Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o January 28 - February 3 Page 3. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 (next appointment handwritten) 9:00 Mtg. with Simon, Neilson & Gowdy of Farmland Ind - Sen. Ofc. Claude arranging SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 6:30 Dinner - Chikaskia and Indian Hills Regional Planning Commissions and Sunflower Resource Conservation & Dev. Proj. -Pratt Jr. College - Pratt SPEAK at 7:30 8:45 SPEAK - Jaycees Banquet - Elks Hall - Great Bend SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 10:00 SPEAK - State Convention of Optical Dispensers - Holiday Inn Plaza - Wichita SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 11:30 a.m. - Lv. National - American #223 F/C 12:29 p.m. - Arr. O'Hare 1:20 p.m. - Lv. O'Hare - Braniff #219 F/C 3:45 p.m. - Arr. Wichita You have reservation at Sheraton Motor Inn - by the airport Phone: 316-793-5867 5:30 Lv. Transair Terminal - Wichita Municipal airport - Gold and White Cessna 310 Pilot will be Hank Outen -- if there is a change, you can still ask for Hank and the pilot will recognize it. 6:00 Arr. Pratt - Lyle Bauer will meet you at airport Lyle's phone: 316-896-2144 6:30 Dinner - Chickaskia and Indian Hills Regional Planning Commissions and Sunflower Resource Conservation & Dev. Proj. - Pratt Jr. College Pratt SPEAK promptly at 7:30 - leave for airport immediately following speech 8:15 Lv Pratt - Weller's plane 8:35 Arr. Great Bend - Ken Kerns will meet you at the airport 8:45 SPEAK - Jaycees Banquet honoring outstanding young citizen of the year - Elks Lodge - Great Bend Contact: Bob Southern - 316-793-8096 - ofc. 316-564-2501 - home Ken Kerns - 316-793-3416 - ofc. 316-793-5867 - home Weller's plane will take you back to Wichita - Res. at Sheraton Motor Inn - Will have someone pick you up there Sunday morning SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Will have someone pick you up at motel and take you to meeting- (next appointment handwritten) 9:15 Bob Laham will pick you at Sheraton 10:00 SPEAK ~ State Convention of Optical Dispensers - Holiday Inn Plaza - Wichita Contact: Robert (crossed out) Latham (handwritten addition) Laham - 316-838-5281 - office 316-838-3195 - home 12:20 p.m. Lv. Wichita - Braniff #154 F/C 1 stop 2:35 p.m. arr. O'Hare - 3:30 p.m. Lv. O'Hare - American # 284 F/C non-stop 6:06 p.m. Arr. National TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 11:30 a.m. - Depart National - AAL #223F/C 12:29 p.m. - Arrive O'Hare Someone from the Fertilizer Institute will meet you and limo will take you to the Regency Hyatt House at O'Hare where the conference is being held. 1:30 SPEAK Immediately following your speech, Ed Wheeler is arranging a meeting with some of the fertilizer people. (At this point, we don't know who will be attending) Mike LaPorte of WREN would like you to call him immediately following meeting. Phone: (913) 357-0292 3:30 p.m. Depart O'Hare - AAL #284 F/C 6:06 p.m. - Arrive National Roger will meet you. United States Senate MEMORANDUM 1 Feb Ed Wheeler requested following to meeting Monday eve: Farmland Industries - Warren Dewlen, Vice Pres Agrico - Jack Babbitt, Pres Phillips - Dick Kenyon, Gen Mgr for Fertilizer (next company crossed out) W.R. Grace and Co. - Jim Calvin, Exec Vice Pres (next company crossed out) Cominco - John Anderson - Vice Pres Wycon - Tony Horelad, Vice Pres Claude Ed Wheeler has meeting set up for 8:00 in his room if this is OK with you. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 4 - 10 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 10:00 Ag. Prod. Mkt. & Stab. Subc. - 3302 NSOB (grain supplies and demand) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Ag. Prod. Mkt. & Stab. Subc - 3302 NSOB (continuation of morning meeting) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8:30 Bkfst. by Ks. Hospital Assn. - S-138 Cap. (Frank Gentry, Topeka & several others) John attend 10:00 Post Office Comm. - Exec. Session - 6200 NSOB (Postal Investigation Report) (next appointment handwritten) 12:15 or 12:20 VOTE - Cloture Petition 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (Mark Trice, guest) 1:30 SPEAK - Fertilizer Institute - Regency Hyatt House - O'Hare apt. - Chicago WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 8:00 Bkfst. by State Depts. of Ag. - B-338 and 339 RHOB (Claude) City Officials of Osawatomie in town for mtg. with FPC (Bill K has details) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB 10:00 Senate Youth Program Delegates will meet in Rotunda, OSOB (Charles L. Robinson and Debra Morrow, Ks. Delegates) meet them & bring to office (next appointment handwritten) 12:15-12:20 VOTE on Cloture 12:30 Luncheon for Senate Youth Program Delegates - 1202 NSOB (Ford speaking) 4:30-6:30 Reception for Sens. Cotton & Magnuson by Sen. & Mrs. Ted Stevens - 318 OSOB 6-8 Recep. & Buffet by U.S. Savings & Loan League - Senate & Cong. Rooms & Presidential Ballroom- Statler Hilton (Jim Turner, Topeka, John King, Winfield) 6-8 Recep. for Tam Ethridge, Nat'l Broiler Council - 2318 RHOB 6-8 Recep. by Independent Petroleum Assn. of Am. - State Room, Mayflower (invited by Dan Jones - 466-8240) 6 Recep. for V.P. Ford by Almas Temple & Cap. Hill Shrine Club- Caucus Rm. - CHOB Senator Dole's Schedule - week of Feb. 4 - 10 Page 2. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 9:30 Mtg. - Geo. Stafford, (crossed out) Roger Lewis (handwritten addition) Harold Graham, V.P. Mktg. (AMTRAK) & Donn Everett - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Harry Combs, Pres. - Gates Lear Jet & Jim Greenwood - Lear - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Lunch with Sylvia Westermann - Senators Dining rm - Capitol (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Ken Benjamin - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Howard Stoner, Lawrence - Sen. Ofc. (for photo for Retirement Magazine) Wilkie 7:15 & 8:15 Recep. & Dinner honoring Wm. Baroody - Mayflower (Recep. - State Rm; Dinner - Grand Ballroom) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 (crossed out time) 10:00 (handwritten time) 10:30 George Stafford's nomination hearings - Sen. Comm. Comm. - (handwritten additions) 5110 NSOB RSVP - Isabel x51244 1:00 Mtg. of Farmland Industries - Crown Center Hotel - K.C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10 WHILE YOU WERE OUT To: (handwritten addition) Betty Date: (handwritten addition) 2/5/74 Time: (handwritten addition) 3:55 p.m. Mr. (handwritten addition) Joe Mathews of (handwritten addition) Amtrak Area Code & Exchange 484-7151 Telephoned and Please Call Message Mktg. V. Pres - handled routes, etc. Harold Graham, V.P. Mktg. SCHEDULE - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 11 - 17 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Senator in Ks. during recess 1:30 Meeting of Mid-America Regional Council & Water Planning Div. of EPA - Rm. 811 - East Tower - Waterside Mall - 401 M St., S.W. (per Edward Bauman, K.C.) - John Smith will attend with them 6:30 SPEAK - Senator speaks at Chamber of Commerce Dinner - Lincoln, Ks. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Anne Armstrong doing Landon Lecture at K State 3:30 News Conference - Crown Room - Regal Inn - Wichita 6:30 Recep. with Gov. Reagan - Concert Hall Promenade - Century II 8:00 Rally - Concert Hall - Century II WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 10:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB (hrgs. on windfall profits) - John S. 11:00 News Conference - South Lower Lounge - Ramada Inn Downtown - Topeka 12:00 Luncheon with Gov. Rockefeller - Municipal Auditorium - Topeka 6-8 Recep. by Credit Union Nat'l Assn.-Int'l Ballroom-Wash. Hilton (John S or? (James Jukes - Wichita) 6-7 Recep. by Sedgwick County Medical Society - Kings Garden (6th Fl.) Regal Inn-Wichita 7-8 Dinner - Crown Ballroom - Regal Inn (Sedg. Cty. Med. Soc.) 8:00 SPEAK - Senator speaks to Sedgwick County Medical Society Schedule for week of February 11 - 17 Page 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (on windfall profits) - John S. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Mtg - Wm Walker - Gen. Counsel - FEO & propane suppliers - 10104 New EOB (Mike attending) 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Council for Equal Business Opportunity & Council for Urban Economic Development - Rm. B-338 RHOB FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 6:30 Banquet - Atchison Chamber of Commerce - American Legion Hall - 705 Commercial- Atchison 7:30 SPEAK - immediately following banquet SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 6 & 7 Recep. & Dinner - Mid-Winter Conf. of Ladies Auxiliary of VFW-Washington Hilton Recep-Jefferson Rm.; Dinner - Crystal Ballroom (someone attend for Senator) (handwritten addition) Claude 6:30 Lincoln Day Dinner - St. Andrews Parish Center - corner of Myrtle & Park Blvd. Independence 7:30 SPEAK - immediately following dinner SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 SCHEDULE THUS FAR FOR W/O FEBRUARY 10 SATURDAY, FEB. 9 (crossed out reservation) Arr. K.C. - 1:10 p.m. - TWA #427 (handwritten reservation) UAL #585 - lv. Dulles 2:50 pm - arr KC - 4:25 met by Bill W. Andy Rollins? Sunday, Feb. 10 5:30 Potluck Dinner - Annual Wheatland District Baden-Powel1 Boy Scouts Dinner - Russell High School Cafeteria - SPEAK - approx. 6:30 Contact: Dow Summers, Hays -913-628-1285 Stay in Russell Monday, Feb. 11 6:30 Annual Dinner Meeting of Lincoln Chamber of Commerce - St. Patrick's Parish Hall - Lincoln - (handwritten addition) on Elm St. - at 6th SPEAK - immediately following dinner Contacts: Robert Hamilton - 913-524-4934 - ofc. 524-4135 - home Mrs. Connie Budreau - 524-4934- ofc. 524-4856 - home Overnight in Russell In Russell - 11:00 Gen. Becker - BD arrive United Beechcraft - 11:30 - met by Jack Larson Tuesday, Feb. 12 1:00 Reagan arrives at Wichita Municipal Airport via Chartered Jet (further details unavailable as yet - understand they would like to have Senator meet him) (crossed out time) 4:00 (handwritten time) 3:30 News Conference - Crown Room - Regal Inn 6:30 Recep. with Reagan - Concert Hall Promenade - Century II 8:00 Rally - Concert Hall - Century II Overnight reservations at Regal Inn (Harry Kelly, Chicago Tribune - plans to spend Tues. & Wed. with Senator -- will make contact in Wichita Tues. morning) Wednesday, Feb. 13 11:00 News Conference with Rockefeller - South Lower Lounge - Ramada Inn Downtown - Topeka 12:00 Lunch with Rockefeller - Municipal Auditorium - Topeka (Rockefeller scheduled to leave at 2:00 p.m.) (handwritten addition) confirmed (Will get Senator on Frontier #659 - lv. Topeka 2:43 p.m. - arr. Wichita 3:21 p.m.) (handwritten addition) have 275 firm (crossed out time) 6 - 7 (handwritten time) 6-6:30 Recep. by Sedgwick County Medical Society - Kings Garden - 6th Floor - Regal Inn (crossed out time) 7 - 8 (handwritten time) 6:30-7:00 inner - Crown (crossed out) Ballroom (handwritten additions) Room - 6th Floor - Regal Inn (Med. Society) (crossed out time) 8:00 (handwritten time) 7:30 SPEAK - Medical Society has reserved same room as Tuesday. Med . Soc. contacts: Dwight Allen - 316-683-7557-office 625-3906-home Dr. Willard Smith-316-685-1371 -ofc. 685-7041-home (handwritten appointments) Thurs - Feb. 14 (next appointment handwritten) 8:00 Enroute to Topeka - Gilbreath taking him to Topeka (next appointment handwritten) 9:30-11:00 meet in lobby of Regal Inn, Wichita - Jim Gilbreath - visiting black leaders in Wichita (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Channel 29 News Conf. Topeka - (30 min for showing Sat nite between two movies Contact: Ken Willard Thursday, Feb. 14 - Open Friday, February 15 (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Lawrence - meet with Charlie Stough on Lawrence Flood Project (913) 367-0289 6:30. Banquet - Atchison Chamber of Commerce - American Legion Hall - 705 Commercial - Atchison 7:30 SPEAK Contact: John Majerus - 913-367-2427 - ofc. 367-3792 - home (handwritten addition) Herb handling transpo to Atchison Saturday, February 16 6:30 p.m.. Lincoln Day Dinner - St. Andrews Parish Center - corner of Myrtle and Park Blvd. - Independence approx. 7:30 SPEAK Local Contact: Bula Lemert - 316-221-2020 (handwritten addition) Herb handling transpo to Independence United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten memo) Dwight Allen will meet the Sen. at airport tomorrow afternoon - will call from the lobby few minutes before 6:00, and take him to the reception. Dr. Ralph Hale, President of the Medical Society, will introduce Sen. (specifically asked if he could do so). United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten appointments) meet Reagan at 12:45 1:30 Arr Regal Inn Dwight Murphy, Cty Chairman 2:00 Lv Regal 2:15 arr Sedg City Hdqtrs 2:45 Leave Hdqtrs 3:00 Go to Reagan Suite & go to news 3:30 Women's Tea 5:10 Arr Regal Inn 6:15 Go to Reagan's suite & go together to Century II (Tom Green will drive you around Wichita United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten appointments 10:15-10:30 Take off 11:30 arr. Topeka United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) 223-3155 Braniff 104 - F/C confirmed lv Tulsa 11:15 am arr Dulles 2:33 Dulles (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) TWA 460 - 1 stop lv. Tulsa 2:50 pm arr Balto 7:16 pm (handwritten additions) about 80 mi Independence to Tulsa on Turnpike United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) ltr. to Col. Needham - copy to BD (913) 843-5333 Mr. Charles D. Stough, atty 901 Kentucky Lawrence want appt while in Ks re: flood control project Lawrence Flood Protection 90 % complete when EPA Act was passed & work was stopped Lew Paramore will be back in early March on this Want to meet with BD in Lawrence Pres. of Drainage Comm. Mayor Cty & Cty Commissioners Winn on this too John - Staugh feels this is such unique situation - it might justify further intervention than normal conditions BOOSTERS FOR DOLE 1324 Topeka Blvd., P.O. Box 1335, Topeka, Kansas 66601 (913) 357-6201 Schedule Wednesday, February 13 until 10:45 a.m. Open Room 341 10:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. See enclosed event schedule 2:00 p.m. Meet Jim Markley Markley Enterprises 2:30 p.m. Depart for airport 3:00 p.m. Wheels up for Wichita Ranson's plane Arrive Wichita Airport Driver: Dwight Allen Medical Society 6:00 p.m. Sedgwick County Medical Society Reception Contact: Dwight Allen Will call you from lobby and take you to the reception 7:30 p.m. Speech Introduction by: Dr. Ralph Hale Pres., Medical Society BOOSTERS FOR DOLE 1324 Topeka Blvd., P.O. Box 1335, Topeka, Kansas 66601 (913) 357-6201 Schedule Thursday, February 14 (crossed out time) 9:30 a.m. (handwritten time) 9:50 am Meet Jim Gilreath (Honcho for Jim Woodson) Lobby, Regal Inn (handwritten additions) meet with all 4 black leaders - Gooch, Tolbert, Lofton & Diggs at Minority Ofc. 9:45 a.m. Aero Aviation Rip Gooch (316/262-5431) 10:00 a.m. Depart (handwritten addition) (316) 265-7943 10:15 a.m. KANOMBE Vernon Tolbert, Director (316/264-1324) (handwritten addition) (316) 265-7943 10:30 a.m. Depart (handwritten addition) (316) 265-7943 10:40 a.m. L. J, Plastics U.N. Lofton, Owner (316/265-7954) i0:55 a.m. Depart 11:00 a.m. Wichita Minority Contractors Association Mr. Diggs, Director (316/264-6361) 11:15 a.m. Depart and lunch 12 Noon Trovel to Topeka by car with Jim Gilreath (next appointment crossed out) 3:00 p.m. Arrangements incomplete w/Channel 27 (Ken Willard) (handwritten addition) canceled 4:30 p.m. - Evening Open SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 18 - 24 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Mary Turney, Hutchinson (Presidential Classroom delegate) in town (handwritten addition) & 2 from O.V. Pk. Bob Gadberry in town - will call for appointment 6:00-7:30 Recep. by Elec. Vehicle Council & Int'l Union of Producers & Distributors of Electric Energy - Exhibit Hall - Sheraton Park TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Mrs. Hester Thurston, Prof. - Dept. of Nursing - KU Med. Ctr. - in town -- would like to see Mr. Dole at 3:30 9:30-11:00 Demonstration of EVs (Electric Vehicles) Senate Steps of Capitol 10:00 Ag Credit Subc. - 4202 NSOB (hearings on fertilizer supplies) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Capito] (crossed out) (Kissinger is guest) 4:00 Russell - Presentation of Award to Doran Dole 4:00 Recep. for Boris Einbinder - Soviet physicist who emigrated to Israel recently - by Vance Hartke -313 OSOB (re problems of Soviet Jews) Diane Brown X 54814 (next appointment handwritten) 5:30 Press Invited 7-9 Grand Master's Banquet - Regency Ballroom - Shoreham (Ks. Grand Master & Mrs. J. Fred Williamson (handwritten addition) Rm M-305 & M/M Albert Arnold, Topeka) (handwritten addition) Motor Inn 304 stop by Senator Dole's Schedule - week of Feb. 18 - 24 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 8:00 Bkfst. by Cast Metals Federation - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel (invited by R. J. Bruggen, Rockwell Int'l - Atchison) John (crossed out) or ? 9-12 First Meeting of National Advisory Committee on Scouting for Handicapped (handwritten addition) Bill McCahill Madison Room - Wash. Hilton (you are member of Committee) (handwritten addition) 785-3388 10:00 Ag. Comm - Exec. Session - 324 0SOB (fertilizer supplies and prices & creation of Dept. of Energy & Natural Resources) (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Lunch with Mrs. C. Fred Williamson, Mrs. Albert Arnold, Mrs. Eleanor Haggard, Mrs. Pearl Graybill, Cathy Haggard & Michael Williamson - Senators Dining Rm - Capitol (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Bill McCahill, Nat'l Boy Scouts - Sen. Ofc. - photo 2:30 Mtg. with Chairman Robert Hampton, Civil Service Comm. - Sen. Ofc. (handwritten addition) Mrs. Thanos - 632-6101 (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Mtg. with John Webber - FEO - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment crossed out) 3:00 AMPI members from Ks (Frank White & Norman Barker) - Sen. Ofc. - Claude - want to see you briefly - (handwritten addition) canceled - will call (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 Mtg. of Ks. Delegation - S-243 Capitol (minus Roy) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Assn. of Private Pension & Welfare Plans - 345 CHOB (John S.) 6:00 Recep. - Kansas ROA - Washington Hilton - Senator and Staff invited (Robert Sutton & Maj. Dale Montgomery, K.C., Ks. 6:30 Recep. & Dinner by Cast Metals Federation for AA's & LA's - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel- (R.J. Bruggen, Rockwell Int'l - Atchison) Would like Senator to stop by if he can't make breakfast THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 (next appointment handwritten) Jim Ferrell, Ferrell Gas - Sen. Ofc. - Claude & Mike (time not firm) 7:15 Bkfst. by Boy Scouts of America for Members of Congress - International Ballroom- Washington Hilton 7:45-9:15 Bkfst. - ROTC'S & ROA members - 1202 NSOB (Wes Santee) 8:30 Senator Speaks to group 10:00 Ag. Production, Mkt., & Stab. Subc. - 324 OSOB (hearings on 1974 feed grain acreage allotments) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Jerry Jones - White House - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Mrs. Ellen Allen - Nat'l Advisory Council on Indian Education, Horton, Ks. - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Senator recording signature - Signa - Signer people will be here 6-8 Recept. for Senate Republican Leadership - Capitol Hill Club ($10/ea) Senator Dole*s Schedule - week of Feb. 18 - 24 Page 3. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 (next appointment crossed out) 12:00 Luncheon Tribute to Pres. & Mrs. Nixon by Nat'l Citizens Comm. for Fairness to President - Mayflower (Rabbi Korf's group) 7:00 (handwritten addition) no Dinner - Kaw Valley Heart Assn. - Century Ballroom - Crown Center Hotel - K.C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 7:00 (handwritten addition) no Benedictine College's Third Annual Governors' Scholarship Ball - Plaza Inn - K.C., Mo. (Inouye speaking) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 2:00 (handwritten addition) no Recep. to announce forming of Doniphan County Rural Fire District #4 & posthumous tribute to Harry Munger United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) 11:30 Wed-Feb. 20 6 people - lunch Mrs. C. Fred Nancy Williamson Eleanor Haggard Mrs. Al Arnold Mrs. Pearl Graybill (Cathy) (crossed out) Catherine Haggard Michael Williamson SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 3 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Drs. M/M Meinel - U. of Ariz. - (testifying on solar energy for drying grain) stopped by office - Sen. Dole before Aeronautical & Space Sciences Comm) 6-9 Wine & Cheese Party by Nat'l Air Transp. Conf. - Shoreham 7:00 Recep. & Dinner by Nat'l Assn. of Postmasters - Chinese Rm. - Mayflower TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 8 - 9:30 Pancake Bkfst - Visitors' Cafeteria - NSOB 9:30 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB (diabetes and daily diet) 10:00 Post Office Comm. - Exec. Session - 6200 NSOB (pay resolutions) 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (briefing on Trade Reform Act) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Bill Fribley - Sen. Ofc. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Ernie Hueter - K.C. - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Presidential classroom students - Sen. Ofc.- (next appointment handwritten) 2:45 Dwayne Wallace - Cessna & Ed Stimpson - Sen. Ofc. (Bill K. - hello to BD) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Max Klein & Pete Clow - Southwestern Bell - Topeka Sen. Ofc. (Bill K.) (next appointment handwritten) 4:30 Dick McGowen - Sen. Ofc. 6-? Recep. & Banquet - by Nat'l Air Transportation Conf. - Shoreham 6-8 Recep. by Am. Institute of Planners - 1202 NSOB (Vernon Deines - K-State) 6:30 - ? Recep/Buffet by Nat'l League of Insured Savings Assns. - Chinese Rm. & Grand Ballroom - Mayflower 6:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Counties - Regency Ballroom - Shoreham Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o February 25 - March 3 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Gerald Mays, Shawnee Mission & 2 others attending Assoc. Builders & Contractors Mtg. in town - want appt. sometime today 8:30 Bkfst - hosted by Sen. Long for 5 Russian Trade Officials, Amb. Eberle & Senate Finance & Commerce Comm. Members - S-120 Cap. 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (briefing on Trade Reform Act) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Lunch M/M Burton & DAV members - Senate Dining Rm - G-211 12:00 Luncheon by Ks. School Administrators - H-139 Cap. (AA's invited - they have requested that the Members each speak briefly) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Carson Cowherd - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Bob Roth - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Tom Davis - Topeka & 7 other Kansans from Nat'l Student Lobby - Sen. Ofc. - photo 5-8 Recep. - Young Republican Leadership Conf. - Cannon House Caucus Rm. 5-7 Recep. by Inst. of Electric & Electronics Engineers - S-207 Cap. 5:30 - 8:00 Recep. by American Waterways Operators - 318 OSOB 6-8 Cocktail Buffet by DAV - Presidential Ballroom - Statler Hilton 6 - ? Recep/Buffet by Assoc. Builders & Contractors - B-338, 339 & 340 RHOB (Gerald Mays and other Kansans attending) 6-8 Cocktails by DeKalb AgRESEARCH & Ag. Council of America - Chandelier Rm- ~Sheraton-Carlton THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Mrs. Mary Lou Taylor, OV Pk. & Mrs. Adeline Marshall - in town for Nursing Council mtg.- want appt. about 1:30 8:30 Bkfst. - with Romanian Ambassador, Corneliu Bogdan - 4327 NSOB (Sen. Roth's ofc) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Mary Lou Taylor, Adeline Marshall, Donna Hawley & Sue Conoley - photo - Sen. Recep. Rm - (all Overland Park) Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o February 25 - March 3 Page 3. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 1:00 SPEAK - (following luncheon) Cattlemen's Day - K-State - Manhattan 7:30 Dinner honoring Sam Cornelius - Muehlebach (Art Fletcher speaking) SATURDAY, MARCH 2 4:30-6:00 SPEAK - ROA Chapter 45 Meeting - Richards-Gebaur AFB - K.C., Mo. SUNDAY, MARCH 3 (handwritten additions) Mary Lou Taylor Adeline Marshall Donna Hawley Sue Conoley all from Overland Park United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Wednesday Ramada Inn - 783-4660 Rm 916 Tom Davis - Topeka Nat'l Student Lobby attending Washburn has met you at Washburn 8 Ksns - from Topeka & Emporia want to see you Tuesday or Wednesday for 15-20 minutes 3:30 - appt - 10 - 15 min. MEMORANDUM OF CALL TO: (handwritten addition) Betty You were called by: (handwritten addition) Tom Davis Please Call Message: (handwritten additions) Skubitz's ofc. - when appt w/Sen? (Has all other appts set up, but not with B.D.) Received by: (handwritten addition) Jo-Anne Date: (handwritten addition) 2/86 Time: (handwritten addition) 9:20