheridan, Wyo. - Mary Ann Sutton - Wyo. State Hdqtrs. (307) 234-9166 - ofc. 234-6842 - home Wallop Campaign Office (307) 672-9727 Saturday - GOP St. Convention - Sheridan College - Bill Hill or Sen. Wallop (307) 674-6446) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 10 - 16 MONDAY, MAY 10 10:00 Press Conf. - YR's & Comm. for Def. of Sakharov - EF-100 Cap. Photo 12=1:30 Luncheon by SBA for Small Business Subcontractor Awards Winners - S-207 Cap. (M/M Jim Ryan, Airight, Inc. - Wichita, Region VII Winners) stop by 12:20 Sin. Monikan 12:00 SPEAK - Washington Ag Roundtable - S-120 Cap. (Lunch will be at 12:30) 12:30 stockman - Sen oft Sen Ofe 1-5-2-6 Mtg. of National Commission on Social Security Reform - 5110 NSOB 5-7 Recep. by Lear-Siegler, Inc. - EF-100 Cap. (have plants in Ks.) Randy or Mike o.K. 6-8 FR Recep. for John Heinz at his home - 3322 0 St., N.W. (X 46324) TUESDAY, MAY 11 oK 8:15 SPEAK - Ten State Coalition of State Advisory Councils for P.L. 94-142 - B-369 RHOB (for Cong. Chris Smith) Karen preparing 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Comm. business) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (USTR auth. mark-up) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12-2:00 Luncheon by Connecticut General Ins. Co. - S-205 Cap. (Sheila - Sen. stop by) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:00 Photo w/ Rosemary + 6 Home, from & dependence - Sen Diving Pm - Cap following 1st mot Judiciary Comum- 8-224 Cap 5-6:30 Recep. by AIPAC - 318 OSOB 5:30-7:30 RÉcep. by Nuclear Power Assembly - B-339 RHOB (C.J. Ross, Black & Veatch) Ed 6-8 Recep. honoring Ed Beck, as tax counsel to Nat'l Assn. of Homebuilders - 2221 NSOB 6-8 Recep. by Sperry Corp. - S-207 Cap. (G.J, Budridge, Wichita) Mike or ?? 6 & 7 Recep. & Dinner - Small Business Awards - Regency Ballroom - Shoreham Hotel (M/M Jim Ryan, Airight, Inc, Wichita - Reg. VII (Mike P.) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 10 - 16 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12 & Chris B. 9:30 Mtg. w/Jozsef Marjai, Dep. Premier of Hungary & Commerce Dept. reprs. - 2219 NSOB (w/Mike P 10:00 Photo w/M/M .Jim Ryan, Pres., Airight, Inc. - Wichita - Sen, Ofc. 10:00 9:30- Judiciary Comm. - 357 OSOB (est. Fed. Review & Rev, Comm.) Sen Tied up on Floor - Sen. Gaston ded 10997-4033 12:45 1:15 SPEAK - Airline Pilots Assn. Luncheon - Hotel Washington -6385900 X1142 (gerry Balan) 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (noms.) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by SBA for State Small Business Person of Year - 318 OSOB (Mike (James Donahue, Donahue Corp. - Durham, Ks, winner) O. K. 6:30-8:30 FR Recep. for Sen, Stafford - Baker's home - 3224 Woodland Dr., N.W. (Sen. ) 8:00 Dinner w/Towers - 1789 Rest, - THURSDAY, MAY 13 8:00 -8:45 SPEAK (5 min. ) - Durenberger Report Bkfst. - Cap. Hill Club - Dining Rm. 3 9:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (FEC auth.) 10:00 ag. Comm 324 OSOB ( food stamps mark-up) 1:30 Judiciary Comm. - 2-28 NSOB 2:30 Drew Lewis - Sen Recep. Rm (w/Rod) 3:45 Photo-W/M James Donahue, Donahue Corp-Durham, Ks. 67435 (m/y Cortelle) ch Donahue for addies 5:00 & 7:00 FR Recep. & Dinner for Sen Wallop - international Club ( approx. 20 people) Business suit (Terry cooper - Motorola Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 10 - 16 Page 3. FRIDAY, MAY 14 9:00 SPEAK - Hospital Financial Mgmt. Assn. - Salon \"A\" - Wash. Marriott (Marnie 296-2120 10:00 Int'l Trade Subc. & Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (S. 205 & 2051) 12:45 SPEAK - Council of 100 Luncheon - Private Dining Rm. (3rd F1.) - Cap. Hill Club (Luncheon at 12:00) Sam Jackson 452-9250 - 484-4590 ×946 3:30 Photo w/ Jack Richardson & members of Island of Palau Sort Sen Of SATURDAY, MAY 15 1:00 SPEAK - Am. Bar Assn. Luncheon - Cong. & Senate Rms. - Capitol Hilton- Pan asmall (Luncheon is at 12:30) 393-1000 ABA Regio Deck SUNDAY, MAY 16 8:46 a.m. Depart Baltimore - Eastern # 571 (F/C) non-stop 10:50 a.m. Arr. Houston 12:00 SPEAK - League of Women Voters Meeting - Houston - Hyatt Regency 4:55 2:15 p.m. Depart Houston - Delta # 146 (F/C) Eastern 9:30 Arr 5:35 p.m. Depart Atlanta - Delta # 512 (F/C) 7:06 p.m. Arr. National Airport SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1982: 8:40 a.m. Depart Baltimore - Eastern # 571 F/C (non-stop) 10:50 a.m. Arrive Houston (will be met at airport by Diane Tilley, PR Chairman, Houston League, along with car and driver) 11:45 a.m. Arrive Hyatt Regency - 1200 Louisiana - Houston Phone: (713) 654-1234 Ruth Hinerfeld will meet you -- then you will be taken to a holding room for brief personal time. 11:55 a.m. Proceed to Imperial Ballroom - Hyatt Regency (3rd Floor) 12:00 Noon SPEAK - League of Women Voters - Imperial Ballroom - Hyatt Regency 12:40 p.m. Depart Ballroom (Elizabeth has schedule of events after this time) 4:55 p.m. Depart Houston - Eastern # 394 (2 F/C seats reserved) 9:30 p.m. Arrive National Airport White House car will meet you and take you to Watergate South CONTACTS: Karen Lebovich or Vicki Harian (713) 654-1234 X 2436 (713) 751-9025 - Press Room SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 17 - 23 MONDAY, MAY 17 10:30 Doug & Pete meeting w/CBS on Betamax bill - Pete's ofc. (stop by, if possible) cad- Lloyd Daniel Fiche 11:30 Presentation of Distinguished Service Award to Hugh Scott - House Floor 12:15 Luncheon honoring Hugh Scott - 345 CHOB (stop by, if possible) 2:00-3:00 Mtg. w/Rev. Leon Sullivan on OIC - S-205 Cap. (stop by, if possible) 4:30-6:00 Recep. for delegates of Nat'l Conf. on Soviet Jewry's Mtg. - B-369 RHOB (Mike (265-8114) Packard) 5-7 Recep. by Former Members of Congress - S-207 Cap. (Sen. stop by, if poss.) 5:00 Lenda Wertheimer - Nat'l Public Radio - Sen. Ofi (or off Floor) 6-8 Recep. - by U.S. Chamber for Finance & Ways & Means Comm. Members - Pvt. Dining Rm. 3 & 4 Cap. Hill Club (Bob/Rod) o.K. 6-8 FR Recep. for Bob Whittaker - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) 8:15 SPEAK - Edison Electric Institute - Bethesda Mariott - Pooks Hill Rd. & Rockville Pike (Dinner at 7:30) will have limo available (John Schlaes - 828-7639 TUESDAY, MAY 18 9:00 Mtg. in Baker's Ofc. - S-230 Cap. (Baker, Dole, Domenici) Text. 9:45 Bob Timberlake, n. Car artist, x hr. Gravity Sam of 10:00 Courts Subc. - 2221 NSOB (bankruptcy - grain elevator - Cryts ... ) 11:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Comm. business) 11:30 mtg. w/Baker & Domenica- S-230 Cap. 11:45 Chairman's Ity. - A-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - 8-20 + Cap. 4:30 appt- Judy Kennedy 5:30-7:30 Recep. by State Arts Agencies - H-130 Cap, (Karen C.) 347-6352 o. K. 6-8 Recep. for Cong. Chappie - Am. Inst. of Architects Bldg. (N. Y. Ave. betw. 17 & 18th, N.W. (Sen. a co-host) 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l District Attorneys Assn. - West Conf. Rm. - Supreme Ct .. Bldg. (549-9222) Jene Pote Olander, Topeka (Randy/Mike or ?? 6-8 Recep. for Nat'1 Fed. of GOP Women Regents - Crystal Terrace - Sheraton-Carlton Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 17 - 23 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19 9:30 Pensions Subc. - 2221 NSOB (mtg. invest. by pension funds & church retirement funds) Cancelled 10:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (Food stamp mark-up) 10:30 SPEAK - Ag. Dept. Awards Ceremony + Dept. Auditorium betw. 11:10 & 11:40 SPEAK - Capitol Club - Homebuilders PAC - 357 OSOB (Fred Napolitano 424-9803) 12:30 Steering Comm. Luncheon - S-120 Cap. (Rose Ann X 45597) cancelled 2:00 Ag Comm. - 324 OSOB (Food stamp mark-up) 3:00 Rules Comm. - S-207 Cap. (TV coverage of Senate) 4:00 Conf. on H.R. 4714 (tax bill) - H-208 Cap. 5:30-8:00 Recep. by Can Mfrs. Inst. - 318 OSOB (Mark) 6-8 Recep. by Wisconsin Dairy Coops. - S-138 Cap. (Mark) Bunker Hill Rm. Valley Forge Rm dietro THURSDAY, MAY 20 8:00 SPEAK - Can Manufacturers Inst. - Hyatt Regency - Everglades, Rm. (SPEAK- 8:15-8: 30 marco Giordano 9:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (FEC auth. ) 11:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (mark-up - immigration & FOIA) 1:15 SPEAK - Equitable Life Ins. Bd. - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel - Ballroom \"( ned Cabot) Bill Maddox - 484-1000 - Ballroom C 4-5 Informal gathering - Stevens' ofc. - S-243 Cap. 5:30-7:30 Recep. & film on Alaska hosted by Sens. Stevens & Murkowski - 318 OSOB (Mary X43004 O.K.6-8 FR Recep. for Dave Emery - Eisenhower Lounge - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) 6-8 Recep. by Watergate Co. & Nick Salgo on opening of new facilities - Riverview Rm. - Watergate Hotel (Sen. & Eliz.) RSVP Darby 298-4491 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 17 - 23 Page 3. FRIDAY, MAY 21 9:30 9:00 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (misc. tax bills) 10:00 Courts Subc. - 2228 NSOB (mark-up of Omnibus Judgeship bill) towo confor 7 R. 474 (600till) H-208 Cap 1:00 SPEAK - American Petroleum Inst. - City Tavern - 3206 M St., N.W. (337-8770) (Luncheon at 12:30) 10 min. off-cuff - 20-30 min. Q & A Korologos 331-1760 andy 146289 Ph: 3566616 Dr. Peter Morabito O.K.6-8 FR Recep. for John Warner - McLean - 1/33 6:00 depart denaté (Sen. be there from 6:30-7:30, if poss. - Chain Bridge Rd. (123 to Rt on Chain Br Rd. on right 8:00 Tape WDVM's \"After Hours\" TV show - Channel 9 - 40th & Brandywine, N.W. (north of Wisc.) gerry Grossman 364-3812 M2 364-3934 SATURDAY, MAY 22 SUNDAY, MAY 23 6-8 Recep for newly appointed District Judges - Federal Judicial Center - Dolley Madison House - 1520 H St., N.W. (Sam Crow invited Sen. & Eliz. ) RSVP 633-6332 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 24 - 30 1 MONDAY, MAY 24 9:30 Energy Subc. - 2221 NSOB 10:30 Judiciary Comm. - 6226 NSOB (Unfair Foreign Competition Act) 1:00 Luncheon by Helms for Ted Turner - S-205 Cap. (Sen, stop by, if possible) cancelled: 30 Mtg. w/Seely Regan Sen. Ofc. OK.6-8 FR Recep. for Stewart Mckinney - Cap. Hill Club (Sen, a co-host) 6:30 Dinner by Am. Meat Institute - Ballroom - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel (Sen. only) (stop by, if possible - not for dinner) 7:00 Barbeque - Hillendale Estate - 3905 Reservoir Rd. - Georgetown (casual) Sen. & Eliz. co-hosts TUESDAY, MAY 25 re: Budget, Supp1. Approp. & Pres. upcoming trip to Europe 9:00-9:45 Senate/House Rep. Leadership Mtg. - White House-Cabinet Rm. (N.W.Gate) Fran X 7054 9:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (Senate TV coverage 9:40 SPEAK - Judiciary Conference - Washington Hilton 11:30 Interview- Dorothy Collins - Chicago Inhunc - Sen Ofc . (profile ) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 1:15 Live radio interview - Financial News Network. (2-3 min. ) will call Sen. Cloakroom 5:30-8:00 Recep. by Nat'l Alliance of Sr. Citizens - Gold Rm. (2168) RHOB (ED (241-1533) 5:30-8:00 Open House by Bendix Aerospace Electronics Group - 1000 Wilson Blvd. - Arlington Suite 3000 6:00-7:00 Recep. by Nat'l Cable TV Assn. - Madison Bldg. - Library of Cong. (Walt/Scott) (RSVP 775-3673) O.K. 6:30 & 7:30 FR Recep. & Dinner for Durenberger Sheraton Carlton - Crystal Terrace Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 24 - 30 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 26 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (noms.) 3:45 Mtg. of Rep. Members of Finance - S-224 Cap. 6:30 Performance by K-State Singers - S-207. Cap. (Sen. comp. - $5/50/ea, staff) THURSDAY, MAY 27 10:00 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (public debt) 9:30 Criminal Law Subc. - 6226 NSOB (Omnibus Victims Protection Act) 9:30 Ag Prod. Subc. - 324 OSOB (dalry bill - Norm Barker, Pratt, witness) Cancelled 11:00 Photo w/Dr. Thomas Melady, Asst, Secly for Postsecondary Educ - Sen. Ofc. (seeing Karen) 12-2:00 Luncheon by Ag Council of America - Dining Rm. 3- Cap. Hill Club (Sen. stop by) 1:30 Mtg. w/Sec'y Regan - S-224 Cap. (w/Bob, Rod & Mark) 2:00 Estate & Gift Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (valuation of mineral props. for estate tax purp.) 2:00 Mtg. w/Gen. Sharon,Israel - S-230 Cap. (Dole, Baker, Tower, Laxalt & Jackson) Lurane11 2:30 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (noms.) 4:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending Comm. business) 8-201 Cap 6:00 Recep. by United Paperworkers Int'1 Union - B-338, 339 & 340 RHOB (Mkke) 783-5238 FRIDAY, MAY 28 9:00 Tape Rep. Conf, Satellite interview - S-243 Cap. (2 min.) KTVH-TV, Wichita -Roger Wilson 9:30 Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB (N.Y. MTA purchase of Canadian subway cars) 1:30 Mtg. w/Tully Plesser, Mike Bromberg & Hank Werinen, Humana- 2219 NSOB 1:45 Review results of Ks. survey data - Tully - 2219 NSOB SATURDAY, MAY 29 7:30 Dinner w/Lyn & Bonnie Nofziger - Jockey Club