SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 (crossed out time) 2:05 (handwritten time) 4:20 Depart National - (crossed out) TWA #299 (handwritten addition) UAL 299 - F/C (crossed out time) 3:00 (handwritten time) 5:22 Arrive O'Hare (crossed out time) 3:30 (handwritten time) 6:16 pm Depart O'Hare (crossed out) TWA #337 (handwritten addition) Braniff #223 - F/C (crossed out time) 6:09 (handwritten time) 8:40 pm Arrive Wichita You have reservations at the Regal Inn - Phone: (316) 263-2101 (David Rosenbaum also staying there -- he's the N.Y. TIMES man - he will contact Bob Miner when he gets in Sunday night -- about 10:30) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF DECEMBER 31 - JANUARY 6 MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 in Kansas City TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 - New Year's Day WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2 12:00 Ed DeBolt and Bob Chase - Senate Office THURSDAY, JANUARY 3 9:30 Meeting with Sec'y Lynn - Room 1000 - 451 - 7th St., S.W. - HUD 2:00 Meeting with Roger Lewis, AMTRAK - Sen. Ofc. (handwritten addition) (& George Stafford) (crossed out time) 3:45 (handwritten time) 4:00 Meeting with Bill Simon - 3327 Main Treasury Bldg. (crossed out time) 4:00 (handwritten time) 4:15 Meeting with John Shaffer - Energy Ofc. - Rm. 412 Winder Bldg. (crossed out) (1702 Penna. Ave., N.W.) (handwritten addition) 607 - 17th St. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4 8:00 Physical (and dental check) - Walter Reed - Ward 8 - (Miss Buttal - 198-3407) 2:30 Interview - Brian Moran - Sen. Ofc. (KMBZ) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Bill Avery - Sen. Ofc. 3:30 Interview with Tom Braden - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment crossed out) 5:30 Haircut (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 6-8 L'Enfant Plaza SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Haircut SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 MONDAY, JANUARY 7 10:00 Meeting with WICHITA EAGLE group - 3rd Floor - EAGLE (ask for Lynn Holt at reception desk) Attendees: Britt Brown Charles Pearson Jerry Ratts, State Editor Keith Ashley, Managing Editor Lynn Holt Don Boyett (if back in town) Al Polczinski (if in town) Marie Foister and Merrill Cox, City Editors also invited and may attend Darrow Tully (Duke), Gen. Mgr., may attend -- if not, Lynn suggest you might want to stop by and see him briefly. NOTE: Lynn said their meeting starts promptly at 10:00 a.m. and he feels it best to be there at that time. (David Rosenbaum of the NEW YORK TIMES will be meeting with you somewhere after that to go to El Dorado) (handwritten addition) - maybe go with you to the Eagle meeting?? 1:30 - 3:00 Court Room - El Dorado (handwritten and crossed out) Flint Tompkins (Waldo Sease will be there -- wants 2 or 3 minutes with you letter from him enclosed with your material) 3:45 Meeting with Bridgeport group - Library across from City Hall (handwritten addition) (316) 265-5281 Bill Wohlford attending (handwritten time) 4:15 Immediately following will be a meeting with REAC (Regional Economic Adjustment Committee - (crossed out) Library (same as above) (handwritten addition) Bd Rm - Chamber of Commerce (next appointment handwritten) 4:45 Representatives from Cessna, Lear Jet & Beach C? Bd. Rm - Chamber of Commerce 6:15 Banquet - Ks. Assn. of Public (crossed out) Junior (handwritten addition) Comm Colleges Convention - (will have place at head table for you) (handwritten addition) Century II (316) 264-9121 6:45 SPEAK briefly - at Banquet Contact: (crossed out) Dr. Charlie Barnes - staying at Canterbury Inn - Suite 107 5805 W. Kellogg, Wichita Phone: 316-942-7911 Reservations Monday night at the Ramada Inn - Wellington (316) 326-2255 TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 (handwritten addition) Downstairs - Little Banquet Room (handwritten addition) Photographer from Wichita (repr. U.S. News) will meet you & follow thru Ark City 8:30 - 10:00 Ramada Inn - Wellington -(handwritten addition) (316) 326-2255 (handwritten addition) saw (Dr. Roquemore has clinic early Tues A.M. but will try to get there before 10:00) (handwritten and crossed out) Harold Pfalzgraf 10:30-12:00 Chamber of Commerce Building - Winfield (handwritten and crossed out) - Wally Keith 12:30-2:00 City Court Room - Arkansas City (handwritten and crossed out) - Lois Lewis 4:00-5:30 Wigs Restaurant - Independence - 119 S. Penn - (316) 331-0930 (handwritten and crossed out) Dan Theissen RFD1 - Independence 6:30-8:00 Lions Club Meeting - George's Cafeteria - 228 West 9th - Coffeyville - phone: (316) 251-5690 (handwritten and crossed out) Dr. Warren R. Thomas - 1509 W. 4th Coffeyville optometrist Reservations at Mainliner Motel - Fredonia - Phone: (316) 378-2196 (also have reservation for David Rosenbaum -- if he's not staying, make sure we cancel.) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 (handwritten and crossed out) Chuck & Billie Scanlon - F. 1002 Madison (illegible) 8:30-10:00 Fredonia -First National Bank Community Room (separate building next door to bank) (handwritten and crossed out) Jim Lane - AG; J.D. Baumgardner - 2605 Main - met & helped out (next appointment crossed out) 11:00-12:30 Parsons (crossed out) (probably the hotel - not firm yet) (handwritten additions) (316) 421-4400 Parsonian Hotel, 1725 Broadway Parlor A (316) 421-1050 - Frontier 1:00-2:00 Oswego (crossed out) (probably Court House) (handwritten and crossed out) Jim Lane set up - out of town John Amos' office - 405 Commercial St. (next appointment crossed out) Beverly - Wm. N. Pearson - Route 2 made Beverly Columbus 2:30-3:30 Columbus (Hopefully at Courthouse - will advise) (handwritten additions) County Health Office 1 blk off main (316) 429-3087 4:00-4:45 Baxter Springs (handwritten addition) (316) 856-9189 (crossed out) (probably at high school) (handwritten additions) Lion's Club - (crossed out) Bill Pearson - will lead you from Columbus to Baxter Springs Mike Greenwood - father Merle - 1622 Cherokee Ave., Baxter Springs 5:00-5:45 Galena - (crossed out) 905 (handwritten addition) 605 Main Street (in empty re-modeled store - heated, etc.) (handwritten additions) pharmacist - friend of Ren & Donna's (crossed out) -Corky Schwartz - Galena, Schwartz, Doug Store, District Court Room 7:00-8:30 Pittsburg (crossed out) (either Judicial Building or Holiday Inn) (handwritten additions) new Judicial Center District Court Room. (crossed out) Bill Hagman & Bob W. White, arranged Reservations at Holiday Inn - Pittsburg - Phone: (316) 231-8700 THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 (handwritten additions) L.R. Kay (crossed out) Rogers - 211 So Lincoln, 507 S. Main Mrs. (crossed out) Ted W. Kyle - brought cookies (crossed out) Jim Carter - County 9:30 - 10:30 Erie (crossed out) (place not determined) (handwritten additions) Court House - County Commissioners Rm Kay (crossed out) Rogers brought cookies - sec'y Neosho Cty Central Comm. thanks for the lunch (crossed out) Jim Carter - 511 N. Evergreen 11:00-12:30 Chanute - (handwritten additions) Tioga Hotel (316) 431-2000 Mrs. Low, (crossed out) Darlington, Treas. Cty Central Comm. Kay brought (illegible) Mrs. (crossed out) Pauline Page - (illegible) 1:30-2:15 Humboldt — (handwritten additions) Humboldt National Bank Community Rm. (316) 473-2244 (handwritten and crossed out) (Frank Boyd, Jr.) $500 RFD Moran (illegible) 2:30-4:00 Iola - (handwritten additions) Humboldt's Iola - Assembly Room - Court House - (crossed out) Donna Talkington - Bob's wife) Don Boyer & Marvin Boyer oil - about 3:30 - want to get 20-30 min. with him People will be there - 4 others - Nate, Colt, Jud, O'Reilly - clients Maybe visit stores after that due to later time for covered dish dinner in Burlington or: stop in stores at small town in between Iola & Burlington (Colony & Le Roy) Trying to arrange covered dish dinner - or something of that sort - in Burlington. (handwritten and crossed out) Burlington - Court House Basement - Covered Dish Dinner 488-5449 (handwritten addition) did not do - weather too bad for crowd (crossed out) Will probably make reservations in Garnett (after checking out motels there) (handwritten addition) Garnett - Reservations at Hiway 59 Motel (913) 448-5425 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 (crossed out time) 9:30-11:00 (handwritten addition) 9:00-10:30 (crossed out) Garnett (place undetermined as yet) (handwritten and crossed out) Keith Brecheisen - (illegible) (handwritten additions) Garnett County Commissioners Rm. Courthouse (913) 448-3715 11:30-12:30 Mound City (crossed out) (site not sure) (handwritten additions) County Commissioners Rm - Courthouse (913) 795-2668 (handwritten and crossed out) Bob Young (illegible) (handwritten addition) no (next paragraph crossed out) Carl Neil has asked if you could get to the Redfield-Ft. Scott area around 1:00 for a tour of the proposed dam site. Said several of them would like to show it to you before the meeting. Told him I'd let him know next week. 2:00 Meeting with area people on the proposed Ft. Scott Dam project Redfield Elementary School (handwritten additions) (handwritten and crossed out) Carl Neil (handwritten) (316) 223-2028, (crossed out) Bob Morrison, (handwritten) Cty Chrmn - (316) 223-1100 (next appointment handwritten) 4:30-5:30 LaCygne - Community Bldg. - (crossed out) Bob Young (illegible) banker - for use of room (Nate Harris - will be there) (illegible) 6:00 Mtg. with Mayors & School Board members - of Paola & Osawatomie-Am. Legion Bldg. Paola 6:30 Paola - SPEAK - Chamber of Commerce Dinner (crossed out) (will confirm location) (handwritten addition)) American Legion Bldg. - 5 Delaware St. Contact: Ollie Rinehart - Office (913) 294-2366; Home (913) 294-3137 (handwritten additions) Rex Kiser for introduction - (crossed out) W. E. Bill Griffin, Jr. - Miami County Bank East Side Sq. (handwritten additions) Robert J. 109 Grandview; Bob Weatherbie - (913) 294-4311 Carl Gump - Miami Cty Nat'l Bank Pres. of Chamber & Exec. Dir. - Gordon Thompson - Chamber Ofc. City Bldg. (crossed out) Will make reservations in Ottawa for tonight (handwritten additions) Reservations at Royal Manor - 1641 S. Main, Ottawa (913) 242-4842 United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) 6:00 Mtg. with Mayors & School Bd. Members from Paola & Osawatomie American Legion Building - Paola attending: George (illegible), Supt. of Schools - Paola Dr. Grimes, Head of School Bd - Paola Francis Hoag - City Manager - Paola Osawatomie: Mel Hennes - Mayor Gordon Schroeder, City Mgr. members of school board Perhaps: Jim Kelly - J&S Metal - Paola Knute Hensen, Taylor Forge - Paola SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 10:00-11:30 Ottawa (crossed out) (probably Courthouse) (handwritten additions) (913) 242-1939 Youth Center - 115 W. 4th (handwritten and crossed out) Chrm & V. Chrm Jim Grogan, Mrs. Kenneth (Alameda) Edwards 1:00 (crossed out paragraph) Lawrence - Ribbon Cutting and Dedication - National Headquarters of Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (crossed out paragraph) Alvamar Hills Golf Course - Lawrence (Per Bob Miner - a major stockholder is Bob Billings, formerly from Russell) Jack Brand making arrangements for you to speak briefly (next paragraph crossed out) Schedule for rest of afternoon - either Tom Leathers interview, Bonner Springs Courthouse-type meeting - or K.C. Office - or ??? (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Interview & Photo for Farmland Ind. - at Coop Farm Chemicals Plant - Lawrence on Hiway 10 E. of Lawrence (next appointment handwritten) 4:15-5:15 Taping with Tom (crossed out)) Leathers - Telecable of Overland Park - 8221 W. 119th - O.V. Ph. Steply Pinky Collyer - O.V. C. Pinkie Collyer - 6612 Melrose Lane Overland Pk - 66203 6:30 (handwritten addition) - 7:30 SPEAK - Shawnee Chamber of Commerce Dinner - (New Officers Installation Dinner) Knights of Columbus Hall - corner of King & Johnson Drive Shawnee (handwritten additions) 5900 King - 631-9842 - KC Hall Contact: Roger (crossed out) Cogar Jr. - (O) 913-631-4600; (H) 913-631-3725 (crossed out) Bob Miner checking on Chamber Dinner (Mission) at Glenwood Manor tonight - (handwritten addition) Contact: Carl Durso (913) 262-2141 (next appointment handwritten) 7:00 Dinner (next appointment handwritten) 7:30 Dinner (next appointment handwritten) 8:15 SPEAK (next appointment handwritten) 6-7 Cocktails (next appointment handwritten) 7:00 Dinner (handwritten addition) Jean O'ffill (illegible) SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 IN TOPEKA Per Bob Miner - Veterinarians are having a State Convention at Ramada Inn - Topeka Expect about 400 people (handwritten and crossed out) John Kirkland Exec Sec'y - Herington, Ks. (913) 539-5303 Jake Mosier - K State Veterinary School See Herb Williams? He's arriving 12:31 pm Sunday in K.C. United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten notations) Bob Hudson (motor homes, campers, etc.) El Dorado Inc. Minneapolis, Ks. (913) 392-2171 - ofc. (913) 392-3244 - home (handwritten notations) Had been planning to fly you from western Ks. for Shawnee Dinner. Roger Coger had contacted him. Re: some problems resulting from floods Have Bill W. call him - he & several others want to visit briefly in K.C. Sat. afternoon MEMORANDUM OF CALL To: (handwritten addition) Betty M. You were called by- (handwritten addition) Bob Hudson PLEASE CALL ———> (handwritten addition) 913/392-2171 MESSAGE (handwritten additions) Trying to locate Sen. Dole. He'll try to get you later - but left no. anyway. RECEIVED BY (handwritten addition) dwp DATE (handwritten addition) 1-10 TIME (handwritten addition) 10:55 Law Offices Willian L. Mitchell 119 West Sherman Street Hutchinson, Kansas January 3, 1974 The Honorable Robert Dole U. S. Senator New Senate Office Building Room #2327 Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear Bob: Sometime ago a very good friend of mine, James William Fee, Jr., the son of Martha and Jim Fee of Hutchinson, Kansas, made application to you for an appointment to the United States Naval Academy for the class entering in 1974. The application was sent to you around the 25th day of October, 1973, but in the meantime none of the Fees have heard anything from you or your office concerning the application. They would appreciate hearing from you on their son's application as soon as possible. How is everything going? Is there anything I can do for you here in the Hutchinson area, if so, please advise and I will immediately get to work. With kindest personal regards and best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 1974, I remain Sincerely, William L. Mitchell (handwritten additions) Betty- Jim Fee was nominated by Shriver - I'm explaining to Bill Mitchell. Thought maybe Mr. Dole would like to know of this offer if he's going to Hutch soon. Carol MONDAY, JANUARY 14 (handwritten and crossed out) Bill Bunton & Harriet Clinkenbeard - Bob Miner cking (next appointment handwritten) 9:00 Ks. Contractors - Holiday Inn - Downtown - Topeka (next appointment handwritten) 9:30-11:00 9-10:30 Topeka - (handwritten additions) County Commissioners Chamber - Courthouse - (Geo. (crossed out) Schnellbacher's sec'y can take notes, if needed. (913) 993-5766 (913) 357-7588 - private office (crossed out time) 11:30-12:30 (handwritten time) 12:30-1:30 Osage City (handwritten additions) - Citizens Bank Directors Rm. (Mr. McCall not very cooperative - neither Mrs. Burns, V. Chrm. - would not put ad in paper unless she was reimbursed) Neil (crossed out) Williams, former Cty Chrm (resigned) told Donna he would like to be Dole Chrmn (handwritten additions) 233-1366 (O) (913) 828-4614 (H) (913) 828-4692 (crossed out time) 2-3:30 (handwritten time) 2:30-3:30 Emporia (handwritten additions) KBOE Community Arts Center - 519 Merchant Sat. call before 8:00 pm our time (1 door north of newspaper) (handwritten and crossed out) Keith Greiner - (316) 364-9431 (O) 316-342-1157 (next appointment handwritten) 4:30-5:30 Burlington - Mid Town Cafe - (316) 364-9431 (crossed out) Bucky Burrell - (h) (316) 364-2761 (o) (316) 364-2332 Valeria Welch - V. Chrmn. (crossed out name) (Harvey Klick wants to set up a private meeting before or after the dinner with you and about 20 prominent people from the group - per Bill W.) It's in regard to "some of the shortages" (handwritten addition) - maybe can meet at bank 6:30 SPEAK - Woodson County Co-Op Dinner and Annual Meeting National Guard Armory - Yates Center (handwritten addition) 111 E. Mary - Yates Ctr (Dinner - 6:30 - Speak between 7:30 and 8:00) Contact: Harvey Klick - office (316) 625-2123 home (316) 625-3210 (handwritten addition) Ron (crossed out) Gordon, Cty Chrmn - (316) 625-3214 Reservation at Ramada Inn - Topeka (trying to get Janet in there too, - not confirmed yet TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 (crossed out) Kathy Mowry 10-11:30 Manhattan - County Commissioners Room - Courthouse (per Donna - Mozelle Grays (a black Republican) is planning to be “first in line” to thank you for assistance (handwritten and crossed out) Frank Duffy Mrs. Roy (Darlene) Westover (913) 754-3833 12:30-2:00 Junction City - Green Room - Downtowner Motor Inn - (handwritten number) 1001 E. 6th (handwritten addition) (913) 238-8101 (handwritten additions) Did BD see Darlene & Charlotte Wilson? (handwritten and crossed out) 12:00 spoke at Rotary Club Col. Arthur M. Apmann 918 S. Adams Ray Whitehair - (913) 263-4088 Mrs. Charles (Charlotte( Wilson (913) 263-3538 2:30-4:00 Abilene - Community Center Building - 610 S. Buckeye (handwritten additions) Mrs. Charles (Charlotte) Wilson (913) 263-3538 - had coffee Ck City Bldg. - 263-2550 (913) 263-7059 New Recreation Dir. - (crossed out) Bill Gravette, City Bal (handwritten and crossed out) Gerald Shadwick (O) 913-827-5566 (H) 913-827-6761 4:30-6:00 Salina (handwritten additions) - City - County Room 300 Government Center - 827-6884- 200 W. Ash - Rm. 300 Bob Hudson & Bob Stewart, Pres. - El Dorado Inn will be there Minneapolis, Ks. (O) (913) 392-2171 (next appointment handwritten) 6:15-6:40 Appt. with Dr. Thomas Taylor - 430 S. Ohio - Salina (913) 827-0346 ofc (913) 823-3644 home (next appointment crossed out) 6:15 SPEAK - Smoky Valley Chapter of the Kansas Engineering Society - Cavalier Club - SALINA (next appointment crossed out) 6:15-7:00 Reception (next appointment crossed out) 7:00 Dinner (next appointment crossed out) 7:45 SPEAK - should be out by 8:30 Reservations - 3 rooms - Hilton Inn - (913) 827-0461 - SALINA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16 8:30 - 9:30 Ellsworth - Court Room - Courthouse (handwritten additions) Lloyd Grothusen - (913) 472-3434 Mrs. Robert (Patsy) Andrus - (913) 472-3574 11:15-12:30 Osborne - Court Room - Courthouse (handwritten addition) Mrs. Harold (Yvonne) Krueger (913) 885-4701 1:00-2:00 Stockton = Midway Cafe - 426 Main St. (913) 425-6550 (handwritten addition) Mrs. Robert (Marilyn) Chesney - (913) 425-6144 (handwritten addition) Paul Engborg, Jr. 106 S. Colorado Freeman Muir - sent something to Mrs. Muir 2:30-3:30 Plainville . (crossed out) Daylight Donuts - 223 W. Mill (across from Bank) Phone: (913) 434-2755 (handwritten additions) Mrs. Chesney - (913) 425-6144 Paul Engborg (Ofc) (913) 434-4519; (913) 434-2549 (h) VFW - 105 S. Jefferson - (913) 434-9995 4:30-6:00 (crossed out) Russell - City Hall (handwritten addition) Libby Williams - (913) 483-3614 Harley Gfeller, ASCS Dir., wants to see you briefly at the courthouse meeting Phone: (913) 483-2471 - ofc. 483-3754 ~ home (handwritten and crossed out) Mtg. with IRS on propane prices (handwritten and crossed out) Maurice Johnson, Wichita Dir.; Louis Taliaferro, Wichita IRS & Hardy Miller, IRS Okla City, Chief Compliance Div IRS Key Dist Overnight in Russell with your family 2 rooms reserved at Ramada Inn - Russell (913) 483-2107 (if we need one for — Wolford, let me know) THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 (handwritten additions) Dole Chrmn - Hemken - (913) 222-3100 Dole Co-Chrmn - Dave McKay - (913) 222-2697 Mrs. Vermont (Gwen) Sell - (O) 913-222-2824; (H) 913-222-3464 10:30-11:45 LaCrosse - (handwritten additions) Community Rm - Courthouse 715 Elm (913) 222-2726 12:30-2:00 Larned - Lounge Room - Courthouse (handwritten additions) Chet Umrich - (316) 285-2757; Mrs. Dale (Karen) Otte (316) 285-3425 2:30-4:00 Great Bend - District Court Room - Courthouse (handwritten additions) Bob Southern - (H) (316) 564-2501 (O) (316) 793-8096 4:30-6:00 Lyons - Ly-Kan Hotel - Sunflower Room - 105 West 1st Phone: (316) 257-2365 (handwritten additions) Jim Kohler - (H) 316-257-3132; (O) 316-257-5151 Mr. C.B. Davis Lyons will be there. (good luck) Contact: Jim Kohler, Cty Chrmn. - (316) 257-3132 - home 257-5151 - ofc. Paul Jones - Newspaper story in Friday's paper & ad in Monday's - 303 W. Truesdell (next appointment handwritten) 5:30 Mtg with IRS on propane prices - Ly-Kan Hotel (Maurice Johnson, Wichita Dir; Louis Taliaferro, Wichita IRS & Hardy Miller, Okla. City, Chief Compliance Dev - IRS Key Dest. (next appointment handwritten) 6:30 Kiwanis meets at Ly-Kan Hotel - 108 E. Ave. S. Dan Hannah - in charge of mtg - Treas. of cty Reservations in Hutchinson - Ramada Inn (have street-side for you - away from railroad!!!) (handwritten addition) (316) 663-1101 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 9-10:30 Hutchinson - Patriotic Room - Courthouse Basement (handwritten addition) 119 Carlton Rd. Contacts: (crossed out name) Mrs. Datha Burke - (316) 665-7556 Ron (crossed out last name) Leslie - (H) 316-662-8945; (O) 316-663-2171 11:00 SPEAK - Hutchinson Junior College - Lockman Hall (Q & A session following speech) (crossed out name) Datha Burke - (316) 665-7556 (crossed out name) Helen Stone- (O) 316-663-2156, Ext. 76 & 72 (H) 316-665-8154 George Cooper, Dean of Men - JuCo had also asked you - in his questionnaire -- to speak sometime 1:15-2:15 Stafford - Curtis Cafe Annex - 104 S. Main (316) 234-5644 Contact: Mrs. (crossed out first name) Marjorie Allen - (316) 234-5252 - ofc. 234-5410 - home (County Chairman & Co-Chairman at Farm Bu. Convention in Atlantic City - will be home late on 16th) (crossed out names) GILBERT: Rundell and Mrs. Ralph Beck (Pauline) 3:00-4500 Kingman - Community Room - First National Bank - 300 N. Main (316) 532-3124 Contact: Mrs. Sadie-Jurney, Co Chrmn. - (316) 532-2863 4:30-5:15 Pretty Prairie - Lion's Den at Wagon Wheel Cafe -(316) 459-6422 — Contact: Mrs. (crossed out) Patty French - (316) 459-6533 8:00 Miss Hutchinson Pageant - Convention Hall - 101. S. Walnut (316) 662-5209 They would like you there by 9:00 - you will present scholarship award to the winner - should end between 10 and 10:20 p.m. Contact: (crossed out name) Mrs. Monte (Sharon) Arney - (316) 662-9288 her husband's office (316) 662-0559 (handwritten addition) 3212 Northwestern Ave. (handwritten additions) Res. at Ramada Inn - Hutchinson (316) 663-1101 (next reservation crossed out) Reservations at Regal Inn - Wichita - (316) 263-2101 (316) 264-1181 (handwritten addition) - canceled (next reservation crossed out) Reservations for Janet & Bob at Holiday Inn Plaza - no more space available at Regal Inn - but need to check (they will get them in if there are cancellations (handwritten addition) canceled SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 (crossed out) Chanute?? - Ck. Dale McCoy - KKOY Chanute 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon - during Annual Meeting of the United Cerebral Palsy of Kansas and Jaycees Cerebral Palsy Foundation Ramada Inn - Central - Wichita (crossed out) (8300 E. Kellogg) (handwritten addition) 221 E. Kellogg (316) (crossed out number) 694-0541 (handwritten number) 267-9281 Contact: Jack Jonas - (316) 683-5627 - ofc. 683-1753 Will have press conference following luncheon (handwritten and crossed out) Dr. H.O. Marsh, Dr., Orthopedic Res. Program - Sister M. Bernadette, Admin. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 or 2:30 Visit Orthopedic Rehab Ctr - St. Francis Hope (316) 262-6211 x416 - St. Francis Pavilion - 1122 N. Topeka - Wichita (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Meet Francis Hessee in Sister Melina's office - St. Francis Pavilion (next appointment handwritten) 3:45-4:00 Open House - Prairie Journal - 2148 N. Broadway Flatiron Bldg. - Wichita (next appointment handwritten) 5-6:30 Cocktails - Poolside - Regal Inn (next appointment handwritten) 6:30-8:30 Crown Room West - Regal Inn (handwritten addition) no 5:00-8:00 SPEAK - Leadership League Meeting - Wichita - will confirm place will have reception probably 5 - 6, with dinner after Contact: Bill Reece - (913) 335-2615 (H) - (913) 335-2301 (O) (handwritten additions) Contact - in Wichita at meeting - Eileen Benson with Leadership League Club (handwritten additions) Reservations at Regal Inn - Wichita (316) 263-2101 SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 OPEN (handwritten additions) Reservations at Ramada Inn - Topeka (913) 233-8981 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 21 - 27 MONDAY, JANUARY 21 IN TOPEKA 12:00 SPEAK at Ks. Elec. Coop. Mtg. - Ramada Inn - Downtown 2:00 SPEAK - Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce - Downtown Holiday Inn - Topeka 4:30 Mike Lang, Organization for Plastic Processors - Sen. Ofc. (meet with Bill K. & Claude 5:30-7:30 Reception by IMPACT/WISC Group - B-338-339 RHOB -(Rev. Wm. Finnerty, Catholic Charities of Archdiocese of K.C., Ks. in town for this) 7:30 SENATOR DOLE Featured on Joe McCaffrey's "Meet the Member" - WMAL Radio 6-8 Recep. by American Mining Congress - Mezzanine - Statler Hilton TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 (crossed out time) 9:00 (handwritten time) 9:30 Mtg. of Republican Committee on Committees - 335 OSOB (Sen. Dole a Member) 10:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB -(on proposed windfall profits tax) 10-5:00 Mtg. of Bipartisan Comm. to Study Methods of Financing Quadrennial National Nominating Conventions - Washington Rm. - Washington Hotel Contact: Jo Good & Barbara Earp - ME 8-5900 - Wash. Hotel 12:15 Arrive White House for 12:30 Meeting with President (N.W. Bate - West Lobby) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. - followed by meeting of Republican Senators (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Mtg. with Sec'y Butz - Sen. Ofc. (or off Floor) - 447-3631 (next appointment crossed out) 6-8 Recep. for M/M Edward Cook by M/M Wes McAden - University Club - 1135 - 16th St. N.W. (Alison asked that you please stop by) (handwritten additions) canceled due to death of Mr. Cook's father on Jan. 21 6-8 Party for Amb. & Mrs. Fung, S. Vietnam - by M/M Peterson - Apt. 617 Watergate South (they asked that you stop by, if possible) 6 & 7 Recep. & Banquet by National Limestone Institute - Statler Hilton Recep. - Senate & Congressional Rms. - Banquet - Presidential Ballroom (try to stop by reception) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - W/O January 21 - 27 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 (handwritten addition) Nutrition Comm. - 1114 NSOB (crossed out) (Simon and Warren Tomlinson testifying before Energy Sub. - John monitoring) (next appointment crossed out) 9:00 Energy Subc. - 2228 NSOB (on Gravel's bill, S. 2806) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (proposed windfall profits tax) (handwritten addition) - Simon 10:00 Ag. Comm 2 Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (Committee funding Resolution & S. 2296) 11-3 Mtg. - Herb Williams & Ed DeBoldt - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Energy Subc - KIOHA witnesses - Warren Tomlinson - (crossed out) 2228 (handwritten addition) 2221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 5:30 Roy Williams, Teamsters - (crossed out) K.C. (handwritten addition) St. Louis, MO. - Sen. Ofc. (local #ST3-0525 6-8 Recep. for Louis Wyman - Sheraton Carlton (Wyman sent personal note of invitation) Hosts: Rogers Morton, Sens. Baker, Taft, Thurmond & Cong. Rhodes) THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 All-Day Conf. on Government Responses to Energy Crisis - Mayflower (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Mtg. of Rep. Senators - 335 OSOB (crossed out time) 10:00 (handwritten time) 9:30 Energy Subc. - 2221 NSOB (on Gravel's bill, S. 2806) (handwritten addition) Simon testifying - also Nassikas (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Mtg. with Melvin Harris, Ofc. of Field Operations, Fed. Coordinator for Procurement Conf. Program, Commerce Dept. - Sen. Ofc. - (Business Opportunity Federal Proc. Conf. - Topeka (handwritten addition) canceled Harris ill (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Luncheon - S-243 Cap. (Republican (crossed out) Senator (handwritten addition) members of Ks. Delegation) 2:00 Mtg. with baling wire industry people & Cost of Living Council - (crossed out number) 322 or 324 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Energy Sub. - 2221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Fred Malek - Sen. Ofc. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 9:30 Nutrition Comm. - S-207 Cap. (Committee business) (handwritten additions) Dr. Jean Mayer will be there - ck Claude on this. 10:00 Energy Subc. - 2221 NSOB (Gravel's bill, S. 2806) (handwritten additions) Dixie Lee Roy, AEC; Walter Rogers, Pres. Interstate, Natural Gas Assn.; Wm. Henry - Gulf Oil Annon Card - Texaco - Prof James Cox, U. of Mass & J. Hilbert Anderson (next appointment handwritten) 6:30-8:30 Party for Lyn Nofziger at Mimi Austen's apt. (given by Barry Mountain) 8:00 SPEAK - National Assn. of Independent Insurers Convention - Plaza Hotel - NYC SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 (handwritten appointment) 10:00 am Eastern Shuttle - arr. Nat'l 11:04 am Washington SUNDAY, JANUARY 27 Washington United States Senate MEMORANDUM meeting for Thursday , January 24 at 2:00 Senate Agr. Cmte room, Room 322 or 324 (handwritten addition) Russell Bldg. meeting w/Sen. Dole and other members of delegation with bailing wire industry members and COLC (1 hour - 30-35 people) 1/21/74 confirmed per Janet Moore X50007 sr United States Senate SELECT COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION AND HUMAN NEEDS (pursuant To 5. RES. 50, 93d Congress) WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 January 24, 1974 (handwritten additions) 9:30 S-207 Cap. Honorable Robert Dole United States Senate Washington, D.C. Dear Bob: Regarding the Nutrition Committee executive session on Friday, I wanted to especially alert you to the fact that Dr. Jean Mayer who will be coordinating the Committee's National Nutrition Conference in June will be giving us a brief presenta- tion on the outline and purposes of the Con- ference. I think you will find Dr. Mayer not only an extremely informative person but able to respond to any suggestions or questions that you might have. I look forward to seeing you at the executive session, Sincerely, George McGovern Chairman United States Senate MEMORANDUM Friday, January 25 lv. National 4:00 p.m. - Eastern Shuttle arr. LaGuardia 5:03 p.m. or: lv. National 5:00 p.m. - Eastern Shuttle arr. LaGuardia 5:59 p.m. Saturday, January 26 lv. LaGuardia 9:00 a.m. - Eastern Shuttle arr. National 10:08 a.m. or: lv. LaGuardia 10:00 a.m. - Eastern Shuttle arr. National 11:04 a.m. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 28 - FEBRUARY 3 MONDAY, JANUARY 28 (crossed out time) 10:00 (handwritten time) 9:30 Energy Subc. - 2221 NSOB 12:00 SENATE CONVENES 2:50 Lv. Dulles - UAL #585 4:25 Arr. K.C. 6:30 Make presentation of Distinguished Citizen Award to Henry Bubb at Native Sons and Daughters Banquet - Civic Auditorium - Topeka TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 - Kansas Day 8:00 SPEAK - Republican Women's Breakfast - Ramada Inn - Topeka 10:00 Energy Subc. - 2221 NSOB 12:00-1:00 Ottawa Univ. Choir will sing in Rotunda of OSOB 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:56 Arr. National - TWA #168 4:00 VOTE on motion to recommit the Emergency Energy Conf. Rpt. (handwritten time) 4:30 Nutrition Comm. following first vote - Exec. Session - (crossed out) S-207 Cap. (handwritten addition) S-146 Cap. 6-7:30 Recep. & Briefing - Am. Inst. of Aeronautics & Astronautics National Student Conf. - Exhibit Hall, Sheraton Park (Marvin Pratt - Wichita) 6:00 - ? Recep. & Dinner by Mortgage Bankers Asns. - Senate Room - Statler Washington Press Club Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o January 28 - February 3 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 2:00 VOTE on Scott (VA) Amendment #887 to Legal Services Followed by live quorum -- VOTE - Cloture vote on Legal Services Bill 3:00 Dr. Harris, Co-Dir., Juniper Gardens Childrens Center - K.C., Ks. and Drs. Vance Hall, Herbert Rieth & Rodney Copeland - Sen. Ofc. - re: funding (want to see Sen. briefly) 5:30 Recep. by Nat'l Retired Teachers & Am. Assn. of Retired Persons - 2168 RHOB (Opal Jane Kennedy - Lawrence) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Council of Jewish Women of K.C. - Senate Caucus Rm. - 318 OSOB (invited by Mrs. Leon Morris, K.C.) 6 & 6:45 Cocktails & Dinner (Kick-Off Dinner - Honor Vietnam Veterans Comm. - Shoreham Hotel (V.P. Ford attending) 9:00 State of Union Message - (handwritten addition) H-218 Capitol THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 Jerry Holly in town - will call for afternoon appt. 8:00 National Prayer Bkfst - International Ballroom - Washington Hilton 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2221 NSOB (briefing by Weinberger on Admin. health proposals) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Terry Olson - Wichita - Sen. Ofc. - (re fertilizer plant in Russell - Russ/Kan) Claude - say hello to BD 6-8 Recep. for John Rhodes - Capitol Hill Club ($10/ea)