SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 28 - AUGUST 3 MONDAY, JULY 28 Following schedule handwritten: 10:30 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (tax cut hrgs. ) 11:00 mtg with (illegible) Kirkland - AFL/CIO ofc - 815-16th St. N.W - Suite 802 1:00 meet (illegible) in Dining Rm 1:15 Jordan (illegible) Sen Ofc (lunch) (changed to 5:30) 2:15 Mtg with Thurmond. 209 OSOB 2:30 Trade Strategy hrgs. - 2221 NOSB 5:30 Mtg with Thurmond - 209 OSOB TUESDAY, JULY 29 9:30 Dee James & Jay Bohnenblust, Ks. FFA - Sen. Ofc. (photo) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (tax cut hrgs.) (following event crossed out) 10:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Billy-gate) 10:00 Ag. Prod. & Foreign Ag. Subc. - 324 OSOB (amend. Grain Stds. Act - Dole bills) (following event handwritten) 11:30 Mtg. in Billy-gate - Boher's ofc. - S-230 Cap 11:45 Ranking Members Mtg. - S-230 Cap. (Bush attending) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. Yes, Bush attending 12:30 Luncheon by Central States Salesmen's Assn. - Regency Ballroom - Hyatt Regency 737-1234 (Bob Cloughley, K.C. & Marvin Ferguson, K.C.) Randy or Ernie... (following event handwritten) 2:30 Mtg. of Spec. Subc. - Judiciary - 2228 NSOB 5:30 Retirement Party for Bob Malmstrom, Sen. Financial Clerk - S-207 Cap. 5:30-7:00 Recep. by the Brocks' for George Bush - Eisenhower Lounge - Cap. Hill Club (Sen. only) 6-8 FR for Sen. by ACA - Presidential Ballroom - Mayflower 6-8:30 Recep. by Bu. of Wholesale Repres. - Longworth Cafeteria (Randy or Ernie) 355-3012 8 & 8:45 Cocktails & Dinner - CHesapeake Rm. - Fairfax Hotel Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of July 28-August 3 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 (following event handwritten) 9:35 Bush - Sen. Ofc. 9:30 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Exec.) - Fair Housing (following event moved to 3:15) 9:45 Bonnie Wan & Edward Donnell, Chrmn, Montgomery Ward - Sen. Ofc. - Sen. & Rich or Rod sitting in on tax issue 862-1360 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (tax cut hrgs.) 3:15 Bonnie Wan & Ed Donnell, Chrmn, Mon. Ward - Sen Ofc. 6-8 Recep. by Prince George's County, Md. GOP Central Comm. - 1102 LHOB (Sen. a co-host) THURSDAY, JULY 31 8:00 Bkfst. by FFA - B-339 RHOB (Dee James, Jay Bohnenblust, Riley, Ks.) Morgan 8:00 Complimentary Bkfst. - Republican Conf. - S-207 Cap. (Senators only) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (tax cut hrgs.) (following event handwritten & crossed out) 10:00 Mtg. of Spec. Subc. - 2228 NSOB (Billy-gate) 12:15 Press Conf. on Helsinki Comm. Final report - S-207 Cap. (following event handwritten) 1:30 Mtg. of Spec. Subc. (Billy-gate) - 1202 NSOB 6 & 7 Dinner by Power & Communication Contractors Assn. - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel (Ernie, Randy, or??) 484-8100 6:30-9:00 Cocktail/buffet by L.A. TIMES Wash. Bu. Staff at new offices - 1875 Eye St., N.W. - Suite 1100 (Bill K-Bob W.) FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 Following schedule handwritten 9:00 Tax Subc Hrgs - 2221 NSOB (S 2969 - estate tax) 12:00 Closed business mtg of Investig. Subc - 2228 NSOB 2:30 Bobbie Goodman - Sen. Ofc. (following event crossed out) 3:00 Closed business mtg. - Judiciary Subc. - 2228 NSOB 3:00 Interview - Cliff News, AP-Sen Ofc. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF AUGUST 4-10 MONDAY, AUGUST 4 9:00 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs.) 2:00 Mtg. in Kassebaum's ofc. - 304 OSOB (with Am. Energy Systems people re synfuels plant to be located near Atchison) Dave Clem, Atchison - Randy 2:30 Investig. Subc. - 1202 NSOB (hrgs.) TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 (following event handwritten) 6:45 Pick up by Bill K. for 7:10 appearance on Today Show 9:00 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (nom. hrgs.) 9:00 Tax Subc. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. - tax treatment of married & single persons) 9:30 Judicial Machinery Subc. - Closed hrgs. - 1318 NSOB (on Vesco - Mr. Ulmer testifying) 11:45 Ranking Members Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (following event handwritten) 4:10-4:25 SPEAK to Sen. Trust Members - S-230 Cap. (following event handwritten) 6:00 depart (following event handwritten) 7:00 McNeil/Lehrer 7:30 Sen. Trust Recep. & Dinner - home of Sen. & Mrs. Heinz - 3322 O St., N.W. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 10:00 Investig. Subc. - 1202 NSOB (hrgs.) 4:30 p.m. Depart National - TWA #233 F/C 5:33 p.m. Arrive St. Louis 6:25 p.m. Depart St. Louis - TWA #261 F/C 7:39 p.m. Arrive Wichita THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 & FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 In Kansas United States Senate MEMORANDUM Virginia Martin Morton County Dole Chrmn 316/697-2536 home SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST RECESS handwritten on page: Betty SEDGWICK COUNTY Clint Engstrand, Dole Chrmn 316/682-5812 (res) 316/256-4301 (off) Gingy Buck, Dole Co-Chrm 316/683-7263 Bob Allen, GOP Chrm. 316/722-0080 (res) 316/772-8831 (off) Betty Bernstorf, GOP V.C. 316/685-5568 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6th 4:30 p.m. Depart Washington - TWA #233 5:33 p.m. Arrive St. Louis 6:25 p.m. Depart St. Louis - TWA #261 7:39 p.m. Arrive Wichita - Nancy Smith will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Wichita Royale where Suite 635 is reserved for you. 125 N. Market - 316/263-2101 Bob Stephen called to advise that the National Attorneys General Convention will be going on at the Wichita Royale -- they have a poolside (6th floor) cocktail party from 6 to 8 p.m. and would like for you to stop by. Randy will be in Wichita on Wednesday and he and Nancy will have details. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th 7:40 a.m. Nancy & Kim will pick you up at Hotel and take you to Century II (Randy will already be there - he will have advanced both a.m. events) 8:00-9:00 a.m. Breakfast with Labor Union Leaders - Green Rm Century II - 316/264-9121 Randy will take you to the Exhibit Hall at Century II 9:10-10:00 a.m. SPEAK - NATIONAL RURAL LETTER CARRIERS - Chuck Merin - contact - 316/264-0171 Rm. 426 Kim will drive you to the Wichita Eagle 10:15-11:15 a.m. Meeting with Wichita Eagle Editorial Board - 825 E. Douglas, George Neavolt - contact 316/268-6000 Kim will drive you to Dole Headquarters 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Official Dole Headquarters Opening, 114 S. Broadway, 316/264-1361 Carol Wiebe-contact Nancy or Kim will drive you to the airport Fuel & Line - 316/943-4236 Midwest Solvents plane will be wishing to fly you to Russell - illegible 1:30 p.m. Arrive Russell - Kenny will meet you at the airport -2- Remainder of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will be spent in Russell filming television spots - Bob Goodman-contact (Bill Kats will also be in Russell) RUSSELL COUNTY Charlie Sellens, Dole Chrm. 913/483-2676 Holly Haberer, Dole Co-Chrm. 913/483-4288 Molly Krug, GOP Chrm. 913/483-3572 Elmer Svaty, GOP V.C. 913/525-4975 (res) 913/525-7777 LEAVENWORTH COUNTY Charley Gregor, Dole Chrm. 913/651-2008 Martha Orlowski, GOP Chrm. 913/682-1583 Ed Powers, GOP V.C. 913/682-4214 (res) 913/682-0401 (off) SALINE COUNTY Selma Steele, Regional Dole Chrm. 913/825-5746 (res) Marty Brummett, Dole Chrm. 913/827-6017 Don Williams, GOP V.C. 913/827-7327 (res) 913/827-0391 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th 10:30 a.m. Depart Russell Airport - Midwest Solvents plane will pick you up (Bill Kats will fly with you from Russell) 11:30 a.m. Arrive Leavenworth - Scott Richardson will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Buffalo Bill Community Room, 207 Delaware, where there is a pre-parade buffet. Republicans have been advised you will be there and to come have lunch with you. If time, work downtown for awhile prior to parade. Your car for the parade will be waiting outside the Community Room to take you to beginning of parade route. Community Room - 913/682-9335 Charley Gregor, Dole Chrm. will be out of town so Martha Orlowski, GOP Chrm. is our Republican contact. She will have people to work the parade. 1:30 p.m. Buffalo Bill Days Parade - Doe Ocks - contact Work parade crowd 3:00 p.m. Scott Richardson will drive you and Bill Kats to the airport to depart for Salina - Midwest Solvents plane. 3:15 p.m. Depart for Salina 4:00 p.m. Arrive Salina Airport - Ed Duckers will pick you up at the airport. 4:30 Press Interviews - Glenn Williams, Editors - Salina Journal 5:00-6:30 p.m. Opening of Saline County Regional Dole Headquarters, 201 S. Santa Fe, Salina - 913/823-7910 Selma Steele, Marty Brummett - contacts Ed Duckers and Marty Brummett will take you to the Tri-Rivers Fair in Salina following the Open House. 8:00 p.m. Depart Salina Airport for Wichita - Midwest Solvents plane 8:30 p.m. Arrive Wichita Airport - Fuel & Line (316/943-1361) Nancy Smith will meet you and drive you to the Wichita Royale where you have a room reserved - 316/263-2101 SUNDAY, AUGUST 10th 8:30 a.m. Early church service if you want Nancy or Ed will drive you. If you do not go to church, Ed Duckers will pick you up at the Wichita Royale at 10:15 a.m. and drive you to the Holiday Inn East. 10:30 a.m. SPEAK - Young Republican Convention, Holiday Inn East, Palm Court Room, 7335 E. Kellogg, 316/685-1281 Carol Bell - contact (Carol Bell is the outgoing President and Jeff Hull is the new President - Jeff works for Bob Stephen and is very active on our Shawnee County Task Force) 11:30 a.m. Depart Wichita for McPherson - Ed Duckers will drive you 12:30-1:45 p.m. GOP Brunch honoring you at the home of Donnie and Carl Holloway, 1617 Suncrest Drive, McPherson - 316/241-4283 (illegible is our Dole Chrm.) 2:00-3:15 p.m. SPEAK - Prairie View Mental Health Center Dedication, 1102 Hospital Drive, McPherson Sue Ice - contact 316/241-4555 Lacey Nikkel - Prairie View Administrator Depart McPherson for Hutchinson - Ed Duckers will drive you (Nancy Smith will be in Hutch) 4:30 p.m. Meeting with Hutchinson News Editors - 300 W. 2nd - 316/662-3333 Dick Buzbee - contact 5:30-7:00 p.m. Reno County Ice Cream Social, Sylvan Park, (illegible) Walnut Streets, Hutchinson Nancy Shears & Marty Fee - contacts Ed Duckers will drive you to the airport where Don Slawson (replaced from Midwest Solvents) plane will be waiting to fly you to Olathe - Executive Airport (Jo.Co) Overnight John Palmer will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Hallmark Inn, I-35 & I50 (illegible), Olathe - 913/782-4343 McPHERSON COUNTY Bonnie Holloway, Dole Chrm. 316/241-4283 (res) 316/241-5310 (off) Don Whitlock, GOP Chrm. 316/241-1881 (res) 316/241-3714 (off) RENO COUNTY Nancy Sheers, Dole Chrm. 316/662-8089 (res) 316/663-1521 (off) Marty Fee, Dole Co-Chrm. 316/662-9594 (res) Jody Armstrong, GOP Chrm. 316/662-3907 Dennis Paul, GOP V.C. 316/663-9963 (res) 316/665-8035 (off) MONDAY, AUGUST 11th 8:30 a.m. Morgan Williams and Nelson Kruger will pick you up at the Hallmark Inn to drive to Paola. Nelson will be driving his car for the day. Scott Richardson and Ann Simmons will be handling the advance for the day. MONDAY, AUGUST 11th - Con't. 9:15-11:00 a.m. Arrive Paola - Public Coffee at Kansas Room, Miami County National Bank, East Side of Square, 913/294-4311 Beth & Bill Hodgson - contacts (913/755-2225) Following coffee, work the square. 11:00 a.m. Depart for Ottawa - Nelson's car 11:40 a.m. Arrive Ottawa 12:00 NOON SPEAK - OTTAWA LIONS CLUB - L&M Cafe, 115 E. 5th, 913/242-2894 (The Lions Club has opened their luncheon to the public and have invited the other service clubs to attend) Don Kay - contact (913/782-0116) (Kristi Armstrong, Dole Chrm. will introduce you) Following luncheon, work downtown 1:30 p.m. Depart for Lyndon - Nelson's car 2:00-3:00 p.m. Reception - Clyde Burns' Office, 704 Topeka Ave., 913/828-6418 Clyde Burns - contact Work main street after meeting people at reception. 3:00 p.m. Depart for Burlington - Nelson's car 3:30-4:00 p.m. Public Reception - Coffey County Courthouse, Burlington - 913/354-2191 (County Clerk's off.) Raymond Vaughn - contact (913/384-8540) 4:00-5:00 p.m. Following the reception, Raymond will take you to the Coffey County Fairgrounds to work the fair (this is the 100th Anniversary of the Fair) 5:10 p.m. Depart for Carnett 6:00 p.m. Meet June Cooper and George Clesen at the National Guard Armory, City Park, Garnett (316/448-3514) George and June will take you to the Anderson County Fairgrounds to work the fair. 7:30-8:00 p.m. Anderson County Fair Parade - George Clasen - contact The Anderson County Central Committee is hosting a GOP Candidates Reception following the parade at the National Guard Armory - they would like for you to stop by briefly 8:30 p.m. Depart Garnett Airport - Don Slawson's plane (replaced from Fred Berry's) Cessna 414, illegible - Fred Berry, illegible, pilots MIAMI COUNTY Beth & Bill Hodgson, Dole Chrm 913/755-2225 Bob Weatherbie, GOP Chrm 913/294-4791 (res) 913/294-4311 (off) Evaline conway, GOP V.C. 913/294-3793 FRANKLIN COUNTY Kristy Armstrong, Dole Chrm 913/242-5488 (res) 913/782-0116 (off) H/M Park Armstrong, Co-Chrm (same #'s as Kristy) Don Hay, GOP Chrm. 913/242-1292 (res) 913/242-2420 (off) Mabel Lister, GOP V.C. 913/242-5176 (res) 913/242-6432 (off) OSAGE COUNTY Clyde Burns, Dole Chrm. 913/828-3332 (res) 913/828-4418 (off) Genevive Evertson, GOP Chrm. 913/549-3684 Joe Humerickhouse, GOP V.C. 913/528-3289 COFFEY COUNTY Raymond Vaughn, Dole Chrm. 316/364-2581 (res) 316/354-8640 (off) Marilyn Vaughn, GOP Chrm. 316/354-5761 (res) 316/364-2129 (off) Larry Paxson, GOP V.C. 316/364-5450 (res) ANDERSON COUNTY June Conper, Dole Chrm. 913/445-5519 George Clasen, Dole Co-Chrm. 913/448-5273 (res) 913/448-3121 (off) George Clasen, GOP Chrm. Cecil Whitaker, GOP V.C. 316/439-5697 MONDAY, AUGUST 11th - Con't. Scott Richardson will be flying to Wichita with you. Fred Berry's telephone number is 316/264-8290 (off), 316/684-8832 (res) 9:00 p.m. Arrive Wichita Airport - Nancy Smith will meet you and take you to the Wichita Royale overnight Wichita Royale - 316/263-2101 TUESDAY, AUGUST 12th 8:30 a.m. Kim will pick you up at the Hotel to take you to the Fourth Financial Center 9:00-12:00 NOON NUTRITION HEARING - Auditorium, Fourth Financial Center, 316/263-4956 (Wichita office) Chris Bolton/Nancy Smith - contacts 12:15-1:15 p.m. Fundraising luncheon - Wichita Club, West Room, Vickers-KSB&T Bldg. - 316/263-5271 Ted Gore, Bob Beren - hosts Nancy Smith will drive you, Senator Boschwitz, and Kim to the airport to fly to Kansas City 2:15 p.m. Arrive Kansas City - Municipal Airport - John Palmer will pick you up and drive you to the hearing. 2:30-5:00 p.m. NUTRITION HEARING - COmmissioners Chambers, City Hall, 701 N. 7th - 913/371-2000 Chris Bolton/John Palmer - contacts Following hearing, John will drive you and Senator Boschwitz to the Alameda Plaza where there will be rooms for you to freshen up. 6:00-8:00 p.m. Fundraising reception - Alameda Plaza, Diplomat Room - 816/756-1500 (illegible) Levens - contact Following the reception, John will drive you and Kim to Municipal Airport to meet Midwest Solvents plane to fly to Manhattan. Cindy or Helen will drive Senator Boschwitz to the airport to fly to Waterloo, Iowa. 8:45 p.m. Arrive Manhattan Airport - 913/537-0056 Ed Duckers will meet you at the airport and take you to the Hotel. overnight Ramada Inn - 2222 W. 6th, Manhattan - 913/842-7030 RILEY COUNTY Joan Mosier, Regional Chrm. 913/539-4988 (res) 913/776-8821 (off) Bill Frost, Dole Chrm. 913/776-9338 (res) 913/776-9208 (off) Dick Thiessen, GOP Chrm. 913/537-1409 (res) 913/762-2570 (off) Lana Olsen, GOP V.C. 913/537-7718 (res) CLOUD COUNTY Susan & illegible Retter, Dole Chrm. 913/243-7894 (res) 913/243-7210 (off) Joe Detrixhe, GOP Chrm. 913/445-2872 (res) Dorothy Ostrom, GOP V.C. 913/243-2620 (res) 913/243-2119 (off) REPUBLIC COUNTY Marlene Brzon, Dole Chrm. 913/527-2856 Loren Brzon, GOP Chrm. 913/527-2856 Carlene Hurtig, GOP V.C. 913/374-4215 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13th 7:30-8:30 a.m. SPEAK - Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Eggs & Issues Breakfast - Wareham Hotel, 418 Poyntz, 913/776-4891 Kirk Braughn - contact (913/776-8829) Following the breakfast, Ed Duckers will take you and Kim to the Airport to fly to Topeka (Midwest Solvents plane) 9:30 a.m. Arrive Phillip Billard Airport - Topeka - Cindy will meet you at the airport 10:00-11:00 a.m. Meeting with Labor Union people - Ramada Inn, Topeka, 913/233-8981 Ralph McGee - contact Cindy will drive you back to the airport to fly to Kansas City 11:40 a.m. Arrive Kansas City Municipal - (illegible) will meet you at the airport to drive to Crown Center 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. SPEAK - Farmland Industry Convention, Crown Center - 816/474-4400 Don (illegible) - contact (816/459-5000) Following the luncheon, John will drive you to the Airport to fly to Concordia (Randy or Morgan will join you to fly to Western Kansas for that tour) 2:30 p.m. Arrive Concordia - Ed Duckers will meet you at the airport - (913/243-2043) 2:45-3:45 p.m. Public Reception - Concordia - (illegible) Club, 105 W. 7th, 913/253-9392 Susan & David Retter - contacts 913/243-7894 Work downtown Concordia Ed will drive you to Belleville - plane will fly on from Concordia 4:15-5:30 p.m. Reception - Belleville - Belleville Cafe, Hwy. 35 & 81 Jct. - 913/527-2856 Ed Duckers will drive you to the airport to meet the plane to fly to Hoxie 6:45 p.m. Arrive Hoxie Airport - 913/675-8235 - Steve Coen will meet you at the airport (Steve will drive you until Friday evening) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13th - con't. 7:00-8:15 p.m. GOP (illegible) - Old Sheridan Inn, Hoxie 913/675-8259 Bill Richardson - contact 913/675-3457 Following the dinner, Steve will drive you to Colby overnight Ramada Inn - Colby 1950 S. Range, 913/462-3933 THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th - Scott Richardson advances day 7:30-8:45 a.m. Public Breakfast - Ramada Inn - Colby Jim & Sandy Kriss - contacts 913/462-3575 Drive to Goodland (NBT) 8:30-10:00 a.m. Breakfast - Goodland - Bay's Cafe, 118 E. 17th - 913/899-2221 Mariah House - contact 913/(illegible)-2819 (res) KLOE Interview Drive to Oakley 12:30-2:00 p.m. Public luncheon - Oakley - Little Cafe, 312 (illegible) - 913/672-4933 Charlene Taylor - contact - 913/842-7749 Work main street Drive to Scott City 3:00-4:30 p.m. Reception - Scott City - The Broiler, League Room, 611 E. 5th, 316/(illegible)-3495 Keep Brantley - contact 316/872-5593 (res) 376/872-2163 (off) Work main street drive to Garden City 5:15 p.m. Arrive Garden City - Meet George Fornell and Bette Jo Rohers and Fornell's Fabric Store, 324 N. Main - 316/276-3752 Finney County Fair Depart for Dodge City - (illegible) overnight Silver Spur Hotel, 1530 Wyatt Edge Blvd., Dodge City - 316/227-2125 SHERIDAN COUNTY Bill Richardson, Dole Chrm. 913/675-3457 THOMAS COUNTY Jim Kriss, Dole Chrm. 913/(illegible)-3575 (res) Scott Wieland, Dole Co-Chrm. 913/462-5691 (res) Gary Cooper, GOP Chrm. 913/462-6289 (res) 913/462-6771 (off) Ila Lee Hieland, GOP V.C. 913/462-3114 (res) SHERMAN COUNTY Karian Dale House, Dole Chrm. 913/699-2619 Violet Roeder, GOP Chrm. 913/899-2973 (res) 913/893-3402 (off) Colby Edward, GOP V.P. 913/(illegible)-2095 (res) LOGAN COUNTY Charlene Taylor, Dole Chrm. 913/845-7749 (res) Bud Ward, GOP Chrm. 913/845-7890 (res) Dell Jackson, GOP V.C. 913/845-7863 (res) SCOTT COUNTY Keen Brantley, Dole Chrm. 316/872-5598 (res) Bernard & Ann Nelson, GOP 316/872-2827 FINNEY COUNTY George Furnell, Dole Chrm. 316/276-2493 (res) 316/276-3753 (off) Bette Jo Roberts, GOP Chrm. 316/275-5115 (res) 316/276-3423 (off) FRIDAY, AUGUST 15th - Ed Duckers advances day 8:50-9:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast (public) - Great Hill (illegible) - 316/227-8183 Isa Millers - contact - 316/227-3380 drive to Cimarron 9:45-10:45 a.m. Coffee - Cimarron - C&M Caffe, W. Hwy. 50, 316/855-3474 John (illegible) - contact - 315/845-2215 drive to Liberal 12:00 noon-1:30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Luncheon (public - Liberal Holiday Inn, 603 E. Penoeke Blvd. 318/624-7254 Mike Dreiling - contact - 316/624-2548 (off) work main street drive to Hugobon 3:00-3:30 p.m. GOP Coffee - Hugoton - Lee (illegible)'s Office, 209 E. 8th, 316/544-4333 3:30-4:30 p.m. Stevens County Fair - Hugoton drive to Elkhart 5:00 p.m. Morten County Free Barbecue - Fairgrounds Virginia Martin - contact - 315/697-2536 7:00 p.m. Steve will drive you to the Elkhart Airport to depart for Kansas City (airport - 316/697-9803) 8:15 p.m. Arrive Kansas City Municipal - Jebs Palmer will meet you at the airport overnight Alameda Plaza Hotel, K.C. - 816/756-1500 SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th 9:30 a.m. Kim or John will pick you up at the hotel 10:00 a.m. Johnson County GOP Brunch (will let you know exact location) Margaret Ruff - contact 12:00 noon-4:02 p.m. Depart (illegible) Arrive Washington National (illegible) COUNTY Isa Millers, Dole Chrm. 315/227-3160 (res) Betty Money, Dole Co.Chrm. 316/(illegible) (res) Gene (illegible), GOP Chrm. 316/225-3527 (res) 316/227-2244 (off) Marin Williams, GOP V.C. 316/225-5523 GRAY COUNTY John Corrine Unruh, Dole Chrm. 316/845-2685 (res) 316/845-2215 (off) Ernie Krey, GOP Chrm. 316/645-2487 (res) Patsy Robertson, GOP V.C. 316/845-2296 (res) 316/845-2247 (off) SEWARD COUNTY Mike Dreiling, Dole Chrm. 316/624-5024 (res) 316/624-2548 (off) Elizabeth Hill, GOP Chrm. 316/624-7060 (res) STEVENS COUNTY (illegible list) ILLEGIBLE COUNTY, ILLEGIBLE LIST JOHNSON COUNTY Margaret Ruff, Regional Chrm. 913/432-2614 (res) (illegible) Harman, Dole Chrm. 913/341-1095 Mark Mitts, Dole Co-Chrm. 913/722-1663 (res) rest of list illegible Midwest Salients telephone number is: 913/167-1432 (Judy Treever - contact) Pilots: names and home telephone numbers Tom Monk - 913/367-2642 Buck Talbott - 913/367-2773 Ed Gellings - 913/367-3201 Hangar @ airport - 913/367-3210 LIST OF THE REPRESENTATIVES AND SOURCES FROM COUNTIES YOU WILL BE VISITING COUNTY STATE REPRESENTATIVE STATE SENATOR Sedgwick Ben (illegible) (R) James L. Francisco (D) Mike Meecham (R) Bill Morris (R) Ruth E. (illegible) (D) Paul Felscisno, Jr. (D) Willard "Woody" Lee Thompson, Jr. (D) Billy Q. McCrey (D) (illegible) (R) Paul Hess (R) Sharon Ress Gibson (R) (illegible) (R) J. Santford "Sandy" Jonson (R) Thes Cribbs (D) John L. Sullivan (R) Neal D. Whitaker (illegible) Belve J. Ott (R) Aniera L. Metlack (D) J.E. "Ernie" Talley (R) (illegible) (D) George R. Dean (D) Darrel M. (illegible) (D) James Holderman (D) P. Barrett (illegible) Genevs J. Anderson (illegible) Robert G. Frey (R) Russell Patrick B. (illegible) Chuck M. (illegible) Leavenworth Michael Crow (D) John D. Chancellor (R) Ashrose L. Dempsey (illegible) Arnold (illegible) (D) Rohin D. Leach (D) Richard Y. Reilly, Jr. (R) Saline Gerald F. Singsman (illegible) Ean E. (illegible) (R) Larry F. Turnquist (D) Jayne Anne Aylward (R) McPherson Ward P. Ferguson (D) Joseph C. Harder (R) LeRoy F. Fry (D) Reno John J. Maloney (D) Joseph C. Harder (R) Dean B. Hinshaw (R) Fred Herr (R) Timothy P. O'Sullivan (D) Bert Chaney (D) John L. Myers (D) Miami James G. Cubit (R) Winton A. Winter (R) Marvin Parkis (D) Robert P. Talkington (R) Franklin Irving B. Niles (D) Winton A. Winter (R) Jim Allen (R) (illegible) Anita G. Niles (D) Frank Gaines (D) (illegible) James G. Culbit (illegible) Robert P. Talkington -2- COUNTY STATE REPRESENTATIVE STATE SENATOR Riley Lloyd G. Olson (R) Metrill (illegible) (R) Ivan (illegible) (R) Ross O. Deyen (R) John F. (illegible) (R) Cloud Bill R. Fuller (R) Ross O. Deyen (R) Republic R.E. "Bob" Arbuthreiz (R) Neil B. Arasmith (R) Sheridan Mike John Hayden (R) Richard G. Gannon (D) (illegible) Don E. Crumbaker (R) Richard G. Gannon (D) Sherman Don E. Crumbaker (R) Richard G. Gannon (D) Logan Leary J. Johnson (R) Richard G. Gannon (D) Scott Jenck L. Rodrock (D) Leroy A. Hayden (D) Finney Kalo A. Rinereo (R) Leroy A. Hayden (D) David J. Heinemann (R) Ford B. Dean Shelor (D) Charlie Angell (R) Kathryn R. (illegible) (D) Geary B. Dean Shelor (D) Charlie Angell (R) Seward Robert G. Prey (R) Charlie Angell (R) (illegible) Keith Farrar (R) Leroy A. Hayden (D) Merion Keith Farrar (R) Leroy A. Hayden (D) Johnson David F. Louis (R) (illegible) E. Gaar (R) Wendell E. Lady (R) Jan (illegible) (R) Arthur W. Douvelle (R) Paul Burke (R) R.D. "Bob" (illegible) (R) Frank Smith (D) Joseph J. Hoagland(R) Victor William Kearns, Jr. (illegible) Rex B. Hoy (R) Samuel Burr Sifers (R) William Edgar Moore (R) David Lee Webb (R) William M. Eddy (R) Stan Gibson (R) August "Gus" Boginn, Jr. (R) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF AUGUST 18-24 MONDAY, AUGUST 18 9:30 Improvements Subc. - 6226 NSOB (bankruptcy) betw. 10 & 11 Mtg. of Rep. Members of Finance - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Exec. on tax cut) Following appointment handwritten: 1:00 Mtg. with Ken Lazarus & Pete Valde 2:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (nom. hrgs. Reuben Robertson) Following appointment handwritten: 3:30 Nat'l Public Radio - Sen. Radio/TV Gallery 4:00 Cloture Vote on Alaska Lands 5:00 Mtg. of members of Investig. Subc. - 318 OSOB (closed mtg.) TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 Following appointment crossed out: 7:15 National Public Radio - 2021 M St. (Grain Embargo) Following appointment handwritten: 9:30 Improvement Subc. - 2228 NSOB (Vesco issue) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Exec. on tax cut) 10:00 Investig. Subc. - 318 OSOB (open hrgs.) Following appointment handwritten: 11:00 Final passage on Alaska lands 11:45 Ranking Members Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. Following appointment handwritten: 2:00 Investig. Subc. - 3/8 OSOB 2:30 Trade Subc. - 3302 NSOB (S. Con. Res. 108) Following appointment handwritten: 2:30 Finance Comm - S-206 Cap. 5:30-? Retirement Party for Charles Jones, Dir., Recording Studio - S-207 Cap. (Bob/Bill) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by AMPI - 1st Floor Lobby (above Independence Ave. entrance) of Rayburn Bldg. (Morgan -- Sen. stop by for photos, if poss.) 5:45-7:15 Recep. by Int'l Assn. of Refrigerated Warehouses - Yorktown & Valley Forge Rms. -Randy or Ernie - Hyatt Regency (Paul Fisher, Wichita) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of August 18-24 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 9:30 Testify before Banking Comm. - 5302 NSOB (on grain embargo) 9:30 Improvements Subc. - 6226 NSOB 9:45 Caucus of Rep. members of Finance - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Exec. on tax cut) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (2 farm credit noms) 11:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (judicial nominations) 12:30 Working Luncheon - Baker's ofc - S-230 Cap. 1:00 Investig. Subc. - 1202 NSOB Following appointment handwritten: 3:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB 4:30-6:30 Recep. by Sen. Metzenbaum for Rev. James Hickey, new Archbishop of Washington - 318 OSOB THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 9:30 Improvements Subc. - 5110 NSOB (public integrity) 10:00 Investig. Subc. - 318 OSOB 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Exec. on tax cut) Following appointment handwritten: 2:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB Following appointment handwritten: 4:00 Dole?Long taping - Radio/TV Gallery (on tax cut) FRIDAY, AUGUST 22 9:00 Investig. Subc. - 318 OSOB 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Exec. on tax cut) Following appointment handwritten: 12:00 Record vote - Finance Comm. on voting out tax bill 12:00 Luncheon for Bryce Harlow by Bellmon - Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap. Following appointment handwritten: 12:30 Press Conf. - with Baker (same time as Reagan press conf. in Dallas) SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 10:00 Phone interview - WRC - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Interview - Bill Brown, Wheat Growers Mag. - Sen. Ofc. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF AUGUST 25-31 MONDAY, AUGUST 25 7:00 Depart W.G. enroute ABC - Conn. Ave. for 7:15 appearance on GOOD MORNING AMERICA 9:30 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (hrgs.) 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (Ramsey nom.) 1:30 Services for AB Hermann - Gawler's Funeral Home - 5130 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Following appointment handwritten: 2:00 Judiciary - (Billy gate) S-407 Cap. elevator - 1st floor rotunda Following appointment crossed out and marked "moved to Tues.": 4:30 Mtg. in Thurmond's ofc. - Rep. Sens. on Judiciary - 209 OSOB 5:30 & 6:30 Cocktails & Dinner by Mike Schiffer & Conn. General - Degas Rm. - 2nd floor L'Enfant Plaza Hotel (Sheila) Sen. stop by, if possible 6-7:30 Recep. by ASCS - 1302 LHOB (Morgan), Jim Ray, Manhattan TUESDAY, AUGUST 26 8:00 Bkfst, Mtg. with White House Fellows - G-219 NSOB (Greg Suhler - 456-2785) 9:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (noms.) 10:00 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB 11:15 Mtg. of GOP Senators - S-230 Cap. (to discuss Judiciary Comm. & Billygate) 11:45 Ranking Members Mtg. - S-230 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 1:30 NBC Interview - with Udall on 1980 Pres. race - 235 CHOB 3:00 Mtg. with Casey, Laxalt & Dick Wirthlin - EF-100 Cap. (also Bob Waite) Following appointment handwritten: 4:30 mtg. in Thurmond's ofc - 209 OSOB 6:30-8:30 Recep. by United Food & Commercial Workers Int'l Union during their Women's Affairs-Civil Rights & Political Action Conf. - Sheraton Hall - Sherator-Washington Hotel, (Ernie??), Mrs. Padilla 347-1203 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 9:00 Health Subc. - 2221 NSOB (S. 2809 - elderly inst. care) 9:30 Judiciary Comm. - 2228 NSOB (Garcia nom.) 10:30 Photo & award presentation by Tax Limitation Council - Sen. Ofc. (Daye Keene) Following appointment crossed out and marked "postponed": 11:30 Judiciary - 2228 NSOB (Intelligence Identities Protection Act) "Betty" handwritten at top of page THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 2:05-4:45 p.m. Depart Washington - TWA #217 Arrive (illegible) will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Topeka Campaign Headquarters, 1001, Kansas Ave, where Cindy or Kim will meet you to take you to the fair 6:00-7:45 p.m. Sunflower State Expo - Topeka - Scott Richardson will be waiting at the main gate to take you to the Republican booth where you will meet Allen and Kathy Emery who will act as your hosts at the Fair. Scott will drive you back to the Campaign Headquarters. 8:00 p.m. PRESS CONFERENCE - Campaign Headquarters - 913/233-1203 8:15-9:00 p.m. CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF RALLY - Campaign Headquarters Scott will drive you to the Ramada Inn RON: Ramada Inn Lawrence 913/842-7030 DOUGLAS COUNTY Andy Colyardt, Dole Chrm. 913/842-3497 (res) 913/841-6080 (off) Diane Huges, Dole Co-Chrm. 913/843-3890 (res) John Lungstom, GOP Chrm. 913/841-4955 (res) 913/843-0811 (off) Shirley Reese, GOP V.C. 913/842-9950 (res) WYANDOTTE COUNTY Roy Edwards, Dole Chrm. 913/321-9594 (res) 913/342-3550 (off) Frances Speer, Dole Co-Chrm. 913/321-6147 (res) Glenn Fletcher, GOP Chrm. 913/299-0171 (res) 913/381-8145 (off) Wayne Bruce, GOP V.C. 913/371-7819 (res) FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th 8:15 a.m. Kim will pick you up at the Ramada Inn to drive you to Lawrence 9:00-9:30 a.m. PRESS CONFERENCE - LAWRENCE - City Commissioners' Meeting Room, City Hall (new), 5th & Massachusetts, 913/847-7722 Huford Watson - City Manager; Mike Welgin - Ass't City Mgr. Kim will drive you to the Lawrence Journal-World 9:40-10:15 a.m. Meet with Dolph Simons, LAWRENCE JOURNAL WORLD, 509 New Hampshire, 913/843-1000 Scott Richardson will drive you to Kansas City 11:00-12:00 p.m. Coffee/Donuts with Blacks - D & H Tire Company, 919 Troup, 913/621-1155 - Bill Ferguson (contact) (John Palmer has set up this meeting - 913/287-4545) Scott Richardson will drive you to Bonner Springs 12:30 p.m. Luncheon - Bonner Springs - (illegible) State Park, Community Room, 309 Oak, 913/447-3810 Roger Miller - contact - 917/422-3056 (off) 917/422-5191 (res) FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th - con't. Nelson Tilden, President of the Kansas Hospital Association, will be at the luncheon to present you a check from the Hospital Association. Following the luncheon, work downtown Bonner Springs 1:45 p.m. Scott will drive you to Olathe (Margaret Ruff and Susie Harman will drive ahead of you) 2:00 p.m. Meet John Franke at Johnson County Courthouse to work the Courthouse, Square, Olathe - 913/782-5000 (ask for Commissioner Franke's office) 2:45 p.m. Work Olathe Square - Leonard White will accompany you around the Square. 3:15-3:45 p.m. Meet with John Marshall, Editor, OLATHE DAILY NEWS, 514 S. Kansas, 913/754-2211 Scott will drive you to the Overland Park Sun 4:00-4:30 p.m. Meet with Stan Rose, Publisher, OVERLAND PARK SUN, Metcalf & I-435, 913/381-1010 Scott will drive you to Nursing Center 4:40 p.m. Indian Meadows Nursing Center, 6505 W. 103rd, 913/649-5110 - Judy Wolf, Director, Larry Burford, Director of all Indian Meadows Centers. (The residents will be meeting for dinner.) 5:10-5:30 p.m. Indian Creek Nursing Center, 6516 W. 103rd, 913/642-5545 - Ruth McCune, Director (Susie Harman's mother, Margaret Green, is a resident) - Residents will be gathered for dinner. Stop by Elephant Club Reception for Bob Stephan, Johnson County Republican Headquarters, 4621 W. 90th, 913/658-4440 (Reception is from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) 5:45 p.m. Dinner at EBT's. I-435 and State Line, 816/942-8870 (This is Rick Harman's new restaurant and they have big crowds on Friday nights - he would like to take you to dinner, or at least through the restaurant to meet people.) Scott will drive you to the Alameda Plaza RON Alameda Plaza, Wornall Rd. at Ward Parkway, 816/755-1500 JOHNSON COUNTY Margaret Ruff, 3rd Dist. 913/432-2614 (res) 913/649-1809 (off) Susie Harman, Dole Chrm. 913/341-1096 (res) Mark Mets, Dole Co-Chrm. 913/722-1663 (res) 913/756-0944 (off) Jerry Fladung, GOP Chrm. 913/381-0350 (res) 913/967-3131 (off) Carolyn Newton, GOP V.C. 913/362-2641 (res) -3- SATURDAY, AUGUST 30th 8:15 a.m. Depart Alameda - John Palmer will pick you up and drive you to Municipal Airport 8:30 a.m. Depart Executive Beech, Municipal Airport 816/842-8484 Midwest Solvents plane will be flying you to Norton - Tail (illegible) - Tom Monk, chief pilot (913/357-2462; Buck Talbott, co-pilot, 913/367-2773) 9:40 a.m. Arrive Norton Airport (913/877-2201) - Steve Coen will meet you at the airport 10:00-10:15 a.m. GOP Coffee - 1st State Bank, 105 W. Main, 913/877-3341 - Bill Smiley, contact (Keith Sebelius will be at the coffee and will work Main Street with you following the coffee. They know you only want to meet with Republicans briefly (15 minutes) 10:15-11:00 a.m. Steve will drive you to Zurich 12:40 p.m. Work Zurich Centennial Parade crowd 1:00 p.m. Zurich Centennial Parade - Velna Mendenhall - contact - 913/662-3389 Speak at the Grade School following the Parade (Governor Carlin and Keith Sebelius will also be in the parade and speaking at the school) 2:30 p.m. Steve will drive you to Phillipsburg 3:30-3:45 p.m. GOP Coffee - Vista Room, Martha's Cafe, 300 State Street, 913/543-2812 Darrell Olliff - contact - 913/543-5314 (res) Huck Boyd - contact - 913/543-2360 (res) 913/543-5242 (off) 3:45-4:30 p.m. Work Main Street following the coffee - Huck will go with you. Steve will drive you to the Phillipsburg Airport (913/543-5424) where Midwest Solvents plane will be waiting to fly you to Russell. 5:00 p.m. Arrive Russell Airport (913/483-2765) - Kenny Dole will meet you at the airport RON Russell NORTON COUNTY Olive Allen, Dole & GOP Chrmn. 913/877-2238 (res) J.E. Berry, GOP V.C. 913/567-4462 (res) ROOKS COUNTY Cleo Baughman, Dole Chrmn. 913/425-5600 (res) Leo Bird, GOP Chrmn. 913/425-6375 (res) 913/425-6721 (off) Freddie Baughman, GOP V.C. 913/425-6600 PHILLIPS COUNTY Darrell Olliff, Dole Chrmn. 913/543-5314 (res) 913/543-5276 (off) Lowell Keesee, GOP Chrmn. 913/543-2125 (res) 913/543-5014 (off) Shirley Kats, GOP V.C. 913/973-2361 (res) SUNDAY, AUGUST 31st Kenny will drive you to the airport where Bub Shaifer's plane will be waiting to fly you to Oakley - Cessna Golden Eagle #8084 CY David Frazey - chief pilot (913/483-4113) Steve Coen will meet you at the Oakley Airport (913/672-4621) and drive you to Russell Springs Russell Springs Old Settlers Day Marge Wright - contact - 913/751-4495 (res) (contact phone # for day is the Museum - 913/751-4242) Steve Coen will drive you back to Oakley to meet Bub Shaffer's plane to fly to Russell Kenny Dole will meet you at the airport overnight Russell MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st 8:30 a.m. Depart Russell for Hoisington - Kenny will drive you to Hoisington 9:00 a.m. Meet Steve Coen at KHDK Radio, 171 S. Main, Hoisington - 316/653-2101 Terry Drowhard will do a five minute taped interview with you. 9:15 a.m. Meet Lillian Papay and Polly Parrish at the Chamber Office, 123 N. Main, 316/653-4311 Bonnie Smith - Exec. V.P. 9:30 a.m. Work Parade Crowd 10:30 a.m. Hoisington Labor Day Parade - (Pat Roberts will meet you following the parade to go to Kiowa with you.) 11:30 a.m. Steve will drive you and Pat Roberts to the Great Bend Airport to meet Dale Weller's plane - Piper Aztex #N6540 Yankee - Ed Weatherford - chief pilot (316/792-1771 - res) airport - 316/793-7471 12:15 p.m. Arrive Kiowa Airport - Ed Duckers will meet you at the airport to take you to the Park for the Kiowa Bean Feed - Edna Tucker - contact - 316/825-4783 1:45 p.m. Depart Kiowa Airport for Abilene (Pat Roberts will not be going with you)... Dale Weller's plane. Kenny Dole - 913/483-3369 913/483-3231 LOGAN COUNTY Charlene Taylor, Dole Chrm. 913/846-7749 (res) Bud Ward, GOP Chrm. 913/846-7850 (res) Dell Jackson, GOP V.C. 913/846-7863 BARTON COUNTY Lillian Papay, Dist. Cnr. 316/793-3836 Polly Parrish, Dole Chrm. 316/793-7723 (res) Charlie Steincamp, Dole Co-Chrm. 316/793-8502 (res) 316/793-7456 (off) Bob Parrish, GOP Chrm. 316/793-3518 (off) Janice Allen, GOP V.C. 316/982-4436 BARBER COUNTY Edna Tucker, Dole Chrm. 316/825-4783 (res) George Fritz, GOP Chrm. 316/886-5831 (res) 316/247-6425 (off) Betty Kimmell, GOP V.C. 316/825-4509 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st - con't 2:30 p.m. Arrive Abilene Airport - 913/263-9801 Scott Richardson will meet you at the airport and drive you to Chapman 3:00 p.m. Chapman Labor Day Parade - Charlotte Wilson - contact - 913/263-3538 Work parade crowd following parade 4:30 p.m. Scott will drive you back to the Abilene Airport to fly to Wichita 5:30 p.m. Arrive Wichita Airport - Fuel & Line - 316/943-1361 Nancy Smith will meet you at the airport to drive you to the hotel Nancy is looking for evening events in Wichita which you might want to attend. RON Wichita Royale, 125 N. Market, Wichita - 316/263-2101 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd 7:15 a.m. Nancy will pick you up at the hotel to take you to the Ramada Inn Central 7:30 a.m. SPEAK - WICHITA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LEGISLATIVE FORUM, Ramada Inn Central, 221 E. Kellogg, 316/267-9281 Jeff Mills - Chamber mgr. - contact - 316/265-7711 8:40 a.m. Nancy will drive you to Clayton Hunter's Congressional Headquarters for their Grand Opening - 1100 E. Douglas, 316/264-6317 9:00 a.m. Nancy or Carol Wiebe will drive you and Dave Owen to Wichita Airport (Yingling - 316/913-3246) to meet Fred Berry's plane - Cessna 414 - #A29BC Jim Ballard - chief pilot Fly to Strother Field - 316442-448 9:40 a.m. Arrive Strother Field - Ann Simmons will meet you at the airport and drive you to Arkansas City 10:00-10:45 a.m. Meeting with Bob Docking, Union State Bank, 127 S. Summit, 316/442-5200 10:45-11:15 a.m. Dave Mills will meet you at the Brick Restaurant, 301 S. Summit 316/442-5390 - to work downtown, Dave Mills - 316/442-1950 (off) 316/442-6374 (res) Ann will drive you back to Strother Field to fly to Wichita Airport 12:20-4:59 p.m. Depart Wichita Airport - TWA #422 Arrive Washington National DICKENSON COUNTY Ray Whitehair, Dole Chrm. 913/263-4088 Susan Kohran, Dole Co-Chrm. 913/479-2159 Hand Jameson, GOP Chrm. 913/253-1315 (res) 913/263-1000 (off) Charlotte Wilson, GOP V.C. 913/263-3538 SEDGWICK COUNTY Clint Engstrand, Dole Chrm. 316/682-5812 (res) 316/264-4301 (off) Ginger Buck, Dole Co-Chrm. 316/683-7263 (res) Bob Allen, GOP Chrm. 316/722-0380 (res) 316/722-8831 (off) Betty Bernstorf, GOP V.C. 316/685-5568 (res) COWLEY COUNTY Wally Keith, Dole Chrm. 316/221-1433 (Winfield) Lois Lewis, Dole Co-Chrm. 316/442-6423 Richard Schneider, GOP Chrm. 316/442-2113 (res) 316/221-2330 (off)