SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MAY 29 - JUNE 4 MONDAY, MAY 29: MEMORIAL DAY TUESDAY, MAY 30: 2:30 Pollution Subc. - (Exec. Session) 4110 NSOB 6:30 Recep/Banquet - by Highway Users Federation - Statler Hilton WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 4:00 Bd. of Governors Mtg. - Capitol Hill Club, Exec. Dining Rm. 7:30-10:00 Party for RNC people who worked on Women's Conferences - by Anne Armstrong - 906 E. Capitol St. THURSDAY, JUNE 1 8:00 Bkfst - Ks. Highway Users Conf. - S-138 Cap (Bill K., John) 10:30 DENTAL Appt. - 2:00 Mtg. with Ruckelshaus on pesticides - Sen. Ofc. - (Tag will sit in) 2:30 Bill Kiene & two others from Topeka - re Fed. Ofc. Bldg. in Topeka (Bill K.) 5:00 Recep. honoring 25th Anniv. of Air Force and Thunderbirds - 345 CHOB (next appointment crossed out) 6 00 Recep. honoring White House Fellows—-Thos. Jefferson Rm., State Dept. (handwritten addition) Regretted 9:00 Meet in Senate Chamber - 9:15 - go to House Chamber for President's address FRIDAY, JUNE 2 9:15 Pollution Subc. (Briefing by Ruckelshaus) 4110 NSOB (next appointment crossed out and regretted) 6:30/7:30 Recep/Installation Dinner -—Overland Park Jaycees - Breech Training Academy - 6300 Lamar, Mission, Ks. (handwritten addition) Regretted SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1972 3rd Ks. Special Olympics - Southwestern College - Winfield 10:00 Opening of Industrial Fair - Oswego, Ks. Annual Convention Banquet - Kansas DAV - Ramada Inn - K.C. SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1972 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Republican State Convention Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 8:25 AM (EDT) Depart Washington National Airport (703) 893-3400 aboard United Airlines Flight 499 10:04 AM (CDT) Arrive Milwaukee International Airport (414) 273-8400 (One stop in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) met by: John Lupton driver: Dan Brueggeman 10:30 AM Arrive Milwaukee Auditorium (414) 271-5421 - met by: Ody Fish Holding Room available at Marc Plaza Hotel (414) 271-7250 Press and Media availability - East Side Lounge 10:55 AM Proceed to Convention - Milwaukee Civic Auditorium 11:05 AM Senator Dole introduced by Congressman William A. Steiger Begin Remarks 11:40 AM Conclude Remarks 11:45 AM Depart Convention for O'Hare Airport via private car (accompanied by John M. Lupton) driver: Tom Mihajlov 1:30 PM Depart O'Hare Airport aboard TWA Flight 237 non-stop to Kansas City 2:42 PM Arrive Kansas City Note: Congressman William A. Steiger (Permanent Chairman of the Convention) will introduce distinguished guests prior to the arrival of Senator Dole. Distinguished guests include: Governor Warren P. Knowles Former Lt. Gov. Jack Olsen Attorney General Robert W. Warren MEMORANDUM TO: CHAIRMAN DOLE FROM: WILLIAM G. ARMSTRONG RE: PRESS FOR WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION The tentative schedule for Milwaukee, Wis. includes a media availability session at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, June 3. The following members of the news media have indicated they will attend: TELEVISION: WISN Ch. 12 Milwaukee CBS (includes WISN Radio) WITI Ch. 6 Milwaukee ABC WTMJ Ch. 4 Milwaukee NBC (includes WTMJ Radio) WVTV Ch. 18 Milwaukee RADIO: WEMP Milwaukee Jim Murphy WZUU Milwaukee WOKY Milwaukee Donna Ringle WTOS Milwaukee Don Speer NEWSPAPERS: Milwaukee Journal Gene Harrington (Circ. 170,000) Capital Times John Hunter (Circ. 45,000) Wisconsin State Journal (Circ. 71,000) The Associated Press Art Srp United Press International Mr. Begel FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1972 Zion Illinois Lake County Fundraiser Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 5:00 PM (EDT) Depart Washington National Airport (202) 783-4030 aboard TWA Flight 423 non-stop to Chicago 6:00 PM (CDT) Arrive Chicago O'Hare Internationa! Airport (312) 686-5080 met by: Mike Scanloa 6:10 PM Media Availability, Tour Lounge "C" - TWA "G"' Concourse between gates 4 & 6 (Contact TWA Representative Wendy Loss 312-686-5061) 6:30 PM Depart O'Hare Airport via limousine driver: Art Wilson 7:30 PM Arrive Illinois Beach State Park Lodge (312) 244-2000 Media availability - Garden Room 7:45 PM Lake County Republican Federation Dinner - Illinois Room (Reception in Terrace Room 6:30-7:30 PM) attendance: 500 Invocation, Pledge to the Flag Dinner Served (No Head Table) Greetings - Gordon Smith, President, Lake County Republican Fed. Introductions - Robert J. Miiton, Lake County Republican Chairman 8:35 PM Congressman Robert McClory introduces Senator Dole 8:40 PM Senator Dole Remarks 9:15 PM Depart Illinois Beach State Park Lodge 9:25 PM Depart Waukegan Memorial Airport (312) 244-0055 or (312) 336-7189 aboard WGN Helicopter pilot: Al Field 9:45 PM Arrive Chicago O'Hare International Airport 9:55 PM (CDT) Depart O'Hare aboard United Airlines Flight 986 to Baltimore (312) 686-3041 12:27 AM (EDT) Arrive Baltimore Friendship Airport SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 26-JULY 2 MONDAY, JUNE 26 Ks. Youth Governor (Steven Phillips, Carlton) & Bill Kemp, Topeka in town - (will call for appt.) 10:00 Rivers & Harbors Subc. - 4200 NSOB 12:00 Luncheon for delegates to Nat'l YMCA Youth Governors' Conf. - S-207 Cap. 3:00 Mtg. with Louis Weith - HEW, K.C. - Sen. Ofc. - (Bi11 K. & Bill W.) 4-5 Recep. for Senior Girl Scouts from 43 States - Social Hall, Trinity College, Wash., D.C 7:30-8:30 Recep. for Members of Cong. by Nat'l Assn. of Counties, Concert Hall Foyer, Kennedy Center TUESDAY, JUNE 27 10:00 Rivers & Harbors Subc. - 4200 NSOB 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Greg Schwarz Hays (now with FBI) - Sen. Ofc. - 324-3394 (photo (illegible) flag) (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Recep. - EF-100 Cap. by SMU students (Melissa) 4:30 Recep. - Ks. Assn. of Counties - Rm. M-781 - SheratonPark 4-6:30 Recep. by Nat'l Student Lobby for Members of Cong., Staff & Interns - 318 OSOB 4:30-7:30 Recep. - Mrs. Everett Dirksen - Cap. Hill Club 6:30-8:30 Surprise Birthday Party for Geo. Murphy - by M/M Jack Valenti - Motion Picture Assn - 1600 I St., N.W. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 10:00 Ag. Comm. - Exec. Sess. - 324 OSOB (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Monopoly Subc. - 4200 NSOB (handwritten addition) Johnsons of 456-2757 (Jane) (handwritten) canceled 10:00 Rivers & Harbors Subc. - 4200, NSOB (next appointment handwritten, crossed out) 10:15 Mtg. at White House - Roosevelt Rm. (S.W. Gate) on Meat Prices (Rumsfeld presiding) (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Strategy Mtg. - V.P.'s ofc - per Wally Johnson 12:00(?) SPEAK - Luncheon - Rep. Women of Cap. Hill - B-369 RHOB 12:00 Luncheon for delegates to Nat'l Youth Science Camp (2 from ea. state) 1202 NSOB 4:00 Retirement Party for Mr. Van - Public Wks. - 4200 NSOB 5-7 Recep. for Members of Cong. by NASA - B-339-340 RHOB 6:30 & 7:15 Recep. & Dinner for YMCA Youth Governors at Ramada Inn (formerly Sonesta) Recep. - Esplanada Rm. (stop by) SPEAK - Chicago - 11th Cong. District Fundraiser - (Hollen) w/o June 26 - July 2 (next appointment handwritten) Thursday - 9:00 Mtg. at White House - Roosevelt Rm - White House (S.W. Gate) on Meat Prices Jane Johnson's Ofc - 456-2757 10:00 Public Wks. - Exec. Sess. - 4110 NSOB (on authorization of extension of NSOB) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Lunch with Interns? 12:45 Luncheon - Off-the-Record Discussion of SALT Talks - G-221 NSOB (Sen. Hart - hosting) 2:30 Fred Stine, Ed., "Successful Farming" -(see Bill K.) (handwritten addition) (was in Wed 5:00 instead) (next appointment crossed out) 4:30 Operation Mtg. - RNC (handwritten addition) postponed 6:45 & 7:30 Recep. & Dinner by Wichita Chamber of Commerce - Embassy Row Hotel - (Bill K. attending) FRIDAY, JUNE 30 (next appointment handwritten) betw. 11 & 12 Photo for Western Union ad (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Paul McNellie? (next appointment handwritten) 4-5 Recep for Senior Girl Scouts - Social Hall, Admissions Bldg. (Halolgnd?) White) Trinity College - Mich & Franklin, N.E. RECESS - FOR DEMO CONVENTION!!! SATURDAY, JULY 1 8:15(?) SPEAK - Marriott Twin Bridges - Candidates Conference WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1972 Chicago, Illinois llth Congressional District Fundraiser Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 6:05 PM (EDT) Depart Washington National Airport (202) 393-2345 aboard American Airlines Flight 553 7:01 PM (CDT) Arrive O'Hare International Airport (312) 686-3980 met by: Mike Scanlon 7:20 PM Arrive Chicago Marriott Motor Hotel (312) 693-4444 (handwritten addition) Rm. 3324 Holding room available 7:30 PM Media Availability - Atlanta Room 7:45 PM Proceed to fundraising dinner for llth Congressional District candidate John J. Hoellen - (attendance: 450 - $50/plate) (Reception 6:30 - 7:30 PM adjacent to Grand Ballroom) 7:50 PM Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 7:55 PM Dinner Served 8:35 PM Dinner Chairman P. Brandel introduces Mr. Hoellen - brief remarks 8:45 PM Republican Finance Committee Chairman for Illinois, Bennett Archambault, introduces Senator Dole 8:50 PM Senator Dole remarks 9:30 PM Depart Marriott Motor Hotel 9:55 PM (CDT) Depart O'Hare International Airport (312) 686-3041 aboard United Airlines Flight 986 12:27 AM (EDT) Arrive Baltimore Friendship Airport (301) 761-7100 or (301) 766-7609 met by: Bill Stringer WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1972 Washington, D. C. GOP Women of Capitol Hill Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 12:00 Noon Luncheon begins - Room B-369 Rayburn House Office Building attendance: 100 women (next appointment handwritten) 12:15 Bill - Go to Independence Ave. Entrance- 12:20 PM Senator Dole arrives - Room B-369 Rayburn met by: John Lupton 12:25 PM Vice-Chairman and Program Chairman, Margaret Sparks, introduces Senator Dole 12:27 PM Senator Dole remarks (The Senator may speak until 1:00 PM when luncheon ends, or may conclude sooner and open to Question & Answer session. ) 1:00 PM Conclude luncheon - return to Senate Note: Press has been notified of this event. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 19 - 25 MONDAY, JUNE 19 Mrs. Sloan & 20 Johnson County high school students in town 9:00 Arrangements Comm Mtg. - Wash. Hilton - Jefferson West - Concourse Level 12:00 Luncheon - Arrangements Comm. - Jefferson East - Concourse Level (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Mtg. in Maurice Stains Ofc. - BD, Tom Evans, Screbner, Bill Warner, Ellie Marriott & Dick Herman on Budget (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Mrs. Sloan, Barbara Curry & 20 Johnson County students - Sen. Ofc. (Bill K & John) (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 NBC on "bugging" - Sen. Ofc. - (next appointment handwritten) 4:45 ABC - on "bugging" - Sen. Ofc. - (Jerry Landay) TUESDAY, JUNE 20 10:00 Arrangements Comm. Mtg. - Wash. Hilton - Jefferson West 10:00 Monopoly Subc. - 4221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Rivers & Harbors Subc. - 4200 NSOB (Ks. river navigation) 12:30 Policy Luncheon = S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:45 CBS - Interview on "bugging" - Sen. TV Gallery - (Leslie Staff, interviewer) 3:00 Mtg. in Sen. Mansfield's ofc. with O'Brien, Gov. Askew, Kleindienst (S-208 Cap.) 6-9 Recep. for Sec'y Butz - Capitol Hill Club ($10.00) 6:30-8:30 Recep. - 11th Ann. Conf. of Truck Stop Operators - Wash. Hilton Grand Ballroom (time handwritten) 6:30/7:30 Party for "few select" retiring members of Cong. - by Vice Pres. - Blair House -(Stag) (handwritten addition) business suit WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 10:00 Ag. Comm. (Exec. Session) nomination of C. Brunthaver - 324 OSOB 10:00 Monopoly Subc. (crossed out) 318 OSOB (handwritten addition) 4221 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Nutrition Comm - 1202 NSOB - 9141 Hearing Rm. (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Rivers & Harbors Subc. 4200 NSOB 11:30 Mtg. with (crossed out) Gen. Westmoreland (handwritten addition) Col. Wm. Weber, Maj. Gen. Frank Davis, Dr. Warren Johnson (handwritten addition) son is mentally retarded (crossed out) Brig. Gen. Robert Gard (handwritten addition) Col. Forney 12:30 Luncheon by Sen. Hruska (John Mitchell & Clayton Yeutter, Ag. Dir., CREP S-337 Cap. (handwritten addition) x53835 4:30-6:30 Recep. for State & Nat'l TAR Leaders - 339 RHOB 5:00 Mtg. of Life Members of Capitol Hill Club - Lounge 5:30-8:00 SALUTE TO EDUCATION - Recep. for Members of Congress - Sheraton Park Hotel 6/7 Cocktails & Dinner - Amer. Trucking Assn. - Congr. & Senate Rooms & Presidential Ballroom - Statler Hilton 6-8 Recep/Buffet - Nat'l Assn of Life Underwriters - NALU Hdqtrs. -1922 F St., N.W. w/o June 19 - 25 (handwritten addition) Leamington Hotel (612) 333-6161 Rm 1211 - Mike 1219 - BD THURSDAY, JUNE 22 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Rivers & Harbors Subc. - 4200 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - ? (Admin. witnesses - Lyng & Kocher) 6202 NSOB 12:00 Luncheon - Sen. Pearson, Skubitz, Corps of Engrs. & EPA people (handwritten additions) on El Dorado), Dave Clymer, Jim McKay per Bill K. Room 154 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 4-6 Recep. - Cap. Hill Club - by Anne Armstrong for Mrs. Armitage 6:00 Recep - Evans-Novak Political Forum - Madison Hotel (Dolley Madison Room) 7:00 Recep. - Motion Picture Assn. honoring Walter Cronkite - 1600 I St., N.W. FRIDAY, JUNE 23 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Rivers & Harbors Subc. - 4200 NSOB SPEAK - Keynote Minnesota State Convention SATURDAY, JUNE 24 late P.M. Centennial Parade - Carbondale, Ks. 6/7 Recep/Dinner - American G.I. Forum - Ramada Inn, K.C., Ks. (Ramierz, Sanchez) FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1972 Minneapolis, Minnesota State Convention Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY Thursday, June 22, 1972 (handwritten addition) 7:00 PM (crossed out) 5:55 PM (EDT) Depart Washington National Airport (202) 337-0611 aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 85, first class, non-stop, dinner served (handwritten addition) 8:15 PM (crossed out) 7:13 PM (CDT) Arrive Minneapolis International Airport (612) 726-1234 met by: Mike Scanlon and John Lupton 7:35 PM Arrive Leamington Hotel (612) 333-6161 - Suite available for overnight (handwritten additions) Rm 1219 - BD, 1211 Mike & Scanlon 10:30 PM Reception begins for Congressional and local candidates Hall of States, Leamington Hotel met by: Mrs. Rhoda Lund, Nat'l Committeewoman Depart at leisure (Reception will last until 12:00 Midnight) Friday, June 23, 1972 8:45 AM Exclusive interview with KSTP-TV (NBC) - Leamington Hotel 8:55 AM Conclude interview and depart for Minneapolis Auditorium Convention Center (612) 333-1217 9:00 AM Arrive Auditorium - met by: Mrs. Rhoda Lund and Congressman Ancher Nelson Opening Ceremonies of Convention begin Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 9:15 AM Congressman Ancher Nelsen introduces Senator Dole 9:20 AM Senator Dole remarks 10:00 AM Conclude and proceed to press and media availability in adjoining room at Convention Center (this can be canceled for earlier departure) 10:25 AM Depart for Minneapolis International Airport, Northern Airmotive Terminal (612) 726-5700 10:50 AM Arrive Northern Airmotive - board Saberliner (Tail: 744R) for return to Washington, D.C. pilot: John Ferguson manifest: Senator Dole Mike Scanlon and John Lupton Pat Wolfe Note: Should a Thursday night departure be impossible, schedule will be adjusted accordingly. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 12 - 18 MONDAY, JUNE 12 Jim and Bee Williams will be in office 11:00 Swearing-In Ceremony for Kleindienst, Shultz and Weinberger, East Room, White House (pkg. on South grounds) 2:30 THREE CONSECUTIVE VOTES (next appointment handwritten) 5:15 Empathy Radio Prog (WWDC) Fred Fiske moderator 8:00 Robin's Graduation TUESDAY, JUNE 13 8:00 Leadership Mtg. - Cabinet Room - White House - N.W. Gate 8:30 Bkfst. - 31 winners of Rural Elec. Coop. Essay Contest from Kansas, S-120 Cap. (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 9:00 Picture with contest winners - S-120 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Photo with Rural Elec. Coop. Essay Contest Winners from Ks - Sen. Steps (Chas. Sledd) (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Appt. Vice Apeake Chung - Barea & Mr. Hong (illegible) - Sen. Ofc. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. 2:50 Ed Fallon & Martin Sorkin - Sen. Recep. Room 3:00 THREE CONSECUTIVE VOTES (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 during votes - Cong. Wm. Scott - Sen. Recep. Rm. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 6 Douglas County 4-Her's in town - want appt. (also Pearson & Winn) (next appointment handwritten) 8:00 Bd of Governor's Mtg. - Cap. Hill Club. (Exec. Dining Rm.) 9-4 Veterans Information Day - Veterans Affairs Committee - 412 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Hersh Murray - Sen. Ofc. 10:00 Nutrition Comm. (Nutrition for Elderly) - 1114 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Photo with 4 Her's House steps Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 1:15 Dr. & Mrs. L.C. Campbell, Centralia, Ks & Mrs. McCullough - Sen. Ofc. (451-8676) Photo (next appointment handwritten) 1:20 Willis Tobler & Sen. Ofc. 1:30 Gordon Leith, ¥.P., Farmland Industries, K.C., Mo. (see Tag) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 M/M Rick Wilbur - formerly Great Bend -- Sen. Ofc. (photo) OX3-0135 7:00 Dinner For Dr. Andrus, Assn. of Retired Persons, Sheraton Hall, Sheraton Park (try to stop by) 7/8 Recep/Dinner - D.C. Finance Comm to Re-Elect Pres. - Int'l Ballroom, Washington Hilton ($100/ticket) 8:00 Flag Day Event - 345 CHOB THURSDAY, JUNE 15 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Bkfst with Godfrey Sperling's group - Federal City Club Sheraton Carlton (Betty 785-4400) (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - (handwritten addition) canceled 10:00 Rivers & Harbors Subc. - 4200 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Charles Harvey - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment crossed out) 2:00 Mtg. in Sen. Mansfield's ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Awards Ceremony - Dept of Interior at Constitution Hall (Wanda W. Gray of Lawrence) pkg on Bramp off 18th St. w/o June 12 - 18 FRIDAY, JUNE 16 (next appointment handwritten) 8:30 Cabinet Mtg. - Cong. Rhodes - speaker - GOP Platform (meet in West Wing Lobby at 8:30) N.W. Gate (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Test. Nutrition Comm. (Admin. witnesses) (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Murray Chotiner - (Sen. Ofc Floor) SPEAK - GOP Fundraiser - Lake County, Ill. - Illinois Beach State Park Lodge, Zion, Ill. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JUNE 5 THRU JUNE 11 MONDAY, JUNE 5 2:30 Mtg. in Sen. Scott's Cap. Ofc. with Area Jewish leaders TUESDAY, JUNE 6 (next appointment crossed out) 11:00 SPEAK - Jr. College Georgia Phi Theta Kappa - NSOB Auditorium (handwritten addition) Sen. Dominick doing 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (Curtis Tarr, guest) 2:45 Swearing-In of Dr. Phillip Hefley as Reg. Commissioner of Education, Reg. VII Ofc. of Commissioner - 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Rm. 4181-D (John & Bill K) 4-6 Party at RNC for Judy and Celia WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 (next appointment handwritten) Linda Koeningamman, Beloit, Ks. Spelling Bee Winner in town - wants appt 7th thru 13th 6 Jr. College Students from Allen Co. Comm. Jr. College, Iola want appointment 10:00 Ag. Comm. (Exec. Sess) - 324 OSOB - on Pesticides 10:00 Nutrition Comm. (Food Stamp Prog.) 1318 NSOB (handwritten addition) - Under Sec'y Lyng. Ag. Comm. testifying (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Cox Broadcasting - 5 min. for Calif. primary - Sen. Ofc. - (Hal Cessna) (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Clarence Palmby & Ofc. Vaughn - Ag. Dept. 12:30 Luncheon for Milt Bryann on his retirement for the Forest Service (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Sim Fentrece (TIME Mag) - Sen. Ofc. (re convention) (next appointment handwritten) Metro Media - Walt Rogers - Sen. Ofc. (Calif. primary) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Ag. Comm. 3:30 John Neuberger, new Chairman of Missouri River Basin - Sen. Ofc. (John Smith) THURSDAY, JUNE 8 (next appointment handwritten) 7:30 - CBS Morning News - 2020 M St. - (approx 10 min. at 7:40) Barry Serafin moderator Sen. Tunney-Dopp. 9:00 Swearing-In of Bill Haley as Member of Nat'l Transportation Safety Bd. Room 10234 - Transp. Dept. - 400 - 7th St., S.W. (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Nutrition Comm. (Child Nutrition Prog.) 1318 NSOB (handwritten addition) canceled 10:00 Pollution Subc. (Exec. Session on Noise Pollution) - 4110 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Linda Koerinfaman, Beloit, Sp. Bee Champ - with Mrs. Stennie Anderson (photo) (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 George Parke - Salina (family) - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Mrs. Ronald McClain, K.C. Robin Elliott, granddaughter KC (& Mr. McClain, son) (301) 828-5328 (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Mr. Rodriguez & Mr. Gomez - Nat'l Jobs for Progress, Inc. (KC) John S & Bill K.) Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 VOTE on Motion to Recommit Kleindienst nomination 6:30/7:30 Recep./Dinner for Sen. Scott - Sheraton Park, Black Tie ($1000/couple) 7:30 Gala on the Potomac - Army-Navy Country Club - Fairfax County GOP (Black Tie) Sen. Dole's Schedule - w/o June 5 - 11 FRIDAY, JUNE 9 9th-11th 52nd Annual Convention - KS. VFW - Overland Park (next appointment crossed out) (handwritten time) 9:30 (crossed out) 10:00 Nutrition Comm. (Administration Witnesses) 1318 NSOB (handwritten addition) canceled (next appointment handwritten) 6-8 Recep. Black Citizens for the Re-Election of Pres. Poolside - Wash. Hilton (by Black Admin. appointees) Recep. by Embassy of S. Vietnam? SATURDAY, JUNE 10 6 & 8 (?) Cocktails & Dinner by Nat'l Black Citizens Group (sponsored by Comm. to Re-Elect (International Ballroom, Wash. Hilton) 333-7220-Branda (handwritten addition) no - Mike Scanlon Regretted