Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 28 - June 3 Page 2. FRIDAY, JUNE 1 (crossed out time) 10:00 (handwritten time) 9:30 International Finance Subc. - 2221 NSOB SATURDAY, JUNE 2 VFW Convention - Overland Park (handwritten addition) OK VFW Banquet - Overland Park (Barney Aldridge) SUNDAY, JUNE 3 (handwritten addition) OK 1-6 Open House - Woodside Racquet Club - 2000 West 47th Pl. - Westwood, Ks. (handwritten addition) OK 6-9 Cocktail Buffet - Ft. Leavenworth Officers Club - (M/M Geo. Bernhardt, M/M Homer Davis & Mr. Keefe Bleakley) MONDAY, JUNE 4 (handwritten addition) OK 9:30 SPEAK - 20th National Watershed Congress - Holiday Inn Plaza - Wichita 10:00 Private Pension Subc. - 2221 NSOB SATURDAY, JUNE 2 You are confirmed on the following flights: UAL #585 - F/C lv. Dulles 2:45 p.m. arr. K.C. 4:12 p.m. TWA #449 - F/C lv. National 4:00 p.m. arr. K.C. 6:51 p.m. You have reservations at the Alameda Plaza SUNDAY, JUNE 3 Bob Miner will be there to pick you up about 5:00 p.m. Sunday Tom Monk and his wife (Midwest Solvents) will take you from Leavenworth to Wichita Sunday. 9:00 p.m. Leave Ft. Leavenworth - Civilian Hangar - Sherman Field (south end of field) Turbo Commander (they flew you on the West Coast last November) 9:50 Arrive Aircraftco - Wichita You have reservation at the Holiday Inn Plaza MONDAY, JUNE 4 9:00 Press Conference - Room 101L Century II (at south end of Century II Auditorium) 9:35 Speak - Little Theater, Century II 10:15 Depart United Beechcraft - Tenneco plane - either Jet Star or Falcon jet Bob Miller, V.P. Tenneco on board 2:30 Arr. Page National (If there is any change in Monday, must notify Miller by Saturday evening) United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Bud Cray - Midwest Solvents 367-1480 Turbo Commander - North American Tom Monk - Pilot Washington 50 min. - Ft. Leavenworth Sherman Fld Civilian Hangar South end of field Aircraftco - terminal Wichita United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Saturday, June 2 UAL #585 F/C lv. Dulles 2:45 pm arr. K.C. 4:12 pm also: TWA #449 - F/C lv. National 4:00 pm arr. KC 6:51 $99.64 Res at Alameda Plaza SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 4 - 10 MONDAY, JUNE 4 9:00 Press Conference - Room 101L Century II (handwritten addition) OR 9:35 SPEAK - National Watershed Congress - Little Theater - Century II, Wichita 10:00 Private Pensions Subc. - 2221 NSOB 2:30 Sen. Dole - arrive Page National 6-8 Recep. honoring Danish Wheat Mission by Great Plains Wheat - South American Rm. - Statler (Tag) TUESDAY, JUNE 5 M/M Amos Morris in town - will call 9:30 Nutrition Comm - 1202 NSOB (hrgs. on maternal, fetal & infant nutrition) 9:30 International Finance Subc. - 2221 NSOB 10:30 Mt. Stoltz, Dubuque Packing Co., Dubuque, Iowa - re Urban Renewal Proj. in Wichita - (Bill W.) (next appointment handwritten) 12:15 White Houose - Pres. - seeing Linda Ruthledge - N.W. Gate - 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. - followed by meeting 2:30 Bryan Whitehead, K.C., Ks. & others of Brotherhood of Railway & Airline Clerks (see Judy Barnes - re; Railroad Retirement) 4:00 VOTE - Final passage of Fuel 8111 5:30-7:30 Buffet Reception by Am. Nurses Assn. - (handwritten addition) 345 CHOB (Florence Nelson, Topeka) (handwritten additions) & Judy Runnels, Ray Showalter 6-8 Recep. & exhibition of Mobile Kidney Transplant Lab - by Community Health Consultants - Ambassador Room - Shoreham Senator Dole's Schedule - week of June 4 - 10 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 Wellington Jones, Blue Cross, Topeka - in town - will call (Bill W. - hello to BD) 9:30 Nutrition Comm. (crossed out) 1202 NSOB (handwritten addition) S-407 Cap 9:30 Linda Rutledge, Leavenworth - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 Monopoly Subc. - G-219 NSOB (advertising of over-the-counter drugs) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Exec Session) Social Svcs & supplemental security income program (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (Exec. Session) - S. 1585 & postponement of wheat referendum 10:30 Celebration Singers - Broadway Christian Church, Wichita will sing on Senate steps of Capitol (photo with Sens. Dole & Pearson & Cong. Shriver) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Luncheon by the Ks. Assn. of Property & Casualty Ins. Coc. - H-128 Cap. (John S.) 12:00 SPEAK - Counci1 of Construction Employers - Presidential Room - Statler (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Legislature Subc. of appropriations Subc. - 1114 NSOB (Sen. Bentsen appearing concerning increase in current Clerk Hire Allowance (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Mrs. Dodenhoffer increase in current Clerk-Hire Allowance (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Lee Motal, Pres. & Marilyn Campbell, United Indian Tribes of Western Ks. & (illegible) - Sen. Ofc. (Bill W.) 4-6 Art Exhibition - "Hungarian Artists in America" - H-326 Capitol 6-8 Recep. & Wine Tasting - Dr. Hall Themido, Amb. of Portugal, by Overseas Press Club of America - S-207 Cap 8-9 Recep. & Dinner by Nat'l Assn of Insurance Commissioners for M/M Fletcher Bell Executive Chamber - Madison Hotel THURSDAY, JUNE 7 (crossed out time) 9:30 (handwritten time) 10:30 Nutrition Comm. (crossed out) 1202 NS6B (handwritten addition) S-407 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Floyd Pinnick - Sen. Ofc. - (re: speaking in Minn. in Fall for ABA) - Betty 3:30 Mtg. with Ks. Urban Renewal Directors (8 or 9) - S-138 Cap. (Pearson's office arranging) Sen. Dole & Bill W. 6:30-8:00 Buffet Recep. - Ag. Comm. of American Bankers Assn. - Statler Hilton - (Floyd Pinnick, Ulysses) Pan American Room (crossed out time) 6:45 (handwritten time) 7:00 & 8:00 Cocktails & Correspondents' Dinner - Shoreham (cocktails- (crossed out) Ambassador (handwritten addition) Tudor Rm. - Dinner -Regency Ballroom) guest of Peter Hackes (black tie) (you will be the Republican speaker, following Morris Udall) (next appointment handwritten) 7:45 Head Table (BD) assemble for entrance into Ballroom Senator Dole's Schedule - week of June 4 - 10 Page 3. FRIDAY, JUNE 8 Bonner Springs Diamond Jubilee - thru June 16 (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Bill Broom - Ridder Publications - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Luncheon - by Environmental Resources Comm. of AIAA - AIAA Hdqtrs. Pat Duncan narrating her film on Prairie Park - Octagon Bldg. - 1735 N.Y. Ave. - (John S. (H) 362-1895 Day - 381-5035 (handwritten addition) OK 5-6:30 FR - Topeka Town Club - 534 Kansas - Topeka (handwritten addition) OK 7:00 Opening Ceremonies - Ks. Special Olympics - Moore Bowl - Washburn U. 9:30 VIP Reception - Ks. Special Olympics - Downtown Holiday Inn - Topeka SATURDAY, JUNE 9 Ks. Special Olympics - Moore Bowl - Washburn U. (handwritten addition) OR 9:30 Mile Run - (Sen. Dole awarding trophy) (handwritten addition) OR 12:30 SPEAK - Dedication of Lawrence Downtown Renewal project - Eldridge Hotel Lawrence (handwritten addition) OK Ks. Fed. of Republican Women - Spring Bd. of Directors' Meeting - Elks Club - Clay Center (handwritten addition) OK 6:30 Ks. DAV Convention Banquet - National Guard Armory - Marysville SUNDAY, JUNE 10 (handwritten addition) no 2-4 Dedication of Phillipsburg City Library - 888 - 4th St., Phillipsburg 5:00 Massing of Colors by D.C. Chapter of Military Order of World Wars - National Presbyterian Church - 4101 Nebraska Ave., N.W. FRIDAY, JUNE 8 Sat. - try to reach Frazier re taking BD to airport Sunday. UAL #585 - F/C (crossed out flights) lv. Dulles 2:45 p.m. arr. K.C. 4:12 p.m. TWA #449 - confirmed Coach - Wait Listed F/C lv. National 4:00 p.m. arr. K.C. 6:51 p.m. (Bob Miner wil] meet you and take you to Topeka if you take TWA - can't meet you earlier because of a meeting) 9:30 Reception for VIP's - Ks. Special Olympics - Downtown Holiday Inn-Topeka They have a reservation for you at the Holiday Inn for tonight Phone: (913) 232-7721 SATURDAY, JUNE 9 9:00 Depart Topeka Airport - Nelson Truck Line - Aztec Twin engine Tail No. 6503 Y Pilot: Gene Becker (from Russell) Gene Becker's phone: (H) 913-827-9703 at airport: 913-825-1301 9:40 Arrive Clay Center - you will be met by John Erickson, Cty. Chairman 10:30 Depart Clay Center 11:10 = Arrive Topeka .- (met by Bob Miner) 11:30 Arrive Moore Bowl - Washburn U. (Award trophy for Mile Run) 12:30 Lv. for Lawrence (Bob Miner) 1:00 Arrive Lawrence - Eldridge Hotel - Downtown Renewal Luncheon 1:15 SPEAK - followed by Ribbon Cutting (should be over by 2:30) (Tim Pryor, LAWRENCE JOURNAL WORLD will be hoping to interview you after the ribbon cutting) 4:00 Arrive East Lawrence Improvement Assn. Awards Picnic - 10th & Delaware 5:15 Depart Lawrence Airport -(Gene Becker) 6:00 Arrive Clay Center (will be met by Floyd Nelson) For Dinner at United Methodist Church 7:00 Depart Clay Center 7:20 Arrive Marysville (Jim Under or Ray Billings will meet you) CONTINUED SATURDAY, JUNE 9 (cont'd) 9:00. Depart Marysville (Gene Becker) 10:00 Arrive K.C. - Kansas City Flying Service Terminal - Old Airport You have a reservation at the Alameda Plaza (they don't have a suite available -- but you have a room with double bed.....) SUNDAY, JUNE 10