SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 11 - 17 MONDAY, JUNE 11 Alison Gold, Lawrence, Ks. (handwritten addition) Mrs. Stamino Anderson - Rm 459, Spelling Bee Champion in town -Mayflower - 347-3000 - thru Friday 10:40 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 OSOB (Advertising of children's food products on TV) 11:00 Dick Westerman, WBBC-Chicago (Wash. corres.) - Sen. Ofc. (re Percy) 3:30 People-to-People Program Students (12 - K.C., KS.; 11 - K.C., Mo.) Sen. Dole Photo (handwritten addition) (Rosemary Moody - (illegible) 9 Kans.) TUESDAY, JUNE 12 8:30 Bkfst. - Rural Electric Coop Youth Tour Group - S-120 Cap. - (8:45 photo - Scottie will be there) 9:00 Testify - Office of Oil and Gas on Petroleum Allocation - GSA Auditorium - 19th & F Sts., N.W. 9:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (HEW nominations) 9:30 Ag. Research Subc. - 324 OSOB (hrgs. on impact of energy crisis on ag.) BD requested 10:00 Private Pensions Subc. - 2221 NSOB 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S~207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Ag. Res. Subc. - 324 OSOB - (Ks. witnesses - Frank Mosier, Dr. Bohanon & Ralph Walker) 6-8 Recep. for Bob Michel and Bob Wilson - Capitol Hill Club Sen. Dole's Schedule - week of June 11 - 17 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 8:00 SPEAK - Bkfst. - Board Meeting of Corn Refiners Group - Madison Hotel - Executive Chamber #1 9:30 Finance Comm.- Exec. Sess. - 2221 NSOB (Hew nominations & suppl. income prog) 10:00 Ag. Research Subc. - 324 OSOB (hrgs. on impact of energy crisis on ag.) (time crossed out) 11:30 (handwritten time) 1:15 (crossed out) Photo on House Steps (handwritten addition) Senate Recep. Rm - Capitol with 6 - 4 H'ers attending Citizenship Shortcourse - Ks. Delegation (crossed out) (Nan Elder arranging) (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 Otis Smith, V.P. Boeing Wichita; Cliff LaPlante, & Mr. Borris - Wash. Ofc. Sen. Ofc. 6-8 Fundraiser for Bob Packwood - International Club - 1800 K St., N.W. 6:30-7:30 Recep. by Bd. of Directors of Nat'l Council of Farmer Coops - M/M Kenneth Naden - 5841 Osceola Rd. - Montgomery Cty. -659-1525 THURSDAY, JUNE 14 (next appointment crossed out) Paul Berry in town - will call for appt. (handwritten addition) canceled 9:30-4:30 Photos with Lynn Forehand, National Cystic Fibrosis Poster Child - EF-100 Capitol 10:00 Ag. Res. Subc. - 324 OSOB (hrgs. on S. 991 - meat inspection) (handwritten addition) Wm. H. Ward, Asst. Atty Gen. - Ks. testifying 10:00 Press. Conf. to launch HERO Program for MIA children - 2212 RHOB (handwritten additions) Cathy Plowman's son being presented with flag (Jimmy) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Briefing by Kissinger - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Ag. Res. Subc. - 324 OSOB (hrgs. on meat insp.) 2:30 Ed Zeller, K.U. (re nuclear waste disposal) - See John SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - w/o June 11 - 17 Page 3 FRIDAY, JUNE 15 (appointment crossed out) 2:00 Mtg. in Sen. Bennett's ofc - 1121 NSOB with Sec'y Weinberger (re bill to amend the Soc. Sec. Act to improve payments for Old Age & Survivors Benefits) (handwritten addition crossed out) (x55544 - Dennis Fowler) (handwritten addition) Changed to Tues., June 19 - 2:00 pm SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 18 - 24 MONDAY, JUNE 18 Mr. Partridge (formerly Russell) in town this week 9-10 Briefing by Curtis Tarr and Adm. Ray Peet, Dep. Sec. of Def. for Security Assistance (re: Administration's position on Foreign Military Sales Act - S-207 Cap. 10:00 Mtg. with farm leaders and commodity groups - Cannon Caucus Rm. - CHOB (Tag) 12:00 Luncheon with Farm Orgn leaders - B-339 RHOB (Tag) 2:00 Mtg. with Sister Mary Agnes Drees, Junction City (Member of "NETWORK" - group of nuns Nuns Political Orgn.) - See Bil] W. - Hello to BD TUESDAY, JUNE 19 Mike McGee & Lynn Higbee - KCMO - in town - will call for appt. Mrs. James Buchholz - Carbondale, Ks. - in town attending hearings on Postal Service Legis) will call 8:30 Bkfst. with Chase Manhattan economists & energy experts on energy crisis - Private Rm. - 2nd Floor - Carroll Arms (Contact: Margo 833-1070 9:00 Mtg. with Sec'y Weinberger on Supp]. Sec. Inc. Prog.) Bennett's ofc. - 1121 NSOB 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Weinberger on Supplemental Security Income Programs) (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Bob Ellsworth - Sen. Ofc. 12:00 Luncheon by Am. Ag. Editors - 1202 NSOB 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap (Sec'y Laird attending) (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Briefing for Senators & staff - on Russian ag. agreement - 324 OSOB 4:30-6:00 Recep. for TAR Leaders - Cannon Caucus Rm. ~ CHOB 6-8 Recep. by Am. Ag. Editors - Shoreham (Paul Zeh, Ks. Farmer-Stockman Mag.) 6-8 Buffet Recep. - by Nat'l Assn. of Life Underwriters - NALU Hdqtrs - 1922 F St., N.W. Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o June 18 - 24 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB (Debt Limit) (handwritten addition) changed to Thurs. 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (mkt. promotion for grapefruit) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Signing of Treaty on Taxation betw. Russia & U.S. (South Portico of Treasury Bldg.) (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Ray Morgan - Sen. Ofc. 6 & 7 Recep. & Dinner - by Am. Trucking Assn. (Mark Robeson, Wm. Graves, Salina) Recep. - Senate & Cong. Rms. - Dinner - Pres. Ballroom, Statler Hilton (advised Sen. would stop by Recep) 7:00 Buffet Dinner for Les Arends by Rod Markley & Wm. Whyte - Chevy Chase Club (Black Tie) THURSDAY, JUNE 2? 10:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB (Debt Limit) 12:00 Lunch with Rex Duwe and Delegation - House Restaurant, Members side-Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - (with Jamie McLane, Dep. Dir. Cost of Living Council). 324 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - (Debt Limit) Old Supreme Ct. Rm - Capitol FRIDAY, JUNE 22 Senator Dole‘s Schedule - w/o June 18 - 24 Page 3. SATURDAY, JUNE 23 (handwritten addition OK 9:30 - 1:00 (2?) Mtg. of Ks. POW-MIA Families - Officers’ Open Mess - Ft. Leavenworth 1:30 Environmental Mtg. with Sierra Club & other Conservation Groups - Regal Inn-Wichita SUNDAY, JUNE 24 (handwritten addition) OK 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon - Ks. Academy of Family Physicians - Highland Motor Inn - Great Bend (handwritten notes) 28 - Kansans Sandy x52715 Am. Assn. of Univ. Women 8:15 - 8:45 Coffee Rm 1302 - House Ag. Comm. they are only free Wed. A.M. Catherine Billings - (crossed out) contacted Sebelius ofc. Washington Hilton 483-3000 Rm 7123 SATURDAY, JUNE 23 TWA #427 - F/C lv. National 11:00 a.m. arr. K.C. 1:00 p.m. You have reservation at Alameda Plaza tonight. SUNDAY, JUNE 24 10:15 a.m. Depart K.C. Municipal - Exec. Beechcraft -B.B. Anderson's plane King Aire Tail No. 88 CV Pilot: Rich McCollum (handwritten addition) OK 11:30 Arrive Great Bend Will be met by someone -- don‘t know who yet.... (handwritten addition) OK 12:00 Luncheon - Am. Academy of Family Physicians - Highland Manor Motel - Great Bend approx. 1:00 SPEAK 2:00 Depart Great Bend Airport - Twin Beech Baron - white with green trim Tail No. 792 BR Pilot: Charles Gilliland (Paul Berry will be on board) (will know Saturday by 10:00 a.m. if they have time to pick up Robin in Russell & get back to K.C. -- but it looks doubtful) You have confirmed reservations on both of the following: TWA #440 - BD - F/C -- Robin - coach lv. K.C. 3:55 pm arr. National 8:04 p.m. UAL #738 - BD - F/C - Robin - coach v. K.C. 5:50 p.m. arr. Dulles 9:07 p.m. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 25 - JULY 1 MONDAY, JUNE 25 12:00 Luncheon for National YMCA Youth Governors - S-207 Cap. (Don Byers, Kingman, Ks.) (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 3 VOTES - (S.37 - OMB confirmation) (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Walter Mears - A.P. - Sen. Ofc. 7-9 Garden Buffet Party by Sen. & Mrs. John Sherman Cooper - 2900 N St., N.W. TUESDAY, JUNE 26 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon of American Dental Political Action Comm. - Shoreham (handwritten addition) -Blue Room 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S~207 Cap. (Sec'y Rogers, guest) 2:30 Richard Gallagher & 1 or 2 others from Human Rights Amendment Group - Bill W. 6-8 Recep. for Bo Callaway - Capitol Hill Club WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 (next appointment handwritten) 10:15 Carl Bryant & Ralph Simon (Bryant - Supt. of Schools in Powhattan; Simon, Chrm. of Kickapoo Tribe, Horton (George & Bill W.) 1:00 Dr. Richard Wirthlin, Decision-Making Information - Calif - Sen. Dole (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Amb. Um Sim, Khmer Republic (Cambodia - Sen. Ofc.) (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Thomas Sawyer - House Interstate & Foreign Commerce Comm. - Sen. Ofc. (re: chairmanship) (next appointment handwritten) 5:30 - 7:00 Recep. for all Kansas summer interns - Cong. Shriver - 2209 RHOB 5:30-7:30 Recep. for Sen. & Mrs. Carl Curtis by Frances Knight Parrish - 2221 - 30th St. N.W 6:00 - ? Recep. for M/M Tobin Armstrong by M/M John Nevius - Federal City Club 923 - 16th St., N.W. 6-8 Recep. for Sen. Jackson, Wilbur Mills & Chas. Vanik by Int'l League for Repatriation of Russian Jews - 1102 LHOB 6:30 Cocktail Party by M/M Chet Mize - 5416 Falmouth Rd. - Wash., D.C. 6-8 Recep. for Fred Dent - Capitol Hill Club ($10/ea.) Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o June 25 - July 1 Page 2. THURSDAY, JUNE 28 M/M Laddie Stransky & family (Wichita) in town - will call (next handwritten appointment crossed out) 10:00 Finance Comm - 2221 NSOB (trade legislation) (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Luncheon Mtg. of Ag. Comm. - Vandenberg Rm - Cap. - ($6.00 ea.) with Geo. Schultz, Herbert Stein & Dr. John Dunlap (next appointment handwritten) 4-7 Open House Reception - Nat'l Assn of Social Workers - 1425 H St., N.W. FRIDAY, JUNE 29 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Settlement - Suite 354 - 600 N. Hampshire Ave., N.W. (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Sheldon Cohen - Dem. Nat'l Comm. Counsel - Sen. Ofc. (293-4740) SATURDAY, JUNE 30 SUNDAY, JULY 1 United States Senate MEMORANDUM 6/26 Betty Carl Bryant and Ralph Simon plan to meet with Bill and me at 3:00 tomorrow, might take pictures with the Senator. Carl Bryant is superintendent of schools at Powhattan, Kansas, and is urging construction of a new school building. Ralph Simon is chairman of the Kickapoo Indian Tribe at Horton, Kansas. He has several grant applications. George United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten memo) Embassy of Khmer Republic Cambodia new amb. Um Simm would like to pay courtesy call next week - preferably Monday, June 25 Miss Moreau 726-2404 ofc. hours 9-12 & 2-5:30 Tues. MEMORANDUM June 26, 1973 From: Bill Kats To: Senator Dole (handwritten additions) Fri A.M. - after 10:30 AM between 11 & 12 Sheldon Cohen, Counsel for the Democratic National Committee, called this afternoon and stated they have been taking depositions in connection with their lawsuit against the Committee to Re-Elect, and would like to visit with you about statements you have made to the effect that certain White House employees tried to get you to do dirty tricks for them. He stated he does not want to put you in an embarrassing situation, nor give anyone any reason for publicity, so asks if you would let him know when he can visit with you or perhaps send someone from his staff to ask you some questions about it. He stated he wanted you to be sure that he was not trying to get you in an embarrassing position, and that if there was no meat in what you have to say, they will simply disregard it. He would tike to do this before the recess, or if it is more convenient to you, wait until sometime after you return. His telephone no.: 293-4740