WEDNESDAY, JULY 4: 8:00 a.m. Depart Topeka - King Aire Tail No. 88 CV Pilot: Rich McCollom - (handwritten addition) B.B. Anderson Home phone: 913-272-7470 (handwritten addition) OK 9:00 a.m. Arrive Wellington - will be met by John Stewart and driven to Anthony (John Stewart - (H) 316-326-3430 (0) 316-326-3391 Parade will form 3 blocks west of Citizens Bank (be there by 9:45) 10:00 Parade, followed by ceremony honoring Major Montague (Sen. Dole makes brief remarks and presents flag to Maj. Montague) 12:00 Covered Dish Lunch at High School (between Harper and Anthony) (advised Jim Dunn and Carol Cushenbery did not know whether or not you would attend -- depended on your schedule) John Stewart will drive you back to Wellington -- where Rich McCollom will be waiting with the plane to continue to Eureka - at your convenience) Following is Eureka schedule of events: (next appointment crossed out) 1:00 p.m. Racing - Fairgrounds (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 arr Eureka (met by W.I. Boone (316) 583-5123 (time crossed out) 4:00 p.m. (handwritten addition) arr 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. Cookout sponsored by the Jaycees - south end of Main Street 9:30 p.m. SPEAK - July 4 Celebration - Shawnee Mission Park 79th and Renner Road - Shawnee SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE -- WEEK OF JULY 9-15 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, JULY 9: 12:30 Swearing-in of FBI Chief Clarence M. Kelley. Courtyard, Federal Office Bldg., 601 East 12th St., Kansas City, Missouri (President to administer oath of office) TUESDAY, JULY 10: 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Capitol (next appointment handwritten) 5:40 CBS Phone Interview 6:00-8:00 Reception - National Association of Farm Broadcasters, Shoreham Hotel, Palladian Room. (Rex Childs, KFDI, Wichita & Larry Steckline, KFRM, Wichita) 6:00-8:00 Reception - "Rally America" - hosted by Sens. Gurney & Chiles for Ft. Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce, Caucus Room, Cannon HOB. (crossed out time) 8:00 (handwritten time) 9:00 National Children's Center Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers, State Room, Mayflower Hotel; Robert Podesta honored guest (Lee Elsen) - (handwritten additions) President of Center. Mr. Dole to introduce Elsen. WEDNESDAY, JULY 11: 10:00 Subcommittee on Foreign Agricultural Service Meeting (on export controls) - 324 OSOB 10:00 Finance Committee - Executive Session (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Mary Hudson Vandergrift (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Paul Hope, Wash. Eve. Star 6:00 Reception for members of French National Assembly Finance Committee, hosted by Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William J. Porter State Department, James Monroe Room. (Regrets only: 632-0256) WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 (continued): 6:00-8:00 American Bankers Association congressional reception. (handwritten addition) International Ballroom. Washington Hilton Hotel (Henry Blanchard, Oscar Brown, Dwight Button, Rex Duwe & Carl Bowman). Dinner to follow in Oak Room. 6:30-9:45 Gulf Oil Co., dinner cruise on the Potomac for Dole staff. Tom Kerester's houseboat, Sunny Day, at Capitol Yacht Club. 8:30 Concert - U.S. Marine Band (175th anniversary); Concert Hall, J.F. Kennedy Center (Black Tie) 8:30 Shakespeare Summer Festival opening performance (Othello), Sylvan Theatre, South slope of Washington Monument, followed by poolside party at Nat'l Capital Parks Bldg, 1100 Ohio Drive THURSDAY, JULY 12: 10:00 Finance Committee - Executive Session (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Brian Moran, KMB3, K.C., Mo - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Jorge Sabata & Mr. Martinez. Ser-Jobs for Progress 5:00-7:00 Open House, East Side Nat'l Bank & Trust Co., Wichita (7701 E. Kellogg) 7:00-9:00 Ser-Jobs for Progress 7th Anniversary reception; Senate Reception Room, G219 & G221, Dirksen SOB - (handwritten addition) Bill W. stopping by 5:00-9:00 Open House, Ramada Inn Southwest, I-35 & 87th St., Overland Park 6:00-8:00 Wine Tasting Party, Capitol Hill Club - hosted by Bob Mathias & Bill Ketchum Miss Kansas Scholarship Pageant - Pratt FRIDAY, JULY 13: 10:00 Finance Committee - Executive Session (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 VOTE - on Mondale Amendment (next appointment handwritten) 11:15 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - S-207 Cap. 5:30 & 6:00 Social Hour and Dinner - Johnson County Road Conference - Northeast County Courthouse, Multi-Purpose Room Miss Kansas Scholarship Pageant - Pratt SATURDAY, JULY 14: 4:00 Centennial Parade - Edwards County - Kinsley, Kansas. (Gov. Docking will be there). Contact: Patricia Craft, 316-659-2467 (Sedgwick County TARS having "their party" - Glen Hanson) 5:30 Centennial Parade - Lebanon - Want Mr. Dole to ride in Parade Miss Kansas Scholarship Pageant - Pratt SUNDAY, JULY 15: 2:00-4:00 VFW McCowan-Crouch Post Reception honoring Betty Blackburn, (President, VFW Kansas Auxiliary), Community Building, Leoti United States Senate MEMORANDUM Tuesday, July 10: Received call from Jorge Sabata, Ser-Jobs for Progress. (638-5450) Wants to bring National Board Members up to Senator's office to meet for few minutes just to thank him for his many activities in support of Ser and also his legislative activities in support of Mexican- Americans and other Spanish-speaking Americans. Would like to meet Thursday anytime between 10 and 4. Jo-Anne (handwritten notes) OK 3:00 Thursday SATURDAY, JULY 14 10:30 Lv. K. C. Municipal Airport - K.C. Flying Service Terminal Nelson Truck Line plane - Aztec twin engine Tail No. 6503 Y Pilot: Gene Becker Becker's home phone - (913) 827-9703 at airport - (913) 825-1301 12:00 Arrive Pratt - (handwritten addition) (Phone: 316-672-2747) M/M Richard (Wanda) Konold will meet you at airport (he was your County Chairman -- she is current Vice Chairman) Ken Fry is our contact with Pageant - phone: (316) 672-2947 (handwritten additions) Charlie Barnes contacting Konold to arrange mtg. place - probably be at airport (handwritten additions) Charlie Barnes 872-2736 Pratt Tribune 672-5511 2:00 Parade begins - you are Co-Grand Marshall with Sandy Rings, 1972 Miss Kansas (You will be at head of parade and should be thru by 2:15 - 2:20) the Konolds will take you back to airport about 2:35 2:45 Lv. Pratt airport 3:10 Arrive (crossed out) Kinsley (handwritten addition) Larned - will be picked up by Rex Cudney, Cty. Chairman - (handwritten addition) (Phone: 316-995-2243) (he is aware of your tight schedule today - also, you have an 8 x.10 photo, if Cudney needs it) Pat Craft our contact with Centennial Comm. - Phone: (216) 659-2467 4:00 Parade - everyone will be in antique cars -- you will be 8 to 10 cars behind Docking (you may want to present flag somewhere in here) 4:45 Lv. Kinsley airport 5:30 Arrive (crossed out) Smith Center (handwritten addition) Phillipsburg airport - Arno and/or June Windsheffel will meet you and take you to Lebanon (Walt Heide out-of-town) Robert Maneley our contact with Centennial Committee -ph: 913-389-4245 Arno Windsheffel's phone number: 913-282-6566 5:50 Arrive Lebanon - you will be in an open car, pick-up or on a float. (next appointment handwritten) 6:00 Centennial Parade 7:45 Lv. Smith Center airport 9:00 Arrive K.C. Municipal Airport - K.C. Flying Service (handwritten addition) Larned (handwritten additions) TWA - K.C. - Gene Lundy (816) 243-4042 Mr. Lemons Mr. Casper FRIDAY, JULY 13 TWA # 449 - (crossed out) F/C (handwritten addition) went coach lv National 4:00 p.m. arr. K.C. 6:51] p.m. or: TWA #407 - F/C (crossed out flights) 1v. National 6:40 p.m. arr. K.C. 9:08 p.m. SUNDAY, JULY 15 TWA (crossed out) # 482 (handwritten addition) 440 - F/C lv. K.C. (time crossed out) 8:55 a.m. (handwritten time) 3:55 pm arr. National (time crossed out) 12:54 p.m. (handwritten time) 8:04 pm TUESDAY, JULY 17 2:00 Lv. National - Eastern Shuttle to N.Y. 2:56 Arr. LaGuardia - will be met by limo and taken to the University Club (you should be at the Club by 3:30) 3:30 Seminar begins - pane] consists of Senator Dole, Clark Mollenhoff and Raoul Berger (Harvard) Approx. 5:45 Seminar will end - the limo will take you to LaGuardia for return flight 7:00 Lv. LaGuardia - Eastern Shuttle 7:59 Arr. National P.S. The only flights from LaGuardia to National are the Eastern Shuttle flights. (the 7:15 p.m. flight goes into Dulles) These operate every hour on the hour. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 16 - 22 MONDAY, JULY 16 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (pension legis.) 10-12 Architectural Exhibit on Design Facilities for Mentally Retarded/Handicapped by Pres. Comm. on Mental Retardation and Am. Institute of Architects - AIAA Hdqtrs. - 1735 New York Ave., N.W. (next appointment handwritten) 7:30-8:30 Cocktail Recep. - Hairdressers - Terrace Level - Wash. Hilton TUESDAY, JULY 17 8:00 Bkfst. by Nat'l Hairdressers & Cosmetologists Assn. - International Ballroom, Washington Hilton (Tessie Overton, Wichita; Sandra Rush, Arkansas City; Florence Beene, Wellington; Mary Booe, (handwritten addition) Rm. 8210; Chanute; Hazel Yetzbacher, Iola; Marguerite McMahon, Wichita and a number of other Kansans expected) 9:30 All Day session of Farm Labor Research Comm. Advisory Board - Capitol Hill Club (Wint Smith, Co-Chairman; Merl Lemert, Sedan and L. E. Weiss, Cottonwood F Falls, on Board of Advisors) (handwritten addition) S-224 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - S-224 Cap. (pension legis.) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Mtg. with AF re: Lynda Claffin - Gen. Tallman - Sen. Ofc. - Frances, Bill K. (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Mtg. with Dr. John T. Dunlap - Sen. Ofc. (rep. from Am. Cattlemen (probably Ron Michielin) John meet & 2 Ks. Cattle feeders from Ks. (handwritten additions) Tag & Claude 12:00 Luncheon with key members of Midwest business community - S-138 Cap. (Vandenberg Rm.) Sens. Percey and Stevenson hosting (Mrs. Jacobson X57936 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 3:30 On Panel with Clark Mollenhoff and Raoul Berger, Harvard - University Club - New York City (re effect of Watergate on workings of Government) (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 VOTE on Tower-Fannin Amend. as substitute to S. 1861 (min. wage) WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 (next appointment handwritten) 9:45 Mtg. of Minority Members of Finance Comm - Curtis' ofc. 2213 NSOB (with Treas. office on pension legis. (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (pension legis.) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (Committee business) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Photo with FFA boys from Ellinwood (Vince Rob & Keith Miller) also lunch (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 VOTE - Dominick Taft Amend. as substitute to S. 1861 (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Eldon Erickson - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) between 3:00-4:30 Presidential Classroom - Summer Teachers Program (Fayeann Sandstrom, Wichita; Mr. Tommie G. Martin, Wichita 6-8 Reception for Sen. Dominick - Crystal Rm. - Sheraton Carlton (Val Monette also invited Senator) (next appointment handwritten) 6:30-7:30 Recep. by Am. Assn. of Museums - Decatur House - 748 Jackson Pl., N.W. (Stanley Sohl, Ks. Hist. Soc. - Topeka; Dr. Phillip Humphrey, K.U.) Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o July 16 - 22 Page 2. THURSDAY, JULY 19 Boys' Nation Delegates in town thru July 26 - at American U. - Steven Cousins, Prairie Village and Steven Steinbach, Winfield 9:00 Rural Dev. Subc. - 324 OSOB (oversight hearings) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Sess. - 2219 NSOB (pension legis.) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Dr. Phillip Humphrey - K.U. - Sen. Ofc. (on Museum Services Act) - Bill W. (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Foreign Ag. Policy Subc. - Exec. Sess. - 324 OSOB (Sen. Humphreys ofc) with Butz, Peter Flanigan & someone from Cost of Living Council) (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 VOTE - Final Passage on Min. Wage FRIDAY, JULY 20 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm - Exec. Sess. - 2219 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 VOTE - Eagleton Amend on War Powers Bill; followed by Final D.C. Appropriations (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 3:00 Foreign Ag. Policy Subc. Ag. Comm. & Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (with Butz & possibly Peter Flanigan & someone from Cost of Living Council) SATURDAY, JULY 21 (handwritten additions) K.C. Press Conf. Junction City - National Guard Grand Promenade Banquet Johnson Cty - YMCA benefit game for Mel Dinklage SUNDAY, JULY 22 (handwritten addition) OK 10-5 School Fair by Campus Veterans of K.U. - National Guard Armory - 18th & Ridge, K.C., Ks. (Joe LeVota wants to get a photo with you for publicity) (handwritten addition) OQ - Advise me of outcome July 16, 1973 MEMORANDUM TO SENATOR DOLE A meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, July 17, in our office at 10:00 A.M. to discuss the case of Lynda Claflin with the Air Force. They are sending over Genera] K. L. Tallman. This is the Air Force wife of Major Richard A. Claflin who has been missing in action since l967 and Mrs. Claflin wants to have him declared dead so that she may remarry. Jerry Waters and Ann Shirley from Senator Pearson's Office and Nan Elder from Congressman Winn's Office will also be here for the meeting. This is the case which Attorney Tom Allen had discussed with Mr. Kats. Frances (next appointment handwritten) In Attendance at July 17 mtg. - Cattlefeeders, etc. RICHARD LYING American Meat Institute 59 East Van Buren Street Chicago, Illinois M.J. CHAMBERLAIN Seymour Foods, Inc. P.O. Box 1220 Topeka, Kansas 66601 J.R. HAM Master Feeders II Inc. Box 802 Garden City, Kansas FRED CLYMER Farmland Foods, Inc. Kansas City, Missouri G.E. CRAM B.&C. Hatchery, Inc. Neodesha, Kansas BILL AMSTEIN Clifton, Kansas 66937 KALO HINEMAN Dighton, Kansas 67839 JOHN MEETZ 2044 Fillmore Topeka, Kansas 66604 RON MICHIELI ANCA Washington, D.C. RAY SKUBAL Worldwide Meats Denison, Iowa United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten addition) July 19 July 10 Received call from Dr. Philip Humphrey, Univ. of Ks. 913-UN4-4541 or UN4-4545. Will be in Washington next week (Wednesday and Thursday), testifying before Pell's Committee on Museum Services Act. He is with the Museum of Natural History and also Secretary of Systematic Collections (???), the capacity in which he is testifying before Pell's Subcommittee. Would like 15-20 minutes (!) with the Senator to brief him on his testimony. I know Mr. Dole won't want to meet with him, but rather than sound like we were definitely putting him off, told him we'd call him, or if he had not heard from us to check back with us when he arrived in Washington. He would like to meet with Mr. Dole Thursday afternoon, July 19. Jo-Anne (handwritten addition) 3:00 - Thurs, July 19 Bill W. SATURDAY, JULY 21 1:30-2:00 Press Conference - KC Office - Ramada Inn 5:00 Lv. K.C. Flying Service - (handwritten additions) Midwest Solvents - 1300 Main St., Atchison, 66002, old airport - Tom Monk, pilot Midwest Solvents plane (handwritten addition) OK 5:40 arr. Junction City - met by Fred Bramlage (handwritten addition) OK 6:00 Arr. National Guard Armory - for 6:30 Banquet Grand Promenade (Fred Bramlage will take back to airport) (handwritten addition) OK 7:45 Lv. Junction City - Tom Monk, pilot 8:30 Arr. Johnson County Airport - met by Overland Park police car and taken to Johnson County YMCA for benefit football game for Mel Dinklage police ear will then take Senator to Alameda Plaza SUNDAY, JULY 22 11:00 Ren and Donna Schultz will pick Senator up at Alameda Plaza and take to School Fair - by Campus Veterans of K.U. (handwritten addition) RFD3 - Box 35 - Lawrence 11:15 Arrive National Guard Armory - 18th and Ridge Rd, K.C., Ks. for School Fair Contact: Joe LeVota (H) 913-788-7194 12:00 Lv. - Ren and Donna will drive Senator to Wamego for Pottawatomie County Annual Farm Bureau Picnic - Shelter House - Wamego City Park 3:30 Lv. Wamego - drive back to K.C. Int'l Airport 5:50 On flight #738 - United - 9:07 Arr. Dulles - Bill Daley will meet and take to Marriott Dulles to visit with Bob Miner and Karen Criss, briefly SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 23 - 29 MONDAY, JULY 23 10:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (Pension legis.) 6-8 Recep. for Brazilian Wheat Mission by Great Plains Wheat - Senate Rm., Statler-Hilton TUESDAY, JULY 24 M/M Tom Bashaw, KFH Wichita in town (Bill K. made arrangements for Watergate hearings)- 10:30 Mtg. with Deputy Ass't A.F. Sec'y John Meis & Col. Kresge - Sen. Ofc. (re Forbes) (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Finance Comm - Exec Session - 2219 NSOB (final action on pension legis.) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Interview Paul Duke - Senate Steps (re tapes) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 ACORNS - Bob Griffins Ofc. - 353 OSOB (Mel Laird, guest) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Sterling Drug, Inc. - N.Y. - Lincoln Rm. - Wash. Hilton (hostesses - Inez Kaiser & Assoc. - she's from K.C.) 8:00 White House Dinner for Shah of Iran - S.W. Gate (black tie) ALL STAR GAME IN K.C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 (next appointment handwritten) 7:05 TODAY Show - NBC - (next appointment handwritten) 8:30 Rep. Leadership Mtg. - White House - N.W. Gate (in Cabinet Rm.) (next appointment handwritten) 8:30 White House (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Ernie Barrett, Ted Bredenhof; Chas. Oldfather, K.U. Athletic Bd. (Brice Durbin - Ks. Hi School Art Assoc.) (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Mtg with Delegation - 45 - 4 Hers (Ks.) attending Citizenship Short courses - 1302 LHOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 - Photo on House Steps - 45 - Ks. 4-Her's (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Phil Jones - CBS - Sen. Ofc. (overview on conversation with Pres.) (next appointment handwritten) 3-4 Interns meeting in 1318 NSOB re ways to help in campaign (Bill D. sitting in) 6-8 Recep. for Geo. Shultz - Capitol Hill Club Sen. Dole's Schedule - w/o July 23 - 29 Page 2. THURSDAY, JULY 26 8-9 Bkfst. by FFA Leaders - B-339 RHOB (Ron Wilson, Salina, 1973-74 Ks. Pres. and George Ebert - Westmoreland, Ks. V.P.) 9:30 Nutrition Comm. - S-146 Capitol (future Committee activities) 2:00 Stan Zahorsky, Dir., Emergency Empl. Act in K.C., Ks. (Bill W. re Act; JoAnne - re camp. FRIDAY, JULY 27 7:00 Parade - Sheridan County Fair - Hoxie SATURDAY, JULY 28 Nortonville Centennial (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 VOTE - DOT appropriations 11:00 Parade - Babe Ruth Tournament - Russell 12:00 Picnic Lunch at VFW following parade (handwritten addition) no 2:00 Opening Game - Babe Ruth T. - 4:00 Second Game 6:45 Opening Ceremonies - Babe Ruth T. 6:30 & 7:30 Cocktails & Dinner - 4th Annual POW/MIA Dinner ~ Congressional Rm-Statler Hilton SUNDAY, JULY 29 Babe Ruth Tournament - Russel] - Games 1:30, 3:30, 7:00 and 9:00 1-5 4th Annual Employee Picnic -Topeka Postal Employees - Shelter House #3 - Lake Shawnee - Topeka (handwritten addition) OK 7-9:30 Cocktail Party - SBA Celebration - Elks Club - Abilene (hosted by Tom Kleppe) MONDAY, JULY 30 (handwritten addition) OK 11:00 SBA Anniversary Celebration - formal program - Abilene SENATOR DOLE FROM: BILL RE: REQUESTED MEETING REGARDING THE AMATEUR ATHLETIC ACT. Ernie Barrett - Athletic Director at K-State Ted Bredenhof - Athletic Director At Wichita State Charles Oldfather - KU Law Professor and Director of the Athletic Brice Durbin - Director of the Kansas High School Activities Assoc. Will be in Washington tomorrow and wish to talk to you regarding the Amateur Athletic bill. They are concerned that the bill which intended to improve and control international competition and U.S. involvement in it may go well beyond this and involve the federal government in high school and college athletics. Senator Pearson was a sponsor to a bill which these people supported but the committee bill as reported has some provisions which they oppose. I am in touch with Senator Pearsons office on this matter to make sure we do not get in conflict with him. Feel we can satisfy many of their requests with amendments worked out with Pearson or with questions and answers posed on the Senate floor when the bill is considered right after recess. The four MEN WILL BE IN TOMORROW AND WOULD LIKE TO MEET WITH YOU AT ABOUT 10:30 OR AT WHATEVER TIME WOULD BE CONVENIENT. THEY HAVE A MEETING SCHEDULED WITH PEARSON AT 1:00. DO YOU WANT TO MEET WITH THEM? (handwritten addition) O.K. SUNDAY, JULY 29: UAL #293 - F/C (be sure to carry your suitcase onboard) lv. Friendship 10:50 a.m. arr. K.C. 12:09 p.m. You will be met by Leonard Schaeffer of SBA (Jim French says you know him) and he will get your suitcase on the Cessna, which will be waiting as close to the United gate as possible Cessna 401 - Tail No. 7905 Q - Red and White Pilot: Gene Wood (incidentally, he knows Gene Taylor quite Geodoshia, Missouri well according to Jim) approx. 1:30 arrive Russell -- Kenny will meet you (the games are at 1:30 and 3:30 & Jim Boyd will advise you are going to be there for part of the games, weather permitting) Gene Wood will take you to Abilene -- you have room at Trail's End Phone contact: (913) 263-2050 - Jim French, et al 7-9:30 Cocktail Party - Elks Club - hosted by Tom Kleppe MONDAY, JULY 30: 11:00 SBA Ceremony - Eisenhower Center - Abilene You were scheduled to be one of the first speakers in order to get you out for return to Wash., but this may be changed now There is a luncheon following Gene Wood will take you to Emporia -- Bill Collins felt you should arrive by 3:00 -- he can pick you up, but he is a pallbearer so will have to be at church, or wherever, at 3:30. Bill Collins phone: (316) DI 2-6732 4:00 Funeral Services Gene Wood will take you back to KC airport 5:50 p.m. Lv. K.C. - United #738 - F/c 9:07 p.m. Arr. Dulles SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 30 - AUGUST 5 MONDAY, JULY 30 Kevin Kelso, Coffeyville, & members of Quivira Council of Boy Scouts - in town - will call photo 11:00 20th Anniversary Celebration of SBA - Abilene - Eisenhower Center 2:00 Mtg. with officials of Air Midwest & communities served by Air Midwest with CAB officials - Sen. Pearson's ofc. (5313 NSOB) 4:00 Wm. L. White Services - TUESDAY, JULY 31 M/M Lester Shaw, Macksville, in town thru Aug 3 - will call Bruce Rice, KCMO, in town - will call 9:45 Photo on House Steps - Capitol with Quivira Council of Boy Scouts -(delegation) (next appointment handwritten) 9:45 Testify - "Housing Opportunities for Handicapped" - Subc on Housing - 5302 NSOB x53925 10:00 Meeting with MIA group (Anne Howe & Maureen Smith) ~ Shriver's Ofc. - 2209 RHOB 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 3:00 3 Ks. Winners of NBC All-America Youth Bowling Championships - Sen. Ofc. (Geri Leiker & David Hill, K.C.; William Burns - Overland Park) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (Committee business) (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 11:00 Interview - Fran Leighton, Metro Media - Sen. Ofc. (handwritten addition) moved to Thurs. - 10:30 (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Lunch with Bryce Harlow - Sen. Dining Rm - Capitol (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Mtg. with Rep. Senators & Gov. Love, Laird, Schultz, Phil Campbell & Timmons - S-146 Cap. on crude oil price rollback & beef ceiling - (Peggy x54721) 4:00 Briefing with Alex Armendaris, Dir, OMBE - H-122 Cap. (also Bill W.) (next appointment crossed out) 6-7:30 Recep. for Prime Minister. Tanaka - Embassy of Japan - 2516 Mass. Ave., N.W. (handwritten addition) Regretted 8/1 - BD 7:00 Championship Game/s - Ks. Babe Ruth Tournament - Russell