SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF AUGUST 3 - 9 MONDAY, AUGUST 3 11:00 FR Brunch for Dick Rosenbaum - S-138 Cap. (Sen. & Conable co-hosts) 7:30 Dinner Dance for Helene von Damme by Joe Miller & Roy Pfautch - Folger Library - 201 E. Capitol St. (BLACK TIE) 234-0474 TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 6-8 Recep. for Hispanics for Reagan/Bush - Cap. Hill Club (347-9791) 7:30 Dinner by Amb. & Mrs. Ali Bengellum of Morocco for M/M Ed Meese - 2900 Cleveland Ave., N.W. (business suit) (462-7979) WENDESDAY, AUGUST 5 10:45 Mtg. with Bob Myers - Soc. Sec. Admin, - Sen. Ofc. (with Carolyn & Sydney) 1:15 Do Soc.Sec. film with Sen. Armstrong - Sen. Recording Studio - Cap. 2:30 Mtg. with Pres. - Oval Ofc. - White House (N.W. Gate) & Baker, Domenici, H. Byrd, Wallop & Roth?) 3:15 Tape Ag radio spots - Sen. Ofc. 4:00 Photo with interns, Mike Wakefield & (blank) - Sen. Ofc. 7:00 Dinner by M/M Nick Salgo - THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 8:00 Physical - Walter Reed 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (DOJ oversight - U.S. vs. AT&T) FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 8:00 Balance of physical - Walter Reed 11:00 Dental appt - Dr. Maupin - Walter Reed 2:00 Appt. - Dr. Aaron, Brookings Inst. & Mr. Penner, AEI - Sen.Ofc. (with Caroly & Sydney) on Soc.Sec. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF AUGUST 10 - 16 MONDAY, AUGUST 10 In office TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 10:00 Dick Lescher - Ag. Dept. - Sen. Ofc. (with John G.) 11:00 Ed McCluskey & Sheila Burke - Sen. Ofc. 2:00 Ken Naden - present picture 2:30 Pat Healy, Milk Producers - Sen. Ofc. (with John G. ) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12 10:00 Interview - Jay Richter, Farmland Industries mag. - Sen. Ofc. 10:30 Eddie Mahe - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Frank Naylor - Sen. Ofc. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 1:30 Depart office enroute Butler Avia. terminal - Baltimore Airport 2:45 Wheels up enroute K.C. (A.F. KC-140 Jetstar) with Ed Meese, Sec'y & Mrs. Baldridge 4:10 Arr. K.C. (downtown) airport - Executive Beechcraft (will have car for Sen. & Meese and another for Sec'y & Mrs. Baldridge) 4:25 Sen. & Meese arr. BMA Towers - 19th Fl. - Skyline Room 4:30-5:30 Cocktail Recep. by Bill Grant - BMA Towers for Meese 6:30-8:30 Recep - U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Century Rm. - Crown Center RON : Alameda Plaza - 816-756=1500 FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 8:00 Bkfst. with Sec'y Baldridge - Ballroom - K.C., Ks. Convention Center - 5th & Minnesota - KC., Ks. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 Kansas SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 Kansas SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - KANSAS THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 1:15 Depart Senate Office - White House car - enroute Baltimore-Wash. airport 2:30 Arr. Butler Aviation Terminal - Baltimore Wash. airport 2:45 Wheels up enroute K.C. A.F. C-140 Jetstar Manifest: Ed Meese Secretary Baldridge Mrs. Baldridge Senator Dole Elizabeth Dole 4:10 Arr. K.C. (downtown airport - Executive Beechcraft Terminal Bill Grant will meet you and take you, Elizabeth and Mr. Meese to BMA for reception (will have John Palmer & Ed Duckers at airport to pick up luggage or for extra car, if needed) Driver: Chris Howard Sec'y and Mrs. Baldridge will be meet by Hector Barreto, Hispanic Chamber 4:25 Arr. BMA Towers - 19th Floor - Skyline Room 4:30-5:30 Cocktail Reception for Ed Meese by Bill Grant - Skyline Room - BMA 6:10-6:45 VIP Reception for Hispanic Chamber event - Bill Verity's suite - Crown Center 6:45-8:30 Reception by U.S. HIspanic Chamber of Commerce - Century Rm. - Crown Center Hotel (Contact: Sol Gomez) RON: Alameda Plaza - 816-756-1500 FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 7:45 a.m. Depart Alameda Plaza (John Palmer will pick up and take you to the breakfast) 8:00 Breakfast by K.C., Ks. Chamber of Commerce - Ballroom - Convention Center -K.C., Ks. (Contact: Bill Little, Exec. Sec'y - K.C., Ks. Chamber of Commerce 9:45 Breakfast ends SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE (handwritten, underlined) for Terese Thursday, August 13 *BMA Reception - Kansas City Mr. Bill Grant *Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Reception Hector Barreto 829 S.W. Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 Friday, August 14 *Kansas City, Kansas Chamber of Commerce Bill Little Cliff Nesselrode Saturday, August 15 *1st Marine Division Association Reunion Kenneth G. Sanderude Kansas City Chapter 800 W. 47th, Suite 621 Kansas City, MO 64112 Sunday, August 16 *Kansas Farm Bureau John (Junior) Armstrong 2621 Anderson Manhattan, KS 66502 Monday, August 17 *Farmers Union (dashed line) check with John Gordley to see who attended Ivan W. Wyatt, President P.O. Box 1064 McPherson, KS. 67460 *Luncheon in Topeka Cliff Stone, President Kansas Bankers Association 119 S. Taylor El Dorado, KS 67042 (dashed line) also (dashed line) Harold Stone Kansas Bankers Association Merchants National Bank 8th & Jackson Topeka, KS 66612 Betty - Fill in on Schedule. Friday 8/14 10:00 am Depart K.C. for Wichita. Spend day in Wichita. Depart Wichita for Russell. RON-Russell. Monday 8/17 A. M. Press Conference and Meetings in Topeka at the Ramada. Noon. Luncheon hosted by Kansas GOP at the Ramada. P.M. Fly to Abilene for parade in Martin Tractor plane. Return from Abilene in same plane. Tuesday 8/18 A.M. Fly from Topeka to Wichita in Range Oil plane (Beech King Air). Events in Wichita Lunch with Wichita business leaders. P.M. Depart Wichita for JO County Exec. Airport, via Range Oil plane. Met by Helen and John. Stop at "Aging event", proceed to KCI. Depart KCI on United flight to Dulles. (handwritten) Cindy BOB DOLE KANSAS STANDING COMMITTEE AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND FORESTRY FINANCE JUDICIARY RULES UNITED STATES SENATE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 (handwritten Marine Ken Sanderade (913) 648-4189 Mulbach 471-1400 #1083 JOHN/ED - Tentative Schedule (handwritten) 4:00 pm N502 CC SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 One of you will need to pick up the Senator and Elizabeth at Executive Beechcraft late afternoon (time decided later today) and take them to the Alameda Plaza. They will be flying in on Davis Mud Company's Cessna Citation. Elizabeth needs to be taken to the Crown Center to speak to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (details attached). One of you will need to stay with her. The Senator may want to go to the 1st Marine Division Banquet at the Muehlbach Hotel to just say "hi" briefly. Invitation to that event is attached -- they know he may stop by. They will both need to be taken back to the Alameda for the night. SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 Elizabeth will be flying back to Washington sometime Sunday morning (Charlotte in her office working on flight). I presume we will need to get her to the airport. Someone needs to pick up the Senator at the Alameda Plaza around 12:45 p.m. and take him to Executive Beechcraft to meet the Farm Bureau Plane (#693FB) to fly to Manhattan. It will take 30-35 minutes to fly to Manhattan. Either Larry Lindblom or Don Wilson will meet him at the plane in Manhattan. The Opening Ceremonies are at 2:30 and the Senator will be asked to say a few words. This in the Ribbon-Cutting for their new warehouse. -- Someone needs to go with him. Contact - John "Junior" Armstrong - 913/537-2261 #600 (phone will be connected to his home over the weekend). They will take the Senator back to the airport and fly him to Topeka. Cindy will pick him up in Topeka -- Phillip Billard Airport. Need to know what time to pick him up. Rooms have been reserved for the Senator, John Gordley, and Chris Bolton at the Ramada. (handwritten) Ck(?) on Friday events - (illegible) John United States Senate WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 (rest of page handwritten) Sen's Sched Thurs. Aug. 13th 4:10 pm Arrives KC (A7 plane) - A7 C14 D OP & (illegible) Exec. Beech 4:30 pm Recep. for Ed Meese 5:30 pm BMA Tower 19th Floor, Snyline(?) Rm. (illegible) 753-800 6:30 - (illegible) C of C (illegible)'s Recep 8:30 pm Crown Center - Century Room Bill(?) Gomez(?) - contact 816/842-2255 (Conf. Comm.) 342-9815 RON Alameda Plaza ((illegible) late arrival) Fri Aug 14th 8:00 am - Bfast for (illegible) KC KS Civic Center Ballroom 5th & Nunn Cliff (illegible) Bill Little Contacts SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - KAPPA SIGMA CONVENTION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19 EDT 1:45 p.m. Board Rockwell International plane - Butler Terminal - National Airport Sabreliner Tail # 8 NR Pilot: John Sant CoPilot: Ted Chitambar (pronounced "Shatambar) Manifest: Sen. Dole Sen. Tower Jim Daniell, Pres. RMI Corp. (metals industry) Walter Sapp, Daniel, Sapp & Born, Inc. - Pittsburg Tom Hill (formerly worked for Al Rockwell and very active in Kappa Sigma) 2:00 p.m. Wheels Up enroute Atlanta 3:35 p.m. Arrive Atlanta - pick up Al Rockwell EDT 3:45 p.m. Depart Atlanta enroute New Orlands CDT 3:55 p.m. Arrive New Orleans will be met by car and taken to New Orleans Marriott Kappa Sigma contacts: Dick Huebner Lee Mcwhorter RON: New Orleans Marriott - Phone: (504) 581-1000 Arrive Atlanta - pick up Al Rockwell Depart Atlanta enroute New Orleans THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 CDT 10:00 a.m. to Noon Memorial Foundation Trustees Meeting - Mardi Gras Ballroom- Marriott CDT 1:00 p.m. Depart New Orleans - Delta # 732 F/C EDT 4:13 p.m. Arrive Baltimore Airport Rolando will meet you United States Senate MEMORANDUM Friday, August 21 4:40 p.m. Depart National - Pan Am # 335 coach 7:08 p.m. Arrive Miami You will be met by Dwayne's driver Sunday, August 30 3:49 p.m. Depart Miami - Eastern # 176 coach 6:01 p.m. Arr. National (rest of page handwritten) or 1:05 pm Lv. Miami - Pan Am 330 coach 3:30 pm arr Nat'l priority list Pan Am - 833-2830 Eastern - 488-4104