THURSDAY, MARCH 30 (Easter Recess at close of business) 8:00 Breakfast, Full Gospel Businessmen, Washington Hilton (REGRETTED) FRIDAY, MARCH 31 Nothing scheduled SATURDAY, APRIL 1 1:30 Press Conference; 2:00 Reception, Dobbs House; 2:30 Dedication of new concourses, Wichita Municipal Airport - Wichita, Kansas SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 17 - 24 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, APRIL 17 (Return from Kansas) TUESDAY, APRIL 18 6th International Water Quality Symposium, Statler Hilton Hotel 9:30 Public Works Committee - 4200 NSOB 10:00 Economic Development Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB 12:00 Lunch for Kansas Army National Guard recruiting contest winners - Blue Dining Room, Capitol Hill Club (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. (Butz & Pensacola POW/MIA Group guests) 1:30 SPEAK - NATIONAL TELEPHONE COOPERATIVES, 318 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Ron Weems & 4-5 Kansans - Sheet Metal Workers Int'l (see Bill Kats) (next appointment handwritten) 6-8 Cocktails/Buffet - Sheet Metals Workers Int'l (Ron Weems & 4-5 Kansans) Ballroom East - Wash. Hilton 7-9 Reception for San Diego area Congressional Delegation by San Diego Unified Port District - Dolley Madison Room, Madison Hotel 8:30 DAR National Defense Night - Constitution Hall (Mrs. Ralph Casey, Council Grove, Ks. - President) (REGRETTED) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 (next line crossed out) POW-MIA Pensacola Committee - will call for an appointment 9-12 Vietnam Debate on the Senate Floor 10:00 Agriculture Committee - 324 OSOB 10:00 Economic Development Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB 10:00 SPEAK - Maryland Federation of GOP Women Workshop - Gaithersburg Holiday Inn, Route 355 & 70S 12:00 American Society of Newspaper Editors Lunch - Shoreham Hotel (Guest of Cruise Palmer and Bill Baker, K. C. STAR) (Sec. Connally, speaker) 12:15 Lunch - Israel's 24th Birthday - B339 RHOB (Amb. Rabin, guest of honor) 6-8 Cocktail Buffet by M/M Pat Munroe for Clark Mollenhoff on publication of his book, "Strike Force" - Sulgrave Club 6:30-8:30 Model Cities Reception by Natl. Model Cities Assn. - Grand Salon, Sonesta Hotel (handwritten addition) John Keith, Ks. Dir. (Wohlford) 7/8 Annual Dinner - Washington Press Club (Guest of Malvina and Vera) honoring nation's editors - Shoreham Hotel (BLACK TIE) (Ambassador Room and Regency Room) SPEAK - TULANE UNIVERSITY - NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA THURSDAY, APRIL 20 (next appointment handwritten) 8:00 Bkfst for Ks. DAR's - Speakers Dining Room - Capitol (Shubitz ofc. arranging) (next appointment handwritten) 9:15 Cong. Conf. on U.S.-Cuba Relations - 1202 NSOB (bipartisan) 10:00 Economic Development Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Mtg. in Pearson's ofc - Commissioner Ball - Soc. Sec., Mr. Hart, E.O.S. & Mr. Kaisce - Ks. Blue Cross/Bl. Shield (Pearson's ofc.) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Strategy Session - Scott's ofc. S-230 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Con. Conf. on U.S.-Cuba Relations - 1202 NSOB (bipartisan) (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 Mr. Wilhelm - NASA - re: Water Pollution Regulation (John Smith) 6:30/7:30 Reception and Dinner, White House News Photographers Assn., Continental Room and Sheraton Hall, Sheraton Park Hotel (Black Tie) 6:30-8:30 Reception, Communications Workers of America, Quality Motel, Capitol Hill (Several Kansans will be here and have written) 6:30 Dinner for Wilbur Mills, Brotherhood Citation Dinner, Little Rock, Arkansas 7:00 Dinner - Israel's 24th Birthday, Statler Hilton (Presidential Ballroom) (Honoring I. L. Kenen; Abba Eban, speaker) 7:30 SPEAK - DINNER FOR CONGRESSMAN BOB MICHEL, PEORIA, ILLINOIS FRIENDS OF RN RECEPTION - BY RNC FRIDAY, APRIL 21 (handwritten time) 10:30 - James Firth and a group (handwritten addition) see John Smith concerned with the environment from Baker University will be here and will call for an appointment 12:00 American Society of Newspaper Editors Luncheon - Shoreham Hotel (Vice President Agnew, speaker) 12:00 SPEAK - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 7:30 SPEAK - DRAKE UNIVERSITY FORUM, AUDITORIUM, DES MOINES, IOWA SATURDAY, APRIL 22 12:00 SPEAK - MIDWEST REGIONAL REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CONFERENCE, CONRAD HILTON, CHICAGO RON - MIAMI SUNDAY, APRIL 23 San Juan MONDAY, APRIL 24 10:30 SPEAK, AMERICAN BUSINESS PRESS - DORADO BEACH HOTEL, SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO 7:30 SPEAK - BARRY COLLEGE DINNER - MIAMI SHORES, FLORIDA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1972 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 6:00 PM (EST) Depart Washington National Airport (202) 393-6464 aboard American Airlines Flight 553 non-stop to Chicago (dinner served) 7:00 PM (CST) Arrive Chicago O'Hare Airport (312) 686-3980 met by: John Sawyer 7:30 PM Arrive Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Dinner & Lecture Main Dining Room (2nd Fioor) Michigan Shores Club, Wilmette, Illinois (312) 251-4100 (Reception in progress since 6:30 PM) attendance: 300 head table: Senator Bob Dole Richard Hoefs, President, CCFR John E. Reilly, Executive Director David E. Brown, Republican State Committeeman from Wilmette 8:20 PM Program begins Richard Hoefs, Master of Ceremonies, brief introductions 8:25 PM David E. Brown introduces Chairman Dole 8:30 PM Remarks by Chairman Dole 9:00 PM Question & Answer 9:20 PM Depart Michigan Shores Club 10:00 PM (CST) Depart Chicago O'Hare Airport (312) 346-5700 aboard United Airlines Flight 212 non-stop to Baltimore Friendship 12:30 PM (EST) Arrive Baltimore Friendship Airport met by: Marvin Redmond Alternate Flight Schedule for Return to Kansas (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 PM (CST) Depart Chicago O'Hare Airport (312) 686-4600 aboard Braniff Airlines Flight 129 11:15 PM (CST) Arrive Kansas City Airport (816) 753-1740 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1972 New Orleans, Louisiana Tulane University Student Symposium (handwritten additions) Pontchartrain Hotel Rm. 1107 (504) 524-0581 Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 3:30 PM (EST) Depart Baltimore Friendship Airport (301) 768-9000 aboard Delta Airlines Flight 921 non-stop to New Orleans 4:59 PM Arrive New Orleans International Airport (504) 529-2431 - met by: Mike Scanlon Arrive private residence of Edmund and Brenda McIlhenny (Board of Administrators - Tulane University) 2604 Coliseum Drive (504) 899-2468 Note: Dinner party is traditional at these events; 50-60 contributors, deans, and board of administrators invited. 7:15 PM Depart for Tulane University campus 7:30 PM Arrive McAlister Auditorium - - Proceed to Press Conference (handwritten addition) Security (504) 865-4521 8:00 PM Proceed to Main Auditorium for Direction 1972 Program Program Director - Richard Cantor Program: Mr. Harry Kelleher, Chairman, Bd. of Administrators - brief remarks Mr. Richard Cantor - student will introduce Chairman Dole 8:15 PM Remarks by Chairman Dole 8:45 PM - Conclude remarks Note: Five Minute Break 8:50 PM Begin Question & Answer session 9:20 PM Conclude Question & Answer session Depart immediately for Moisant International Airport 10:00 PM Depart New Orleans aboard Eastern Flight 446 to Atlanta 12:10 AM Arrive Atlanta - board Eastern Flight 440 to Washington, D.C. 12:45 AM Depart Atlanta aboard Eastern Flight 440 non-stop to Washington 2:17 AM Arrive Dulles Airport met by: Marvin Redmond SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 10 - 16 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, APRIL 10 9:00 SPEAK, FOOD DISTRIBUTORS CONVENTION, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 11:45 SPEAK, MOCK REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, SHAWNEE MISSION SOUTH, OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS 2:00 SPEAK, SENIOR ASSEMBLY, SHAWNEE MISSION NORTH, MISSION, KANSAS 6-8 Reception/Buffet - Manufacturing Chemists Assn., Dolley Madison Ballroom, Madison TUESDAY, APRIL 11 8:00 Breakfast, Kansas Conservation Districts - EF 100, Capitol 9:30 Political Issues Group Meeting (Bob Wilson will speak on 1972 Congressional races), Harry Dent's office 10:00 Pollution Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB 12/12:30 Head Table Reception (Executive Dining Room) and Luncheon - Capitol Hill Club (Vice President Agnew - speaker -- kickoff of headliner luncheons. 12:30 Minority Policy Luncheon - S-207 5:30-7:30 Reception, Water Resources Congress, Sheraton Hall, Sheraton Park Hotel 6:00 Premiere of NRECA's film on nation's energy crisis - American Film Institute Theatre, L'Enfant Plaza (Reception in Plaza Room following) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 9:00 Pollution Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Children's Hearings - S-207 Cap (Gravel, Bayh, Harris, Hughes) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Jim Reichley - Sen. Ofc. - (Fortune Magazine) 20-30 min (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Film "Your Commitment to America" by U.S. Chamber of Commerce, S-207 Cap. 5:30-7:30 Reception for Senator Percy - Congressional Room, Statler Hilton Hotel THURSDAY, APRIL 13 (next appointment handwritten) 9:00 Briefing on "Campaign Spending" - 335 OSOB 9:00 Pollution Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Elizabeth Drew - WETA TV - 2600 - 4th St., N.W. (1/2 hr. prog. for showing Thurs P.M.) (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Haircut 12:00 Luncheon Meeting, Bostwick Irrigation District, Dinner Bell Restaurant, Belleville, Ks (handwritten addition) (per Sam Marler, Hansen's ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 - 2:00 Taping of TV Slots for Sen. Hansen - Sen. Recep. Rm. (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 VOTE - find note on War Powers Bill 1-3 Traditional Lithuanian Pastries Buffet — S-207 5-7 Reception sponsored by Council for Advancement of Psychological Professions & Sciences - S-207 6/7 Recep/Dinner - National Explorer Presidents Congress - Sheraton Park (Pic. taken with Kansans at reception) FRIDAY, APRIL 14 6/7 Reception and Dinner - Lawrence Chamber of Commerce (Head Table guest) (REGRETTED) SATURDAY, APRIL 15 6:30-8:30 Sports Breakfast - honoring professional football players, Elks Club, Clay Center, Kansas (REGRETTED) 10:00 3rd District GOP Convention, Shawnee Mission North High School, Mission, Kansas 3:00 Larry Ray Nelson's Wedding - St. Mary's Catholic Church, Russell 4:00 Reception at Elks Club (handwritten addition) 8:00 Central States College Jazz Festival - K. State Auditorium Kansas 6th District American Legion Convention, Hays, Kansas SUNDAY, APRIL 16 (next appointment crossed out) 3:00 Award Ceremony and Reception for Mrs. Virgil Klotz, 1972 Kansas Mother of the Year - College Hill United Methodist Church, Wichita, Kansas MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1972 Atlanta, Georgia Cooperative Food Distributors Convention Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY Sunday, April 9, 1972 Senator Dole will remain overnight at the Regency Hyatt House, Atlanta (404) 577-1234 met by: John Sawyer, RNC Advance transportation: provided by Convention Monday, April 10, 1972 9:00 AM Arrive Phoenix Ballroom for Convention Business Session attendance: 750 call to order: J. Murray Yunker, Chairman of Cooperative Food Distributors 9:05 AM Introduction of Senator Dole - Harold Aldridge 9:10 AM Senator Dole remarks 9:40 AM Conclude remarks 9:45 AM Depart Regency Hyatt House for Atlanta Airport 10:17 AM (EST) Depart Atlanta Airport (404) 349-3100 aboard Delta Airlines Flight #909 non-stop to Kansas City 11:07 AM (CST) Arrive Kansas City SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 3 - 10 MONDAY, APRIL 3 Easter Recess TUESDAY, APRIL 4 12:00 Senate Reconvenes from Easter Recess (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Martin Sorkin - Sen. Ofc. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 10:00 Agriculture Committee, Exec. Session - 324 QSOB (handwritten addition) (BD's Rabbit Insp. bill) 11:45 Interview - Radio-TV Gallery on Wisc. Primary (next appointment handwritten) 1:15 Joe Lastelir - KC Star (Sen. Ofc.) 2:00 Meeting on drought conditions in Great Plains states - briefing by Bureau of Reclamation --- S-207 (arranged by Senator Bellmon) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Vicki Myers - Cherry Blossom Primers (Newton, Ks.) (Sen. Ofc.) Photo (next appointment handwritten) 3:15 Roy Pfautch - Sen. Ofc. THURSDAY, APRIL 6 6th-8th Annual Convention - Kansas Council for Exceptional Children, Downtown Ramada, Topeka, Kansas (next appointment handwritten) 11:15 Taping by U.S. Chamber of Commerce - RNC (approx 5-10 min.) (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 - 3:00 - Photo - Stefan Korbonski, Chrm, Assembly of Captive European Nations (Sen. (illegible) Rm Lozlo 6:30 Banquet - YMCA's 25th Annual Youth and Government Program, Jayhawk, Topeka (REGRETTED) FRIDAY, APRIL 7 10:00 Nutrition Committee (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Charles Krause - Krause Milling (Re: Food for Peace Prog.) see Tag. 6:30/7:30 Reception/Dinner - "Appreciation Night for Keith Sebelius" and "Meet the Candidates Night" - Knights of Columbus Hall, Great Bend, Kansas (Ron Ryan will provide the transportation from K.C. - Great Bend - K.C.) SATURDAY, APRIL 8 1st District GOP Convention - Great Bend, Kansas Kansas NEA Teachers in Politics Regional Meetings 9:00 March of Dimes Walk-a-thon-—(location crossed out) State House, Topeka, Kansas (REGRETTED) 9:00 5th District GOP Women's (location crossed out) Spring Meeting, Fort Scott, Kansas 12:00 Kansas Press Association Luncheon - Holiday Inn Downtown, Topeka (REGRETTED) 12:00 SPEAK - Luncheon - Western Regional Women's Conference, Del Webb's Town House, Phoenix, Arizona (honoring Mrs. Agnew) (next appointment crossed out) 6/7 Social Hour and Gridiron Dinner - Statler Hilton Hotel (White Tie) guest of John Cauley SUNDAY, APRIL 9 2-5 Upen House, S.S. Kresge Co., (next text crossed out) Lawrence Distribution (next text not crossed out) Center, 2400 Kresge Rd., Lawrence, Ks. MONDAY, APRIL 10 9:00 SPEAK - COOPERATIVE FOOD DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 11:50 KEYNOTE - YOUTH AND POLITICS 1972 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION - SHAWNEE MISSION SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL, OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS 2:00 SPEAK - SENIOR ASSEMBLY, SHAWNEE MISSION NORTH HIGH SCHOOL, MISSION, KANSAS THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1972 Providence, Rhode Island G.O.P. Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) Betty M. 5:15 PM Depart Washington National Airport - Page Terminal 783-5488 onboard Lear Jet -(Jet America) Tail: 801 JA Manifest: Chairman Dole & Ann Dore - Comm. / Re-election 6:15 PM Arrive Green State Airport, Providence, Rhode Island Taxi to: Newport Arrow Hangar =met by: John Sawyer - RNC Advance transportation provided by local GOP organization Note: Holding Room available for Chairman enroute to dinner Yankee Motor Inn (401) 7390600 Room 201 6:45 PM Arrive Rhode Island College Proceed to Faculty Center - Private Dining Room (401) 831-6600 Ext. 636 or (401) 621-8879 Media and Press interviews Note: Buffet Supper line begins at 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Guests dine from 6:00 until 7:30 PM (Crowd: 350) Senator enters room from Press Conference Head Table: Chairman Dole Tucker Wright - State Chairman Fred Lippitt - National Committeeman Mrs. Donald (JUNE) Gibbs - Nat'l. Committeewoman James Taft - Nixon Chairman (Mayor) 7:30 PM Program begins - Tucker Wright is Master of Ceremonies Mayor Taft will make brief remarks (5 minutes) 7:40 PM Fred Lippitt will introduce Chairman Dole 7:45 PM Remarks by Chairman Dole 8:15 PM Chairman concludes remarks 8:25 PM Depart Rhode Island College for Airport 8:50 PM Depart Green State Airport - Newport Arrow Hangar onboard Lear Jet 801 JA for Washington DC 9:50 PM Arrive Washington National Airport - Page Terminal met by: Marvin Redmond United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten memo) DeBoer- plane will leave Page National at 5:00 pm Thurs. Drop you off at K.C. approx. 6:30 pm. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 24 - MAY 1 MONDAY, APRIL 24 (In Florida) 7:30 SPEAK -- BARRY COLLEGE DINNER, MIAMI SHORES, FLORIDA TUESDAY, APRIL 25 11:30 SPEAK -- AMERICAN BUSINESS PRESS, DORADO BEACH HOTEL, SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO 7:30 Black Tie Dinner honoring retiring Members of Congress - White House (SW Gate) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 26th-28th Annual Meeting of Kansas Grain & Feed Dealers Assn. - Wichita, Kansas (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Econ. Develop Subc Public Wks - 4200 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Bob Ellsworth - Sen. Ofc. 2:30 Public Works Committee - 4110 NSOB 3:30-5:30 Reception for Betty Crocker Homemakers of Tomorrow - 318 OSOB (Meredith Tromble, Wichita; Fanny Thompson, counselor) (next appointment handwritten) 5-7 Recep for Nat'l Cattlemen's Assn. by Sen. Hruska - 209 OSOB 6-8 Wine Tasting Party by California Delegation - JFK Center — (REGRETTED) 8:00 SPEAK -- CHICAGO COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, PRUDENTIAL BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL. THURSDAY, APRIL 27 27th-29th 66th Ann. Mtg. of American Society of Intnl. Law -- Statler Hilton 27th-30th 3-I Show, Liberal, Kansas (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Econ. Develop. Subc - Pub Wks - 4200 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Luncheon for Wichita Regs Adjustment Comm, Mayor, Jack DeBoer & 15 others, Exec. Dining Rm - Cap. Hill Club Bill K. attending (Shriver's ofc) (Photo) 12:00 Lunch with Kansas 4-H delegates (4 kids) Senate Dining Room 2:30 Public Works Committee - 4110 NSOB 4:00 Mtg. of members of Capitol Hill Club - Capitol Hill Club Rooms 7:00 Dinner honoring Betty Crocker Homemakers - Presidential Ballroom, Statler Hilton (REGRETTED) 7:30 SPEAK -- VICKERS LECTURE, KANSAS UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KANSAS (6-7 Informal dinner, English Room, Kansas Union 7:00 Press Conference, Pine Room, Kansas Union 7:30 Lecture, Ballroom, Kansas Union 9:00 Reception, Holiday Inn Skyline Room -- stay 15 minutes) FRIDAY, APRIL 28 (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Luncheon for Members of Ag Comm - G221 NSOB (Sen. Curtis) (next appointment handwritten) 5-7 Recep for former Members of Congress - Caucus Rm - Cannon Bldg 6:30 Cocktail Buffet, Natl. Independent Dairies Assn. - Crystal Room & Terrace, Sheraton Carlton Hotel (REGRETTED) 6:30 Fund Raising Dinner, Kansas State GOP Committee - Auditorium, Topeka, Kansas (Senator Hruska, speaker) (Make remarks as National Chairman) SATURDAY, APRIL 29 10:00 Parade, 2nd Dist. Conv. of Amer. Legion, Olathe, Kansas (REGRETTED) 10:30 Merchants Exposition Parade, Junction City, Kansas (REGRETTED) 11:15 KEYNOTE ADDRESS, KANSAS GOP STATE CONVENTION, AUDITORIUM, TOPEKA, KANSAS 4:00 SPEAK -- 2ND CONGR. DIST. GOP WOMEN'S SEMINAR, AUDITORIUM, J. C. PENNEY BLDG., UNIV. OF MISSOURI, ST. LOUIS CAMPUS, 8001 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Louis, Mo. SATURDAY, CONT. 7-9 Reception Buffet for Century Club Members - Penthouse, Watergate East, 2510 Virginia Avenue, N. W. (Hosts: Senator Dole and Mrs. Chennault) SUNDAY, APRIL 30 1:00 Lunch at Senator and Mrs. Harry Byrd's, Winchester, Va. (REGRETTED) 4:00 Open House, United Way Office, 801 N. Fairfax, Alexandria, Va. (Ron Elwell and Harold Eagleton, Salina) 6:00 Cocktails, Junction City Chamber of Commerce group - Suite F-440, Sheraton Park Kansas Hospitality Suite at Washington Hilton Hotel for Natl. Chamber of Commerce Mtg. MONDAY, MAY 1 9:00 SPEAK - REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS CONFERENCE, THE GREENBRIER, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WEST VIRGINIA 6:30/7:15 Reception and Banquet - Kansas Assn. of Commerce & Industry -- for Kansas Congressional Delegation -- Lincoln Ballroom, Washington Hilton (Don Rumsfeld, speaker -- gotten through our office) United States Senate MEMORANDUM (handwritten memo appears to be in shorthand) Econ De (illegible) Ozark Reg EL (Bud) Stuart Thurs - Admin (illegible) Cap Weinburg (should be Weinberger) (illegible)