SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 5 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 12:00 Lunch with Kansas Broadcasters, S-120 2:00 SPEAK - NRECA ANNUAL MEETING, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 6:00 Recep/Buffet - Natl. League of Insured Savings Associations, Chinese Room and Ballroom, Mayflower Hotel TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29 8:00 Breakfast - Kansas American Legion group - Speaker's Dining Room (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Presidential Classroom - 6 Kansans - Sen. Ofc. 10-12 Arrangements Committee Subcommittees meet at Washington Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Cabinet Meeting - W.H. 12:30-2:00 Reception/Luncheon for Arrangements Committee, Georgetown East, Concourse Level, Washington Hilton 1:00 SPEAK - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF INSURED SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE, EAST BALLROOM, (handwritten addition) peg desk, MAYFLOWER HOTEL - (handwritten addition) 347-3000 2:15 Meeting of Committee on Arrangements, Monroe Room, Concourse Level, Washington Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Briefing by Kissinger - Roosevelt Rm. - White House - (Wally Johnson) 5:30-7:30 Reception for Congressman Les Arends by Senator Scott and Congressman Ford - Key Bridge Marriott 5:30-7:30 Reception - Proprietary Assn., Crystal Room, Sheraton Carlton Hotel 6:30 Reception for Congressman Bill Mailliard, new Capitol Hill Club WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Joint Pub Wks/Interim Comm mtg - 4202 NSOB (Environmental Policy Act) (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Public Wks. Comm. - 4200 NSOB 10-3:15 Meeting of Republican National Committee, International Ballroom East, Concourse Level, Washington Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Monopoly Subc. - 318 OSOB (agribusiness) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB 12:00 Reception/Luncheon for National Committee members, Lincoln-Monroe Rooms, Concourse Level, Washington Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 2:15 Ag Comm. - S-215 Cap. 5:30 Meeting with Senator Pearson and a group - Capitol Hill Club 6-8 White House Reception for Republican Leadership Conference (handwritten addition)-SW Gate 6:30-8:30 Recep/ Natl. Assn of Retail Druggists, Congressional Room, Statler Hilton Hotel 7:30 National Commander's Banquet, American Legion, Sheraton Hall, Sheraton Park Hotel (Cocktails at 6:00 p.m.) (handwritten addition) Table #'s 149 & 165 THURSDAY, MARCH 2 BPW Legislative Conference -- Kansans will be calling our office 7:45-9:00 Regional Congressional Breakfasts (Leadership Conference) (Senator Dole hosts Midwestern in Lincoln Room, Washington Hilton 9:15 General Session, Leadership Conference (Senator Dole gives welcome remarks) Main Ballroom, Washington Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Monopoly Subc. - 318 OSOB (Agribusiness) (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 38-40 high schoolers of the Youth Int'l Affairs Seminar mtg. with Cong. Shriver & members of the Ks. deleg. in 135 CHOB (illegible x56216) 12:00 and 12:30 Reception for head table and luncheon, Leadership Conference, (Recep. in Georgetown Room) (Senator Dole introduces luncheon speaker, Attorney General Mitchell (time handwritten) 12:00 Lunch with Dr. Ahlberg and Dr. Reed of Wichita State University by Cong. Shriver (Bill Kats to attend)) - (location handwritten) House Restaurant - Capitol 12:30 Lunch by Cong: Herbert for George Healy, Editor of New Orleans Times. Caucus Room, CHOB (REGRETTED) (next appointment handwritten) 1:30 Mr. Campbell & Mr. Teeter - Assoc. of Builders & Contractors - labor legis, John - they are from Md. 8:00 SPEAK- LINCOLN DAY DINNER, ARMORY, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND FRIDAY, MARCH 3 7:30-8:45 Breakfast meetings of National Committeemen, State Chairmen, and National Committeewomen - Washington Hilton 9:00 General Session, Leadership Conference (Head table guests assemble in Georgetown Room following breakfast.) Senator Dole calls meeting to order and introduces Senator Hugh Scott, first speaker (handwritten) & Ford 6:30-8:30 Reception, National Day of Morocco, Moroccan Embassy (REGRETTED) 7:30 Leadership Conference Banquet honoring Vice President and Cabinet - (Recep. for head table guests in Georgetown Room at 6:30) SATURDAY, MARCH 4 2-10 Exhibition of Projects by winners of Westinghouse Education Foundation and Science Service, Empire Room, Shoreham Hotel 7:30 SPEAK - FUND RAISING DINNER, PORT 0' CALL, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1972 Cocoa Beach, Florida Brevard County Lincoln Day Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 Notes......Weather forecast from Patrick Air Force Base Highs - 72° Thursday; 75° Friday; 85° Saturday & Sunday Only precipitation due early Friday morning .....Early departure necessary due to media deadlines in Cocoa Beach 3:30 PM Depart Washington National Airport Page Terminal (202) 783-5488 aboard Leader Industries Lear Jet Tail: 300HH pilots: Gary Patrick, Cookie McElfish manifest: Senator Dole Oscar Juarez, AA to Congressman Frey Harry Hirsh, President, Leader Industries (possibly another Hirsh aide) 5:15 PM Arrive Ti-Co Airport, Brevard County, Florida Taxi to Aztec Service Hanger (305) 269-6840 met by: Mike Scanlon 5:45 Arrive Ramada Inn, Cocoa Beach, Florida (1100 N. Atlantic Ave.) (305) 783-9441 Suite reserved for Chairman 6:15 PM Media interviews - Ramada Inn - Launch Deck Note: Media interviews must take place prior to 6:30 PM in order for TV crews to return to Orlando to beat news/film deadline. Return to suite to freshen-up Cocktail Reception in progress - Ramada Inn - Gold Room 7:30 PM Conclude reception Proceed across street to Cape Colony Convention Center (305) 783-2252 for Lincoln Day Dinner 7:45 PM Dinner begins (400 in attendance) Invocation and Pledge to the Flag Head Table in White Dinner Jackets 8:50 PM Program resumes - - - - - Mr. Robert Weldon, MC, Dinner Chmn. Mr. Edward Stahley, County Chairman Mrs. Paula Hawkins, RNC, will introduce Chairman Dole 9:45 PM Conclude remarks - Retire to Ramada Inn THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1972 Las Vegas, Nevada Gypsum Drywall Association Convention Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten) BETTY 10 AM (EST) Depart Baltimore Friendship Airport (301) 761-7100 aboard - (handwritten addition) Woodson Rm. x2656 United Airlines Flight 735 non-stop to Las Vegas 11:55 AM (PST) Arrive Las Vegas McCarran International Airport (702) 736-0711 met by: Mike Woodson 12:00 Noon Depart Airport via limousine for International Hotel (702) 736-0711 (Cocktail reception begins in Hilton Room in the Internation Hotel) 12:15 PM Arrive International Hotel (702) 732-5111 - Proceed to media conference (handwritten addition) Staff Rm for Gypsum Sharon, Alice or Kelly 12:30 PM Luncheon begins - Hilton Room crowd: 400 (handwritten addition) Rm. 2904 in rooms 5-6:30 on Time 1:00 PM Mr. Vern Cagle, President of Gypsum Drywall Association, will introduce Chairman Dole Remarks by Chairman Dole 1:40 PM Conclude remarks 1:45 PM Begin informal reception for Kansas delegation in adjoining room crowd: 75 2:15 PM Conclude - return to suite 3:30 PM Depart International Hotel for Airport 3:45 PM Arrive McCarran International Airport 4:00 PM (PST) Depart Las Vegas aboard United Airlines Flight 686 9:15 PM (CST) Arrive Chicago O'Hare Airport (312) 346-5700 10:00 PM Depart Chicago aboard United Airlines Flight 212 12:30 PM (EST) Arrive Baltimore Friendship Airport met by: Marvin Redmond SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - MARCH 6 - 12 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, MARCH 6 In Florida 11:00 Swearing-in of Elmer Smith, Reg. Adm., HUD - Colonial Ballroom, Muehlebach Hotel, K.C. 6-7:30 Reception, Natl. League of Cities & U. S. Conf. of Mayors, Washington Hilton 7:30 SPEAK - LINCOLN DAY DINNER, IMPERIAL HOUSE, FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA TUESDAY, MARCH 7 8:00 Leadership Meeting, Cabinet Room, White House (Northwest Gate) 8:15 Breakfast with Kansas V. F. W. group - H-139, Capitol 9:30 Joint Public Works & Interior Comm. - 4202 NSOB (Environ. Policy Act) 9:30 Public Works Committee - 4200 NSOB (Oversight hearings) (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Nutrition Committee - 2228 NSOB - (School Breakfast Program) (handwritten addition) postponed 10:00 Agriculture Committee - 324 OSOB (Pesticides) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 (followed by meeting on Congressional immunity) (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 - 2:00 Open House - Sen. Randolph's 70th Birthday - 5121 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Mr. Buford, City Mgr. & Nancy Hamilton, City Commissioner - Lawrence - Sen. Ofc. (Bill Kats) 4:15 Roy Pfautch - appointment 6:00 Reception, Natl. Oi] Jobbers Council, Caucus Room, CHOB (Kansans: C.A. Hutton, Wichita; Hershel Shepherd, Emporia; Neil Osborn, Elk Falls; Jerry Maloney, Wichita; Wendelin Herman, Wichita) 6:00 Reception/Buffet - International Paper Company, Presidential Ballroom, Statler Hilton (Warren Slagle, K.C., Mo.) 6 and 7 Reception/Banquet - V.F.W. National Convention (Head Table Guest) (Sheraton Park)(handwritten additions) Recep. Continental Rm. (Sheraton Hall) - see Frank Stover for ticket WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Mtg. of Rep. Conf. - 335 OSOB (Continuation of Discussion of Cong. Immunities 9:30 Public Works & Interior Committees - 4202 NSOB (Environ. Policy Act) 9:30 Public Works Committee - 4200 NSOB (Oversight hearings) (9:30 crossed out) 10:00 SPEAK - J.C. PENNEY STATE COORDINATORS MEETING, SONESTA HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D.C. 10:00 Agriculture Committee - 324 OSOB (Pesticides) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Luncheon - S-207 Cap. - (C.A. Bartlett - Ks. Counselors, Inc.) - (re: credit business) (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 L.M. Schwartz-Poola - Sen. Ofc. - (Re: Hillsdale Dam) - John & Bill - Tom Evans - 546-4151 4:30 46 Methodist High School students (Bob McClean's group) - 155 OSOB (John Smith) 5-8 Congressional Reception, Y. R. Leadership Conference - JFK Center (REGRETTED) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 - CONTINUED 7:00 Reception/Dinner - honoring James Rosati, sculptor of the "Wichita Tripoidal", by 2nd Century Club of Wichita - Holiday Plaza Inn, Wichita (REGRETTED) 7/8 Reception & Banquet - Electronic Industries Association (Black Tie), Presidential Ballroom, Statler Hilton (REGRETTED) 6:00 Cocktails - Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Thoroughbred Room, Wash. Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 6-8 Recep. by Sen. & Mrs. Tower - preceding Dinner - Wash. Hilton - Rm. 0101 7:00 Cocktails, HOUSE MAJORITY DINNER - (BLACK TIE) - WASHINGTON HILTON (Senator Dole at head table and is to be in Cabinet Room at 7:45 p.m.) Dinner at 8:00 p.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 9 9:30 Public Works and Interior Committees - 4202 NSOB (Environ. Policy Act) 9:30 Public Works Committee - 4200 NSOB 10:15 Robinson Barker, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Pittsburgh Plate Glass, and Mrs. Gaye Pendleton here for appt. with Anne Armstrong and Mr. Dole ---- told them Senator Dole would not be able to attend. 12:00 SPEAK - GYPSUM DRYWALL CONVENTION, INTERNATIONA HOTEL, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Ag. Comm. - 208 Capitol (Exec. Sess.) S2895 (Egg - Adjustment Act vs. Rural Dev. 4-6 Open House - 35th Birthday of KVGB, Great Bend (REGRETTED) 5:15 Reception - Conference for business execs. on Natl. Priorities and Federal Economic Program for 1973 - Mayflower Ballroom (REGRETTED) 6 and 7 Reception and Dinner, Y. R. Leadership Conference --- honoring Y. R. Board of Advisors (Mr. Dole is an advisor), Assembly Room, Sheraton Park (Plaques will be presented to the advisors) FRIDAY, MARCH 10 10:30 SPEAK - YOUNG REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE, (crossed out) SHERATON HALL (handwritten addition) Park Ballroom, SHERATON PARK (Meet in Suite R-810 with Jay Morris and Paul Hayes at 10:15) (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Press Conf. - on AT&T - 1202 NSOB 12:00-Lunch with Kansas physicians and Swede Swenson, Vandenberg Room, Capitol 4-6 Party for Kansas Congressional Offices Staff - 2327 NSOB 8:00 SPEAK - LINCOLN DAY DINNER, CAPE COLONY INN, COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA SATURDAY, MARCH 11 Annual Meeting, Ark. Basin Dev]. Assn., Tulsa, Oklahoma (REGRETTED) ???s3:30 Youth Rally, N.M.B. High School, North Miami Beach, Florida 6:30 Banquet and Potentate's Ball - Masonic Temple, Salina, Kansas (REGRETTED) BETTY's Input for FRIDAY: MONDAY, MARCH 6: 1:00 Ag. Comm. - (crossed out) 324 OSOB (Exec. Session) (handwritten addition) Rm. 208 - Cap. 6-7:30 Recep. by League of Cities/Conf. of Mayors, Int'l Ballroom, Wash. Hilton 7:30 Senator Dole speaks at Fundraiser Dinner in Ft. Lauderdale TUESDAY, MARCH 7: (next appointment handwritten) 8:00 Leadership 8:15 Bkfst. by Ks. VFW - H-139 Capitol 9:30 Joint Public Wks./Interior Comm. Meg. - 4202 NSOB (on Environ. Policy Act) 9:30 Public Wks. Comm. - 4200 NSOB - (Oversight Hearings) (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Nutrition Comm. - 2228 NSOB (School Bkfst. Program) (handwritten addition) postponed 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB (on pesticides) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Presidential Classroom (next appointment handwritten) 4:15 Roy Pfautch - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. followed by mtg. on Cong. Immunity (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 - 2:00 Open House - Sen. Randolph's 70th BDay - 5121 NSOB 4:15 Roy Pfautch - Sen. Ofc. 6:00 Recep/Buffet by Int'l Paper Co. - Statler Hilton, Presidential Ballroom (Warren Slagle, K.C., Mo. - Slagle & Bernard) 6:00 Recep, by Nat'l Oil Jobbers Council - Caucus Rm., Cannon Bldg. (Bill Kats) (C. A. Hutton, Wichita) VFW Banquet - Sheraton Park Hotel WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8: Approx. 45 high school students from Western Ks. in town for annual seminar thru March 10 9:30 Pub. Wks. Comm - 4200 NSOB (Oversight Hearings) 9:30 Joint Pub. Wks./Interior Comm. - 4202 NSOB (Environ. Policy Act) 9:30 (10:00 crossed out) Sen. Speaks - J.C. Penny Mtg. at Sonesta Hotel 10:00 Ag. Comm. - 324 OSOB - (Pesticides) (next appointment handwritten) 4:30 Western Ks. Conf. Youth Grp. of United Methodist Church (40 students; 6 adults) - 155 OSOB - John Smith 5-8 Cong. Recep. for YR Leadership Conf. - Atrium & N. Gallery Lounge, JFK Center 7:00 & 8:00 Recep/dinner - Electronic Ind. Assn., Cong. & Presidential Ballroom - Statler Hilton (next appointment handwritten) 6:00 Cocktails 7:00 SENATE/HOUSE MAJORITY DINNER - International Ballroom, Wash. Hilton THURSDAY, MARCH 9: 9:30 Publ. Wks. Comm - 4200 NSOB - (Oversight Hearings) 9:30 Joint Pub. Wks./Interior Comm. Mtg. - 4202 NSOB (Environ. Policy Act) (next appointment crossed out) 9:30 Senator Speaks - YR Conference = Sheraton-Park 12:00 (R.M. crossed out)Senator Speaks - Gypsum Drywall Group - Las Vegas, Nevada (next appointment handwritten) 5:15 Recep. by Bus. Execs. Fund for Nat'l Priorities - Mayflower FRIDAY, MARCH 10: (next appointment handwritten) 10:15 Suite R810 Jay Morris (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 SPEAK - Y R Conf. - Sheraton Hall - Sheraton Park Luncheon for Swede Swenson & several Ks. physicians with Ks. Medical Society (Pearson's office arranging) S-138 8:00 Senator Speaks - Fundraiser Dinner - Cocoa, Fla. SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1972 St. Petersburg, Florida Fundraiser Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 8:45 AM Depart Washington National Airport 393-4000 aboard Eastern Airlines Flight #185 10:54 AM Arrive Tampa International Airport (813) 877-8811 met by: John Sawyer transportation: car and driver provided by local GOP 11:45 AM Arrive Port o' Call Hotel (813) 363-5611, 200 Madonna Blvd., St. Petersburg, Florida Suite available for Senator Dole 7:00 PM Proceed to Informal interview with the media 7:15 PM Proceed to Cocktail Reception (in progress since 6:30 PM) 7:30 PM Dinner program begins - Main Ballroom Invocation - Libbey Albers, Member of School Board Pledge to the Flag - Mr. O. Sanford Jasper Welcome - Mr. Edgar Kiefer, Chairman, Pinellas County Republican Committee 7:45 PM Dinner is served 8:30 PM Master of Ceremonies Bill Reeb, District Chairman, Florida GOP, will introduce Thelma Fisher, Vice Chairman, Pinellas County, and Florida State Committeewoman 8:35 PM Thelma Fisher will introduce head table 8:45 PM Master of Ceremonies Bill Reeb will introduce Congressman Bill Young, who will introduce Senator Dole 8:55 PM Senator Dole remarks 9:45 PM Program concludes THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1972 Annapolis, Maryland Anne Arundel Lincoln Day Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 6:30 PM Depart Washington driver: Marvin Redmond 7:15 PM Arrive Annapolis Armory, Annapolis, Maryland (301) 267-5550 7:20 PM Media availability - Room A 7:45 PM Cocktail reception at Annapolis Armory Note: Senator J. Glenn Beall will be present at the cocktail reception but not at the dinner. 8:00 PM Dinner is served 8:45 PM Welcome by Master of Ceremonies - State Senator Bob Pascal 8:50 PM Introduction of head table: Senator Dole Senator Charles Mathias Congressman William Mills State Chairman Sandy Lankler National Committeeman Dick Allen 9:00 PM Four-minute Young Republican Presentation, followed by brief award to the "Republican of the Year", Mrs. Jane Hanks 9:10 PM Master of Ceremonies Pascal introduces Senator Mathias 9:15 PM Senator Mathias introduces Senator Dole Remarks by Senator Dole 9:45 PM Conclude remarks 10:00 PM Depart armory for drive back to Washington, D.C. 10:40 PM Arrive Washington, D.C. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF MARCH 20 - 26 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, MARCH 20 10:00 Pollution Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB 2:00 Agriculture Committee - S-207 3:30-5:00 Kansas East Youth Study Tours (Methodists) touring Capitol and would like a picture taken 6-9 Reception for Clark MacGregor and White House Congressional Staff - Capitol Hill Club 6:30-8:30 Reception for Cong. Lamar Baker by Nat]. Assn. of Bldg. Service Contractors, Terrace Level, Washington Hilton 8:00 DEPART FOR OHIO TUESDAY, MARCH 21 10:00 SPEAK - ASHLAND COLLEGE, ASHLAND, OHIO 12:30 Minority Policy Luncheon - S-207 (next appointment handwritten) 1:45 Ag. Comm (Exec. Sess.) S-207 Cap. Cor. S208 - probably note on rural develop. 5:00 Reception, Natl. Wildlife Federation, 1412 16th, N. W. (Natl. Wildlife Week) 5:30-7:30 Congressional Reception, 50th Anniversary of Council for Exceptional Children, (this group is in town for their annual convention) 1202 NSOB 5:30-7:30 Informal Buffet Reception, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, B-338 RHOB 5:30-7:30 Reception, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Assn. - Dolley Madison Ballroom, Madison 6:00 Preview of "Wilderness Lake" and Reception - hosted by William Ruckelshaus and EPA, Museum of History and Technology (next appointment handwritten) 6:00 Dinner - Ks. Farm Bureau - Press Rm - Hotel Washington 7:00 Annual Banquet, Kansas Pork Producers Council, Muehlebach, K. C., Mo. (REGRETTED) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 [7:00 - Breakfast, K.C. Area Ch. of Comm., Center City Plaza, K.C. (Frazier to go)] 8:00 Congressional Breakfast, Nat'l Assn. of Wheat Growers, 318 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Jackson McGowan, Pres. & Bob Roth, V.P. McDonnell Douglas - L.B. (Sen. Ofc.) (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Hans Westerman - German TV (Sen. Ofc.) - will set up about 11:30 (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Terry McDonnell - A.P. New York (20 mins. tape for youth on political process) (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Easter Seal Poster Child - meet Mrs. Nixon 2:30 Tea at White House with Mrs. Nixon and Mrs. Carl Dumler and Wheat Growers wives (handwritten addition) Be there at 2:30 - East Gate (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 - 4:30 Recep. for Easter Seal Poster Child - S-207 Cap. (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Wally Christiansen & Patrick Mulhearn - Boston College - Sen. Ofc. 4:30-6:30 Israeli Art Exhibit and Reception - 2177 RHOB (host, Cong. Lester Wolff) 6-8 Reception for Senator Brooke, Federal City Club, Sheraton Carlton THURSDAY, MARCH 23 (next appointment handwritten) 8:00 Bkfst - by Secy Butz for Members of Sen. Ag. Comm. - Vandenberg Rm. - Cap. 11:15 Picture on Senate steps with 40 young people on Hays High School Tour (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Mtg. with Ks. Urban Renewal Delegation - 155 OSOB (Bill Kats & Bill Wohlford) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Bob Clark - ABC (ITT Interview) (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 Larry Christ - Lawrence - Interview for the Kansans (dual responsibilities for Chman. & Sen) (next appointment handwritten) 6-8 Recep. for Cong. Veysey - Ballroom - Cap. Hill Club 6:30 Congressional Reception and Banquet (7:45) - Mobile Home Manufacturers Assn., International Ballroom East, Washington Hilton (Said you would try to stop by recep.) FRIDAY, MARCH 24 (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Photo on House Steps - Capitol - with 140 young people from K.C. area (per Winn's ofc.) 5-7 Farewell Reception for David Kammerman, 335 OSOB 6:30 Cocktail Buffet for Julie Mills and William Stafford (George's son) by M/M Charles Webb, Washington Club at Dupont Circle 7:00 SPEAK - SOUTHERN REGIONAL WOMEN'S CONFERENCE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA BLACK TIE BANQUET HONORING MRS. NIXON - REGENCY HYATT HOUSE SATURDAY, MARCH 25 7-9 p.m. Cocktail Buffet for Gen. and Mrs. James F. Lawrence - by Rady Johnson - Mitchell Room, Bolling Air Force Base (REGRETTED) United States Senate MEMORANDUM Tuesday MR. DOLE: Jayne Shover called this morning to let us know everything is all set for the Easter Seal little girl to meet with Mrs. Nixon tomorrow. It is to be at 2:00, and they would like for you to be there if possible (apparently Mrs. Dumler and the "Wheat Hearts" follow that immediately). Also, there is a reception from 3:30-4:30 tomorrow afternoon in Room S-207 at the Capitol. Peggy Flemming and others will be there. They would like you to join them, if possible, and perhaps have your picture taken with the little girl. They have also invited Linda and me to go -- but we'll play that one by ear. Jo-Anne THE NATIONAL EASTER SEAL SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN AND ADULTS 2023 WEST OGDEN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60612 TO: Executive Directors of Intermediary and Local Easter Seal Societies DATE: March 17, 1972 PR #486 FROM: Keith Roberts, Director of Public Relations SUBJECT: WHITE HOUSE ENDORSEMENT We are pleased to advise that Mrs. Richard Nixon will greet the National Easter Seal Child, Jo Ann Schaffer, National Chairman Peggy Fleming and National Society President Thomas C. Teas at the White House Wednesday, March 22 at 2:00 p.m. Wire service photo coverage of the ceremony will provide national visibility to this demonstration of support of Easter Seals on the part of the White House. Following the White House visitation, a reception and photography session at the Capitol will provide an opportunity for Senators and Congressmen to have their pictures with the National Child and Chairman serviced to home state newspapers. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1972 Atlanta, Georgia Southern Regional Women's Conference (handwritten addition) John Sawyer Rm 738 (404) 577-1234 Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY M. (handwritten addition) departure 2:55 2:30 PM Depart Washington National Airport aboard Eastern Airlines Flight 143 non-stop first class to Atlanta 4:10 PM Arrive Atlanta Airport (404) 435-1111 met by: John Sawyer & Howard "Bo" Calloway 4:30 PM Arrive Regency Hyatt House Hotel (404) 577-1234 4:40 PM Media and press interviews - Spanish Suite, El Greco Room (404) 688-4921 5:00 PM Proceed to suite reserved for Chairman (Suite 2215) --Free time-- 6:45 PM Proceed to Black Tie Head Table Reception (since 6:30) Dutch Suite 7:05 PM Chairman Dole, Anne Armstrong, Mrs. Florence Cauble greet First Lady 7:10 PM Reception Line for Head Table guests - including: Secretary Butz, Governor Winfield Dunn Harry S. Dent, Howard "Bo" Calloway Herbert Klein, Congressman Fletcher Thompson Robert Shaw 7:30 PM Proceed to Hanover Hall - Dining Hall (crowd: 800) Pledge to the Flag - Mrs. Florence Cauble (Georgia) National Anthem Invocation - James F. Hooper (Mississippi) Note: Chairman seated next to Mrs. Nixon 8:45 PM Program begins Anne Armstrong, Master of Ceremonies, introduces guests and Mrs. Nixon (Mrs. Nixon may say a few words) 8:55 PM Anne Armstrong introduces Chairman Dole 9:00 PM Remarks by Chairman Dole 9:35 PM Chairman concludes remarks - proceeds to suite to change tuxedo 10:00 PM Depart Hotel for Airport 10:30 PM Depart Atlanta for St. Louis on board Eastern Flight 286 non-stop first class FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 Pontiac, Michigan ae McDonald Fundraiser Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY* Thursday, March 16 7:30 PM Depart Washington National Airport (202) 337-0611 aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 371 non-stop to Detroit (dinner flight) 8:48 PM Arrive Detroit Metropolitan Airport (313) 962-2002 (handwritten addition) or 941-9806 or 941-6439 met by: John Sawyer transportation: supplied by local GOP 10:00 PM Arrive Sheraton Motor Inn, Pontiac, Michigan (313) 338-6131 Suite available (handwritten addition) John Sawyer Rm 205 Friday, March 17 8:30 AM; Breakfast served at fundraising event for Congressman Jack H. McDonald, Sheraton Motor Inn, main ballroom attendance: 250 head table: Senator Dole... Congressman Jack McDonald Mr. Dave Diles, Master of Ceremonies Mr. Bob Smith, Program Chairman Rev. Halboth 9:00 AM Program begins - Master of Ceremonies Dave Diles introduces Congressman Jack McDonald 9:05 AM Congressman Jack McDonald introduces Senator Dole 9:10 AM Senator Dole remarks 9:50 AM Depart Sheraton Motor Inn for Oakland-Pontiac Airport (313) 674-0458 10:20 AM Depart Pontiac Airport aboard Grumman Gulfstream Turbo-prop Tail: 804 CC pilot: Milton Pugsley manifest: Senator Bob Dole Mr. P.N. Buckminster, V.P., Chrysler Corp. Mr. Larry Fitzgerald, AA, Cong. McDonald 11:45 AM Arrive Page Terminal, National Airport 783-5488 met by: Marvin Redmond (handwritten additions) (Record Vote Precisely At 1:00 P.M.) *Happy St. Patrick's Day TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1972, Ashland, Ohio Ashland College Forum (handwritten addition) UAL #576 arr CLE 7:35 PM Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY Monday, March 20, 1972 8:00 PM Depart Washington National Airport aboard United Airlines Flight 789 non-stop to Cleveland 9:10 PM Arrive Cleveland Hopkins Airport (216) 333-3700, met by: Mike Scanlon Depart immediately for Ashland, Ohio 10:20 PM Arrive Ashland, Ohio, L & K Motel (419) 322-1567 (handwritten addition) Scanlon Rm 204 Room reserved for Chairman Remain Overnight (handwritten additions) (216) 267-1500 x7457 459 - Mike Tuesday, March 21, 1972 9:20 AM. Depart L & K Motel for Ashland College 9:35 AM Arrive Ashland College - Convocation Center (419) 324-4561 9:40 AM Media Interviews - Lounge Room - Ashland Convocation Center 10:00 AM College Lecture Forum Convocation Center Auditorium Senator Dole introduced by Y. R. Student 10:45 AM Question & Answer Period 11:05 AM Conclude Q & A 11:10 AM Depart Ashland College for Cleveland Hopkins Airport 12:25 PM Arrive Cleveland Hopkins Airport, Northwest Airlines (216) 267-0515 1:10 PM Depart Cleveland for Washington, D. C., aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 338 non-stop 2:11 PM Arrive Washington National Airport met by: Marvin Redmond (handwritten additions) 45-50 min. flying time Mansfield apt. Jerry Blakely (614) 237-0363 $730 - Lear jet - Exec Jet Avia. out of Columbus Have plane there by 10:45 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE -- WEEK OF MARCH 27 - APRIL 2 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, MARCH 27 9:30 Pollution Subc. - 4200 NSOB 12:30 Luncheon by Mobil Gravel Guide - Madison Hotel (REGRETTED) 6:30 Annual Meeting, Liberal Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture Bldg., Liberal, Ks. (REGRETTED TUESDAY, MARCH 28 8:00 GOP Leadership Meeting - Cabinet Room, White House (NW Gate) 9:30 Congressional Breakfast, Natl. Council for Community Services to International Visitors (Kansans from Wichita Ch. of Commerce attending) - Shoreham Hotel 9:30 Pollution Subc. - 4200 NSOB 12:30 Minority Policy Luncheon - S-207 4:00 Board of Governors Meeting - Capitol Hill Club 5-8 Fund Raiser for Senator Ted Stevens, University Club, Chicago (REGRETTED) 5:30-7:30 Reception for Trent Lott, candidate for H. of R. from Mississippi, Rotunda 5-8 Reception for Senator Pearson, Capito] Hill Club 6:30-8:00 Reception, American Agricultural Editors Assn. - Sky Room, Hotel Washington WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 1:30 (10:30 crossed out) Appt. with Jim English, IRS agent (next handwritten appointment crossed out) 11:45 Appt with Theodore White, author, re '72 campaign - Sen. Ofc. - (per Judy) Jefferson DI7-4704 Rm 501 Will be back in mid-April - will call before 5-7:30 Premiere of "Smoking & Health - The Need to Know" by the Tobacco Institute, Monticello Room, Madison Hotel 6-8 Reception, Intnl. Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers - Quality Motel, Capitol Hill, 415 New Jersey, N.W. (Congr. Ballrm.) 6-8 Reception for Senator Baker by Senator Brock and Governor Dunn - International Club, 1800 K Street, N. W.