Senator Dole's Schedule - week of March 29 - April 4 Page 3. FRIDAY, APRIL 2 being rescheduled 7-9:15 9: 30-10:30 GOP Leadership Mtg. Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W.Gate) Fran 456-7054 1:30-1:45 Signing Ceremony for Fed. Cts. Improvement Act - White House - Rose Garden (if rain, Roosevelt Rm.) (S.W. Gate) Sherry Cooksey 456-6782 ( want you there by 1:15) SATURDAY, APRIL 3 SUNDAY, APRIL 4 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 5 - 11 MONDAY, APRIL 5 2:30-3:45 SPEAK-on-panel - National Assn, of Broadcasters 60th Annual Convention - Dallas Convention Center - Dallas 5:10 p.m. Depart Dallas - American #622 F/C Seat 3B 9:16 Arr. National Airport (Andy will meet) 6:00-8:30 Recep. by Manufacturerd Housing Inst. - Hyatt Regency (Ksns, expected) Randy or ?? TUESDAY, APRIL 6 12:30 SPEAK - Luncheon of Distilled Spirits Council - Mt. Vernon Rm. - Madison Hotel (Luncheon is at 12:00) Jeff Peterson - 628-3544 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 THURSDAY, APRIL 8 Tent. 10:00 Mtg. w/Bill Brock - Sen. Ofc. (re USTR) Carol Browning 395-3204 FRIDAY, APRIL 9 - Good Friday SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1982 - Dallas, Texas Monday, March 5, 1982 8 :59 a.m. Depart National-Braniff #703. 11:45 a.m. Arrive Dallas. £ (You will be met by Jim Popham with limo) Will be staying at the Adolphus Hotel. 214/742-8200 Monday, April 5, 1982 : "The Budget and the American Dream\" (Questions/Answers) 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Dallas Convention Center, Room E 409-410. 214/658-7000 Moderator: Mike Jensen Economic Correspondent, NBC News Panelists: The Honorable Pete Domenici (R-NM) The Honorable Robert Dole (R-KS) The Honorable James Jones (D-OK) The Honorable Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL) From Dallas to Washington - also on Monday, April 5th 5:10 p.m. Depart Dallas American #622 F/C Seat 3B 9:16 p.m. Arrive National Airport. (Andy will meet your plane.) -- SENATOR DOLE HAS THE FOLLOWING FLIGHTS CONFIRMED FOR MONDAY, APRIL 5 From Washington to Dallas 8:59 a.m. Depart National Braniff # 703 (1 class service) 11:45 a.m. Arr. Dallas Contact: Tim Popham From Ft. Lauderdale to Dallas canceled 9:30 a.m. Depart Ft. Lauderdale Delta # 457 F/C 12:16 p.m. Arr. Dallas called 4/2/82 (Advise Rebecca Burrows, Nat'l Assn. of Broadcasters - Phone 293-3595 - as soon as we know which flight he is taking -- she is arranging transportation from the airport to the Dallas Convetnion Center. Also -- be sure to cancel whichever flight he is not taking - Delta phone: 521-8820 called 4/2/82 Braniff 800-527-2600 From Dallas to Washington - also on Monday, April 5 5:10 p.m. Depart Dallas American # 622 F/C Seat 3B 9:16 p.m. Arrive National Airport Be sure Andy has the flight number and time so that he can pick up the Senator at National Airport. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1982 - Dallas, Texas Monday, March 5, 1982 8:59 a.m. Depart National-Braniff #703. 11:45 a.m. Arrive Dallas. (You will be met by Jim Popham with limo) Will be staying at the Adolphus Hotel. 214/742-8200 mtg in km. 1912 at assephes (Domenici, Dole, Rostenkowski, Jones + staff) Monday, April 5, 1982 : \"The Budget and the American Dream\" (Questions/Answers) 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Dallas Convention Center, Room E 409-410. 214/658-7000 Moderator: Mike Jensen Economic Correspondent, NBC News - To albug. Panelists : The Honorable Pete Domenici (R-NM) - angela - 46621 The Honorable Robert Dole (R-KS) on 5:10 fel- The Honorable James Jones (D-OK) - ann 52211 (has leveben) in coach - The Honorable Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL) - Virginia Fletcher 54061 Ches another mitg - From Dallas to Washington - also on Monday, April 5th on the 4:30 fet back) 5:10 p.m. Depart Dallas American #622 F/C Seat 3B 9:16 p.m. Arrive National Airport. (Andy will meet your plane.) AAL: 857-4242 (Cathy) Bob Wieley: 857- 4230 Domenici Staff: Steve Beer Rod De Arment Mark Mc Conogly! Rostenkowski staff John Samon Belva Brissett- NAB- in Dallas 3:25 Rostenkowski trying to get our 5: 10 flight ?! SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 12 - 18 MONDAY, APRIL 12 10:00 Mtg. with Bob Ellsworth & George Haley - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Interview - CBS (by phone) 1:00 Lunch w/ Paul Volcker - Fed. Res. Bldg. - Rm. 2046 - 20th & C Sts., N.W. (Enter garage on 20th St. between C & Constitution) - go to 2nd Floor (452-3000 2:30 Interview - ABC-TV \"Nightline\" - Roger Peterson for use on Tax Night - April 15 - on safe harbor leasing - 2219 NSOB 3:15 Interview - Susan Yarckee, INN - TV taping on budget status - 2219 NSOB 3:30 Mtg. with Charlie Black, Paul Russo, Kathy Regan, Kathy Royce, Ed DeBoldt on Camp. America recep. - Sen. Ofc. TUESDAY, APRIL 13 8:40 Pick up - steps underneath Sen. side of Cap. 9:00 Mtg. w/Jim Baker - Blair House Cancelled 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending Comm. business) 11:30 SPEAK - Am. Bankers Assn. Mtg. - Columbia \"A\" Rm. - Hyatt Regency (10 min. off-cuff) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 1:00 SPEAK- Fertilizer Inst. Luncheon - Georgia Rm. - 2nd F1. - Mayflower(Luncheon at 12:30) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 1:40 Pick up at steps underneath Sen. side of Cap. 2:00 Mtg. w/Jim Baker - Indian Treaty Rm. - 01d EOB 5:15 \"LAWMAKERS\" interview - 2219 NSOB (Dole/Grassley bill & non-compliance) 5:30 Inglehart interview - Sen. Ofc. (Medicare-Medicaid) Sheila sit in WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 9:30 Int'1 Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB (FY '83 budget for Customs, ITC & USTR) 11:30 Signing Ceremony \"Camp. Comm. to prevent Drunk Driving\" - White House - Rose Garden - (S.W. Gate) go to Diplomatic Recep. Rm. & will be met (Mary Watson-456-7557) 12:45 SPEAK - LTV Corp. Mgmt. Mtg. - Marbury House - 3000 M St. ,N.W. - Sheffield-Stafford Rm. 2:15 Judiciary - S-206 Cap. (after 1st vote after 2:00 -if no votes, after 1st vote Thurs. after 2:00 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Am. Nurses Assn. - Wash. Ofc. - 1101 - 14th St., N.W. - Ste. 200 (Sheila) 6-8 Recep. by the Haigs, Chinese & Italian Ambassadors - Textile Museum - 2320 S St.,N.W. (informal) Sen. & Eliz. 8:00 Dinner at the Chapotans - 4910 Indian Lane, N.W. (in Spring Valley) Marie 566-5561 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of April 12 - 18 Page 2. THURSDAY, APRIL 15 8:30 SPEAK - Art Laffer Seminar - S-205 Cap. (30 min.) 9:00 Mtg. w/Sec'y Regan, Long & Conable - Sen. Ofc. Cancelled 9:30 Pensions Subc. 2221 NSOB (enterprise zones) 11:30 mtg. of. Baker . E con Task Force- A-230 Cap (15-20 min ) mt. Vernon Pm- 12:45 SPEAK - 20/20 Group (Wittenberg Assoc. sponsoring) - Madison Hotel (Luncheon at Noon) 2:30 Mtg. w/Sec'y Block - Sen. Ofc. Vivian - 447-6967 3:00 WRC-TV Interview - 2219 NSOB (on Cong. tax break) 3:15 Interview - WKAQ-TV 2219 NSOB (Puerto Rican TV) on New Federalism & Caribbean Basin INit. 3: 45 Dr. Phil Johnston - CARE - Len. Ofc. 3:30 Interview for nightly news - Sen. TV Gallery (ABC, CBS & NBC) 5:00 Paul Gale, Burke, Va. & 5 Or 6 DeMolay boys from Burke Chapter - Sen. Ofc. (photo & Sen. sign their proclamation) Mac 872-0550 6:15 National Press Club Forum (live) - at Press Club (6:30 to 7:30 program) w/Bradley (Joe Slevin - 737-7566) FRIDAY, APRIL 16 7:45 Arr. NBC Studio - 4001 Nebraska Ave. for 8:15 \"TODAY\" Show appear. (you & Eliz. ) cancelled 9:30 Pensions Subc. - 2221 NSOB (enterprise zones) 10:00 Jim Drinkard interview - Sen. Ofc. (30 min.) cancelled 10:15 Mtg, w/Ed Schmults & Bob McConnell, DOJ - Sen. Ofc. (7hcx- 633-2101) 1:00 TV Interview (Video Images) - Sen. Ofc. (5-10 min. on dialysis & CAPD -Sheila doing br. Just. 2:00 Mtg. w/Bob Greenstein - Sen. Ofc. (food stamps) w/Chris 2:15 Mtg. w/Gov. Romero, Puerto Rico - Sen. Ofc. (food stamps) with Chris 2:30 Mtg. with Japanese Amb. Okawara - Sen. Ofc. (Claude sit in) Su Kitamora 797.9878 2-8:15 7 8:30 Recep. by E.F. Hutton (George Ball) - 318 OSOB - Sen. stop by, if possible 8:00-10:00 RNC Eagles Dinner - Watergate Rest, - Riverview Rm. (dinner starts approx. 8:30) SATURDAY, APRIL 17 in Kansas- in DC SUNDAY, APRIL 18 in Kansas in D.C. Roosevelt Rue 3-5 Mtg. at White House (S.W. Gate to West Exec. Drive) enter thru West Wing-will be met the 7:00 SPEAK - Alameda Plaza - K.C. - Dick Cray's group / cancelled - Jepson doing) A SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 19 - 25 MONDAY, APRIL 19 o.K. 2:15-2:30 SPEAK-off-cuff for group of Roth's major supporters - 3302 NSOB (tax issues) (Betty X42441) 7:30 Dinner w/Don Penney - Romeo & Juliet - 2020 K St., N.W. (Sen. & Eliz.) TUESDAY, APRIL 20 6:50 Pick up for 7:15 appearance on CBS \"Morning News\" - pick up by CBS 9-9:20 Charlton Heston & Jack Valenti - Sen. Ofc. (re Betamax bill) 9:30 Rules Comm .. - 301 OSOB 9:30 GOP Leadership Mtg. - White House - Cabinet Rm. (N.W. Gate) on budget (F Fran 456-7054) 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending Comm. business)- 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:00 Luncheon & Symposium of Pan Pacific Community Assn. Trade Roundtable - G-221 NSOB (Hugh Scott, Chrmn.) John G. or Claude ?? 12:00 Ceremony by U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council - Capitol Rotunda (by invit. only) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. OK. 1:15 SPEAK-off-cuff - Cong. Fish Businessmen's Leadership Mtg. - B-352 RHOB 2:00 Judiciary- 8-206 Cap 2 -?? Mtg. on budget Family Tamente (under Sa Steps at 2:0) 5-7 Recep. by Industrial Union Dept. of AFL/CIO - 345 CHOB (Mike) (842-7847) 6-8 Recep. by Am. Cyanamid Corp. - 1301 LHOB (Ksns. expected) Mark and/or John 6-8 Recep. by Risk & Insurance Mgmt. Society - S-207 Cap. (Wm. Shirley & Wm. Hembree, UTC-KC) Mike or ?? 7 & 8 Recep. & Dinner by Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce - Riverview Rm. - Watergate Hotel 521-3922 Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 19 - 25 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 8:00 Bkfst. by U.S. Tanning Industry - 235 OSOB (Claude G. ) X 45232 8:15 Mtg. w/Rostenkowski - Sen. Ofc. '(w/Bob, Rod, Mark & Rob & John Salmon of Ways & Means) 9:30 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (S. 1758 - Betamax bill) 9:30 Pensions Subc. - 2221 NSOB (enterprise zones) 12:30 Steering Comm. Luncheon - S-120 Cap. 1:30 Judiciary - S-206 Cap.for 2228 NSOB) Exec. Sess. 2:00 Pensions Subc. - 2221 NSOB (enterprise zones) 2:00 Judiciary Comm. 2228 NSOB (noms.) chato Thurs. 4:30 carola under ben etype 5.00 Inty . o.K 5:30-7:30 FR Recep. for Dan Marriott - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. only) John Hanks X 53011 6-8 Recep. by Nat'1 Medical Lab Week. - S-207 Cap. (Sheila) 6-8 Recep1 by Nat'1 Conf. of State Legislatures & State Gov't Affairs Council- Capitol Children's Museum - 800 - 3rd St., N.E. (Randy or Mike) Melissa 737- 7004 X 17 THURSDAY, APRIL 22 10:30 Don Hall, Chrmn., Hallmark, Inc. & Rae Evans, Wash. Rep. - Sen. Ofc. 9:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (hrgs. on FEC. '83 budget auth. ). 10:00 Mtg. w/Georgia Agribusiness Council members - 2219 NSOB (John G. meet - Sen. stop by) 11:45 Bill Brock - Sen. Ofc. 12:15 Photo w/Brant Noonan, Close-Up & w/Margaret Berlin - Sen. Qfc. 12:00 Con. Jake Pickle - Sen. Ofc. \"(on Soc. Sec. Disability bill) w/Carolyn & Sydney 12 & 12:30 Recep. & Buffet Luncheon by Nat'l Clay Pipe Inst. - 2168 RHOB (Gold 'Rm. ) J. D. Buche, Pittsburg (Mike or ?? ) 1:30 Constitution Subc. - 2228 NSOB (S. 585 - Municipal Liability) 2:00 Judiciary Comm - 2228 NSOB ( moms. ) 1:40 Depart Sen. steps (underneath) Cap. 2:00 Mtg. at W.House - budget 5-7 Birthday Party for Steve Symms - 452 OSOB 5:30-7:00 Recep. by Nat'1 Conf. of Lt. Govs. - Renaissance Ballroom - Ramada Hotel - 1143 N. Hamp. Ave., N.W. (Randy or Mike) 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Restaurant Assn. - Sheraton-Washington Hotel (Mark/John) 638-6100 FRIDAY, APRIL 23 7:14-7:19 , On \"Good. Morning America - ABC - 7: 30-11:00 Mtg. - White House - on budget 9:00 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (misc. tax bills) 10:00 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (FY '83 budgets for Stt-at-Arms, Sec'y of Sen. & Architects ofc) 11:45-1:30 Tape Radio spots - Sen. Ofc. 3:30 Mtg. w/Ed Schmults, Brad Reynolds, Justice & Sherry Cooksey -Sen. Ofc. (voting rights) SATURDAY, APRIL 24 1:00 Lunch w/Baker, Domenici at Mel Krupin's - 1120 Conn. Ave., N.W. SUNDAY, APRIL 25 2:30-5:30 Mtg. at White House-Roosevelt Rm. - (S.W. Gate- park on West Exec. Drive) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 26 - MAY 2 MONDAY, APRIL 26 8:30 SPEAK - Newspaper Farm Editors of Am. - Hotel Washington 2:00 IRS Subc - 2221 NSOB (indep. contractors) 5-6 Recep. for VIP's & Major donors from Rep. Party of Hawaii - White House 5:30-8:00 Recep. by Assn. of Petroleum Re-refiners - EF-100 Cap. (Tom Manning, KC,KS) Ed ~ O.K.6-8 Recep. for Cissy Baker by Sen. Baker, Bill Brock - Cap. Hill Club (Sen, only) . 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Pres. Comm. on Empl. of Handicapped - Ben Franklin Rm. - State Dept, (Ed, Chris or ?? ) 6:30 & 7:15 Ks. Chamber Recep. & Dinner - Lincoln Ballroom - Wash. Hilton 7-8 Recep. by Trade Net - Dolley Madison Rm. - Madison Hotel (Shana Gordon's group) 338-1990 for Bill Brock TUESDAY, APRIL 27 8:00 SPEAK - Assoc. Builders & Contractors - Hyatt Regency 11:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending bus) voting rights 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 1:00 - ? #2:00 ? Armenian Martyr's Day Luncheon - EF-100 Cap. (Bishop Parken attndg) Sen. stop by 12:30 SPEAK - Am. Int'l Auto Dealers Assn. - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel - Ballroom 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 1:00 SPEAK - Am. Gas Assn. - Hyatt Regency - Yorktown/Valley Forge Rms. O. K. 2:30 SPEAK - Old Dominion Club Mtg. - 1202 NSOB (Warner's group) 3:00 hw. Sta atepe- under cap. 3:20 mitg - Family Theater & N. 5-7 Pre-Derby Mint Julep Recep. by Sen. & Mrs. Huddleston - Russell Bldg. Courtyard (Sen. only) 6-8 Recep. by Am. Optometric Assn. - 345 CHOB (Sheila) 6-8 Recep. by Assoc. Builders & Contractors PAC - Regency Ballrm. - Hyatt Regency (637-8817) 6:30 -?? Recep. by Nat'l Venture, Capital Assn. - Ballroom - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Nat'l Telephone Coop. Assn. - 1st F1. Foyer - RHOB (Ksns. attng) Mike 15 or 16 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of April 26 - May 2 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 8:30-mitg. W/Bill Coleman + Thurmond- 2300 NSOB. 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NIOB (voting rights) O .K 12:15 SPEAK - FR Luncheon for Cleve Benedict - RNC - 4th Floor Conf. Rm. (buffet luncheon begins at 12:00) (Robbie Kimball or Shirley X 54331 cancelled 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (noms.)- 5:30-7 Recep. for Bill Brock by Caribbean Central Am. Action group - Basil's -400 1st St, SE 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Specialty Advertising Assn. - B-354 RHOB (John Crofoot & other Ksns) Randy, Mike or ?? 5:30-7:00 Recep. by Catholic Health Assn. - S-120 Cap. (Sheila) could Not5: 40 6:00 SPEAK off-cuff -Calif, Ag, Leadership Program -EF 100 Cap JF/3/Cap (Susan X 55861) 6 -?? Recep. by Chicago Mercantile Exchange - 1301 LHOB (223-6965) 6:30 -?? Recep. by Am. Public Gas Assn. - Chinese Rm. - Mayflower Hotel (David Warren, Winfield & other Ksns) Ed or ?? 6:30 -?? Cocktail/Buffet by Sen. Trust - Decatur House - 748 Jackson Sq. ,NW. (Sen. & Eliz.) 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Dinner by Sioux City Chamber - 338 RHOB(stop by) Gracia X 42351 THURSDAY, APRIL 29 10:00 Judiciary Comme - 2228 NS OB ( voting rights) 11:00 Mtg. w/Block, Helms & someone from Baker's staff - 42/3 NSOB 1:00 2:20 SPEAK - Am. Soc. of Assn. Executives - Hyatt Regency - Valley Forge Rm. 5:30-7:00 Recep. by Am. Group Practice Assn. - 2168 RHON (Gold Rm) Sheila (751-1000) O. K. 5:30-7:30 FR Recep. for Cong. John Duncan - Capitol Hill Club (Sen. only) 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Health Agencies - 311 RHOB (Bob Brown, Ks.) Sheila 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Am. Women in Radio & TV - Early Bird Suite - 950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W. 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Dinner - Pres. Comm. on Handicapped- (457-4509) Walt/Scott 7:00-8:00 Cabinet Rm, Wash. Hilton (stop by) Recep for Morton Blackwell - Cap. Hilton - Senate Por. Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 26 - May 2 Page 3. FRIDAY, APRIL 30 betw. 9 & 1:00 Interview (2 min. ) of Rep. Conf. \"Operation Uplink\" Sat, TV -S-243 Cap. 9:45 SPEAK-off-cuff- Tim Wirth's Colo. Bus. Seminar group - 345 CHOB 10:00 For. Ag Policy Subc. - 324 OSOB (S. 2351 - Int'l Carriage of perishable foodstuffs) cancelled 10:15 Mtg. w/Seely Regan - Sen. Ofc. (Buck Chapoton & Dennis Thomas) 11:00 Mtg. w/Pres. & Rep. Members involved in budget mtgs. - W. House-Cabinet Rmn. (N. W. (N.W.Gate) 12:00 suty w/Thurmond. (Pres. there till 11:30 - other remain for further discussion) - Fran 456-7054 Russ Backs - Columbia \"B\" Rm\". 73%-1234 AGPA 3:45 SPEAK - Am. Group Practice Assn. - Hyatt Regency SATURDAY, MAY 1 6:30 Arr. Sheraton Nat'l Hotel (Columbia Pike & Wash. Blvd. - Arlington) for head table recep. and AMVETS Silver Helmet Cong. Award Dinner at 7:00 (Sen. receiving award) Commonwealth Ballroom SUNDAY, MAY 2