ORIENTATION '80 DECEMBER 2, 1980 - TUESDAY 8:30 A.M. S-207 Capitol Coffee & Danish 9:00 to 9:30 Official Welcome Robert C. Byrd, Majority Leader Howard H. Baker, Jr., Minority Leader Claiborne Pell, Chairman Committee on Rules and Administration J. Stanley Kimmitt, Secretary of the Senate F. Nordy Hoffmann, Sergeant at Arms (5 minutes each) 9:30 to 3:00 P.M. Party Activities (5 1/2 hours, including lunch) Democrats S-211, LBJ Room Senators will meet with the Majority Leader and staff will meet with the Secretary for the Majority and others. Republicans S-207 Senators and staff will meet together with Minority Leader, Secretary for the Minority, and others 12 Noon to 1:30 P.M. Party lunches 1:30 to 3:00 Continue party activities 10:00 GDP Caucus Old Senate Chamber 3:00 to 3:30 Coffee Break 3:30 to 5:00 Legislative Procedures Chaired by: J. Stanley Kimmitt - Secretary of the Senate, F. Nordy Hoffman - Sergeant at Arms 5:00 P.M. Conclusion of today's program 7:00 P.M. Leadership Dinners Democratic Host: Senator Robert C. Boyd Republican Host: Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr. ORIENTATION '80 Page 2 December 3, 1980 - Wednesday 8:30 A.M. 1202 D.S.O.B. Coffee and Danish 9:00 to 11:00 Office Administration/An Overview Michael S. Berman, Counsel to the Vice President Leonard Hirsch, Program Director Congressional Management Foundation, and Organizational Development Consultant The White House (two hours) 11:00 to 11:15 Coffee Break (15 minutes) 11:15 to 12 Noon Pay and Allowances Stuart F. Balderson, Financial Clerk (45 minutes) 12 Noon to 12:30 P.M. Committee on Rules and Administration William M. Cochrane, Staff Director (30 minutes) 12:30 to 2:00 Lunch Hosts: Senators Robert C. Byrd and Howard H. Baker, Jr. S-120, Senators S-115, Staff 2:00 to 4:30 Office Administration Discussions Messrs. Berman and Hirsch will moderate discussions as follows: 2:00-2:45 - S-207 Administration and Organization Speakers: Senators Ford and Lugar (Senators-elect and staff) 2:45-3:30 - S-207 Time Management Speakers: Senators Exon and Simpson (Senators-elect and staff) 3:30-3:45 Coffee Break December 3, 1980 - Wednesday Page 3 2:00 to 4:30 (continued) 3:45-4:30 (concurrent sessions) Press Relations (Senators-elect only) - S-206 Speakers: Senators Pryor and Cranston Financial Management (staff only) - S-207 Moderator: Steve Browning - Administrative Assistant to Senator Baucus Panel Members: Joan Mutz - Personal Secretary for Senator Nelson, Judy Campbell - Office Manager for Senator Baucus, Barbara Pettit - Office Manager for Senator Boschwitz December 4, 1980 - Thursday 8:30 A.M. 1202 D.S.O.B. Coffee and Danish 9:00 to 9:45 Office Organization/Alternatives Functions performed in all offices (i.e. the reception function, the legislative research function) will be discussed and three organizational models will be presented. Martin J. Fitzgerald, General Accounting Office (45 minutes) 9:45 to 10:15 Ethics Howell Heflin, Chairman, Committee on Ethics 10:15 to 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 to 11:00 Office of the Senate Legal Counsel Michael Davidson, Senate Legal Counsel Robert K. Kelley, Deputy Counsel (30 minutes) 11:00 to 12 Noon Constituent Service and Mail Management (includes discussions of casework, projects and grants, reception, questionnaires, newsletters and mass mailings) Speakers: Senators Bradley and Durenberger 12 Noon to 1:30 G-219 D.S.O.B. Lunch Hosts: Messrs. Hoffmann and Kimmitt 1:30 to 5:30 318 R.S.O.B. Office Functions Display (Program participants will be divided into groups to visit the office functions display, tour Senators' offices, and tour the Capitol Building) Displays of services available to assist Senators with office functions include: Legislation - Demonstration of LEGIS & SCORPIO, automated information retrieval systems 1:30 to 4:30 (continued) Mail Management: Demonstration of authorized word processing systems and equipment, micrographics equipment, displays illustrating steps in mail management process Support Agencies: Directors of support agencies will discuss services provided by their organizations Alice M. Rivlin, Director, Congressional Budget Office Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General, General Accounting Office Gilbert Gude, Director, Congressional Research Service John H. Gibbons, Director, Office of Technology Assessment Press: Representatives from the Press Secretaries Association will discuss available services Reception: Receptionists from Senators' offices will briefly discuss their jobs Office tours: Senators Levin and Warner invite program participants to visit their offices Capitol Tours: Tours will be conducted of the Senate Chamber and historical rooms in the Capitol Building 5:00 Office Functions Display Closes 5:30 to 8:30 S-207 Leadership Reception SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF DECEMBER 1-7 MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 9:00 SPEAK - Kansas Farm Bureau Annual Mtg. - Ramada Inn Downtown - Topeka 9:00 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Special Oil Taxes) 2:10 p.m. Sen. Arrives Butler Aviation - National Airport - Dave will meet 4:00 Paula Hawkins - Sen. Ofc. 6:30-8:30 Recep. for Lyn Nofziger by M/M Ron Crawford - Georgetown Club (Sen.) Stop by Allen Balch's to see Harry O'Connor after Lyn's reception - Cathedral West - Apt. 615 - 4100 Cathedral Ave., N.W. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 10:00 Rep. Caucus & elections - Old Senate Chamber (S-229 Cap.) 10:00 Debt Limit hrgs. - 2221 NSOB (Harry Byrd chairing) 11:00 Press Conf. on Findings of Select Panel for Promotion of Child Health - 2228 NSOB (Lillian) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 5:30-7:00 Thank-you recep. for Sen. Comm. staff - S-207 Cap. 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Assn. of Oil Pipe Lines - Presidential Rm. - Mayflower (Rod??) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by State Travel Directors of Travel Industry Assn. of America - B-339 RHOB - Ksns. expected (Randy) (RSVP Donna 293-1433) "Regretted" handwritten next to following appointment: 7-9 Cocktail Buffet honoring departing & new GOP Senators by the Bakers & Stevens - 3224 Woodland Drive, N.W. (x 43135) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of December 1-7 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 8:30 Press Conf. on ag commentaries - Cap. Hill Club & brief mtg. with M/M Harry O'Connor & M/M Allen Balch 9:30 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB - hrg. on Dole bill on law enforcement 9:45 Allen Balch & Harry O Connor -Sen. Ofc. (taping) 10:15 Mtg. with Lyn Erb, Pres., Ingalls Shipbldg. Div., Litton Ind. & Fred Green, Pres., Litton Ind. with Mcclure - Sen. Ofc. (tax credit for Am. constr. of barges for conversion) 1:00 Bill Moyer interview - Sen. Ofc. 6-8 Victory Recep. to aid new GOP Senators - home of Sen. & Mrs. Heinz - 3322 O St., N.W. (Mary Bush ×47948) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 8:30 Mtg. with Bellmon, Domenici & Hatfield on budget - 125 OSOB (Bellmon's ofc.) 9:30 Finance - 2221 NSOB (Exec. - Auto Imports, Coffee agreements & debt limit) 10:00 Mtg. with Transition Adv. Council on H.H.S. 10:15 Republican Conf. - S-228 Cap (Old Senate Chamber) on remaining Comm. assignments Following appointment handwritten: 10:15 Closure Vote - Breyer nom. 12:30 Lunch with Bush & Long - S-202 Cap. (Long's ofc.) Following appointment handwritten: 3:00 Tributes to Bellmon, (illegible), Young & Schneider 3:30-6:00 Briefing for Sen. staff by Nat'l Oil Jobbers on oil price decontrol - 6226 NSOB 5-7 Recep. by U.S. Agri-Business Exposition, Inc. - 1202 NSOB FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 9:00 Mtg. of GOP Finance Comm. members (incl. new members) - Sen. Ofc. (Subc. assign.) 9:00 Trade Subc. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on trade strategy) 9:45 Mtg. in Baker's ofc (S-230 Cap) on Fair Housing - Sens. only 11:30 Mtg. of GOP Judiciary members - S-207 Cap. (Subc. assignments) 11:45 Mtg. on Continuing Res. - S-230 Cap. 3:30 Photo & cake for Chafee on his 2,000th vote - S-230 Cap. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 7:30 Dinner for Dr. & Mrs. Kelikian - Four Seasons December 15 SENATOR DOLE DINNER MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1980 CONRAD SUITE WALDORF-ASTORIA HOTEL NEW YORK CITY Eric (Peter) Bierrie Public Governor Oscar Burchard President, The Ore & Chemical Corporation Mrs. Burchard John D. Coffin Senior Vice President/Director, Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc. Mrs. Coffin Henry G. Eisenberg President, Brandeis Goldschmidt & Company Mrs. Eisenberg Edward W. Hoffstatter Senior Vice President, Pixley, Inc. Mrs. Hoffstatter David T. Johnston Senior Vice President/Director Commodities - E.F. Hutton & Co., Inc. George Lamborn Senior Executive Vice President, Shearson-Loeb Rhoades, Inc. Guest of Mr. Lamborn Charles Mattey Senior Vice President, Bache Halsey Stuart Shields, Inc. Mrs. Mattey John L. Moran President, Silgo Corporation Mrs. Moran Irving Redel President, Redel Trading Co., Inc. Mrs. Redel Lowell A. Mintz Partner, Mintz, Marcus & Co. Guest of Mr. Mintz Theodore Thomte President, Thomte & Co., Inc. Guest of Mr. Thomte Lee H. Berendt President, Commodity Exchange, Inc. Mrs. Berendt Frank A. Siciliano Senior Vice President, Commodity Exchange, Inc. Guest of Mr. Siciliano Robert Hatcher Senior Vice President, Commodity Exchange, Inc. Mrs. Hatcher Senator Dole Dinner Guest List Page Two Alan Brody Vice President/Counsel Commodity Exchange, Inc. Mrs. Brody William E. Seale Vice President, Commodity Exchange, Inc. Mrs. Seale John F. O'Neal O'Neal & Claassen, Comex Washington Counsel Mrs. O'Neal Mark Buckstein Baer Marks & Upham, Comex New York Counsel Mrs. Buckstein SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF DECEMBER 8-14 MONDAY, DECEMBER 8 1:30 Naomi Nover - Sen. Ofc. Following appointment handwritten: 2:00 Mtg. - Sen Ofc - on Fair Housing (Dole, Mathias, Helms, Hatch, Nancy Kassebaum - Ed Brooke) Following appointment handwritten: 2:30 Mtg. - Byrd's ofc. on Fair Housing - S-208 Cap. 5:00 Mtg. of Republican Members of Rules Comm. - 358 OSOB (Mathias' ofc.) Following appointment handwritten: 5:00 Mtg. on Fair Housing - Byrd's ofc. - S-208 Cap. 5:30-8:00 Recep. for Melcher - Reserve Officers Assn. Bldg .- 1 Constitution Ave, NW (invited by Melcher) TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 Following appointment handwritten: 8:30 Allen Balch - Sen. Ofc. (taping of ag spots) Following appointment handwritten: 9:30 Mtg. in Baker's ofc. - S-230 Cap. (on Fair Housing) Following appointment handwritten: 9:15 Mtg. in Boren's Ofc. - 440 OSOB (on Fair Housing) with Johnston, Boren & Nunn 12:00 SPEAK - American Bankers Assn. - Warren Rm. (mezzanine level) - Sheraton-Wash. (can speak when you get there .. but about 12:30 best) 2:30 Photo & Meet with Ks. Close-Up students (1st Ks. group) from Topeka area - 1202 NSOB (Bob Goldberg 342-8796) 5-7:30 Open House by EDI Corp - 229 Penna. Ave., S.E. (543-5000) 7 & 8 Cocktails & Dinner honoring Bob Strauss - Sheraton-Wash. (BLACK TIE) Recep. - Foyer of Ballroom; Dinner - Ballroom (you & Eliz. are J.D. Williams guest) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of December 8-14 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10 10:30 Press Conf. with Heinz and Tug McGraw (World Series bet payoff) - 1114 NSOB 12:45 SPEAK - Direct Selling Assn. - Washington Hilton - State Rm. (Luncheon begins 12:15) (Jill 293-5760) 3:00 Philipe Dunoyer & Harold Grueskin, Total Petroleum - Sen. Ofc. (Randy sit in ???) 5-9 Christmas Party by Boeing - Hyatt Regency - Capitol Rm. (558-9664) 6-10 Christmas Party by Beech Aircraft - 2167 RHOB (296-1988) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11 9:00 SPEAK - Food Safety Council - Washington Hilton - Thoroughbred Rm. 4:45 Mtg. with Reagan - Blair House 7:30 SPEAK - Producers Forum - Hyatt Arlington (near Key Bridge) (7:30 Dinner; 8:15 - SPEAK) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 9:00 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (on special oil taxes) 11:00 hair appointment (changed from 1:30) 12-1:30 Lunch with Reagan for incoming Committee Chairmen - Blair House (Michelle 634-1711) 2:00 Mtg. Baker's ofc. (S-230 Cap) - Baker, Domenici, Stockman, Reagan, Dole (photo opportunity following) Following appointment handwritten: 2:00 mtg Schneider Dole & Baker - S-230 Cap. 2:45 Interview with Walter Shapiro, WASH. POST - Sen. Ofc. (on Finance Comm. ) 3:15 Mtg. with Regan - Sen. Ofc. (followed by mtg. with GOP Members of Finance) 4:00 Filming of PBS documentary on Transition Team - Sen. Ofc. 7:30 M.C. for Awards Dinner honoring Mrs. Beech - Sheraton Washington (being given Wright Bros. Memorial Trophy by Aero Club of Wash) - Black tie December 11 United States Senate MEMORANDUM 12/10/80 Betty, He has agreed to do the Cable News Network's weekend show on Saturday. Taping time is 12:30 to 1:30. They need him there at the studio at 12:15 to prepare. Stewart Loory, CNN vice-president and managing editor will be the host, and they will get back to us on the two print journalists selected. Cable News Network 2133 Wisconsin Ave. NW Contact: Wendy Walker or Elissa Free 298-7400 Bill Kats MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 Handwritten on top of page: 549-8340 6:30 p.m. Depart Butler Aviation - National Airport Lear 35A Jet Tail #96 AC Pilot: Ed Lightcap CoPilot: John Gravagna Manifest: Sen. Dole, Bob Lighthizer, John & Kelle O'Neal, Comex Wash. Counsel, Bill & Pat Seale, V.P. Gov't Rel. for Comex 7:15 p.m. Arrive Teterboro, N.J. Airport (handwritten: 201-641-1770 - Aero Services) Will be met and driven to Waldorf 7:45 p.m. Arrive Waldorf 8:30 p.m. Dinner - Comex Board of Governors - Conrad Suite - Waldorf (handwritten: Cecelia Hakes - 212-872-4962) 9:15 p.m. SPEAK 10:00 p.m. Depart Waldorf enroute Teterboro Airport 10:30 p.m. Depart Teterboro Airport 11:05 p.m. Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport Comex car will drive you home and take Bob L. to his car SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF DECEMBER 15-21 MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 1:30 Taping of Ag Commentaries with Allen Balch - Sen. ofc. 4:30 Mtg. with Laxalt - 315 OSOB 8:00 SPEAK - Commodity Exchange, Inc. - Waldorf Hotel - N.Y.C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16 Following appointment handwritten: 10:30 Bobbie Shapiro - Sen. Ofc. Following appointment handwritten: 12:00 Ks. Press availability - Sen. Ofc. Following appointment handwritten: 3:30 CBS Interview - Bruce Morton - Sen Ofc. 6:30 FR for Don Nickles - Williams Plaza - Tulsa WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 7:30 Bkfst. - Exec. Dining Rm. - 9th Floor - 4th Financial Center - Wichita Following appointment handwritten: 9:30 Dr. normyle appt 10:00 Mtg. with Liaison Comm. - Holiday Inn Plaza - Wichita 12:45 Lunch with Liaison Comm. - Holiday Inn Plaza - Wichita 4-6 Recep. by Nationwide Ins. Companies - 1000 Conn Ave., N.W. - Suite 304 (833-2610) Dinner - Minneapolis THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 Minneapolis 4-6 Recep. by Bayh for Judiciary Comm. members & staff - STM-2 Cap. 6:30-8:30 Holiday Recep. by U.S. Feed Grains Council - So. American Rm. - Cap. Hilton FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19 9:45 Mtg. with Barber Conable - 237 CHOB (with Bob L.) 10:30 Mtg. with Mr. M.O. Lee, Chrmn, VF Corp., Reading, Pa. (at Crosby Kemper's request) re: Finance & IRS (Ph: 215-378-1151 - Marilyn) 10:45 Andrew Nighswander & Michael Tate - Arthur D. Little - Sen. Ofc. (223-4400) 1:30 Don Regan - Sen. Ofc. Handwritten on bottom of page: Saturday, Dec. 20 Tape 5 ag spots 12-16-80 STAFF ARRANGEMENTS AND AGENDA FOR MEETING WITH SENATOR DOLE AND HIS STAFF ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1980 AT 10:30 A.M. IN THE GALLERY ROOM OF THE HOLIDAY INN PLAZA (DOWNTOWN). We expect 100 people at this meeting. At the head table are seated Senator Dole, Bob Lighthizer, chief counsel, Richard Belas, tax counsel, Gene Wright, Chairman of Liaison, Ralfe Reber, President of KIOGA and Richard D. Smith, Chairman of National Legislative Committee. Dick Smith will open the meeting with a brief description of the agenda and the schedule and a short introduction of Lighthizer and Belas. Ralfe Reber will make brief welcoming remarks. Gene Wright will introduce Senator Dole and will moderate the discussion period. We have asked Senator Dole's staff, various members of Liaison and others about items that we should cover at this meeting. These subjects are listed below and we plan to have a time allocation so that each of these topics will be covered. 1. The make up of the new Finance Committee and the politics and approach to oil issues which may be expected from the new and existing members on both sides. 2. The new Senate, new members, and their outlook on oil issues. 3. The new administation, and the energy legislative program they have planned. 4. The most likely members of a Conference Committee. Their approach to oil issues and the effect of changes in leadership in the Ways and Means Committee. 5. The Joint Tax Committee. The new chairman and the new director. 6. The Windfall Profits Tax and the approach to a change or phase out of the tax. a. The category approach to phase out (Newly Discovered, Stripper and Heavy Oil) . b. The independent exemption approach to phase out of the tax. c. Plow back and the part this issue may play in any alteration of the tax. 7. Accelerated decontrol of crude oil and natural gas prices. 8. Percentage depletion and the possibility for a delay of the phase out. 9. Intangible Drilling Costs, any jeopardy in the coming congressional session. 10. The recent increase in OPEC crude oil prices, and the effect of this move in the coming legislative session. For those of you who have more specific and technical questions about tax issues, we have made arrangements for Jim Cast with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company, Bob Lighthizer, Chief Counsel of the Finance Committee and Richard Belas, Tax Counsel of the Finance Committee to have a discussion group after the luncheon. We will decide on the place for this before lunch. If we plan to have a general afternoon session, we will announce this in the morning meeting. At 12:30 we plan to adjourn to the KIVA Ballroom where you can visit with the Senator and his staff, and Lunch will be served at 1:00 o'clock. Following sentence crossed out: The Senator will be leaving at about 1:40 P.M. for Minneapolis. FINANCE COMMITTEE Republicans - 11 Robert Dole (KS) Chairman Bob Packwood (OR) William V. Roth, Jr. (DE) John C. Danforth (MO) John C. Chafee (RI) John Heinz (PA) Malcolm Wallop (WY) David Durenberger (MN) *William L. Armstrong (CO) *Steven D. Symms (ID) *Charles E. Grassley (IA) *New Member 1981 Democrats - 9 Russell B. Long (LA) Harry F. Byrd, Jr. (VA) Lloyd Bentsen (TX) Spark M. Matsunaga (MI) Daniel Patrick Moynihan (NY) Max Baucus (MT) David L. Boren (OK) Bill Bradley (NJ) *George J. Mitchell (ME) STAFF ARRANGEMENTS AND AGENDA FOR MEETING WITH SENATOR DOLE AND HIS STAFF ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1980 AT 10:30 A.M. IN THE GALLERY ROOM OF THE HOLIDAY INN PLAZA (DOWNTOWN). At this time we have 83 reservations and we expect approximately 100. There will be a head table with one podium and microphone. The six seated at the head table will be Senator Dole, Bob Lighthizer, Rod DeArment, Gene Wright, Chairman of Liaison, Ralfe Reber, President of KIOGA and Richard D. Smith. The meeting will commence as close to 10:30 a.m. as possible. Smith will open the meeting with very brief remarks on the agenda, a short introduction of Lighthizer and DeArment, and a description of the location and plans for the luncheon. Ralfe Reber will make brief welcoming remarks. Gene Wright will introduce Senator Dole and will moderate the following discussion. Senator Dole will make his opening remarks. This will be followed by a discussion period, moderated by Chairman Wright, during which the Senator and his staff, and those present can cover the subjects listed below. There will be a time allocation of these, so that this program and any other areas of interest will all be heard. 1. The Windfall Profits Tax and the approach to a change or phase out of the tax. 2. Plow back and the part this issue may play in any alteration of the tax. 3. Accelerated decontrol of crude oil prices and the effect of this measure on the chances for phase out of the Windfall Profits Tax. 4. The category approach to phase out. (Newly Discovered, Stripper and Heavy Oil) . 5. The independent exemption approach to phase out of the tax. 6. Percentage depletion and the chances for delay of the phase out. 7. Intangible Drilling costs, any jeopardy in the coming congressional session. 8. The make up of the Finance Committee and the politics and approach to oil issues of the new and existing members on both sides. 9. The political make up of the new Senate and the anticipated approach of that body to oil issues. AGENDA - 2 10. The political make up of the Ways and Means Committee, Conference Committee and the approach of those two bodies to oil issues. 11. Where the administration stands on the changes in the Windfall Profits Tax, Decontrol and other oil issues. 12. Technical amendments of any significance to the existing Windfall Profits Tax law. 12:30 Plan to adjourn to the Kiva Ballroom where lunch will be served and we plan to adjourn the meeting in the early afternoon. We are providing transportation arrangements for Senator Dole to Minneapolis. December 17 & 18 12/17/80 TO: SEN. DOLE FROM: ED DUCKERS RE: EVENTS WITH WENDALL ANDERSON 12/17/& 18/80 The 6:00 p.m. reception at the Registry Hotel is a forum sponsored by Northern Schroeder, a local municipal bond house. Gov. Anderson anticipates 100 people. Approximately one-half are area business people. The other half are municipal officials, some full-time city councilman and some part-time suburban officials. They would like you to speak briefly on current events, the election, transition, etc., followed by Q & A. There may be press at this event. The other events with Gov. Anderson will be smaller and private. He will have the names of the people at those meetings. Tonight's dinner is with key officers of General Mills. MEMORANDUM FOR FILE Tom Horner, Dave Durenberger's press secretary, called with reference to Senator Dole's appearance December 17 for Durenberger in Minneapolis. Crowd will be about 40-50 people, who will be working on a January 10 fundraisier for Durenberger. These are the people who will be soliciting the ticket sales. January 10 event is a $500/person event -- hoping for $250,000. They request that Senator Dole give a little pep talk to the group, stress the importance of returning Durenberger to the Senate, and focus on his role as a member of the Finance Committee. Then hope Senator Dole would devote a few minutes to the issues that will be coming before the Finance Committee in 1981 -- particularly Durenberger's help and the key role he might play in dealing with those issues. December 16, 1980 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ED RE: TRIP TO MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL MINNESOTA, DECEMBER 17 & 18. STATE GOP National Committeeman Leon Oistad, attorney from Red River Valley area. National Committeewoman Eva Teegan, suburban housewife. State Chairman Vern Neppl, chairmanship is full-time. State Chairwoman Dorothy Lillejgren (pronounced Lillegren) Hennepin county chairman (Minneapolis) Richard Erdall Ramsey county chairman (St. Paul) Frank Graves REPUBLICAN OFFICEHOLDERS Governor Al Quie Lt. Governor Lou Wangburg (pronounced Wongberg) State Auditor Arne Carlson (pronounced Ernie) Senate Minority Leader Robert Ashbach 2 to 1 minority House Minority Leader Glen Sherwood Close. The Attorney General, Secretary of State and State Treasurer are Democrats. The mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul are Democrats. The mayor of Minneapolis is Don Fraser and the mayor of St. Paul is George Latimer. DURENBERGER ORGANIZATION Chief of staff George Thiss, he is stationed in the state. Campaign chairman (outgoing) Paul Magnuson, he also advises the Governor and is the attorney for the state party. He is Sen. Durenberger's closest advisor and former law partner. They were partners in the same firm as former Governor Harold Lavander (pronouned Lavender). Campaign chairman (incoming) Glen Annexstead, farmer. Campaign chairwoman Kitty Gamble MEMO TO SENATOR DOLE DECEMBER 16, 1980 P. 2 LOCAL MEDIA Newspapers: Minneapolis Star & Tribune Editor: Chuck Bailey St. Paul Pioneer Press & Dispatch Editor: Bill Sumner Duluth Herald-News Tribune Rochester Post Bulletin The St. Paul and Duluth papers are members of the Knight-Ridder chain. Television: KSTP - ABC WCCO - CBS WTCN - NBC KTCA - PBS KMSP - Independent KMSP is one of the top independents is the country. Radio: KSJN is a statewide public radio system consisting of ten stations. It is by far the leader in news coverage. POTENTIAL DURENBERGER OPPONENTS Mark Dayton. He has semi-declared, forming an exploratory committee. He is the heir to the Dayton Hudson shopping center chain. His wife is Jay Rockefeller's sister. Warren Spamaus. He is the Attorney General and will probably run for Governor rather than for the Senate. Walter Mondale. The word in Minnesota is that he will not run for Senate in 1982 and will run for President in 1984. He is apparently the source for those rumors. Don Fraser. Mayor of Minneapolis. George Latimer. Mayor of St. Paul. MEMO TO SENATOR DOLE DECEMBER 16, 1980 P. 3 LOCAL ISSUES 1. Minnesota is the richest non-fuel mineral state in the nation. Presently the state does not impose an extraction tax on minerals. Because a num- ber of the coal producing states surronding Minnesota have imposed ex- traction taxes their isincreasing pressure for Minnesota to have a similar tax. At this time Republicans in the state have not taken a position on the issue. 2. The national economic slump hit Minnesota harder than expected. As a re- sult they experienced a serious revenue shortfall. The Democrats are blaming Governor Quie for poor planning that led to the shortfall. The Republicans are, of course, blaming the Carter Administration for causing the economic downturn and stagnation. The revenue shortfall resulted in some serious cuts in education funding. This action prompted the teachers to organize and they were a serious force in the November election. 3. Most (80-90%) of Minnesota's oil comes from Canada. Canada has made it clear that they intend to start cutting back their oil exports to Minnesota. At this time the state does not have a plan to replace that lost energy. One proposal, which is extremely controversial, is for a Northern Tier Oil Pipeline from Washington to Minnesota. Again, the Republicans in the state have not taken a position on the issue. TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: LYNDA RE: NORTHERN TIER PIPELINE: MINNESOTA OIL SITUATION Northern Tier Pipeline According to various congressional offices (Durenberger, Boschwitz, Vento) the Northern Tier pipeline is an extremely sensitive issue in Minnesota. The Pipeline has the capacity to transfer 700,000 barrels of oil per day but has been held up for lack of a Washington state permit due to environmental concerns. As you know, several northern tier states are facing a regional energy crisis because crude oil transportation facilities are not capable of replacing the crude oil that was lost when Canada modified its export policy. This situation, for Minnesota at least, has been greatly alleviated by the increased flow from Canada (temporary) and the Williams pipeline. There is also a Wood River Project currently underway which will be fully operational one year from now. Minnesota oil needs will be largely taken care of by this project. Northern Tier Regarded Skeptically by Some Northern Tier is considered by many to be overkill. It has the capacity to supply over 700,000 barrels of oil per day but DOE projections estimated the need for oil to be only about 400,000 barrels per day. Also the Northern Tier is considered to be too expensive -- $1.6 billion must be expended before the project is fully operational. The Wood River Project is estimated at about $500 million. Minnesota is Currently Benefitting From Williams Pipeline Minnesota and Nebraska are currently benefitting from a joint venture on the part of the Williams Bros. Pipeline and Koch Refining Company. This pipeline begins at the Mississippi and extends across Missouri and Iowa over an existing right of way. This oil, combined with Canada imports which have increased from the 30,000 barrels imported this summer to about 180,000 barrels this fall, has kept the three major refiners in Minnesota busy. Apparently, the terms "energy crisis" have been dropped in Minnesota to describe the oil situation, although Canada's renewed exports to Minnesota are only temporary. The Wood River Project will supposedly pick up the lag, once the Canadian imports drop off. December 17, 1980 TO: Senator Dole FROM: Bob Lighthizer SUBJECT: Senator Durenberger This responds to your request for information on Senator Durenberger's work in the Finance Committee subject areas. 1. In the tax area, Senator Durenberger has been a strong advocate of indexing taxes for inflation so that inflation will not generate automatic tax increases. The Senator has introduced legislation to index both individual and corporate taxes, including depreciation schedules, and capital gains. He is also an active supporter of tax incentives for savings. 2. Senator Durenberger has worked hard to continue the general revenue sharing program for both local and state governments, as ranking Republican on the Subcommittee on Revenue Sharing. 3. Senator Durenberger has also been active in deliberations on the Social Security Disability Bill and strongly supported efforts to provide work incentives for the handicapped. 4. In the health area Senator Durenberger has been instrumental in raising the issue of competition in the health care area during the consideration of health insurance. He has introduced legislation that would change the tax treatment of health insurance premiums in the hopes that making expenditures for insurance more visible might encourage people to make more reasonable economic decisions. Senator Durenberger has also been a strong supporter of the HMO movement. December 18 Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd. Wendy Anderson Jim Erickson Rich Forschler ITT Consumer Finance Corporation Tom Wilshire, President John Thomas, Vice President and General Counsel Marcus Brown, Senior Vice President Joe McCarthy, Vice President Jim Tuite, Vice President TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16 4:30 p.m. Depart Butler Aviation - National Airport enroute Tulsa (Schedule for Tulsa attached) RON: Holiday Inn Plaza (Downtown) - Wichita (316) 264-1181 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 7:30 Bkfst. with Wichita businessmen - Executive Dining Room - 9th Floor Fourth Financial Center - Wichita, Jordan Haines arranging 10:30 Meeting with Liaison Committee - Holiday Inn Plaza - Gallery Room, Dick Smith arranging 12:45 p.m. Luncheon with Liaison Committee members - Kiwa Ballroom - Holiday Inn Plaza (see attached memo outlining meetings) 2:15 p.m. Depart Wichia - Fuel and Line Terminal E90 Beechcraft - Tail #228 RA Pilot: Steve Berry CoPilot: Cliff Avery 4:30 p.m. Arrive Minneapolis - Northern Airmotive Will be met by Wendell Anderson or his representative Anderson - (612) 835-3800 - office (Kristin Scott, secretary) (612) 473-5432 - home 6:00 p.m. Arrive Registry Hotel - Bloomington, Minn (suburb of Minneapolis) for Reception in progress since 5:30 p.m. (approx. 100 people) Informal off-cuff remarks and Q & A - approx. 45 min. total 7:15 p.m. Depart Registry Hotel 8:00 p.m. Arrive Chouette Restaurant - Wayzata, Minn. (suburb of Minneapolis) Dinner with approx. 12 local businessmen Few off-cuff remarks and Q & A - approx. 35-40 min. total; Phone: (612) 473-4611 RON: Marquette Hotel - 710 Marquette Ave., Minneapolis; Phone: (612) 323-7500 (phone number crossed out) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. Breakfast with small group of Minneapolis businessmen - (tentatively at Minneapolis Club -- if any change, Gov. Anderson will advise) Anderson will make arrangements to get you there 10:00 to 11:00 Meeting with group of Sen. Durenburger's supporters - Minneapolis Club - 729 Second Ave. S., Mpls. (612) 332-2292 11:45-1:10 Luncheon at Charlie's - 701 - 4 Avenue S., Minneapolis (612) 335-8851 Gov. Anderson making arrangements for transportation to the airport. (ANDERSON HAS YOUR TICKET PICKED UP AND WILL GIVE IT TO YOU IN MINNEAPOLIS) 1:55 p.m. Depart Minneapolis Airport - Western Airlines #508 4:59 p.m. Arrive National Airport (Dave will meet you) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF DECEMBER 22-28 MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 1:30 Taping of 10 ag spots - Allen Balch - Sen. Ofc. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 12:35 Depart National Airport - EAL #375 (coach) 1:40 p.m. Arrive Charlotte WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 Charlotte THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 Charlotte FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 1:32 p.m. Depart Charlotte - EAL #515 (coach) 2:26 p.m. Arrive Atlanta 4:00 p.m. Depart Atlanta - Delta #1720 (coach) 5:01 p.m. Arrive Kansas City Will be met by Joe Helms -- trying to arrange to meet you at Delta gate -- if cannot do will arrange to meet with you car and take you to plane approx. 5:30 p.m. Depart Kansas City enroute Russell Cessna 402 Tail # 2611 A Pilot: Joe Helms CoPilot: To be determined approx. 7:15 p.m. Arrive Russell SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 Noon to 2:30 Open House - Elks Club - Russell (Dole & Specter) 6:40 p.m. Depart Kansas City - United #350 (coach) 9:52 p.m. Arrive Dulles SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF DECEMBER 22-28 MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 Following appointment handwritten: 8:30 Jack Block - Sen. Ofc. 1:30 Taping of 10 ag spots - Allen Balch - Sen. Ofc. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 12:35 Depart National Airport - EAL #375 (coach) 1:40 p.m. Arrive Charlotte WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 Charlotte THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 Charlotte FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 1:32 p.m. Depart Charlotte - EAL #515 (coach) 2:26 p.m. Arrive Atlanta 4:00 p.m. Depart Atlanta - Delta #1720 (coach) 5:01 p.m. Arrive Kansas City Will be met by Joe Helms -- trying to arrange to meet you at Delta gate -- if cannot do will arrange to meet with you car and take you to plane approx. 5:30 p.m. Depart Kansas City enroute Russell Cessna 340 Tail #2611 A Pilot: C.M. Moore, 913/681-2377 (replaced from Joe Helms) CoPilot: Ken Griffin approx. 7:15 p.m. Arrive Russell SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 Noon to 2:30 Open House - Elks Club - Russell (Dole & Specter) 6:40 p.m. Depart Kansas City - United #350 (coach) 9:52 p.m. Arrive Dulles