WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o April 30 - May 6 Vivian Shepherd, Dir., Rehabl Institute, (handwritten addition) 659-2430 K.C. in town - will call for appt. 10:00 Small Business Comm. - 318 OSOB 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB (on diet & disease) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session (Farm Bill Mark-Up) - 324 0SOB (next appointment crossed out) 12:00 Lunch - M/M Clyde Reed - Sen. Dining Rm. (per Bill Fribley) (handwritten addition) canceled per Fribley (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Vivan Shepherd - Sen. Ofc. 6-9 Recep. by U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Mediterranean Rm. - International Club THURSDAY, MAY 3 John Snyder, Topeks, (Dept. of Education) in town - will call for appt. (next appointment handwritten) 7:30 TODAY Show (Paul Duke) NBC - 4001 Nebraska Ave., N.W. 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session (Farm Bill Mark-Up) - 324 OSOB 10:00-11:30 Sen. Dole on Panel - President's Comm. on Employment of the Handicapped - International Ballrm-Washington Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 1:15 VOTE Cloture vote (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 John Snyder - Sen. Ofc. (on Voc. Ed. funding; Shill Center at Forbes & Excess property at Forbes (Bill W. & see B.D.) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Roy Pfautch - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Ag. Comm. - Conf. on REA - 224 Cap. (Sec'y of Sen. Ofc.) (next appointment handwritten) 4:15 John Stauffer & Lee Porter - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 Cruise Palmer - Sen. Ofc. 5-6 Recep. for Nat'l Cattlemen's Assn. - Sen. Hruska's ofc. - 209 OSOB 5:30-7:00 Recep. & Dinner by United Cerebral Palsy Assn - Cong. Rm. & Presidential Ballroom, Statler Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 5:30 Interview - Canadian Broadcasting - Sen. Ofc. 6-8 Recep. for Sec'y Lynn - Capitol Hill Club ($10/ea.) (next appointment handwritten) 6:00 Recep. by Ks. State Higher Education Exec Ofcrs - Hall of States - Skyline Inn (Dr. Basham, Ft. Scott; Max Birkford, Topeka) 8-12 "Cabaret Party" by K.C., Ks. Chapter of NAACP - Nat‘l Guard Armory, K.C. Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o April 30 - May 1 Page 3. FRIDAY, MAY 4 Jila Vedjdani & Mare Musamaiie (Iranians whom you met at Jack Walker's reception) in town Carol has W.H. passes, etc, 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session (Farm Bill Mark-Up) - 324 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:15 Issues & Answers Taping - G-329 NSOB (1/2 hr.) 12:30 Press Conf. & Open Forum with various groups of Handicapped - 4230 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 1:00? Kim Hornbaker, Lakin, Ks. - Contest Winner - Encypl. of Handicapped Essay (handwritten addition) OK 6:30 Coop. Trade and Industrial Banquet by Wichita Voc.-Ed. Schools - East Ballroom, Campus Activity Ctr - 1845 Fairmount - Wichita State SPEAK - approx. 7:14 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 5 (handwritten addition) No 7:30 SPEAK - Republican Day Dinner - Nazareth Area Republican Committee -Bushkill Township Fire Hall - Nazareth, Pa. SUNDAY, MAY 6 (next appointment crossed out) 8&9 p.m. Cocktails & Dinner — Fletcher Bell - Executive: Chambers, Madison Hotel MEMORANDUM OF CALL ( ) You Were CALLED BY— ( ) YOU WERE VISITED BY— (handwritten addition) Judy Price - Governor Bowen's ofc. ( ) PLEASE CALL ——» Phone No. CODE/EXT. 543-2042 ( ) WILL CALL AGAIN ( ) IS WAITING TO SEE YOU ( ) RETURNED YOUR CALL ( ) WISHES AN APPOINTMENT MESSAGE (handwritten additions) May have (jet) plane going back to Indiana tomorrow. Dr. Carmichael - Tail #6565A - Lear Jet Page Nat'l Navajo Chieftain - 8 psgr. Tail: 711 EB 12 crew (back of memo - handwritten) (812) 476-1383 Lear Jet Tail No: N200 G Robert Green Pilot: Paul Duncan Don Cox, Cty Chrmn - United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Delta 426-1211 Eastern 425-2451 (8/2 Keith Bulen (H) 317 632-8049 Ruby Miller (O) 317-632-5401 (H) 317-291-4262 7:00-9:30 Davensboro Zion has made 2 res. on AA 581 lv. 3:05 pm - Nat'l - arr. 3:22 Ind. I have 2 res. on TWA lvg at 4:50 pm - arr. 6:12 Ind. Eli Lilly - Indianapolis Tom Lake, President Walter Beardsley, Miles Labs. - Elkhart Dr. Mike Carmichael - Bill Bush A/A Assocs - Investment - So. Bend United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) May 10 (317) 632-5401 - back in Indianapolis Keith Bulen - 337-5086 Wants you to speak at Lincoln Day Dinner in Evansville, Indiana Zion's District May 10 - want you there 35 min. drive from airport good media coverage about 3,000 in attendance Ruckelshaus backed out Cong. Zion will probably go along $1,000.00 hon. Can get jet back or out - but not both ways Lear Jet (business card) L. Keith Bulen Member Republican National Committee National Committeeman for Indiana Member of the Executive Committee Republican National Committee 143 East Ohio St., Suite 208 Indianapolis, Ind. 46204 (317) 832-5401 THURSDAY, MAY 10 Depart Page National - Lear Jet Tail #6565 A (do not have pilots' names) on board will be Dr. Mike Carmichael of Associated Investments, South Bend, IND. Cong. Zion accompanying you (Have learned they cannot land a jet a Evansville - so will take you to Indianapolis, where you will be met with a twin-engine prop plane - Navajo Chieftain (8 passenger twin prop plane) 2 pilots, do not have names Tail No.: 711 EB Cong. Zion will be along APPROX. 9-9:30 Depart Evansville for Owensboro, Ky. (don't know yet whether it will be by surface or plane) You will be on Lear Jet, Tail No. N200G, owned by Robert Green, for the flight from Owensboro to K.C. Pilot: Paul Duncan ? They will be going into Exec. Beechcraft - K.C. Municipal (I have asked them to have the pilots call - about 20 min. out - to have a taxi waiting for you) You have reservation at Alameda Plaza tonight - late arrival - thru Saturday (additional copy of May 10 itinerary with handwritten note: Going into new private terminal Pilot: Jim Abrahams FRIDAY, MAY 4 TWA #299 - F/C 1v. National 2:10 p.m. arr. O'Hare 2:57 p.m. TWA #337 - F/C 1v. O'Hare 3:30 p.m. arr. Wichita 5:06 p.n. You will be met - probably by a Mr. Adams, Principal of the Voc-Ed. School (handwritten addition) OK 5:30 Press conference - Library of the Administration Building - Wichita State After press conference, you will have a few minutes to freshen up..... (handwritten addition) Joe Hicks KAKE - gave B.D. a hard time (handwritten addition) OK 6:30 Dinner - Campus Activities Center - Wichita State approx. 7:15 SPEAK You will be gotten out in time to catch Braniff #296 8:35 p.m. Depart Wichita - Braniff #296 - F/C 9:14 p.m. Arrive K.C. SATURDAY, MAY 5 (handwritten addition) OK Elks Convention - Ramada Inn - Center City Plaza - all day according to Ann 11:00 Johnson & Wyandotte County Special Olympics - Shawnee Mission West Ann Riojas will pick you up to take you to event SUNDAY, MAY 6 You have an open return - but morning flights are: TWA #482 - lv. K.C. 8:55 a.m. arr. National - 12:54 p.m. TWA #428 - lv. K.C. 10:45 a.m. arr. National 2:59 p.m. IF: THERE ARE ANY DRASTIC PROBLEMS - OR IF YOU NEED ANYTHING AT ALL, I WILL BE AT: (419) 227-9307 Betty (handwritten addition) Bill Daley - (301) 839-1906 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 7 - 13 MONDAY, MAY 7 12:15 Luncheon with Sec'y Butz and Ass't Sec'y Brunthaver - S-305 Cap. 1:30 Meeting with Bill Goodwin - Sen. Ofc. 5-7 Recep. - Israel's 25th Anniv. - Regency Room, Shoreham 5:30-7:30 Recep. by American Land Development Assn. - Ballroom, Mayflower TUESDAY, MAY 8 8:30 Bkfst. - by Ks. Rural Elec. Coop. leaders - S-138 Cap (Tag attending) (next appointment handwritten) 9:00 Ag. Energy Crisis Mtg. - with Darrell Trent - 2203 NSOB (V.P. ofc.) John Smith 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Sec'y Weinberger - on HEW regulations on Social Service 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB - (Farm B11] mark-up) 12:15 Luncheon with Charlie Ross & Elec. Coop. people (5) - Sen. Dining Room, Capitol (Tag attending, also) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Ag. Comm. - Exec Session - Conferees on REA - S. 224 Cap. (x52117) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Interview - Rick Cohen - Public Broadcasting on legis for handicapped - Sen. Ofc. 5:00 ACORNS - Sen. Taft's Ofc. - 405 0S0B 6:30-8:30 Recep. & Wine Tasting by Calif. Delegation - Smithsonian - 1000 Jefferson Dr. 10:00 Martin Agronsky Show - WETA - 3620 - 27th St., South (in Shirlington) -Arlington (1/2 hr.) (They want you at studio at 9:30) Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o May 7 - 13 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 (next handwritten appointment crossed out) 9:00 Ag. Engrg Crisis Mtg. - with Darrell Trent - Vice Pres. ofc. (John Smith) 2203 NSOB 9-9:50 Walter Stoessel Jr., Ass’t Sec'y of State for European Affairs - discusses "Year of Europe" - 2200 RHOB (for Members only) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm - Farm Bill Mark-up - 324 OSOB 12:00 Luncheon by Coalition for Rural Development - B-339 RHOB - Sebelius speaking 12:30 Luncheon with 1st Term Republican Senators - $-207 Cap. 12:30 Luncheon by National Highway 50 Federation - G-221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 1:15 VOTE (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Capt. John Dunn - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Mssrs. Schause, Fanelli & Kelly -- Independent Bankers Assn. - N.Y. (See Tag - Ag. Chrm) (212) 687-6600 - Janice) (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Ag. Comm. - Farm Bill mark-up - go - E.F.-100 Cap. 5-7 Recep. By Associated Credit Bureaus - Caucus Room, OS0B (Joe Bates, Wichita; Morris Grade, Arkansas City; Harold Wilson, Junction City) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by National Cotton Council - Federal Room South - Quality Inn, Cap. Hill (handwritten addition) Tag urged you drop by 7 & 8 New Majority Dinner - Washington Hilton THURSDAY, MAY 10 (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Ag. Comm. - stop by 1202 NSOB - Mtg. - group of farmers - Jim Patton, Gov. Breathitt, Will Irwin (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Father Richard Hartman, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, K.C., Ks. - Sen. Ofc. (Bill W. say hello to BD) on rev. sharing & educ. budget (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Jim Reichley & Ann Hengstenberg - Fortune Mag. - Sen. Ofc. 5:15-7:15 Dinner - Educational Fair - Kennedy Center (A.W. Dirks, Wichita) 6-8 Recep. by Right to Work Comm. - 1990 M Street, N.W. - Suite 400 7:00 Dinner & SPEAK - "Last Lincoln Day Dinner" - Evansville, Indiana (Cong. Zion) FRIDAY, MAY 11 (handwritten addition) OK 7:30 Dinner & SPEAK - Ks. Small Businessman of the Year Awards Dinner - Neodesha (handwritten addition) High School (handwritten additions) Harrison Johnson - K.C. - Neodesha Neodesha - Wichita Senator Dole’s Schedule - w/o May 7 - 13, Page 3. SATURDAY MAY 12 (next appointment crossed out) 8:00 Bkfst. - Cling Engstrand, etc. - Wichita Country Club (handwritten addition) canceled 9:15 Press Conference - Room 102 - Century II - Wichita (handwritten addition) OK 11:30 SPEAK - Ks. Bankers Assn. - Wichita - Century II Little Theater (handwritten additions) Vern Banta - Yingling Avia - Was-Russell (handwritten addition) OK 3:00 SPEAK - 1st Dist. Rep. Women - Northeast Area Mtg. - Ramada Inn - Russell (handwritten addition) OK 7:00 Dinner & SPEAK - Great Bend Coop. Annual Meeting - Barton County Community College-Great Bend SPEAK - between 8:00 and 8:30 (handwritten additions) Vern Banta - Gr. Bend, K.C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 TWA #407 - F/C lv. National 6:40 p.m. arr. K.C. 8:53 p.m. SUNDAY, MAY 20 UAL # 738 ~ F/C Lv. K.C. 5:50 p.m. arr. Dulles 9:07 p.m. YOU HAVE RESERVATION AT THE ALAMEDA PLAZA - TONIGHT (WEDNESDAY) THRU SATURDAY... HURRY BACK!!! THURSDAY, MAY 17 7:30 a.m. Depart K.C. Municipal Airport (next company crossed out) Butler Aviation (handwritten addition) Exec. Beechcraft terminal Twin engine Comanche, Tail No. 8815 Y On board: Lyle Springer J. Penick - both of American Angus Assoc. approx. 9:15 Arrive Hays Don Volker will arrange to have someone meet you and take you to an, as yet, unspecified place for a press conference and a meeting from 10:00 to 17:00 Press Conf. - 9:45 Don also arranging for someone -- also unspecified -- to take you to Victoria for the luncheon, etc. The Angus people will get you back to Hays for the return flight to K.C. Municipal - Butler terminal. FRIDAY, MAY 18 (handwritten addition) OK 10:30 a.m. Wyandotte County Senior Citizens Parade (they would like you to ride in the parade -~ Ann R. has details) (handwritten addition) OK 1:30 Freedom Tree Dedication for Gary Shank (Shenk) - Tomahawk School 78th and Lamar - Overland Park (handwritten addition) OK 6-7:30-Ewing Kaufman Reception - K.C. Royal Stadium Club SATURDAY, MAY 19 (handwritten additions) Frank Naylor staying at Holiday Inn Plaza 8:00 a.m. Depart K.C. Municipal Airport - K.C. Flying Service with Don Johnson Piper Aztec - Tail No. 6859 Y (Iowa City Flying Svc) 9:00 a.m. Arrive Wichita 9:30 Press Conference Holiday Inn (handwritten addition) Plaza at V.A. Mobile Van 10:30 American Legion Parade (you are on reviewing stand) 11:15 Don Johnson leaving parade (handwritten additions) Frank Naylor will be standing by to take you to airport. approx. 12-12:30 Depart Wichita - (probably George Nachtman)-(handwritten addition) aircrafter (handwritten additions) Bill Collins will pick Sen. Dole up - confirm plane & time Thurs. or Fri. - (home) (316) DI2-6732 (handwritten addition) OK 2:00 SPEAK - Emporia College - Emporia approx. 4:00. Ceremonies over Mrs. White will get you in to see William White (next appointment handwritten) OK 6:30 Jaycees Convention Banquet Municipal Auditorium - Topeka (next appointment handwritten) SUNDAY, MAY 20 OK 2:30 SPEAK - Dedication of new plant Great Bend Industries, Great Bend United States Senate MEMORANDUM (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Exec. Beechcraft twin engine Piper Aztec Tail 5328 Y Great Bend Pilots: Ed Weatherford Bud Pinkerton Gene Cole (h) 316 793-3350 MEMORANDUM OF CALL To: Betty (x) YOU WERE CALLED BY— Mr. Cole, Great Bend () YOU WERE VISITED BY— (x) PLEASE CALL —— MESSAGE (handwritten additions) 316-792-2401 call him back in about 15 minutes SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 14 - 20 MONDAY, MAY 14 8:00 Bkfst. - Arkansas River Basin Interstate Comm. - B-354 RHOB (Justus Fugate, Wichita 12:00 Luncheon - S-120 Cap. - Sen. Thurmond for representatives of service and military associations in D.C. (Sen. Dole try to stop by) 2:00 Arkansas River Basin Group testifying before Public Works Appropriations Subc. - 1114 NSOB (John doing statement) 5:30 Swearing-In Ceremony for George Haley - Ass't Director, USIA, USIA Bldg. 9:00 Women of the Year Awards by Ladies Home Journal - Eisenhower Theater, Kennedy Ctr. TUESDAY, MAY 15 9:00 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - Treasury Nominations - 2221 NSOB 10:00 Finance Comm. - Hrgs. - 2221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Public Wks - on Topeka Federal Bldg. - (John S.) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. - Mtg. on amendments recommended by ad hoc comm. (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Finance Comm. - Sonnenfeldt Nomination - 2221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Finance Comm - HEW Social Ser. Regs - 2221 NSOB 2:00 Dick Brown, Topeka & 5 or 6 others of Ks. Nursing Home Assn. & Carolyn Tillotson, of Am. Nursing Home Assn, Washington - Sen. Ofc. - (Bill W.-say. hello to Sen. Dole) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 George Eserick - Wash Rep - U.S. Steel; Dave Roderick & Bob Albright, V.P. - US Steel - Sen. Ofc. (John S) say hello to BD 6-8 Recep. - by “Friends of Ed Sexton - 306 H St., N.W. (Paramount Bldg. - 2nd Floor) (most of black appointees will attend)- per George Lewis Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 14 - 20 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 8:00 Bkfst. by Ks. Farmers’ Union Wives - H-139 Cap (Joe Martin Dining Room) - (Sebelius arranging) - Tag (handwritten addition) x54905 9:45 Photo of Finance Comm. Members - 2221 NSOB 10:00 Finance Comm. - Hearings on HEW Social Service Regulations - 2221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm - Exc. Session - Watershed Bill 11:00 Capitol Cloakroom - with Ellen Wadley - Sen. Recording Studio 3:30 Subc. on Pensions - Briefing on Private Pension Plans - by Finance Comm. Staff - (Members Only) 2221 NSOB 3:30 Presentation to Members by Smaller Business Assn. of New England - (crossed out) G-221) handwritten addition G-211 NSOB 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Smaller Business Assn. of New England (crossed out) North Cafeteria (handwritten addition) Rm 1202, NSOB THURSDAY, MAY 17 National Angus Centennial Celebration - Victoria, Ks. (Hdqtrs. ~ Holiday Inn, Hays) (handwritten addition) OK 9:30 Government Procurement Subc. of Small Bus. Comm - hearings - 1202 NSOB 10:00 Finance Comm. - Hrgs. ~ 2221 NSOB 4:00 Meeting in Sen. Curtis’ ofc - 2213 NSOB (with John Whitaker, Interior - on helium venting problem with Northern Natural Gas of Bushton, Ks.) 6-8 Recep. by National Canners Assn. - Presidential Room - Statler SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - week of May 14 - 20 Page 3. FRIDAY, MAY 18 9:30 Government Procurement Subc. Of Small Bus. Comm. - hearings - 1202 NSOB (handwritten addition) OK 1:30 Peace Tree Dedication for Gary Shank, MIA - Tomahawk School - 78th & Lamar, Overland Park -(Sen. Dole - SPEAK) 6:30 - 8:30 - Recep & Buffet by National Coal Assn. - Presidential Ballroom, Statler SATURDAY, MAY 19 VA Mobile Van - in Wichita (handwritten addition) 2:00 SPEAK - Commencement - Emporia College, Emporia 5:30-7:00 Grand Opening & Open House - Great Bend Industries, Great Bend (Bob Coshaw, President) SUNDAY, MAY 20 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE ~ WEEK OF MAY 21 - 27 MONDAY, MAY 21 (crossed out time) 10:30 (handwritten time) 11:30 Mtg. with Admiral Etter (re Dr. Billy Irons) - Sen. Ofc. - 1:00 Private Pensions Subc. - Hearings - 2221 NSOB 3:00 Fred Zook, Mayor, Ottawa & Bob Mills, City Mgr. - Sen. Ofc. (re Spec. Rev. Sharing Funds) - Bill W. (hello to BD) 6-7:30 Recep. by Mo-Ark Group - Washington Hotel 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Dinner - by Am. Meat Institute - Jefferson Rm. -Washington Hilton (handwritten addition) Dick Lyng - new head of Inst. will be there 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Dinner - by Lower Mississippi Valley Flood Control Assn.- Ballroom, Washington Hotel TUESDAY, MAY 22 10:00 Private Pensions Subc. - Hearings - 2221 NSOB 10:30 Honor Awards Ceremony by Ag. Dept. - Sylvan Theater - Washington Monument (Harold G. Gallaher, Manhattan receiving award) (next appointment handwritten) 12:15 Lunch with Les Mullin, Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (Sec'y Butz, guest) 2:00 Mo-Ark Group testifying before Public Wks. Subc. on Appropriations - 1114 NSOB (Lew Paramore) John doing statement (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 VOTE on Pres. Veto of OMB Bill 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Am. Horse Council - B-374 NSOB (for Ag. Comm. members) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Sens. Goldwater, Buckley, Adm. Burke & Comm. for a Free China - G-219-221 NSOB 6-9 Recep. by Assan. of Private Pension & Welfare Plans - Private Dining Rm.-Monocle 6:30 & 7:45 Recep. & Dinner by Nat'l Assn. of Home Builders - Recep. - Jefferson, Lincoln & Georgetown Rms. - Dinner, International Ballroom-Wash. Hilton (handwritten addition) Photo - Tues. (Morris Stauffer, Tim Hurley, Bill Watkins, Wichita; Charles Kraft, K.C. Carson Cowherd, K.C. - (handwritten additions) Les Mullin, K.C., JOHNSON: Moffet, Mel Clingan Senator Dole's Schedule -w/o May 21 - 27 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 Dr. Knapp, Wichita - in town for AMA Mtg. - will call Wed. for appt. (Bill W. & BD) (handwritten addition) EX3-1000 9-6 Veterans Information Day - by Jobs for Veterans Comm. - 335-B CHOB 10:00 Private Pensions Subc. - Hearings - 2221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:15 Dr. Knapp - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 White House - Pres. - N.W. Gate (Meet Timmons in Lobby) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Interview - Mr. Ruth - U.S. News & World Report - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Stan Ebner (on campaign financing) - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 6-8 Beep for Sen. Gurney - Sheraton Carlton - Terrace Rm. (next appointment handwritten) 6:00 Swearing-In Ceremony - Arlington House (Custis-Lee House - Arlington Cemetery - Kent Frizzell THURSDAY, MAY 24 (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Taping - Sen. Recording Studio (Bill Goodwin & Gabbe) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Jim Crocker (former Kansan) - working with Potowatomi, Indiana in Wisc - Sen. Ofc. (Bill W & George say hello - BD) 4-6 Tea for Janet Johnston by NFRW - Capitol Hill Club 7:00 Recep. for POW's - White House - East Entrance FRIDAY, MAY 25 (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 George Haley - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Interview - Japan Broadcasting Co - Sen. Ofc. SATURDAY, MAY 26 (handwritten addition) No 6:00 UNICO National Banquet honoring Nathan Stark as "Citizen of the Year" - Muehlebach Hotel - Imperial Ballroom THURSDAY, MAY 31 - MORRISTOWN, N.J. FUNDRAISING DINNER 5:30 p.m. Depart Page National - Jet America Cessna 310 Tail No. 3184L Pilots: Ron Dixon Phil Dunn 6:45 Arrive Morristown Airport (Phone: 201-538-6400) 7:00 Arrive Birchwood Manor, Whippany, N.J. (Phone: 201-887-1414 - Alex DeCroce or Bill Kendall, Freylinghuysen's AA) (Will have room for you to freshen up) Press conference on arrival Reception will be in progress when you arrive (Gov. Cahill attending reception only, due to scheduling problem) Sandman attending reception and dinner 7:45 Dinner 9:00 SPEAK 9:30 Depart for airport - Morristown 10:00 Leave Morristown - 11:15 Arrive Page National - met by Bill Daley SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 28 - JUNE 3 MONDAY, MAY 28 MEMORIAL DAY! TUESDAY, MAY 29 11:30 Bethany College Choir of Lindsborg will sing on House Steps WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 9:30 Nutrition Comm. - 1202 NSOB (on nutrition and the elderly) 10:00 International Finance Subc. - 2221 NSOB (on int'l financial crisis) 11:45 Mtg. with Sen. Brock & Buehl Berentson - 254 OSOB 12:00 Luncheon for incumbent Rep. Senators up in 1974 - S-124 Cap. THURSDAY, MAY 31 8:00 Preview Bkfst. (film on effects of malnutrition on Am. children - by Children's Hospital & Am. Academy of Pediatrics) - Hogate's Rest. (will be televised this P.M.) 10:00 Private Pension Subc. - 2221 NSOB 12:00 SPEAK - Coalition for Rural Development - Mayflower Hotel 7:00 SPEAK - Morris County Rep. Fundraising Dinner - Morristown, N.J.