SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 29 - JULY 5 MONDAY, JUNE 29 9:00 SPEAK - Allied Chemical Corp. - Morristown, N.J. 6:30-9:00 Cocktail/Buffet - home of M/M Nick Salgo - Apt. 1101 -Watergate West TUESDAY, JUNE 30 10:00 Jack Miller (Judge & former Senator) - Sen. Ofc. (re: Court merger bill) 633-6556 or 6554 10:15 Jim Scott - Sen. Ofc. (Ksns. - courtesy call to thank Sen. for helping get job) (handwritten) 301-594-9726 (handwritten) 10:30 Walter Shapiro, Wash Post - Sen. Ofc. (handwritten) 11:30 Bob Merry - Wall Street Journal - Sen. Ofc. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 3:45 Bill Lesher, Ag. Dept. - Sen. Ofc. (with John Gordley sitting in) 7:00 Dinner - Dwayne & Inez Andreas & M/M Bob Strauss (handwritten, in margins) Helen - the Strauss' apt - # 14075 Penthouse - Watergate East THURSDAY, JULY 2 (handwritten) 11:00 Press Conf. - (typed) Finance Comm. 12:00 Record Agospots - Sen. Ofc. 2:00 SPEAK Mtg. of Reagan State Chairman - Family Theater - White House (S.W. Gate) (Bob L. & Rod accompany Sen.) Paul Russo or Sandy 456-2663 FRIDAY, JULY 3 HOLIDAY SATURDAY, JULY 4 5:30 July 4 Picnic - South Lawn - White House SUNDAY, JULY 5 (blank) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 6 - 12 MONDAY, JULY 6 (blank) TUESDAY, JULY 7 9:00 Soc. Sec. Subc. - 2221 NSOB (S.S. financing) 12:00 Luncheon by Sen. Randolph for Dr. Armand Hammer - S-207 Cap. (Dwayne, Martin & Tom Curtis also attndg.) 2:00 Soc. Sec. Subc. - 2221 NSOB (handwritten) 5:00 Sen. Levin - Sen. Ofc - re Ag (with John G.) 6-8 Recep. by Home Builders, Realtors & S & L's on Pres. Comm. on Housing - Crystal Rm. - Sheraton Carlton (637-8925) WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 10:00 Int'l Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB (oversight hrgs. on trade) 11-12 Salina 4-H group - 457 OSOB (arr. by Meg, Nancy's ofc) Ed or Scott - photo, if poss. 12:30 Joint Luncheon - Steering Comm. & Wed. Club - S-207 Cap. (X 42708 (handwritten) 2:00 Int'l Trade Subc.- (handwritten) 2:15 Photo with handicapped climbers Sen. Ofc.- 2:30 Mtg. with Sec'y' Regan & John Miller, IPAA, Don Schnacke & other indep. oilmen-Sen. Ofc. (handwritten) 3:15 offer Res. on Sen. Floor on handicapped climbers - Sen. Ofc. 6-8 FR Recep. for Jim Jeffries - Club LaSerre - 1340 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. (Sen. co-host) 7:00 Recep. by John Lehman preceding Navy Summer Ceremony - Navy Memorial Museum - Wash. Navy Yard (Const. to 11th St., S.E. to M St., S.E. to Navy Yard) 8:00 Dinner by Bob Gray for Sen. & Mrs. Laxalt - Capitol Reflecting Pool - under tent - BLACK TIE (Marie 333-7400) THURSDAY, JULY 9 10:00 Kathy Hayes & Jenny McGuire, Florence, Ks. - FFA delegates - Sen.Ofc. (Scott & photo) (9:30 handwritten, 10:00 crossed out) 9:30 10:00 Int'l Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB (oversight hrgs. on trade) 2:00 Soc. Sec. Subc. - 2221 NSOB 5:00 Mtg. with Sec'y Regan & Sen. Baker - S-230 Cap. 5:30 Mtg. of Rep. Senators on Reconciliation bill - S-230 Cap. (Baker's ofc.) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Navy Legis. Affairs to introduce new Legis. Affairs members- 2240SOB 7:00 & 8:15 Dinner & SPEAK - Nat'l Fed. of Blind - Baltimore Conveniton Ctr- 6-8 Recep. for Bill Middendorf as Amb. to OAS - Hall of Americas -Pan Am Union Senator Dole's Schedule - week of July 6 - 12 Page 2. FRIDAY, JULY 10 8:00 Bkfst. Seminar - Georgetown Ctr. for Strategic & Int'l Studies with Kissinger - S-206 Cap. (Jon Vondracek - 887-0200) 9:00 Social Security Subc. - 2221 NSOB 9:30 Foreign Ag Policy Subc. - 324 OSOB (cargo preference) 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (monop. in telecommunications ind.) (handwritten) 12:45 Chairman's Mtg -S-220 Cap. (handwritten) 1:00 Cloture (handwritten, approx. 12:00 crossed out) approx. 12:00 VOTE - on DOJ auth. bill SATURDAY, JULY 11 (blank) SUNDAY, JULY 12 (blank) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 13 - 16 MONDAY, JULY 13 9:30 Pension Subc. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on urban enterprise zones) 9:30 Int'l Trade Subc. - 5300 NSOB (trade policy) 10:00 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (nom. of Danford Sawyer as Public Printer) 8:00 Black Tie dinner by Sen. & Mrs. Stone for Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Burns - F Street Club TUESDAY, JULY 14 9:30 Int'l Trade Subc. - 5300 NSOB (oversight hrgs. on trade policy). 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (pending Comm. business) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. (handwritten) Pres. may attend 12:00 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (handwritten) (Pres. attndg.) 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (nom. of Wm. Wilkins, Jr. & Wm. Lee. Indiana) (handwritten) 3:30 Jom Korologos & La Jacorca, (illegible) Chrmn - Sen. Ofc. 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Ag Chemicals Assn. - Cap. Hill Club (Harold Howard, K.C., Ks.) (John/Cindy) 6-8 FR Recep. for Cong. Bill Alexander - Democratic Club - 30 Ivy St., S.E. (X 54076) 7 & 8 Recep. & Dinner by Nat'l Assn. of Farmer-Elected Committeemen - Hotel Washington Roof Garden (John G) Herb Edmonds, Ks. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 8:30 Bkfst. mtg. with Sec'y Regan - Treas. Dept. - 2nd Fl. 11-12 Group of appx. 40 Ks. 4-H'ers - 457 OSOB (Scott or Ed) photo, if possible 11:30 Girls Nation Delegates - Sen. Ofc. (Heather Anderson, Lawrence & Sandra Spidel, O.V.Pk (have arranged 11:45 lunch in Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap with staff member) (handwritten) 2:30 Dan Croker & fiance, Gaylen Mc Pherson - Sen. Ofc - (Sen saw off floor) 5-7 Senatorial Business Adv. Bd. Recep. - Shoreham Wash. (transp. by Sen., if desired) 6-8 FR Recep. for Del Latta - Cap. Hill Club - Eisenhower Lounge (Sen. a co-host) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of July 13 - 19 Page 2. THURSDAY, JULY 16 9:30 Pension Subc. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on urban enterprise zones) (No underlined, handwritten) No 12:00 Luncheon by Dick Richards with group of Senate Republicans - Exec. Suite - Cap. Hill Club (Melinda 484-6600) FRIDAY, JULY 17 (following appointment crossed out, cancelled handwritten) cancelled 9:00 Reconciliation Conf. - H-208 Cap. 10:00 Rules Comm. - 301 OSOB (Exec. - televized Senate proceedings) (handwritten) 11:30 mtg. with Chapotan, Durenberger & Waker(?) - V. P. Ceremonial Rm. Cap SATURDAY, JULY 18 (blank) SUNDAY, JULY 19 (blank) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 20 - 26 MONDAY, JULY 20 9:00 Mtg. with Sec'y Schweiker - Sen. Ofc. 9:30 IRS Oversight Sub. - 2221 NSOB (debt collection) 10:00 Reconciliation Conf. - H-208 Cap. 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (nom. of John Graziano as Insp. Gen. - USDA) 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Farm Broadcasters - Lincoln Ballroom - Wash. Hilton (Larry Steckline & Rex Childs, Wichita; Paul Pippert, WIBW. Topeka) John/Bill 7:00 Birthday party for Sen. Hayakawa - 318 OSOB (Sen. only) Laurie or Leah X 49635 TUESDAY, JULY 21 8:00 Bkfst. by Midwest Bu. of Wholesale Sales Reprs. - B-339 RHOB (Jim Hansen, K.C.) Randy or Scott 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (pending Comm. business) 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12-2:00 Rally by Nat'l Council of Senior Citizens - West Front of Capitol (Chris) (12:00 handwritten) 12:00 Luncheon by U.S. Youth Council - S-138 Cap. (Vandenberg Rm) Ed - Sen, stop by, if poss. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:00 Criminal Law Subc. - 2228 NSOB 4:30-6:30 Premiere & Recep. - documentary "Senior Community Service Emply. Program - 345 CHOB (Chris) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Lee Iaccoca, Chrysler - S-207 Cap. 6-8 FR Recep. for Arlen Stangeland - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. a co-host) 6-8:30 Recep. by Bu. of Wholesale Sales Reprs - Longworth Cafeteria (& 7:30 handwritten) 6:30 & 7:30 FR Recep. & Dinner for Sen. Roth - Duffy Wall's home - 6663 Van Winkle Dr.- Falls Church (Sen. a co-host) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of July 20 - 26 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 9:30 Constitution Subc. - (handwritten) 2228 NSOB (typed) (Freedom of INfo. Act) 9:30 Helsinki Comm. Mtg. - 2172 RHOB (Margaret) X 51901 12-2:00 Lunchoen for Nat'l Youth Science Camp Winners by Sen. Randolph - 1202 NSOB (Steven McAllister, Lucas & Patty Lee, Shawnee Mission) Scott or Ed (photo, if poss (handwritten) 3-4 Mtg. with Sec'y Regan - S 214 Cap (V. P. Ceremonial of Joy Stennis Domenica Hatfield, (illegible) & Byrdat(?) 15 min intervals 6:00 & 7:00 FR Recep. & Dinner for Sen. Weicker - Carlton Club - Sheraton Carlton THURSDAY, JULY 23 8:30 Mtg. - Ks. Delegation with Bill Davis & other Ksns. on Rock Island - 2325 RHOB (Randy) (handwritten) 9:30 Reconciliation Conf- H-208 Cap. 9:30 Constitution Subc. - 5110 NSOB (municipal liability) 10:45 Boys Nation Delegates (Wm. Jackson, Olathe, & Brad Hale, Wichita)-Sen. Ofc. (Ed or Scott take to lunch in Cap.) (handwritten) 11:30 - Boys nation lunch - Cap. (handwritten) 1:30 Reconciliation Conf. - S-224 Cap. - Sens. only (handwritten) 2:30 Reconciliation Conf - H-208 Cap (handwritten) 4:00 conf. on block grants, maternal & child Health Care - Title 7 - S-224 Cap 6-8 FR Recep. for Bill Wampler - Eisenhower Lounge - Cap. Hill Club (handwritten) 5:30 Reconciliation Conf.- H-208 Cap. FRIDAY, JULY 24 (following appointment crossed out, handwritten) Cancelled 8:00 Reconciliation Conf. 8-206 Cap. (following appointment crossed out, handwritten) Cancelled 10:00 Reconciliation Conf- H-208 Cap. 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (monop. & comp. in TV industry) 10:30 Group of 30 Boy Scouts from Cimmaron - Sen. Steps of Cap. (photo) Scott or Ed 11:00 Group of 80 Boy Scouts - Quivera Council & Caldwell - House steps of Cap. (photo) (1:00 handwritten, 12:00 crossed out) 1:00 12:00 Lunch with Ch. Justice, Dr. Mark Cannon, Thurmond - S-224 Cap. (handwritten) (also Biden, Heflin & Vee Lide (handwritten) 4:00 Reconciliation Conf. - S-206 Cap. (handwritten) 4:15-5:15 Mtg. with Sec'y Regan- S-214 Cap. SATURDAY, JULY 25 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - JULY 27 - AUGUST 2 MONDAY, JULY 27 9:30 Tax Subc. - 1318 NSOB (S. 1047 & S. 1262 - airline fuel users fee) 9:30 Int'l Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB (Trade Act - Freedom of Immigration) (handwritten) 2:30 Rep. Conferees Mtg. S-230 Cap. (handwritten) 2:30 Reconciliation Conf. S-207 Conf. 5:30-7:30 Surprise Birthday party for Geo. McGovern - Upstairs - The Monocle (546-0770- Robin) TUESDAY, JULY 28 (following appointment crossed out, cancelled handwritten) cancelled 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Comm. business) 10:00 Int'l Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB (East-West trade) (following appointment crossed out, cancelled handwritten) cancelled 11:45 Chairmen's Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (handwritten) 2:00 Reconciliation Conf - S-206 Cap. (medicare) 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (noms.) WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 (handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 CSOB (nom. hrgs.) 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (oversight on cable TV copyright) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (nom. hrgs. followed by Exec. Sess. on noms.) 12:30 Steering Comm. Luncheon - S-120 Cap. (Keith Fuller,Pres. & JOhn Koehler - AP attndg.) 1:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (monop. & compet. in TV industry) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of July 27 - August 2 Page 2. THURSDAY, JULY 30 (8:00 crossed out) 8:00 SPEAK - Bkfst. mtg. - FFA Conference - B-339 RHOB (Ron Wineinger, Ks. State Pres. (handwritten) 9:00 Mtg. in Baker's ofc. S-230 Cap. 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Small Business Motor Fuel Marketer Pres. Act) 2:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Comm. business) 2:00 Health Subc. - 2221 NSOB (Medicare reimb. of HMO's) 6:30 Recep. by Am. Bankers Assn. - Yorktown, Ticonderoga & Valley Forge Rms - Hyatt Regency (Harold Stones, Cliff Stone, Rex Duwe & other Ksns) Randy or Scott FRIDAY, JULY 31 9:30 Constitution Subc. - 5110 NSOB (Freedom of Info Act) (handwritten) 4:15 Tax Conf - H-208 Cap. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 (blank) SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 (blank)