SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 6 MONDAY, AUGUST 31 12:00 Luncheon by Ryan Haley (Bill Taggart) for Japanese trade group - S-206 Cap. (we reserved room) Sen. stop by, if he has time TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 (blank) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 10:30 Mtg. with Sec'y Schweiker - Sen. Ofc. (also Dave Swoap & Jack Svahn -Carolyn & Sydney) (Contact: Elsie or Virginia - 245-7000) 2:15 Depart National Airport - TWA # 273 First Class 5:05 Arrive Kansas City (will be met and flown to Hutchinson - Cindy Harris arranging Kansas itinerary) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 5:30-7:00 Recep. by Nat'l Criminal Justice Assn. - 1202 NSOB (Pete V.) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 (following appointment crossed out) 6:30 p.m Senator departs Kansas City - United # 350 First Class (following appointment crossed out) 9:48 p.m. Arrive Dulles (Rolando will meet flight) United States Senate MEMORANDUM 8/31 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 2:15 pm Leave National TWA #273 5:05 pm Arrive Kansas City 1 F/C Conf FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 2:45 pm Leave Kansas City TWA #440 Stop St. Louis 40 mins. No plane change 7:18 pm Arrive National ROLANDO TO PICK YOU UP. Pat SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 7 - 13 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 - Labor Day TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 10:30 JACK MCDONALD, MR. WM KLOPMAN (CHMN BOARD BURLINGTON) IN SEN. OFC. RE: S995 ANTI-TRUST WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 8:00 SENATE DINING ROOM, J. Haines, (handwritten, in margins) G. Ablah Russ Meyer (typed) D. Slawson. 9:30 Secy Regan 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 1202 NSOB (O'Connor nom.) 2:30 Judiciary Comm. - 1202 NSOB (nom. hrgs. of Sandra O'Connor) 4:00 Caucus on Farm Bill - S-230 Cap. (Sec'y Block & Ag. Comm. Members) 6-8 Recep. by Am. Nurses Assn. - B-338-339 RHOB (Sheila) RSVP 296-8015 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Soc. of Engineers PAC - Cap. Hill Club (Randy or Scott) Contact: 463-2344 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 7:45-9:00 Bkfst. by Am. Assn. of School Administrators - Caucus Rm- CHOB (Chris) 8:00 Bkfst. by Clark Ahlberg & Wichita STate officials - H-236 Cap (Randy) (handwritten) 10:00 Energy Comm - 3110 NSOB (Howard Wilkins nom. - Sen. 3rd statement- Ed 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 1202 NSOB (O'Connor nom.) (1:00 handwritten, 12:00 crossed out) 1:00 12:00 Luncheon for Sandra O'Connor & Mr. O'Connor by Sen. Thurmond - S-138 Cap. (Vandenberg Rm. ) Eliz. also invited (Candy X 45709) (handwritten) 2:00 Cloture vote (photo with Domenici 4239 NSOB (his ofc) 3:30 Frank Naylor & Walter Bunch - Sen. Ofc. (on co-op taxation) 4:00 Mtg. of Ag. Comm. members - Baker's ofc - S-230 Cap. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 9:30 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (debt limit hrgs.) 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 1202 NSOB (O'Connor nom.) 12:30 Luncheon by Baker to discuss Economic Outlook - S-230 Cap. (Dole, Garn, Domenici, Laxalt, Hatfield, Jepson) (handwritten) Yvonne X 43135 (handwritten) 2:00 Mtg. on Soc. Sec. - S-202 Cap. Long's ofc.) (handwritten) 2:30 Ag. Comm Mtg. - S-230 Cap. (handwritten) 4:30 Wm. Casey - 2323 NSOB - Pete's ofc (re FBI/CIA amend.) (handwritten) Sunday, Sept 13 (handwritten) 11:30 Brunch by Blocks - Zwigley's -3201, N. Mexico Ave, N.W. - with Bloch's parents (Sen & Eliz arr about 12:15) SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND 5:05 p.m. Arrive KCI - TWA #273 Steve Berry will meet you at the TWA gate with the King Air - N-228-RA, and fly you to Hutchinson - he will fly you Wednesday and Thursday. 6:30 p.m. Arrive HUTCHINSON Airport - (316/663-2922) Dave Kerr, Chamber Legislative Affairs Chairman, will meet you at the airport and take you to City Hall Dave Kerr (off.-316/663-1225) (res.-316/662-7414 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Public Forum - City Commission Chambers, City Hall (316/662-3391) Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce - John Daveline, Chamber Director Jim Fee, Chamber President Following the Forum, Dave Kerr will take you back to the airport to fly to Dodge City. *(The Chamber advised me that the Tri-State Highway Users Conference will be held at the Holiday Inn in Hutchinson and they have requested you stop by if you have time. I have advised them it is very doubtful. ) 9:00 p.m. Arrive DODGE CITY Airport - (316/227-8679) Lou & Gene Eastin will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Silver Spur Motel -- the pilots will be spending the night there also. (four rooms reserved at Silver Spur - (illegible phone number crossed out) (handwritten) 316/227-2125 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD 7:30 a.m.- 8:45 a.m. Breakfast sponsored by DODGE CITY Chamber - Silver Spur Convention Center, Dick Fraley - Chamber Manager; Ron Long - Chamber President Lou Easton - Governmental Affairs Chairman 9:10 a.m. Following the Breakfast, the Eastins will see you get to the airport to meet the King Air to fly to Liberal 9:35 a.m. Arrive LIBERAL Airport - (316/624-5671) Deryl Schuster will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Community College. (Deryl's number is 316/624-1971) 10:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. Coffee sponsored by Liberal Chamber - Seward County Community College Student Union - 316/624-1951 Roy Ely - Chamber Manager; Deryl Schuster - Chamber President; 11:05 a.m. Following the Coffee, Deryl will take you to the airport to fly to Colby 11:50 a.m. Arrive COLBY Airport - 913/462-6532 Paul Layland, Chamber Manager, and Sandy Kriss (Paul's daughter and our Chairman) will meet you at the airport to take you to the College 12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Luncheon - Colby Community College (913/462-3984) Paul Layland - Chamber Manager; Mary Espinoza - Chamber President; Following the Luncheon, Paul and Sandy will take you back to the airport to fly to Hays. -2- 2:30 p.m. Arrive HAYS Airport - 913/628-8261 Lloyd Lundy will pick you aup at the airport and drive you to the Ramada Inn. 3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Reception - Calvert Room, Ramada Inn - 913/628-8261 Jack Wilhm - Chamber Manager (will be out of town Lloyd Lundy - Chamber President Following the Reception, Lloyd Lundy will take you to the airport to fly to Salina 5:30 p.m. Arrive SALINA Airport - Main Terminal. - 913/825-7256 (will let know who is picking you up) 6:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Saline County Republican Central Committee Poolside Party - Red Coach Inn, Suite 150 - 913/825-2111 Selma Steele - GOP Chairman; Don Tabler - GOP Vice Chairman; 7:10 p.m. Depart Salina for Emporia 7:40 p.m. Arrive EMPORIA Airport - 316/342-3598 Dale Stinson, Chamber President will meet you at the airport and drive you to the fairgrounds. There will be an ice cream social going on at the time you arrive (begins at 7:30 p.m.). 8:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Forum - Anderson Building, Lyon County Fairgrounds - Dale Stinson - President Following the Forum, Dale will drive you to the airport to fly to Topeka. 9:40 p.m. Arrive TOPEKA - Phillip Billard Airport - Cindy will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Ramada Inn overnight Ramada Inn- Topeka (913/233-8981) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH 9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. SPEAK - Touche Ross & Company and Merchants National Bank Seminar on "The Economic Recovery Act of 1981: Its Effect on You". - Regency Ballroom, Ramada Inn-Downtown, Topeka. Jan Shaw - contact (913/233-3234) Following your speech, John Palmer will drive you to Kansas City (We will continue to look for a plane if you want to fly.) 12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m. SPEAK - Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Luncheon - Alameda Plaza (816/756-1500) Robert MacGregor - President; R.A. "Bob" Long - Chairman of the Board; Following the Luncheon, John will take you to the Airport to depart for Washington. 2:45 p.m. Depart KCI - TWA #440 7:18 p.m. Arrive Washington National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - SEPTEMBER 14 - 20 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 8:00 Bkfst. with Stockman - S-113 Cap. (also Dan Mason, J. L. Cullen & Mike Hudson of his staff & Bob, Carolyn & Sydney) 11:00 Mtg. on issue of modern bomber force - with Lt.Gen. Kelly Burke - S-407 Cap. (No staff) Bob Andrews-Glenn's ofc-X40389 11:30-1:15 Swearing-In & champagne recep. for John Loeb as Amb. to Denmark - Ben FRanklin Rm State Dept. (June 632-1774) 12:30 Mtg. of Econ. Task Force -S-230 Cap. (luncheon) 12:40-1:30 Rand taking Bob & Mrs. Parrish to Sen. Dining Rm. for lunch 2:00 Mtg. with insurance execs. on black lung - (handwritten) S-224 Cap. 3:00 Interview - Barry Serafin, ABC - Sen. Radio-TV Gallery (handwritten) 3:30 Mtg on Farm Bill - Reps on Ag. Comm. - S-230 Cap. 5:00 Mtg. in Baker's ofc. - S-230 Cap. (on Econ. outlook) 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Jim & Louise Broyhill - Apt. 502 - Watergate West 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Spanish Amb. & Mrs. Llado for Spanish Heritage Week - 2801 -16th St. , N.W. (265-4671) 6:30-9:30 Recep. by Nat'l Cable TV Assn. - 1301 LHOB (Ksns. attndg.) Bill K/Randy (775-3622) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 8:00 Bkfst. - Cap. Hill Club - Eliz. spkg. 9:30 Rep. Leadership Mtg. - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W. Gate) 9:30 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (nom. hrgs. - Al Eckes) 9:30 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending Comm. business) (11:00 handwritten, 10:00 crossed out) 11:00 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (mark-up - debt limit) (handwritten) 10:00 Sen - on Floor 10:30 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Exec. - noms. & Comm. business) 11:30 Recep. for Sen. Heinz & Cong. Gaydos by Fed. of Ethnic Minorities - B-369 RHOB 11:45 Comm. Chrmn. Mtg .- S-230 Cap. (Sen. a co-sponsor) Margaret ?? 12:00 SPEAK-Luncheon Mtg. of Am. College of Nutrition - Bethesda/Marriott (SPEAK - approx. 12:45) Sey Halpern 212-874-4445 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending nom. hrgs.) 2:30 Dedication of Hugh Scott Rm. - S-120 Cap. 3:00 Mtg. with Swedish Parliament Members of Tax Comm. - (crossed out) 2227 NSOB (handwritten) S-324 Cap (typed) (Bob & Rod-Sen. stop by) (X 45617) 5-7 Recep. by Am. Inst. of Steel Construction - B-338-340 RHOB (Geo. Christopher & Tom Fitch, K.C.) Randy or Scott 5-10:00 "Pennsylvania Day '81" Celebration - Courtyard - RHOB (admittance by card only) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Air Force Assn. - Longworth Cafeteria (Cletus Pottebaum, Wichita) Randy, Margaret) 5:30-8:00 Recep. by Allis-Chalmers -Cap. Hill Club (plant in Topeka) Cindy or JOhn 6-8 Cocktail Party for Ticket Sellers for Goldwater Dinner by Timmons - Jefferson Hotel - 16th & M Sts., N.W. (Sen. only - stop by) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of September 14 - 20 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 8:00 Bkfst. by Boys Clubs of America - 2168 RHOB (Gold Rm.) -Sen. a member of Bd of Trustees 8:00 Finance Comm. - Bkfst. Mtg. - (crossed out) S-224 Cap. (handwritten) 2221 NSOB 9:00 Mtg. with Wichita UDAG representatives - Sen. Ofc. (Randy & Scott sit in) 11:30 & 12:00 Recep. & Saints & Sinners Luncheon - Shoreham Hotel - roasting Ed Meese (guest of Lloyd Derrickson, Merrill Lynch) Helen Heuser 822-3665) (appointment illegible, white-out used) 1:30 Mtg. in Rostenkowski's ofc. - H-208 Cap. 2:00 Photo with 30 Sr. Citizens from 5th Distr. - House Steps, Cap. (Scott meet them) (handwritten) 3:30 Interview w/NBC (Tom Pettit). Sen. Radio- TV Gallery 4:00 Mtg. on Legis. strategy on Economic issue - S-230 Cap. (Baker, Dole, Domenici, Hatfield, Jim Baker, Stockman, Friedersdorf & Darment 6-8 Recep. by AMPAC - Grand Ballroom - Mayflower (Sheila) 857-1363 6:30-? Sen. Trust Recep. & Buffet Dinner - White House - South Lawn (East Entrance) Gracia X 44285 7:30-? Cocktail/Buffet by Sec'y & Mrs. Block - The Patio - Admin. Bldg. - USDA (Sen.) 447-6829 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 (handwritten) 10:15 mtg. in Jim Baker's ofc- White House (N.W. Gate) 12-2:30 Luncheon mtg. with gov't & industry leaders on world food supply - East Dinging Rm. - Madison Library (Sen. co-host with Stangeland, Zorinsky & Whitley) 1:30-2:00 SPEAK (off-cuff) for Dave Durenberger "Founders Club" group - 154 OSOB (X49447) (handwritten) X45851 3:30 Briefing on Madrid with Max Kampelman - 457 OSOB (Sen. co-Chrmn.) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 21 - 27 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 8:00 Bkfst. by Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund - H-139 Cap. (with 15 top execs. who are fundraising for Fund) Margaret - Sen. stop by, if poss. (Jan Scruggs) 9:30 Sheila mtg. with Dr. John Smith, microbiologist, Wesley Med. Ctr. - 2219 NSOB 12:00 Joint GOP Senate/House Leadership Lunchoen - S-230 Cap. (approx. 20) Yvonne X 43135 12:45 SPEAK - Foodservice Orgn. of Distributors - Blue Rm.- Cap. Hill Club (Luncheon at noon) 1:30 Mtg. with GOP Mem. of Finance on Soc. Sec. - S-224 Cap. 2-2:30 Naval Reserve Reenlistment Ceremony for Mike Wilkie - Sen. steps, Cap. (stop by) 5:30-7:00 Recep. by United Fresh Fruit & Veg. Assn. - 1202 NSOB (Cindy/John) J.C. Connell, Shawnee Mission 6-8 Recep. by Prince Georges County Reps. - Cap. Hill Club TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 8:45-9:30 SPEAK - Jaycees Annual Gov't Affairs Leadership Seminar - 2168 RHOB (Gold Rm.) off-cuff on Finance Comm. 9:30 Mtg. with Dr. Mike Boskin arr. by Sen. Armstrong on Soc. Sec. - 1321 NSOB 9:45-10:15 Ks. Press Conf. - 2213 NSOB 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (hrgs. on refugees) 10:30 Mtg. in Baker's Ofc. - S-230 Cap. (handwritten) 11:30 mtg with Cong. Jake Pickle - House Dining Rm. 11:14 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 1:00 SPEAK- Rep. Eagle Mtg. - Wash. Hilton 1:30 Mtg. with Michael Dunn & Herb Pratt, Presidents of Calif. health care facilities - Sheila - Rm. (handwritten) 2219 NSOB (typed) (stop by, if poss) (Bucky Byers-484-6500) 2:00 Mtg. with Helsinki Commissioners - 2247 RHOB (Mike P.) (handwritten) 2:30 mtg in S-230 Cap on Soc Sec (Dole, Baker, Long, Armstrong, Moynihan) 6-8 Recep. by Int'l Council of Shopping Centers - 2167 RHOB (Scott or Mike) 6-8:30 Recep. by NCO honoring Sen. Armstrong - Russell Courtyard (if rain - 1202 NSOB) staff invited Senator Dole's Schedule - week of September 21- 27 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 8:00 Finance Comm. Bkfst. - S-224 Cap. (Bus. Roundtable) 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (pending Comm. Business) (following appointment crossed out) 10:30 Finance - 2221 NSOB (Soc. Sec. mark-up) (handwritten) 11:30 Joe (?) Califano & David Maxwell, Pres-Fed. nat'l mtg. Co ((illegible)) - Sen Ofc 789-8820 12:30 Steering Comm. Luncheon - S-120 Cap. ((crossed out) Wm. Casey (handwritten) V.P. Bush (typed) attndg.) 12:30 Stop by Meredith Corp. Luncheon - Mt. Vernon Rm. - Madison Hotel (785-1600) Rita (handwritten) Steve × 45597 2:00 Sheila Mtg. with Sen. Durkin & Members of Calif. health care fac. with fac, in Ks. - 2213 NSOB 2:00 Mtg. with Bob. L, Carolyn & Sydney & Rod - Sen. Ofc. (on Soc. Sec.) 2:20 Finance - 2221 NSOB (Soc. Sec. mark-up) 4:30 Mtg. with Martin Casey & 3 or 4 members of Am. Newspaper Publ. Assn. - 2219 NSOB (with George P.) 5:30-? Recep. by Harry Byrd for Vera Glaser - 245 OSOB (Sen. only) Mrs. Jones × 44024) (following appointment crossed out) 5:45 Mtg. on AWACS Strategy - Jim Baker's ofc. - White House (N.W. Gate) Margaret 456-6797 6-8 Recep. by Health Ind. Mfrs. Assn. - Ticonderoga Rm. - Hyatt Regency (Sheila/John) 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Goldwater Scholarship Awards Dinner - Sheraton Ballroom - Sheraton Washington (informal) Sen. chairing THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 8:30 SPEAK - Nat'l Assn. of Bus. Economists - Wash. Hilton - Int'l Ballroom West (off-cuff on Finance & econ. outlook) Dr. James Smith, contact (handwritten) 10:00 Rep. Caucus - members of Finance - 2213 NSOB 10:30 Finance - 2221 NSOB (Soc. Sec. mark-up) 1:00 SPEAK - Health Ind. Mfrs. Assn. - Yorktown & Columbia C Rms. - Hyatt Regency (Lunch is at 12:15) Hal Buzzell (crossed out) 452-8240 (handwritten) Jed Mannow 737-1234 or Pay Phone 628-8863 2:00 Finance - 2221 NOSB (Soc. Sec. mark-up) 4:00 Mtg. with life insurance ind. reprs. - Rm (handwritten) 2219 NSOB (typed) (Carolyn arranging) (handwritten) 4:00 Finance Comm- 2221 NSOB (Soc. Sec. mark-up) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Private Psychiatric Hospitals - 4221 NSOB (Sheila/John) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Ks. Assn. of Rehab. Facilities - 2318 RHOB (Chris) 6-8 Premiere of doc. film by U.S. Farm Export Educ. Proj-Am. Film Inst. Theater-Kennedy Ctr. (Sen. & Eliz. only) 8:30 Post-Premiere Dinner - Douglas Rm. - Four Seasons (Sen. & Eliz. invited) Tag 347-6880 6:00 Briefing by Stockman on Pres. Speech (Pres. may drop by) - Family Therater- White House (for GOP Leadership & Comm. Chrmn.) (S.W. Gate - enter W.H- thru First Lady'd Garden) Judy Diamond 456-7054 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of September 21 - 27 Page 3. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 7:15 Arr. CBS for 7:30 Appearance on "Morning" show - 2020 M St, N.W. (Brian Healy 457-4371) 8:00 Rep. Conf. - 335 OSOB 8:00 Bkfst. for Reg, Reprs. - Dept. of Educ. - S-120 Cap. (Cindy Harris attndg) stop by (handwritten) RSVP Kevin Sharp - 472-9568 (handwritten) 9:45 Gorge Linger (?) - Interview for book on Frank Carleon (?) - Sen. Ofc. (handwritten) 9:30 Tax Subc - 2221 NSOB 1:00 SPEAK - U.S. Farm Export Educ. Project Luncheon - Ticonderoga Rm. - Hyatt Regency (Luncheon 12:30) Ruth Bracken 466-3100 2:30 Recep. for Sandra O'Connor - Supreme Court (handwritten) - 2nd Floor (typed) (RSVP 252-3200) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Council of 100 for recently appointed blacks to Admin - Georgetown Rm. Wash. Hilton (452-9250) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 (blank) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 (blank) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 4 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 8:30 Tape "American Forum" for NCF (Nat'l Conservative Fdn.) - Telecolor Productions - 150 S. Gordon St. - Alexandria (Tom Gillette 426-4333) 9:30 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (hrgs. on Criminal Code) 10:00 Briefing on Titan II by David Chu - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Sen. goes in Sess. on Debt Limit 11:00 Mtg. with Bill Armstrong - 1:30 News Conf. - 1224 NSOB (on Hunger & Global Sec. bill) 2:00 Health Subc. - 2221 NSOB (renal dialysis) 6:30-8:30 Recep. for Walter (Joe) Stewart, Min. Sec'y, on his retirement - by Robert Byrd - 318 OSOB (Mrs. Drysdale X 43735) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 10:30 Mtg. with Ks. Telephone Assn. reprs. - 2213 NSOB (Randy & Mike) Wilbur Leonard et al 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2-3 Soc. Sec. Subc. Mtg. - S-224 Cap. 4:30 Recep. for Cong. Supporters of President's Econ. Pkg. - White House (S.W. Gate) (Soc. Sec'y 456-7787) 6-8 FR Recep. for Cong. Carl Pursell - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. only) (X 54401)