KANSAS ACTIVITIES - August 31 thru September 4: Aug. 31 9-5 Mtg. to discuss Wichita Veterans Assistance Day - Wichita 2:00 Ewing Herbert's funeral - Hiawatha P.M. (Tentative AMPAC Meeting in Wichita) Per McAtee Hdqtrs. September ] Noon Chuck McAtee has meeting with Downtown Optimists - Jayhawk Hotel - Topeka (would appreciate it if you could stop by -- they need good press in Topeka) 2:00 Pawnee Watershed Dedication - REAP Project - Watershed Office - Jetmore Baxter Springs - Cow Town Days & Rodeo September 2 Baxter Springs - Cow Town Days & Rodeo Fall Festival - Haven, Ks. Open House 1970 - Lindsborg Rodeo and Labor Day Celebration - Cedarvale, Ks. Sports Car Races - Garnet, Ks. (next appointment crossed out) (handwritten addition) Sept. 30 Ice Cream Social - Meade County Republican Comm. - City Park, Meade, Ks. (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment crossed out) (handwritten addition) Sept. 30 Republican Picnic - Liberal (checking on details) (handwritten addition) canceled September 3 Open House 1970 - Lindsborg Rodeo and Labor Day Celebration - Cedarvale 11:00 Sports Car Races - Garnet, Ks. (Morris Kay, Dave Owen - & Docking will be there at this time) KANSAS ACTIVITIES - August 31 thru September 4 (continued) 2. September 4 10:30 - 3:00 Labor Day Celebration - Kiowa City Park, Kiowa, Ks. Parade - Hoisington Labor Day Celebration - Louisburg Labor Day Celebration - Natoma Labor Day Celebration - Wichita Rodeo & Labor Day Celebration - Cedarvale 1:00 Circleville Parade - Jackson County (Chuck McAtee will attend) 3:30 (3:00 (?) crossed out) Horton POW-WOW - Brown County (McAtee attending) 6:30 Wathena (handwritten addition) Fall Festival (McAtee attending) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - W/O SEPTEMBER 25 - OCT. 1 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 5:30-8:30 Recep. for Sen. Buckley & N.Y. Congressmen by Conservative Party - Capitol Hill Club TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap 1:30 Photo with Cong. Williams, Pa. - Sen. Recep. Rm. 1:30 3 VOTES FUND RAISING DINNER - New York - with President WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Mark Ferber, Oberlin College, Ohio - Sen. Ofc. (Interview on Congressional reform) 3:00 Photo with Gen. Coleman & John Winkel, Hughes A/C - Sen. Ofc. (photo presenting check for RNC 5:30-7:30 Recep. for Cong. James McClure - Sen. candidate, Idaho - Carlton Rm., Sheraton Carlton 8-9 SPEAK - Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Fraternity - Grand Ballroom, National Press Club THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 9:45 Presentation of "Watchdog of the Treasury" Awards - Kingston Rm, Capitol Hill Club - (Mr. Dole to receive award) 10:00 Public Wks. - 4200 NSOB (nomination of Jack Padrick & Wm. Jenkins) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - S 244 Cap (Exec Session) Pesticides (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Public Wks - Exec Session - 4110 NSOB (nominations of Jack Patrick & Bill Jenkins EOA bill) 5:30-8:30 Recep. by Ray Humphries - 441 New Jersey Ave., S.E. 7:30 SPEAK - Fund Raising Dinner - Cambridge, Ohio - Salt Fork State Park FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 (next appointment handwritten) 9:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec Session - S 224 Cap. (Pesticides) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 TV Spot with Anne Armstrong (for McAtk) - Recording Studio - Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 5:30-7:30 Recep. by Nat'l Hispanic Society to Re-Elect (Gilbert Roman) - Cap. Hill Club (next appointment handwritten) 5:30 20th Anniv. Celebration for Harry Chapman - Anne Armstrong's Ofc, formerly Wichita 7-9 Recep. honoring Sen. Cooper - Caucus Rm. - OSOB GALA for Cong. Shriver - Exhibition Hall - Century II, Wichita SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - w/o Sept. 25 - Oct. 1 2. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 3:00 Ice Cream Social - Meade County (crossed out) Republican Committee --City Park, Meade 8:00 SPEAK - World Dairy Exposition - Expo Coliseum - Madison, Wisc. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 3:00 - ? Open House - (crossed out) 25th Anniv. of Air Force - Forbes AFB World Dairymen's Assoc. Exposition Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 5:00 p.m. Depart Kansas aboard private Lear Jet - Call No. "Yankee 900" (white with gold stripe) Pilots: Mr. Beaver (other name unknown) unknown ) Manifest: Sen. Dole M/M Pete Gay, V.P., Milk Producers M/M (crossed out) Mosier, (handwritten addition) John Moser, Pres., Dairymen, Inc. 6:00 PM Arrive Madison Municipal Airport (North Central Page Number - 608-257-9541) met by: John Lupton transportation: provided by Dairymen's Association 6:20 PM Arrive Sheraton Inn (608) 251-2300 at Dane County Exposition and Fairgrounds Holding room available 6:30 PM Press Conference at Exposition Center (608) 257-7254 (Located across the street from the Sheraton Inn) 7:00 PM Dinner begins - Dane County Exposition Center, Arena Building attendance: 1700 8:15 PM Program begins Senator Dole remarks 9:00 PM Conclude and depart Exposition Center for Madison Municipal Airport 9:30 PM Depart Madison Municipal Airport for Kansas Republican National Committee (handwritten addition) Sept. 27 Mr. Samuel F. Yette September 26, 1972 11401 Clover Hill Drive Silver Spring, Maryland 20902 Dear Mr. Yette: This will confirm that Senator Dole will speak to Sigma Delta Chi in the Grand Ballroom of the National Press Club on Wednesday, September 27th. Your arrangements are: cocktails at 6:30 P.M., dinner at 7:00 P.M., program beginning at 8:00 P.M. Senator Dole will plan to arrive sometime before 8:00 P.M. Your program will consist of Frank Mankiewicz and Senator Dole, with Frank Mankiewicz speaking and answering questions from 8-8:30 P.M, and Senator Dole speaking and answering questions from 8:30-9:00 P.M. We look forward to seeing you. Sincerely, C. Thomas Wilck Deputy Chairman for Communications CTW/mjn cc: Miss Betty Meyer Mr. Mike Scanlon Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1972 Cambridge, Ohio Fundraising Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 4:45 PM Depart Washington National Airport Page Terminal 783-5488 ~ aboard Super -G Twin Engine Beechcraft Tail: 985G pilots: Jeff Brinckerhoff and Rick Atwell manifest: Senator Dole Tom Johnson 6:15 PM Arrive Zanesville Municipal Airport (614) 454-9600 Taxi to Main Terminal met by: Mike Scanlon 6:45 PM Arrive Salt Fork Park Lodge (614) 439-2751, proceed to Wheelwright Rm. Press Conference in Wheelwright Room 7:00 PM Dinner begins - Main Dining Area downstairs 8:15 PM Program begins Martha Moore, Nat'l Committeewoman, Master of Ceremonies John Andrews, State Chairman, will introduce Senator Dole 8:25 PM Senator Dole remarks 8:55 PM Conclude and depart Salt Fork Park Lodge 9:25 PM Arrive Zanesville Airport for return aboard same aircraft 9:30 PM Wheels - up (handwritten additions) manifest: Senator Dole & Mike Scanlon 10:50 PM Arrive Washington National Airport Page Terminal met by: Phil Douglass TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1972 New York, New York Presidential Gala Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY The following flights are available from Washington National Airport to New York Laguardia with arrival times convenient to beginning of dinner. Chairman may choose flight most convenient. American Airlines Flight 444 Departs: 4:30 PM Arrives: 5:24 PM Eastern Airlines Shuttle Departs: 5:00 PM Arrives: 5:59 PM American Airlines Flight 149 Departs: 5:30 PM Arrives: 6:28 PM Holding Room Available at Belmont Plaza (212) 755-1200 7:00 PM Reception for head table in the Princess Ballroom, Americana Hotel (212) 581-1000 Host: Mr. Bunny Lasker 8:00 PM Introduction of head table in the Imperial Ballroom, Americana Hotel 8:10 PM Dinner begins ($1000/plate - Black Tie) - Imperial Ballroom 9:30 PM Program begins (to last one hour) Mr. Bunny Lasker to introduce Clark MacGregor, Master of Ceremonies Clark MacGregor remarks (five minutes), will introduce Chmn. Dole 9:37 PM Senator Dole remarks (two minutes), will introduce film (7-1/2 min.) of highlights of Republican National Convention 9:39 PM Film of convention highlights Note: Following completion of film, coverage will switch to Chicago Mr. Arthur Wood will introduce Anne Armstrong Anne Armstrong will introduce Vice-President Agnew Vice-President Agnew remarks (10 minutes) Coverage returns to New York In New York, Clark MacGregor acknowledges entrance of President and Mrs. Nixon, introduces Mrs. Nixon ‘ Mrs. Nixon remarks President Nixon remarks (15 minutes) 10:30 PM Conclude program Senator Dole is free to return to Washington or remain overnight in New York (handwritten additions) Res at Warwick Hotel (212) 247-2700 Rms. 1807 & 1808 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPT. 18 - 24 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 9:30 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB (on food additives) 3:00 Henry Dormann, Vt. & Jim Shannon - Sen. Ofc. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 9:30 Nutrition Comm. - 1318 NSOB (food additives) 10:00 Signing of "Fair Campaign Practices Code" (Sen. Dole & Jean Westwood) National Press Club 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 6:30 Stag Party for "several Senators & Congressmen" by Carl Arnold & Claude Wild - Carlton Club - Sheraton-Carlton (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Martin Agronsky - WETA (with Sen. Cranston) Shirlington WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 9:30 Nutrition Comm - 1318 NSOB (food additives) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 6:30-8:00 (or later) Going Away Party for Mike Miller - Cap. Hill Club - Private Dining Rm. 1 6:30-9:00 Recep. by Calif. Congressmen & Calif. Brandy Advisory Bd. - B-339 RHOB 7:30 You will be featured on Joe MaCaffrey's "MEET THE MEMBER" - WMAL Radio THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 MO-ARK Mtg with Don Crabill, OMB on FY74 Budget Requests for Ks. Water Res. Proj, Rm. 10104 New EOB 10:00 Public Wks.- Exec. Session - 4110 NSOB (Rivers & Harbors bill) 10:30 Awards Ceremony - SBA (Jim French will receive award) State Dept. Auditorium - 23rd & D Sts. (Bill K. attending) 10:00 Photo on House Steps of Cap. - Ks. Delegation with KS. Extension Homemakers (42 Kansans) per Dottie - Shriver's ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Senate TV Studio - Tape 2 spots 7:30 SPEAK - Fund Raising Dinner - Raleigh, N.C. WEEK OF SEPT. 18 - 24 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Tully Foster, Canton, O. - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:05 Hays Gorey - TIME Mag. - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Interview Ray McHugh - Wash. Bu. Chief - Copley Newspapers - Sen. Ofc. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 (next appointment crossed out) Ks. State Fair - Hutchinson "Piotique’ Day" - Clay County SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 1:30 "ISSUES AND ANSWERS" - ABC 6-8 Cocktail Recep. - by Gas Industry - International Ballroom - Wash. Hilton (handwritten additions) D95-30A Aug. 22 D164-26 23 Aug. D641-37 21 Aug. D85 C-10 21 Aug. D0003-304 20 Aug. (handwritten addition) TWA Natl 466-5808 YOU ARE CONFIRMED ON THE FOLLOWING FLIGHTS: Friday, September 22 TWA #299 F/C lv. National 2:10 p.m. Arr. O'Hare 2:57 p.m. American #233 Coach (wait listed on First - request First when you pick up your ticket) lv. O'Hare 3:30 p.m. arr. Tulsa 5:05 p.m. Saturday, September 23 TWA #460 lv. Tulsa 3:30 p.m. Arr. Friendship 7:47 p.m. HURRY BACK!!!! THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1972 Raleigh, North Carolina State-wide Fundraiser Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 5:00 PM Depart Washington National Airport Page Terminal 783-5488 aboard MU-2 turbo-prop Tail: 11LC pilots: Normal Robbins and Richard Smith manifest: Chairman Dole John Walker, candidate for Lt. Gov., N. C. 5:55 PM Arrive Raleigh-Durham Airport (919) 834-6211 Taxi to South Port Authority Ramp met by: John Sawyer 6:15 PM Arrive Raleigh Hilton Inn (919) 828-0811 Cocktail reception in progress since 5:30 PM 6:30 PM Press Conference - Hilton Inn, State Headquarters Suite (Jesse Helms, candidate for U. S. Senate from North Carolina, will be in attendance) 6:55 PM Depart press conference for Raleigh Memorial Auditorium (919)755-6237 7:05 PM Arrive Memorial Auditorium met by: Mike Scanlon 7:10 PM Program begins with Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 7:15 PM Dinner begins crowd: 450 8:10 PM Resume program - Frank Rouse, State Chairman, is Master of Ceremonies, and will introduce candidates Frank Rouse will introduce John Walker, candidate for Lt. Gov. 8:20 PM John Walker will introduce Chairman Dole Chairman Dole remarks 9:00 PM Depart Raleigh Memorial Auditorium 9:15 PM Depart Raleigh-Durham airport aboard same aircraft 10:10 PM Arrive Washington National Airport met by: Phil Douglass SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF SEPT. 4 - 10 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 LABOR DAY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Dan Schnacke in town - will call office 10:00 Ag Comm. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB 5:30-7:30 Cocktails - International Club - 3rd Fl. Conf. Rm. - by Georgetown U. 7:00 Diamond Safari - Alameda Plaza - K.C. (Black tie) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 8:00 Leadership Mtg. - Cabinet Rm. - White House (N.W. Gate) (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Presentation on Drug Abuse - 457 OSOB (approx. 40 min.) (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Sub. on Buildings & Grounds (Exec. Session) - 4110 NSOB (on H.R. 16261 - Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Bicentennial Civic Center Legis.) 3:00 Re-run of Presentation of Drug Abuse - 457 0S0B 5:30-7:30 Birthday Party for Keith Sebelius - 1117 LHOB FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 11:15 Appt. - Carrie Wroldson - Sen. Ofc. 11:30 George Koch, Groc. Mfrs. - Sen. Ofc. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 - CRP "Storefront" Opening in NYC 12:30 p.m. lv. National - American #506 F/C 1:22 p.m. arr. LaGuardia 2:00 p.m. meet with Rockefeller and MacGregor 2:15 p.m. program begins 3:30 p.m. 1v. LaGuardia - American #395 F/C 4:26 p.m. arr. National