Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of September 28 - October 4 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 9:30 GOP Leadership Mtg. - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W. Gate (Judy Diamond 456-7054) 2:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (pending business) 2:15 Bob L. meeting with Robert McCandless & group - 2227 NSOB (stop by briefly) friend of J. D. 's & lives at W. G. So. 5-7 Recep. by Am. League of Lobbyists - S-207 Cap. (659-0060) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Am. Chiropractic Assn. - B-339 RHOB (Sheila/John K) (347-9090) 6-8 Recep. by Tax Comm. of U.S. Chamber - Club Rm. - Int'l Club (Bob/Rod/Rich) (659-6132) 6-8 FR Recep. for Sen. Hatch - Hyatt Regency (Sen. only) 6 -?? Recep. by Greater Des Moines Chamber of Comm. - Caucus Rm. - CHOB THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 8:00 Finance Bkfst. - 222/ NSOB (Am. Council for Cap. Formation) call kenny & anita on opening of new office 10:00 Mtg. in Michel's ofc. - H-232 Cap. (Baker, Conable, Michel, Peter Flanagan & several Wall Street people) (Luranell × 43135) 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (hrgs. on Criminal Code) 10:30 Duke U. Forum on Pres. Noms. - East Lounge - Nat'l Press Club (Press conf. on final report) 2:15-5:45 Review ABSCAM tapes on Sen. Williams - 457 OSOB 4:30-5:30 Recep. by Kassebaum for hosts of Ks. Chamber Party for staffs - 304 OSOB 5-7 Retirement Party for LtCol Spisak - Army Liaison - 224 OSOB (Marcia/Margaret) 6-8 Recep. by Am. Academy of Opthamology - Monet Rm .- L'Enfant Plaza Hotel (Sheila/John K) (223-5081) 6:30-8:30 Appreciation Party for Staff - by Great Bend, Dodge City, Graden City Chambers - Marriott Key Bridge Senator Dole's Schedule - week of September 28 - October 4 Page 3. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 8:15 SPEAK - Carpet & Rug Institute - Conference Theater - HYatt Regency (down 1 flight on escalator) (Ned Hopper or Ron VanGelderen) 10:30 Mtg. with delegation from Western Colo., incl. Wayne Aspinall - Conf. Rm. - Sen. Ofc. (Ed D) 1:30 Mtg. with Bob Gray - Sen. Ofc. 2:45 SPEAK - Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Wash. Hilton - Int'l Ballroom East 6:30-8:30 Recep. by U.S. Council for Int'l Year of Disabled - Yorktown Rm. - Hyatt Regency (Chris B.) 638-6011 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 9:30-10:30 On "Newsmakers" - CAble TV - 2133 Wisconsin, N.W. (Panelists: Bob Novak, Marianne Means, King Features & Daniel Shorr, moderator) (Bill K. will pick you up at 9:10 a.m. at Watergate South) 6:00 Surprise Party for Bernys & Wilbur McCoy by Mrs. Ray (Jolene) Blozis - Apt. 304 - 2555 Penna. Ave., N.W. (they are former Ksns) (857-7056 (293-2633 - after 6:00) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 SCHEDULE FOR ST. LOUIS EVENT - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1981 4:00 p.m. Lv. National Airport - TWA # 105 F/C Arr. 5:09 p.m. St. Louis You will be met by Wayne Millsap and taken to his home for dinner party 6-7:00 p.m. Dinner Party at Millsap residence 760 Kent Road (30-50 people attending) Phone: (314) 993-2131 7:00 p.m. Depart Millsap residence enroute Westport Playhouse (W. Millsap driver) 7:15 p.m. Arrive Fundraising Reception - Westport Playhouse Phone: (314) 878-2424 600 Westport Plaza (approx. 700 people in attendance) betw. 8:15-8:30 Introduction of VIP's by Senator Danforth prior to Country and Western Show - Christy Lane from Nashville. (Brief remarks - 1 to 2 minutes - by Senators Baker, Dole and Domenici about Sen. Danforth's re-election) 8:35 p.m. Depart reception with Wayne Millsap 8:50 p.m. Arrive Midcoast Aviation for return flight to Washington with Senators Baker and Domenici - Cessna #421 Tail # N8010Q 9:00 p.m. Wheels Up enroute Washington National 1:10 a.m. Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport Sen. Baker's driver will drop you off at Watergate enroute to Baker's home NOTE: Senator Danforth will be stopping by 3 dinner parties and will arrive at the Millsap's at 6:20 p.m. MISSOURI SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR BOB DOLE October 4, 1981 5:30 p.m. Ideal arrival time at St. Louis Lambert Airport. Wayne Millsap, prominent Republican lawyer, will meet and provide ground transportation. Wayne Millsap, (314)993-2131 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Dinner party at Millsap residence, 760 Kent Road (314)993-2131 30-50 people 7:15 p.m. Arrive Fundraiser Reception, via Millsap auto, Westport Playhouse, 600 Westport Plaza (314) 878-2424. 700 people. 8:30 p.m. Introduction of VIP's by Senator Danforth prior to Country and Western Show, Christy Lane from Nashville. (Very brief remarks 1-2 minutes by visiting Senators about Sen. Danforth's re-election being very important, etc.) 8:35 p.m. Dole depart reception w/Millsap. 8:50 p.m. Arrive Midcoast Aviation for flight back to D. C. with Baker via Cessna 421, #N8010Q. Domenici on plane also. wheels no are. Butler area - natil airport Note: Senator Danforth has three dinner parties to drop by. He will drop by Millsap's party at 6:20 p.m. Baker's driver will drop you off No october 4 Sunday September 29, 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR BETTY MEYER From Alex Netchvolodoff I am told that there is considerable confusion with respect to Senator Dole's gracious willingness to participate in Senator Danforth's fundraiser Sunday evening, October 4. This memo is intended to alleviate the confusion. First, the event is not cancelled and Senator Dole's participation is most important to us. I understand that you have informed Judy Hollis that someone in this office advised you that the event was cancelled. I don't know who that person could have been, but please excuse the confusion. Second, Judy has informed me that you are quite concerned about getting Senator Dole back to Washington on Sunday evening. We have arranged for Senator Dole to ride back to Washington with Senator Baker by private jet. Departure will be at 9:15 p.m. from Lambert Airport, and arrival Washington National Butler Aviation at approximately midnight. Third, we are hopeful that the Senator will be able to arrive in St. Louis no later than 5:30 p.m. in order to participate in the events that we have scheduled. He is the featured guest at a pre-event dinner party. (A room has been reserved for the Senator to freshen up 30 minutes or so before the main event at 7:30 p.m.) Senator Dole will be met at Lambert Airport and will be provided with continuing staff assistance throughout his visit. Again, we do sincerely appreciate Senator Dole's gracious willingness to participate in this important fundraising event. If you have any further questions, please let me know. There are 3 dinner parties - - each designed around , Senator Domenico at one - head of aper lil Baker - 6:00 - 17:00 Dale " - at Wayne milsappo's home 7:30 are Country Western 1 hr at dinner party -- CountryWestern Event at 8:30 pm. October 4 Sunday United States Senate MEMORANDUM 7-90 FR recep. 7:30-8:15 Country Western Show Introductions 8:30- 10:00 - would introduce Sen during this time St. Louis 7:15 am la. STL TWA 266 10:05 am Judy x41402 September 24 TO: Senator Dole FROM: Betty RE : FR Event for DAnforth in St. Louis on October 4 (Sunday) I mentioned yesterday that the Danforth Fundraiser on Sunday, October 4, was off -- this was wrong information given me by his staff. I have now been informed by his secretary, Judy, that it is in fact on for this date. They are planning SCHEDULE FOR ST. LOUIS EVENT - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1981 4:00 p.m. Lv. National Airport - TWA # 105 F/C 5:09 p.m. Arr. St. Louis You will be met by Wayne Millsap and taken to his home for dinner party 6-7:00 p.m. Dinner Party at Millsap residence 760 Kent Road (30-50 people attending) Phone: (314) 993-2131 7:00 p.m. Depart Millsap residence enroute Westport Playhouse (W. Millsap driver) 7:15 p.m. Arrive Fundraising Reception - Westport Playhouse 600 Westport Plaza Phone: (314) 878-2424 (approx. 700 people in attendance) betw. 8:15-8:30 Introduction of VIP's by Senator Danforth prior to Country and Western Show - Christy Lane from Nashville. (Brief remarks - 1 to 2 minutes - by Senators Baker, Dole and Domenici about Sen. Danforth's re-election) 8:35 p.m. Depart reception with Wayne Millsap 8:50 p.m. Arrive Midcoast Aviation for return flight to Washington with Senators Baker and Domenici - Cessna #421 Tail # N8010Q 9:00 p.m. Wheels Up enroute Washington National 1:10 a.m. Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport Sen. Baker's driver will drop you off at Watergate enroute to Baker's home note: Senator Danforth will be stopping by 3 dinner parties and will arrive at the Millsap's at 6:20 p.m. United States Senate MEMORANDUM Betty: The evening event is as follows : Sun., Oct. 4 7: 30-8:15 Country Western Show from Nashville Christy Lane, singer. 8:15 Introductions, no speeches. 8: 30-10 Reception. ALL AT : Westport Playhouse 600 Westport Plaza St. Louis (314)878-2424 Hotel As soon as I have information on the earlier dinner, I'll let you know. × 42675 holding seat on Baker plane Judy Mary Draper X 41404 9:00 pm Xv. St . Louis apt. 1:10 am arr. Butter Circa- nat'l October 3 APARTMENT 304 2555 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20037 September 18, 1981 Dear Mrs. Dole, I am hoping you can help surprise my parents, Bernys and Wilbur McCoy. After forty years in Washington, they are retiring to their home state, Kansas. Our family will be gathering at my home on October 3rd at 6 o'clock for a farewell-and-best- wishes dinner. It would mean so much to them if you and your husband could join us. Both of you are much admired by me and my family. In our weekly chat, my parents ask if I saw you in church last Sunday even before they ask about Dr. Bauman's sermon ! (They are officers of the Roberts Memorial Free Methodist Church.) And they are proud that I am serving on the same volunteer committee as you, the Emmaus Fellow- ship. If you can come and join us October 3rd, we would be very pleased. make new for 5 Yours, Solene M. Blogs Wed. at 12:00 moon (Mrs. Raymond L. Blozis) 857-7056 293-2633, after 6 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 5 - 11 MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 9:30 Mtg. with Birch Bayh - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 Judiciary - 5110 NSOB (hrgs. on Criminal Code) 12:00 Mtg. of Econ. Task Force - S-230 Cap. (Pat 289-8660) (Yvonne × 43135) 4:00 Mtg. with Rostenkowski on Soc. Sec. - H-208 Cap. 5-6 Recep. by Block for Bd. of Dirs. of Fed. Crop Insurance Corp. - USDA Admin. Bldg. (John) 6-7:30 Recep. by Cong. Club for Helms - Botanical Gardens (X 43154) 6-8 FR Recep. for Cong. Larry Hopkins - Cap. Hill Club - Eisenhower Lounge (Sen. only) 7:45 SPEAK - Am. Petroleum Refiners' Assn. - Washington Marriott - Thomas Salon (Dinner 7:15; Speak 7:45 or 8:00) Ray Bragg 331-7081) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 8:15-9:30 Bkfst. to meet new Peace Corps Dir. , Mrs. Loret Ruppe - S-120 Cap. (254-3114) 9:00 Charles Schuman, FHA Admin. - Sen. Ofc. (John G. - Sen. see briefly) Linda 447-7967 11:00 -9:30 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (pending business) 11:00 Ag. Comm. - 325 OSOB (to postpone wheat referendum & defer increase in dairy price sup. 11:30 Carson Cowherd, John Kerr & 5 or 6 other K.C. Homebuilders - Sen.Ofc. (Rich B. ) >2/945 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 1:30 2:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (nom. hrgs.) 2:45 John Oliphant & Wichita homebuilders - 2219 NSOR ( Rich B. ) 5:00 Briefing by Haig on Egyptian situation - S-207 Cap. (Senators only - no staff access) 4:00 Mtg. of Rep. Members of Finance - S-206 Cap. (on Revenue raisers) 5:00 Photo w/Am. Assn. of Equip. Lessors & Bob L. - Sen. Ofc. (Del Smith, 638-5023) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Chemical Specialities Mfrs. Assn. - Caucus Rm. - CHOB (872-8110) 6-8 FR Recep. for Kirk Walsh, Cand. 12th Distr., Mich. - Kelleys Irish Times -14 F St. ,N. W. 6-8 Recep. by Paul Henson & United Telecommunications - Columbia Ballroom- Hyatt Regency ( mike P. ) (659-4600) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of October 5 - 11 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (Public Integrity Section - DOJ) 9:30 Mtg. with Pres., V.P., Haig &Weinberger on AWACS -Cabinet Rm-White House (S.W. Gate) 10:30 Rep. Conf. - 335 OSOB 11:30 Luncheon by No Greater Love for Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Assn. - Franklin Recep.Rm. 11:30 Briefing on MX by DOD - Sen. Ofc. 12:00 State Dept. (783-4665) Lunch w/Mrs. Raymond BTozis & parents, Bernys & Wilbur McCoy (Rs. )-Sen. Dining Rm -Cap. 2:00 cong. George O'Brien -Sen Ofc. (X53635) 4:00 National Cathedral - "Celebration of Life" for President Anwar Sadat (Sen. only) 5:30-7:30 FR Recep. for Cong. Mike Oxley - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 8-9 Godfrey Sperling Bkfst. - Crystal Rm. - Sheraton-Carltonm(Betty Kimmerling 785-4400) 9:30 Dean Evans & his atty. - Sen. Ofc. (with Rich B. ) Tom Hampton 2219 NSOB 10:15 Seeley Lodwick, USDA & possibly Tom Kay, Cong. Liaison (Esther 447-3111 10:30 Outstanding Handicapped Fed. Employees of Year Awards Ceremony - Commerce Dept. Auditorium (take card along) 11:30 Bill Grant & several ins. people - Sen. Ofc. (with Rich B. ) (Ted, Bornstein - 624-772) 12:00 Gov. Kit Bond - Sen. Ofc. (with Phil Morrison sitting in) on tax exempt bonds 1:45 Mtg. with Rev. Leon Sullivan & Dr. Dawkins - Sen. Ofc. (also Weicker) 2:15 Naomi Schwiesow - Sen. Ofc. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 10:30 Taping for Baltimore Gas & Elec. PAC - Conf. Rm. Carolyn 633- 2141 1:30 Ed Schmults & Bob McConnell - Sen. Ofc. (re Beverly Ledbetter) also Pete &Sheila Baer SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 APPOINTMENT REQUESTS & MISCELLANEOUS REQUESTS - Sept. 22: 1. Jim Buckley is anxious to meet with you on AWACS at the earliest possible time. Contact: Judith Epstein - 632-0410 Barney Barnett 10 min. (10:00 mtg w/Long 1 2. Herman Talmadge will be in town on Thursday (Sept. 24) and wants to see you about "Finance legislation". Do you want to try to do ?? D.C. 785-0500-ufc. Yes No When? Phone: 404/221-0777 - 920-3984-home tried - Schedules did not work 3. You told Packwood you would try to meet with Marshall Hahn, Pres., Georgia Pacific -- he will be in town today (Sept. 22) and tomorrow and they have been calling for an appointment. Can I try to set late this afternoon ?? Around 4:30 ?? Yes No Contact: Jill Mahlen, Packwood's ofc. - X 49061 Tom mitchell 659-3600 4. Dick Herman and Leon Parma are planning to come to D.C. this week and want to see you about S. 1215 -- it's franchising in the beer business (right of brewer to franchise -- similar to the soft drink bill. ) Do you want to try to see them -- or when Dick calls again shall I basically refer him to Judiciary ?? Yes No sending the. .. will see you on next trip week of sept .28 Mark McConaghy would like 20-30 min, to review some things that have come up and to go over some ideas. Do you want to try to do late this week or Saturday morning? Mark - X 53621 James Villalobos, Director of Administration, NATO, is in town this week and next (till Oct. 2) and is most anxious to meet with you on a "NATO matter" which he feels is urgent -- wants 20-30 min. ) Yes no When ?? Contact: Kathleen Sullivan 548-7083 7. Joe Califano and David Maxwell have requested an appointment through Jim Cannon -- you apparently told Cannon you would see them. Maxwell is President of Federal National Mortgage Assn. Maxwell will be here tomorrow and they would like to know when it would be best to see you -- morning or afternoon' -- so they can work their schedule around yours. Contact: Dana Urban or Joyce 789-8820 (They are meeting with Long at 2:30 Wed. ) 8. A Ronald McIntyre of Boston called last Friday and requested an appointment on a "national political matter" of some urgency. Said he had talked to Paul Weyrich and Paul told him it was very important he talk to you as soon as possible. He would tell me nothing more about it -- but apparently felt Paul's endorsement was all he needed to get in to see you .. He can be reached at: 484-1000 X 15210 (FORGET THIS ONE -- he apparently left without calling again) APPOINTMENTS REQUESTS & MISCELLANEOUS REQUESTS - Sept. 22 9. Birch Bayh would like to see you as soon as possible for 3-4 minutes -- said it's about something you may already know -- but he wants to visit with you briefly anyway. Yes No Phone : 289-8660 Pat, seely 10. George Stafford called to advise that Frank Carlson talked to him about a book George Linder is doing on Carlson. Sen. Carlson knows how busy you are, but asked George to see if you could see Linder for 15-20 minutes to provide your insights for the book. Linder will be in town Sept. 23, 24 and 25. Will call me tomorrow (Wed. ) Can we try to do about 9:45 Friday, Sept. 25 ?? Or ?? Time 938-8273 en de staying in Oakton, Va. Yes No MELON BOND SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 12 - 18 MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 - Columbus Day TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 10-10:30 Live TV CLOSE-UP program (for 21 Ks. high schools - Wichita & Lawrence) Hall of States Bldg. - 400 N. Capitol 11:15 John Kemp - Sen. Ofc. (Chris - Sen briefly) 11:30 Interview - UPI profile by Mary Beth Franklin & Sonja Hillgren - Sen. Ofc. 12:20 Photo - Sen. steps w/group of 36 Sr. Citizens from Holton, Ks. (Rev. Wm. Tudor, Evangelical 3:00 Peter Hughes & Jim Hacking, Nat'l Assn. Retired Persons/Teachers - on Soc. Sec. - Conf. Rm. (with Carolyn Weaver) 3:30 Interview with Bob Clark of "Good Morning, America" - Sen. Ofc. (2nd tax bill & bgt. cuts 5-7 Recep. by Nat'l Mental Health Assn. - Caucus Rm. - CHOB (Sheila/John) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Professional Insurance Agents - Caucus Rm. - CHOB (Dean Krueger, Newton & other Ksns. expected) Scott or ??? (Bert Leavitt 836-9340) 6-8 Recep. for Cong. Marc Marks - Columbia Inst. for Politicsl Research - 230 E. Capitol St. (Sen. only) (Sharon × 55406) 6-8 Recep. by Tommy Thomas & other Chevrolet dealers from across country - Cap. Hill Club (Sally 904-785-5221) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 10:00 Mtg. of Econ. Task Force - S-230 Cap. (Dole, Baker, Garn, Jepson, Hatfield & Domenici) 10:00 Ag. Res. Subc. - 324 OSOB (briefing on CFTC's pilot program on options trading) 11:00 Mtg. of Mid-States Port Authority (Huck Boyd), Kyle Railway (Willis Kyle & Blake Willis) & Fed. RR Admin. (Robt. Blanchette, Admin. )- 304 OSOB (Nancy's ofc. ) 12:30 Luncheon for King Juan Carlos of Spain - S-207 Cap. (Eliz. of Jan × 58095/7) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Farm & Power Equip. Dealers Assn. - Columbia Ballrm. - Hyatt Regency ( John/Cindy) 6-8 Recep. for Gene Atkinson - 4th. Floor - RNC (on his announcement of chg.from Demo to Rep. 6-8 Recep. by Am. Land Title Assn. - Caucus Rm. - CHOB (Roger Bell, Wichita &other Ksns. ) (Ed., Scott or Randy 6-8 Recep. by Alliance for Responsible CFC Policy - 2105 RHOB (Michael Schlapp, Wichita) Ed SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - week of October 12 - 18 Page 2. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 8:00 Finance Bkfst. - 2221 NSOB (Nat'l Assn. of Realtors) 9:45-10:00 SPEAK-off-cuff - Int'l Mgmt. & Dev. Institute - 6226 NSOB (Gene Bradley 337-1022) 11:30-11:45 SPEAK -off-cuff - Pacific Area YPO - 1202 NSOB (Sandy - 484-7686) 5:30-7:00 Recep. for Baucus by Williams & Jensen & Am. Trucking Assn. - 224-B Justice Ct. , NE by new Sin . Blog . -(off Maryland at 3rd, N.E.) (Janice or Kathy 223-0376) Const to mayland - left on 3 rd - U turn - Justice Ct. on right side 6-8 FR Recep. for Tom Evans - Pete Hannaford's home - 1002 - 22nd St., N.W. (co-host) 6:30-7:30 Recep. honoring Matsunaga & Erlenborn by Small Business Council of America - 5110 NSOB 7:20 & 8:15 SPEAK -off-cuff -- dinner meeting of 100 Execs. of Std. Oil of Indiana Presidental run. - Mayflower (8:15 SPEAK) ) (Rom Korologos 331-1760) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 9:30 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (misc. tax bills) 11:00 Mtg. in Baker's ofc. on dairy price supports - S-230 Cap. (Dole, Helms, Baker, Huddleston 12:15 Luncheon Mtg. of Econ. Task Force - S-230 Cap. (with Jim Baker & Stockman) 4-6:30 Recep. by Assn. of Independent Med. Equip. Suppliers - STouffer's Crystal City Hotel (Sheila/John) 347-4407 6:30 & 7:30 SPEAK -Recep. & Dinner - Merrill-Lynch - Salon B - Four Seasons Dennis moynihan SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 ( Robin AD) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 19 - 25 MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 9:00 Energy & Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB 2:00 IRS Oversight Subc. - 2221 NSOB (recovery of attorney's fees in tax cases) 2:15 Mtg. of Ad Hoc Comm. on Budget of Rep. Conf. - 1223 NSOB 4:00 Interview - KOAM-TV, Pittsburg, Ks. - Sen. Ofc. 5:30-7:00 Recep. by Arthur Levitt, Chrmn, Am. Stock Exchange - S-207 Cap. (528-3465) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (Exec. - X. 1700, Cts. Subc. bill) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:00 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (Conf. following immediately) 2:30 Mtg. with Sec'y Regan, Weinberger & Wm. French Smith & Dole, Tower & Thurmond - Atty. General's ofc. - Rm. 5111 -Justice Dept. (10th & Const.ent. (Admin. position on Insp. Gen. legis.) Carolyn 633-2141 3:30 Mtg. with Jack Block - Sen. Ofc. 4:00 Mtg. of GOP Sen./House Leadership in H-227 Cap. (Michel's ofc. ) with Dole, Domenici, Jepson (on economy and budget) (Yvonne X 43135 6-8 Recep. by Sierra Club for Volunteer Leaders - 318 OSOB (Mike Martin, Wichita) - Ed 6-8 Florida Day Recep. by Paula Hawkins - 1202 NSOB 6-8:30 Recep. by Junction City Chamber during AUSA mtg. - Delaware Suite - Sheraton Wash. 7 & 8 Recep. & Dinner by Ks. Bankers Assn. - Four Seasons Hotel (Rex Duwe, et al) Sen. & Randy 7-9:00 FR Recep. for Lugar hosted by Sen. Baker - 3224 Woodland Dr. , N.W. (Sally x47435) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of October 19 - 26 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:00 Finance Bkfst. - 2221 NSOB (Am. Bus. Conf. & NAM) 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (hrgs. on S. 326, Small Bus. Motor Fuel Pres. Act) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (Susan Phillips nom. ) 10:00 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB 11:00 Rex Dave 802 9 Kg, Bankers - San Of (Randy .. Sen briefly) 12:30 Steering Comm. Luncheon - S-120 Cap. (X 45597) 1:00 Interview - Cable News Network - Sen. steps of Cap. (10 min.) 3:00 or 3:30 Mtg.with Sen. Baker - S-230 Cap. 6-8 FR Recep. for Trent Lott - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. only) 7-9 Recep. by Baker & Packwood for Inner Circle Members - Tent by Capitol Reflecting Pool (X 42351) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 8-9 Bkfst. Mtg. of PAC Steering Comm. for Cong. Dave Emery FR - Olympic Rm .- Hyatt Regency (2nd F1. - take glass elevator in lobby) 10:00 Joint GOP Sen. /House Leadership Mtg. - S-230 Cap. (on economy & budget) 11:00 Mtg. with Buck Chapotan & Sen. Metzenbaum - 2219 NSOB (on ind. dev. bonds) 12:30-2:00 Luncheon by Citizens' Choice & Nat'l Taxpayers Union = H-130 Cap. (for Members who have introduced legis. for taxpayer relief) (Nancy 659-5590) 2:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (pending noms. ) 4:15 Mtg. with Stockman & Sen. Long - S-202 Cap. Dat x 40202 6 & 7 Recep. & Dinner by Int'l Yr. of Disabled & Industry-Labor Council of Human Resources Ctr. - Sheraton-Wash. Hotel; Recep. - Virginia Rm .; Dinner - Washington Rm(Chris) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of October 19 - 26 Page 3. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 8:00 Finance Bkfst. - 2219 NDOB ( Volker attndg*) / staff person 9:30 SPEAK - Nat'l Nutrition Consortium Forum on Nutrition and Aging - Hyatt Regency (Dr. Mahlon Burnette 638-6575) 9:30 Energy & Ag. Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on misc. tax bills) 10:00 Criminal Law Subc. - 2228 NSOB (hrgs. on Violent Crime Task Force) 11:30 meg. of Helsinki comma members - nike X 51901 6:30 -? Recep. for Canadian Parliamentary Int'l Wheat Marketing Group - EF-100 Cap. (John) betw. 7:00 & 9:00 SPEAK - "United Together" - Hospitality HOuse - Arlington SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 7:00 Awards Dinner - Assn. of Federal Investigators - Ft. Leslie McNair Officers' Club (BLACK TIE) Sen. to receive 1981 Legis. Award) Brian Hyland 347-5000 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 11:30 Loan Signing ceremony for REA - Sen. Ofc. 1218 ser (15 min. ) Cindy 12:00 Luncheon by Bd. of Dirs. of Embal. Stock Ownership Assn. - 457 OSOB (Randy, Rod or Rich (Bill Dexter, Winfield) 12:50-1:20 SPEAK - FR Luncheon for Heinz - 1202 NSOB (off-cuff on economy, budget, Heinz' work on Comm., etc. ) 1.00 Estate & Gift Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on estate tax issues) 4:00 Rules Comm. - S-324 Cap. (Liebengood's ofc) re: radio coverage of AWACS Floor debate 4:00 Mtg. of Ad HOC Comm. on Budget - S-126 Cap. (called by Garn) 6-8 FR Recep. for John Heinz - his home - 3322 0 St., N.W. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 8:00 Bkfst. by Ks. Savings & Loan delegation - H-139 Cap. (Randy, Mike) 8:30 Bkfst. Mtg. of Comm. for Responsible Fed. Budget - G-219 Cap. (Domenici, Jim Jones,etc) (Nancy Moore × 40846) 9:30 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (Exec .- radio coverage of AWACS debate) 9:30 Mtg. with Ks. S&L group - Sen. Ofc. (Randy, Mike - Sen. stop by) 10:30 Mtg with Domenici on Budget - Sen. Ofc. 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 12:30 Judiciary Comm. - S-224 Cap. (Exec. - cancelled at 9:30) 1:45 Interview "Lawmakers" - Judiciary Comm. prior to 2:00 Exec. 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Oversight Gov't Merger Enforcement Policy) 3:00 Mtg. with Sec'y Regan - Sew. ofc. 4:00 Mtg. with Long & J.D. - S-202 Cap. (on sugar) Bill Di Peuter 566 - 2647 5-6 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Conservation Districts - 322 OSOB (John/Cindy) 5-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Council of Investigation & Security Svcg. - B-338 RHOB (Dan Bunch, 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Senatorial Business Adv. Bd. - Tent by reflecting pool west of Cap. K. C .. ) Mike 5:30-7:30 Recep. - National Unicef Day - EF-100 Cap. (547-0204) 6-8 FR Recep. for Bill Emerson - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) 6-9 Recep. by Nat'l Council of Se. Citizens - Auditorium - Machinists Bldg. - 1300 Conn. Ave., N.W. (Chris) Shirley - 347-8800 X 267 Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of October 26 - November 1 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 8:00 Finance Bkfst. - 2221 NSOB (AFL/CIO) - 9:00 Don Culbertson, K.C. - Sen. Ofc. (re: UDAG) - Mike P. & Scott 11:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (Soil & Water Resources Cons. Act. - briefing by Block) 11:30 Mtg. with Helms - Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap. (y de la Forza) 12:30 Steering Comm. Luncheon - S-120 Cap. (Premier Peter lugheed, Canada, guest) 5:00 Vote on AWACS 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Inst. of Medicine - Great Hall- Nat'l Academy of Sciences - (Sheila/John) 6-8 FR Recep. for Dave Emery - Columbia "B" Rm. - Hyatt Regency (Sh THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 9:30 Courts Subc. - 2228 NSOB (hrgs. on bankruptcy - future income) × 47623 10:00 Gov't Affairs Comm. - 3302 NSOB (Budget Act oversight) × 40431 4:20 Depart Nat'l - TWA # 105 5:36 Arr. St. Louis 6:30 Depart St. Louis - TWA # 477 7:32 Arr. K.C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 Senator in Kansas w/Sec'y Block SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 - Halloween! Sen. in Kansas with Sec'y Block SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 October 29, 1981 FINAL SCHEDULE -- SECRETARY BLOCK/SENATOR DOLE -- KANSAS TOUR (OCTOBER 29-31) Buty CONTACTS : Jo-Anne Coe (Dole staff) 202/224-6521 (Ofc.) 703/920-2732 (Res.) Betty Stern (Block staff) 202/447-4623 (Ofc.) Vivian Culp. (Block staff) 202/447-3631 (Ofc.) TRAVELLING PARTY CONSISTS OF: The Honorable John Block, Secretary of Agriculture The Honorable Bob Dole, U. S. Senator Mr .: Frank Naylor, Under Secretary of Agriculture (Small Community and Rural Developmt.) Mr. Dave Ryder, Advanceman, USDA Mr. Dave Lane, Asst. Press Secretary to Secretary Block Mr. John Linko, Security Agent, USDA Mr. Randy Miller, Legislative/Policy Director to Senator Dole Mr. John Gordley, Agriculture Legislative Assistant to Senator Dole Mr. John Junior Armstrong, Kansas Farm Bureau THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 4:20 p.m. Depart Washington National via TWA 105 (Snack on flight) 5:36 p.m. Arrive St. Louis NOTE: TWA Ambassador's Club has been alerted and is available to relax between flights. Restaurant and snack bar nearby. Ambassador's Club: 314/344-3400, Ext. 385 6:30 p.m. Depart St. Louis via TWA 477 7:32 p.m. Arrive Kansas City International Airport (GATE 35) NOTE: Senator Dole, Secretary Block and USDA personnel in First Class (no coach space available); Dole staff in Coach Class. (Senator Dole: Seat 1C on TW 105, Row 1 Seat 2 on TW 477) Congressman Bob Whittaker (Kansas 5th Cong. Dist) will be on same flight, along with Congressman Guy Molinari (R-NY), who is travelling to Kansas for Congressman Whittaker MET BY: John Palmer Dole Kansas City staff 913/287-4545 (Ofc.) 913/371-4077 (Res.) John will assist in transferring from TWA to private aircraft 7:45 p.m. Depart Kansas City (GATE 36) via private aircraft en route EMPORIA (Flying time: 30 minutes) NOTE TO PILOTS: On approach to Kansas City, call in on Frequency 130.32 to Flight Information Coordinator (Commercial telephone: 816/243-4200), who will give clearance for aircraft to park at GATE 36. - 2 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 (CONTINUED) AIRCRAFT TO BE USED: Secretary Block, Senator Dole, Congressman Whittaker, Congressman Molinari and John Linko: Davis-Mudd Cessna Citation, Tail No. N502CC. (Seating capacity, 6 + 2 pilots ) Contact: John Remmert or Bob Davis, Great Bend (316/792-1751) Frank Naylor, Junior Armstrong, Dave Ryder, Randy Miller, John Gordley, and Dave Lane (unless Mr. Lane wants to accompany press) : Kansas Farm Bureau MU-2 Turbojet, Tail No. N693FB. (Seating capacity, 7 + 2 pilots) Contact: Junior Armstrong, Manhattan (913/537-2261) or Pilot, Jack Graber, Manhattan (913/539-0219) PRESS PLANE: Midwest Solvents MU-2 Turbojet, Tail No. MS130. (Seating capacity, 7 + 2 pilots. ) Contact: Bud Haney, or Norma, Atchison (913/367-1480) PRESS ACCOMPANYING TOUR: Kelly Lenz - WIBW (Topeka) Dirck Steimel - Wichita Eagle Larry Steckline - Mid America Ag Network Rich Hull - Kansas Ag Network Rex Childs - KFDI (Wichita) 8:15 p.m. Arrive EMPORIA MET BY: Rob Mooney, District Admin. Asst. to Conq. Whittaker 316/342-6464 (Ofc.) 316/342-2713 (Res.) 8:30 p.m. "FARMERS' NIGHT" - Agriculture appreciation rally (In progress since 730) Airport Terminal Hangar 316/342-3598 (airport) Congressman Whittaker will moderate, introduce Senator Dole who will make brief introductory comments and then introduce Secretary Block. Secretary Block will also make few welcoming remarks, and meeting is then opened to questions from audience. Sponsors : Emporia Kiwanis Club, Farm Bureau and Emporia Chamber NOTE: IF TIME PERMITS -- photo opportunity with local citizenry and Congressman Whittaker 9:45 p.m. Depart Emporia en route MANHATTAN (Flight time: 15 minutes ) NOTE: IF INCLEMENT WEATHER PRECLUDES TAKE-OFF FROM EMPORIA, ROB MOONEY IS ARRANGING FOR GROUND TRANSPORTATION TO MANHATTAN. NOTE: Congressman Whittaker and Congressman Molinari leave the tour in Emporia. - 3 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 (CONTINUED) : 10:00 p.m. Arrive MANHATTAN MET BY: Bill Richter, Chairman, Landon Lecture Series 913/532-6842 or 532-5738 Kansas State University Security (will provide transportation and escort during duration of Manhattan visit). Campus Security: Chief Arthur Stone or Captain Gary Gillaspie 913/532-6412 RON: MANHATTAN RAMADA INN 913/539-7531 MET BY : Ed Phelps, Riley County GOP Chairman, and group of local Republicans, and Morris Kay, Chairman, Kansas Republican Party. There is NO "reception" to attend, contrary to earlier reports. NOTE: Fruit and cheese will be available in room for Secretary Block and Senator Dole NOTE: 6 Rooms reserved as follows : 1 - Secretary Block 1 - Senator Dole 1 - Frank Naylor 1 - John Linko 1 - Randy Miller and John Gordley 1 - John Ryder and Dave Lane NOTE: HOMECOMING WEEKEND AT K-STATE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 7:45 a.m. K-State Security will pick up party at Ramada Inn and escort to: 8:00 a.m. State Republican Party Fundraising Breakfast (In progress since 7:45) All Seasons Motel (old Holiday Inn) (Main Dining Room) 1501 Tuttle Creek Boulevard 913/539-5391 NOTE: Congressman Jim Jeffries will be in attendance Contact: Morris Kay, State Republican Chairman 913/234-3416 (Ofc. - Topeka) 913/843-6005 (Res. - Lawrence) 913/539-5391 (All Seasons Motel -- will have overnighted) 9:05 a.m. Depart All Seasons Motel - 4 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 (CONTINUED) 9:15 a.m. Meet in lobby of Ramada Inn - You will be met in lobby by President of Kansas State University, Duane Acker (pronounced Ahker), who will escort the party to breakfast 9:30 a.m. BREAKFAST for Landon Lecture Series Patrons. Ramada Inn basement meeting room (Crowd size: 250-300) 913/539-7531 SECRETARY BLOCK TO MAKE BRIEF COMMENTS NOTE: By special invitation, 6 Future Farmers of America State Officers (all K-State students) will attend breakfast: Ron Winnemyer, Doug Haddan, Wes Beal, Bruce Fouts, Greg Diel and Shelly Hasvold. Huck Boyd, RNC Committeeman for Kansas, who is co-sponsor of event in Norton will also be attending Breakfast (and will fly to Norton with the party) 10:00 a.m .-10:20 a.m. PRESS CONFERENCE K-State Union 10:30 a.m. SPEAK (SECRETARY BLOCK) - LANDON LECTURE SERIES Kansas State University, McCain Auditorium (20 minutes remarks, 20 minutes Q&A) Contacts : Bill Richter, Chairman of Landon Lectures (Will host and accompany party while on campus ) 913/532-6842 or 532-5738 Dr. Mike Johnson or Lavonne Wells - Coordinators for Landon Lecture Series 913/532-6325 NOTE: Any messages that must be relayed for the travelling party should be left with President Acker's office: 913/532-6223 11:10 a.m. Depart Kansas State University NOTE: McDill "Huck" Boyd, RNC Committeeman for Kansas (from Phillipsburg) will join tour at this point 11:15 a.m .- 12:00 noon Visit Kansas Farm Bureau offices 2321 Anderson 913/537-2261 (Have telecopier facilities - Ext. 119) Contact: John Junior Armstrong or Gloria, his secretary NOTE: Cafeteria in building if lunch desired. However, Farm Bureau is preparing box lunches either to eat in their office or take on airplane 12:15 p.m .- 12:30 p.m. Brief visit to ASCS and FCIC offices (approx. 40 employees) 2601 Anderson 913/539-3531 Contact: Frank Mosier, State ASCS Director, or Jim Pugh, ASCS Administrative Officer - 5 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 (CONTINUED) 12:45 p.m. Depart Manhattan en route NORTON (Flight time: 1 hour) NOTE: CHANGE OF AIRPLANES Secretary Block, Senator Dole, Frank Naylor, Huck Boyd and John Linko: Piper Cheyenne, Tail No. 815CM (Seating capacity: 6 passengers + 2 pilots) Junior Armstrong, Randy Miller, John Gordley, Dave Ryder and Dave Lane: Navajo Chieftain, Tail No. 4087G (Seating capacity 6 passengers + 2 pilots) Press (Kelly Lenz, Dirck Steimel, Larry Steckline, Rich Hull, Rex Childs): Navajo Chieftain, Tail No. 4085L Airplanes out of Aircraft Services of Salina, arranged for by Dean Evans, Evans Grain Co. (913/827-4484) Contact: Bill Gross or Susie Carr 913/825-6261 (Aircraft Services) 913/827-9289 (Gross's residence) 1:45 p.m. Arrive NORTON (Municipal Airport: 913/877-2201) MET BY:n Norton Chamber of Commerce "Ambassadors" Keith Sebelius, Former Ist Dist. Congressman 913/877-5143 (Ofc.) 913/877-3180 (Res.) 2:00 p.m . - 3:00 p.m. Public Meeting with local agriculture community 3:00 p.m. American Legion Hall (across street from airport) . Hosted and coordinated by Keith Sebelius and Huck Boyd 877-6987 SECRETARY BLOCK REMARKS (10-15 minutes), followed by Q&A Congressman Sebelius will moderate NOTE: AAM Tractors will be parked nearby; AAM indicates they may hold a "tractorcade" 3:05 p.m. Depart Norton en route RUSSELL (Flight time: 25 minutes) NOTE: Huck Boyd drops from tour at this point 3:30 p.m. Arrive RUSSELL (Senator Dole's home town) MET BY: Kenneth (Kenny) Dole (Senator's brother) 913/483-3231 Russell Chamber of Commerce "Ambassadors" 3:45 p.m .- 4:15 p.m. 4H Building - Meet with members of Post Rock Rural Water District (Rural Water District No. 1, Ellsworth County) - 6 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 (CONTINUED) CONTACT (POST ROCK MEETING) : Adolph Vopat, Chairman 913/658-3367 4:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 4-H Building - Open public meeting for farmers Russell Townsley (Russell Daily News) will moderate and introduce Senator Dole and Secretary Block Contacts : Russ Townsley 913/483-2116 Everett Dumler, Russell Chamber of Commerce 913/483-3401 (Ofc.) 913/483-4805 (Res.) Roger Williams, Mayor of Russell 913/483-3614 Loren Dinkel, AgCo, Inc. 913/483-2128 Jim Hopper, Russell County Farm Bureau 913/483-2131 Wayne Steinert, Russell High School Principal 913/483-5631 NOTE: THIS IS RUSSELL HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING DAY (Parade was at 2:30) NOTE: State Senator Fred Kerr will join tour in Russell. Will accompany (on airplane) to Dodge City and then to Hutchinson. Will drop tour in Hutchinson. 5:30 p.m. Depart Russell en route DODGE CITY (Flight time: 30 minutes) 6:00 p.m. Arrive DODGE CITY (CROTTS Avia) MET BY: Congressman Pat Roberts (1st Dist., Kansas) Dodge City Chamber "Ambassadors" Mr. Robert E. (Gene) Eastin Ford County GOP Chairman & Cong. Roberts' Regional Rep. 316/227-2244 (Ofc.) 316/225-1527 (Res.) Mrs. Jim (Bea) Williams Ford County Dole Chairman 316/227-3280 Mr. Dick Fraley Exec. Secretary, Dodge City Chamber 316/227-3119 - 7 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 (CONTINUED): 6:15 p.m .-6:45 p.m. Private meeting with Joe Berkely, Publisher of High Plains Journal, Congressman Pat Roberts, and small group of supporters. High Plains Communications Center 316/227-7171 7:00 p.m. Annual Convention - Kansas Association of Wheat Growers (Already in progress : 5:30 reception, 6:30 dinner, 9:00 dance) Holiday Inn 316/225-9900 NOTE: Room at motel for Secretary and Senator to freshen-up SENATOR DOLE to present annual award to Wheat Man of the Year SECRETARY BLOCK to give keynote address (20 minutes of remarks, followed by 20 minutes Q&A) Contact: Earle M. Hunt, President, Kansas Wheat Growers 316/442-3229 (Res. - Arkansas City) 316/442-6684 (Farm - Arkansas City) 316/662-2367 (Ofc. - Hutchinson) (or Rena Smith, Same #) 8:45 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Meeting with AAM Leadership Holiday Inn - private motel room reserved for Secretary & Senator Contact: Leonard Cox, AAM Leader (from Weskan, Ks. ) 913/943-5351 Jim Kramer, Former AAM State Leader (Hugoton, Ks.) 316/5442926 9:15 p.m. Depart Dodge City en route HUTCHINSON (CROTTS Aria.) (Flight time: 30-40 minutes ) NOTE: RETURN TO USE OF ORIGINAL AIRPLANES (Cessna Citation and two MU-2 turbojets) 10:15 p.m. Arrive HUTCHINSON MET BY: Nancy Shears Reno County Dole Chairman 316/663-1521 (Ofc.) 316/662-8089 (Res.) Bob Bacon Reno County GOP Chairman 316/662-2651 Mrs. Robert (Jody) Armstrong Immediate Past Chairman, Reno County GOP 316/669-9311 RON: "Holidome" Holiday Inn 316/669-9311 (NOTE: Fruit and cheese will be in rooms for Secretary & Senator) NOTE: 6 Rooms reserved, as in Manhattan NOTE: Dirck Steimel (Wichita Eagle) drops from tour in Hutchinson, and Terry Wooten (Commodity News Service) joins tour. - 8 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 7:30 a.m. FarMarCo representatives will pick up party at Holidome and transport to: 7:45 a.m. Breakfast/Meeting (coffee, donuts & rolls) Farm Credit Coops, Land Banks, PCA's, local feed grain dealers, local farmers (In progress since 730) FarMarCo Auditorium 1600 North Lorraine 316/663-6861 NOTE: MINGLE WITH CROWD HAVING COFFEE FOR VERY FEW MINUTES Don Chartier, President of FarMarCo, will open meeting, welcome group and introduce Jimmy Dean. Jimmy Dean will introduce Senator Dole (who will introduce Secretary Block), and Mr. Dean will moderate the program NOTE: SENATOR DOLE to present American Flag which flew over the Capitol to winner of drawing for same at State Fair in Hutchinson. Bob Bacon (County Chairman) will assist and coordinate. Contacts : Jimmy Dean, Farm Credit Board 316/662-3624 (Res.) 316/264-5371 (Ofc.) Tom Tunnell Kansas Grain and Feed Dealers 316/662-7911 (Ofc.) 316/662-8008 (Res.) Don Brown Farm Credit Bank - Wichita (Arranging for refreshments) 316/266-5100 9:00 a.m. Depart FarMarCo Auditorium 9:15 a.m. Depart Hutchinson Airport en route INDEPENDENCE (Flight Time: 30-45 minutes ) 10:00 a.m. Arrive INDEPENDENCE MET BY: Mrs. Hazel Allison 5th District Dole Chairman 316/331-4481 HAZEL WILL HAVE WITH HER PHIL ATKINSON, REPORTER FROM INDEPENDENCE PAPER, WHO WILL INTERVIEW SENATOR DOLE IN CAR FROM AIRPORT TO HIGH SCHOOL. Dan Thiessen State Senator and former Dole nominee for Federal Farm Credit Board 316/331-2818 Congressman Bob Whittaker (tentative) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 (CONTINUED) -9- BLOCK/DOLE TOUR Saturday, October 31 (Continued) 10:15 a.m. Arrive Independence High School Auditorium 316/331-4115 Introduction of Senator Dole by Jim Sheldon, Montgomery County Republican Chairman (Senator Dole will introduce Secretary Block) Speak - Secretary block 10:45 a.m. Depart High School en route "NEEWOLLAH" Parade 11:00 a.m. Neewollah Parade (Halloween spelled backwards) NOTE: Secretary Block, Senator Dole and Congressman Whittaker to ride in 1941 Lincoln Continental Convertible Limousine, furnished by Mr. Herb Roberts, friend of D.C. Dole staffer Rose Mary Mong. Rose Mary will also be attending Neewollah. Car will be 12th in Parade, out of 131 entries. (Governor Carlin will in car immediately in front. ) Neewollah Festival Chairman: Don P. Dancer 316/331-1650 (store) 316/331-1753 (res.) 12:45 p.m. Depart Independence en route KANSAS CITY (Flight Time: 30 minutes) NOTE: Congressman Whittaker accompanying for transportation to Kansas City 1:15 p.m. Arrive KANSAS CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (EXECUTIVE BEECHCRAFT) (Downtown Kansas City) 816/842-8484 MET BY: John Palmer and Helen Durbin, K.C. Dole staff 913/287-4545 (Ofc.) 913/371-4077 (res. - John Palmer) 913/268-4599 (res. - Helen Durbin) Chris Bolton - Washington Dole staff (who joins tour at this time) Chris will be staying at Alameda Plaza, 816/756-1500 Note: John Palmer will arrange for box lunches if desired NOTE: 1:45 p.m. PRESS CONFERENCE City Hall/Civic Center - Commissioners' Chambers 701 North 7th Street Kansas City, Kansas 66102 To be followed immediately by: - 10 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 (CONTINUED) 2:00 p.m. Meeting on WIC, Child Nutrition (School Lunch, Breakfast, Summer Child Care) and Food Stamps (Also at City Hall/Civic Center) Contact: Mrs. Chris Bolton, Dole staff 202/224-6521 (Ofc.) 816/756-1500 (Hotel in K.C.) 4:35 p.m. Depart Kansas City International Airport via TWA 124 (DINNER Flight) 9:02 p.m. Arrive Washington National Airport NOTE: Senator Dole and Secretary Block in First Class. USDA and Dole staff in Coach Class. Senator Dole: Seat 1C. ** END OF TOUR* * FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS HAVE BEEN CONTACTED TO ENCOURAGE THEIR MEMBERSHIP TO PARTICIPATE IN MEETINGS WITH SECRETARY BLOCK AND SENATOR DOLE John Junior Armstrong Kansas Farm Bureau Manhattan 913/537-2261 Earle M. Hunt Knasas Association of Wheat Growers Arkansas City 316/442-3229 (res.) 316/442-6684 (farm) 316/662-2367 (Ofc - Hutchinson) Paul Nauer NFO 913/678-2607 Ivan W. Wyatt Farmers Union McPherson 316/241-6630 Jan Broadhurst Kansas Concerned Farm Wives Sedgwick 316/796-0381 Tom Tunnell Kansas Grain and Feed Dealers Hutchinson 316/662-7911 Ed Moody Grange 913/686-3506 Jimmy Dean Farm Credit Board Wichita 316/264-5371 John Meetz Kansas Livestock Association Topeka 913/232-9358 Earle Foote Kansas Corngrowers 913/879-2397 John Anderson President, Farmland Industries Kansas City 816/459-6216 Doyle Talkington Kansas Pork Council Manhattan 913/776-0442 Don Chartier President, FarMarCo Hutchinson 316/663-6861 Peggy Arensman W.I.F.E. (Women Involved in Farm Economics) Kinsley 316/659-2957 Dale Roberds Kansas Soybean Assoc. Pittsburg 316/231-4463 Bob Falk Kansas Grain Sorghum Assoc. Effingham 913/833-4031 Nancy Kantola Kansas Cooperative Council Topeka 913/233-4085 Leonard Cox AAM Weskan 913/943-5351 Jim Kramer AAM Hugoton 316/544-2926 Steven Graham Kansas Wheat Commission Hutchinson 316/662-0273 Bob Broeckelman Future Farmers of America Manhattan 913/532-6424 Norman Barker Associated Milk Producers, Inc. (AMPI) Pratt 316/672-6735