MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 TWA #407 - F/C LV. National 6:40 p.m. ARR. K.C. 9:08 p.m. Clay will meet you at the airport Reservation at Muehlebach TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 8:30 Press Conference - Muehlebach (Bob Snyder arranging) (handwritten addition) Rm 1012 9:00 SPEAK - World Angus Forum - Grand Ballroom - Muehlebach Hotel 10:45 Lv. K.C. - TWA # 428 - F/C 2:59 Arr. National United States Senate MEMORANDUM Butz (illegible) repeatedly over the last year. Used in slide booklet (illegible shorthand) food (illegible shorthand) 19 of 20 (illegible shorthand) Whole point being (illegible shorthand) (over) Braniff 244 lv K.C. 10:10 am arr ORD 11:17 am Ramp connection at O'Hare to UAL 252 lv. ORD 11:45 pm arr DCA 2:21 pm lv. K.C. AAL #356 arr. Nat'l 3:59 pm THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 approx. 5:30 Depart Page - National Airport - twin engine - Tail No. 7090 N Pilot: Bill Fritsche AB Hermann going along 7:30 Dinner - VFW Home - Manville, N.J. approx. 9:00 SPEAK approx. 11:15 Arrive Page National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 1 - 7 MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 10:30 Finance Comm. - 4221 NSOB (nomination of Sonnenfeldt, Md., as Under Sec. of Treas. 2:00 School Lunch Conference - $-207 Cap. — (handwritten addition) x54004 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 - DAY OF BREAD 7:30 Bkfst. by Ks. Recreation & Park Assoc. - Marshall Rm. - Sheraton Park (John or Bill W) 9:00 SPEAK - World Angus Forum - Muehlebach - K.C. (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Finance Comm - 4200 NSOB (continuation - Sonnenfeldt nomination) 10:45 Depart K.C. - TWA 428 - 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 School Lunch Conf. - S-146 Cap (Exec Sess.) 2:59 - Arrive National 6-8 Recep. by Far-Mar-Co (handwritten addition) & Farmland - Decatur House - Lafayette Square (Harold Wills, Hutchinson) (handwritten additions) Owen Halberg, Wash other Kansans Ken Naden, Wash-Farmers Coop. 6-8:30 Recep. by Travelers Insurance - Mediterranean Rm. - International Club - 1800 K St., NW 6:30 Recep (crossed out) by (handwritten addition) for contributors to "Best in Congressional Humor" book by author, Angele de ti Ginbras - B-339 RHOB WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (nominations & child support) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OS0B (watershed projects; wheat & feed grain disaster payments; rural dev. loans) (handwritten additions) arrangements made for photo with Humphrey for Ag Week (next appointment crossed out) 7:30 Stag Cocktails to meet Israeli Ambassador Dinitz - by Sen. Javits- 1504 Watergate West (Mrs. Cahill x58345) (handwritten addition) canceled Senator Dole's Schedule By week of October 1 - 7 Page 2. THURSDAY, QCTOBER 4 8-9 SPEAK - U.S. Chamber of Commerce- Crystal Rm. - Sheraton Carlton 9:30-12-30 Conf. on "Constitutional Questions, Part II, Role of the Courts" - 1202 NSOB (sponsored by Senate & House) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (child support & tax benefits for POW - H.R. 8214) 11:00 Public Wks. - Exec. Session = 4110 NSOB (on Bill Fribley's nomination) 2-4:30 Continuation of morning session - "Role of the Courts" 7:00 SPEAK - Dinner in Hunterdon County,-N.J. - VFW Hall, Manville, N.J. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 TWA # 299 F/C lv. National 2:00 p.m. arr. O'Hare 2:47 p.m. TWA # 337 - F/C lv. O'Hare 3:30 pm arr. Wichita 5:06 p.m. Reservation at: (handwritten additions) Sheraton Motor Inn 5500 W. Kellogg (handwritten additions) Return UAL 738 - F/C lv K.C. 5:50 pm arr Dulles 9:08 pm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 (handwritten addition) Via Yingling Aircraft charter (handwritten addition) OK 10:00 Parade - Medicine Lodge Indian Peace Treaty Celebration Contact: John MacGregor - home (316) 886-5491; ofc. 886-5646 (handwritten addition) OK 2:00 Parade - Udall - Annual Fall Festival (assemble at Udall Grade School - 308 West Third St) Contact: Mrs. Jack Horner - home - (316) 782-3791 (handwritten addition) OK 4:00 Meeting with Mayors and County Commissioners - Courthouse - Salina (next appointment crossed out) 7:00 Confirmation Reunion Banquet - Walsburg Lutheran Church, Leonardville Banquet will be at Riley County High School between Riley & Leonardville on Route 24) Contact: Mrs. Rudy Kippert Randolph - Phone: (913) 293-5870 MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 (next reservation crossed out) TWA #449 - F/C lv. National 4:00 p.m. arr. .C. 6:41 p.m. (next reservation handwritten) Eastern #380 F/C lv. Nat'l 5:20 pm arr. St. Louis 6:19 pm (next additions handwritten) Will be met at plane by Frank Von Geyso - B.C. Christopher Copilot (next reservation crossed out) Someone from B.C. Christopher Co. - will pick you up at the airport (next additions handwritten) Return to STL - will have Beech Baron Tail #1744 W Res. at Marriott - Lambert Field - St. Louis (314) 423-9700 RETURN - (you are confirmed on the following) TWA #382 - F/C lv. K.C. 8:00 a.m. arr. O'Hare 9:12 a.m. AAL # 354 F/C lv. O'Hare 9:30 a.m. arr. National 12:09 p.m. (handwritten addition) (816) 753-9321 Alternate flights are: Monday evening: Braniff # 32 lv. K.C. 10:20 p.m. arr. O'Hare 11:27 p.m. Tuesday morning: AAL #312 lv. O'Hare 7:30 a.m. arr. National 10:09 a.m. We would have to make reservation in Chicago if you're taking this (could do at O'Hare Marriott) OR: Tuesday morning: TWA #482 - LV. K.C. 8:55 a.m. arr. National 12:54 p.m. (handwritten additions) Monday - confirm Marriott (314) 423-9700 Eastern #516 lv. St. Louis 8:03 am 8:55 am - late arr. National 10:40 am 11:22 pm - late United States Senate MEMORANDUM (crossed out hotels) Red Carpet Inn - 731-3040 Hilton Inn - 426-5500 Sheraton - (314) 731-360r (handwritten additions) Kay Butler Marriott - (314) 423-9700 Lambert Field will have pilot there meet you at plane - 1 hr. Beech Barron - 1744 W Pilot: Frank Von Geyso ex TWA pilot darkhaired 5' 8" SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 8 - 14 MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 (handwritten addition) OK 7:30 SPEAK - Agricultural Economic Conference - Alameda Plaza - K.C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (work bonus & amendments to H.R. 3153) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:00 Mo-Ark group meeting with John Sawhill, Assoc, Dir., OMB - Rm. 10104 New EOB (Lew Paramore & ??) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 9:30 Government Procurement Subc. (Small Bus. Comm.) - 1202 NSOB (on labor surplus areas & small business subcontracting programs 10:00 SPEAK - Telephone Hook-Up - SBA Seminar (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Sess. - 2219 NSOB (work bonuses & amends to H.R. 3153) 10:30 Ag. Res. Subc. - Exec. Sess. - 324 OSOB (animal health & meat inspection) (next appointment handwritten) approx. 2:00 Bruce Jones, Wichita - Sen. Ofc. - (pay bills & offered to help in campaign) (next appointment handwritten) 5:45 Mtg. of Rep. Senators - S-207 Cap. 6-8 Office Warming - United States Gypsum Co. - 1700 Pa. Ave., N.W. (Roof garden, 9th Fl) 6:00-8:30 Cocktails - Press Club's Annual Congressional Night -National Press Club - (you are Charlie McManus' guest) East Lounge (14th St., betw. E 7 F) 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of School Bus Contract Operators - Monet Suite - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel (Bruce Jones, Wichita) Senator Dole's Schedule - week of October 8 - 14 Page 2. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 9:30 Gov't Procurement Subc. (Small Bus. Comm) 1202 NSOB (same as Wednesday) 9:30 - throughout day - Hearings on General revenue sharing by Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations ~ 3302 NSOB 11:00 Dick Wirthlin, Decision Making Information (pollster) - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Maurice Barker - St. Luke's Hospital, Lawrence - (re Fed. support for med. res.) - Bill W. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Dick Edlund - Nat'l Fed. of Blind, K.C. - Bill W. (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Mtg. of Rep. Senators up for re-election - S-124 Cap. (with Brock) 6-9 Appreciation Party for Staff Members by Great Bend & Dodge City Chambers Georgetown Room, Marriott Key Bridge FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 9:30 Nutrition Comm. - (crossed out) 9302 (handwritten addition) 4200 NSOB (hearings on domestic emergency food system) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Republican Conf. - S-207 Cap. (handwritten addition) no SPEAK - Banquet - Home Builders Assn. of K.C. - Glenwood Manor, O.V. Pk. (next appointment handwritten) 8:45 White House - East Rm. - S.W. Gate (be seated by 8:45) after: Go to North Portico (toward West Wing) CBS Prentiss Childs & Dan Rather ABC - Bob Clark SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 15 - 21 MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 11:00 Medal of Honor Ceremony (9 recipients - none from Kansas) - East Rm. - White House (N.W. Gate - by 10:45) (handwritten additions) Staff Sgt. James Bondsteel, Ft. Riley 6-9 Welcome Back Reception & Buffet for Sen. Stennis (handwritten addition) - Wilson Boat Dock - Maine & 6th Sts., S.W. 6:30 Recep. by Assn. of the Army - Sheraton Hall, Sheraton Park 7:00 Grant County Farm Bureau Dinner & Mtg. - Sullivan School - Ulysses (Dave TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 11:00 SBA Honor Awards Ceremony - Departmental Auditorium - Constitution (between 12th & 14th Sts., N.W.) Cy Moyer and Dery] Schuster being honored - also posthumous award to Charles Lucas, former Wichita P.0. empl 5:30 Board of Governors Meeting - Capitol Hill Club - Private Dining #1 5:30 Briefing & Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Food Chains - Wash. Hilton Exhibition Hall 6:00 Recep. by Council for Exceptional Children - 4232 NSOB 6:00 Recap. by Bu. of Nat'l Affairs & Am. Soc. of Personnel Admins. - Monet Suite-L'Enfant Plaza Hotel 6:30-9:30 Cocktails by Junction City Chamber during AUSA Mtg. - Suite K-300 Congressional Wing - Sheraton Park 6:30-9:00 Reception by Leavenworth Chapter, AUSA - Suite 440-F, Sheraton Park (handwritten addition) Vern Williams Senator Dole's Schedule - October 15 - 21 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 10:00 Joint Mtg. - Ag. Prod. & Mktg & Foreign Ag. Policy Subcommittees - 1318 NSOB (hearings on U.S. & world food situation & U.S. & world grain reserves) (next appointment handwritten) 10:45 Clay Center - meet with Mayor (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Greenleaf - meet with Mayor (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Scandia - Parade - Swedish Day (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 Solomon - meet with City officials 6:30-8:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Real Estate Investment Trusts - Monet Solon - L'Enfant Plaza Hotel 6:30-Premiere "Price of Freedom" by Gen. Mark Clark & Am. Battle Monuments Commission - East Auditorium, State Dept.; Reception following - John Quincy Adams Rm. (Fred Bramlage is members of Commission - will be here) (handwritten additions) Reservations for BD & Bob Miner, Plaza Motel Belleville THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 8:30 Bkfst. by McPherson Chamber of Commerce - B-354 RHOB 10:00 Joint Mtg. - Ag. Prod. & Mktg & Foreign Ag. Policy Subc. - 1318 NSOB (same as 10/17 6:30 Banquet by McPherson Chamber - South American Rm. - Statler Hilton FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 (next appointment handwritten) OK 8:30 Party for Dinner volunteers - home of M/M Jim & Alice O'Brian - 10212 Oakridge Dr., Overland Park SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 EVENTS IN KANSAS - OCTOBER 16 thru 20: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 - Afternoon events in Scandia Topeka - Ramada Inn - Downtown Independent Insurance Agents meeting (per Bob Miner - they have a luncheon on Thursday & Banquet on Friday) State Neuro-Psychiatric Assn. meeting - Ramada Inn - Downtown (200 expected) Holiday Inn - Downtown - Nat'l Assn. of State Water Officials (65 delegates from all over country - probably good press) K.C. - 5:30 Awards Dinner - Santa Fe RR Co - Muehlebach, Colonial Ballroom- for FFA K.C. - Chamber of Commerce Luncheon - Glenwood Manor (120 expected) Nat'l FFA Mtg. - Municipal Auditorium - K.C. Wichita - Regal Inn & Holiday Inn Plaza - State Judicial Conference (400 people) (Ken Klein, Topeka - 913-234-5696 - contact) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 Topeka - Ramada Inn - Downtown - Independent Insurance Agents Luncheon (thru Oct. 19) also - State Neuro Psychiatric Assn. (thru Oct. 20) Holiday Inn - Nat'l Assn. of State Water Officials Mtg. B:00 Cocktails & Dinner - Ks. Credit Union League - Jayhawk Hotel K.C. - various FFA meeting related events - list attached Ramada Inn - Center City Plaza - Assn. of Personnel & Employee Security Mtg. | (4 state event) 5:30-& 7:30 - Recep. & Dinner - Crown Center - Heart of America Architects & Engineers Legislative Council 7:30 Mtg. of Johnson County Young Republicans - Holiday Inn - 95th & I-35 (Dave Owen, speaker) Wichita - Regal Inn - Ks. Assn. for Mental Health (350 expected) (Ted Irwin - 3160685-1821) EVENTS IN KANSAS - continued FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 Topeka - Ramada Inn - Downtown - Independent Insurance Agents' Banquet - Wichita - Regal Inn - Ks. Assn. for Mental Health (Ted Irwin - 316-685-1821 - contact) Century II - Ks. Heart Assn. Stroke Conference - (300-400 people) (Mrs. Ruby Chronister - 316-265-4238 - contact) 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Barbeque - Cow Town - by KFDI K.C. - Ramada Inn - Center City Plaza - Int'l Assn. of Personnel & Employee Security (same as Thursday) - but banquet Friday evening Noon - U.N.-Ethnic Day - by K.C. Urban Renewal Agency - Municipal Plaza Glenwood Manor - "Cattle Auction” (4-500 people) - per Miner (possibility of party for Dinner volunteers - have not been able to reach Jean O'Ffill on this yet) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 K.C. Glenwood Manor - "Cattle Auction" - (same as Friday) (handwritten addition) no Douglas - Indian Relics Show - from 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. (handwritten addition) OK Lawrence - 10:00 Parade - Ks. State Grange Centennial BY INVITATIONS - COMPLIMENTARY -NEED TO CALL TO GET INVITATIONS 10/17/73 - 12:00 - K. C, Club sponsored by International Harvester, Max McCallister Awards Luncheon - Tudor Room 816/281-2733 5:30 P.M. - Awards Dinner - Santa Fe Railroad Company, Topeka Hotel Muehlbach, Colonial Ballroom 10/18/73 - 7:00 A.m. - Awards Breakfast - Burlington Northern Railroad Company K.C., Mo., Continental Hotel - Bingham Room Kenneth Cook, St. Paul, Minnesota - 612/227-0911 7:00 A.M. - Awards Breakfast - Butler Manufacturing Company, K. C., Mo. Hotel Muehlbach, Imperial Ballroom, Bill Jensen, 816/968-1201 (next appointment crossed out) 12:00 - (Small Affair) - 4-H 5:00 P.M. - FFA Sponsors Dinner - National FFA Hdqts, Wash., D. C. Paul Gray, National Executive Secretary, Municipal Auditorium - 471-1400, Hotel Muehlbach, Imperial Ballroom 10/19/73 - 7:00 A.M. - Dairy Awards Breakfast, Continental Hotel, Ballroom, Mid-America Dairymen Association, Bill Rankin 816/921-2692 10/21/73 - 8:00 A.M. - Inter-Collegiate Livestock Judging Awards Breakfast, Wilson & Co., Hotel Muehlbach, Grand Ballroom, Vic Stensrud, 913/321-7010 (This in connection with American Royal) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 9:59 a.m. Depart National - Eastern # 195 12:13 p.m. Arrive Miami Will be met at the airport. (don't have names) USITA (Independent Telephone Assn.) people will have you pre-registered at the Fontainebleau - have a suite for you. Phone: (305) 538-8811 USITA contacts at Fontainebleau are: Admiral Mott — (handwritten addition) airport Tom Howarth MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 10:00 Introduce Dave Hamil - Convention Center - Miami Phone: (305) 538-9634 Your reservations to San Diego are as follows: (next reservations crossed out) National #185 - F/C lv. Miami 5:10 p.m. arr. L.A. 7:55 p.m. American #383 - F/C lv. L.A. 8:45 p.m. arr. San Diego 9:23 p.m. You will be met at airport - (crossed out) don't know who, as yet. (handwritten addition) probably Jim Connor or Mr. Bennett Chemagro people will have room for you at Royal Inn-at-the-Wharf- 1355 Harbor Drive Phone: (714) 232-3861 TUESDAY OCTOBER 23 10:00 SPEAK - Royal-Inn-at-the-Wharf 1:10 p.m. United # 786 - F/C lv. San Diego 6:45 p.m. arrive O'Hare Reservations at Sheraton-Chicago Hotel - 505 North Michigan Phone: (312) 944-4100 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon - Council for Agricultural Science and Technology "Agriculture - Everybody's Business" Sheraton-Chicago Hotel - Phone: (312) 944-4100 505 N. Michigan Ave. - Chicago EVENTS - WEEK OF OCTOBER 22 - 28 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 - Veterans Day TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 6-9 Recep. by Animal Health Institute - Blue Room, Capitol Hil] Club- (handwritten addition) Claude WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 10-5 Jobs for Veterans - Information Day - S-207 Capitol 12:00 Senator Dole Speaks at Council for Ag. Science & Techn. Symposium ~ Chicago 4:00 Recep. & Press Briefing by Am. Chemical Society - 2318 RHOB 4:45 & 6:00 Recep. & Buffet Dinner- American Royal - Ramada Inn Center City Plaza 8:00 Horse Show 7:00 Appreciation Dinner for Garner Shriver - Century II - Wichita - Exhibition Hall 8:30 Programs Begins - Century II - Exhibition Hall THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 (handwritten addition) Return - D.C. - Braniff A/L FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 12:00 SPEAK - Nat'l Hearing Aid Society - Palmer House - Chicago (handwritten addition) yes 5:30-7:30 Spaghetti Dinner - St. Luke's Church - Broadview & Reynolds - K.C., Ks. (to raise money for a home for the aged) Mrs. Jeanne Gardner- (913) 281-3012 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28 (handwritten addition) OK KANU Open House & Rededication - followed by reception in Hock Auditorium -Lawrence SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 (handwritten addition) Tom Bauer 546-6022 (next flights crossed out) 9:59 a.m. Depart National - Eastern #195 12:13 p.m. Arrive Miami (handwritten additions) 5:55 pm Depart Nat'l - Eastern #197 F/c 8:12 pm Arr Miami Will be met at the airport (crossed out) (don't have names) (handwritten addition) probably Tom Howarth USITA (Independent Telephone Assn.) people will have you pre-registered at the Fontainbleau - have a suite for you. Phone: (305) 538-8811 (handwritten addition) Rm. 654 USITA contacts at Fontainbleau are: Admiral Mott Tom Howarth (handwritten addition) Rm 1008 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 10:00 Introduce Dave Hamil - Convention Center - Miami Phone: (305) 538-9634) (handwritten addition) 538-8981 secretary's ofc. Your reservations to San Diego are as follows: National #185 - F/C lv. Miami 5:10 p.m. arr. L.A. 7:55 p.m. American #383 - F/C lv. L.A. 8:45 p.m. arr. San Diego 9:23 p.m. You will be met at airport - (crossed out) don't know who, as yet. (handwritten addition) probably Jim Connor or Mr. Bennett Chemagro people will have room for you at Royal Inn-at-the-Wharf- 1355 Harbor Drive Phone: (714) 232-3861 (handwritten addition) Rm 1445 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 (handwritten addition) (714) 233-8040 - Western 10:00 SPEAK - Royal-Inn-at-the-Wharf (next flights crossed out) 1:10 p.m. United #786 - F/C - lv San Diego 6:45 p.m. arrive O'Hare (handwritten addition) O.K. - John Paluszek or Mr. Leslie (handwritten and crossed out flights) 12:00 pm Depart San Diego - Western #424 - F/C canceled 2:55 pm arr. Denver (handwritten flights) 3:30 pm Depart Denver - Continental #26 - Denver # (303) 398-3205 Mr. Lewis 5:46 pm arr. K.C. (next handwritten appointment crossed out) Reservations at Alameda Plaza (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment crossed out) Reservations at Sheraton Chicago Hotel - 505 North Michigan Phone: (312) 944-4100 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 (next flights handwritten) 10:10 am Depart K.C. - Braniff #244 F/C 11:17 am arr O'Hare 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon - Council for Agricultural Science and Technology “Agriculture - Everybody's Business" Sheraton-Chicago Hotel - Phone: (312) 944-4100 505 N. Michigan Ave. - Chicago (handwritten addition) John Paluszek Rm. 1809 (next flights handwritten) OK 2:40 pm Depart O'Hare - Continental #31 OK 3:48 pm arr. K.C. (next appointment handwritten) OK 4:45 pm Reception - Am. Royal - Ramada Inn - Center City Plaza (next appointment handwritten) OK 6:00 Buffet Dinner - Ramada Inn - Center City Plaza (next appointment handwritten) 7:00 Garner Shriver Dinner - Century II - Wichita Reservation at Sheraton Motor Inn (316) 943-2181 (next appointment handwritten) 8:00 Horse Show - Am. Royal (next flight handwritten) 8:00 Private plane - KC - Wichita - Walter Gray, K.C. & son-in-law (next appointment handwritten) 8:30 Program begins United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten notes) $113.28 F/C 1 way 223-3155 Thursday, Oct. 25 Braniff #244 lv. Wichita 9:00 am 1 stop arr. O'Hare 11:17 am Paid UAL #252 arr Nat'l 2:21 pm TWA #428 (illegible) lv. O'Hare 12:25 pm - nonstop arr. National 2:59 pm - nonstop TWA #532 lv. Wichita 11:55 am - nonstop arr. St. Louis 12:58 pm - nonstop Eastern #518 lv. St. Louis 2:35 pm - nonstop arr. National 5:07 pm - nonstop TWA #346 lv. Wichita 2:30 pm - nonstop arr. O'Hare 4:00 pm - nonstop TWA #424 lv. O'Hare 4:25 pm - nonstop arr. National 7:02 pm - nonstop (next paragraph crossed out) Mr. Gray feels you may have to leave at pm because of high winds. (handwritten additions) 6:30 Ramada Inn (913) AT1 - 1310 (next paragraph handwritten) Mr. Gray feels would have to be airborne by 7:00 pm have high winds Would have to leave Ramada by 6:40 pm Fairfax (handwritten additions) Wichita Municipal -Exec Beechcraft (handwritten additions crossed out) can be Wich - 11:00 - arr KC 11:39 Braniff can be KCI 6:50 - arr. Wic (handwritten additions) 7:31 pm Sheraton (316) 943-2181 United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) (913) FI2-7530 from K.C. to Wichita Wed. evening (handwritten additions) Walter Gray could do after Am. Royal Dinner - (Mildred secretary) he figures 50-60 min. flying time - Fairfax to Wichita He is instrument-rated- but since he doesn't fly all the time he won't take any chances. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 American # 453 - F/C lv. National 7:30 p.m. arr. O'Hare 8:26 p.m. TWA # 433 - F/C lv. National 8:55 p.m. arr. O'Hare 9:41 p.m. You have reservations at the Conrad Hilton 720 S. Michigan Ave. Phone: (312) 922-4400 Bill Smith, Mgr., asked that you stop by the Assistant Manager's office when you come in. Dr. Kelikian - 6921 North Ridge - home - (312) SH 3-6921 office - (312) 664-6848 Bob LEE - Palmer House - (312) RA 6-7500 Rm. 945 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 Saturday morning - will be reachable in the Grand Ballroom 12:00 Luncheon National Hearing Aid Society - Red Lacquer Room - 4th Floor Palmer House WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 UAL #585 F/C lv. Dulles 2:55 p.m. arr. K.C. 4:30 p.m. Bob Miner will meet you and take you to Hiawatha 8:00 (handwritten addition) OK Halloween Parade - Hiawatha Would like to have you there by 7:30 - meet at 4th & Oregon - East side of square Contact: Warren Schuemann - Phone: (H) 913-742-2346 (O) 913-742-2000 Reservations tonight at Cedar Court - Clay Center (913) 632-2148 Rooms 30 (handwritten addition) Bob Miner and 31 (handwritten addition) BD Thursday, NOVEMBER 1 10:00 Kick-Off of City Rebuilding Campaign - Clay Center Contact: Steve Wilkenson - (913) 632-5674 (Docking will supposedly be there) (next appointment handwritten) OK 12:30 Visit Senator Carlson - St. Joseph's Hospital - Room 205 Concordia - (913) 243-1234 (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Dale Weller will take Senator back to K.C. (next appointment handwritten) 3:55 Depart K.C. - TWA #440 F/C (next appointment handwritten) 8:01 arr. Nat'l SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 4 MONDAY, OCTOBER 29 12:00 Tape spots for Ks. Retarded Children's Assn. - K.C. 1:25 p.m. Depart K.C. - TWA #432 5:45 Arr. National 7-8:30 Recep. by Am. Soc. of Pension Actuaries - Int'l Ballroom East - Wash. Hilton (John S. attending) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (on Amendments to H.R. 1 & tax relief for POW's) Bill W. preparing outline on this 12:00 Senate Convenes 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:30 VOTE - on Four Treaties 4:30 VOTE - on overriding veto of S.1317, USIA Authorization 6:30 Oklahoma O1d-Fashioned Chili Supper - Gold Room - RHOB 6:30-8:30 "Salute to Am. Newspaper Women's Club Authors" - Clubhouse, 1607 -22nd St., N.W. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 10:30 Energy Subc. of Finance - Exec. Sess. - 2219 NSOB (on Comm plans to hold hearings Nov. 19, 20 & 21) 8:00 Halloween Parade - Hiawatha THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 State Teachers Convention (KNEA) - Century II - Wichita 9:30 Small Bus - Environmental, Rural & Urban Econ. Dev. Sub. - (crossed out) 1202 NSOB (handwritten addition) S-146 Capitol (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Energy Subc. - Finance Comm. - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (on Comm. plans to hold hrgs. Nov. 19, 20 & 21 12:00 Senate Convenes 10:00 City Rebuilding Campaign Kick-Off - Clay Center - (Steve Wilkinson, 913-632-5674) 10-5 KNBI Birthday Party - 4-H Building - Norton (Bob Moody, (913) 927-3378