Schedule - week of October 29 - November 4 Page 2. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Ks. State Teachers Mtg. - Century II - Wichita 10:30 Dedication - Research & Education Addition - K.C. VA Hospital 12:30 Luncheon - following dedication of addition to K.C. VA Hospital SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 (handwritten addition) OK 1:30 Parade - Salina Shrine Fall Ceremonial (want you as Grand Marshall) (time crossed out) 2-5 VIP Grand Opening - First State Bank - Layton at First - Dodge City SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 (handwritten addition) OK 6 & 7 Recep. & Dinner - Griddle Dinner - Muehlebach - K.C. Reception - Colonial Ballroom; Dinner - Imperial Ballroom (invited by Fred Moen - AP - K.C.) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 (next appointments handwritten) 2:55 Depart Dulles - UAL #585 4:30 arr. K.C. approx. 6:00 Bill Exline picking up at Gate 36 - K.C.I. Staying in Russell SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Ks. Fall Convention of Chiropractors - Hilton Inn, Salina Phone: (918) 827-0461 1:00 Arrive Salina for Parade Line-Up 1:15 Parade - Salina Shrine Fall Ceremonial (they also have a Cocktail Reception at 5:00 and Dinner at 6:30 in the Temple - followed by entertainment -- if you could stay they would introduce you, etc. -- they expect 1,500 - 2,000 in the evening) Told Spencer Johnson it was doubtful, but could play by ear. Dr. Pennington, Salina, Program Coordinator, said they could put you on anytime between late morning and about 4:30. (handwritten appointments) approx. 8:30 Return to K.C.- Bill Exline Reservations at Muehlebach Sunday, November 4 (next appointment handwritten) 7:00 Griddle Dinner - Muehlebach - K.C. Monday, Nov. 5 (next appointment handwritten) Continental #12 - F/C lv. K.C. 6:10 am arr ORD 7:19 am AAL #569 - F/C lv. ORD 8:30 am arr Nat'l 10:59 am SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 5 - 12 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Return from Ks. - 10:59 a.m. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 9-9:30 Mtg. with Fred Malek (re OMB funds for Ft. Larned, Ft. Scott, etc.) (with Sebelius & Skubitz) - Rm. 252 Old EOB (Pa. Ave. gate) (next appointment crossed out) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Capitol (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Mtg. with Malek (as per above) - Skubitz ofc. - Rm 2447 RHOB x3911 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec, Session - 324 QSOB (S. 2477, La. land conveyance & Nutwood, I11. watershed project) (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Max Klein & Peter Claw - Sen. Ofc. 11:30 Mtg. with Fred Malek - Sen. Ofc. (Sebelius & Skubitz) (handwritten addition) Judy - 395-4840 12:15 Dutch Treat Luncheon - Steering Comm for Classes of 1969, 1971 & 1973 Senators - S-207 Cap. 2:00 Ks. Nursing Home Assn. Members - Sen. Ofc. (see Bill W. - hello to Senator) Larry Wilkerson, Pres; Jack Foster, Bonner Springs, Clifford Fischer ,Emporia, Leonard Stolz, Wichita - possibly 1 or 2 more) contact: Dick Brown, Topeka (913) 233-3349 4:30-6:30 Recep. on 1st Anniv. of Senators elected in 1972 - 324 OSOB 5-8 Reception - by Wheat Users Committee - La Colline Restaurant, 1st & D Sts., S.E. 5:30-8:00 Open House & Reception - Washington Office - Inez Kaiser Associates - (crossed out) Suite 1023, (handwritten addition) Press Club Ballroom, National Press Building) Contact: Mrs. Ford 347-8457 Senator Dole's Schedule - week of November 5 - 12 Page 2. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 12:30 & 1:00 Recep. & Luncheon by Nat'l Pharmaceutical Council - during symposium on Quality Health Care - Regency Room - Shoreham (next appointment crossed out) 5-6 Reception on Sen. Hruska's 19th Anniv. of Swearing-In as Senator - 209 OSOB (handwritten additions) Helen H. x56551 (handwritten addition) canceled 4:30-6:30 Mtg. of Overseas Dev. Council - on world food situation & American food assistance programs - S-138 Capitol (Humphrey chairing) 6:30 Recep. & Dinner - Nat'l Chamber of Commerce - Madison Hotel (would introduce you) (invited by Arch Booth, Pres. Chamber) 6-8 Recep. for Linwood Holton - Capitol Hil] Club ($10) 8:30 Concert honoring American Veterans - Departmental Auditorium - Constitution & 13th St., N.W. (invitation by Admiral & Mrs. Zumwalt) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 8:30 Bkfst. - Alf Landon's home - Topeka (on Ks. politics) (handwritten addition) OK 10:00 Secretary Morton speaking at Washburn - Topeka (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 - stereo air - Don Clark - Bill D. be at Watergate to meet him. 6:30 Finney County Chili Supper - Garden City (Bette Jo Roberts) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 (handwritten addition) OK 10:00 Groundbreaking Ceremony - KU Medical Center - K.C. (Senator will speak briefly) (handwritten addition) OK 2:00 SPEAK - brief remarks - Foundation for the Blind - Topeka- Jayhawk Hotel (handwritten addition) OK 8:30 SPEAK - brief remarks - Mexican-American Contractors Banquet - Ramada Inn Southeast, K.C. (1-435 at East 87th St.) Senator Dole‘s Schedule - week of November 5 - 12 Page 3 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 (handwritten addition) OK 11:00 Veterans Day Activities - Post Home - Topeka (Gen. Fry, speaking-Luncheon, 12:00) (handwritten addition) OK 12:20 SPEAK - Luncheon - American College of Surgeons - Topeka - Ramada Inn Downtown (handwritten addition) OK 2:30 SPEAK - Freedom Tree Dedication - Capitol Rotunda & Lawn - Topeka (handwritten addition) OK 1-5 Open House - Reno Occupational Center - 127 East Ave. "B" - Hutchinson (handwritten addition) no 3-4:30 Reception for June Trombla, new KRFW President ~ Butler County Community Jr. College - El Dorado (Skubitz speaking at 1:30 mtg.) (handwritten addition) OK 6 & 7 Cocktails & Dinner - Sigma Delta Chi's Gridiron Dinner - Century II - Wichita MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12 (handwritten addition) OK 10:00 SPEAK - Ks. Official Council Meeting - Concert Hall - Century II Auditorium-Wichita 1:00 SPEAK - Luncheon - Agricultural Bankers Assn. - Leamington Hotel - Minneapolis, Minn THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 UAL #585 - F/C lv. Dulles 2:55 p.m. arr. K.C. 4:30 p.m. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12 11:00 a.m. Depart Flight Line Services Terminal - Wichita (Executive Jet Aviation plane) 12:30 p.m. Arrive Minneapolis - Northern Airmotive Services Terminal (Will have limo and someone from Bankers Assn. meet you at airport) 1:00 Arrive at Leamington Hotel - Minneapolis 1:30 SPEAK - American Bankers Assn. ~ Agricultural Bankers Admin. Committee Luncheon - Leamington Hotel 4:30 p.m. Leave Minneapolis - United #656 F/C 7:35 p.m. Arrive National United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) SPEAK Ag. Bankers Assn. Nov. 12 Monday Chicago October 31 Per Lucille Parslow - Am. Bankers Assn. - Will have a leased jet (from Executive Jet Aviation Corp) pick you up in Wichita 11:00 Depart Flight Line Services terminal - Wichita 12:30 Arrive Minneapolis - Northern Airmotive Services Terminal Will have limo and someone from Bankers Assn. meet you at airport should arrive at Leamington Hotel about 1:00 p.m. 1:30 SPEAK - ABA Office at Leamington will be in Room 224 Phone: (612) 333-6161 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 UAL #585 - F/C lv. Dulles 2:55 p.m. arr. K.C. 4:30 p.m. On arrival in Topeka, stopped by Ks. Hospital Assn. meeting at Ramada Inn 7:30 Dinner with Rog. Morton - Ramada Inn Ballroom ~- Topeka FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 8:30 Breakfast With Alf Landon - at his home - Topeka 11:00 Rog Morton - Washburn University Guest Lecture series - Eliot White Concert Hall Did KTSB (Ken Willard) interview between bkfst and Morton Lecture Also taped WIBW anniversary message 3:30 Lv. Topeka - Stan Wilson - Ralph Hixon's plane - for Garden City 5:30 Arr. Garden City - met by George Purnell, Dole Cty Chairman 6:30 Finney County Chili Dinner - SPEAK briefly - Bette Jo Roberts 8:15 Lv. Garden City - Stan Wilson 10:15 Arr. Topeka - met by Bob Miner Stop by YR Get-Together at Ramada Inn - Topeka MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12 11:00 a.m. Depart Flight Line Services Terminal - Wichita (Executive Jet Aviation plane) 12:30 p.m. Arrive Minneapolis - Northern Airmotive Services Terminal (Will have limo and someone from Bankers Assn. meet you at airport) 1:00 Arrive at Leamington Hotel - Minneapolis 1:30 SPEAK - American Bankers Assn. - Agricultural Bankers Admin. Committee Luncheon - Leamington Hotel 4:30 p.m. Leave Minneapolis - United #656 F/C 7:35 p.m. Arrive National SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 10:00 a.m. Groundbreaking Ceremonies ~ KU Medical Center - K.C. (new facility is just north of the Outpatient facility) Contact: Or. William Rieke - 913-831-5200) 11:15 a.m. Ground breaking Luncheon - KU Med. Ctr. - at Vice Chancellors (Dr. Rieke) home - 5800 Mission Drive, S.M. Reception 6:08 p.m. Mexican-American Contractors Banquet - Ramada Inn Southeast K.C. (1-435 at East 87th St.) 6:30 dinner - You would have to leave between 7 and 7:15 to get to Topeka Contact: Monte Montez (816) 931-0957 approx. 8:30 Ks. Federation of the Blind - Banquet - Jayhawk Hotel - Topeka Contact: Walter E. Long, Convention Chairman, K.C. (913) 371-8212 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 (handwritten addition) OK 11:00 Veterans Day Activities - Post Home, Topeka (Gen. Fry speaker)- (you might want to stop by prior to luncheon speech at Am. College of Surgeons) (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Reception - Ramada Inn - Downstairs (crossed out time) 12:00 (handwritten time) 12:20 SPEAK - Luncheon - American College of Surgeons - Topeka, Ramada Inn, Downtown Contact: Dr. M. Martin Halley - (913) 354-7915 (handwritten addition) OK 2:30 SPEAK - Freedom Tree Dedication - Capito] Rotunda & Lawn - Topeka (Major James N. (Nicky) Rowe - POW who wrote "Five Years to Freedom" will be there - we arranged for Army to pay transportation) Connie Achten, Contact - (913) 866-5248 For Info: 3-4:30 p.m. (appointment crossed out) Reception for June Trombla, new Pres of KRFW - Butler County Community Junior College - E1 Dorado (this follows a 5th District Rep. Women's meeting at which Skubitz 1s speaking) (handwritten addition) sent tgm Advise if you want to do following: 6:00 Sigma Delta Chi Gridiron Show - Century II Exhibition Hall - Reception at 6:00 p.m. 7:00 Show 8:15 Dinner Contact: Martin Umansky - (316) 686-1445 - home 943-4221 - office MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12 10:00 SPEAK - Ks. Official Council Meeting - Concert Hall - Century II Auditorium Contact: Fred Allen - will be staying at Holiday Inn Plaza (press is interested in interviewing you prior to this -- you won't have any time following your speech) 11:00 a.m. Depart (crossed out) Flight. Line Services (handwritten addition) Fuel & Line Terminal - Wichita (Executive Jet Aviation Corp plane - (handwritten addition) Lear Jet - Tail #4266 J trying to get tail number - they think will be Lear Jet hope to have more Friday or Saturday) 12:30 arrive Minneapolis - Northern Airmotive Services Terminal (will have limo and someone from Am. Bankers to meet you) 1:00 Arrive Leamington Hotel 1:30 SPEAK - American Bankers Assn. - Agricultural Bankers Admin. Comm. Luncheon - Leamington Hotel (Floyd Pinnick will be there -- don't know who else from Kansas) 4:30 p.m. Leave Minneapolis - United #656 ~ F/C 7:35 p.m. Arrive National SENATOR DOLE‘S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 12 - 18 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12 10:00 SPEAK - Ks. Official Council - Century II Concert Hall - Wichita 1:30 SPEAK - American Banker's Assn. Luncheon - Ag. Bankers Admin. Committee - Leamington Hotel - Minneapolis, Minn. 11:30 Bob Steimbach - Sen. Ofc. - (see Bill W.) re proposal for tech. assistance on dev. of master plan for K.C. area at Econ. Dev. Admin. 6:00 Office Warming - Gil Merritt - 434 - Ist St., S.E. (for friends of Gil's) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (H.R. 3153 - soc. sec. & soc. services) 11:30 96 students from Liberal, Kismet & Southwestern Ks. - in town for day - 1301 LHOB (Sebelius arranging for photo approx. 11:45) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 3:30 Mtg. with Will Irwin, U. Sec'y, Ag.; Dr. Jim Bostic & (crossed out) Ron (handwritten addition) John Foltz, Ag. Dept. -Sen. Ofc. (on rural development) 5-6:30 "Small Social Get-Together" with President - White House, California Rm. - S.W. Gate 5:30 - ? Illinois Harvest Festival & Buffet - Cannon Caucus Rm. - Staff invited ($2.50/ea) 5-8 Open House by Nat'l Assn. of Postmasters - Suite 4200 - 490 L'Enfant Plaza East 6-8:30 Recep. by Ks. Assn. of Realtors - Wilmington Rm. - Sheraton Park 6:30 (handwritten addition) Recep. TIME Editors Dinner - 888 - (handwritten addition) 3rd Floor - 16th St., N.W. (invited by Neil MacNeil) (handwritten addition) approx. 7:30 - ? Birthday Party for Sen. Bennett - Congressional Club -2001 N. Hampshire, N.W. Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o November 12 - 18 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 10:00 (crossed out appointment) Energy Subc. - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (handwritten appointment) Finance Comm - Exec Sess - 2219 - S. 3153 - soc. sec & soc. svcs.) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Interview Paul Duke - NBC - Senate Steps - also U.S. News & (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Interview, Elizabeth Drew - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 3 members of Nat'l Hemophilia Fdn - Bill W. (re Sen. Williams bill) Mrs. Misky 762-5204 5:30 Board of Governors Meeting - Capitol Hil] Club - Exec. Dining Rm. (Joyce, 484-4590) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Mrs. Marguerite Curry, (handwritten additions) & Maurice Swanson, S.M. & Carol Turtine, Ks. Philipsburg, Ks.; Director of Nat'l Education Assn. - in town ill call for appt. (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm - hrgs on Debt Limit - 2219 NSOB 12:16 National “Walk for Freedom" group - depart 6th & Pennsylvania for Capitol with participating Congressman & Senators (sponsored by League of Families) 12:45 Arrive East Capitol Steps 1:00 Wa}k for Freedom Ceremony - East Capitol Steps (Carl Albert speaking) 6-8 Recep. for Peter Brennan, Capitol Hill Club FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 10:00 Finance Comm - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (S. 3153 Soc. Sec. & Soc. Srvcs) 7:30 Informal Discussion of National politics during KU College Republican's "non-partisan political awareness week" - Kansas Union - KU (invitation by Ed Rolfs - Sen. Carlson's grandson) Kansas Junior Miss Pageant - Belleville (handwritten addition) no 9:00 Annual Ball - K.C., Ks. Fireman's Relief Assn. - National Guard Armory - 18th & Ridge Rd., K.C., Ks. Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o November 12 - 18 Page 3. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 9-5 Ks. Council on Crime and Delinquency - First Presbyterian Church - 525 N. Broadway Wichita (handwritten addition) no 6 & 7 Social Hour & Trophy Awards ~ AAR Football Assn. - Argentine Parish House - 27th & Metropolitan Blvd. - K.C., Ks. (Speak briefly if you can attend) (handwritten addition) no Kansas Junior Miss Pageant - Belleville (handwritten addition) no 7:00 Auction & Gala by Johnson County Rep. Central Comm. - Glenwood Manor, O.V. Pk. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18 10:30 Worship Service honoring Paul Dillon as Scout Master - First Presbyterian Church- — Hutchinson (Rev. Glenn McGee) - send ltr. 10:30 SPEAK briefly - Fall Meeting of the House of Delegates of Ks. Medical Society - Manhattan, Ks. 7:00 Recep. by National Science Foundation - Sheraton Park MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19 (handwritten addition) OK 9:00 SPEAK - Ks. Association of School Boards - Topeka - Municipal Auditorium United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Nat'l 549-7633 $173.27 Judy - Exec. Ofc. - 223-3750 Wednesday National 105 F/C lv. Nat'l 3:15 pm arr. Miami 5:25 pm Sunday - National 102 Coach list F/C (crossed out) National lv. Miami 6:15 pm arr. National 8:25 pm SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 19 - 25 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19 9:00 Senate Convenes - votes on energy bill TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 10:00 Finance Comm - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (H.R. 3153 - soc. sec. & soc. services) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Thanksgiving Day FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 (handwritten addition) no KFDI Annual Christmas Fair - Wichita 6:30-9:00 Cocktails & buffet - Leavenworth C.C. - Edward, Chapman, Jr., M/M Robert Davis, M/M Clyde Graeber SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 (handwritten addition) no KFDI Annual Christmas Party - Wichita SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 (handwritten addition) no 2:00 Dedication of Isadore Hoehn VFW Post Home - 9550 Pflumm Rd. - Lenexa, "Dutch Lunch" following SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 26 - DECEMBER 2 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Monti Belot and Ben Burgess (assistants to Bob Roth) in town - will call for appt. Bill Miller - Topeka - in town - will call for appt. 2:30 VOTE (next appointment handwritten) 3:15 Bill Miller, Security Benefit Life Ins. - Topeka - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Rises Rising, V.P. Beech A/C, Bob Lair, Cessna V.P., & Bob Dunn, Beech & Jerry Pohlen, Cessna Sen. Ofc. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Easter Seal Convention - Washington Hilton - thru December 1 9:30 Small Business - Subc. on Environmental, Rural & Urban Economic Development - (re: fuel allocation impact) 6202 NSOB 10:00 Energy Subc. - Finance Comm. - 2219 NSOB (hearings on fiscal aspects of energy problems - Gov. Love and David Freeman, Ford. Fdn. witnesses) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Lunch with Bill & Mrs. Miller, Topeka - Sen. Dining Rm - Cap. (Bill K. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Capitol (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Energy Subc. - Finance - 2221 NSOB - (continuation of hearings) 4:00 Mtg. of Republican Senators up for re-election - S-124 Capitol WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 9:30 Small Business - Subc. on Environ., Rural & Urban Econ. Dev. - 6202 NSOB (re: fuel allocation impact) 10:00 Energy Subc., Finance Comm. - 2219 NSOB (hearings on fiscal aspects of energy problems) 11:30 Awards Luncheon honoring Outstanding Young Women of America - Cotillion Rm. - Sheraton Park 12:15 Luncheon by Rehab. Int'l in conjunction with Easter Seal Convention - Int'l Ballroom East - Washington Hiton (Fred Dent, spkr. ) 5:30 Bd. of Governors Meeting - Capitol Hill Club Senator Dole‘s Schedule - week of November 26 - December 2 Page 2 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 8:00 Bkfst. by Am. Life Insurance Assn - (handwritten addition) - several Ksns. - Ambassador Room, Shoreham Hotel (invited by Bill Grant, K.C., Mo.) John S. or Bill K 9:00 Mtg. of Rep. Members of Finance Comm with Weinberger - Scott's ofc - S-230 Cap. (handwritten addition) on Soc. Sec. Legis.) 9:30 Small Business - Subc. on Environmental, Rural & Urban Econ. Dev. - 6202 NSOB (re: fuel allocation impact) (handwritten addition) x55451 (crossed out time) 10:00 (handwritten time) 9:30 Energy Subc. - Finance Comm. - 2219 NSOB (hrgs. on fiscal aspects of energy probs (handwritten additions) Cong. Vanik testifying 10:30 Gen. Boerger, Mo. River Divn Engr. - Corps of Engineers - Send Ofc. - Bill K & John S? 6:30-8:30 Cocktails by Presidential Classroom - Watergate Terrace FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Annual Mtg. - Ks. Assn. of Wheat Growers - Kansas Inn - Hutchinson) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Luncheon - with Gov. Love - Vandenberg Rm - S-138 Cap. - by Ray Durst, 785-1000, Energy Consultant to Love 785-1000 7-9 Registration and Welcome Party - Ks. State Comm. - Ramada Inn - Topeka 8:00 Meeting of United Farm Wives - Memorial Hall - Atchison SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 Constitutional Convention Meeting - Ks. State Committee - Ramada Inn - Topeka (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 10:00 Senate (crossed out) goes in (handwritten additions) In Session (next appointment crossed out) 7:30 Fivescore Dinner - Basement of Municipal Bldg. - Topeka SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 (crossed out) Constitutional Convention Meeting - Ramada Inn - Topeka (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Senate goes in 1:00 Exec. Board (handwritten addition) Senate goes in Meeting of Ks. College Republicans - Council Room - Washburn U. SENATE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Subcommittee on Energy Public Hearing on Fiscal Policy and Energy Crisis Thursday, November 29, 1973 9:30 A.M. 2221 Dirksen Senate Office Building The Honorable Charles A. Vanik - Representative from Ohio Jack H. Bridges - Director, National Energy Programs, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University Professor Paul W. MacAvoy - Sloan School of Management (MIT) John G. Winger - Vice President, Energy Economics Division, Chase Manhattan Bank