(handwritten addition) Senator Dole SUNDAY, JAN. 7, 1973 Los Angeles, California 5:15 P.M., CST Depart Kansas City aboard Continental Airlines, Flight 31, Dinner, Non-stop. 6:25 P.M., PST Arrive Los Angeles International Airport (213) 776-5000 or (213) 483-1100. Met by: John Sawyer, RNC Advance Ground Transportation: Provided by S.M.I. Conference Remain Overnight: Century Plaza Hotel (213) 227-2000, Suite reserved. *You are invited to attend an informal Reception for Members of S.M.I., 6:30-7:30 P.M., in the Los Angeles Room of the Century Plaza Hotel. **If convenient, Mr. & Mrs. Barton Evans (Director of Public Affairs, Hughes Aircraft) and Gen. Fred Coleman (Hughes Aircraft, Washington Office) have invited you to join them for Dinner at the Century Plaza upon your arrival Sunday evening. MONDAY, JAN. 8, 1973 Los Angeles, California 7:45 A.M. Supermarket Institute’s (S.M.I.) Speaker's Breakfast, Senator's Dining Room, Mezzanine Level, Century Plaza Hotel. Attendance at your discretion. 9:00 A.M. S.M.I. Conference General Session begins, Los Angeles Room. Attendance: 900, bi-partisan, men and women. 9:10 A.M. Alastair Burnet, Editor, The Economist (London) speaks on "Global Look at U.S. Trends”. 10:00 A.M. Coffee Break 10:15 A.M. Robert B. Cullum, President of Cullum Companies, Inc., Dallas, Texas introduces Senator Dole. 10:17 A.M. Senator Dole -- Remarks 10:45 A.M. Senator Dole -- Questions and Answers 11:00 A.M. Senator Dole departs Century Plaza Hotel Ground transportation provided by Hughes Aircraft. Car Manifest: Senator Dole Burton Evans, Director of Public Affairs, Hughes Aircraft James D. Hurt, Assistant to Evans 11:30 A.M. Arrive Mistele's Restaurant, Top Floor, Crocker-Citizens Plaza, 611 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, (213) 485-0961. Luncheon: $25. per person Attendance: 60 11:35 A.M. Private Reception with Republican Statesmen. 12:00 Noon General Reception with attendees. 12:30 P.M. Luncheon served. 1:10 P.M. Senator Dole introduced by Ed Johnson, President, Financial Federation Corporation. 1:15 P.M. Senator Dole -- Remarks 1:40 P.M. Senator Dole ~- Questions and Answers 2:00 P.M. Senator Dole departs Crocker-Citizens Plaza. Ground transportation provided by Hughes Aircraft. 2:30 P.M. PST. Depart Los Angeles, International Airport, (213) 626-3811 for: A. Topeka, Kansas, privately or, B. Dulles International, (202) 393-2345, aboard American Airlines Flight #44, Dinner, Non-stop; Arriving Washington 11:01 P.M., EST. NEWS from U.S. Senator Bob Dole (R.—Kans.). New Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 225-6521 Joe Reppert—Press Secretary SENATOR: NBC said that the general introduction and theme will go: 'In the past we have had on several critics of the President's recent actions in Vietnam. Today we have the Chairman of the Republican Party to express his views on these recent actions.' They said they would not go into specific criticisms made during the past weeks but would deal with what is going on now. Also, Paul Duke and yourself can decide on the general line of questioning in the morning. (handwritten initial) JOE (handwritten addition) Today Show - Jan. 4 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - W/O JANUARY 22 - 28 MONDAY, JANUARY 22 6-8 Recep. by Great Plains Wheat - Senate Room, Statler Hilton TUESDAY, JANUARY 23 10:00 Mtg. on Oil Supply Crisis by Nat'l Oil Jobbers, Caucus Rm, CHOB (Bi11 K.) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Capitol 1:40 Bob Shaw & Lyndell Brenton, K.C. are with Wash. Workshops - Sen. Ofc. (photo) 1:45 Tony Dechant & Robert Lewis, National Farmers Union - Sen. Ofc. 4:00 VOTES - on Clements and Schlesinger. nominations (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 Cong. John Anderson - Sen. Ofc. 6-8 Recep. by Nat'l Rural Elec. Coop - Capitol Hill Club 8:00 Style Show by Nat'l Sheep & Wool Growers Assn., Int'l Ballroom, Wash. Hilton (M/M Herman Popp, Haven, Ks.; Janet Remmers, Sabetha; Mrs. Ralph Jones, Bendena; Mrs. Wayne Leonhard, Leon, Ks.) Wednesday, JANUARY 24 8:00 Bkfst. - Ks. Elec. Coop. - Rm. G-219 NSOB (Charlie Ross, Topeka) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Swearing-In - USDA - Jack Kuebel, Erving & Yuetter, Ass. Secy. Rm 218 USDA (next appointment handwritten) 12:05-2:30 Eulogies for LBJ (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Bell Southerlands - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Assemble in Senate to go to Rotunda for LBJ services 4:00 Dr. Copeland, Bu. of Child Res., K.U.; Dr. Vance Hall & Dr. Jasper Harris - Senate Ofc. - (see Bill W. - want to say hello to BD) 5:00 Bd. of Governors Mtg. - Capitol Hill Club 5:30 - 7:30 Recep. by Consumer Fed. of Am. - 338-340 RHOB 6:30 - 8:30 Recep. for Willard Edwards, Chicago Tribune - Sheraton Carlton THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 (handwritten addition) O.K. 10:00 Subc, on Ag. Prod., Mkt. & stab. of Prices - 324 OSOB (on boxcar shortage) (per Tag - Joe Gregg, K. C. Bd. of Trade will probably be here) SPEAK ~ Junction City Jaycees Annual Distinguished Service Award Banquet - American Legion Hall (this is preceded by a 6:30 reception and 7:00 Dinner) FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 SUNDA¥,- JANUARY 28 2-4:30 Open House - 65th Wedding Anniv. - M/M H.B. Milberger, Fellowship Hall, Trinity Methodist Church, Russell, Ks. 7:00 Recep. - Alumni Lounge - Sacred Heart College, Admin. Bldg., 3100 McCormick, Wichita Republican National Committee. (handwritten addition) Betty THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973 12:00 State Chairmen's Advisory Committee Luncheon. Lincoln Room West, Washington Hilton 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Reception for Indiana Congressional Delegation given by Keith Bulen, Maryland Room, Sheraton Park 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Vice President's Reception (informal) Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology 9:00 - 11:30 p.m. Salute to the States (honoring Governors) JFK Center for the Performing Arts Concert Hall and Opera (informal) House FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1973 10:00 a.m. Republican National Committee Business meeting, Ballroom East, Washington Hilton 1:00 p.m. Republican National Committee Reception and Luncheon, Ballroom Center, Washington Hilton 11:00 - 5:00 p.m. Inaugural Hospitality Suite Congressional Booster's Club, Suite 5101, Washington Hilton 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. Reception for Nixon State Chairmen, Clark MacGregor and Fred Malek, Mayflower Hotel 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. A Salute to America's Heritage, Corcoran Gallery of Art, 17th St. N.W., behind E£0B 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Reception for Governor Otis Bowen, Indiana Republican Central Committee, Park Ballroom, Sheraton Park Hotel Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1973 con't - (next appointment handwritten) 5-7 Recep. for Geo. Bush by Anne Armstrong Anderson House - 2168 Mass. Ave. N.W. (approx. 300 people) 5:00 . Buffet Dinner Kansas State Teachers College Band; Marriott Twin Bridges 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception, Copley Newspapers, Ray McHugh, Chief Washington Bureau Calvert House 2401 Calvert N.W. Apt. 411 6:30 p.m. Cocktails and Buffet in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford II and Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Iacocca given by Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Markley, 1925 F Street Club 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Reception honoring Governor Arch Moore and the West Virginia Congressional Delegation; State Room, Mayflower Hotel 8:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception given by Tom Johnson 751 10th St. S.E. 8:30 p.m. RNC Heritage Groups Reception 310 First St. S.E. given by Laszlo Pasztor INAUGURAL CONCERTS - JFK Center for the Performing Arts 8:00 Youth Concert- Eisenhower Center, (informal) 8:30 American Music Concert (Dinner), Opera House (Black Tie) 9:00 Symphonic Concert (Dinner), Concert Hall (Black Tie) 9:00 p.m.- 1:00 a.m. New Jersey Ball in honor of Governor Cahill, Crystal Ballroom, Washington Hilton given by New Jersey State Republican Committee 11:00 p.m. If attending American Music Concert, Candlelight Dinner follows, Roof Terrace of JFK Center 11:00 p.m. Champagne Breakfast in honor of RNC, given by Louise Gore and Bob Carte, Jockey Club 2100 Mass. Ave. Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1973 11:30 a.m. Inaugural Ceremony East Steps, the Capitol Immediately Following swearing -in (handwritten addition) Luncheon S-207 Capitol (crossed out) CBS, (Daniel Schorr) has invited you to appear for an interview before their camera position located in the Rotunda. 1:00 p.m. Inaugural Parade 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Private Reception by Mr. and Mrs. W. Clement Stone, Presidential Suite, Washington Hilton 5:00 p.m. Reception for Congressional Medal of Honor Society, given by W. Clement Stone, Ballroom East, Washington Hilton 6:00 p.m. Dinner for Congressional Medal of Honor Society given by W. Clement Stone, International Ballroom, Washington Hilton (Black tie optional) 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception by Tom Evans, 516 Watergate Hotel 7:00 p.m. (accepted) Dinner party in honor of Anne Armstrong, George Bush and Bil] Clements, by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Perot, Madison Hotel (Black Tie) 7:00 p.m. Reception, Executive Chamber 2nd floor, Dinner Follows, Dolly Madison Ballroom 9:00 p.m. Inaugural Youth Ball, Sheraton Park Hotel 9:00 p.m. Inaugural Balls, (Black Tie) Smithsonian Museum of Natural History others - (Kennedy Center, Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology, and Pension Bldg.) 9:00 p.m. Smal] Ball by Jack and Pat Calkins 2329 California St. N.W. (Black Tie) Immediately following Balls, Midnight brunch, Watergate Terrace Restaurant Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1973 (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 - 1:00 Brunch honoring Henry Ramirez - Black Horse Tavern 11:30 a.m. White House Worship Service 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Champagne brunch, American Women in Radio and Television, Sheraton Park Hotel (next appointment handwritten) 6:00 pm RNC Reception White House Informal Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. (handwritten additions) -Betty -297 invites -Conn. Ave. invite -Wash Hilton - food, micro, late -Champion trident -Tuxedo -Watergate memo John Atkins Watergate Res. 965-5252 Dole - 333-6280 (R) L25-8943 (O) RNC Suite - 483-3000 Room 0101 Evans - 484-6704 Petro - 265-2000 R402 Barry Seasly - maitre d' Wash Hilton Republican National Committee. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973 12:00 State Chairmen's Advisory Committee Luncheon. Lincoln Room West, Washington Hilton 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Reception for Indiana Congressional Delegation given by Keith Bulen, Maryland Room, Sheraton Park 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Vice President's Reception (informal) Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology 9:00 - 11:30 p.m. Salute to the States (honoring Governors) JFK Center for the Performing Arts Concert Hall and Opera (informa1) House FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1973 10:00 a.m. Republican National Committee Business meeting, Ballroom East, Washington Hilton 1:00 p.m. Republican National Committee Reception and Luncheon, Ballroom Center, Washington Hilton (next appointment crossed out) 11:00 - 5:00 p.m. Inaugural Hospitality Suite Congressional Booster's Club, Suite 5101, Washington Hilton (next appointment crossed out) 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. Reception for Nixon State Chairmen, Clark MacGregor and Fred Malek, Mayflower Hotel 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. A Salute to America's Heritage, Corcoran Gallery of Art, 17th St. N.W., behind EOB (next appointment crossed out) 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Reception for Governor Otis Bowen, Indiana Republican Central Committee, Park Ballroom Sheraton Park Hotel Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1973 con't 5:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner Kansas State Teachers College Band, Marriott Twin Bridges 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception, Copley Newspapers, Ray McHugh, Chief Washington Bureau Calvert Houst 2401 Calvert N.W. Apt. 411 6:30 p.m. Cocktails and Buffet in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford II and Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Iacocca given by Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Markley, 1925 F Street Club (next appointment crossed out) 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Reception honoring Governor Arch Moore and the West Virginia Congressional Delegation; State Room, Mayflower Hotel 8:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception given by Tom Johnson 751 10th St. S.E. 8:30 p.m. RNC Heritage Groups Reception 310 First St. S.E. given by Laszlo Pasztor INAUGURAL CONCERTS - JFK Center for the Performing Arts 8:00 Youth Concert- Eisenhower Center, (informal) 8:30 American Music Concert (Dinner), Opera House (Black Tie) 9:00 Symphonic Concert (Dinner), Concert Hall (Black Tie) (next appointment crossed out) 9:00 p.m.- 1:00 a.m. New Jersey Ball in honor of Governor Cahill, Crystal Ballroom, Washington Hilton given by New Jersey State Republican Committee 11:00 p.m. If attending American Music Concert, Candlelight Dinner follows, Roof Terrace of JFK Center 11:00 p.m. Champagne Breakfast in honor of RNC, given by Louise Gore and Bob Carte, Jockey Club 2100 Mass. Ave. Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1973 11:30 a.m. Inaugural Ceremony East Steps, the Capitol Immediately Following swearing-in CBS, (Daniel Schorr) has invited you to appear for an interview before their camera position located in the Rotunda. 1:00 p.m. Inaugural Parade 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Private Reception by Mr. and Mrs. W. Clement Stone, Presidential Suite, Washington Hilton 5:00 p.m. Reception for Congressional Medal of Honor Society, given by W. Clement Stone, Ballroom East, Washington Hilton 6:00 p.m. Dinner for Congressional Medal of Honor Society given by W. Clement Stone, International Ballroom, Washington Hilton (Black tie optional) 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception by Tom Evans, 516 Watergate Hotel 7:00 p.m. (accepted) Dinner party in honor of Anne Armstrong, George Bush and Bill Clements, by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Perot, Madison Hotel, (Black Tie) 7:00 p.m. Reception, Executive Chamber 2nd floor, Dinner Follows, Dolly Madison Ballroom 9:00 p.m. Inaugural Youth Bal], Sheraton Park Hotel 9:00 p.m. Inaugural Balis, (Black Tie) Smithsonian Museum of Natural History others - (Kennedy Center, Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology, and Pension Bldg.) 9:00 p.m. Small Ball by Jack and Pat Calkins 2329 California St. N.W. (Black Tie) Immediately following Balls, Midnight brunch, Watergate Terrace Restaurant Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. SUNDAY JANUARY 21, 1973 11:30 a.m. White House Worship Service 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Champagne brunch, American Women in Radio and Television, Sheraton Park Hotel Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, 0.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. BANDS AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE INAUGURAL BALL (handwritten check) Museum of Natural History BANDS Les Brown Nat Brandwynne ENTERTAINMENT Serendipity Singers Afro-American Gospel Singers (Maryland) (in the auditorium (handwritten check) Kennedy Center Lionel Hampton Bill Harrington Fred Perry World's Greatest Jazz Band Duquesne University Tamburitzans (Dancers) (handwritten check) Museum of History and Technology Lester Lanin Ray Bloch Howard Devron Sam Schreiber Gene Donati Sidney The Latvians (handwritten check) Pension Building Guy Lombardo Dave Remington Lithuanian Dancers (from Chicago) Sheraton Park Don Costa The Mob Solomon Burke The New Seekers Sammy Davis, Jr. Chinese-American Youth Club Dragon Dancers 1973 Inaugural Ball KENNEDY CENTER Alabama Arkansas District of Columbia Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia PENSION BUILDING Diplomatic Corps Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Ohio Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Wisconsin MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY Connecticut Delaware Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Kansas Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon South Dakota Utah Washington Wyoming Date: Thursday, January 18 Time: 5:00-8:00 p.m. Event/Location: Vice President's Reception Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology Price: (handwritten circle) $10.00 per person Date: Thursday, January 18 Time: *9:00 p.m. Event/Location: A Salute to the States (honoring Governors) John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Price: $100.00 per person $75.00 per person $50.00 per person $25.00 per person Date: Friday, January 19 Time: *2:00-6:00 p.m. Event/Location: A Salute to America's Heritage The Corcoran Gallery of Art; Inaugural Concerts, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Price: $10.00 per person (adults) $5.00 per person (children under 12) Date: Friday, January 19 Time: 7:30 p.m. Event/Location: American Music Concert Kennedy Center Opera House Price: **$500.00 per Box Seat **$250.00 per person $25.00 per person $20.00 per person ** ticket holders entitled to cocktails and candlelight dinner following concert. Date: Friday, January 19 Time: 8:30 p.m. Event/Location: Inaugural Youth Concert Kennedy Center Eisenhower Theater Price: $10.00 per person (A limited number of Box Seats available at $50.00 per seat.) Date: Friday, January 19 Time: *9:00 p.m. Event/Location: Symphonic Concert, Kennedy Center Concert Hall Price: ***$500.00 per Box Seat ***$250.00 per person $50.00 per person $40.00 per person $30.00 per person ***Ticket holders entitled to cocktails and candlelight dinner preceding the concert (6 p.m.) Date: Saturday, January 20 Time: 9:00 p.m. Event/Location: Inaugural Ball John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology Pension Building Price: $40.00 per person (includes an official hardbound Inaugural Program Book and special gift. (appointment circled) Date: Saturday, January 20 Time: 9:00 p.m. Event/Location: Inaugural Youth Ball Sheraton Park Hotel Price: $15.00 per person Date: Sunday, January 21 Time: 11:30 a.m. Event/Location: White House Worship Service Price: By Special Invitation Only INAUGURAL COMMITTEE - 1973 Second and T Streets, S.W. Washington, 0.C. 20555 (202) 447-9150 1973 INAUGURAL FACT SHEET J WILLARD MARRIOTT, Chairman JEBS MAGRUOER, Executive Director INVITATION-ONLY EVENTS Tickets for invitation-only events (see attached listing), except the swearing-in ceremony and the Sunday Worship Service, are being handled by the Ticket Committee. An invitation allows the recipient to purchase two subscriptions for the event. All tickets are being sold to invitees on a first-come, first-served basis. The Ticket Committee currently is located at Inaugural Headquarters, Second and T Sts., S.W., Washington, D.C. (202) 447-9394. Beginning Jan. 12, all tickets and ticket matters for these events will be handled by the WILL CALL offices in the Great Hall, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th and E Sts., N.W. Inaugural invitees should use Entrance #16 on E St. between 14th and 15th Sts. to pick up their tickets. All orders which have not been processed, primarily those which are received after Jan. 10 and for which tickets are available, may be filled at WILL CALL. All questions on tickets for invitation-only events must be handled by the. Ticket Committee (202) 447-9394. INAUGURAL PARADE The Parade will begin at 1:15 p.m. Jan. 20 and will follow the traditional route from Capitol Hill along Pennsylvania Avenue. More than 43,000 reserved seats are available. (There is no charge for standing space along the route.) Reserved seat prices: box and grandstand seats on Pennsylvania Ave. between 15th and 17th Sts., $50 and $25; grandstand seats on 15th St., $25 and $20, and grandstands on Pennsylvania Ave. between 4th and 15th Sts, $5 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under. Orders for fewer than ten $5 tickets should be placed by mail to: Inaugural Headquarters, Attn. Parade Ticket Committee, P. 0. Box 1600, Washington, D. C. 20555. Orders for more than ten $5 or any number of other Parade tickets are being accepted at (202) 447- 9433. The deadline for mail or phone orders is Jan. 12. Tickets ordered will be mailed beginning Jan. 5. Beginning Jan. 10, Parade tickets also will be on sale at more than 30 Metropolitan Washington locations, including hotels, shopping centers and National Airport. After Jan. 12, tickets ordered by mail or phone can be picked up in person at the WILL CALL office, Great Hall, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 14th and E Sts., N.W. (Use Entrance #16 on E St. between 14th and 15th Sts.) Special problems concerning Parade tickets and the distribution of tickets allocated to certain Special groups will be handled by Mike Duval (487-9545) or Dan McGuire (447- $43 SWEARING-IN CEREMONY The swearing-in ceremony and the luncheon following are being handled entirely by Congress. Questions concerning these events should be directed to the questioner’s Congressman or Senator. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Persons desiring assistance in finding accommodations may contact the Inaugural Housing Committee at (202) 447-9220 or 447- 9375. MEMENTOES Mementoes authorized for public sale by the Inaugural Committee are: Inaugural License Plates--valid in all states through Jan. 31, 1973; for sale by mail or in person at Inaugural Headquarters, Second and T Sts., S.W.; at AAA outlets in the District of Columbia and at the D. C. Dept. of Motor Vehicles. Price: $15/set of regularly-numbered plates; $25/set of specially-ordered plates with up to four letters or numbers, and $20/set for specially ordered sets in a sequence of 20 or more. Inaugural Fact Sheet Page 2 MEMENTOES (cont) Inaugural Medals--in bronze or silver are available from the Franklin Mint, Franklin Center, PAUL: ., or Inaugural Headquarters, Second and T Sts., 5.W., Washington, D.C. 20555. Orders will be taken through Jan. 31, 1973. Prices: bronze medal, $6; bronze proof medal, $10; silver medal, $45; silver proof medal, $50; 8" silver plate, $150. Inaugural Book and Program - deluxe, hard-bound volume with more than 80 color photographs, available by mail from Inaugural Headquarters, Second and T Sts., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20555 INAUGURAL LIAISON OFFICES Congressional Liaison Fred Webber 447-9185 Republican National Committee Miss Jo Good 484-6630 CREP and CREP Field People Robert Marik 333-0920 ENTERTAINERS PARTICIPATING IN THE 1973 INAUGURAL {as of Jan. 3, 1973): THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 - SALUTE TO THE STATES Lynn Anderson, Danny Davis and the Nashville Brass The Pat Boone Family, Bob Hope The Les Brown Orchestra, Ray Stevens Vicki Carr, Hank Williams, Jr. The Mike Curb Congregation FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 - SALUTE TO AMERICA'S HERITAGE Celebrity Hosts: Sammy Davis, Jr. Zsa Zsa Gabor Lionel Hampton FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 - THE INAUGURAL CONCERTS AMERICAN MUSIC CONCERT The Les Brown Orchestra Samay Davis, Jr. Laurie Lee Schaefer Frank Sinatra YOUTH CONCERT James Brown The Don Costa Orchestra The Mike Curb Congregation Tommy Roe SYMPHONIC CONCERT Van Cliburn The Los Angeles Master Chorale, Roger Wagner, Dir. The Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, Dir. The Valley Forge Military Academy Band SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 - INAUGURAL BALL Orchestras: Ray Bloch, Les Brown, Don Costa, Lionel Hampton, Lester Lanin and Guy Lombardo. Local bands: Gene Donati and Fred Perry. Republican National Committee. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1973 6-8 pm Cocktail reception in honor of Cherie and George Cook; 4808 Rockwood Pwy. D.C. R.S.V.P. Laura and Brad Cook 755-1138 6:45-8 pm Cocktails and Dinner; Martha Moore's invite; Cabinet Room, Wash. Hilton; 6:00 pm on NBC 25th Anniversary; Cocktails and Buffet in honor of “Meet the Press" & Lawrence Spivak; Presidential Ballroom, Wash. Hilton; NBC Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973 12 noon State Chairmen's Advisory Comm. Luncheon; Lincoln Room West, Wash. Hilton (Brief remarks by Chairman Dole) 5:00 to 8:00pm Vice-President's Reception(informal); Smithsonian Museum of Hist. and Tech.; 8:00 to 1O:30pm Salute to the States: JFK Memorial Center(informal ); Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1973 Time: Entire_Day Event: National Committee Meetngs Where: Washington Hilton Time: 11am to 5pm Event: Inaug. Hospitality Suite; Where: Suite 5101, Wash. Hilton Time: 12:00 to 2pm Event: Reception for Nixon State Chrmn. Clark Mac Gregor and Fred Malek; Where: Mayflower Hotel Time: 3pm to 5:30pm Event: Salute to America's Heritage; Smithsonian Museum of Art and Natural History; Where: Time: 6:30 to 9pm Event: Cocktail Reception; Calvert House, 2401 Calvert NW Apt. 411 Where: Copley Newspapers RSVP 296-8565 Time: 6:30pm Event: Cocktails and Buffet in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford II and Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Iacocca; 1925 F Street Club Where: Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Markley RSVP 1815 Conn. Ave Time: 7pm to 9pm Event: Reception honoring Gov. and Mrs. Arch Moore and the W. Va. Cong. Delegation; State Room, Mayflower Hotel; Where: RSVP 638-3752 Time: 8:30pm Event: RNC Heritage Groups Reception; 310 First Street SE Where: Laszlo Pasztor Inaugural Concerts--John Kennedy Memorial Center 8:00--Youth Concert, Eisenhower Center 8:30--American Music Concert (Dinner), Opera House (B1k. tie) 9:00--Symphonie Concert (Dinner), Concert Hal1 (Blk. tie) Time: 9:00 pm to 1am Event: New Jersey Ball in Honor of Gov. and Mrs. William Cahill: Crystal Ballroom, Washington Hilton Where: NJ State Repub. Committee Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1973 11:30am Inaugural Ceremony, East Steps, The Capitol 1:00pm Inaugural Parade 6:00 to 8:00pm - Cocktail Reception; Tom Evans suite; Rm. 516 Watergate Hotel 7:00pm Dinner Party in honor of Anne Armstrong, George Bush and Bill Clements; (Blk. tie) Madison Hotel; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Perot RSVP Betty Taylor 214-358-3171 9:00pm Inaugural Balls (Blk. tie) ~-Kennedy Center --Smithsonian Museum of Natural History; --Smithsonian Museum of Hist. and Tech.; --Pension Bldg. 9:00pm Inaugural Youth Ball, Sheraton Park Hotel Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. Republican National Committee. SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1973 12:30 to 2:30 pm Champagne Brunch; American Women in Radio and Television; Sheraton-Park Hotel Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. 1973 INAUGURAL BALL KENNEDY CENTER Alabama Arkansas District of Columbia Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia PENSION BUILDING Diplomatic Corps Idaho Illinois Indiana Jowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Ohio Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Wisconsin MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY Connecticut Delaware Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Kansas Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon South Dakota Utah Washington Wyoming BANDS AND ENTERTAINMENT | FOR THE INAUGURAL BALL (handwritten check) Museum of Natural History BANDS Les Brown Nat Brandwynne Entertainment Serendipity Singers Afro-American Gospel Singers (Maryland) (in the auditorium) (handwritten check) Kennedy Center Lionel Hampton Bill Harrington Fred Perry World's Greatest Jazz Band Duquesne University Tamburitzans (Dancers) (handwritten check) Museum of History and Technology Lester Lanin Ray Bloch Howard Devron Sam Schreiber Gene Donati Sidney The Latvians (handwritten check) Pension Building Guy Lombardo Dave Remington Lithuanian Dancers (from Chicago) Sheraton Park Don Costa The Mob Solomon Burke The New Seekers Sammy Davis, Jr. Chinese-American Youth Club Dragon Dancers INAUGURAL COMMITTEE - 1973 Second and T Streets, S.W, Washington, 0.C. 20555 (202) 447-9150 1973 INAUGURAL FACT SHEET J WILLARD MARRIOTT, Chairman JEBS MAGRUOER, Executive Director INVITATION-ONLY EVENTS Tickets for invitation-only events (see attached listing), except the swearing-in ceremony and the Sunday Worship Service, are being handled by the Ticket Committee. An invitation allows the recipient to purchase two subscriptions for the event. All tickets are being sold to invitees on a first-come, first-served basis. The Ticket Committee currently is located at Inaugural Headquarters, Second and T Sts., S.W., Washington, D.C. (202) 447-9394. Beginning Jan. 12, all tickets and ticket matters for these events will be handled by the WILL CALL offices in the Great Hall, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th and E Sts., N.W. Inaugural invitees should use Entrance #16 on E St. between 14th and 15th Sts. to pick up their tickets. All orders which have not been processed, primarily those which are received after Jan. 10 and for which tickets are available, may be filled at WILL CALL. All questions on tickets for invitation-only events must be handled by the. Ticket Committee (202) 447-9394. INAUGURAL PARADE The Parade will begin at 1:15 p.m. Jan. 20 and will follow the traditional route from Capitol Hill along Pennsylvania Avenue. More than 43,000 reserved seats are available. (There is no charge for standing space along the route.) Reserved seat prices: box and grandstand seats on Pennsylvania Ave. between 15th and 17th Sts., $50 and $25; grandstand seats on 15th St., $25 and $20, and grandstands on Pennsylvania Ave. between 4th and 15th Sts, $5 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under. Orders for fewer than ten $5 tickets should be placed by mail to: Inaugural Headquarters, Attn. Parade Ticket Committee, P. 0. Box 1600, Washington, D. C. 20555. Orders for more than ten $5 or any number of other Parade tickets are being accepted at (202) 447- 9433. The deadline for mail or phone orders is Jan. 12. Tickets ordered will be mailed beginning Jan. 5. Beginning Jan. 10, Parade tickets also will be on sale at more than 30 Metropolitan Washington locations, including hotels, shopping centers and National Airport. After Jan. 12, tickets ordered by mail or phone can be picked up in person at the WILL CALL office, Great Hall, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 14th and E Sts., N.W. (Use Entrance #16 on E St. between 14th and 15th Sts.) Special problems concerning Parade tickets and the distribution of tickets allocated to certain Special groups will be handled by Mike Duval (487-9545) or Dan McGuire (447- $43 SWEARING-IN CEREMONY The swearing-in ceremony and the luncheon following are being handled entirely by Congress. Questions concerning these events should be directed to the questioner’s Congressman or Senator. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Persons desiring assistance in finding accommodations may contact the Inaugural Housing Committee at (202) 447-9220 or 447- 9375. MEMENTOES Mementoes authorized for public sale by the Inaugural Committee are: Inaugural License Plates--valid in all states through Jan. 31, 1973; for sale by mail or in person at Inaugural Headquarters, Second and T Sts., S.W.; at AAA outlets in the District of Columbia and at the D. C. Dept. of Motor Vehicles. Price: $15/set of regularly-numbered plates; $25/set of specially-ordered plates with up to four letters or numbers, and $20/set for specially ordered sets in a sequence of 20 or more. Inaugural Fact Sheet Page 2 MEMENTOES (cont) Inaugural Medals--in bronze or silver are available from the Franklin Mint, Franklin Center, PAUL: ., or Inaugural Headquarters, Second and T Sts., 5.W., Washington, D.C. 20555. Orders will be taken through Jan. 31, 1973. Prices: bronze medal, $6; bronze proof medal, $10; silver medal, $45; silver proof medal, $50; 8" silver plate, $150. Inaugural Book and Program - deluxe, hard-bound volume with more than 80 color photographs, available by mail from Inaugural Headquarters, Second and T Sts., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20555 INAUGURAL LIAISON OFFICES Congressional Liaison Fred Webber 447-9185 Republican National Committee Miss Jo Good 484-6630 CREP and CREP Field People Robert Marik 333-0920 ENTERTAINERS PARTICIPATING IN THE 1973 INAUGURAL {as of Jan. 3, 1973): THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 - SALUTE TO THE STATES Lynn Anderson, Danny Davis and the Nashville Brass The Pat Boone Family, Bob Hope The Les Brown Orchestra, Ray Stevens Vicki Carr, Hank Williams, Jr. The Mike Curb Congregation FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 - SALUTE TO AMERICA'S HERITAGE Celebrity Hosts: Sammy Davis, Jr. Zsa Zsa Gabor Lionel Hampton FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 - THE INAUGURAL CONCERTS AMERICAN MUSIC CONCERT The Les Brown Orchestra Samay Davis, Jr. Laurie Lee Schaefer Frank Sinatra YOUTH CONCERT James Brown The Don Costa Orchestra The Mike Curb Congregation Tommy Roe SYMPHONIC CONCERT Van Cliburn The Los Angeles Master Chorale, Roger Wagner, Dir. The Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, Dir. The Valley Forge Military Academy Band SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 - INAUGURAL BALL Orchestras: Ray Bloch, Les Brown, Don Costa, Lionel Hampton, Lester Lanin and Guy Lombardo. Local bands: Gene Donati and Fred Perry. Date: Thursday, January 18 Time: 5:00-8:00 p.m. Event/Location: Vice President's Reception Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology Price: (handwritten circle) $10.00 per person Date: Thursday, January 18 Time: *9:00 p.m. Event/Location: A Salute to the States (honoring Governors) John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Price: $100.00 per person $75.00 per person $50.00 per person $25.00 per person Date: Friday, January 19 Time: *2:00-6:00 p.m. Event/Location: A Salute to America's Heritage The Corcoran Gallery of Art; Inaugural Concerts, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Price: $10.00 per person (adults) $5.00 per person (children under 12) Date: Friday, January 19 Time: 7:30 p.m. Event/Location: American Music Concert Kennedy Center Opera House Price: **$500.00 per Box Seat **$250.00 per person $25.00 per person $20.00 per person ** ticket holders entitled to cocktails and candlelight dinner following concert. Date: Friday, January 19 Time: 8:30 p.m. Event/Location: Inaugural Youth Concert Kennedy Center Eisenhower Theater Price: $10.00 per person (A limited number of Box Seats available at $50.00 per seat.) Date: Friday, January 19 Time: *9:00 p.m. Event/Location: Symphonic Concert, Kennedy Center Concert Hall Price: ***$500.00 per Box Seat ***$250.00 per person $50.00 per person $40.00 per person $30.00 per person ***Ticket holders entitled to cocktails and candlelight dinner preceding the concert (6 p.m.) Date: Saturday, January 20 Time: 9:00 p.m. Event/Location: Inaugural Ball John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology Pension Building Price: $40.00 per person (includes an official hardbound Inaugural Program Book and special gift. (appointment circled) Date: Saturday, January 20 Time: 9:00 p.m. Event/Location: Inaugural Youth Ball Sheraton Park Hotel Price: $15.00 per person Date: Sunday, January 21 Time: 11:30 a.m. Event/Location: White House Worship Service Price: By Special Invitation Only MR. DOLE: Following are the tickets I actually have in hand for you: Thursday, January 18: Vice President's Reception: 4 tickets, 6:00-7:00 group 2 tickets, 8:00-9:00 group Salute to the States (9:00 p.m.) -- 2 orchestra tickets ($75) Friday, January 19: Heritage Reception, 2:00-6:00 p.m. -- 7 tickets American Music Concert, 7:30 p.m. --- 2 tickets (Orchestra, $250) Youth Concert, 8:30 p.m. -- 2 tickets (Orchestra, $10) Candlelight Supper (Immediately Following American Music Concert) 2 tickets January 20: Inaugural Parade: 2 - $50 tickets (Stand 3, Row 2, Seats 24 & 25) 3 - $20 tickets (Stand 5, Sec. C, Row 6, Seats 26-28) Youth Ball: - 3 tickets Inaugural Ball - Museum of Natural History - 4 tickets (handwritten additions) Jo-Ann P.S. Jo Good received her 326 Parade tickets for the RNC SPEECHES - MONDAY, JANUARY 29 (handwritten addition) Betty Kansas County Attorneys’ Association - Holiday Inn - Downtown (Santa Fe Room) 11:30 Luncheon 12:00 SPEAK (If needed, they will provide transportation to the Jayhawk) Jim Wheeler and Jan Banker are handling Kansas Veterans Republican Club - Jayhawk Hotel (Roof Garden) 12:15 Luncheon 12:40 - Arrive Jayhawk -- you will speak immediately 12:45 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - w/o JAN. 29 - FEB. 4 MONDAY, JANUARY 29 KANSAS DAY - Topeka TUESDAY, JANUARY 30 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Subc. - on boxcar shortage - 324 OSOB 10:00 Nutrition Comm. (Exec. Session) discuss agenda for 1973 — (handwritten addition) S-126 Cap. x57216 10:00 Finance Comm. - Subc. on Int'l Trade (Exec. Session)- 2219 NSOB 12:00 Finance Comm. Luncheon with Amb. Eberle - S-120 Cap. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - guest: Roy Ash - S-207 Cap. 5:00 ACORNS - Cong. Collier's Ofc. - 1436 LHOB WEDNESDAY » JANUARY 31 8:00 Bkfst. - 9th Dist. (incl. Ks.) of Am. Advertising Fed. - S-207 Cap. 10:30 Coffee for Delegation - - Ks. Dairymen - Sen. Dole's ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:15 Kathy Plowman - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment crossed out) 12:30 Finance Comm. Luncheon - for Peter Walker, Member of Parliament - Vandenberg Rm. Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Frank Naylor - Sen. Ofc. 2:30 Willard Butcher (new Pres. of Chase Manhattan) with Owen Frisbee - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 VOTE Confirmation of Brennan, Secy of Interior Possible VOTE on Confirmation of Lynn - HUD 5-7 Recep. for new Members of Cong. - 318 OSOB ($5.00) 6:00 Recep. & Dinner Mtg. - Bankers Assn. - Senate Rm., Statler Hilton 6 & 7 Cocktails & Dinner by Time, Inc. - National Portrait Gallery, 8th & F Sts., N.W. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8:00 National Prayer Bkfst. - International Ballroom - Wash. Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Small Business Comm. Mtg. - 1114 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - on "agricultural cutbacks" - hearings - 324 OSOB (next appointment crossed out) 12:00 Cong. Luncheon - Am. Library Assn. - Regency Rm., Shoreham (Richard Neuman, Salina; Mrs. R.W. Scoville, K.C., Ks.) (handwritten addition) Willard Dennis, K.C. (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Ed Terrar - Cong. Campaign Comm. - Sen. Ofc. 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Ks. Bottlers of Nat'l Soft Assn. - Federal Rm., Statler Hilton (Paul Berger, Salina (handwritten addition) & B.L. Nelson - Lenesa 5:30-6:30 Recep. for Ron Evans - Riverside C.C. - St. Francis 7:00 Banquet - Ron Evans' Day - Hi School Gym - St. Francis Page 2 - w/o Jan. 29 - Feb. 4 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 (next appointment handwritten) 9:00 Hearings on Helium Contract - House Interior Hearing Rm (Secy Morton) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - on "ag cutbacks" - 324 OSOB (handwritten addition) O.K. 2:00 SPEAK - to Graduating Class of Handicapped Veterans - Topeka V.A. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Dr. Loren Humphrey & Mr. Erickson (K.U. Med. Ctr) Bill K & Bill W. on Cancer Res. Ctr.) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 (next appointment handwritten) O.K. 2:15-4:00 King Louie Bowling Tournament - (nat'l TV) (Docking also there) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 (handwritten addition) OK 9:30 - 11:30 On Panel - Midwinter Forum - Am. Legion (you have 12 min on "The World as I See It" - followed by a Q & A session) - Post Home Lawrence (handwritten addition) OK 12:00 Luncheon - Am. Legion Post Home - Lawrence - SPEAK following luncheon 2:50 Lv. K.C. - UAL #282 5:50 Arr. Friendship Airport