SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1981: 2:15 p.m. Depart National Airport - Eastern # 889 F/C 4:18 p.m. Arr. West Palm Beach Will be met by Fred Whittemore and driven to The Breakers Hotel via limo Breakers Hotel - Phone (305) 655-6611 Will have room to freshen up 5:00 p.m. Speech by Louis Lehrman on the return to the gold standard (they know you will probably not attend) 6:00 p.m. Cocktails - Mediterrean Ballroom 7:15 p.m. Dinner - Morgan-Stanley & Co. - Venetian Ballroom 8:00 p.m. SPEAK - Morgan-Stanley - Venetian Ballroom 8:45 p.m. Depart The Breakers enroute West Palm Beach Airport 9:00 p.m. Arr. Airport 9:15 p.m. Take off - (do not have plane information other than a jet -- will be talking to Fred Whittemore this afternoon, but will be after 2:00) handwritten next to appointment: Exec Jet Service 11:20 p.m. Arr. Washington - Dulles - Page Terminal (Following note crossed out: Rolando will meet you at airport) Limo will meet Sen & take to W. G. South SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1981: BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE - NEW YORK CITY 5:05 p.m. Depart office enroute National Airport - Butler Aviation 5:30 p.m. Wheels Up - Butler Aviation (703) 549-8340) Lear Jet (8 passenger) Tail # 25D Pilot: John Flottorp CoPilot: Steve Fereday Manifest: Senator Bob Lighthizer Rod DeArment 6:15 p.m. Arr. LaGuardia Airport - Butler Aviation (212) 476-5211) Will be met by London Town Car limo service and driven to the Links Club - 36th & East 62nd Sts. (approx. 40-45 min. driving time) 7:00 p.m. Arr. Links Club and go directly to Business Roundtable Dinner which begins at 7:00 p.m. approx. 8:00 p.m. SPEAK - New York Business Roundtable 8:45 p.m. Depart Links Club enroute LaGuarida Airport - Butler Aviation 9:30 p.m. Wheels Up enroute National Airport 10:15 p.m. Arr. Butler Aviation - National Airport Will be met by Ferrari Limo service and driven to Watergate South SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 1-8 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 2:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (reform of Fed. assistance program) betw. 2-4:00 SPEAK - Chemical Mfrs. Assn. - Hyatt Regency (handwritten notes on page: - Concord Rm. - Jeff or Tom (illegible) messages; Kim or Rob - (Press Rm - 737 Susan Smith 6121, 737-6124)) 6-8 FR Recep. for Pat Roberts - Eisenhower Lounge - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) 6 -?? Recep. for Adv. Comm. of Law of the Sea - Ben Franklin Rm. - State Dept. (632-0041) Mike Packard 7:30 Awards Dinner by Johns Hopkins & Nat'l Science Fdn. - State Rm. - Mayflower Hotel (Sen. to present award) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 8:30 Tape "It's Your Business" - Alexandria studio - 150 S. Gordon - Alexandria 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:00 Mtg. with Farm Coalition - 2219 NSOB 2:15 Mtg. with Sugar Users - Conf. Rm. 2:30 Mtg. of Ad Hoc Comm. on Budget - 1223-NSOB 4:30 Mtg. w/King Hussein - Blair House (Jordanian Embassy 265-1606 5:30 Wheels Up - Butler Avia. - National Airport enroute N.Y. 6:30 Arr. LaGuardia Airport - will be met and taken to Bus. Roundtable Dinner 7:00 SPEAK - Business Roundtable - Links Club - N.Y. Senator Dole's Schedule - week of November 1-8 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 9:30 Mtg. with Pres on Farm Bill (also Helms & Huddleston) - Oval Ofc. - White House (S.W. Gate) 9:45 Move to Cabinet Rm. - Mtg. with Pres. & Rep. members of Ag. Comm. on Farm Bill 9:30 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (estate tax issues) Following appointment handwritten: Tent. 10:30 Mark McConaghy - Sen. Ofc - x53621 12:30 Luncheon for King Hussein - S-207 Cap. (Jan or Sandy × 47953) Following appointment changed from 12:30-2:30: 1:10-2:45 Lunchoen by United Jewish Appeal/Fed. of Jewish Philanthropies of N.Y. - 1202 NSOB (George Klein) stop by, if possible (212/355-7570) 2:00 Farm Bill Conf. - H-130 Cap. 3:00 Mtg. with Sec'y Regan - H-123A Cap. 4:00 Conf. on Social Security - H-208 Cap. 5-7 Recep. by Jr. League of Wash. - Mayflower (Sen. & Eliz. only) 6-8 Recep. by Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone - Suite 300 - 2555 M St., N.W. (Bob Griffin's firm -- he asked you to stop by) -attendant pkg. (822-9333) 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Homebuilders on 1st Anniv. of Reagan election & for Black Appointees of Admin. - Georgetown Club - 1530 Wisc. Ave. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 8:00 Finance Bkfst. - 2221 NSOB 9:30 Mtg. of Sen. Farm Bill Conferees - S-230 Cap. Following appointment time changed from 10:00: 9:30 Juvenile Justice Subc. - 6226 NSOB (exploited children) 10:00 Farm Bill Conf. - S-207 Cap 11:00 Members only mtg. on Pres. strategic defense programs - S-407 Cap. (X 40389) 12:30-2:00 Joint Steering & Wed. Club Luncheon - 457 OSOB 2:00 Farm Bill Conf. - S-207 Cap. 2:30 Mtg. w/Gov. Snellings & others Govs. with Baker, Garn, Hatfield - S-230 Cap. (X43135) Yvonne (× 42708) 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Litigation Section of Am. Bar Assn. - S-207 Cap. Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 2-8 Page 3. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 8-9 Bkfst. Mtg. of Cleve Benedict PAC group - Cap. Hill Club - Dining Rm # 1 - 3rd Fl. 9:00 Tax. Subc. - 2221 NSOB (misc. tax bills) 9:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (reform of Fed. assistance programs) 10:00 Farm Bill Conf. - H-130 Cap. 9:45 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (drunk driver hrgs.) 10:30-11:15 Mtg. at White House - Cabinet Rm. (N.W. Gate) Jeannie 456-6493 12:45 SPEAK - Luncheon mtg. of Mississippi Rep. Capital Fdn. - S-207 Cap. (for Thad Cochran) 1:00 SPEAK - National Investor Relations Inst. - Hyatt Regency - Ticonderoga Rm. (Lunch at 12:30) Brian Callahan 861-0630) 2:00 Farm Bill Conf. - H-130 Cap. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 9-15 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 12:00 SPEAK - Ag Bankers Luncheon - Sheraton-Washington 2:00 IRS Oversight Subc. - 2221 NSOB 4:00 Mtg. with Helms, Chris & Helms L.A. - Sen. Ofc. (on food stamps) phone ×43135 4:30 Mtg. on Budget - S-230 Cap. 5-6:30 Recep. by KU-K State - 2325 RHOB 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Ag Bankers Assn. - Ballroom - Sheraton Washington (467-4851) 7:00 -? Cocktail Buffet for Sen. Hayakawa by Sens. Baker & Laxalt - home of M/M Gil Nettleton - 4101 Cathedral Ave., N.W. (Valet parking) X 49633 7 & 8 Recep. & Dinner by Wash. Chapter of KU Alumni Assn. - Wadsworth Rm. - International Club - 1800 K St., N.W. (Randy) Sen. stop by, if poss. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 9:30 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (estate & gift tax issues) 10:30 Bob Ellsworth - Sen. Ofc. Following Ist votes Judiciary Comm. will meet in Exec. in S-207 Cap. 2:00 Farm Bill Conf. - H-130 Cap. 5:00 -? Recep by Pres. & Mrs. Regan for members of Pres. Transition Fdn. - White House (456-7788) 5:30-8:00 Recep. on opening of exhibition of top design entries in Vietnam Veterans Memorial Design Competition - The Octagon & AIA Hdqtrs-1799 N.Y.Ave., N.W. 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Conf. of State Bank Supervisors - 345 CHOB (Scott ??) (296-2840) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of November 9-15 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 - Veterans Day Farm Bill Conf. 11:00 Veterans Day Ceremony - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Arlington Cemetary 1:00 Farm Bill Conf - S-207 Cap. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:00 Finance Bkfst. - 2219 NSOB (Emergency Comm. for Am. Trade) 9:30-10:15 GOP Leadership Mtg. - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W. Gate) Jeannie 456-7054 9:30 Criminal Law Subc. - 5110 NSOB 10:30 Mtg. of GOP Ag Comm. members - S-230 Cap. Farm Bill Conf. - H-130 Cap. 12:45 SPEAK - American Paper Institute - Watergate Hotel FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Following appointment marked "did not do:" 9-11:00 Do "Meet the Oppressed" program by Soc. of Professional Journalists-Colubmia "C" Rm. 9:30 Courts Subc. - 2228 NSOB (S. 653 - Habeas Corpus Procedures Amend.)/ Hyatt Regency 10:00 Farm Bill Conf- S-207 Cap. 12:00 Lunch w/Nancy Kassebaum & ICC Chrmn. Reese Taylor - Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap. 1:30 Farm Bill Conf- S-207 Cap. 2:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (pending noms.) C 2-2:30 Chair Farm Bill Conf - S-207 Cap. 6:30-9:00 Cocktail/Buffet by M/M Charles Wick - on yacht "Imperator" - Washington Boat Line - 6th & Water Sts., S.W. - Pier 4 (casual dress) boat will remain at dock SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 6:00 SPEAK - FR Recep. & Dinner for Sen. Lugar - Indiana Convention Center - Indianapolis, Ind. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 1:15 SPEAK - Urban Land Institute - Philadelphia SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 16-22 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 9:30 Courts Subc. - 2228 NSOB (Nat'l Ct. of Appeals Act - hrg.) 12:30 Luncheon by Ted Stevens for group of auto dealers - S-120 Cap. (Ralph Lewis, Topeka attending - Sen. stop by, if possible 1:30 Social Security Conf. - H-208 Cap. 2 & 3 Helsinki Comm. Mtg. - briefing by Kampelman & hearing on Ukrainian Helsinki group - 2322 RHOB (Mike Packard) 5-7 Recep. by Nat'l Conf. on Reforming Regulation - Sheraton-Wash. Hotel 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Am. Bankers Assn. - Ticonderoga Rm. - Hyatt Regency (8 Kansans attndg.) Scott, Mike or Randy) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 9:00 Depart Office enroute Wash. Hilton - (Scott Rinn, Am. Council of Life INs- will meet ir 9:20-9:50 SPEAK - Am. Council of Life Insurance - Wash. Hilton- Int'l Ballroom 10:00 Farm Bill Conf. - # 140 Cap. 1301 LHOB 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending business) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:00 mtg. of conferees, Jack Block - 1301 LHOB (in back in De la Garza's ofc) 2:30 Farm Bill Conf - 1301 LHOB 2:45 Judiciary - S-214 Cap. 4:30 Unveiling of portrait of John Rhodes - Statuary Hall - followed by recep. in S-207 Cap. 5:30-7:30 Surprise Recep. by Mrs. Stevens for Ted Stevens' birthday - EF-100 Cap. (Gail × 45063) 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Am. Council of Life Insurance - Corcoran Art Gallery - 17th St. & N.Y. Ave., N.W. Senator Dole's Schedule - week of November 16-22 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 8:00 Finance Bkfst. - 2219 NSOB (Chamber of Commerce) 10:00 Farm Bill Conf. - Rm 1301 LHOB 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Criminal Code Reform) 10:45-11:45 Mtg. by Stangeland on U.S. ag productivity w/Sec'y Block, Danforth, Pat Roberts, Glickman & other House Ag Comm. members - 1301 LHOB (Sen. only) 11:30 Roll Call Vote on Treaties - Cal. #11-19 (1 vote counts as 11) Following appointment crossed out: 11:30 Cathy Pattersen - enterprise - Sen. Ofc. 2:00 Farm Bill Conf. - 1301 LHOB 4-6 Recep. by Nat'l Council of Jewish Women - 1202 NSOB (Margaret or Randy) 5-7 Open House - new offices of Rep. Senatorial Comm. - 404 C St., N.E. 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Older Women's League - 1318 NSOB (Chris) 7 & 8:15 Recep. & Dinner by Baker & Stevens honoring GOP Majority in Senate & Senators up for re-election in '82 - Great Hall - Thomas Jefferson Bldg. of Library of Congress (Sen. & Eliz.) (Mary or Lisa × 47771) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 8:00 Dental Appt. - Dr. Maupin - Walter Reed 9:00 Rep. Conf. - S-207 Cap. 9:30 Mtg with Block & GOP Farm confs & 4213 NSOB 10:00 Criminal Law Subc. - 2228 NSOB (Dole bill on construction) Gov. Thompson testifying 10:00 Secret mtg. - 3 top Sen & House Conferees - 8-224 Cap. Tent 10:45 Following mtg - Farm Bill Conf- 1301 LHOB 2:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (oversight of Gov't Merger Enforcement Policy) 3:30 Mtg. with Taiwanese Foreign Minister, Frederick Chien - Sen. Ofc. 4:15 SPEAK - Washington Forum - Hyatt Regency - Ticonderoga Rm. 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Women's Political Caucus & other women's groups for Sandra O'Connor - 1202 NSOB (Sen. only) 6-8 FR Recep. for Sen. Weicker - H.H. Leonards Gallery of Fine Arts - 2020 "0" St., N.W. (Sen. a co-host) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of November 16-22 Page 3. Handwritten on page: Farm Bill Conf. 1301 X52171 X64 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 9:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (FEC Act) 11:00 Farm Bill Con - 1301 Longworth X 52171 (12:00 AG spot taping?) 2:30 Joe Swalwell, Ks. Assn. for Children w/Learning Disabilities - Sen. Ofc. (Chris) (from Topeka) 3:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending noms.) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Senator Dole's schedule for trip to Indianapolis, 11/14/81 2:45 p.m. Sen. Dole, Bill Lesher (USDA) and Mark Helmke (Lugar press secretary) depart from Butler Aviation at National Airport. Cessna 421 5:15 p.m. Arrive at Indianapolis International Airport and then driven to the Indiana Convention Center. 5:30 p.m. Press conference with Sens. Dole and Lugar. (Ed Ziegner of the Indianapolis News and "dean" of Indiana political writers will have a few minutes after the press conference to ask Sen. Dole some questions for a special column.) (There is a special VIP room at the convention center for Sen. Dole's use.) 6:10 p.m. Sen. Dole will attend a special reception at the convention center for $500 givers. 6:50 p.m. Sen. Dole, Sen. Lugar and his family, and other officials will prepare for entrance to the dinner. 7:00 p.m. Dinner begins. (Sen. Dole will be provided with an exact agenda for the dinner.) 8:00 p.m. Dinner to conclude. Bill Ruckelshaus will make a few comments and introduce Sen. Dole. 8:20 p.m. Comments by Sen. Dole 8:40 p.m. Comments by Sen. Lugar and introduction of his family. 9:15 p.m. Sen. Dole, Lesher and Helmke will depart convention center for airport. 9:30 p.m. Wheels up for Washington. 11:30 p.m. Arrive at Butler Aviation, National Airport. Helmke can provide Sen. Dole transportation home. Handwritten on page: U.S. air # 910. - arr. national 3:35pm SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 9:20 a.m. Lv. National Airport - Allegheny #953 10:10 a.m. Arr. Philadelphia You will be met at airport by Wayne Doran or another member of the Urban Land Institute and taken to the Franklin Plaza Hotel (because of Eagles game, expected driving time to hotel is anticipated traffic) 11:20 a.m. Arr. Franklin Plaza Hotel (215) 448-2000 11:30 a.m. Luncheon - Urban Land Institute Fall Meeting - Franklin Plaza 12:30 p.m. SPEAK 1:15 p.m. Depart Franklin Plaza Hotel enroute airport (again expected driving time is an hour or more because of game) 2:20 p.m. Arrive Philadelphia Airport 2:45 p.m. Depart Philadelphia - U.S. Air #910 (commuter flight) 3:35 p.m. Arrive Washington National Airport SENATOR & ELIZABETH'S SCHEDULE -- NOVEMBER 24-NOVEMBER 29 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 4:35 p.m. Lv. National Airport - Eastern #197 (coach) 6:45 p.m. Arr. Miami TAXI CAB from Airport to Key Biscayne Hotel From November 25 thru Sunday, November 29, will be at: Key Biscayne Hotel - 305/361-5431 (Villa #41) CONTACT: Billy Vessels or his secretary, Cathy Grynaus 315/854-1111 (Ext. 322) Key Biscayne Hotel Manager: Bruce Campbell Reservations Manager: Blake Sturgeon SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS ON BOTH FLIGHTS: 3:48 p.m. Lv. Miami - Eastern #176 (coach) 6:00 p.m. Arr. National Following flight times crossed out: 6:50 p.m. Lv. Miami - Eastern #200 9:00 p.m. Arr. National (Need to cancel whichever reservations are not used) (done) Returned to D.C. Sat nite. Nov. 28