SEN, DOLE'S SCHEDULE - w/o Feb, 26 - Mar. 4 Page 2. FRIDAY, MARCH 2 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Farm Programs - 324 OSOB 7:00 - ? Cocktail Buffet by Nelson Benton ~ CBS - 7358 El Dorado Ct. - McLean, Va. SATURDAY, MARCH 3 (handwritten addition) tgm out 6:30 & 7:30 Recep. & Dinner - Promotion party (handwritten addition) (913) 296-2203 for Brig. Gen. Edward Fry - Lake House, Wichita 8:30 White House - Evening with Sammy Davis, Jr. -(Black tie) SUNDAY, MARCH 4 1-4 Open House - 137th Infantry Ks. Army Nat'l Guard - Nat'l Guard Armory - 1021 N. State, Iola MONDAY, MARCH 5 (handwritten addition) OK 7:00 SPEAK - Ottawa Chamber of Commerce - Student Union - Ottawa Univ. United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten addition) March 2 SENATOR: Nelson Benton, CBS, called to invite you to a cocktail-buffet party at his home March 2 (Friday). Nelson said if you wanted details call him at CBS - 296-1234 or home - 821-2691. Joe (handwritten initial) (handwritten additions) 7:00 til ? 7358 El Dorado Ct. McLean, Va. Past Evans Farm Inn on at 123 - first left past Evans Farm Inn (Great Falls St.) 1st right on Great Falls St. (El Dorado) another right to dead end - then left (orange MG in front) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 5 - 11 MONDAY, MARCH 5 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB 2:30 Ag. Comm. - Ag. Credit Subc. - Exec. Sess.- FHA Emergency Loans - 324 OSOB 2:30 UAL #585 - Dulles - K.C. 7:00 SPEAK - Ottawa Chamber of Commerce - Ottawa U. Student Union - Ottawa, Ks. TUESDAY, MARCH 6 PANCAKE DAY!! -B-338 & 339 RHOB - 8:00 to 9:30 M/M Don Patterson & family in town - want to say hello to BD (per 8111 Frazier) 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (nom. of Robert Long as Ass't Sec'y of Ag.) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Dr. Glenn - Sen. Ofc. (say hello) (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Buford Watson - City Mgr. & Jack Rose, City Commissioner - Lawrence, Ks. - (photo (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Kevin & Mary Jane McManus; Capt. Mike Lane - USAF & Sgt. Art Black (ex-POW's) Sen. Ofc. 3:45-(time crossed out) 4:30 (handwritten addition) 5:00 SPEAK to Members of Western Reg. Christian Citizenship Seminar Group - 457 OSOB (approx. 52 Kansans in group) BD or John - Gene Wenger (illegible) appt. at 4:00 (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Joe Hargreaves - Sen. Ofc. with Dr. & Mrs. C. Jas. Hargreaves - (he was in VFW Voice of Democracy Contest) 5-7 Recep. by Am. Academy of Physicians - B-369 RHOB (Dr. Carl Hall, K.C., Mo) (next appointment crossed out) 6:00 Recep. by UAW-IAM Legislative Group - Shoreham 6 & 7 - Recep. and Dinner - VFW - Exhibit Hall #2 and Ballroom, Sheraton Park (handwritten addition) John Fagen 7:00 Recep. by Nat'l Conf. of Park Concessionaires - Army-Navy Club (Dick Tribbe - TWA operating concessions at several sites) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB (food prods. to children on TV) (handwritten addition) canceled 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2221 NSOB (Interest Equal. Tax Bill) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (Long nomination & H.R. 1975 & S. 1004) 12:30 Luncheon with Sec'y Butz - Sen. Curtis' Cap. Ofc. - S-305 (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Briefing by Gen. Morris - Corps of Engrs. - Public Wks - 4110 NSOB (in water rec. (John (illegible) statement) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Carson (illegible) (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Bill Findley - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:15 Presidential classroom - 5 or 6 Kans - Sen. Ofc. (photo) (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Subc. on Foreign Ag. Policy - 324 OSOB 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Manufacturers - Int'l Ballroom, Wash. Hilton (Jack McCarthy 7 & 8 Recep. & Dinner by Electronic Industries Assn. - Cong. Room & Pres. Ballroom, Statler Hilton Sen. Dole's Schedule - w/o March 5 - 11 PAGE 2. THURSDAY, MARCH 8 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (farm programs) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Post Office Comm. Hearings - 6202 NSOB (BD will make statement) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Public Broadcasting - Sen. Ofc. (TV) on Wash. Post relationship with Admin. show Mar. 20 (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Luncheon - The Monocle 1:00 Monopoly Subc. - G-308 NSOB (corporate secrecy & conglomerate mergers) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 C St. Entrance - curb will be leveled out to aid handicapped (photo) 3:00 Larry Hudson - Sen. Ofc. (wants to say hello to Sen. - per Bill K.) 8:00 SPEAK ~- Univ. of Wisconsin - Menomonie, Wisc. FRIDAY, MARCH 9 8:30 SPEAK ~ Food Technology Conf. - Columbia, Mo. SATURDAY, MARCH 10 SPEAK - Lincoln Day Dinner - Doral Hotel - Miami Beach SUNDAY, MARCH 11 6:00 Depart Miami - National #102 8:10 p.m. - Arr. National United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) City Mgr. Buford Watson - Lawrence Nat'l League of Cities Mtg. wants to say hello Tues. - March 6 Comm Jack Rose Lawrence United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten additions) Betty- Talked to Dutton Brookfield ($) President of the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. He is with the National Assoc. of Manufacturers at the Hilton - -He wants you to call him at the Washington Hilton (483-3000 EXT 9185) -wants the Sen. to join him, Bill Martin, Gene Taylor, & (handwritten addition crossed out) Larry Winn for Dinner tonight or at least go to the reception (handwritten addition) -I have done some work on Richards-Gebaur, AFB for him which I will give the Senator (illegible) on. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 12 - 18 MONDAY, MARCH 12 out-of-town (handwritten additions) EAL #638 lv. Ft. Lauderdale 8:30 pm arr. Dulles 10:40 pm TUESDAY, MARCH 13 M/M Doren Roberts in town thru 16th - will call ofc. (sister of POW S/Sgt David Demmon) (handwritten addition) (John S. wants to see them) 10:00 Ag. Comm. (hrgs. on farm programs) 324 0S0B (handwritten addition) (PL 480 funds) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2-3 Recep. for Maid of Cotton (Deborah Plock) Speakers Dining Rm-Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 ACORNS - 2340 RHOB 6-8 Buffet Recep. (opening of new offices of Right to Work Comm.) 1990 M St., N.W. Suite 400 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 10:00 Ag. Comm. (farm programs) 324 OSOB (Ks. Farm Bu. will appear - Mark Wing, Altoona; Jerry Van Pelt, Beloit; Max Moomaw, Dighton; Harold Guldner, Syracuse - also Paul Fleener - Junior Armstrong(?) - Tag arranging pictures 10:00 Monopoly Subc. (develop. & marketing of new drugs) 318 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 M/M. Doren Roberts - Sen. Ofc. (also see John S.) (next appointment handwritten) 3:45 Ag. Comm. (on School Lunch) S-146 Cap. 4:30 Mtg. on Sen. Bible & Corps of Engrs. on Rec. Land Use Fees-Sen. Bartlett's ofc. (crossed out) 4215 (handwritten addition) 3112 NSOB (handwritten addition) no 6:30 Mtg. of “Republican Requlars” - Marriott Twin Bridges (per Cong. Devine) 6-8:30 Cocktails by Copley Newspapers + Calvert House - 2401 Calvert, N.W. (Ray McHugh - Apt. 411) 7-9 Recep. by Lone Star Gas Co. on opening of new ofc. - Dolley Madison Rm., Madison Sen. Dole's Schedule - w/o March 12 - 18 Page 2. THURSDAY, MARCH 15 Ks. West United Methodist Youth Fellowship Group (Rev. Bill Brazil) - want to see « Mr. Dole ~ will call Barry Bergquist, Quaker Oats & several others from Quaker will be in office (per Bill K) 10:00 Subc. on Ag., Mktg. & Price Stab. - 324 OSOB (S. 548 & S. 622-Sen. Dole‘s bill) 10:30 Finance Comm. - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Photo with Easter Seal Child (Peter Stins) M/M Jay Stinson - Robert Van Beek 347-3066 (next appointment handwritten) photo 11:30 - 11:30 Ks. West Group - 4200 NSOB 12:00 Luncheon by Independent Broker Dealers Assn. - B-340 RHOB (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Barry Bergquist & other Quaker Oats people - Sen. Ofc. - say hello. 6:30 & 7:30 Cocktails & Dinner by Grocery Mfrs. (honoring Sen. Bennett) City Tavern Club, 3206 M St., N.W. FRIDAY, MARCH 16 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Finance Comm. - 2219 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Depart Nat'l - Nat'l #115 (next appointment handwritten) 1:40 Arr Miami FR - Miami SATURDAY, MARCH 17 SUNDAY, MARCH 18 (next appointment handwritten) 1:51 pm Depart Miami EAL #190 (next appointment handwritten) 4:08 pm Arr. DCA United States Senate MEMORANDUM THURSDAY, MARCH 8 Northwest # 369 - F/C lv. National 4:50 p.m. arr. Minneapolis 6:18 p.m. $97.00 one way first class (next appointment handwritten) Warren Wade will meet you THURSDAY, MARCH 8 APPROX. 10:00 p.m. Depart Eau Clair airport Aero Commander Turbo Prop Tail # 47 MH (white plane with orange trim Pilot: Zack Miles approx. 12:00 Arrive Columbia Mo. - Municipal Airport will be picked up by: Marvin Katz United States Senate MEMORANDUM FRIDAY, MARCH 9 Eastern #221 - F/C lv. St. Louis 2:05 p.m. arr. Miami 5:25 p.m. $109.00 one way first class United States Senate MEMORANDUM FRIDAY, MARCH 9 TWA # 478 F/C lv. St. Louis 11:00 a.m. arr. Miami 3:17 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 24 7:30 SPEAK - Hays Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Holiday Inn - Hays (handwritten addition) 625-7371 10:15 SPEAK - Business & Professional Women's Club Student Union - Ft. Hays State College (handwritten addition) (913) 628-5305 approx. 12:00 Depart for Hil] City - Wilson's Beech Baron (white) Pilot: George Nachtman approx. (time crossed out) 12:30-2:00 (handwritten addition) 12:00-1:30 New Ideas Fair - Hill] City (R. W. Culley, contact) Home: 913-674-5621 (handwritten additions) Chamber # at (913) 674-5621 Tom Starus Fair Bldg. Approx. 2:00 Depart for Beloit - Wilson's Beech Baron (Keith Sebelius will accompany you) approx. 2:45-4:00 Parade & Ceremony honoring Capt. Ronald Mastin - Beloit approx. 4:15 Leave for K.C. - Beech Baron 7:30 Party for Stan Rose by Vrem & Esther Levens - Oakwood Country Club = 9800 Grandview Road - P.V. SUNDAY, MARCH 25 10:45 a.m. Depart K.C. ~ TWA #428 - F/C 2:56 p.m. Arrive National (handwritten addition) March 24 Per Ed Hund, Beloit - (handwritten addition) (O) (913) 738-3500 (handwritten addition) (H) 738-2184 There will be a Welcome Home ceremony for Capt. Ronald L. Mastin on Saturday, March 24 in Beloit. There is a Parade at 3:00 - parade begins at the High School & goes south to the main intersection Ceremony at 3:30 - at the town square (in case of rain (handwritten addition) go directly to - at Municipal Bldg.) (handwritten additions) 1 blk north & on Hershey St. up across from Post Office (handwritten additions) 1 blk West of Municipal Bldg. - Chamber of Commerce - 123 N. Mill St. 738-2717 I talked to Dave Weingarden, who advised that Docking would not be there, but was sending John Ivan as his representative They do expect Sebelius about 3:30. Also advised Weingarden that the White House would not send another letter... Betty SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 19 - 25 MONDAY, MARCH 19 Francis (Pinky) Pinkelman in town ~- will call ofc. 10:00 Finance Comm - Exec. Session - 2219 NSOB 11:00 Ken Smith - Sen. Ofc. 6:00 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Truck Stop Operators - 318 OSOB (Howard Roe - Olathe) 6:30-8:30 Recep. for Chuck Colson - Blair House 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Architectural & Engrg. Professions - Museum of Hist. & Tech. TUESDAY, MARCH 20 Bob Anderson - Am. Cheese Institute, Chic. in town - will call (see Mike B.-say hello to BD) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (meeting immed. following) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 2 VOTES - on McGovern Amendments to S. 398 5:00 Depart for Emory & Henry College - Emory, Va. SPEAK - 7:30 5-7 Recep. by Water Resources (crossed out) Congress (handwritten addition) Assn. - B-339 & 340 RHOB 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Pharmaceutical Mfrs. Assn. - Dolley Madison Rm. - Madison (handwritten addition) - O.K. (time handwritten) 7:00-9:00 Annual Banquet - U.S. Civil Defense Council - Sheraton Park (Don Meserve, Olathe (handwritten addition) (Mitchell Farok - Wichita) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 28 students from Hays High in town - (Mrs. John Krause (Esther) - photo 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Sess.- 324 OSOB (FHA Emer. Loan, Meat Insp. & Nominations) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Presidential Classroom Group - Sen. Ofc. - photo 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Assoc. of Real Estate Bds. - Ballroom, Statler (Rex. Andrews, Shawnee Mission; Robert Moore, Jr., Topeka; Kenneth Swedlund, O.V. Park; Nestor Weigand, Jr. - Wichita) 6-8 Cocktail Buffet by DAV - Crystal Ballroom, Wash. Hilton 6-8 Recep. by Am. Gas Assoc. - B-338 RHOB 6:30 & 7:45 Recep. & Dinner by Mobile Home Mfrs. Assoc. - Int'l Ballroom, Wash. Hilton 7 &* Recep. & Dinner by Recording Industry of Am. - Ambassador Rm. & Regency Ballroom, Shoreham Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o March 19 - 25 Page THURSDAY, MARCH 22 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ken Smith - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Luncheon with Sec'y Butz - Sen. Curtis - Capitol Ofc. S-305 (stop by) (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Lunch - Tom Manson & family - Senator's Dining Rm. - Cap. 7:30 SPEAK - DSA Banquet - Trustees of Baker U. - Alameda Plaza, K.C. (?) FRIDAY, MARCH 23 10:00 Foreign Ag. Policy Sub. - 324 OSOB (world food situation & int'l agriculture) 1:30 Jean McMahon, Chrm, Comm. on Handicapped Children, Academy of Pediatrics. Sen. Ofc. (see Becky - say hello to Mr. Dole) 3:00 Showing of CBS Program “What are We Doing to our Children?" - on juvenile delinquency - G308 NSOB SATURDAY, MARCH 24 7:30 SPEAK - Hays Chamber of Commerce Breakfast - Hays. 10:15 SPEAK - Business & Professional Women's Club - Hays Stop by New Ideas Fair - Hill City DOLE CHAIRMEN & CO-CHAIRMEN JOHNSON Walt McGinnis (O) 816-363-6330 (H) 913-NI 2-9180 was Mrs. Connie Hale (she has moved to Texas) WYANDOTTE Grant Barcus 7856 Wood Ct. K.C., Ks. (O) 913-621-1100 (H) 913-299-1659 Frances Speer 910 N. Washington Blvd. K.C., Ks. (H) 912-299-3373 RUSSELL LaVern Becker Russel] (H) 316-935-2487 Mrs. Bi1] (Betty) Duwe Lucas (H) 913-525-3525 ELLIS Don Volker 202 E. 28th Hays (O) 913-625-9732 (H) 913-625-6638 Mrs. Steve (Diane) Flood 2708 Hillcrest Hays (H) 913-625-9750 GRAHAM Randall W. Weller 324 West Poplar Hill City (O) 913-674-2144 (H) 913-674-5772 Mrs. Richard (Patty) Custine Morland 67650 (H) 913-MA 7-3930 MITCHELL was Jay Johnson and Nettie Lawrence - both deceased THIRD DISTRICT STATE COMMITTEE MEMBERS JOHNSON Mrs. Max (Betty) Bagby 9618 High Dr. Leawood, Ks. 66206 (H) 913-642-3351 Mrs. William K. (Barbara) Brown 4622 West 69th Terr. Prairie Village 66208 (H) 913-362-4873 Carlos Cortez 6717 Belinder Rd. Shawnee Mission 66208 (H) 913-362-6795 (0) 816-812-6173 Mrs. Marqaret Dostel 3008 West 31st St., Terr Leawood 66206 (H) 913-649-8451 Mrs. Georgia (Richard) Erickson 8914 Maple Dr. Overland Park 66207 (H) 913-648-1378 Jack W. Frost 8636 Mission Road Prairie Village 66206 (H) 913-649-8636 (O) 813-362-1700 Mrs. O. H. (Polly) Kirk 8710 Eby Drive Overland Park 66212 (H) 913-642-4273 (continued on following page) JOHNSON - 3rd District State Committee Members - continued Mr. Clarence L. Roeder 4412 Ww. 94th Prairie Village, Ks. 66207 913-381-1551 Mrs. Eugene Ruff (Margaret) 4314 W. 62nd Terrace Shawnee Mission, Ks. 66205 913-432-2614 Mr. William B. Springer 6620 Elmont Prairie Village, Kansas 66208 913-262-5594 (res) 913-842-2455 (off) Hon. C. Y, Thomas (Kit) 5519 E. Mission Drive Shawnee Mission, Ks. 66208 913-362-8888 Dr. Jack Walker 6409 W. 102 Overland Park, Ks. 66212 913-642-8292 Mrs. Lois Webb Box 206 Stillwell, Kansas 66085 913-681-2400 Wyandotte County 2nd District Member John DeLap (Jack) 2400 N. 64th Kansas City, Ks. 66104 913-299-6072 (home) 913-371-2000 (off.) Wyandotte County 3rd District Members Mrs. Josephine Finley 3404 Evert Kansas City, Ks. 66102 913-321-0477 Mr. Herschel McWilliams 1117 Shawnee Kansas City, Ks. 66105 913-342-0839 Russell County 1st District Member Mr. Rex Duwe Lucas, Ks. 67648 913-525-3465 (res.) 913-525-3445 (off.) DOLE CHAIRMEN & CO-CHAIRMEN JOHNSON Peter A. Martin 408 Grant Olathe, Ks. 66061 (H) 913-782-2350 Mrs. Calvin (Irene) French 10235 West 70th Shawnee Mission (H) 913-432-2310 WYANDOTTE Ken Hamilton 1804 N. 78th Pl. K. C., Ks. 66109 (H) 913-334-0793 (O) 913-334-3535 Mrs. Josephine Finley 3404 Everett K.C., Ks. 66102 (H) 913-321-0477 RUSSELL Mrs. Roger (Libby) Williams 201 Ash Russell (H) 913-483-3614 Mr. Charles J. Sellens RFD Bunker Hil] 67626 (H) 913-483-2676 ELLIS Mr. Steve Flood 2708 Hillcrest Hays 67601 (H) 913-625-9750 {O) 913-625-2912 Mrs. Rich (Bobbie) Dreiling 2712 Willow Hays (H) 913-625-5852 (O) 913-628-4431 GRAHAM Mr. Randall Weller 324 West Poplar Hill City 67542 (H) 913-674-5772 (O) 913-674-2144 Mrs. Eileen Wallace 305 West Pomeroy Hill City (H) 913-674-2000 MITCHELL Don W. Noah 502 West Main Beloit 67420 (H) 913-738-3136 (O) 913-738-3928 Mrs. John (Dora) Prochaska RFD Simpson 67478 (H) 913-593-2331 SATURDAY, MARCH 24 7:30 SPEAK - Hays Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Holiday Inn - Hays 10:15 SPEAK - Business & Professional Women's Club Student Union - Ft. Hays State College approx. 12:00 Depart for Hi11 City - Wilson's Beech Baron (white) Pilot: George Nachtman approx. 12:30-2:00 New Ideas Fair - Hill City (R.W. Culley, contact) Home: 913-674-2212 Office: 913-674-2168 Approx. 2:00 Depart for Beloit - Wilson's Beech Baron (Keith Sebelius will accompany you) approx. 2:45-4:00 Parade & Ceremony honoring Capt. Ronald Mastin - Beloit approx. 4:15 Leave for K.C. - Beech Baron 7:30 Party for Stan Rose by Vrem & Esther Levens - Oakwood Country Club - 9800 Grandview Road - P.V. SUNDAY, MARCH 25 10:45 a.m. Depart K.C. - TWA #428 - F/C 2:56 p.m. Arrive National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 26 - APRIL 1 MONDAY, MARCH 26 8:00 SPEAK - Bkfst for Ks. East Youth Study Group (45 total) - G-219 NSOB (photo set for 8:15-8:30) Rev. Robert Darden, contact) Sen. Dole or John S. 10-11 Shawnee Mission Jr. High Students (255 total) G-308 NSOB (Senate Auditorium) (Pearson & Winn sending representatives) Mrs. Millicent Gordon, contact (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Communication Workers of Am. - Sen. Ofc. - Ruthanna Gore Kenneth Flanagan; 6-8 Recep. for New Rep. Members of Cong. - Capitol Hil] Club 7:00 Cocktails by M/M John Crutcher for Kansans Bill Mitchell & David Mackey - 2440 Virginia Avenue, N.W. - Apt. D-1004 TUESDAY, MARCH 27 10:00 Rural Dev. Subc. - 324 OSOB (oversight hearings) (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Waller Taylor - Sen. Ofc. & Alex Barkett (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Lunch - Mrs. Ruthanna Gore, Sandra Cox, etc. - Sen. Dining Rm. (Photo) 12:00 Lunch with Rex Duwe & Delegation - Members side of House Restaurant, Capitol also AA's 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S~207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Rural Dev. Subc. - Ag. - 324 OSOB 5-7 Recep. by Poultry & Egg Institute - S-207 Cap. 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Nat'l Assn. of Broadcasters, Sheraton Hall, Sheraton Park (Bob Fromme, Topeka plus approx. 20-25 other Kansans) 6-? Recep. for Glen Woodard - Winn-Dixie Stores (Jacksonville) by Nat'l Assn. of Food Chains - Nat'l Democratic Club - Cong. Hotel Senator Dole's Schedule - w/o March 26 - April 1 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 9:00 Bkfst. by Nat'l Assn. OF Wheat Growers - B-338, 339 & 340 RHOB (handwritten addition) (Don Crane, Dodge City) (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Sen. Brock & Eddie Male - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 Rural Dev. Subc. - 324 OSOB (oversight hearings) (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Photo with Jeannie Hill, Ks. Wheat (illegible) - Sen. Ofc. (on Ag. Comm.) Don Brock 447-5538 (handwritten addition) Done (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Carolyn Levis - WTOP (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Lunch - Kenneth Flanagan (& Arlene - wife) - Bill K.? (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Bob & Rosemary Murphy - formerly Renault (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Tom Green - Washburn & a KWYR - Sen. Ofc. (photo) (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Ks. Broadcasters - Bob Frogmye, etc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:45 George Haley - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Photo with Sid Sondergard - Pres. Classroom - Sen. Ofc. (Photo) (next appointment handwritten) 4:45 Talked to Jack (Carber - 220-3800) 5-8 Recep. by YR's (Leadership Conf.) - Caucus Rm - CHOB (go to Room 340 first 6-8 Recep. by Girl Scouts of America - National Portrait Gallery THURSDAY MARCH 29 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Ron Schallmey - Jefferson City, MO (Bill K.) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (Butz testifying on farm programs) (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Rev. W.C. West - K.C. & Rev. Augustus Pearson - Topeka (RE:: S. 136 Manpower Tang. Bill) Bill W., Judy - 347-5949 (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Bill Burns, Mgr. Std (illegible) of Indiana & Bob Uttley, K.C., Ks - Sen. Ofc. - Bill K. - maybe Bill Adams, Wash. Rep. (next appointment handwritten) 12:15 Lunch - Don Crane & Wheat people - Sen. Dining Rm. - (Tag) (next appointment handwritten) 12:15 Ks. - K.U. Students (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Lunch - Cathy Plowman & Joan Vinson - Sen. Dining Rm. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Martin Umansky - KAKE - Wichita - Sen. Recep. Rm. 4:30-6:30 Recep. for Cong. & Mrs. Donald Young (Alaska) - B-339 RHOB 5:30-7:30 Recep. & Banquet for Members of YR Advisory Board - North Cotillion Rm.- Sheraton Park 6:00-? Recep. by Communications Workers of Am. - Quality Motel-Capitol Hill (Mrs. Sandra Cox, Overland Park; Paul Scales, K.C.; K. W. Flanagan, K.C., KS. Mrs. Ruthanna Gore, Atchison) (handwritten addition) - Bill K. FRIDAY, MARCH 30 (handwritten addition) OK 8:00 Recep. for Mayor Walker - Holiday Inn - Overland Park SATURDAY, MARCH 31 6:80 Recep. & Dinner - by GI Forum - (crossed out) Holiday Inn (handwritten addition) Jayhawk Hotel, Topeka (Mr. Dole being honored) (crossed out) SUNDAY, APRIL 1 Betty Wheat growers that had lunch with Senator Dole- Don Crane, Wright, Kansas president Tommy Ostrander, Wellington, Kansas Earl Hayes, Zenith, Arkansas Ralph E. Davis, RR4, Pratt, Kansas Vernon McColm, Bucklin, Kansas Wheat queen was Jeanie Gill, Harper tag United States Senate MEMORANDUM Cathy Reinhardt 2010 Lincoln St. Great Bend, Ks. (handwritten addition) K.U. Christine (Chris) Baker Valley Falls, Ks. (handwritten addition) K.U. Larry Cook P.O. Box 182 Meriden, Ks. 66512 (handwritten addition) K.U. Tom Green 306 No. Poplar So. Hutchinson, Ks. (handwritten addition) Washburn