THURSDAY, NOV, 16, 1972 (handwritten addition) Betty Monterey, California Wednesday departure: 5:45 pm (2:30 PM crossed out) Depart Washington Dulles Airport onboard United Airlines Flight # 57 (585 crossed out) 8:28 pm (6:00 PM crossed out) Arrive San Francisco International Airport Met by: John Lupton RNC Advance Note: Weather conditions permitting flight to Pebble Beach, Cal. Plane: Areo-Commander Brown & White Butler Aviation, Pilot: Tom Monk (415) 589-3676 If weather not good for flight - John Lupton has made arrangements for a direct drive to Pebble Beach Remain Overnight: Del Monte Lodge (crossed out) Inn - Pebble Beach (408) (415 crossed out) 624-3811 Suite reserved Thursday: 8:45 AM - Opening Session of the Y.P.O. Conference Pebble Beach Room - Del Monte Inn Crowd: 250 Opening remarks and business by Paul Hensen - Official Host of conference 9:05 AM Paul Hensen will introduce Chairman Dole (One hour allotted for speech and Question and Answer Period) 10:05 AM Opening Session concludes John Lupton will make appropriate arrangements to take Chairman to San Francisco Airport by car or Plane (weather permitting) 2:00 PM Depart San Francisco International Airport onboard TWA # 268 Non-Stop to Chicago O'Hare (lunch) 7:45 PM Arrive O'Hare Airport - depart for (next reservation crossed out) Remain Overnight: Conrad Hilton Hotel (312) 922-4400 Suite reserved for Chairman single for John Lupton Mr. Wm. Smith - Manager (handwritten addition) canceled FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1972 Springfield, Illinois Remain Overnight: Conrad Hilton Hotel - Chicago, Ill. 10:00 AM Depart Chicago, Ill, Meigs Airfield (downtown) onboard Ozark # 221 for Springfield 11:05 AM Arrive Springfield, Ill, Airport (crossed out) (217) 525-1100 (handwritten addition) Capitol Aviation Terminal Met by: John Sawyer - RNC 11:20 AM Arrive St. Nicholas Hotel - (217) 525-1800 (handwritten addition) Illinois Builders Holding Room Available (handwritten addition) Rm 646 or 529 11:30 AM Media Availability - St. Nicholas Hotel (handwritten addition) Patio Room - NPAP state-wide, plus St. Louis large press Conf. 12:00 Noon Annual Meeting - Central Illinois Builders Chapter of Associated General Contractors Crowd: 200 - St. Nicholas Hotel Luncheon served at 12:15 PM (handwritten addition) - Grand Ballroom 12:50 PM Program begins: Gary Benoit - Chapter President - recognizes special guests and introduction of Chairman Dole 1:00 PM Remarks by Chairman Dole 1:40 PM Remarks concluded 1:50 PM Depart St. Nicholas Hotel for Springfield Airport Transportation plans Will be handled by John Sawyer either Kansas City or Washington FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1972 Chicago, Illinois Nat'l Easter Seal Society Convention (handwritten addition) Senator Dole Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 10:45 AM. Depart Washington National Airport aboard TWA Flight #183 11:32 AM Arrive Chicago O'Hare Airport met by: Mike Scanlon and limousine 12:15 PM Arrive Palmer House Hotel Proceed to Red Lacquer Room (4th Floor) International Rehabilitation Luncheon crowd: 350 Head Table includes: Benjamin Reifel (former Congressman) Henry Betts, Exec. Director, I.R. Chicago 1:00 PM Program Master of Ceremonies, Mrs. William J. Walsh (Helen) Introduction of head table Introduction of Senator Dole 1:15 PM Senator Dole remarks 2:00 PM Depart event for O'Hare Airport United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten addition) Thurs. Nov. 2 SENATOR: Jim Riechley, (has interviewed you for FORTUNE magazine) is writing editorials for LIFE for the next two months. He would like an interview with you (brief) to ask, "What does it all mean?" - meaning the election. He would like to do it anytime Thursday. JOE (includes handwritten initial) (handwritten addition) (illegible) 2 p.m. (handwritten addition) 293-4300 TIME-LIFE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 - TOPEKA 7:30 a.m. Lv. Page National - Jet Commander, Tail No. N 73535 Pilots: Darius Irani and John Mullins 8:45 a.m. Arr. Topeka Municipal Airport - (Bob Miner arranging for someone to meet you) (next appointment handwritten) 9:00 a.m. "Rally" for Kay & McAtee begins - Ramada Inn - Lower Lobby 9:35 a.m. Receive phone call from President - Lower Lobby, Ramada Inn Downtown Phone No.: (913) 357-1477 (Special phone installed for this call - phone co. supervisors standing by to insure there are no delays or problems in receiving call) 11:00 a.m. Lv. Topeka Municipal Airport (Kansas time) 2:15 p.m. Arr. Page-Washington National You are scheduled out about 2:30 or 2:45 on the Rollins plane. HAVE FUN!!!!!! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 Dover, Delaware Fundraiser Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 2:30 PM (2:40 crossed out) Depart Page Terminal 783-5488 Washington National Airport aboard Falcon Tail: 334JR pilots: Art Talmadge and Dick Brown 3:00 PM Arrive Dover Air Force Base Main Operations Building Terminal met by: John Sawyer driver: Mr. Bryson 3:30 PM Arrive rally for Senator J. Caleb Boggs at Harrington State Fair Grounds, Harrington, Delaware crowd: 300 (Rally in progress since 2:30 PM) Invited for brief remarks are: Senator John J. Williams Senator William Roth, Jr. Congressman Peter duPont Senator Dole will be introduced by one of the above for brief remarks. 4:30 PM Depart event 5:00 Depart Dover Air Force Base for Newport News SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 Newport News, Virginia Congressman Scott Fundraiser Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 7:15 PM Arrive Patrick Henry Airport, Newport News, Virginia aboard Falcon Jet Tail: 344JR from Dover, Delaware pilots: Art Talmadge and Dick Brown manifest: Senator Bob Dole met by: Mike Scanlon and Bill Stringer Congressman Scott Dick Obenshain, Va. State Chairman Proceed to Warwick Shopping Center (rally in progress since 7:00 PM) 7:40 PM Arrive Warwick Shopping Center Proceed to podium (Master of Ceremonies - Mayor Montague) 7:45 PM State Chairman Obenshain - brief remarks 7:47 PM Congressman Scott - brief remarks and introduction of Sen. Dole 7:55 PM Senator Dole - brief remarks 8:01 PM Senator Dole concludes remarks and departs event for airport 8:16 PM Arrive Patrick Henry Airport for departure 8:20 PM Wheels up for Washington National Airport FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1972 Paramus, New Jersey Bergen County Fundraiser Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 5:45 PM Depart Washington National Airport Page Terminal 783-5488 aboard Beechcraft King Air Tail N9-493Q pilots: Ray Fisher and John Inganamort manifest: Senator Bob Dole Ab Hermann Tony Statile, Bergen County GOP Chairman Frank Bono, Freeholder Mike Ferrara, County Counsellor 6:50 PM Arrive Teterborough Airport met by: Mike Scanlon 7:05 PM Arrive Neptune Inn, Paramus (handwritten addition) (201) 487-5933) - holding room available Reception in progress since 7:00 PM 7:15 PM Media Availability - Neptune Inn 7:45 PM Enter Main Dining Room, escorted by Tony Statile 8:00 PM Dinner begins crowd: 1500 8:45 PM Program begins Tony Statile, MC, introduces Congressional candidates (2 candidates, each will speak 2 minutes) Tony Statile introduces Senator Dole 9:00 PM Senator Dole remarks 9:35 PM Conclude remarks Plane will depart at Senator's convenience following event SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 - TOPEKA 7:30 a.m. Lv. Page National - Jet Commander, Tail No. N 73535 Pilots: Darius Irani and John Mullins 8:45 a.m. Arr. Topeka Municipal Airport - (Bob Miner arranging for someone to meet you) 9:00 a.m. “Rally” for Kay and McAtee begins - Ramada Inn Downtown - Lower Lobby 9:35 a.m. Receive phone call from President - Lower Lobby, Ramada Inn Downtown Phone No.: (913) 357-1477 (Special phone installed for this call - phone co. supervisors standing by to insure there are no delays or problems in receiving call) 11:00 a.m. Lv. Topeka Municipal Airport (Kansas time) 2:15 p.m. Arr. Page-Washington National You are scheduled out about 2:30 or 2:45 on the Rollins plane. HAVE FUN!!!!!!