THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 TWA #449 - F/C lv. National 4:00 p.m. arr. K.C. 6:49 p.m. Reservations at Downtown Ramada Inn - Topeka FRIDAY, MARCH 1 12:30 Luncheon - Cattlemen's Day - Weber Hall - K-State 1:30 SPEAK - Cattlemen's Day 6 & 7:30 Cocktails and Dinner honoring Sam Cornelius - Muehlebach - K.C. (Art Fletcher speaker) Reservations at (crossed out) Downtown Ramada - Topeka (handwritten addition) Alameda Plaza - KC (crossed out) (if you change to K.C., let me know) SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Betw. 4:15 & 4:30 Arrive Main Gate - Richards-Gebaur AFB (will be met by Tom Weddle at the Gate and directed to Officers Club 4:50 - 5:40 - SPEAK - followed by Q & A Session 5:45 - Bar Opens -- you can leave about 6:00 Reservations tonight at Alameda Plaza SUNDAY, MARCH 3 TWA_#810 - F/C - lv. K.C. 10:40 a.m. arr. O'Hare 11:51 a.m. TWA #168 = F/C - lv. O'Hare 12:25 p.m. arr. K.C 2:56 p.m. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 4 - 10 MONDAY, MARCH 4 Christian Citizenship Seminar delegates in town (26 Kansans) - want brief appointment Mayor Walsh in town for League of Cities Meetings 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB - Trade Reform Bill (Geo. Shultz, Peter Flanigan & Wm. Eberle, witnesses) (next appointment canceled) 1:30 Meeting on Mud Creek - with repr. from Sec'y of Army's Ofc. & Corps. of Engrs. - Sen. Ofc. (John S. made arrangements) (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 VOTE on Fong Amend to Pay Resolution Followed by VOTE on McGee Amend to Pay Res. TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Water Resources Congress at Washington Hilton - thru March 7 9:00 Mtg. with Delegation - Ks. Urban Renewal people - H-139 Cap. (Ken Kitchen) 9:15 SPEAK - Minneapolis Farm Forum - Radisson Hotel - Minneapolis 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - 4200 NSOB (school lunch) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB (Trade Reform Bill) - Flanigan, Shubitz & Eberle 12:00 Luncheon by Kansas American Legion - E 100 Capitol 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 3:30 Don Pipes & Harvey Hickman, Berry Tractor Co.- Sen. Ofc. (John or Ken- hello to BD (Dolley Madison Room) (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Photo with Church Group from Quinter, Ks. (they signed in) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Proprietary Assn. - Madison Hotel (Dr. Mark Hiebert, Sterling Drug, Charles Jolly, Miles Labs; Bill Greif, Bristol-Myers, Martin Miller, Am. Home Prods. Corp.) 6:00 - ? Recep. & Buffet by Nat'l Assn. of Mutual Savings Banks - Ballroom-Mayflower 6-9 Recep - honoring Central American Sugar Council by M/M Tom Boggs - F Street Club - 1925 F St., N.W. 6:30-8:30 Bon Voyage Party for Mimi Austin by M/M Ed DeBoldt - 4050 - 41st St., N.- Arlington (Ph: 534-8475) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of March 4 - 10 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (report of Gov. Jaenke on FCA) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB - Trade Reform (Witnesses: Dent, Peter Brennan, Earl Butz) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 John Barnum & Howard Cohen - DOT - Sen. Ofc. 12:00 Luncheon Mtg. - with Postmaster General Klassen & P. O. Comm. Members - S-138 Cap. (handwritten addition) (Sally x55451) (handwritten addition) no 12:30-1:30 Luncheon Mtg. with Sec'y Weinberger with minority members of Finance Comm. - Secretary's Dining Rm.- HEW - 330 Independence Ave., S.W.- on welfare (Carol Arnold - 245-7627) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB (Trade Bill) 3:30 Mrs. Hinerfeld, Bd. of League of Women Voters - Sen. Ofc. (John)- re: Trade 5:30-6:30 Recep. by American School Food Service Assn. - 2168 RHOB 6 & 7:30 Recep. and Banquet - by Am. Legion - Exhibit Hall - Sheraton Park (Ken Young, Lloyd Perrill, etc.) 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Governor's Conf - Ballroom Center - Washington Hilton 7:30 KU-K State Game - Lawrence THURSDAY, MARCH 7 8:00 Bkfst. by Nat'l Fed. of Business & Prof. Women's Clubs - Ballroom - Mayflower (Nellie Sergeant, Newton; Jacquelyn Finley, Pittsburg; Margaret Howell) 20 Seniors from Bishop Miege High School - Shawnee Mission - in town for Mock U.N. Conf. at Georgetown U. - photo) (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Finance Comm - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (on Social Sec. Bill - followed Kissinger at 10:00 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB (hrgs on Trade Reform - Kissinger testifying) 2:00 Mtg. on Mud Creek - Sen Ofc. -with reprs. from Sec'y of Army's Ofc. & Corps. of Engrs. (John S. arranging) (handwritten addition) Larry Winn attending 6-8 Reception for Senator Dole - Congressional and Senate Rooms - Statler Hilton SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - week of March 4 - 10 Page 3. FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Ag. Credit Subc. - hearings on fertilizer situation - IN OMAHA (next appointment handwritten) 8:30 Republican Leadership Mtg. - Cabinet Rm - White House (N.W. Gate) (Harlow - campaign; Simon oil situation & Kissinger on Mid-East 1:30 Rev. Bill Brazil & 40 Jrs. and Srs. from Wichita West High School - 154 OSOB - photo - (re: energy crisis & food distribution) John S? (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Signature Recording Session SATURDAY, MARCH 9 SUNDAY, MARCH 10 2:30 (handwritten notation) no Dedication of Marcus Center for Continuing Education - Wichita State - 4201 E. 21st St. - Wichita Open House following honoring M/M Sam Marcus (handwritten notations) Quinter: Nussy Wolf Mark brooks Kay Ann Porter Brad Schwindt Bill Rust 3611 Wood Av. Kansas City, Ks. 66102 United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten notations) March 7 Roberta (crossed out) Zambikas (handwritten addition) van Beeck Nat'l Easter Seal Society 347-3066 Tammy Bryant - age 7 - The 1974 Easter Seal Poster Child Is In Town. Do You Want Picture With Her. Will Be On Hill On Wednesday Morning Available About 9:30 - 9:45 Mike United States MEMORANDUM (handwritten notations) Don George Topeka Miriam Cade Leavenworth Food Service meeting SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 11 - 17 MONDAY, MARCH 11 (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Lunch - M/M Milt Morrison; Mrs. Loren Johnson; Mrs. Frazier - (Bill K. - Sen. Dining Rm Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Photo with M/M Curtis Terflinger - Sen. Recep. Rm. 2:30 Janet Elliott, Kirwin, Ks. (Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation Leadership Delegate from Ks.) - Sen. Ofc. (or Recep. Rm.) - Photo 6-8 Recep. for Joe Skubitz - Capitol Hill Club -(Sen. Dole is a co-host) TUESDAY, MARCH 12 8:15 Bkfst. by VFW - EF-100 Cap. (according to Anne Sullivan, this is for Senators only) 9:30 SPEAK - National Grain and Feed Assn. - Washington Hilton - Int'l Ballroom Center 10:00 Ag. Res. Subc. - Exec. Sess. - 324 OSOB (animal health research & interstate shipment of meat) 12:00 Luncheon - for 28 students from Columbia, Mo. College - by the Missouri Delegation EF-100 Cap. (no Kansans, but Mr. Whitaker, Salina, has a daughter attending the school and she had asked that Sen. stop by) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 12:30 Luncheon - by U. of Missouri - Ks. City - Vandenberg Rm. - Cap. (M/M Hans Archenhold, Leawood; M/M Chas. Golder & Mrs. Leslie Lyon, Shawnee Mission; Mrs. David Patterson, Prairie Village) 3:00 Dr. Collins, Topeka - Sen. Ofc. (re: National Health Ins.) John S - Hello to Sen. 3:00 Recep. for Farm Credit District Directors - 1301 LHOB 5:30 Recep. by Nutrition Comm. & Am. Dietetic Assn. - 1202 NSOB 5-8 Recep. by International Paper Co. - B-339 RHOB 6 & 7 Recep. & Banquet by VFW - Sheraton Park - Recep. - Exhibit Hall 2; Dinner - Ballroom (Barney Aldridge & approx. 37 other Ksns.) (Claude attending also) Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o March 11 - 17 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 10:00 Ag. Mktg., & Stab. Subc. - 324 OSOB (hrgs. on farm & retail prices of beef) (handwritten additions) Ray Shubat testifying (Bob & Joyce Cartmill stopping by hrgs.) Cook Ind. - K.C. 11:00 Groundbreaking Ceremony for National Visitors Center - Union Station 12:00 Luncheon - National Grain & Feed Assn. - Wash. Hilton (Butz speaking) (handwritten addition) 785-1000 Melinda or Exec Chamber 1 & 2 12:30 SPEAK - Grocery Manufacturers - Madison Hotel - Mt. Vernon Room (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Ag. Prod., Mktg & Stab. Subc - 324 OSOB 2:00 Hamilton Gardner, repr. for Midwest. Reg. of Am. Hosp Assn. (including Kansas) re: Pension Reform (John S.) 3:30 Louis Young - K.C. Reg. Cong. Affairs Officer - EPA - Sen. Ofc for courtesy call 7 & 8 Recep. & Dinner - Gov't-Industry Awards Dinner - Electronics Industry Assn. - Regency Ballroom - Shoreham THURSDAY, MARCH 14 (crossed out time) 10:00 (handwritten time) 9:00 Ag. Prod., Mktg. & Stabil. Subc. - 324 OSOB (hrgs. on farm & retail prices for beef) (handwritten additions) John Meetz & Kalo Hineman testifying 6:30 & 7:30 Cocktails & Dinner honoring Cong. Wm. Minshall by Grocery Mfrs. - City Tavern Club - 3206 M St., N.W. 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Banquet by Ks. Grain & Feed Dealers Assn. - Jefferson West Rm. - Washington Hilton (handwritten addition) (Kermit Adelgren) Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o March 11 - 17 Page 3. FRIDAY, MARCH 15 12:00 SPEAK - SBA Awards Luncheon - Wellington - (handwritten addition) - Elks Lodge 3:00 George Stafford's Swearing-In Ceremony - Regal Inn - Wichita (Senator introducing George) (handwritten additions) - 6th Floor - Poolside (next appointment handwritten) 6:00 Dinner - Tri-Dining Rm - Student Center - 1606 Warren - Southwestern College - Winfield 7:30 SPEAK - Southwestern College - Winfield- (handwritten additions) Founders Day Convocation - Richardson Auditorium SATURDAY, MARCH 16 12:00 SPEAK - Kansas Association for Mental Health - Highland Manor Hotel - Great Bend 8:00 SPEAK - Western Implement Company Farming Frontiers 1974 Program - 4-H Building - Central & Tyler Road - Wichita SUNDAY, MARCH 17 MONDAY, MARCH 18 7:30 SPEAK - PTA Meeting - Shawnee Mission East High School - 7500 Mission Rd. -S.M. THURSDAY, MARCH 14 2:05 p.m. - TWA #217 F/C - Depart National 5:14 p.m. - Arrive Wichita FRIDAY. MARCH 15 (crossed out) 10:30 Dery] Schuster and John M. Hobble (handwritten addition) SBA Wichita - 12 S. Market St 67202 will pick you up at the Regal Inn and take you to Wellington SBA Office number: (316) 276-6311 12:00 SPEAK . Luncheon honoring Region VII Small Business Contractor of the Year Elks Club - Wellington Mr. R. (handwritten addition) Joe J. LeJuerrne, President, Lamar Electro Air Corp. will accept award on behalf of the company 2:00 Leave Wellington - either Deryl Schuster or Stu Newlin (KC. SBA ofc) will take you back to the Regal Inn 3:00 George Stafford's Swearing-In Ceremony - 6th Floor - Poolside - Regal Inn (Senator Carlson will be M.C.) (handwritten and crossed out) Mary Turkington Bill Walton 6:00 Dinner - (handwritten and crossed out) & Bruce Blake Tri-Dining ~ Student Center - (handwritten and crossed out) Judge Templar also here - Southwestern College-Winfield (told them was not sure you would be there for dinner) 7:30 SPEAK - Founders' Day Convocation - Richardson Auditorium - Southwestern Coll. Winfield (scheduled to end at 8:45 Contacts: Dr. Donald Ruthenberg, Pres, (316) 221-4150 - ofc. Howard Stephens, Comm.-Col]. Relations - 221-4150 - ofc. Reservation at Regal Inn - Wichita (316) 263-2101 SATURDAY, MARCH 16 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon meeting of Kansas Association for Mental Health - Highland Manor Hotel - Great Bend (handwritten addition) - (316) 792-2431 Contact: Mrs. Marion Vernon, President — Pat Schyler, AA (handwritten additions) should be through about 1:30 Jack Goodman met Sen at airport 7:30 Dinner ~ Western Implement Company’ Farming Frontiers 1974 Program - Sedgwick County 4-H Building - Central & Tyler Road - Wichita Contact: (crossed out) Robert Garrett (handwritten addition) Jim Wright, Mgr., Western Implement - Wichita ofc - (316) 943-4261 home - (316) 722-3478 8:00 SPEAK - Farming Frontiers Meeting (handwritten additions) Drove back to Topeka with Bob Miner - Ramada Inn - Downtown - Topeka (crossed out) Reservation at Regal Inn - 263-2101 SUNDAY, MARCH 17 Flights available - Wichita - Topeka: (next flight crossed out) Frontier #542 lv. Wichita 10:20 a.m. arr. Topeka 10:57 a.m. (handwritten additions) Frontier advised flight does not operate on Sunday. flight presently full will try to clear you (next flight crossed out) Frontier #658 lv. Wichita 3:36 p.m. arr. Topeka 4:13 p.m. Reservation tonight at Ramada Inn - Topeka (913) 233-8981 MONDAY, MARCH 18 11:30 + 1:30 SPEAK - Luncheon meeting of 20 to 30 members of Kansas Retail Council - Topeka Town Club - 534 Kansas - Topeka Contact: Gary Zook - (913) 357-6321 - ofc. 7:30 PTA Meeting - Shawnee Mission East High School - 7500 Mission Road - S.M. 7:45 Would like you to be there by this time 8:00 SPEAK ~ PTA Mtg. - Contacts: (names crossed out) Mr. James Sandfort - Principal - (913) NI 2-6600 Mrs. Austin (Phyllis) Harmon - (913) 648-1468 - home Mrs. Helen Hodges - (913) 642-2808 - home Reservation at Alameda Plaza - (816) 756-1500 TUESDAY, MARCH 19 8:55 a.m. Depart K.C. - TWA #482 - F/C 12:52 p.m. Arrive National Airport LUNCHEON FOR SENATOR BOB DOLE Topeka Town Club Monday, March 18, 1974 11:30 a.m. Attendance List Badgwell, Jim; Topeka; Montgomery Ward and Co. (handwritten addition) - 320 Kansas Blumreich, Curt: Topeka; J. C. Penney and Co. (handwritten addition) - 3640 Topeka Calhoun, Ken; Emporia; Newman's, Inc. (handwritten addition) - 511 Commercial Campbell, Dean; Manhattan; Campbell Distributors (handwritten addition) - 5th & Poyntz Carson, Ken: Topeka; Sears, Roebuck and Co. (handwritten addition) - 3500 Topeka Curran, Loretta; Paola; Fashionland (handwritten addition) - Sutherland's Shopping Ctr Dole, Senator Bob; Washington, D.C. Flashman, Jim; Leavenworth: Montgomery Ward and Co. (handwritten addition) - Leavenworth Plaza Shopping Ctr. Hayes Stan; Manhattan; Dutch Maid Super Markets (handwritten addition) - 1522 Poyntz Miller, Clara; Topeka; Kansas Retail Council (handwritten addition) - 1500 Tyler - home Miller, John; Topeka; Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce (handwritten addition) - 722 Kansas Nordstrom, Carl; Topeka; Kansas Association of Commerce and Industry (handwritten addition) -534 Kansas First National Bldg. Ontjes, Max; Hutchinson; D. G. Calhoun, Inc. (handwritten additions) -2700 E. 4th Payne, Ken; Topeka; Cunningham-Shields (handwritten addition) - 112 W. 8th Pratt, Dick; Topeka; Super D Drugs (handwritten addition) - 500 W. 10th (crossed out) Reith & Rogers (handwritten addition) Gene Werner - Kansas City; Seara, Roebuck and Co. (handwritten addition - 9701 Metcalf - O.V. Pk. 66102 Ross, Clay M.; Overland Park; Sears, Roebuck and Co. (handwritten addition) 9701 Metcalf - O.V. Pk. Schubert, Jim; Lawrence; The Jay Shoppe (handwritten addition) - 835 Mass. Shepherd, Ray; Fort Scott; Ray Shepherd Motors (handwritten addition) 1819 S. Main Sengpiehl, Dick; Parsons: Sengpiehl Furniture (handwritten addition) - 1906 Main Stevens, Bill; Washington, D.C.; American Retail Federation Stinson, Dale; Emporia; Chamber of Commerce (handwritten addition) 427 Commercial Thompson, Gordon; Paola; Chamber of Commerce (handwritten addition) - City Bldg Warden, Paul; Salina; Warden'a Ready to Wear (handwritten addition) - 120 W. Iron (crossed out) Wohlford, Bill; Washington, D.C. Zook, Gary; Topeka; Kansas Retail Council (handwritten additions) - 534 Kansas - First Nat'l Tower 205 W. 28th - home 272-8150 ofc - 913-357-6321 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 18 - 24 MONDAY, MARCH 18 11:30-1:30 SPEAK - Luncheon meeting of members of Ks. Retail Council - Topeka Town Club - 534 Kansas - Topeka 7:30 SPEAK - PTA Meeting - Shawnee Mission East High - 7500 Mission Rd., S.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 19 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (re: anti-recession tax measures - Shultz testifying) 6:00 Recep. - National Assn. of Realtors - Ballroom - Statler Hilton (handwritten time) 6:00 & 7:30 Banquet by U.S. Emergency Services Assn. - Sheraton Park (handwritten addition) - Cotillion Rm (Geo. Meserve, Olathe; (crossed out) Roy Konopaska, State Admin.; Bob Jones) (handwritten additions) Recep - 4 State Region participating Rm I-340 -- north wing WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 9:45 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (re: anti-recession tax measures - (crossed out) Shultz testifying (handwritten additions) Walter Heller & Dr. Arthur (illegible) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (animal health res.) 11:30 Bob Griffin, Ks. State Soil Conservationist - Sen. Ofc. (Claude - hello to Sen.) 2:00 Mtg. on Fertilizer - McGovern's ofc. - (crossed out) 2313 (handwritten addition) 2300 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Spring Meeting Expo & Champagne Recep. - by N. American Telephone Assn. - (Exhibit Hall - Sheraton Park 6-8 Recep. by American Gas Assn. - B-338 RHOB 6-8 Recep. by Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Int'l - B-369 RHOB 6-8 Recep. by Communication Workers of Am. - Mayflower (handwritten addition) Rm 568 (Mrs. Sandra Cox, O.V. Pk; Ruthanna Gore, Atchison; Paul Scales, K.C.; Jim Moore, Shawnee Mission; Carlos Hernandez) (handwritten additions) - Salina; Ken Flanigan - K.C. Wyandotte Cty. - Rm 550 Senator Dole's schedule - w/o March 18 - 24 Page 2. THURSDAY, MARCH 21 (next appointment handwritten) 8:30-9:30 State Dept. Briefing - Alfred Atherton, Dep. Ass. Sec. of State, Bu. of Near Eastern & South Asian Affairs - 4203 NSOB Sally - Bellmon's ofc. - x55754 10:00 Ag. Prod., Mktg. & Stab. Subc. - 318 OSOB (grain reserve hrgs. - Butz & Freeman) 10:00 Post Office Comm - 6200 NSOB (S. 411 - postal rates for certain classes of mail) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (public witnesses on Trade Bill) 1:45 Mtg. on College of Emporia - Sen. Ofc. (Richard Holden (handwritten addition) 245-2715 & Thomas McAnallen, HEW) Ken handling 7:00 SPEAK - Dinner Meeting of Republican Citizens Committee of Onondaga County Syracuse, N.Y. FRIDAY, MARCH 22 9:30 Advised BD could not make it - votes & hrgs. 10:00 Ag. Prod., Mkt. & Stab. Sub. - 318 OSOB (grain reserve hearings) (handwritten addition) be there early for photo 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Trade Reform bill) 11:00 Dery! Schuster's Swearing-In - Tom Kleppe's office - SBA (Bill K. also invited) (handwritten addition) 128-5181 2:30 Esther Kraus & 46 Jr. & Sr. High School students from Hays - 457 OSOB - (photo) SATURDAY, MARCH 23 (next appointment handwritten) 1:10 KU - Marquette Game - Greensboro, N.C. 7 & 8 Recep. & Dinner - Ks. Cherry Blossom Festival - Twin Bridges Marriott ($12.50/ea) SUNDAY, MARCH 24 6:30 Dinner - 50th Anniv. of Oberlin Rotary Club - Decatur Community High School - 605 E. Commercial, Oberlin, Ks. 6:30 Civic Service Award Dinner by Hebrew Academy of K.C. - Plaza Inn - K.C. (Mayor Dick Berkley being honored - Birch Bayh speaking) United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Jay Mull called to remind you that on Thurs night (9 central - 10 eastern) there will be a film on NBC on energy. He is to have a part in it concern- ing the role of the independ- ents. FRIDAY, MARCH 22 5:00 Lv. Page National - Cessna 401 - Tail No. N 62842 (jet) Pilot: Tom Nizen Manifest: Mrs. Stanton (Peggy) Congressman O'Hare (Vanik's guest) Marty Schramm & SENATOR DOLE 6:40 Arr. Cuyahoga Airport Go to Sheraton Inn - Kirtland, Ohio (Cleveland suburb) (216) 946-0500 Reservations There is a fine arts "Salute to Congress" event this evening, which you will be attending. SATURDAY, MARCH 23 8:45 Arrive Lakeland Community College (216) 951-1000 9:00 Begin first panel discussion. Will return to Washington on private jet (assume same as yesterday) Expect to be at Page National by 3:00 p.m. (Letter from Congressman J. William Stanton to Senator Robert Dole) (handwritten addition) Jean x55306 March 14, 1974 Dear Bob: In confirmation of our conversation last evening, The Kirtland Educational Foundation, located in my Congressional District east of Cleve- land, is sponsoring a Saturday morning seminar on the "Two Party System." It is a completely non-political event in that the two hundred high school students in attendance will be asking questions concerning the roles of the parties in politics and not concentrating on the panelists' personal political views, The symposium is under the full control of "The University for Young Americans." I am enclosing information on the Foundation and the event. Friday evening we have been invited to attend a benefit per- formance at a new fine arts center made possible. by. the generosity of people such as Mrs. George Humphrey, the Boltons, the Hannas and other extremely wealthy people in my District. Many of these same people are the principal sponsors of the Kirtland Educational Foundation. (handwritten addition) - a "Salute" type thing to Congress. Here are the pertinent facts: (handwritten addition) (216) 946-0500 1, You would fly out to Cleveland late Friday afternoon with Peggy. You will be met and taken to Kirtland where we will all stay at the Sheraton Inn. Charlie Vanik is inviting someone from the Senate on his side of the aisle, (handwritten addition) (216) 946-0500 2. In addition to all of your expenses, The Kirtland Educational Foundation -- or, maybe, it comes from The University of Young Americans' budget -- will pay an honorarium of $750.00. (handwritten addition) Stanton Trying to get $1,000 3. We will return to Washington by private jet, arriving Saturday afternoon around 3:00 p.m. (handwritten additions) Lakeland Comm Coll. (216) 951-1000 not black tie - Stanton handling transportation will advise Thursday Honorable Robert Dole Page Two 3/14/1974 4. I am very grateful that you are considering this, There is no publicity allowed at all for your visit; however, your attendance at this Fine Arts evening with Peggy and me will be a tremendous help to me and I consider this a great personal favor that you are considering. 5. You can imagine the time pressure I am under. If you could let me know (or Shirlee McGloon in our office) early today, it would be greatly appreciated. I am sure hoping you can do it. If you have any further questions, please feel free to have Betty call me or Shirlee. (handwritten addition) Jean Best personal regards, William Stanton WS:sm Enclosure (handwritten addition) Stanton's ofc x55306 FRIDAY, MARCH 22 5:00 Lv. Page National - Cessna 401 - Tail No. N 62842 (jet) Pilot: Tom Nizen Manifest: Mrs. Stanton (Peggy) Congressman O'Hare (Vanik's guest) Marty Schramm & SENATOR DOLE 6:40 Arr. Cuyahoga Airport Go to Sheraton Inn - Kirtland, Ohio (Cleveland suburb) (216) 946-0500 Reservations There is a fine arts "Salute to Congress" event this evening, which you will be attending. SATURDAY, MARCH 23 8:45 Arrive Lakeland Community College (216) 951-1000 9:00 Begin first panel discussion. Will return to Washington on private jet (assume same as yesterday) Expect to be at Page National by 3:00 p.m. (handwritten additions) No thank-you's necessary - Per Bill Stanton SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 25 - 31 MONDAY, MARCH 25 8:00 Bkfst. - United Methodist East Church Study Tour group - Rev. Robert Darden & 46 Ksns. - G-219 NSOB (photo) 10:00 Ag. Credit Subc. - (crossed out) 324 (handwritten addition) 4232 OSOB (farm fuel hearings - Ksns. testifying) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Trade Reform bill) (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Luncheon for 23 Ksns testifying before Ag Comm on fuel - Vandenberg Rm - Cap. 6-8 Recep. for Hon. & Mrs. Carl Wallace by M/M Kevin Murphy & M/M Paul Cameron- Georgetown Club - 1530 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. 6-8 Recep. by Am. Osteopathic Hospital Assn. - Jefferson & Lincoln West Rms .-Wash. Hilton 6:30-7:15 & Recep., Dinner & Program by Order of AHEPA - Washington Hilton 7:45-10:00 TUESDAY, MARCH 26 7:30 Bkfst. by Farm Magazine Editors - $-207 Cap (Tag?) 8:00 Bkfst. - Ks. Coop. Council - EF-100 Cap. (Sen. will meet with them later) 10:00 Ag. Credit Subc. - 324 OSOB (farm fuel situation) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Trade Reform bil1) (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Farm Mtg. - White House - Cabinet Rm. (N.W. Gate) George Voth, Ks. 11:30 Luncheon by Ks. Farm Bureau Leaders of Year - H-139 Capitol 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Bill Farmer - Wichita - re: no-fault (483-3000 x21 (illegible)) (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Presidential Classroom students - (photo requested) 2:30 Howard Roe, K.C. - Truck Stop Operators - Sen. Ofc. (Claude & Tag?) 6:00 Recep. by National Fed. of Independent Unions - Washington Hotel (George Burton, K.C., Ks. 6-8 Recep. for Cherry Blossom Princesses - Caucus Rm. - Cannon Bldg. (handwritten addition) John 6:30 Recep. by Mobile Home Manufacturers Ass. - International Ballroom, Wash. Hilton Warren Jones, L.A. - has plant in Newton; Jack Dahl, Kentucky, plants in Manhattan & Newton (Guerdon Industries) 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Dinner by Water Pollution Control Fed. -Wash. Hilton Senator Dole's Schedule - week of March 25 - 31 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 8:00 Bkfst. by National Assn. of Wheat Growers - 1202 NSOB (Tom Ostrander, Dodge City) (next appointment crossed out) 9;00 Finance Comm. - 2219 NSOB - Exec. Session (anti-recession tax) (handwritten addition) canceled 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Trade Reform bill) (handwritten addition) Geo. Meany is a witness 10:00 Ag. Research Subc. - 324 OSOB -Exec. Session (S. 2871 commodity distrib. program) (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Taping - CBS - (Sen. Ofc. - re campaign - Leslie Stahl (next appointment handwritten) 2:45 Richard Feltner (Clayton Yuetter's replacement at Ag) - courtesy call 5:30 Recep. by National Cable TV Assn. - 2168 RHOB (ck. on Ksns. attending) 5:30-7:00 MIA Recep. - B-369 RHOB (30 former POW's attending - ck. Ksns.) 6-8:30 Recep. by National Assn. of Retail Druggists - Congressional Rm. - Statler (Douglas Johnson, Topeka; Tom Hitchcock, Baldwin City) (crossed out) M/M Winnie Nash-Lawrence 7 & 8 Recep. & Dinner - Senate-House Majority Event - Washington Hilton (handwritten addition) - optional Black Tie THURSDAY, MARCH 28 8:00 Bkfst. - for Farm Bureau Leaders - G-219 NSOB by Sen. Dole (handwritten addition) - (16 total) 9:00 Ag. Research Subc. - 324 OSOB -Exec. Sess. (S. 2871 commodity distrib. program) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Trade Reform bill) 11-11:30 Concert on House Steps of Capitol by Pittsburg High School Band (photo) 11:30-12:30 Coke Party for Pittsburg Hi Band by Skubitz - Caucus Rm.-CHOB (delegation) 12:00 Honor Vietnam Veterans Luncheon - Capitol Hill Club (handwritten addition) - stop by if possible 12:00 Luncheon & discussion of proposed changes in Strategic Arms Policy - Vandenberg Rm- Cap. (hosted by Case, Hart & Mondale!!) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Press Conf. - 4200 NSOB on Vietnam Era Veterans Ed. Act (Dole, Mathis, McGovern & Inouye) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Dr. Arthur Cherry - Academy of Pediatrics - Topeka (Claude - hello to Sen.) child health care 2:30 Mr. Jean Hiestand, State Farm Ins.-Sen. Ofc. - re no-fault ins. (Laddie Merryfield, Russell called to set appt.-Hiestand from Bloomington, Ill but representing State Farm for the Region) Peter & John? 6:00 Recep. for President's Committee on Mental Retardation - B-339 RHOB 6:30 Recep. for Congress by Nat'l Newspaper Assn. -Smithsonian Museum of History & Tech.- Constitution & 135h Sts., N.W. 6:45 & 8:00 Recep. & Dinner - Radio & TV Correspondents - Wash. Hilton Recep. - Terrace Rm. - Dinner - Int'l Ballroom (you are at CBS table- Senator Dole's Schedule - week of March 25 - 31 Page 3. FRIDAY, MARCH 29 9-11 Open House for Dery] Schuster - SBA- 911 Walnut - K.C. (Bill W.?) 10:00 Fertilizer hearings - Manhattan (Claude arranging) 10:00 Retirement Ceremony for TSgt. John Hildebrandt (handwritten addition) from Saginaw, Michigan - Sen. Ofc. - photo (handwritten addition) - Scotty advised (wife from Salina) also Col. Jim Corliss, Lt. John Southward & Hildebrandt’s father, 2 children, Col. Fredericks; (handwritten addition) Maj. Steffler; Mr. Clarke & NV Sgt. Proctor) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on Trade Reform bill) (next appointment handwritten) 12:45 Joe Connally - W. Gate Prosecution's Task Force - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 1:15 Bill Grant, W.R. Mullens-Businessmen's Assurance Co-KC & Mr. Sapienza-Covington & Burling - D.C. - lunch with Bill K. all Sen. in Dng Rm. SATURDAY, MARCH 30 (handwritten addition) no 6:30 & 7:30 Dinner & Program - Journalism Banquet by Women in Communications & Society of Prof. Journalists - Ramada Inn Central - Wichita (handwritten addition) no 6:30 & 8:00 Recep. & Dinner - Breath of Spring Ball for Cystic Fibrosis Res. - Alameda Plaza (followed by auction at 8:45) SUNDAY, MARCH 31 (handwritten addition) no 2-5 Open House - Marysville City Bldg. - Marysville, Ks. United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten notations) Alice x52350 27 12:30 23 x52460 Vandenberg Rm. corned beef hash - eggs benedict - 3.50/ea. dessert (crossed out) Beef aladeutsch - chopped calf's liver cold plate chopped steak - fr. fries & salad - 3.25 incl coffee, rolls & butter dessert extra & 15 % svc chg. United States Senate MEMORANDUM W. D. Grant, (handwritten addition) Chairman, Businessmens Assurance Corp. - K.C. wants to see you for about 20 minutes either Thursday or Friday. Also wants to bring a couple of other members of the firm with him. It concerns a significant tax matter involving Businessmens Assurance Corp. (handwritten additions) also: W.R. Mullens, Pres. John Sapienza - Wash. D.C. - Covington & Burling Law Firm Friday best day Betty Helen Schubert - 816-753-8000 United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten notations) in town March 28 & 29 2:15 Thurs. March 28 554-9662 Dr. Jordan Utsey Dr. Willie Epps K. State College of Education in town - March 28 & 29 Re: funding for their Special Education programs Linda Brown (913) 532-5557 will call Mon, Mar. 25 trying to work out appt Thurs. between 1:30 & 3:00