SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 MONDAY, JULY 31 Royal Reed & family (Goodland) in town - want brief appt. 5:30 Mtg. - Clark MacGregor, B11] Timmons, (handwritten additions) Clark MacGregor, Fred LaRue 7:30 Bowling Awards Banquet - International Ballroom, Wash. Hilton (Conee Rupert, Salina; Kent Mathews, Topeka; James Eminth, Leavenworth) TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 Don Dale in town - wants brief appt. Mrs. Keith Johnson, Stafford, Ks. & son, Robert - want to say "hello" 10:00 Public Wks. - Exec. Session - 4110 NSOB (Fed. Aid Highway Act) 10:30 Presidential Classroom - Teachers’ Program (Mrs. Pat Jackson, Marion, Ks. & Miss Mary Tonkin, Great Bend) - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) Appt. - V. Pres. - EOB 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 1:15 Meet the Member - Libby Hawkins (Joe McCaffrey) - 1/2 hr. - Sen. Ofc. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 9:00 Aq. Res. Subc. - Exec. Session - 324 OSOB (Child Nutrition) 10:00 Public Wks. - Exec. Session - 4110 NSOB (Noise Pollution ) 10:00 Ag. Comm. Exec, Session - 324 OSOB (VEE Vaccination payments) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Press Conf. - 4th Floor - Capitol Hill Club (BD & Dick Herman) (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Mtg. RNC - Gladys O'Donnell, Bill Spear & Ed McCabe (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Interview - Gene Murray - K.C. Star Magazine (1/2 hr.) Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Mike Riogas - Sen. Ofc. - (382-2348) THURSDAY, AUGUST 3 (next appointment handwritten) 9:00 Ag. Comm. (Exec Session) 324 OSOB (school lunch) (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Interview - Cliff Evans - RKO General Broadcasting - Sen. Recording Studios 6-8 Recep. for M/M Ikard - by Russell Train - 3101 Woodland Dr, N.W. 6:30-8:00 Recep. by Lawyers Comm. of CREP - at M/M Clark MacGregor's - 2834 Foxhall Rd., N.W. Senator Dole's Schedule - week of July 31 - August 6 Page 2. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5: 9:30 Public Wks. (Exec. Session) 4110 NSOB (Noise Pollution) Republican National Committee MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR BOB DOLE DATE: AUGUST 1, 1972 FROM: CRAIG MAURER SUBJECT: INTERVIEW WITH CLIFF EVANS, RKO GENERAL BROADCASTING Last week you agreed to do an interview with Cliff Evans of RKO General Broadcasting. I talked with Cliff yesterday, and it would satisfy his needs if you would be able to meet with him in the Senate recording studios this coming Thursday morning. To review briefly, RKO General owns 6 radio stations and 5 television stations, all in major cities, and including WOR-AM-FM, TV in New York City which has an extremely large audience. I will be awaiting your response. Regards. CRM: pw cc: Tom Wilck Mike Baroody Joe Reppert Mike Scanlon Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center: 310 First Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003. (202) 484-6500. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 1:00 Interview - Dave Maxey - Life Magazine - Sen. Ofc. 1:30 Jack Wooley - HUD - Sen. Ofc. 1:45 Nick Brestof - (Nader's Raiders) - Sen. Ofc. 5:30 Party by Tom Evans for RNC Staff - Capitol Hill Club THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 7:15 TODAY Show - NBC - 4000 Nebraska Ave., N.W. (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Hays Gorey - Sen. Ofc. 9:30 Interview - Theodore White Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Mick Brestof - Sen. Ofc. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - w/o AUGUST 7 - 13 MONDAY, AUGUST 7 Jesse Helms, GOP Senatorial Candidate - No. Carolina - photo 10:00 Public Wks. - Exec. Session - 4110 NSOB (noise pollution) 10:00 Monopoly Sub. - 318 OSOB - (corporate secrecy) TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 8:00 Leadership Mtg. - White House - Cabinet Rm. 10:00 Public Wks. - Exec. Session - 4110 NSOB (Highway Act) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Depart Pentagon Helipad for Camp David - Cabinet Mtg. (Return for 7:00 pm vote on "No Fault" 6-8:30 Convention Kick-Off Party - Capito] Hill Club (make brief remarks) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 Catherine Kellner, Fort Riley, Future Bus. Leaders of Am. - will call for appt. Sister Mary Vianney & 3 others - in town - will call for appt. (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Public Wks - (Exec. Session) - 4110 NSOB (Hway Act) (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Catharine Kellner - (Ft. Riley) Sen. Ofc. - photo (next appointment handwritten) 11:50 Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Curry (Lucas, Ks.) Sen. Ofc. (& Rev. Thomas - 462-8822) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 R. Douglas, candidate for Mo. State Legislature - Sen. Ofc. (photo) - per AB (handwritten addition) No 7:30-10:30 Garden Buffet by Sen. & Mrs. John Sherman Cooper - 2900 N St., N.W. (informal) THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 (handwritten additions) John & Midge Franke will be in town Sam Baker - Wichita Flour Mills - will see Tag) (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Public Wks - (Exec Session) - 4110 NSOB (Hway Act) 10:30 Jerry Milbank - Sen. Qfc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Sam Brightman, former Rep. Chrmn of DAC - publishing newsletter & working with CBS Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Phone call to Troy De Frank (Newsweek) (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Sam Coder, Lokin, Ks - Sen. Ofc. - say hello (photo) 4:00 Bd. of Governors Mtg. - Capitol Hill Club (Exec. Dining Rm.) (next appointment handwritten) 4:30 Public Wks - Exec Session S-407 Cap. (Land Use Policy) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - w/o AUGUST 7 - 13 Page 2. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 (handwritten addition) John & Midge Franke in town (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Public Wks - Exec Session - 4110 NSOB (Hway Act) John will be in about 9:30 has dental appt. (next appointment handwritten) 11:15 Hays Goreg - TIME - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 John & Midge Franke - having lunch with Tag 6:30-9:00 Reception for White House Fellows - John Quincy Adams Room -State Dept. United States Senate MEMORANDUM Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Curry (Maxine) - Lucas, Ks. are in town prior to departing for a missionary outpost in Tanzania. They are with the Christian Service Corps (similar to the Peace Corps). Would like to say hello. Betty Contact: Rev. E. 0. Thomas - 462-8822 (handwritten addition) 11:45 Wed. - Sen. Ofc. United States Senate MEMORANDUM August 7 There will be a Cabinet Meeting at Camp David tomorrow afternoon, August 8 (Tues.) You are invited to attend the meeting and stay for cocktails and dinner..... Schedule as follows: Depart Pentagon Helipad - 3:30 p.m. Meeting 4:30 Finish 5:30 Cocktails & Dinner - start 6:00 Depart Camp David 8:30 Arrive Pentagon Helipad 9:00 p.m. (Agenda will be a briefing on the campaign by Members of CRP -- MacGregor, Magruder, Malek, Reitz, etc.) Butterfield's office needs reply this afternoon. Betty Toni - 456-2106