SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 3-10, 1982 MONDAY, JANUARY 4 8:00 Stag Dinner by Chancellor Helmut Schmidt - 1900 Foxhall Rd., NW (business suit) (298-4205) TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 1:00 Mtg. with Dave Owen, Tully Plesser & Bob Goodman - Sen. Ofc. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 10:30 Appt. - Dr. Carey - Cap. 12:30 Lunch w/Ken Alvord, WRC - Sen.Dining Rm. - DSOB (home ph: 244-2293) 4:00 (changed from 3:30) Mtg. with Sec'y Regan - Senate Office Bill Di Reuter -566-2647 THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 12:00 WALL STREET JOURNAL Luncheon - JOURNAL Ofc. - 1025 Conn. Ave., N.W. - Suite 800 (w/ Walt & Bob L or Rod) (Norm Miller oe Mr. McGilvray 862-9200) FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 9:00 hair appt 9:15 SPEAK - Domestic Petroleum Council - Exec. Chambers 2 & 3 - Madison Hotel 8:00 Bkfst. w/Dwayne Andreas - Dwayne's Suite - Madison Hotel (Marsha Schramm 223-9321) 1:45 (changed from 2:00) Tape interview for Telethon - Sen. Ofc. (Walt) 3:00 ABC-TV Interview - Barry Serafin - Sen. Ofc. 3:15 Interview - Helen DeWar, WASH. POST - Sen. Ofc. Senator Dole's Schedule - week of January 4-10 Page 2. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 7:00 Dinner w/Tom & Joy Korologos & Judge Bill & Joan Clark - LePavillion - 1820 K St., N.W. (pkg. next door) United States Senate MEMORANDUM Al Hunt Bob Merry will meet in lobby Rich Jaroslovsky Dennis Farney Ken Bacon Mike Miller SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 11-17 MONDAY, JANUARY 11 In New York TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 2:00 Cable News Network Interview - Sen. Ofc. (4-5 min.) 2:15 Bob Ferri, Thomson Newspapers - interview - Sen. Ofc. (Wash. corres for Leavenworth & Atchison) 7:00 Photo by TOWN & COUNTRY MAG. - 112 W.G. South WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 8:00-8:45 Bkfst. mtg. by Dr. Dawkins group (re CETA bill)-Sen. spon. bkfst. - Ed D. (Sen. stop by) 11:00 Mtg. with Amb. Okaware, Japan - Sen. Ofc. (re trade & defense approps.) 11:45 Do Capitol Cloakroom - Sen. Radio-TV Gallery 2:00 NBC Radio News interview - Russ Ward - Sen. Ofc. (10 min.) 2:15 Phone interview - Jim Drinkard, AP 6-8 Recep. by Am. Inst. of Architects - Cannon Caucus Rm. (Randy, Mike or ??) (Susan Smith - 626-7375) THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 10:30 SPEAK-off cuff- Birmingham-Southern College Seminar - 2221 NSOB (40 in group) 2:00 Interview - FORTUNE Magazine - Sen. Ofc. (30 min.) 7-9 Recep. by U.S. Wheat Associates, Inc. - Conservatory Rm. - Wash. Hilton (John G.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 1:00 Mtg. with President - Oval Ofc. - White House (N.W. Gate) Dole, Baker, Domenici 7:00 Recep. & Dinner by Nat'l Assn. of Postmasters - Pres. Ballrm. - Capitol Hilton SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE Sunday, January 10, 1982 5:00 p.m. Depart Washington National Airport General Aviation Terminal, Butler Aviation (Lear Jet - Tail No. N-920CC) (703/892-6200) NOTE: Deliver check to plane crew from Bob Ellsworth 6:00 p.m. Arrive New York City - Marine Air Terminal, LaGuardia To be picked up by: Scripps Edward Limousine Service 800/223-6710 And driven to: Helmsley Palace Hotel 455 Madison Avenue 212/888-7000 NOTE: Dismiss limo, and order again for 8:30 tomorrow morning RON: Helmsley Palace Hotel Monday, January 11, 1982 7:20 a.m. Call from WRC Radio 8:30 a.m. Limousine will arrive at Helmsley Palace Hotel to transport you to all of the day's events 8:45 a.m. Citicorp 399 Park Avenue - 15th Floor (212/559-1000) Office of Mr. Hans Angemuhler, Vice Chairman Met by Mr. Angemuhler, who will escort you to auditorium. Remarks - Walter Wriston Remarks - Senator Dole (tax policy, budget & internat'l trade Remarks followed by Q&A - Citicorp staff + outsiders 12:00 noon Lunch - Bunny Lasker 11 Wall Street - Room 604 (NYSE: 212/623-3000) Met in lobby by: Jane Tarrant, President of the Secretariat of the New York Stock Exchange Remarks - Senator Dole - taxes and budget cuts 1:15 p.m. Lunch - Comex (Commodity Exchange) (212/938-2907) Lee Berendt, President 4 World Trade Center - 8th Floor Met in lobby by: Lee Berendt & possibly John O'Neal Monday, January 11, 1982 (Contd.) 2:45 p.m. New York Times Editorial Board 10th Floor, 229 West 43rd Street Contact: Jack Rosenthal 212/556-1876 5:15 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. Pete Peterson, Chairman Lehman Bros. Kuhn Loeb 55 Water Street - 43rd Floor 212/558-1500 (Peterson would like few minutes in private with you before general group joins for dinner) 5:45 p.m. To be joined by: Michael Sherman, head of Lehman Bros. research department, who will escort you to dining room Remarks - Senator Dole - taxes, budget cuts & international trade 8:00 p.m. Depart Lehman Bros. dinner for LaGuardia airport 9:30 p.m. (esdimated) Depart LaGuardia via Lear Jet N-920CC 9:30 p.m. Arrive Washington National Airport General Aviation Terminal, Butler Aviation ROBERT ELLSWORTH & Co., INC. 1616 H STREET, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 January 8, 1982 (202) 820-144 FAX: 710 822 0020 RECO To: Senator Robert J. Dole From: Robert F. Ellsworth I. Transportation and Lodging ° Lear Jet (Tail # N-920CC ) will be ready to take off at General Aviation Terminal, Butler Aviation, at Washington National Airport at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 10. There will be a sandwich snack on the plane. Please hand over to the crew the check which is attached to this memo, and which covers the total cost of the jet through Monday evening. If you decided to keep the jet overnight Monday you would have to let them know and it would be expensive. ° The Lear Jet will land at the Marine Air Terminal at LaGuardia in New York on Sunday at about 6:00 p.m. ° A Limousine of the Scripps Edward Limousine service (Telephone 800/223-6710) will pick you up at the Marine Air Terminal and drive you to the Helmsley Palace Hotel (455 Madison Avenue, Telephone 212/888-7000) where there is a suite reserved for you in your name. I have arranged for payment to the limousine and the hotel (both to be reimbursed from expenses), except for tolls and tip for the limousine, which you should handle yourself, to be reimbursed later. Do not pay the hotel anything; when you check out, ask for the statement and get it back to me (via your staff) for verification in my accounts. ° The limousine should be dismissed by you when you arrive at the hotel Sunday evening and ordered at that time to return Monday morning at 8:30 a.m., after which it will stay with you all day Monday, and take you back to the Marine Air Terminal Monday evening after dinner. ° The Lear Jet will be standing by at the airport during the day, ready to fly you back to Washington Monday evening, presumably at about 9:00 p.m. If for any reason you decide to stay overnight Monday, you must call the airplane ( Telephone 703/892-6200) and release it to go back to Washington. Then you would go back to Washington Tuesday on your own -- the shuttle, for example. -2- II. Events of the Day, Monday, January 11, 1982 A. Citicorp 8:45 a.m. 399 Park Avenue 15th Floor Office of Mr. Hans Angemuhler 212/559-1000 Angemuhler is the Vice Chairman and is the heir apparent to Walter Wriston. He is very strong in the Corporation and is highly regarded in finance throughout the world. He will chat with you for a few minutes and then escort you to the auditorium, where Wriston will make a few remarks to an audience mostly comprised of Citicorp staff but probably with a few outsiders also. Then you will be introduced and invited to speak briefly on the outlook for Tax Policy, the Federal Budget (especially cuts in social payments) and International Trade. It is hoped you will be able to respond to questions after your remarks. B. Bunny Lasker 12:00 noon 11 Wall Street 212/623-3000 NYSE You will be met in the lobby of 11 Wall Street by Jane Tarrant, President of the Secretariat of the New York Stock Exchange. She will escort you up to Room 604, which is the office of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Exchange where Bunny Lasker will be waiting for you. Bunny will have between 5 and 25 \"important people\" for lunch, and again you will be invited to offer your observations on prospects for Taxes and Budget Cuts. I do not expect there will be much interest here on Trade, as there was at Citicorp. They will want to be able to ask questions here and the session should be over by 1:30 p.m. or so. C. Lehman Bros. Kuhn Loeb 5:45 p.m. 55 Water Street 43rd Floor Office of Pete Peterson Peterson: 5:15 or 5:30 212/ 558-1500 You know Pete Peterson, who is now the Chairman of LBKL. He was Nixon's Secretary of Commerce and before that on the White House staff in charge of international economic policy. He will want to visit with you for a few minutes and then you will be joined by Michael Sherman, the head of LBKL's research department, who will walk you to the LBKL dining room. It is -3- not clear whether Pete will join you at the dinner but in any case the dinner was organized by Sherman. There will be 10 to 20 financial institution representatives, clients of LBKL. The format will be the same as the earlier events: remarks by you on Taxes, Budget Cuts, and International Trade, as you see it, followed by questions from around the table. It should be over by about 8:00 p.m. and you can go to the airport for the return flight to Washington, if you wish. III. Financial Arrangements Each of the three hosts is paying a speaker's fee of $2,000. Citicorp and LBKL are each contributing $1,500 toward expenses, and Bunny Lasker is contributing $1,000 toward expenses. Everyone has promised to remit everything to or through my company, in the form of $6,000 worth of checks made out to you for your fees, and $4,000 worth of checks made out to me for expenses. I will simply hand over the checks made out to you, when I get them. I will pay the expenses out of the checks made out to me and if there is any left over will remit to the hosts pro rata. I will provide your staff with a detailed accounting. If anyone attempts to hand any of the checks to you, you can either accept them and hand them over to us, or you can ask them to mail everything to me. I doubt that anyone will try to hand anything to you. All are quite pleased to have you visit them, and are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you. Have a good day! As ever, (illegible) Enclosure: RECO, Inc. check #876 to the order of U.S. Jet in the amount of $2,955.75. ROBERT ELLSWORTH & CO., INC. A ACCOUNT 1616 H STREET, N.W., SUITE 505 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 876 January 7, 1982 PAY TO THE ORDER OF U.S. Jet $2,955.75 Two Thousand & Nine Hundred & Fifty-Five & seventy-five/100 DOLLARS The RIGGS NATIONAL BANK of WASHINGTON DC LINCOLN OFFICE 12TH & H STREETS, N.W. FOR Washington-New York charter plane Carl D. Usher SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE MONDAY, JANUARY 18 8:30 Mtg. with Mr. Abe, Japanese Min. of Int'l Trade & Industry - 2219 NSOB (Claud G.) 10:00 Depart National Airport - Eastern Shuttle (Rod DeArment will accompany) 10:59 Arrive LaGuardia (will be met by car and driver from Dav-El Limo Service - Ph: 212-580-6500) or 800-223-7664) 11:45 Arrive Warner Communications - 75 Rockefeller Plaza - Ph: (212) 484-6520 Don Penney and Jay Berman of the Washington Office will meet you in the reception room on the 29th Floor - and introduce you to Steve Ross, Chairman 12:00 Luncheon - Warner Communications (betw. 15-20 top execs. of Warner) 12:30 SPEAK-off-cuff followed by Q & A 1:30 Depart Warner Communications 1:50 Arr. Waldorf-Astoria - 301 Park Ave. Phone: (212) 355-3000 (Mr. Barry Shier, Assistant Manager, has promised to have both you and Rod pre-registered -- your keys will be at the Assistant Manager's Desk) 3:10 Depart Waldorf enroute Englewood Cliffs, N.J. - CPC International 4:15 Arr. CPC International - International Plaza - Sylvan Ave. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Phone: (201) 894-2725 (will be met at main entrance by Linda Asay and introduced to several top execs.) 4:30 SPEAK-off-cuff & Q & A (approx. 100 members of top management of CPC and their subsidiaries) 5:15 Reception following your remarks 6:00 Depart CPC International enroute River Club 6:50 Arrive River Club - 447 E. 52nd Street Phone: (212) 751-0900 7:00 Dinner - being arranged by Don Sloan (lew Rudin stopping by for cocktails) RON: Waldorf-Astoria - 301 Park Ave. Phone: (212) 355-3000 TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 8:30 Breakfast - Association for a Better New York - Herbert Hoover Suite - Waldorf (approx. 40 people attending - Lew Rudin arranging) 9:45 Depart Waldorf-Astoria enroute LaGuardia 11:00 Depart LaGuardia - Eastern Shuttle 11:56 Arr. National Airport (will be met by Jay Morgan) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 18-24 MONDAY, JANUARY 18 8:30 Mtg. with Mr. Abe, Japanese Min. of Int'l Trade & Industry- 2219 NSOB (Claud G.arrng) 10:00 Depart National Airport - Eastern Shuttle enroute New York TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 11:59 Arrive National Airport - Eastern Shuttle (met by Jay Morgan) 6-8 Recep. by Bd. of Dirs. of Nat'l Air Transp. Assn. - Caucus Rm-Cannon Bldg. (Mike, Randy or Scott) 965-8880 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Wheat Growers - Int'l Ballroom- Wash. Hilton (John G.) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 9:00 SPEAK - Nat'l Assn. of Wheat Growers - Lincoln/Monroe Rms. (Concourse Level) - Washington Hilton 10-15 min. press conf. following - Ks. press & several farm media types 1:00 Mtg. w/Sec'y Block - Sen. Ofc. (then go to Kassebaum's ofc. - 304 OSOB) 5:00 (changed from 3:30-4:00) Mtg. with Jim Baker - Sen. Ofc. Baker's ofc, White House (N.W. Gate) 6:30 & 8:00 RNC Inaugural Anniv. Dinner - Wash. Hilton - BLACK TIE (you & Eliz. are guests of Pat & Phyllis Taylor) 6:30-7:30 Recep. - Jefferson Rm.; Dinner - 8:00 International Ballroom THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 7:15 Depart National Airport - Butler Avia. Terminal - Falcon Jet Tail # N809P Pilot: Tom Wagner CoPilot: Bill Babbas Manifest: Senator Dole 8:25 a.m. Arr. Midway Airport - Chicago (see schedule) 6:30-8:30 Recep. by North Am. Export Grain Assn. - University Club - 1135 - 16th St., N.W. John G. (223-8285) FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 11:30 Helsinki Comm. Mtg. - H-227 Cap. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 Sen. in Fla. SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 - Return to D.C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 9:00 p.m. Depart National Airport - United # 355 (one class service) 9:59 p.m. Arr. O'Hare RON: Park Hyatt Hotel - Phone: (312) 280-2222 ALTERNATE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 First 2 appointments blacked out 8:20 a.m. Depart Park Hyatt Hotel enroute Metropolitan Club 9:00 a.m. SPEAK - Joint Meeting of Chicago Board of Trade & Chicago Mercantile Exchange Metropolitan Club - 233 South Wacker Dr. - Phone: (312) 876-3200 10:15 a.m. Depart Metropolitan Club enroute either Midway or O'Hare (will not know until Thursday morning) 11:00 a.m. Depart Chicago - Falcon Jet - Tail No. N809P Pilot: Tom Wagner CoPilot: Bill Babbas 11:45 a.m Arrive Decatur, III. 12:00 Luncheon - Management of Staley Company - (PAC participants) 1:15 p.m. Depart Luncheon Following appointment marked "O.K." 1:20-1:30 Press Conference - Lobby of Staley Corp. - R&D Center - Decatur (you have background on Paul Findley for this event) 1:30 p.m. Depart Staley Company enroute airport 2:10 p.m. Depart Decatur Airport - Falcon Jet (same as above) 6:15 p.m. Arrive Miami International Airport - Page Aero Facilities Phone: (305) 526-6344 Will be met by Jim Stewart's helicopter - Bell Jet Ranger - Tail # 49592 Pilot: Jack Green (red and white helicopter) (in case of bad weather, John Steward will have car standing by also) 6:50 p.m. Arrive helo pad - Ocean Reef Hotel - Key Largo Phone: (305) 367-2611 Contact: John Stewart Room 4226 Will be met and taken to your room 8:00 p.m. SPEAK - Plessey Aero Precision Corp. - Ocean Reef Hotel - Key Largo (Dinner at 8:00 - SPEAK at 8:30) Page 2. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 - continued 9:15 p.m. Depart Ocean Reef Hotel - Key Largo (from helo pad) 9:45 p.m. Arr. helo pad in Bal Horbour (approx. 6 or 7 blocks from Seaview Jack Green, pilot, will call ahead to Seaview to have car meet you at landing pad NOTE: In case of bad weather, John Stewart has car standing by to drive you to Seaview -- approx. 1 and 1/2 hours 10:00 p.m. Arr. Seaview - Phone: (305) 866-4441 FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 7:30 a.m. Breakfast - ADM Board Meeting - Seaview 8:00 SPEAK - at breakfast 3:15 p.m. Elizabeth arrives Miami - Eastern # 707 (car from Seaview will meet her) SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 - at Seaview SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 4:09 pm in Miami - EAL # 176 6:20 pm arr Nat'l Following appointment crossed out and labeled cancelled: 5:45 p.m. Depart Miami - Eastern # 200 (coach - starboard bulkhead & center seats requested) Following appointment crossed out and labeled cancelled: 7:56 p.m. Arr. National Airport SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 25-31 MONDAY, JANUARY 25 7:00 Arr. ABC - 1717 DeSales St., N.W. - for 7:15 segment of "Good Morning, America" 9:30 Judiciary Comm. - 1202 NSOB (DOJ Oversight - Antitrust) 1-3 Buffet Luncheon by Bill Hildenbrand - S-221 Cap. (Sen. & Eliz. invited) Linda X47099 2:30 Wash Post-interview - Fed Group - Sen. Ofc 3:00 Mtg. with Admin. reprs. from Treasury, White House & HUD - S-230 Cap. (re: free enterprise zones) Dole, Baker, Domenici & Garn 4:00 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (1982 budget, FDR memorial & equip. requests) 5:00 Presentation to Sen. by Am. Academy of Pediatrics - Sen. Ofc. 6-8 Recep. by Consumer Bankers Assn. - Crystal City Marriott (Randy, Mike or Scott) 276-1750 6-8 Recep. by Mortgate Bankers Assn. - Regency Ballrm. - Hyatt Regency (Randy, Mike or Scott TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 9:15 SPEAK - NRTA/AARP - Sheraton-Carlton - Mount Vernon Rm. 9:45-10:45 Rep. Leadership Mtg. - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W. Gate) re; State of Union Message & Economic Program 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 1:30-1:50 Interview - Stu Jackson, BUSINESS WEEK - Sen. Ofc. 2:00 Lloyd Hackler & Lee Williams, Am. Retail Fed. - Sen. Ofc. (783-7971) 4-5 Recep. by Sen. Thurmond for Dr. ATchley, Pres., Clemson Univ. - S-207 Cap. 5:30-7:00 Recep. by Independent TV Stns. - Cap. Hill Club (KSHB-TV - K.C.) Walt 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Am. Flexible Mfrs. Inst. - Caucus Rm. - CHOB (Rm. 345) 6-8 Recep/Buffet for Dan Quayle - F Street Club - 1925 F St., N.W. (Sen. only) 484-5525 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Federal Credit Unions - Eisenhower Lounge - Cap. Hill Club (Mike, Soctt or Randy) 9:00 State of Union Message Senator Dole's Schedule - week of January 25-31 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 9:30 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Exec. - Comm. staff budget) 9:30 Constitution Subc. - 2228 NSOB (hrgs. on voting rights) Sheila covering 10:50 SPEAK - Farmer Coops - Sheraton-Washington - Ballroom 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2221 NSOB (pending noms.) 3:00 Mtg. with Block. Lodwick & Tom Hammer, Ag. Dept. - 324 OSOB (set-aside & world trade) 3:45 - Interview - Ripon Forum - Sen. Ofc. (overview of '82 Session) Following appointment crossed out and marked cancelled: 4:15-4:30 Interview & photos U.S. Chamber of Commerce Sen. Ofe. (re; budget process) 4:15-5:00 Mtg. with Rostenkowski - H-208 Cap. / Virginia x 54061) 5-7 Recep. by NRTA/AARP (Assn. of Retired Teachers/Retired Persons) - S-207 Cap. Maedeene Smith, Wichita (Carolyn/Sydney) 6-8 Recep. by United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Assn. & Soc. of Am. Florists - for Sen. Hayakawa - Cap. Hill Club (Laurie X 49633 7 & 8 Cocktails & Dinner - Washington Press Club - Sheraton-Washington (BLACK TIE) (Sen. guest of Bobbie Hornig & NBC; Eliz. guest of Tom Petit) Bobbie X46421 or 686-6318 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 8:00 Bkfst. Mtg. by Bd. of Dirs. of Mid-America Regional Council - S-115 Cap. (Randy) 9:00 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (auto safety tax) 10:00 SPEAK - "Day w/Senate Leadership" - Ballroom - Mayflower 783-2080) 11:45 Depart National Airport - Midway #55 2:30 Arr. K.C. 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Exec.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 KANSAS DAY EVENTS - Sen. in Kansas 9:30 Int'l Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB 12:00 Recep. & Luncheon by Am. Council of Life Insurance - 345 CHOB (Archie Dykes) Randy SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 11:45 a.m. Depart Washington National, Midway Flight #55 2:20 p.m. Arrive KCI - Dean Evans will meet you at the gate and take you to the aircraft for flight to Salina Cheyenne Piper Twin, Tail #815CM Pilots: Bill Gross and Jim Jeltema 4:15 p.m. Arrive Salina - Dan Evans will take you to the Hilton (following note was crossed out and replaced with Hilton: Bicentennial Center where you will be met by Bob Whitworth, Executive Vice President of the Salina Chamber - Bob will take you on to the Hilton (have reserved a room for you to freshen up.) 4:30 p.m. Arrive at the Hilton - Max will meet you there - will have you checked in and will have the key. 5:15 p.m. Bob Whitworth will pick you up at the Hilton to take you to the BiCentennial Center where Elizabeth has a 5:30 p.m. press conference. *Your meeting with the College Presidents is scheduled for 5:45 p.m. - if you prefer to remain at the hotel a little longer, Max can take you to the Center. 5:45 p.m. Meeting with Associated Colleges of Kansas - Room 202A BiCentennial Center - Contact: Marie Sellberg 913/823-2295 Dr. Arvin Hahn, Bethany College Dr. Harold Schultz, Bethel College Dr. Paul Hoffman, McPherson College Dr. Daniel Bratton, Kansas Wesleyan Rev. Vernon Janzen, Tabor College Marie Sellberg, Executive Manager 6:15 p.m. Assemble in VIP room for introduction at Chamber Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Chamber Dinner *There is a small reception planned after the dinner (15-20 mins.) I have advised Sam Evans that you do not want anything scheduled for you and Elizabeth following the dinner and that you need to go directly to the airport. 8:45-9 p.m. Depart Salina Airport for Russell, Cheyenne Piper Twin #815CM Pilots: Bill Gross and Jim Jeltema Handwritten: RON: Russell - 913-483-4274 FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 a.m. With family in Russell 11:45 a.m. Joint Luncheon - Russell Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs - Elks Club Contact: Steve Bealby - 913/483-3123 (Office) 483-2438 (Home) 1:15 p.m. Depart Russell for Hays - Kenny will drive you 2:00 p.m. Formal opening of Epworth Towers, 2800 Augusta Lane, Hays Contact: Rev. William Miller - 913/625-3408 -2- Friday, January 29 Continued 3:00 p.m. Depart Hays for Topeka - Cheyenne Piper Twin Tail #815CM Pilots: Bill Gross and Jim Jeltema 4:00 p.m. Arrive Topeka, Phillip Billard - Max Klein will meet you and take you to the Ramada - You will be checked in and Max will have your key. 5:00 p.m. Meeting with Beer Wholesalers, Ramada Inn, Room 201 Fred Bramlage, Eldon Danenhauer, Dean Campbell and Mark Bornanzak (to discuss S. 1215, Malt Beverage Interbrand Competition Act) Max will accompany you. 5:30 p.m. OPTIONS RECEPTION, CONGRESSMAN JEFFRIES, Parlor B (4 to 6 p.m.) RECEPTION, SENATOR KASSEBAUM, CONGRESSMAN WHITTAKER, & ATTORNEY GENERAL STEPHAN, Grand Ballroom (4 to 6 p.m.) RECEPTION, INSURANCE COMMISSIONER FLETCHER BELL, Lower Lounge (4 to 6 p.m.) RECEPTION, KLEMP FOR GOVERNOR, Parlor C (4 to 6 p.m.) RECEPTION, OLIVIA AND BOB BENNETT, Governor's Pub (4 to 7:30 p.m.) RECEPTION, SAM HARDAGE, Regency Foyer (5 to 7 p.m.) NATIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS PRESS CONFERENCE - Kansan of the Year Award Main Lobby Alcove (5:30 p.m.) 6:30 p.m. NATIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS BANQUET, Regency Ballroom Joe Engle, Kansan of the Year (May want to stop by) 8:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. PUBLIC RECEPTION hosted by SENATOR AND MRS. DOLE, Lower Lounge Handwritten: RON: Ramada Inn - Topeka 913-233-8981 SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-VICE CHAIRMEN BREAKFAST, Grand Ballroom May want to stop by - need to leave Ramada for airport no later than 8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Depart Phillip Billard for Wichita, 340 Cessna Turbo-prop Tail #383DQ - Pilot, Bud Meredith, Co-pilot, Leland Crist (Max Klein and Steve Coen will take you to the airport and accompany you to Wichita.) 9:40 a.m. Arrive in Wichita - Jim Heiman, President of American Gasahol Refiners, Inc. will meet you at the airport and take you to Colwich 10:00 a.m. American Gasahol Refiners, Inc. PRESS CONFERENCE Colwich Plant Building - Contact: LaVonne 316/796-1234 (plant) 316/524-5917 (home) Saturday, January 30 Continued 11:00 a.m. GROUNDBREAKING FOR ETHYNOL PLANT, American Gasahol Refiners, Inc. Contacts: Larry Klenda and Vic Schlesinger 12 NOON Depart Wichita for Topeka 1:00 p.m - 1:15 p.m. Arrive Ramada - Veterans Club Luncheon in progress, Grand Ballroom May want to stop by. 2:00 p.m. REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE MEETING, Exhibit Arena 3:00 p.m. WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION, CONGRESSMAN PAT ROBERTS (3 to 4:30 p.m.) Governor's Pub - Hosted by the Big First District (optional) 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. RECEPTION FOR NEWLY APPOINTED REAGAN ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEES Exhibit Arena 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. MEETING WITH K.U. CHANCELLOR BUDIG & OTHERS - University Research - to tax incentives - Forum I, 1st National Bank Bldg., Topeka. (List of those who will attend in your briefing book) Handwritten: Merchants National Bank -- Regent's Office - 14th Fl. Topeka 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. RECEPTION WITH PAT BOONE, Grand Ballroom 7:00 p.m. KANSAS DAY BANQUET, Regency Ballroom RON: Ramada Inn - Topeka 913-233-8981 ALTERNATIVE ONE 9:00 p.m. Depart Ramada for Kansas City Max will drive you - have reserved room at the Marriott which we will cancel if you choose alternative two. RON MARRIOTT - KCI (This reservation needs to be cancelled by 6 p.m.) 7:35 a.m. Depart KCI - TWA Flight #140 Seat 3D 8:27 a.m. Arrive St. Louis 9:40 a.m. Depart St. Louis, TWA Flight #410 Seat 2C 2:25 p.m. Arrive Washington National ALTERNATIVE TWO 10:30 a.m. Depart Ramada for KCI (John Palmer will drive you) 11:45 p.m. Arrive KCI 12:20 p.m. Depart KCI, TWA Flight #488 - Seat 1C 1:14 p.m. Arrive St. Louis 2:10 p.m. Depart St. Louis, Flight #56 4:59 p.m. Arrive Washington National Seat 3D