Senator Dole's Schedule - week of April 1 - 7 Page 3. SATURDAY, APRIL 6 10:30 - 11:00 ? March of Dimes Walk-a-thon - Ft. Scott 12:15 SPEAK - Luncheon - Circle K Clubs District Convention - Student Union Bldg. - K State - Manhattan 2:30 SPEAK - Bogue Cheese-a-Rama - Bogue 6:45 SPEAK - Founders’ Day Banquet - Alex Hotchkiss Alumni Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity - Howard Johnson Motel - Topeka 8:30 SPEAK - American Postal Workers Union, Shawnee Mission Local Banquet - Western Hills Motel - Shawnee Mission SUNDAY, APRIL 7 (handwritten addition) no 3-5 Dedication and Open House - Wheat State Manor, Inc. -(nursing home)-Whitewater, Ks. (letter sent) United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten notations) ltr from Janice around Mar. 1 on Sen. Jackson's bill on Indian Health 2:00 - Thursday - April 4 & 3 or 4 Janice Edwards, Horton, is here with the United Tribes of Ks. and S.E. Nebr. She would like an appointment Thursday afternoon to discuss their position on legislation pertaining to Indian welfare. Staying at Presidential Hotel -- will call Tuesday for a time. Betty (handwritten notes) OU can't give specific time - Staff too Beverly Hicks - BIA 343-4591 FRIDAY, APRIL 5 2:50 p.m. Depart Dulles - United #585 - F/C 4:25 p.m. Arrive K.C. - will be met by Bill Wohlford --(be sure to give him the box with the plaque and letter for Sat. nite) 6:00 p.m. Cocktails and Dinner with M/M Ewing Kauffman - Royal Suite - Royal Stadium (if you plan to do this, we should give them a call to let let them know - you had indicated you would probably only attend the game) 7:30 p.m. Start of Game - K.C. Royals vs. Minnesota Twins - (would like to introduce you along with other dignitaries attending) If you attend game - use Gate 1 - then pull up immediately in front of the Stadium. They will have a parking space reserved for you and you will be directed to it and to your seat. (this one you can play by ear -- if you show, you will be introduced) (handwritten notations) P.S. Will advise Judy Granger - Kaufman's secretary - you will be there shortly after 6:00- will have to leave about 8:00 RESERVATION AT ALAMEDA PLAZA SUNDAY, APRIL 7 (crossed out time) 1:00 (handwritten time) 10:40 am Depart K.C. - TWA #120 F/C (crossed out time) 5:45 (handwritten time) 2:56 pm Arrive National - SATURDAY. APRIL 6 9:15 Depart Johnson County Airport - Twin Aztec owned by K.C. Piper Co. Pilot: Jim (crossed out) Nabor (handwritten addition) Neighbor (handwritten additions) (Mrs. Stephen Rhodes, Pittsburg, Chairman) 10 - 10:30 Fort Scott - March of Dimes Walk-a-thon - (handwritten addition) - join at YMCA Pat Stockwell, Chairman - (316) 223-0184 Will be met by: Gene Stuart, Bourbon County Dole Chrmn. home: (316) 223-2588 ofc: 223-1100 (handwritten addition) & Bob Morrison (Gene may have conflict - if so, will have someone there to meet you) 10:45 Depart Fort Scott Airport 11:45 Arrive Manhattan Airport - will be met by: Professor Charles Hall, Riley Cty Rep. Chairman - Phone: (913) 539-2189 - home (handwritten addition) 532-617 - ofc 12:00 Arrive Student Union - K State - Luncheon (handwritten addition) arrival in Cottonwood Room - Circle K Clubs Contacts: Lee Gale and Dean (crossed out) Orville Ebberts - Student Union - 913 532-6592 or 532-6571 (handwritten additions) Circle K Clubs District Convention - K State 12:45 Lv. K State for airport 1:00 Depart Manhattan - for Hill City (in case of rain will have to land at Hays - the closest hard surfaced runway - in which case, it’s an hour drive to Bogue and we would have to advise them of a delay) 2:00 Arrive Hill City - will be met by: Oscar Brown, Graham Cty Dole Chrmn home: (913) 674-5881; office: (913) 674-2131 2:30 Cheese-a-Rama Program - Township Hall - Bogue (Call Bogue Cheese (913) 674-2283 if we need to make contact Sat. Contact: Mrs. Leon (Agnes) Stephen - (913) 674-5650 3:30 Depart Bogue - for Hill City airport 4:00 Depart Hill City 5:30 Arrive Topeka - will be met by: Jim Dyer - ofc. (913) 357-6201; home: 266-3499 5:45 Arrive Howard Johnson Motel - Topeka - Founders Day Banquet - Alex Hotchkiss Alumni Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity (Howard Johnson's Contact: Byron Schlosser (913) 233-8283 - home 266-3813 6:45 SPEAK - they will put you on the program just prior to the dinner at 7:00 7:00 Leave Banquet - fly to Johnson County Airport 8:00 Arrive Johnson County Airport -- will be met by: (crossed out handwritten additions) Herb will advise Friday afternoon. (handwritten additions) Jean O'Ffill & Marsha Horwitz 8:15 Arrive Western Hills Motel - 1-35 at 67th St., Shawnee Mission (913) 432-9400 8:30 SPEAK - Banquet - American Postal Workers Union, Shawnee Mission, Kansas, Local Contact: Mrs. Beverly Jean Miller - (913) 631-4844 - unlisted United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten notations) Mrs. Sally Kuder 913-425-7165 will be there Call re Bogue Sat Sen (illegible shorthand) Cathy (913) 537-2000 United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Controls on petroleum derivatives (illegible off April 30- (illegible) statutory (illegible) expire Economic Stabilizing Refined petrol (illegible) 1973 Emer Emer (illegible) petrol (illegible) gas (illegible) petrochemicals United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Sunday, April 7 Herb - stand by to take him to airport Sun. A.M. TWA #242 F/C lv. KC 10:40 am arr ORD 11:51 am TWA #168 F/C lv. ORD 12:25 pm arr Nat'l 2:56 pm SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 8 - 14 MONDAY, APRIL 8 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Trade bill) 11:30 Andy Hickam - Sen. Ofc. 6-8 Recep. & Buffet by Mfg. Chemists Assn. - Dolley Madison Ballroom - Madison Hotel TUESDAY, APRIL 9 8:00 Bkfst. Mtg. - United Methodist Church - S-120 Cap. 10:00 Manny Fierro & Monte Montez - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on trade bill) 11:45 Willis Tobler - Sen. Ofc. (393-8151 ) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Capitol 2:00 Photo with Ray Flory & 23 students from McPherson - Sen. Recep. Room 2:30 Mary Whitten & Iris Saunders, Ks. Dept. of Health-Sen. Ofc (re: Nat'l Family Plng) 2:30 Freedom Tree Dedication - Phi Delta Theta Frat. - K State Teachers Coll - Emporia (tgm) 4:00 Sam Cornelius Swearing-In - OMBE- Rm. 4830 - Commerce Dept. (handwritten addition) Pamela - 189-3663) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by World Anti-Communist League - 318 OSOB WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 10:00 Veterans Comm. - (testify on Vets. Educ. - S. 2789) (crossed out time) 10:00 (handwritten time) 9:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on trade bill) 6-8 Recep. for Senator Young - Skyroom - Army-Navy Club (cor of I St. & 17th) 6:30 "Good Guys" Mtg. - Marriott Twin Bridges (Sam Devine) (handwritten addition) - Jennifer x55355 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of April 8 - 14 Page 2. THURSDAY, APRIL 11 9:30 Ag. Credit Subc. - 324 OSOB (hrgs. on S. 3252, FHA loans & forward contracts ins.) 2:00 Photo with Jim Rademacher, NARFE - Sen. Ofc. (for their publication) FRIDAY, APRIL 12 4:00 Mtg. with Undersecretary of Army Berg & Frank Hawkins, O.V. Pk.- re water treatment facilities at Sunflower - Sen. Ofc. (per Bill K.) 6:30 Driver of the Year Awards Dinner - Ryder Truck Company - (recipient of award is a Kansan 7:30 SPEAK briefly and assist in presentation of award SATURDAY, APRIL 13 5:30 Reception - Student Union - Barton County Community College - Great Bend (Senator will not arrive until 6:00 for reception) 5:45 Mr. Dole will meet V.P. at Great Bend Airport 6:00 Arrive Student Union - Barton County Comm. College with V.P. & Sebelius 6:30 Press Conference - Student Union - Senator, V.P. & Sebelius 6:30 Dinner begins - Gymnasium - Barton County Comm. Coll. 7:00 Dole, Ford & Sebelius arrive at Dinner 7:45 Ford Departs for Great Bend Airport SUNDAY, APRIL 14 EASTER - Russell United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten appointment) 2:30 Tuesday - April 9 see L.A. (handwritten notations) National Family Planning Forum Mary Whitten Iris Saunders from Ks. Dept. of Health want appt Tues. afternoon Mary Helen Blume Shoreham 234-0700 Regis Desk for Forum FRIDAY, APRIL 12 2:50 p.m. Lv. Dulles - UAL #585 F/C 4:25 p.m. Arr. K.C. - will be met by: Bill Wohlford 6:30 p.m. Safety Awards Dinner - Ryder Truck Rental - Ramada Inn - 1-435 & 87th St. - K.C., Missouri Contact: Doug Yeager, Ryder Truck - K.C.-ofc. (816) 924-3344 home: (816) 436-6514 (handwritten additions) 3320 Manchester, K.C. Mo 64429 7:30 SPEAK - Awards Dinner - Ryder Truck (handwritten addition) done 8:30 p.m. Depart Johnson County Airport - K.C. Piper Co. - Piper Seneca Pilot: Hans Weinecke 9:45 p.m. Arrive Great Bend airport - will be met by: Bob Miner RESERVATIONS AT: Highland Manor Motel - Great Bend - (316) 792-2431 United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten notations) Tom Downs Pilot: Hans Weinecke full time pilot Tail #5213 T Same plane as last Saturday Piper Seneca SATURDAY, APRIL 13 5:30 Reception - Student Union - Barton County Community College - Great Bend (you will not arrive until 6:00 with Ford & Sebelius for reception) (handwritten additions) Jo Anne did thank yous done on machines (crossed out appointment) 5:45 Senator Dole & Sebelius - meet V.P. at Great Bend Airport (crossed out appointment) 6:00 Dole, Ford & Sebelius arrive Student Union for reception (crossed out appointment) 6:30 Press Conference - Student Union - Senator, V.P. & Sebelius (crossed out appointment) 6:30 Dinner begins - Gymnasium - Barton County Community College (crossed out appointment) 7:00 Dole, Ford & Sebelius arrive at Dinner (crossed out appointment) 7:45 V.P. Departs for Great Bend Airport SUNDAY, APRIL 14 EASTER - Russell MONDAY, APRIL 15 DAY AFTER EASTER --- Russel] ?? 2:00 Meet with Dean Evans - Evans Grain Co. Tate afternoon - visit SALINA JOURNAL (handwritten additions) Reservations at Holiday Manor (316) 241-5343 Rm 280 TUESDAY, APRIL 16 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Holiday Manor Motel - Mtg. with Dole people 11:00 -11:50 a.m. SPEAK, followed by Q & A Session - McPherson College (crossed out contact) Contact: Dr. Raymond Flory - (316) 241-0731 - office 241-(crossed out time) 2826 (handwritten time) 3836 - home (crossed out) (original request came from Biffiel Glenn, Home Ec. Dept. McPherson Coll. when Senator saw her at Irene Whitlock's) (handwritten additions) thank yous done (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 or 2:30 Meet with Dole people 3:45 p.m. “Port of Entry" Dedication - Gate 5, East Concourse (very end) Wichita Mid-Continent Airport (Municipal) (crossed out program participants) SPEAK -- about 5 minutes Also on Program: Vernon Acree, Commissioner of Customs, main speaker Garner Shriver Jack DeBoer, Pres of Wichita Chamber Mayor Garry Porter (elected April 9) and a County Commissioner (not know who, as yet) Bob Langenwalter is M.C. (handwritten addition) done (crossed out appointment) 4:30 p.m. (handwritten addition) done Reception, following Dedication - Gate 5 Contact: Jerry Mallot or Bob Langenwalter - Chamber (316) 265-7771 (crossed out handwritten additions) Mrs. Ruth Wilkinson - or Susan Rutherford Airport - (316) 943-3233 or 942-2021- RESERVATION AT: Sheraton Inn - 5500 West Kellogg, Wichita - (316) 943-2181 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 8:15 a.m. Depart Wichita - Braniff #244 - F/C (fare: $33.64, inc. tax & sec. charge) 8:54 a.m. Arrive K. C. - will be met by: 10:00 a.m. Meet with Mid-America Gasoline Dealers Assn. - Pitkos' - 1111 N. 5th, K.C., (913) 342-2887 Art Winters will host Contact: John Costello - ofc. (816) 741-0421 (handwritten addition) done The Boosters Club (GOP) is having a membership luncheon at PITKOS' starting at 12:30 - per Betty Gray (understand they are featuring the GOP Gubernatorial candidates) 1:00 -- you must be there no later than 1:15 for taping of Et Cetera Show Channel 9 - 11th and Central (1049 Central), K.C., Mo. (handwritten addition) done (crossed out contacts) Contacts: John Price, Producer - (816) 421-2650, Ext. 296 Cecil Hickman, Assoc. Producer - 421-2650, Ext. 294 or Katherine Melcher, Ext. 296 This will be shown on April 18 (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Mtg. with leaders of veterans orgns & veterans - Ramada Inn - K.C. (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 Coffee - Atchison 6:00 SPEAK - Ks. Federation of Women's Clubs - Auditorium, Benedictine College, South Campus, Atchison (crossed out contact) Contact: Mrs. William Roe (Catherine) - (913) 367-2518 - home (handwritten addition) done THURSDAY, APRIL 18 (handwritten addition) done (crossed out appointment) 12:00 SPEAK - Kiwanis Club Luncheon - Continental Hotel - (crossed out) 12th (handwritten addition) 11th & Baltimore, K.C., Mo. Phone: (816) 421-6040 (You will actually speak at 1:00 p.m. - to about 1:25 p.m.) Contact: Tom Hansen, NCAA - phone: (912) 384-3220 - ofc. (handwritten addition) done 2:00- 2:50 SPEAK - Hocker Grove Jr. High School - 10400 Johnson Dr.- Shawnee Mission Contact: (crossed out) Mr. Ned Williams - Principal - (913) 432-2611 - ofc. (crossed out handwritten addition) Mr. Vick - teacher - Ck name & send thank you (handwritten addition) done (A Student, Dena Fischer, originally invited you to address the Unified Studies Class) 3:05 - 3:30 RECEIVE PHONE CALL for telephone hook-up with Energy Conference at Wichita State (We will have to arrange to do from Hocker Grove Jr. High- Roy is kick-off speaker earlier in day - and we have arranged for telephone hook-up with Sawhill at 5:00 p.m., EST) (handwritten additions) Receive call at: (913) 432-4600 in Principal's ofc. (crossed out contacts) Contacts: Prof. Millet - (316) 689-3165 - ofc. 683-1644 - home also: Tony Utter, a Student - but phone contact is Millet (handwritten addition) done (crossed out appointment) 4:30-5:30 SPEAK, followed by Q & A Session - Hallmark, Inc. - 25th & McGee Trfwy.- K.C., Mo. Contacts: (contact crossed out) Charles Broomfield - (816) 274-5111, ofc. (contact crossed out) Dick Landtiser - Hallmark - same phone no. (handwritten addition) thank yous done 7:55 p.m. Depart K.C. - TWA #280 F/C 9:09 p.m. - Arrive Chicago O'Hare - will be met by: Either a staff member of the Inst. of Scrap Iron & Steel or a limo RESERVATION AT: Drake Hotel - Lakeshore Dr. & Michigan - Phone: (312) SU 7-2200 FRIDAY, APRIL 19 12:00 SPEAK - Institute of Scrap Iron & Steel - Drake Hotel - Chicago (handwritten addition) thank yous done Contact: (crossed out) Dr. Herschel Cutler, Exec. Dir. of the Institute (crossed out handwritten addition) - Florence Keith, sec'y 1:30 Will have limo standing by to take you to airport 2:30 Depart O'Hare - TWA #333 F/C 3:45 Arrive K.C. - (crossed out) will advise who will meet you later (handwritten addition) Bill W. 4:30 SPEAK - Ks. State Federation of Nat'l Federation of Federal Employees - Ramada Inn - 6th and Iowa - Leavenworth - (913) 842-7030 (crossed out handwritten addition) Barbara Brandenburg - Topeka (crossed out time) 6:30 (handwritten time 6:45 SPEAK - Clay Center High School - Dinner meeting of four service clubs (handwritten addition) 402 Garfield - Clay Ctr 67432 (Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions and Optimists) (crossed out handwritten additions) - John Erickson, Sr. & Mrs. Valentine, Editor (handwritten addition) John Aberg out of town (crossed out contacts) (handwritten addition) done Contact: Wade Bauer - (913) 632-3171 - ofc. 632-5196 - home (crossed out handwritten additions) 402 Crawford - Clay Ctr Mrs. Anne Ruppe - went to airport Arris G. Marshall, Chairman of Mtg. Arris G. Marshall Agency 423 Court Clay Center (handwritten additions) Jeannette 805-5th Clay Ctr Dispatch RESERVATIONS AT: Holiday Inn - Hays - (handwritten additions) -Diane or Steve Flood - Jct. 183 & I-70 _home: (913) 625-7371 (handwritten additions) also reservations for Tom Monk & his wife all charged to Boosters SATURDAY, APRIL 20 7:30 a.m. SPEAK - Governmental Affairs Breakfast - Hays Chamber of Commerce Holiday Inn - Jnct. 183 & I-70 - Hays - Phone: (913) 625-7371 (crossed out contacts) Contacts: Jack Wilhm, Chamber Mgr. (913) 625-6171 - home Ron Pflughoft - (913) 625-9128 - home Dr. Harry Watts will probably be driving you (according to Dr. (crossed out) Edmund is interested in helping you) (913) 625-6277 - home 625-8218 - office 10:00 SPEAK - Second Bi-Annual Kansas Medical-Dental Program- Ft. Hays State - Memorial Auditorium - Phone: (913) 628-5305 Contact: Dr. John (crossed out) Edmund - (913) 625-2323 - ofc. 625-9498 - home 11:15 (no later than) Depart Hays airport approx. 1:15 p.m. Arrive Johnson County Airport - will be met by: (handwritten addition) John Franke (H) (913) 432-3935 (O) (913) 782-5000 2:00 p.m. Dedication of SUN Building - I-435 and Metcalf Ave. - Overland Park, Ks. SPEAK briefly (handwritten addition) done Reception following immediately after Contact: (crossed out contact) Stan Rose - (913) 381-1010 approx. 4:00 Depart Johnson County Airport approx. 6:00 p.m. Arrive Kinsley Airport - will be met by: (crossed out) will advise (handwritten addition) Glenn Bidleman 316-659-2318 (next appointment handwritten) 6:30 Mtg. on Flood Control Prg: VFW Hall - Kinsley - first prior to dinner 7:00 Dinner - Chamber of Commerce - VFW Hall - on Hiway 56, west of town 7:30 SPEAK - Chamber dinner (316) 659-8385 (handwritten addition) done Contacts: (crossed out contact) Byron Meeks - (316) 659-2171 - office - 659-2906 - home RESERVATIONS AT: Sheraton Inn - 5500 W. Kellogg, Wichita - (316) 943-2181 SUNDAY, APRIL 21 (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Mtg. with Butler Cty Comm - Karyn Criss arranging - Jr. College Student Union (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Mtg. on Bridgeport - Mike & Bill W. arranging - Bridgeport School 39th & N. St. Francis 5:00-6:15 p.m. Reception, Club Room at Stratford East, Douglas and Rock Rd. Wichita - (Sedgwick County Kick-off) Stratford East-316-683-0493 6:15-6:45 p.m. Travel time 6:45-8:00 p.m. Reception at Bob Nicklin's home - 9311 West Douglas - Wichita (Sedgwick County Kick-Off) — (316) 722-6403 RESERVATIONS AT: Sheraton Inn - 5500 W. Kellogg - Wichita - (316) 943-2181 (handwritten addition) Make res for Miner MONDAY, APRIL 22 (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Mtg. with Townsend - Rm 615 - Regal Inn - Wichita 6:30 p.m. Banquet - State Convention of Nat'l Assn. of Retired Federal Employees - Regal Inn - Wichita 7:30 p.m. SPEAK - NARFE Dinner (crossed out contacts) Contact: Mary Myers (husband, Tony) 316-264-7526 -home Cecil Allen, V.P., Program (316) 265-8266 ~- home 267-6244 - office (handwritten addition) done (handwritten addition) Miner RESERVATIONS AT: Sheraton Inn - 5500 W. Kellogg - Wichita (316) 943-2181 TUESDAY, APRIL 23 7:25 a.m. Lv. Wichita - TWA #536 (all coach class flight) (handwritten additions) 466-5814 Baggage - Mr. Brinzig 8:05 a.m. Arr. K.C. 8:55 a.m. Lv. K.C. - TWA #482 - F/C 12:52 p.m. Arr. National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 22 - 28 MONDAY, APRIL 22 SENATOR is in Kansas 10:00 Justus O'Reilly and Keith McNeal, Mid-America Refinery - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Ks. Educational Tour Group - in town - will advise location - (John or ??) 4-6 Recep. by Jr. Nat'l Assn. of Deaf - 345 CHOB (Ks. delegates - Keith Trumble and Cheryl Parkratz, Ks. School for Deaf - Olathe (Claude) 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Telephone Coop Assn. - Quality Inn - Capitol Hill (Tag & Claude?) TUESDAY, APRIL 23 9:00 Mtg. in Larry Winn's office - students from across Kansas will present petitions favoring Prairie Park to Dep. Asst. Sec. Douglas Wheeler, Interior (John S.) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 12:30 Luncheon for 4-H Leaders from Ks. - Senate Dining Rm. - Capitol (Claude) Curtis Willhite, Leon; Gary Sinn, Mahaska: Barbara Roe, Superior, Nebr.; Patty Russell, Olathe are Ks. winners) Mel Thompson, Sebelius’ ofc. will be with them - Senator try to stop by on arrival (handwritten addition) - photo arranged 1:30 12:52 Senator arrives at National - TWA #482 3:30-5:30 Recep. for Betty Crocker Family Leaders of Tomorrow - 1202 NSOB Ks. Winner - Laura Ann Daniel, Shawnee Mission East Hi School Mrs. Suzanne Reed, advisor Senator Dole's Schedule - week of April 22 - 28 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 9:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Simon nomination) 9:30 P. O. Comm. - Exec. Session - 6200 NSOB (nomination of Robert Holding, Wyoming) (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB - (S. 316 wilderness areas) 10:00 P. O. Comm. (handwritten addition) Subc. - Exec. Session - 6202 NSOB (H.R. 9281 & H.R. 6078 - early retirement for law enforcement ofcrs. and firefighters & Legis. on immigration & customs inspectors) 11:00 Hearings on Clinton Parkway - Public Wks. Comm. - 4200 NSOB (handwritten addition) no 12:00 Luncheon honoring Finance Minister of Pakistan, by Sen. Long for Finance Comm. Members - 2219 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Ag. Comm. - Exec Session - S-206 Cap. (S. 316 wilderness areas) 6-8 Recep. on 20th Anniv. of Great Decisions Program - Cosmos Club Auditorium - 2170 Florida Ave., NW (Mrs. Robert Slegman, Shawnee Mission) 6-8 Recep. for Dick Schweiker - Crystal Rm. - Sheraton Carlton 6:30-8:30 Recep. for Nat'l Advisory Council of Washington Workshops - City Tavern - 3206 M St., N.W. (638-4357 - rsvp) THURSDAY, APRIL 25 8:00 Bkfst. by Nat'l Federation of Grain Coops - 318 OSOB (Tag & Claude ?) Pete Dlabal, Ellsworth; Robert Gates, Anthony) 9:30 Mtg. of Bipartisan Commission on Convention Financing - Lincoln Room East - (Concourse Level) Washington-Hilton 10:00 Representatives of "Great Decisions" program meeting with Foreign Relations Comm. - (Mrs. Robert Slegman, Shawnee Mission) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Brooks Jackson - AP - Sen. Ofc. (milk prod) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Mtg. with Msgr. McHugh - Sen. Ofc. (Mike sit-in) 3:00 Film "Wheat Marketing - the Producer Has a Choice" - Jefferson Auditorium - South Building - USDA (by Nat'l Wheat Institute) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of April 22 - 28 Page 3. FRIDAY, APRIL 26 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Finance Comm. - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (nomin. of Bill Simon & David R. MacDonald, Asst. Sec'y-Treas. SATURDAY, APRIL 27 9-4 Region V Special Olympics - Shawnee Mission North High School 11-11:30 OPENING CEREMONIES 10-5 “Art in the Park" Show - Antioch Park - 6501 Antioch Rd. - Shawnee Mission 12:00 SPEAK - 5th District Republican Women's Club Mtg. - Iola Community College - Iola 7:00 SPEAK - Anderson County Farm Bureau Dinner - Garnett- Holy Angels School Auditorium SUNDAY, APRIL 28 1:30 SPEAK - Dedication of Bluestem High School - Leon 4:00 SPEAK - Renn Memorial Library Dedication - Arkansas City 6:00 Cocktails by Junction City Chamber of Commerce - Suite K-300 East Wing - Sheraton Park (Dan Loeb, Bob Fegan, Andy Seitz, John Montgomery, Eldon Hoyle, Mayor; Jack Lacy, Darrell Saville (Bill K or John ?) FRIDAY, APRIL 26 2:50 p.m. Depart Dulles - United #585 4:25 p.m. Arrive Kansas City ~ will be met by: Bill Wohlford 6:00 p.m. Meeting with Dave Owen, First National Bank of Shawnee Mission - 4210 Johnson Drive - Shawnee Mission - Phone: (913) 384-3300 7:30 p.m. Bob Miner will pick you up at bank and drive to Ottawa RESERVATIONS AT: Royal Manor - 1641 South Main - Ottawa (913) 242-4842 SATURDAY, APRIL (crossed out date) 26 (handwritten date) 27 9:30-10:30 Wint Winter will meet - will go to Open House of Armstrong Cabinet Co. - Ottawa *12:00-1:00 Meeting with Allen County Committee - Iola 1:00-2:00 SPEAK - 5th District Republican Womens Luncheon - Iola Community College- Luncheon actually begins at 12:30. (crossed out) Contacts: Mrs. Curtis Rorabaugh - Emporia - (316) 342-1406 Mrs. Carol (crossed out) Berkman) (handwritten addition) Burkman - Chanute - (316) 431-0874 (handwritten addition) done 3:30 p.m. SPEAK - SEK-CAP Meeting - Armory - Memorial Drive (block west of Broadway) Contact: (crossed out) Jim Garrison (handwritten addition) done - (316) 724-8204 - office 231-1320 - Armory (handwritten additions) Bill W. will also attend *4:30-5:30 Meeting with Crawford County Committee - Pittsburg 7:00 p.m. Anderson County Farm Bureau Dinner - Holy Angels School Auditorium 8:00 p.m. SPEAK - (Program begins at 8:00 - Garnett (crossed out) Contacts: Tom Benton - (913) 835-3795 - home (crossed out) Dale Fooshee - (913) 448-3072 (handwritten addition) done *9:00-10:00 Meeting with Anderson County Committee ~ Garnett - Garnett Country Club | **RESERVATIONS AT: (handwritten additions) Townsman Motel - Yates Center (316) 625-2131 * Herb arranging -- will have details later ** No reservations -- don't know yet where you want to stay! SUNDAY, APRIL 28 1:00 p.m. Arrive Leon - Bluestem High School Dedication - 1 mile east of Leon on Hiway 96 (crossed out) Contact: Mr. Gerald Schuetz - (316) 745-3421 - home (handwritten addition) & Kenneth King, Leon (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Lv. Dedication (next appointment handwritten) 2:25 Take off - El Dorado airport - Jim Gould (next appointment handwritten) 2:45 Arr. Strother Field & between Winfield & Park City Bob Miner will meet Senator (next appointment crossed out) 2:00 p.m. Leave Leon - drive to Ark City (crossed out time) 3:15 (handwritten time) 3:00 Arrive Ark City - meet with group of farmers - Lois Lewis arranging - Jr. College Auditorium - Mrs. Lewis will meet you at door (go down) Summit Street to the bank, turn right 3 blocks, turn right to 5th Ave. 3rd Sts) entrance on west side. (handwritten addition) Lois Lewis (316) 442-6423 4:00 p.m. SPEAK - Renn Memorial Library Dedication - Cowley County Comm. College Auditorium (crossed out) Contact: Wm. S. Scott - (316) 442-6012 - home 442-0430 - office (handwritten addition) done 4:30 Leave College 4:45 Arrive Strother Field - Ark City - (crossed out) Jim Gould's plane - Twin Bonanza (handwritten addition) (H) 316-682-2010 Tail # 699 V Cream & Red plane - red wings- cream engines Jim will take you directly to TWA plane - 6:00 p.m. Depart Kansas City - TWA #184 F/C 10:00 Arrive National United States Senate MEMORANDUM (next appointment handwritten) Friday, April 26 Confirmed on: UAL #585 Coach (trying for F/C) lv. Dulles 2:50 pm arr K.C. 4:22 pm (next appointment handwritten) 4/25 Confirmed 1st to Chic - list coach & first ORA-K.C. TWA 449 1 stop lv. Nat'l 4:00 pm arr. K.C. 6:49 pm United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) 15 minutes - Renn Library to Strother Field - (7 or 8 mi north of Ark City) (next appointment handwritten) Sunday, April 28 TWA #412 lv. K.C. 6:20 pm arr. ORD 7:36 pm confirmed (next appointment handwritten) TWA #26 non-stop lv. ORD 8:20 pm arr. Baltimore 10:15 pm or: legal connection (crossed out appointment) Braniff #152 lv. Wichita 5:30 pm arr ORD 7:50 pm (handwritten additions) Need plane from (crossed out) either Ark. City to Wichita - or K.C. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 20 - MAY 5 MONDAY, APRIL 29 8:00 Bkfst. by Ks. River Basin Develop. Assn. - B-354 RHOB (Don Pray) John?? (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Stop by luncheon with Sec'y Butz - Curtis' Cap. Ofc. - S-305 1:30 Ag. Res. Subc. - (crossed out) S-128 Cap. (handwritten addition) 324 OSOB (mark-up School Lunch Comm. Purchase Bill) 2:00 Mo-Ark testifying before Senate Appropriations Subc. on Public Works- 1114 NSOB (Lew Paramore) 5:30-6:30 Recep. by Mo-Ark - Sky Room - Washington Hotel 6-8 Recep. & Buffet for John Cauley - Federal Room - Statler Hilton 6:30 & 7:15 Recep. & Dinner - Ks. Assn. of Commerce and Industry - Lincoln Ballroom - Washington Hilton (SPEAK briefly) TUESDAY, APRIL 30 10:00 John Franke & Myron Nelson, Johnson County Sewer Board - Sen. Ofc. - Bill Kats (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Mtg. on LEAA appl. - Ft. Scott (re: prison facility) John Baker, Mayor (A.J. Nuthall - LEAA & Nick Pappas) (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 11:00 Fred Burns - Thompson Newspapers - Sen. Ofc. (handwritten addition) canceled 12:30 Policy luncheon - S-207 Cap. 4:30 Recep. for Ambassador Dinitz on Israel's 26th Anniv. - 1202 NSOB 5:00 Mtg. of Conservative Republicans - Sen Curtis' Cap. Ofc. - S-305 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. and Dinner by Lower Mississippi Flood Control Assn. - Ballroom - Hotel Washington Senator Dole's Schedule - week of April 29 - May 5 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 LAW DAY 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (watershed projects, school lunch, nominations, forest pest control) (next appointment handwritten) 10:50 VOTE - Stevens Amend. 12:00 Luncheon for Co-Sponsors of Opportunities Ind. Ctr. Bill - S-207 Cap. by Dr. Murray Caulkins (833-8308) 12:00 Lunch with Postmaster General - S-138 Cap. (discuss bulk mail facilities) 12:00 Luncheon - Coalition for Rural Develop. - B-354 RHOB ($4.50/ea) 2-5 Membership meeting - Rehab. International - Thoroughbred Rm. - Washington Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 5-7 Recep. by Pres. Comm. on Empl. of Handicapped - Jefferson East Rm. Washington Hilton (Jim Vestring - Burns, Ks arranging) THURSDAY MAY 2 8:30 Bkfst. by President's Comm. on Employment of Handicapped - Washington Hilton (handwritten addition) Jim Vestring, Burns, Ks. (next appointment handwritten) 11:15 Mary Akerly - present membership certificate for Autistic Children - Sen. Ofc. (photo) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Fred Burns - Thompson Newspapers - Sen. Ofc. 5:30-8:00 Recep. by National Education Ass. - B-338 RHOB (handwritten additions) Mr. Swanson - (Marguerite Curry, Phillipsburg) 5:30 Presentation of Medal to Ross Perot by Sec'y of Defense - Secretary's Dining Rm.- Pentagon 6:00-8:00 Recep. by Truck Stop Operators of America - G-219 & 221 NSOB (Howard Roe, K.C. (handwritten additions) Lloyd Freeman, WaKeeney; Claude or ? (handwritten addition) Mrs. Cunningham, Dodge City; Mr. Lembright - Dodge City & 1 other 7-10:30 Open House "THE DAILY NEWS" - 514 S. Kansas Ave. - Olathe (repr.?) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of April 29 - May 5 Page 3. FRIDAY, MAY 3 2:55 p.m. Depart Dulles - UAL #585 (handwritten addition) - $221.27 4:22 p.m. Arrive K.C. 7:00 SPEAK - Dinner -Ks. Office of Minority Business Enterprise - Topeka SATURDAY, MAY 4 10:30 Taping - WIBW "A Talk with Bob Dole" - Topeka 12:30-2:30 SPEAK - Luncheon & Press Conference on Mitchell Water District Grant - Beloit 4:00 SPEAK - Awareness Program dealing with Aspects of Aging" - Belleville High School Cafeteria - Belleville 6:30 & 7:30 Cocktails & Dinner - State Convention of Ks. Legal Secretaries Orgn. - Hilton Inn - Salina, SPEAK- following Dinner SUNDAY, MAY 5 2:00 SPEAK - Freedom Tree Dedication - City Park - Clifton Recep. & Dinner Theatre - Ks. Medical Society - Topeka MONDAY, MAY 6 8-3:30 Major Business Procurement Conference - Topeka - (handwritten additions) - Jayhawk Hotel - Florentine & Senate Rms. 12:30 SPEAK - Small Business Man of Year Luncheon (Leroy Tombs) - Bonner Springs RETURN TO WASHINGTON