SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 2 - 8 MONDAY, APRIL 2 6:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Council of community Mental Health Centers - Federal Ballroom South, Quality Inn, Capitol Hill (Dr. Donald Tiffany, High Plains Comm. Mental Health Ctr. - Hays) TUESDAY, APRIL 3 Dr. Tiffany in town - see Becky & Bill W. 9:15 Ray Reed, Wichita & 4 others from Mo. & Nebr. with Securities Industries (see John Smith - want to say hello to BD ) 9:30 Republican Conference (meeting of Rep. Senators - 335 OSOB 1:30 Mrs. Helen (Donald) Newkirk, Wichita - (re housing) - Sen. Ofc. - Bill W. 2:00 VOTE - veto of S. 7, Voc, Rehab. (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Mtg. of Conferees on HR 1975 - S. 146 Cap. 3:00 Rev. LeRoy Powell, K.C. (re housing moratorium) - Sen. Ofc. - Bill W. (next appointment handwritten) 5-7 Jim English - Sen. Ofc. (Jo Anne & Betty) 6 & 7 Recep. & Dinner by livestock & farm organization leaders - Chandelier Room, Sheraton-Carlton (invited by Kalo Hineman) 6-8 Recep. for George Bush - Capitol Hill Club ($10.00) 7-8 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Counties, - Grand Ballroom, Mayflower (Rex Price, Olathe) (handwritten addition) (John Sutton, Hutchinson) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 10:00 Ag. Comm. (Exec. Session) - 324 OSOB (handwritten addition) SPEAK - 10:15 Sen. Dole (crossed out) on panel - Int'l Rehab. Conf. - State Dept. (C St. entrance) (handwritten addition) - International Conf. Suite (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 M/M Harry Callahan - old frat brother - Sen. Ofc. (lunch in Cap. Dining Rm.) - Kent Lowry 1:30 Foreign Ag. Policy Subc. (hrgs. on world food situation & int'l ag. trade) 324 0S0B (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Mike Homeany - Sen. Ofc. 2:30 Ruth Osborne, Topeka - & possibly Dr. Horn - Sen. Ofc. (on alcoholism) (handwritten addition) Bill W.? 3-5 Youth-Adult Get-Together - Nat'l FHA Week ~ Hdqtrs., 5th Floor, 2010 Mass. Ave., N.W. (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 REA Briefing - by Will Irwin - 2213 NSOB (Curtis ofc) 6-7:30 Recep. & Dinner - Nat'l Soybean Processors Assn.-East Rm., Mayflower. 6-8 Recep. - Nat'l Council on Alcoholism - 1202 NSOB (Amb. James Kemper; Ruth Osborne, Topeka; Or. Wm. Simpson, Menninger Foundation) 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Midwestern Reg. of Am. Concrete Pipe Assn. - Heritage Rm., Shoreham (Ermil Miller, Wichita; Ray Ramsey, Merriam; Ellis Ross, Topeka; Chester Anderson, McPherson; Ted Mallder, K.C.) 0-8:30 Recep. by Water Resources Cong, Ballroom, Wash. Hilton 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Rehab. Int'l - Diplomatic Recep. Area - State Dept. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - week of April 2 - 8 Page 2. THURSDAY, APRIL 5 8:30-9:30 Coffee by Nat'l Assoc. of Counties - Caucus Rm. - CHOB 10:00 Foreign Ag. Policy Subc. ~ 324 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Jim Scott, K.C. Star - Sen. Ofc. (10-15 min.) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Depart Nat'l Eastern Shuttle (be at airport by 2:45) (next appointment handwritten) 3:55 Arrive LaGuardia 4:15 Recep. for President Thieu - Old Supreme Court Chambers - Capitol (next appointment handwritten) 5-7 Recep. by Int'l Fellows - Columbia U. - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 5:30 FR - New York - 1 Rockefeller Plaza FRIDAY, APRIL 6 (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Dr. Jake Mosier - Sen. Ofc. (see Bill K - say hello to BD) 659-2040 (next appointment handwritten) noon Jim Scott, K.C. Star (OST Star Office or S. Carrolton) (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Jim English - Sen. Ofc. 2:30 Dr. Harry Ferguson, Denver Health Maintenance Orgn. (former Kansan) see Bill W. (hopefully, Sen. Dole briefly) 6-8:30 Recep. honoring Pres. Thieu - Int'l Ballroom, Wash. Hilton 8:30 Dinner honoring V.P. & Mrs. Agnew by Pres. Thieu - Crystal Ballroom, Wash. Hilton (black tie) SATURDAY, APRIL 7 6:30 Ks. State Society Cherry Blossom Event - Marriott Twin Bridges SUNDAY, APRIL 8 (handwritten addition) Went to KC - could not get to Logan due to sleet & snow - spoke via phone hook-up from KC ofc. 2:00 SPEAK - Dedication of Hansen Library & Museum - Logan, Ks. 5:45 Depart K.C. - UAL #738 8:56 Arrive Dulles SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 9 - 15 MONDAY, APRIL 9 10:00 Mtg. with representatives of Sec'y of Army and Corps of Engrs. to discuss negotiation of water storage contracts for Fed. lakes in Ks.- 4200 NSOB (John S.) 11:00 Mtg. with Pfizer people, Dr. G. Laubach, Pres, Edw. Littlejohn, V.P. & Robt. Shaffer, Wash. Rep. - on tax reform & trade matters (John S.) 1:45 Sen. Dole Speaking at Rosedale Hi School - K.C. (Alicia Greer) 6-8 Recep. & Buffet by Mfq. Chemists Assn- Dolley Madison Ballroom, Madison 6-8 Recep. by Ross Industries & Nat'l Miller's Fed. - Mayflower (Ross Industries Suite) (Bill K. & Tag) TUESDAY, APRIL 10 10:00 Hearings on Space Shuttle by Sen. Aeronautics & Space Comm. - 235 OSOB (John) 10:30-11:30 Meet Cherry Blossom Princesses - House Steps Cap. (in case of rain - Caucus Room - CHOB) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 5:00 Bd. of Governors Mtg. - Capitol Hill Club - Exec. Dining Room 6:00 Recep. by Millers' Nat'l Federation - Mayflower, State Room (Jim Snowden, Ark, City Joe Hale, Shawnee Mission; R. G. Myers, K.C.) 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Am. Assn. of Dental Schools - Int'l Ballroom East, Wash. Hilton 6:45 Attend opening Game of K.C. Royals - K. C. Royals Stadium, K.C., Mo. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 9:00 Depart K.C. - TWA #482 12:57. Arr. National 3:00 Ks. Farm Bureau people - Paul Fleener, Mrs. Warren Scott, etc.- Sen. Ofc. 4:00 Bill Avery - Sen. Ofc. 5:00 Amalgamated Meat Cutters - Sen. Ofc. (Phil Immesote; Lawrence Rodriguez, K.C., KS.; Willie Cotton, Wichita; Ralph Angle, Mission) see John S. & Bill K.(say hello-BD} 6-8 Recep. by Amalgamated Meat Cutters - Presidential Ballroom, Statler (Willie Cotton, Wichita & Ralph Angle, Mission) (handwritten addition) Lawrence Rodriguez - K.C., Ks. 6-8:30 Recep. by Nat'l Assoc. of Retail Druggists - Congressional Room, Statler (W. W. Nash, Lawrence) (handwritten addition) Rm W-911 - EX3-1000 6:30-9:50 Cocktails, Dinner & Discussion by authorities on foreign affairs - 3rd Floor Conference Room, International Club - 1800 K St., N.W. (invited by Dave Abshire) SEN. DOLE'S SCHEDULE - week of April 9 - 15 Page 2. THURSDAY, APRIL 12 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Testify before Subc. on Parks & Recreation - Interior Comm. - on user for bill) 3110 NSOB 11:00 M/MR. Martin Klinge; M/M Calvin Butcher, Wichita; Assoc. of Retired Persons-Bill W. 11:30 Mrs. Kerley & dau. Molly & Mary Kathleen Rose, - Lawrence (photo & say hello) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Claude Alexander - Sen. Ofc. (703) 860-1401 2:00 Briefing for Members & Staff of Small Bus. Comm - 318 OSOB (John S.) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Jim Haggard - Nat'l Council of Churches (former Kan.) - Sen. Ofc - John S. (on Genocide & Rhodesian crime (next appointment handwritten) 4:30 Ken Fox - K.C. Star, Assoc. Editor 5:30 Stag Recep. - White House (S.W. Gate) FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Ks. Assn. for Retarded Children's Convention - Lawrence, K.U. (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Prod, Mkt & Prime Stab. Subc. (hrgs on S.1533 - tobacco mktg quotas) 324 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Sam & Dean Evans - Sen. Ofc. 11:15 Mtg. with Ks. Educators - (40 from across the State) - Sen. Recep. Room - Cap. (want to get photo with Delegation) (handwritten addition) OK 7:00 SPEAK - National Federation of Federal Employees - Topeka SATURDAY, APRIL 14 Annual Convention - 1st Dist. Am. Legion - Dept. of Ks. - Troy (John Achton) (handwritten addition) OK 11:00 Press Conf. - Republican Hdqtrs - 1000 Parklane, Suite 302 - Wichita (handwritten addition) OK 12:00 SPEAK - Goodwill Industries Luncheon - Olive Ann Beech Gallery, Beechcraft Activities Center - 9710 East Central - Wichita (next appointment handwritten) OK 2:00 March of Dimes Walkaton - Wichita (handwritten addition) OK 6 & 7 SPEAK Reception & Dinner - Jaycees Banquet - Hilton Inn - Salina SPEAK - approx. 8:00) SUNDAY, APRIL 15 2:30 Dedication of David A. Brenner Army Reserve Center - Parsons 2:30 Warsaw Ghetto Memorial Observance - Jewish Community Center - 8201 Holmes Rd, K.C. SUNDAY, APRIL 8 TWA #421 - F/C lv. National 7:20 a.m. arr. K.C. 9:46 a.m. Braniff #131 - F/C 1v. K.C. 10:45 a.m. arr. Wichita 11:27 a.m. Ross Beach will meet you in Wichita at the gate and take you to Phillipsburg for the drive to Logan. After the speech -- Ross will take you and Sebelius back to K.C. (next line crossed out) (have reservations at the Alameda Plaza for Sunday, Monday & Tuesday) (handwritten addition) in D.C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 TWA #482 - F/C Tv. K.C. 9:00 a.m. arr. National 12:57 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 13 2:30 Lv. Dulles - UAL #585 4:05 Arr. K.C. (You have reservation at the Ramada Inn tonight) SATURDAY, APRIL 14 Frontier #507 lv. Topeka 9:12 a.m. arr. Wichita 9:51 a.m. You will be met and taken to Sedgwick County Republican Hdqtrs - 1000 Parklane, Suite 302 -- for a Press Conference at 11:00 a.m. 12:00 SPEAK - Goodwill Industries Luncheon - Olive Ann Beech Gallery, Beechcraft Activities Center - 9710 E. Central - Wichita (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 March of Dimes Walkaton - Wichita approx. (crossed out time) 2:30 (handwritten time) 3:00 Depart Fuel & Line Services Terminal (old Aircraftco Terminal) White Merlin 2-B (turbo-prop) Tail # 60 Y Pilot: Dick Herber (Dick’s home phone in Salina: (913) 827-5914 approx. (crossed out time) 3:00 (handwritten addition) 3:30 Arrive Salina - Rapid Air They will have a room for you to freshen up at the Hilton Inn 6 & 7 Reception & Dinner - Jaycees Banquet- Hilton Inn SPEAK at approx. 8:00 Dick Herber will take you back to Kansas City - to Exec. Beechcraft, Municipal Airport He will be at Rapid Air - Salina - between 9:15 and 9:30 (Reservation at Alameda Plaza for Saturday night) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 5:45 p.m. Depart Page National - Broyhill's Cessna 411 Tail No. 444-BF Pilots: Ron Boyle Charles Thomas 7:15 p.m. Arrive Charlotte - Cessna Cannon Gulf Terminal Will be picked up by Professor Backman and taken to U. of North Carolina at Charlotte. Approx. 8:15 SPEAK - (your speech will] be followed by a question and answer session) Approx. 9:15 Depart U. of N. Carolina for Charlotte Airport 10:00 Depart Charlotte - Cessna Cannon Gulf Terminal 12:00 Arrive Page National - SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 16 - 22 MONDAY, APRIL 16 9:15 Kent Frizzell will stop by prior to nomination hearings - Sen. Ofc. 9:30 Nomination hearings on Kent - Interior Comm. - 3106 NSOB 9:30 Nutrition Comm - 1318 NSOB {on phosphate research in prevention of dental decay) 10:00 Foreign Ag. Policy Subc. - (handwritten addition) x5115 5110 NSOB (hrgs. on ag. exports & imports) (next appointment handwritten) 10:15 Briefing by Under Sec'y McLucas, A.F. (Sen. ofc.) 11:30 Photo on Senate Steps - Cap. (135 Ks. hi school students with Ks. Educational Tours 1:30 National Cable TV group - Dick Thiessen, Manhattan; Pete Robertson, Junction City; Royce Baerg - Ark. City; Ron Hall, Emporia; Phil Wilcox, Junc. City; Vern Wible, Independence; Don Sbrra - Wichita (John Smith - photo with BD, IF: possible) 3:30 Ag. Comm. - Conferees on S. 394 (Exec. Session) REA - EF-100 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 5:30 Recep. Quality Inn - Cap. Hill (by Nat'l Cable TV) 7 Kansans - John S. 6:30 & 7:30 Cocktails & Dinner by Imported Car Dealers Comm. of Nat'l Auto Dealers Ambassador Rm. & Forum Rm - Shoreham 6:30 & 8:00 Cocktails & Dinner by Nat'l] Independent Dairies - Hogate's Banquet Suite, (handwritten addition) - Tag (Lynn Paulson - D.C.) (handwritten additions) - Jim Page, Coffeyville; Owen McKuen, Wichita TUESDAY, APRIL 17 Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Nelson, Clay Center - in town - will call (next appointment handwritten) 9:45 Photo in Marble Rm. (behind Senate Chamber) for new issue of "We the People" per Griffins ofc. (illegible) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Nutrition Comm - 1114 NSOB 11:30 1/2 hr. taping - Sen. Recording Studio (per Bill Goodwin) (handwritten addition) with Mayor McCormick 12:00 Lunch - 5 Nat'l 4-H delegates (Kansans) -Sen. Dining Rm. - with delegation (photo) 12:30 Lunch with Chuck Colson & Frank Fitzsimmons - Sen. Dining Rm. - (handwritten addition) G219 NSOB 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (handwritten addition) (on energy crisis) 2:30 Brick Hardy & 15 or 16 others attending Building Trades Conf. at Wash. Hilton - (Topeka) Bi11 Kats - want to say hello, to Sen. Dole (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Ag. Comm. - Conferees on S.394 - REA - S. 221 Cap. 5-7 Wine & Cheese Party to benefit Howie Gorrell Deaf Olympics Fund ~- 2175 RHOB (by Clarence Brown -- Sen. Dole a sponsor) 6-8 FR - Sheraton Carlton - (handwritten additions) - Crystal Rm - (Stuart Smith, V.P. Anderson Clayton) formerly Russell SEN. DOLE'S SCHEDULE - W/O April 16 - 22 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 10:00 Ag. Comm. (Exec. Session - 324 OSOB - (on committee business) 11:00 Mrs. Ming Hsu - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Fred Barratt, Chrm of Bd. - Cudahy Co. - Phoenix - Sen. Ofc. (Joe Lawson - 356-1157) 7:30 SPEAK - U. of N. Carolina - Charlotte THURSDAY, APRIL 19 FRIDAY, APRIL 20 SATURDAY, APRIL 21 SUNDAY, APRIL 22 EASTER!!!!! TUESDAY, APRIL 24 AAL #315 ~ F/C lv. Nat'l 4:30 p.m. arr. O'Hare 5:28 p.m. Will be met by Marriott car and taken to Marriott at O'Hare (they will have a room for you to freshen up.....) They will also take you back to O'Hare for your return to Washington (crossed out) TWA #418 (handwritten addition) UAL 284 - F/C lv. O'Hare (crossed out time) 10:30 p.m. (handwritten time) 8:45 arr. Baltimore (crossed out time) 1:00 a.m. (handwritten time) 11:15 Picked up by Bill Daley APRIL 30 5:00 p.m. Depart National - Eastern Shuttle (handwritten addition) Go directly to Gate 18 5:59 p.m. Arrive LaGuardia Take cab to Essex House ~- will have room for you to freshen up (you will be reimbursed for all expenses) 6:30 pm. Reception Begins (you should be there by 7:00 p.m. approx. 10:30 Depart Butler Aviation - Marine Air Terminal - LaGuardia Phone: (212) 478-1000 Continental Telephone JetStar - Tail No. 2200M Pilot: Don Grimes 1 co-pilot (did not have his name) approx. 11:30 Arrive Page National Will be picked up by Bill Daley SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 30 - MAY 6 MONDAY, APRIL 30 10:00 Nutrition Comm - 1318 NSOB (on diet & disease) 2:00 Foreign Ag. Policy Subc. - 5110 NSOB (hrgs. on ag. exports & imports) 6:30 & 7:15 Recep. & Dinner by Ks. Assn. of Commerce & Industry - Lincoln Ballroom, Washington Hilton 7:00 Heritage Groups Dinner honoring Sen; Dole - Essex House, New York TUESDAY, MAY 1 (next appointment handwritten) 7:30 - CBS Morning News - 2020 M St. N.W. 8-9:30 Bkfst by Nat'l Council of Coops. - 1202 NSOB (Bob Gatos, Anthony, Ks.) (handwritten addition) Tag going Max Klein, Topeka and Pete Clow, new Mgr. of S.W. Bell, Topeka in town - will call for appt. 10:00 Smal] Bus. Comm - 318 OSOB 10:00 Nutrition Comm - 1318 NSOB (on diet & disease) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - Farm Bil] Mark-Up) - 324 OSOB 12:00 Luncheon by Ks. Optometric Assn. - Capitol Hill Club (James Clark, Topeka) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 3:30-5:30 Recep. for Winners of Betty Crocker Homemakers of Tomorrow Contest - 1202 NSOB (Mary Elizabeth Cispar, St. Joseph's High, Shawnee) 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Dinner by Nat'! Assn for Mental Health - National Press Club