MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 - Labor Day 10:30 a.m. Labor Day Parade - Hoisington (Ramon Horinek, Grand Marshall) Contact: Tom Bell - Phone (316) 653-2294 - home Bob Southern, Cty. Chrmn. - (316) 564-2501 - home (handwritten addition) (o) 793-2501 Tillman (crossed out) Oaks (handwritten addition) Ochs - (316) 653-7683 approx. 12:00 Lv. Great Bend - Gene Becker, pilot - Aztec - twin engine - Tail # 6503 Y Gene: airport - Salina - (913) 825-1301, home (913) 827-9703 (Possibility of going on to Kiowa for Ham & Beans Lunch - time & weather permitting - but will probably just go on to Wathena (via St. Joe, Mo. airport) Contact in Kiowa: Mrs. A. T. (Betty) Kimmell- Kiowa Phone: (316) 825-4458 (they will watch for plane -- and meet him at airport -- if they she is aware he probably won't make it) Approx. 2:15 Arrive St. Joseph, Mo. airport - Jack Euler, Doniphan Cty. Chrm, will meet him and take to Wathena for parade Also, Cecil Goforth, Dole Chairman, will be in Wathena Jack Euler - home phone: (913) 989-4718 Wathena Cecil Goforth - Troy - home phone (913) 985-2161 Approx. 5:00 Depart St. Joseph airport 5:30 Arrive Osage City airport - will be met by either or both Howard Mohler, Wabaunsee Cty. Chrmn - phone: 913) 589-2597- home Mason Flora - Harveyville, Dole Chrman - phone: 913-589-2261 - home approx. 6:00 p.m. Arrive Bar-B-Que - Eskridge - barbeque should last till approx. 7:15 - Return to Osage City airport - Gene Becker will take Senator to Wichita ~ Rawdon Airport (across street from Beech airport) if BD staying at Executive Inn - Phone: (316) MU 4-5261 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 - Senator Dole will speak at luncheon - Kiwanis Club luncheon- Century II - Wichita & return to D.C. in P.M. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 3 - 9 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 - Labor Day - in Kansas TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 - 12:00 SPEAK - Kiwanis Luncheon - Century II - Wichita WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 12:00 Senate Reconvenes (Vote expected on Amendment to U.N. Charter) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 8:30 Bkfst. with Wichita Chamber of Commerce people - H-139 Capitol (handwritten addition) x54905 (Joe Martin Dining Rm.) Chamber will make presentation on "Port of Entry" for Wichita & discuss aspects with Delegation (also invited Bill K.) 10:00 Mtg. with Ks. Right to Life Comm. - Winn's ofc - 434 CHOB (with Delegation) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB - on Export Dev. Fund 11:00 Mtg. with Ed DeBolt & George Young - Sen. Ofc. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 (next appointment handwritten) 9:15 Finance Comm - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (votes) Evening - Mid-America Fair - Topeka SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 10:00 Ride in Parade - Burrton Centennial - Burrton Afternoon - Caldwell - Czech Day & Sumner County Fair 6 & 7 "Dutch Treat Social House" & Dinner - 1st Republican Get-Together - Century II Convention Hall - Wichita (Percy, guest speaker) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2:30 Freedom Tree Dedication - Holton United States Senate MEMORANDUM Those attending breakfast - Thursday, Sept. 6: John Bell, Pres., Wichita Chamber Dick Upton, Exec. V.P., Chamber Bob Langenwalter Marvin Bastian Jay Sutter, Dir., Wichita airport Jay Davis, Purchasing Agent, Coleman Co Dr. Jim Donnell, Mayor Jerry Mallot, Asst. Mgr., Ind. Dev. Sec of Chamber Bob Dunn, Wash. repr., Beech Aircraft SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Clay or Bob Miner will take you to airport 8:15 Depart Topeka Airport - Gene Becker 9:10 Arrive Hutchinson - (trying to reach the Hinshaw's to have them pick you up to take you to Burrton , Phone: (316) 662-7017 - home - (handwritten addition) Hinshaw's Mrs. Judd Durner - Burrton - (316) 463-2805 ~ home ~ 463-4060 - bank Meet M/M Durner at Bank - on Main St. (next line crossed out) Newton - ? Will know more later today after talking to Manny 1:30 Arrive Newton - meet Mrs. Socorro Gonzales at S.E. 2nd St.-right off Main St. She is Parade Chairman - Phone: (316) 283-4586 (next appointment handwritten) Tent Program 11-2 Evening 7:00 pm (crossed out) Tent. 3:30 (handwritten addition) arr. 12:00 lv. 12:45 Caldwell - Harold Pfalzgraf will meet you at Wellington airport -- we need to let him know about what time Phone: (316) 326-5971 - ofc. (316) 326-3848 - home Mrs. Merle Miller - Caldwell, Dole Co-Chairman, will be at event but wants to know about when is arriving Phone: (316) (handwritten addition) 845-2483 (handwritten addition) Mrs. Jim Vavra - (316) 845-6603 6 & 7 Reception & Dinner - 1st Republican Get-Together - Century II Convention Hall Wichita, (Percy, guest speaker) (next line handwritten) Room to freshen up at Holiday Inn Plaza Reservation on Braniff #56 - F/C lv. Wichita 11:00 pm. Arr. K.C. 11:39 p.m. At Alameda: Reservation at Muehlebach - K C. (no room at Alameda) might check Sat. if he wants (816) 756-1400 (816) 756-1500 to try it SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Clay will take you to Holton for event - (handwritten addition) OK 2:30 Freedom Tree Dedication - National Guard Armory - Holton Contact: Mrs. Connie Achton - (913) 866-5248 You are presently confirmed on: UAL #738 - F/C Lv. K. C. 5:50 p.m. arr. Dulles 9:07 p.m. Also confirmed On: TWA #440 F/C - to St. Louis lv. K.C. 3:55 p.m. arr. National 8:04 p.m. (next lines crossed out) (if you can make this, need to check TWA to be sure you're cleared thru) TWA - K.C. (816) 243-2042 Gene Lundy (handwritten addition) confirmed SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 10 - 16 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 RNC Mtg. - Mayflower 11:30 Mtg. with Dunlop - 324 OSOB (also Humphrey & Ag. Comm. Members) 5:30 Investiture of Jack Miller as Assoc. Judge, U.S. Court of Customs & Patent Appeals 6-7:30 Reception following Investiture of Jack Miller - Courtroom, Lafayette Square - 717 Madison Pl, N.W. 6:30-8:60.. Recep. for John Connally by Texas Members of RNC - Mayflower TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 RNC Mtg. - Mayflower - (Rules 29 Committee) 12:15 On Panorama - WITG -5151 Wisconsin Ave. (Bonnie Angelo, Time, interviewer) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S207 Cap. (Laird, speaker) 6-8 Cocktails by Wash. Bureau of Wichita Eagle - Federal City Club - Sheraton Carlton WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 9:30 Mtg. with Sec'y Morton, Mel Laird & Members of OMB on reclamation programs - 2318 RHOB 12:00 Luncheon for Ks. National Guard Recruiting Contest Winners - S-138 Capitol with Delegation (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Mtg. with B.B. Anderson - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Rex Duwe, Bob Gadberry, Henry Blanchard, etc. - Ks. Bankers - Sen. Ofc. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 10 - 16 Page 2. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 9:00 Ag. Res. Subc. - 324 OSOB (school lunch programs) (next appointment handwritten) 10:40 Dr. Robert Switzer - Menninger's - Sen. Ofc. (say hello only) (next appointment handwritten) 10:45 FCC Liaison people (on Cable TV - Don Sbarra) John Ager - will come or have someone else 632-6366 11:15 Interview on Watergate and the press - Jeff Wheelwright - WNET- Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Lunch with Ks. Bankers wives - Sen. Dining Rm - Capitol - Griffin bill 1:30 Ag. Res. Subc. - 324 O0SOB (meat inspection - Exec. Session) (handwritten additions) BD ranking minority member 5:30-7:00 Recep. by Am. Public Health Assn. - Thee Atrium - Kennedy Ctr. 6:00 - ? Recep. & Dinner - Executive Chambers - Madison Hotel - by Ks. Bankers Rex Duwe, Henry Blanchard, Milt Barlow, Oliver Hughes, Bob Gadberry, etc 6-8 Recep. for Gen. Haig, Mel Laird & Bryce Harlow - Capitol Hil] Club 6-8 Recep. - National Cable TV people (several Kansans attending) - Quality Inn - Capitol Hil], Congressional Room (Contact: Carol Harris - 466-8111 - John S. (handwritten addition) Robert Weary, Junction City FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Ks. Motor Carriers Convention - Holiday Inn Plaza & Century II - Wichita (BD not attending (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Luncheon with Ks. Bankers - House Dining Rm. - Capitol SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Hutchinson - State Fair SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 (handwritten addition) yes 6 - ? Republican Women’s Basket Dinner - Kenwood Hall - Kenwood Park - Salina THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 UAL #585 - F/C lv. Dulles 2:55 p.m. arr. K.C. 4:22 p.m. Also on: TWA #481 - F/C Lv. National 2:40 p.m. arr. St. Louis 3:30 p.m TWA #547 (all coach class) lv. St. Louis 5:25 p.m. arr. K.C. 6:16 p.m. And: TWA #449 - F/C LV. National 4:00 p.m. arr. K.C. 6:41 p.m. You have reservation tonight and tomorrow night at the Alameda Plaza 8:00 p.m. Friday - Meeting with Dave Owens, et al - Cortez Room - Alameda Plaza (ALSO - Call Dean Evans tonight - Home: (913) TA 3-2129 - Office: (913) TA 7-4484) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 TWA # 230 - F/C lv. K.C. (crossed out time) 8:00 p.m. (handwritten time) 8:25 pm arr. Friendship 12:43 a.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 5:00 SPEAK - 3-5 min. - Johnson County Water Resources Association Meeting - Magnifique Suite - Glenwood Manor Contact: Ben Craig - Phone: (913) 648-4540 (O) (913) MI 9-7305 5:30 SPEAK - Mo-Ark Meeting - Glenwood Manor - Reception and Dinner preceding speech Contact: Lew Paramore - (913) 342-1910 (O) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15: (handwritten time) 9:30 Lv. K.C. - Municipal Airport - B.B. Anderson's plane Rich McCollum, Pilot Lv. from Executive Beechcraft terminal Rich's office Number: (913) 233-2381 - Home: (913) 272-7470 3:30 Meeting with Harry Darby in his suite at the (crossed out) Heart of (handwritten addition) Key to America Inn -Hutchinson 5:00 Dedication of Sergeant Missile - Hutchinson Fairgrounds (Astronaut Joe Engle - originally from Kansas - will be there for dedication) 8:30-9:30 Reception for Dole "people" - home of Mrs. Norman Bos 2606 N. Van Buren - Hutchinson Phone: (316) 662-7411 Dr. & Mrs. Hinshaw arranging - Phone: (316) 662-7017 (next lines crossed out) You have confirmed reservation at Holiday Manor in McPherson - 2211 E. Kansas Phone: (316) 241-5343 (handwritten addition) canceled (next lines crossed out) (will check again Saturday morning to see if you can get a room at the Ramada Inn in Newton) - Phone: (316) 283-6500 (next appointment handwritten) Sat. nite - Ramada Inn - (316) 663-1101 Rm. 311 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 6:00 - ? Republican Women's Basket Supper - Kenwood Hall - Kenwood Park, Salina Contact: Mrs. Bill (Marilyn) Crews - (913) 827-1288 - (handwritten addition) home (next appointment handwritten) 7:00 - Lv. Salina airport - B.B. Anderson's plane TWA #230 F/C LV. K.C. (crossed out time) 4:00 p.m. (handwritten time) 8:25 pm arr. Friendship 12:43 p.m. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17 - 23 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB (funding crisis in school feeding programs) 10:00 General Session - Mtg. with farm & agri-business leaders - Caucus Rm- CHOB 12:00 Luncheon with farm & agri-business leaders - B-339 RHOB (next appointment crossed out) 2:30 Dr. Ken Martinez - Lawrence, with Ks. Bd. of Regents - Sen. Ofc. - Bill W. (handwritten addition) moved to Tues. 4:00 Mtg. in Sen. Curtis' ofc - 2213 NSOB - with representatives of Wash. Pension Report Group, NAM, etc. on technical amendments to the Pension Bi1l.- John ? TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB (school feeding programs) 11:30 Small Bus. Subc. on Environmental, Rural & Urban Economic Dev. - 422 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Dr. Ken Martinez - Lawrence with Ks. Bd of Regents - Sen. Ofc. - Bill W (hello to BD) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 1:15 Evelyn Whitcomb - Sen. ofc. (Bill K.) 6-8 Reception for Roy Ash - Capitol Hill Club 6:30-7:30 Reception by Nat'l Macaroni Manufacturers Assn. - Roof-top - Washington Hotel (Ks. - Don W. Knutsen, Geo. A. Utter & Clifford W. Kutz) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 10:00 (handwritten addition) Scottie - photo - Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - (handwritten addition) Jerry Rees, etc. 324 OSOB (school lunch & EPA briefing) 11:30 & 12:15 Cocktails & Luncheon - Julie Eisenhower, guest speaker - Capitol Hill Club (6.00) Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o September 17 - 23 Page 2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 9:00 Ag. Res. Subc. - 324 OSOB (hearings on meat inspection, S.1919) (handwritten addition) OK 10:30 SPEAK - Dedication of Advance Products Company - 1101 E. Central - Wichita (handwritten addition) OK 12:00 SPEAK - KIOGA Luncheon - Regal Inn - Wichita 6-8 Open House by Senatorial Campaign Comm. - 4th Floor - Capitol Hill Club (Bi1] K. & Mike?) 6:30 & 7:30 Cocktails & Dinner by Grocery Mfrs. Assn. - City Tavern Club - 3206 M St., N.W. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 12:00 Luncheon honoring “Meals on Wheels Week" - by Nutrition Comm. - 1202 NSOB (handwritten addition) no 6:30 & 7:30 Cocktails & Hors D'oeuvres - for Pres. Comm. on Mental Retardation Stadium Club, K.C. Royals Stadium (Marianna Beach) - Docking Supposedly attending SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Swearing-In Ceremony for Henry Kissinger - White House - East Rm - S.W. Gate (next appointment crossed out) 1:00 Festival of Progress Parade - K.C. (next appointment crossed out) 7:30 - ? Party by Carolyn Lewis - 5316 - 29th St., N.W. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 (next appointment crossed out) 12:45 Be at ABC Studios - 1124 Connecticut Ave., N.W. (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment crossed out) 1:30 On "ISSUES AND ANSWERS" (handwritten addition) canceled MEMORANDUM OF CALL [] You WERE CALLED BY— ((] YOU WERE VISITED 8Y— (handwritten addition) Mrs. King OF (Organization) (handwritten addition) Am Fed of Gov't Employees [] Please call - Phone No. 737-8700 x225 x226 MESSAGE (handwritten addition) on meat inspection want brief appt 2:00 pm THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 TWA #421 - First Class lv. National 7:30 a.m. arr. St. Louis 8:21 a.m. TWA #199 (all coach flight) lv. St. Louis 9:05 a.m, arr. Wichita 10:10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - SPEAK - Dedication of Warehouse - Advance Products Co. - 1101 E. Central - Wichita Contact: Bill DeVore, President (316) 263-4231 - ofc. (handwritten addition) Mr. Garvin Latts, ofc. mgr. 12:00 - SPEAK - KIOGA Luncheon - Regal Inn - Wichita Contact: Clint Engstrand - (316) AM 4-4301 - ofc Tom Schwinn - (316) 263-7297 - ofc. F. W. Mallonee, Convention Chairman - (316) 263-7397 ofc. 1:30 Trying to arrays to have Linda Graham meet you at the Regal Inn (handwritten additions) Have Glenn contact her. Linda Graham meeting Glenn in Lobby at 1:30 Glenn will take Mr. Dole to airport TWA #346 - First Class lv. Wichita 2:30 p.m. arr. O'Hare 4:00 p.m. TWA # 424 - First Class lv. O'Hare 4:25 p.m. arr. National 7:02 p.m. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 24 - 30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 2:00 Briefing on "Report of Pres. Advisory Panel on Timber & Environment - 324 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Col. Jack Rider, World Airways - Sen. Ofc. - (on S.1739 - airline bill) - John S. - 298-7107 (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Mr. Kitzmiller, FCC Liaison - Sen. Ofc. (re Don Sbarra rep.) 5:30-7:00 Recep. by United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Assn. - Ballroom B (lobby level) L'Enfant Plaza Hotel TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB (hearings on child support & workhouse prog.) (crossed out time) 12:30 (handwritten time) 12-1 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Finance Comm - 221 NSOB - Child support (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Mr. Henry Buchanan, CPA (re CRP Finance) - Sen. Ofc. 6 & 8 Recep. & Dinner honoring Sec'y & Mrs. Rogers - Main Dining Rm. - Capitol Hill Club (25.per couple for dinner) 6:30 Recep. & Dinner with Federal teams working on Forbes - Ramada Inn Downtown-Topeka (Clay attending) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 10:00 Testify on Electoral College Reform - Constitutional Amends. Subs. of Judiciary Comm (handwritten addition) Rm 2228 NSOB 11:30 Cocktails & Luncheon by Family Circle Magazine for Winners Of "good nutrition" awards - L'Envoy Room, Embassy Row Hotel (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 White House - Voc. Rehab. Bill - N.W. Gate (signing at 12:00) Jane - 456-2757 12:00 Luncheon for 3 Ass't Sec'ys of Army - Vandenberg Rm. - Cap. (Ass't Sec'y Carl Wallace, Hablai Hull & Norman Augustine) 12:00 Luncheon by Coalition for Rural Deve. - B-340 RHOB (Sen. Bellmon, speaker) 6-8 Reception for Senator Schweiker - Sheraton Carlton 7-10 Cocktail Buffet for Gov. & Mrs. Love by M/M J. Willard Marriott - Washington Club Senator Dole's Schedule - week of September 24 - 30 Page 2. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 9:00 Sub. on Ag. Research - 324 OSOB (hearings on Animal Health Res.) (handwritten additions) Photos with Humphrey & co-sponsors of Ag. Day Bill - Ag. Comm. 10:00 Coffee for Damon Webber by Nat'l Treasury Employees Union - South Lounge, Sheraton Carlton FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Finance Comm. - Exec Session - Rm 2219 (Long-Ribicoff Health Proposal) 6:30 Recep. & Cocktail Party for Richard McAvinew, new Reg. Dir., Dept. of Labor - K.C. Region - Leawood Country Club - 8901 Sagamore (handwritten addition) OK 7:00 Banquet - Energy Symposium & Dedication - Ks. Geological Survey - K.U. (Sen. Hansen speaking - they want Sen. to introduce him) (handwritten addition) OK 7:30 Eagle Court of Honor for Mike Upchurch - Katherine Carpenter School - 9700 W. 96th Overland Park SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 10:00 SPEAK - Johnson County Courthouse Dedication - north side of courthouse 12:00 Dedication - Freedom Shrine - Indian Springs Shopping Center - 47th & State, K.C. (want Senator D. to “say a few words") (handwritten addition) OK 12:20 Dedication - Coronado Savings & Loan - Indian Springs Shopping Center SPEAK briefly 1:30 KU - stay for part of game (handwritten addition) OK 6:00 & 7:30 Reception & Dinner - Glenwood Manor - Overland Park SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Senator Attending the 2:00pm meeting will be Jim Dokken asst administrator Federal Disaster Assistance Bob Bartlett SBA director of disaster operations or J.B. Alexander Dale Shirwin USDA Congressional Relations with representative of Farmers Home Administration Mr. Dick Rahte Corps of Engineers Chief of Emergency Operations Branch. Lastelic and Egerstrom are expected. AP and UPI have been notified. White House hoping but not guaranteeing a signature by 2:30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 7:00 Banquet - Ks. Union Ballroom SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 10:00 Johnson County Courthouse Dedication - Olathe 12:00 Freedom Shrine Dedication - Indian Springs Shopping Center 12:20 Coronado Federal Savings & Loan Dedication - Indian Springs Shopping Ctr. Van Sickle -(H) 913-272-0657; ofc - 913-296-3171 Possible fly-over of damaged areas - Tom Van Sickle's plane - has pilot(s) Pick up at Fairfax Airport - 12:30 p.m. - can return to either Johnson Cty. airport - or K.C. In't if meeting Connally (JoAnne has phone numbers & info) 4:38 Connally arriving - K.C. Int'l 6:00 Reception and Dinner - Glenwood Manor 7:30 Dinner - Convention Center - Glenwood Manor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Flight-s at: 10:45 a.m. - arr. Nat'l 2:59 - TWA 428 1:15 - arr. 5:37 Nat'l - TWA 432 3:35 - Arr. Balto - 6:39 p.m. - UAL 282