Senator Dole's Schedule -w/o July 30 - August 5 Page 2. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Interview with Fran Leighton, Metro Media - Sen. Ofc. 11:00 Dick Wirthlin, Decision Making Info (pollsters) - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Bruce Rice will stop by Sen. Ofc. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 8:30 Bkfst. by Ks. Bar Assn. - H-139 (Joe Martin Dining Rm.) Cap. (John Smith) (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Miles Cowden, V.P. & Ernest Lindsey, Pres., Farmland Industries - Claud & Tag Sen. Ofc. (BD said hello) SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 United States Senate MEMORANDUM To: Betty From: Carol 8-3-73 Dan McCaig is taking the Tom Rost family from Topeka to lunch in the Senator's dining room at noon today. The list is: Mrs. Pat Rost Doug Rost Bob Rost Tommy Rost Tammy Rost Mrs. Rex Capling - Chicago - Wife MIA Kriss Capling Events in Wichita Friday and Saturday: FRIDAY, August 31 8:30 p.m. KFDI Rodeo Parade - Joyland Park - Wichita (wanted you to ride a horse if you could be in parade!! told them it would have to be a convertible...) SATURDAY, Sept. 1 7:30 a.m. Brown's Grill East - Wichita Republican Ward Leaders & Rep. Finance People - Wichita area (next appointment crossed out) 7:30 p.m. Baseball Game- Denver vs. Wichita Arrows - Lawrence Stadium, Wichita (next appointment crossed out) 8:00 p.m. Special Benefit for Multiple Sclerosis by Continental Theater Group Wichita SUNDAY, Sept. 2 (next appointment and notations crossed out) KAKE- Starting around 9 or 10:00 p.m. - Jerry Lewis Multiple Sclerosis Telethon - (will be carried on all ABC stations - through Monday (handwritten additions) afternoon 4:15 Max info. - Sunday & Monday WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 12:00 Mtg. with George Stafford - Sen. Ofc. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 7:30-8:00 TODAY SHOW - NBC - 4001 Nebraska Ave., N.E. (Frank McGee interviewing from N.Y.) 11:00 Interview - Charles Crawford, CBS & Danny Breckner, Mutual Broadcasting- Sen. Ofc. 11:45 Interview - Bob Clark - ABC - Sen. Ofc. (time crossed out) 11:30 (handwritten time) 12:00 Mike Buchanan & Darrell Hawkins - UPI - Sen. Ofc. 1:30 Brain Moran - KMBZ - Sen. Ofc. SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 2:00 p.m. Dedication and Grand Opening of Gardenia Homes of Kansas, Inc. - Lucas (mobile home plant) Rex Duwe arranging transportation, etc. Gardenia Homes - Doug Hickman plane Piper Navajo Chieftain - twin engine approx. 4:00 p.m. Lv. Lucas - Piper Navajo approx. 5:30 Arrive K.C. - Municipal Airport. Reservations at Alameda Plaza MONDAY, AUGUST 27 K. C. - all day TUESDAY, AUGUST 28 Return to Washington WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 Washington - met with Geo. Stafford, spoke with Gov. Love, etc. SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 9-10: Wellington - "Work the Streets & Visit Stores" - Rep. Robert Miller, Sumner County Chairman, will pick up at Ramada Inn and take around - to Mulvane - then to Red Wing Airport Miller: (316) 456-2905 11:00 Parade ~ Mulvane - Old Settlers‘ Day 1:00 SPEAK - Mulvane, following parade Contact: Clausie Smith - Phone: (home) 316-777-4623 (ofc. } 316-777-4233 also Newton Male - (Ofc.) 316-775-2285 - Augusta (home) 316-775-7933 — Augusta 2:00 Opening - Strong City Housing Project - Strong City, Ks. (front of Maintenance and Management Building) Rex Denham, contact - Phone: (316) 273-6464 - ofc. (Rex chartering Cessna 310 - has commercial pilot, FAA rated pick-up Senator at 2:00 p.m. at Red Wing Airport - Mulvane Approx. 3:30 Leave Strong City, - for Haven - Mrs. Gladys Stewart (Buck), Vice-Chairman, Reno Cty will meet you at airport - (she has red and white Monte Carlo) Phone: (316) 465-3895 - home (316) 465-2225 - office 5:30 Haven - Bar-b-que - downtown - Gladys Stewart will take Sen. Dole around and make sure he's back at the airport before it gets dark (should be around 7:00) (no lighting at Haven airport) Approx. 7:30-7:45 Arrive Redwing Airport - Augusta - Karyn Criss will meet you and take you to Ice Cream Social at St. James Catholic Church - Augusta (Social is now scheduled 6:30 - 10:00) If staying in Augusta, Karyn advises the only good motel is Lehrs -- she will make reservations, if requested. MEMORANDUM OF CALL TQ: [ ] You WERE CALLED BY [ ] YOU WERE VISITED BY— (handwritten addition) Wayne Rogler - Matfield Green - BD's County Chairman (handwritten addition) met with them Aug. 25 Please Call ——» Phone/No Code/Ext. (handwritten addition) (316) 277-6921 MESSAGE: (handwritten additions) Wants to meet with BD Sat. in Strong City re Watershed. Also opposed to Prairie Park. He is upset - BD hasn't been there since elected to Senate - he worked hard for him, etc. United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Rep. Roniger - Strong City- called K.C. ofc. He & 3 other men want to visit w/BD re a water shed. Roniger will be on podium & will ask BD then for a few minutes. Other 3 are: Paul Kegoboehn Richard Littler Lloyd Fipps FRIDAY, AUGUST 24: 10:00 Liberal - Fairgrounds - (handwritten addition (316) 624-3712 Contacts: Tom Boles - (O) 316-624-3861 (H) 316-624-6579 Stu Melchert - KSCB - (O) 316-624-3891 (H) 316-624-6330 Arrangements being made for media to be present Also Keith Henley of Liberal will be there. He will be a Jr. at Bethel College next year - wants to help in campaign & be intern next summer (working in Tom Boles' office) Early Afternoon: Ulysses - "Work the Streets & Visit Stores" Contact: Mrs. Hurbert (Betty) McCall Phone: (316) 356-1213 - ofc. 356-3113 - home Mid-Afternoon: Johnson City - "Work the Streets & Visit Stores" Contact: Mrs. Julius Johns (Millie) Phone: (316) 492-6655 Mrs. Johns will be at Coffee Cup Cafe by 2:00 (316) 492-2450 5:30 Hugoton - Bar-b-que - Stevens County Fair - go to Republican Booth - 3rd bldg from North end of Fairgrounds - someone will meet you & take you around Contact: Paul Flower, Hugoton - Phone: (H) 316-544-2313 Reservations tonight at: Wellington - Ramada Inn - 315 W. 8th - Ph: 316-326-2255 Rep. Robert Miller, Sumner Cty. Chrman will meet at airport Phone: 316-456-2905 (handwritten additions) Airport (316) 326-5031 Aircraft Svc. Well Aire Cafe (316) 326-9321 THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 9:30-10:30 Public Reception - Boot Hill Theater - Dodge City Bee arranging media interviews, etc. Phone: 316-227-3280 (Bee also alerting media on Ashland and Meade) approx. 2 or 2:30-3:30 Ashland- “Work Streets - Meet by Drugstore Contact: Mrs. Earl (Leona) Simmons, Ashland Phone: 316-635-4445 4:30-5:30 Meade - "Work the Streets & Visit Stores" Contact: Jerry Golden - Ph: 316-873-2741 - ofc. 873-2733 - home ofc. - 127 N. Fowler, Meade Reservations tonight in Liberal - Westward Ho Motel - 1-1/2 Miles West on Hiway 54 Ph: 316-624-192] WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 1:00 Jackson County 4-H Fair Parade - Holton (meet Jack Rose at 12:30 p.m. at his home -- 808 Iowa - Holton Phone: (913) 364-2965 (handwritten addition) John Chandler - Holton Recorder will be there (913) 364-3141 Will have convertible and driver 2:00 Livestock Sale - Fairgrounds (parade ends at fairgrounds) Senator may attend (crossed out time) 3:00 (handwritten time) 4:15 - Lv. Topeka Airport - Nelson Truck Line plane - Aztec Twin engine Tail No. 6503 Y Pilot: Gene Becker (crossed out time) 4:30 (handwritten time) 5:15-5:30 MST Arrive Goodland Contact: Tom Oglevie - Ph: (O) (handwritten addition) (913) 899- 3100 (H) 899-2994 Tom will have media there to interview him 6:30-8:00 Coffee & Donut - Reception - VFW Hall Goodland 9:00 MST Lv. Goodland - Gene Becker 10:45 CST Arrive Dodge City - will be met by Mike Echols, Ch. of Commerce Bee has made reservations at: Silver Spur - Ph: 316- 227-2725 1510 W. Wyatt Earp Dodge City TUESDAY, AUGUST 21 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon Meeting - Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Wareham Hotel - 418 Poyntz - 913-776-4891 Contact: Lud Fiser - (O) 913-776-8829 (H) 913-539-5722 3:30 Groundbreaking Ceremony - Leavenworth - Elderly Housing Project - City Hall, 2nd and Shawnee Contact: Al Thelen, City Manager - (O) 913-682-9201 (H) 913-651-3933 (Mr. Dole had wanted to coordinate with Lula K. Baum to arrange for presentation of flag to school, but she says this is not possible -- should be done during school hours at a school assembly. Ann Riojas talked to her, and she apparently was somewhat upset because we couldn't do it on the specific date she requested (24th I think). 7:15 PARADE - Effingham - Atchison County Fair (Sen. will be riding in parade - will have convertible and driver) (handwritten additions) Lowell Moser - (913) 833-5740 - ofc. meet at Hi School - north of town MONDAY, AUGUST 20 Huck working on a Breakfast with Alf Landon 12:00 Luncheon Meeting with State Republican Executive Committee - Topeka (Jack Ranson arranging -- will advise place, etc.) Jack's numbers: (H) 316-684-0336 (O) 316-262-2651 Sometime during day, have picture taken with Jay Garcia, Jobs for Progress, and interested in helping with campaign. His no: 913-235-6225 4:30 Fundraiser Reception - Topeka - Town Club (For those who have given, and potential large contributors) Contact: Tom Clevenger: (H} 913-234-0901 (O)-913-357-1211 7-8:30 Patio Party - Shawnee County Women's Republican Club - Home of Mrs. Orville Kenney - 1850 Sims - Topeka Phone: 913-272-2120 Contact: Mrs. James Bauman (Sue) (H) 913-235-2240 (O) 913-296-3171 SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon - Kiwanis District Convention - Barton County Community College, Student Union Bldg. — (handwritten addition) Great Bend (you will speak approx. 12:45 -- luncheon is for benefit of Ks. Special Olympics) Contact: Rev. Bob Docherty - 1708 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Ks. phone: 316-231-3025 or 316-231-7390 (handwritten notes) Pilot: Gene Becker Great Bend c/o Highland Motor Hotel or Student Union Bldg. 5:00 Dedication & Open House - Ks. Farm Bureau- 2321 Anderson Ave., Manhattan (Open house 1 - 4:30; dedication - 5:00) Contact: John Junior Armstrong, Pres., Ks. Farm Bu. Phone: Ofc. (913) 539-2261 Home (913) 539-4885 SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 10:00 Newton. "Work the Streets" Call Ted Ice, County Chairman, and he will meet you at Ramada Inn at 10:00 to take you around. His Numbers: (O) 316-283-4700 (H) 316-283-0102 Then to (crossed out) Sometime in morning - Hutchinson. Go up and down the street, and visit the newspaper Notify Karolyn Hinshaw - attempted, but they are on vacation 'til Monday in Colorado (TODAY IS MR. DOLE'S 73RD BIRTHDAY -- GLORIA, NORMA JEAN AND KENNY WOULD LIKE SENATOR TO MEET THEM SOMETIME TODAY OR TONIGHT OR TOMORROW OR TOMORROW NIGHT IN BROOKVILLE OR RUSSELL TO HAVE DINNER WITH FATHER) MR. DOLE HAD ME TELL GLORIA FOR THEM TO PROCEED WITH THEIR PLANS -- IF HE CAN DO IT, HE'LL JOIN THEM. 6:00 Pratt - Chamber Office, Pratt Municipal Building. Meet with Pratt County Republican Committee - reorganization meeting. Contact: Carroll Cobble (H) 316-672-2270 (O) 316-672-6416 Also: Mrs. Carl Terry, 316-594-2460, wanted Republican Women to get together with Mr. Dole (reception before or after meeting, or some such). I told her to coordinate with Cobble and see what they work out -- Mr. Dole aware. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 Morning: Belleville -- “Work the Streets" Contact: Mrs. Melissa Arbuthnot 913-527-2146 Noon: Mankato -- "Work the Streets” Contact: Wint Smith 913-378-3312 7-8:30 McPherson. Meet with Irene Whitlock and other McPherson County Republicans (and press, if possible) At Irene and Don Whitlock's home. (About 40 people) Irene: (O) 316-241-3714 (H) 316-241-1881 Evening: (handwritten addition) NEWTON - Reservations at Ramada Inn, 105 Manchester, Newton (crossed out area code) (913) (handwritten area code) 316-283-6500) THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 10:00 Salina - Meet with Saline County Republican Women Elmore Cafeteria, Elmore Shopping Center, Salina, 645 E. Crawford (913-825-5436) Contact: Mrs. Marilyn Crews (O) 913-827-8751 (H) 913-827-1288 Dean Evans would like to receive phone call while you are in Salina 2-2:30 Minneapolis. "Say hello to people -- walk up and down the street". Meet Edith Hendrixson at E&F Floor Covering, Main Street, next to hotel. Mrs. Hendrixson: 913-392-2280 4:30-5:00 Concordia -- “Work the Streets”. Contact: Senator Frank Carlson 913-243-1480 — (handwritten addition) no answer Evening: Spend night in Belleville, at Plaza Motel, US Hwy 36 (913-527-2228) (handwritten addition) Fair in Belleville this week AUGUST 15 12:00 Pittsburg - Hotel Besse - Meet with Bill Hagman, Bob White and other Republicans. Followed by meeting with Press (Hagman would like to take you over to TV station to cut a tape.) Contact: Bill Hagman, Sr. (O) 316-231-8000 (H) 316-231-4356 (handwritten contact) Bob White (O) 316-231-8000 (H) 316-231-7773 3:30 Arrive Coffeyville, Townsend Motel room reserved for you to freshen-up. 4:00 Annual Rodeo Parade - Downtown Coffeyville. Ride in Parade. Immediately following, chuck wagon supper - opportunity to mingle with the crowd. Contact: Henry Journot 316-251-2836 316-251-9811 (Fair Board Office) 6:30-7:00 Depart Coffeyville via Chartered Aztec Twin Pilot: Gene Becker: 913-825-1301 (airport) (913) 827-9388 (main office) 913-827-9703 (home) (handwritten additions) Rex Duwe's home for Nixon speech (O) 913-525-3445 (H) 525-3465 8:00 - Arrive Lucas K-18 State Baseball Championship Game starts 9:30 Presentation of trophies - Sen. Dole Contact: A. A. Ziegler 913-525-4645 (H) 913-525-4665 (O) Following game and awarding of trophies, Gene Becker to fly you to Salina or Russell for evening. (handwritten addition) Reservations at Hilton Inn, Salina 913-827-0461 August 14 7:00 P.M. Fort Scott. Meet Bob Morrison at Lobby of Downtowner (handwritten additions) 2 rooms for Bd & Bk 316-223-3500 Motel (Corner, Wall & National). He will then take you on to meeting with Bourbon County Republicans, TRIBUNE editor and KMDO Radio station. Contact: Bob Morrison - (O) 316-223-1100 (H) 316-223-2518 MONDAY, AUGUST 13 10:30 Legacy of Parks Dedication - Johnson County Courthouse - Olathe You will be introduced by Bob Lane, who is in charge of property transfers. Make brief remarks (A deed will also be given to Charles Schmidt, Republican Mayor of DeSoto, for recreational land) 12:30 Luncheon with Grant Barcus and several others - Terrace Room - Brotherhood Building - K.C. Grant's number - (913) 621-1100 - office P.S. Anne Armstrong will not arrive at the hotel until about 8:30 P.M. Sunday (Judy felt she would prefer to get unpacked, have dinner & then go over schedule -- but appreciate your offer to set up reception) SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 10:00 Winfield Centennial Parade - Contacts: 316-221-1433 - home Wally Keith - 316-225-1050 - paper John Shafer - 316-221-3100 - Ofc 316-221-9003 - home (we had been asked to assist in getting an astronaut for the parade -- without success; however, we did manage to get the 1st Division from Ft. Riley for this event) 6:30-7:30 Cocktail Party - Fairmont Towers - (handwritten addition) 316-683-2841 - Dorm - West Alcove Rm. - 21st & Hillside Jack Jonas hopes to meet you there and then go to Cessna Stadium about 7:30 8:00 All-Stars Football game for benefit of United Cerebral Palsy of Kansas Cessna Stadium - Wichita Contact: Jack Jonas, Exec. Dir., United Cerebral Palsy home- 316-683-1753 office - 316-683-5627 (Docking expected to be there August 10 for the all-star baseball game) Pilot (Rich McCollum) to pick you up at 9:00 at Fuel & Line Services, Municipal Airport (316-943-4236) Rich's home phone: 913-272-7470. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10: 10:30 Sedan Centennial Parade - Sedan Contact: Jerry D. Williams, Chairman, Sedan Centennial, Inc. Phone: (H) 316-725-3031 or Jim Bruner, Sedan - Phone: (H) 316-725-3652 (there is a bar-b-que at 5:30, but we advised you could be there only for the parade) News from U.S. Senator Bob Dole (handwritten additions) August 8 284 11:00 am (Re—Kans.). New Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) (illegible) Joe Reppert —Press Secret Washington, D.C. July 27 Senator Bob Dole today announced that the General Services Administration has agreed to turn over 3,680 packages of surplus inflight food rations to the Kansas City Economic Opportunity Foundation for distribution to elderly, handicapped, and needy residents of Wyandotte County. Arrangements for delivery of the food to EOF are now being worked out. The food will be available for needy individuals at the EOF office or delivery will be made to shut-ins who have previously expressed a need for additional food. "These packaged meals are badly needed in many areas of Wyandotte County. Due to increasing food prices, many of our elderly residents have been hard pressed to obtain adequate food. EOF should be congratulated for (crossed out) their (handwritten addition) its successful efforts in behalf of these citizens. 11:00 A.M. - Wednesday, August 8 This will be at EOF - 1014 Armstrong, K.C, Ks. Uriel Owens, Director (Jim Brown's son-in-law)