SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE -- Week OF JANUARY 31 - FEBRUARY 6 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, JANUARY 31 10:00 Public Works Comm. - Exec. Session - 4110 NSOB 11:30-12:30 Coffee for wives of members of American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 318 OSOB (hosted by Sen. Chiles and Cong. Fuqua -- wives from all 50 states) 2:00 VOTE - Ervin Amendment #812 4:30-6:30 Reception -- to coordinate efforts for passage of Equal Rights Amendment, 1318 NSOB (hosted by Women United) 7:00 Annual Meeting, Wyandotte County Legal Aid Society - YWCA, Kansas City, Ks. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8:00 National Prayer Breakfast - International Ballroom, Washington Hilton (Be seated by 7:50 a.m. for the President's arrival) (ACCEPTED) 10:00 Film, "Miracle on the Land", SOB Auditorium - by Nat'l Water Resources Assn. 12:30 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Capitol 12:45 VOTE - on Cloture Petition following quorum 1:00 Picture with Jay Morris Foy Leadership Training Conference brochure - Senate Reception Room - (handwritten addition) 3 in all - 627-3000 x231 (illegible) (next appointment handwritten) 1:45 Kent Frizzell - Sen. Ofc. 2:00 Confirmation Hearings on Kent Frizzell - 2228 NSOB (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Appt. Jack DeBoer & Gene Chamberlain - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:45 Admiral Smedberg, Pres. Res. Ofcers Assn. of recomputation - 783-8755 (next appointment handwritten) 4:10 VOTE - on Ervin Amend. #815 (next appointment handwritten) 5:00 Tom Evans - RNC - cancelled (next appointments handwritten) 6:30 & 7:30 Cocktails/Dinner - Roma Restaurant - 3419 Conn. Ave. - Northwestern Orthopedic Surgeons Conf. - (remarks RE: Dr. Kelikian) 234-0700 xD804 8:00 Stag Dinner (Black Tie) for GOP Governors - White House WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 (handwritten addition) Edward Perry & George Hawkins - H.S. Sen. Youth Prog. Ofc. A.M. 10:00 Ag Committee - Executive Session - 324 OSOB 10:30 Photo on Senate steps with Young Presidents from Kansas City area (handwritten addition) (photographer will be this) (next appointment handwitten, crossed out, and cancelled) 10:45 Ed DeBoldt & Mike ? - RNC - (handwritten addition) cancelled 12:00 Lunch for Young Presidents Group - S-207 Capitol (handwritten addition) x54004 12:30 10th Annual Lunch, 1972 U.S. Senate Youth Program - 1202 NSOB (2 from Kansas) (handwritten addition) x59141 1:30 SPEAK to Washington Workshops Congressional Seminar (90 high school students from across country)- 457 OSOB {Anne Armstrong speaks to a group of them on Feb. 16 at 11:30 a.m.) (handwritten addition) Fred Slightdoing 2:15-2:30 Testify on Vocational Rehabilitation - 2175 Rayburn HOB — (handwritten addition) x55954 (Margy) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Frank Carroll - Sen. Ofc. (Lehigh Valley Farmers Coop - (Secy. Jo Carter 296-8100 (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Carl Sadler - Sen. Ofc. (Legis. Dir. and Am. Federation of Gov't Employers - 737-4705 6:00 Cocktails, Dinner and Show, Young Presidents group - JFK Center (Told them you would stop by, but didn't know if you could stay for dinner and show) 6:00 & 7:30 Reception/Buffet - National Soybean Processors Assn. - Dolley Madison Ballroom, Madison Hotel (Said would try to stop by reception) 6:00 Reception & Dinner - Nat'l Retired Teachers Assn. & Am. Assn. of Retired Persons So. American Room & Federal Rm., Statler Hilton (Said you would try to stop by) (next appointment handwritten) 7:00 75 Member (Conservative) of Congress - Persian Rm. - Marriott Twin Bridges Dinner (Geo. Schultz, speaker) per Cong Sam Devine THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3 J. B. Spiegel, Topeka - with Am. Assn. of Retired Persons/Nat'] Retired Teachers Assn Legislative Council - in town 7:45 Breakfast for 15 selected Boy Scouts - 8339 RHOB (REGRETTED) 9:00 Political Issues group meeting in Harry Dent's office (Cap Weinberger will discuss the budget) (handwritten addition) - approx. 1 hr. (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 Mtg. - Rep. Senators - 335 OSOB - Committee on Committee Matters - Rm. EOB 145 (next appointment handwritten) 11:30 Jack Kemp - (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 Mr. Bill Walsh (Helen) Chairman of U.S. Rehabilitation International - Sen. Ofc. 12:30 Backgrounder Luncheon with news reporters - 155 OSOB (Mr. Hermann, our main contact on this group) (handwritten addition) x55530 (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Cloture VOTE - (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Henry Romery, Cabinet Comm. on Opportunities for Spanish Speaking - Sen. Ofc. 6:30-8:30 Champagne Benefit - Nat'l Women's Political Caucus, Regency Room, Shoreham Hotel ($25/person -- program at 7:10 p.m.) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4 (next appointment crossed out) 9:35 SPEAK - National Republican Finance Committee's Industry Workshop Conference Terrace Room, Hotel Roosevelt, New York City (Lunch at 12:15) (handwritten addition) cancelled - Sen. Brock doing (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 Appt. Sen. Weicker - Sen. Ofc. 12 & 12:30 Reception/Lunch, General Aviation Manufacturers, Embassy Row Hotel (REGRETTED) (Dwane Wallace, Frank Hedrick, and Ed King from Kansas will attend) 5-7 Reception for Dr. John Hogness, President, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences Building, 2101 Constitution, N.W. (REGRETTED) 6:30/7:30 Reception & Dinner - 23rd Tactical Fighter Wind, McConnell AFB - Ofcrs. Open Mess, McConnell AFB, Wichita (REGRETTED) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8:45 a.m. Edward Rosen's Bar Mitzvah, B'nai Israel Congregation, 4606 - 16th St., N.W. (Les Rosen's son) (REGRETTED) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1972 St. Louis, Missouri Lincoln Day Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6750 (handwritten addition) BETTY 5:05 PM Depart Kansas City Municipal Airport via Executive Beechcraft hangar (west side of runway) 816- VI2-8484 on board King Air turbo-prop (Marathon Oil Aircraft) Tail: N574 M plane: tan and white - red stripe pilots: Bill Merchant and Tom Wright 6:05 PM Arrive St. Louis Airport Aircraft Services Hangar 6:45 PM Arrive Stouffer's Riverfront Inn (314) 241-9500 Proceed to Assembly Room - West Cocktail Reception - Chairman to be escorted by Lawrence Roos ('72 Missouri Nixon Chairman) 7:15 Head Table Guests Assemble - St. Louis Room (two-tiered table - 30 people) guests include: Gene Taylor, Nat'l Committeeman Rosemary Ginn, Nat'l Committeewoman Nick Gray, State Chairman Lawrence Roos, 72 Nixon Chairman Edmund Pung, Program Chairman Clifford Hardin, former Secretary of Agriculture Forest Donnell, last Republican Governor of Missouri 7:30 PM Head Table enters ballroom - Introduced upon entry --Invocation --Pledge to the Flag --Dinner is served (1000 in attendance) 8:45 PM Program begins Ed Pung, Master of Ceremonies - brief remarks Gene Taylor - Introduction of Chairman 8:55 PM Remarks by Chairman Dole 9:30 Conclude remarks Note: Senator Dole and former Congressman Tom Curtis will be excused early 9:35 PM Program will continue Attorney General Danforth will speak Thomas Curtis will make a presentation Larry Roos will receive Lincoln Day Award (he does not know of this presentation) 9:35 PM Chairman Dole will depart for airport SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1972 St. Louis, Missouri Lincoln Day Dinner (cont.) Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6750 10:00 PM Depart St. Louis Airport via Aircraft Services Hangar flight time: 1 hour Same Aircraft and pilots 11:00 PM Arrive Kansas City Municipal Airport Note: Will Townsley (from Kansas State Headquarters) will be there SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 7 - 14 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Ben Barteldes, Lawrence, Kansas -- here for Presidential Industrial Conference -- will call 6-8 Buffet Reception - U. S. Savings & Loan League - Senate & Congressional Rooms and Ballroom, Statler Hilton Hotel (Mississippi through Wyoming attend tonight -- Henry Bubb will attend tonight because he has to leave tomorrow morning.) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:00 Leadership Breakfast Meeting - State Dining Room, White House (next appointment crossed out) 9:30—Dental Appt. - Walter—Reed 10:00 Pollution Subcommittee, 4110 NSOB 11:00 Gene Moos, Natl. Assn. of Wheat Growers - (handwritten addition) New Nat'l Pres. - Edwall, Washington (Tag can see him.) 12:00 Lunch with Kansans here for American Hospital Assn. Ann. Mtg. (Frank Gentry, Topeka) - Joe Martin Dining Room, H-139 12:30 Minority Policy Luncheon - S-207 3:00 Ken Powell, State Chairman, South Carolina appt. in Senate office 4&5 Cocktails and Preview of "Trial of Mary Lincoln" - B338 RHOB (By Senators Brooke, Percy, Cook, Mathias, Stevenson, and Brock) 5-7 RNC Reception for Jaycees here for a National Seminar - top floor of new Capitol Hill Club 5:30-8:00 Reception - Independent Petroleum Assn. of America, Ballroom, Mayflower Hotel 6-8 Reception - U. S. Savings & Loan League - Senate & Congressional Rooms and Ballroom, Statler Hilton Hotel (Alabama through Minnesota attend tonight ---- Kansas dele- gation will be there) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 8:00 Breakfast, Intnl. Reform Federation - 318 OSOB (REGRETTED) (next appointment crossed out) 9:30 Dental Appt. - Walter Reed (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Appt. - Malvina Stevenson & Vera Glaser - Sen. Ofc. 6-8 Reception for Larry Winn - Mediterranean Room, International Club, 18th & K, N.W. 6:30-8:30 Cocktail Buffet Reception - AMVETS, Empire Rm., Shoreham Hotel THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 8:30 Breakfast - Natl. Fed. of BPW - B339 RHOB (REGRETTED) 12:00 William Allen White Awards Luncheon, Kansas Union, Lawrence, Ks. (REGRETTED) 7:00 SPEAK - LINCOLN DAY DINNER ON THE QUEEN MARY, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 12:00 Luncheon honoring Cong. Bob Wilson by community of San Diego (Letter sent for reading.) 7:00 SPEAK - LINCOLN DAY DINNER, AIRPORTER INN, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 7:30 SPEAK - LINCOLN DAY DINNER, HILTON INN, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 2-5 Dedication and Open House, Jefferson Plaza, Sterling, Ks. (REGRETTED) 2:30 Reception for Senator Case by Ripon Society of New Jersey, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey (REGRETTED) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14 7:15 SPEAK - CONGRESSIONAL BOOSTERS CLUB FUND RAISER, BREAKERS HOTEL, PALM BEACH, FLORIDA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 Long Beach, California Lincoln Day on the Queen Mary (handwritten additions)(ask for Bill Adams) Mike Woodson (213) 837-6784 Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 6:15 PM Depart Beverly Hilton Hotel (213) 274-7777 transportation: Mike Woodson 7:10 PM Enter cocktail reception aboard the Queen Mary (213) 435-7766 Windsor Room 7:30 PM Dinner Program begins - Grand Salon of Queen Mary (adjacent to Windsor Room) Phil Lockwood, Dinner Chairman - Welcome Rev. George Mann - Invocation Ann Bowler, President of Women's Federation of Southern Calif. will lead Pledge to the Flag 8:20 PM Introduction of Head Table by Phil Lockwood head table: Congressman Craig Hosmer, 32nd District Phil Lockwood, Dinner Chairman Congressman Del Clawson, 23rd District Herman Weissker, GOP Chmn., 32nd District Richard Guleranson, Los Angeles County Chm Ed Wade, Mayor of Long Beach George Deukmejian, State Senator Jim Hayes, State Assemblyman Ann Bowler, Pres., Women's Federation Rev. George Mann Mayor Ed Wade presents key of city to Chairman Dole Congressman Craig Hosmer introduces Chairman Dole 8:30 PM Begin remarks 9:15 PM Conclude remarks 9:30 PM Depart Queen Mary for Beverly Hilton 10:00 PM Arrive Beverly Hilton for overnight FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 Newport Beach, California Orange County Fund-Raiser Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 7:15 PM Depart Newporter Inn (714) 644-1700 Newport Beach, California transportation by Mike Woodson 7:30 PM Arrive Airporter Hotel (714) 833-2770 Enter VIP reception in Chart Room 7:45 PM Enter General Reception (adjacent to Chart Room in foyer) 8:00 PM Dinner Program begins in Skyliner Ballroom head table: Chairman Dole Mayor Pete Wilson, San Diego Arnold Beckman, Honorary Dinner Chairman Willis Clemons, Dinner Chairman George Argyros, Dinner Co-Chairman and Master of Ceremonies Tom Rogers, Orange County GOP Chairman Invocation Pledge to the Flag 8:45 PM Master of Ceremonies George Argyros introduces Mayor Wilson (brief remarks by Mayor Wilson) Mayor Pete Wilson introduces Chairman Dole Remarks by Chairmen Dole 9:30 PM Conclude 9:45 PM Depart Airporter Hotel 9:50 PM Arrive Newporter Inn for overnight SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Depart Newporter Inn for drive (1 hour) to Los Angeles International Airport (213) 646-2424 4:25 PM Depart Los Angeles aboard TWA Flight 272 non-stop to Albuquerque (dinner served) 7:00 PM Arrive Albuquerque Sunport Airport (505) 243-7545 met by: Mike Scanlon SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1972 Albuquerque, New Mexico Lincoln Day Dinner (State-wide) Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 7:00 PM Arrive Albuquerque Airport (505) 243-7545 aboard TWA Flight 272 non-stop from Los Angeles met by: Mike Scanlon Note: There will be two cars at the airport - one for transportation and one for baggage. 7:15 PM Arrive Hilton Inn (505) 243-4421 Proceed to Governor's Suite Cocktail reception for $1000 donors 7:30 PM Press and media interviews (main floor, Hilton Inn) 7:45 PM Senator Dole enters ballroom (Rest of Head Table already seated) Dinner Program: Greeting by Francine Neff, National Committeewoman Invocation by Rev. John Haverland Pledge to the Flag Dinner served (crowd: 450-500) Note: During dinner, elected officials will be introduced at their places. 8:40 PM Mrs. Neff will introduce Congressman Manuel Lujan, Jr. 8:45 PM Congressman Lujan will introduce Chairman Dole 8:50 PM Remarks by Chairman Dole 9:30 PM Conclude remarks 9:35 PM Program concludes Mrs. Neff has requested that you be available for brief picture- taking session with Republican candidates and office-holders (15 minutes) Remain Overnight Hilton Inn - Suite reserved SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1972 12:15 PM Depart Albuquerque Airport aboard TWA 424 one stop 7:03 PM Arrive Washington National Airport met by: Marvin Redmond MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1972 Palm Beach, Florida Boosters Club Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) CHAIRMAN DOLE 4:30 PM Depart Washington National Airport Page Terminal (783-5488) aboard Lockheed Jet-star Tail: N 788 S pilot: Captain James E. Walker William Baxter manifest: Senator Dole Secretary Butz and assistant John Foltz 6:00 PM Arrive West Palm Beach Municipal Airport (305) 683-9188 met by: John Sawyer transportation: car and driver provided by local GOP 6:30 PM Arrive The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach (305) 655-6611 holding room available 6:45 PM Arrive Mediterranean Room for Booster Club Cocktail Reception and buffet (in progress since 6:30 PM) 7:30 PM Guests seated for dinner 8:00 PM Meeting Chairman introduces Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz 8:15 PM Meeting Chairman introduces Republican National Chairman Robert Dole 8:30 PM Meeting Chairman introduces Counselor to the President and Director of the Cost of Living Council Donald Rumsfeld 8:40 PM Senator Dole and Secretary Butz depart Breakers Hotel for West Palm Beach Municipal Airport Program continues: 8:45 PM Remarks by Congressman Jack Kemp 8:55 PM Remarks by I. Lee Potter 9:05 PM Meeting concludes 9:00 PM Depart West Palm Beach Municipal Airport (same aircraft) 10:30 PM Arrive Washington National Airport Page Terminal met by: Marvin Redmond Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 Noteworthy guests attending Boosters Club Reception and Dinner (handwritten check) Mrs. Ogden Phipps, Chairman of Dinner (handwritten check) Mrs. Stephen Sanford, Co-Chairman of Dinner Mrs. Frances Bolton, Former Congresswoman from Ohio Mr. J. D. Stetson Coleman Mr. Walter Beardsley, Chairman of the Republican Congressional Boosters Club Mr. and Mrs. Hap Flanigan Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Holt, III (handwritten check) Mr. and Mrs. William P. Pawley, former Ambassador under Eisenhower Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bobst Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Dudley (handwritten check) Mrs. Joseph A. Neff, Ambassador Annenberg sister (handwritten check) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gubelmann (handwritten check) Mr. Bill Tiernan, Republican National Committee Finance Chairman, Florida Mr. Ellis Slater, Trustee, Eisenhower College Mr. Llwyd Ecclestone (handwritten addition) Names checked are people you met last year in Palm Beach California Events - February Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) Betty M. Commercial Flights - Washington to Los Angeles Wednesday, February 9, 1972 United Airlines Flight 55 Departs Dulles: 5:30 PM (EST) Arrives L. A.: 8:05 PM (PST) non-stop dinner served American Airlines Flight 75 Departs Dulles: 5:55 PM (EST) Arrives L. A.: 8:21 PM (PST) non-stop dinner served United Airlines Flight 65 Departs Baltimore: 6:00 PM (EST) Arrives L. A.: 8:25 PM (PST) non-stop dinner served Thursday, February 10, 1972 United Airlines Flight 59 Departs Dulles: 12:00 Noon (EST) Arrives L. A.: 2:30 PM (PST) non-stop lunch served TWA Airlines Flight 99 Departs Dulles: 1:00 PM (EST) Arrives L. A.: 3:27 PM (PST) non-stop lunch served TWA Airlines Flight 61 Departs Baltimore: 3:00 PM (EST) Arrives L. A.: 5:22 PM (PST) non-stop dinner served Note: Media interviews can be scheduled for Thursday A. M. in Los Angeles, depending on Wednesday arrival. (handwritten addition) Betty INFO ON SCHEDULE AND VISITORS - W/O Feb. 14: (handwritten addition) Mark McHenry- Mon. Feb. 14: David Regner, State Repr., Illinois, will be in town - no (crossed out) deflotte appointment set. (next appointment handwritten) 4:30 Kent Frizzell - Swearing In - Great Hall, Justice Dept. Tues, Feb.15: PANCAKE DAY!!!!! 10:00 Public Wks. Comm. Mtg. - 4110 NSOB 6:45 Banquet - Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America - Sheraton-Park Hotel Melissa Bachman, daughter of Craig Bachman, Pres., First National Bank, Centralia, Ks., will be visiting office. She is in town attending a Presidential Classroom for Young Americans - Feb. 12 thru 19. Also attending - Brete DeBord - Centralia - Melissa's cousin (following handwritten additions) & Harlenske - Wichita & Danl Reese - Salina ck Bill Kats - Reception for the Aspromonte - Capitol Hill Club (??) Wed., Feb. 16: (following appointment crossed out) 8:00 Bkfst. - Reverend Mitchell of K.C. will be attending - Opportunities Industrialization Centers of Am. - Rayburn Bldg. - no room yet. 9:30 Col. Read, Tulsa Corps of Engineers will be in -- will meet with Bill K., John and Bob Kane 9:30 Pollution Subc. - 4200 NSOB 3:00 Rita Hauser (Comm. for Re-Election of Pres.) - Sen. and John (handwritten addition) on Genocide Treaty) 6:00 & 7:00 Recep/Dinner by Am. Trucking Assn - Shoreham, Regency Ballroom 6:00 Recep/Banquet - Nat'l Assn. of Conservation Districts (following crossed out) (no further info as yet) (handwritten addition) Washington Hilton Thurs., Feb. 17: M/M Leo Wetta of Wichita in town for Nat'l Soil Conservation Service Convention will probably be in office - want Senate passes in town thru 19th Mrs. Albert Goller, V.P., Education and Mrs. Edward Hoffman, V.P., community Services, of the Greater K.C. Section of the Nat'l Council of Jewish Women, Inc. (both from Johnson County) will be on Hill from 10:00 - 12:30 w/o Feb. 14 continued: 8:00 Bkfst - Opportunities Industrialization Centers (Rev. Mitchell of K.C. attending -345 Cannon Bldg. 9:30 Pollution Subc. - 4200 NSOB 12:30 Luncheon-29 members of Ks. Assn. of School Administrators - 145 OSOB (Sen. Pearson's office arranging) Fri., Feb. 18: 9:30 Pollution Subc. - 4200 NSOB SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 14 - 20 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14 David J. Regner, State Representative from Illinois, in town this week and may call. 4:30 Swearing-in ceremony for Kent Frizzell, Great Hall, Dept. of Justice (REGRETTED) 4:30 DEPART FOR PALM BEACH, FLORIDA -- PAGE TERMINAL, NATIONAL AIRPORT 7:15 SPEAK, CONGRESSIONAL BOOSTERS EVENT, BREAKERS HOTEL, PALM BEACH, FLORIDA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 8-9:30 Pancake Breakfast, Senate Cafeteria 10:00 Public Works (Exec. Sess.) - 4110 NSOB 10:00 Presidential Classroom Kansans visit office: Melissa Bachman and Brete DeBord, Centralia; Anne Harlenske, Wichita; David Reese, Salina (next appointment handwritten) 4:00 Ruckelshaus will meet with Minority Member of Pollution, Subc. - Sen. Boggs ofc. 3311 NSOB 6:45 Industry Awards Banquet - Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America - Sheraton Park Hotel (REGRETTED) 7:00 TV Showing of National Bureau of Standards TV Time System - Gallaudet College Auditorium, 7th and Florida, N. E. (REGRETTED) (next appointment handwritten) 5-9 Recep for Ken Aspromonte - Cap. Hill Club WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 9:30 Pollution Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB 9:30 Col. Read -Tulsa Corps of Engrs. - (meet with Bill K., John & Bob Kane) 9:45 Dr. Donald W. Tiffany, Chief Psychologist, High Plains Mental Health Center, Hays, Ks. (Here for a meeting on community mental health --+- will be in to discuss legisla- tion on mental health and problems the health center is having; has an invita- tion to Senator Dole to speak at their annual banquet in Russell, Ks., in April or May) (next appointment handwritten) 1:45 Gray Randy (illegible) - photo 347-3000 x622 3:00 Rita Hauser (Comm. for Re-Election of Pres.) - Sen. Ofc. (on Genocide Treaty) - John also (crossed out and cancelled) (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Brian La Plante & Gary Baise - EPA - Sen. Ofc. (courtesy call) 395-2000 6:00 Reception and Banquet - National Assn. of Conservative Districts - Washington Hilton (Several Kansas supervisors will attend: Nathan Hayse, Mullinville; Mason Flora, Harveyville, have written) - (handwritten addition) Military Room - Concourse Level 6 & 7 Cocktails and Dinner - American Trucking Associations, Regency Ballroom, Shoreham (Mark Robeson will be here) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Al Laybourn wants an appointment this morning. Leo and Aileen Wetta of Wichita are here for Soil Conservation Meeting and may come in today. 8:00 White House Coordinators Meeting - East Wing theatre (handwritten addition) - stay at W.H. to see Pres. leave for China 8:00 Legislative Appreciation Breakfast, Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America, 1202 NSOB (REGRETTED) 9:30 Pollution Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB (next appointment crossed out) 10:30 Mrs. Y 11:30 (handwritten addition) (10-12:30 (crossed out) Mrs. Albert Goller and Mrs. Edward Hoffman of Johnson County will call or come by. (They are in town for National Council of Jewish Women meeting.) (handwritten addition) @ x3-1000 x W722 (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 Darrell Trent - Sen. Ofc. 12:30 Luncheon for School Administrators from Kansas (Dr. Lloyd Schurr will preside) -- 154 OSOB (handwritten addition) - John (next appointment handwritten) 2:45 M/M Mac Louder - Mankato - (custom combiners) see Tag - photo with Sen. 7:00 SPEAK - LINCOLN DAY DINNER, PITTSBURGH HILTON, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 9:30 Pollution Subcommittee - 4200 NSOB 6:30 Dinner, Kansas OMBE Workshop for Minority contractors & businessmen - Holiday Inn, Topeka, Kansas (REGRETTED) 7:00 Dinner, Kaw Valley Heart Association, Commerce Tower, Kansas City, Mo. (REGRETTED) 7-9 National Easter Seal Society Dinner and Board Meeting for new members, Palmer House, Chicago (REGRETTED) 7:00 SPEAK - LINCOLN DAY DINNER, MANCHESTER INN, MIDDLETOWN, OHIO (Cong. Powell) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 2-5 Membership Tea, Harvey County GOP Women - at home of M/M Lloyd Smith, Newton, Kansas (REGRETTED) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 2:00 Dedication and Open House - Indian Hills Lodge, Medicine Lodge, Kansas (REGRETTED) 2-4:30 Golden Wedding Anniversary of M/M Charles Giesick - Methodist Church, Otis, Kansas (Hosted by Verne & Carol Giesick) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1972 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Allegheny County Lincoln Day Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) Betty (handwritten addition) Mike Scanlon - Pgh. Hilton - Rm. 1606 4:45 PM (crossed out) (handwritten addition) 5:00 PM Depart Washington National Airport, Page Terminal 783-5488 aboard private plane (Tail: 8860) owned by Dick Scaife (handwritten addition) Convair pilot: James Leonard & Ralph Rathgeber manifest: Senator Bob Dole Former Congressman Jack Marsh (D-Va.) who now works for Dick Scaife Herbert Freyer 5:45 PM Arrive Allegheny County Airport (412) 461-4300 met by: Mike Scanlon transportation: car and driver provided by local GOP 6:15 PM Arrive Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel (412) 391-4600 holding room available 6:30 PM Available to media - no prepared statement Black Diamond (F) Room 6:45 PM Proceed to River Suites D, E, and F on mezzanine level for cocktail reception (see attached for names and titles of persons attending) 6:55 PM Head Table guests assemble in River Suite 7:05 PM Head Table guests proceed to Ballroom 3 7:10 PM Introduction of Head Table by Marian Metro, Vice Chairman of Allegheny Republican Executive Committee head table: Senator Dole Robert Fohl, County Chairman Senator Richard Schweiker Marian Metro, M.C., County Vice Chairman Cliff Jones, State Chairman 8:25 PM Program begins - Welcome by Marian Metro 8:30 PM Brief remarks by Robert Fohl, Allegheny County Chairman 8:35 PM Cliff Jones, State Chairman - remarks 8:40 PM Senator Schweiker - remarks 8:45 PM Senator Dole - remarks 9:15 PM Conclude remarks 9:30 PM Depart Hilton Hotel THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1972 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Allegheny County (cont.) Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 10:00 PM Depart Allegheny County Airport via private plane (same aircraft) 11:00 PM Arrive Washington National Airport Page Terminal met by: Marvin Redmond FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1972 Middletown, Ohio Lincoln Day Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) Betty 4:00 PM Depart Washington National Airport Page Terminal (783-5488) aboard ARMCO Steel Jet - Tail: 442 A Sabreliner pilots: Mel Franklin (crossed out) & Walt Pague & Don Swanson (handwritten addition) manifest: Senator Dole (handwritten addition) Richard Slagel - AAMCO and V.P. P.R. (crossed out) William Harrison, ARMCO Donald Fierce, Cong. Powell's office (handwritten addition) William Rose - AARNCO - Int'l - P.R. 5:15 PM Arrive Hook Field, Middletown, Ohio ARMCO Terminal (513) (handwritten addition) 425-2429 - Betty Walters (crossed out) 423—5757 met by: John Sawyer transportation: car and driver provided by local GOP (Congressman Walter Powell and his wife will accompany Senator Dole) 5:30 PM Arrive Browns Run Country Club, Sloebig Road (513) 423-9401 Cocktail reception attended by large contributors to Cong. Powell ('70) (handwritten addition) Asst. Sec'y of A.F. - Hon. Spencer Schedler 6:00 PM Depart Browns Run Country Club for Manchester Motor Inn 6:15 PM Arrive Manchester Motor Inn (513) 422-5481 Holding room available - ARMCO Suite 6:25 PM Proceed to Room 225 to meet with media - no prepared statement 6:45 PM Proceed to Rose Room for Cocktail Reception (Congressman Powell and dinner chairman and County Recorder Jean Blazer will personally introduce Chairman Dole to guests) 7:00 PM Proceed to Grand Ballroom for Dinner Program (State Senator Donald "Buz" Lukens is Master of Ceremonies) 7:05 PM Program begins - Invocation National Anthem Pledge to the Flag 7:30 PM Entertainment - provided by Lemon-Monroe High School Band 7:50 PM Welcome by Dinner Chairman and County Recorder Mrs. Jean Blazer 8:00 PM Recognition of Honored Guests by Ralph Pagano, Chmn., Central Comm 8:05 PM Recognition of Distinguished Republicans by Mr. John Moser, Chairman, County Executive Committee FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1972 Middletown, Ohio Lincoln Day Dinner (cont.) Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 8:10 PM Honor Presentation of the Year by Butler County GOP Presented by Mr. John Moser 8:15 PM Congressman Walter E. Powell introduces Senator Bob Dole 8:20 PM Remarks by Senator Dole 8:50 PM Conclude remarks 8:55 PM Presentation to Senator Dole 9:00 PM Benediction 9:10 PM Depart Manchester Motor Inn for Hook Field 9:30 PM Depart Hook Field aboard ARMCO jet (same aircraft) (handwritten additions) arr. 9:30 CST pilots: Mel Franklin & Roy Peters Continental Plaza (312) 943-7200 Fri, Sat, Sun Rm. 903 (next appointment crossed out) 10:45 PM Arrive Washington National Airport Page Terminal met by: Marvin Redmond SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1972 Chicago, Illinois American Lithuanian Council Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) Betty 2:20 PM Arrive Auditorium Theater (312) 922-2110 70 East Congress Chicago, Illinois Note: Program begins at 2:00 PM with the presentation of colors and the National Anthems of America and Lithuania 2:10 - 2:20 Mrs. Dauzvardis, Counsel General of the American-Lithuanian Council, will read the Proclamation of Independence of Lithuania 2:20 - 2:30 Congressman Roman Pucinski (Illinois) - remarks 2:30 PM Dr. Bobelis, President of the American Lithuanian Council, will introduce Senator Dole expected crowd: 4,000 Senator Dole begin remarks Conclude remarks Note: Senator Dole will be excused at the conclusion of his remarks. The Program will continue with an afternoon concert. Senator Percy will appear at the Auditorium Theater briefly between 3 - 4:00 PM. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 21 - 27 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 7:00 p.m. SPEAK, LINCOLN DAY DINNER, MASONIC HALL, TOLEDO, OHIO TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 NATIONAL GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION - WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL 7:30 Frank S. Land Memorial Breakfast, Regency Ballroom, Shoreham Hotel (REGRETTED) (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Presidential Classroom (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Monopoly Subcommittee, 318 0S0B (handwritten addition) cancelled (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Cloture VOTE (next appointment handwritten) 12:45 Policy Luncheon - S-207 Cap. followed by mtg on Committee Assignments (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Dick Herman - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Ann Dore - Comm. to Re-Elect Pres. - Sen. Ofc. (Marvin pick up at 1701 Pa. Ave 6:30-8:00 Reception for Congress - Natl. Governor's Conference - Ballroom Center, Washington Hilton (ACCEPTED) 7:00 Grand Master's Banquet (Masons) (Black Tie) - Shoreham Hotel (REGRETTED) 8:30-11:00 Reception - 80th Anniversary of Kappa Sigma, 1910 G Street, N. W. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 (handwritten additions) Stuart Sherman, Johnson City in town - will call (handwritten addition) Dean Evans & James Dean in town - (Tag alerted) Dr. Donald Ferrell, Wichita - here for ROA meeting 9:00 Political Issues Group (Magruder on New Hampshire & Florida), Harry Dent's office 9:30 Pollution Subc. - 4200 NSOB (next appointment crossed out) 10:00 Monopoly Subc. - 318 OSOB (handwritten addition) cancelled 10:00 Hearing on Ks-Neb Big Blue River Compact, Interior Committee - 3110 NSOB 12:30 Lunch Honoring Grand Masters and their delegations, House of the Temple, 1733 16th Street, N.W. (REGRETTED) (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Paul Zey, Editor - Ks. Farmer's Stockman - (Tag) wants to see BD briefly- (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 Mtg with Atty. Gen. - Justice Dept. 3-6:30 Opening of Ramada Inn, Center City Plaza, Kansas City, Kansas 6-8 Reception, American Waterways Operators, 318 OSOB 7:30 SPEAK - PACIFIC DENTAL ASSOCIATION - Phoenix, Arizona THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 (next appointment handwritten) 9:00-10:30 Mtg. at White House (Theater) on Agricultural trade policy Common Market Secy Designate Paterson, Peter Flanigan 9:30 Pollution Subcommittee - 4200 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 3:15 Stu Sherman - KC - Sen. Ofc. (RE: working for Pearson - or nationally in elections - 528-3720 (next appointment handwritten) 4:30 Rita Hauser - on Genocide Treaty - (John Smith) (next appointment handwritten) 6:30 ROA Recap - Wash. Hilton - Suite 51 73 - 74 & 75 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25 (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Coffee & Donuts for Dodge City Cattlemen (55) in S-120 Cap. - (Dole, Butz, Pearson Sebelius) 10:00 Pollution Subc. - 4200 NSOB 6:00 Reception/Banquet - Reserve Officers Association, Wash. Hilton Hotel (REGRETTED) 6:15 Cocktails & Dinner, Cattlemen from Dodge City, Blackie's House of Beef (REGRETTED) 7:15 Annual Meeting, Wichita Independent Business Assn. - Rolling Hills Country Club, Wichita, Ks. (REGRETTED) 7:00 SPEAK - LINCOLN DAY DINNER (SENATOR'S CLUB), KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 3:00 Kappa Sigma Alumni Stag, Kansas University, Lawrence (REGRETTED) 6:30/7:45 Social Hour and Dinner - American Federation of Government Employees, Grand Ballroom, Hotel Muehlebach, K. C., Mo. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 11:30 Brunch for Richard W. Chapin, Ch. of Bd., Natl. Assn. of Broadcasters, by Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Wasilewski, Congressional Country Club 3-5 Reception for graduating class - JEB Stuart High School Cafeteria 5:30-7:30 Reception for Hon. Burton Kendal] Wheeler on his 90th birthday, Sulgrave Club (handwritten addition) John L. Wheeler's dad (Seans) (crossed out( (Ed Wheeler's father) 6:30 Cocktails and Dinner - Bob Partridge's Suite, International Hotel, Las Vegas, NEVADA (NRECA) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1972 Toledo, Ohio Lucas County Lincoln Day Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY M. 4:30 PM Depart Washington National Airport - Page Terminal 783-5488 aboard Libby-Owens-Ford private Jet Commander, Tail: 1966J Manifest: Senator Dole, Fred Zaul (L.O.F.) & Mike Baroody RNC 5:45 PM Arrive Toledo Express Airport Taxi to: National Flight Services Hangar Met by: Paul Russo RNC 6:10 PM Arrive Masonic Complex Hall Cocktail Reception in progress (since 5:30PM) Room: Foyer 6:30 PM Press and Media Interviews Masonic Complex Hall Room: Foyer 7:00 PM Head Table Guests assemble for dinner - Great Hall Program begins: Invocation & Pledge to the Flag Dinner is served 8:00 PM Program continues: Mrs. Dorothy Herbert - Welcoming remarks ---vice-chairman Lucas County Republican Comm. Congressman Delbert Latta - brief remarks John Andrews - introduction of Chairman Dole ---State Chairman, past Lucas Co. Chairman 8:12 PM Remarks by Chairman Dole 9:00 PM Chairman concludes remarks 9:02 PM Crowd joins in with traditional closing to dinner ---sings Battle Hymn of the Republic--- 9:10 PM Program ends - Depart Masonic Complex Hall 9:35 PM Depart Toledo Express Airport for Washington onboard Midland-Ross Steel Aero Jet Commander, Tail:92B Manifest: Senator Dole, Paul Russo, Mike Baroody Fred Zaul 10:50 PM Arrive Washington National Airport - Page Terminal Met by: Marvin Redmond WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1972 Phoenix, Arizona Pacific Dental Conference Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY M. 3:15 PM (EST) Depart Washington Dulles Airport aboard Braniff Flight #15 non-stop to Dallas (First class) 5:20 PM (CST) Arrive Dallas Love Field met by: Mr. Les Space (wearing gold blazer) of Ling-Temco-Vaught, pilot of the Lear Jet that will be waiting at the Braniff gate in the walkway 5:25 PM (CST) Board Ling-Temco-Vaught Lear Jet for trip to Phoenix, Arizona (Tail: 660 LJ) 6:15 PM (MST) Arrive Executive Terminal Phoenix Sky Harbor met by: Dr. Gene Savoie 6:30 PM Arrive Del Webb's Towne House Hotel (602) 279-9811 Cocktail Reception in progress 7:00 PM Press Conference 7:30 PM Dinner is served 8:30 PM Program begins - Introductions and Welcome 8:40 PM Dr. Gene Savoie will introduce Senator Dole 8:45 PM Senator Dole - remarks 9:25 PM Conclude remarks 9:30 PM Depart Towne House 10:00 PM (MST) Depart Executive Terminal on board Lear Jet 660 LJ 1:50 AM (CST) Arrive Love Field, Dallas, Texas Taxi to American Airlines 2:35 AM (CST) Depart Love Field aboard American Airlines Flight #378 6:14 AM (EST) Arrive Dulles International Airport, Washington, D.C. met by: Marvin Redmond FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1972 Knoxville, Tennessee Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) BETTY 5:00 PM Depart Washington National Airport Page Terminal 783-5488 aboard Jet Commander, Tail: 316 pilot: Walter Dube manifest: Senator Dole Senator Baker Mrs. Duncan, wife of Congressman Duncan Ann Wallace, Senator Dole's staff Hugh Branson, Administrative Assistant to Senator Baker (handwritten addition) Ward White (name crossed out) Ron McMahon, Press Assistant to Sen. Baker 6:15 Arrive McGee - Tyson Airport, Knoxville, Cherokee Aviation Terminal (615) 577-1192 met by: John Sawyer transportation: car and driver provided by local GOP Holding room available en route at the Holiday Inn, Alcoa Highway (615) 983-8111 6:30 PM Available to media - Senators Club (615) 577-559] 6:45 PM Cocktail Reception - Senators Club (in progress since 6:00 PM) 7:00 PM Lincoln Day Dinner Program begins Invocation - Rev. Grundorf Pledge to the Flag - State Senator Fred O. Berry Dinner served crowd: 800 8:00 PM Master of Ceremonies Ron Ledbetter remarks 8:05 PM Congressman John Duncan remarks 8:10 PM Senator Howard Baker remarks 8:20 PM *Senator Bob Dole remarks 8:55 PM Senator Dole Concludes remarks 9:00 PM Program concludes 9:10 PM Depart for airport 9:30 PM Depart McGee - Tyson Airport, Cherokee Aviation aboard Lear Jet Tail: 815 LJ manifest: Senator Dole Hugh Branson Ann Wallace (handwritten addition) Ward White (crossed out) Ron McMahon 10:45 PM Arrive National Airport, Page Terminal met by: Marvin Redmond MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1972 Las Vegas, Nevada National Rural Electric Cooperative Contact: Chairman's Staff Office (202) 484-6757 (handwritten addition) CHAIRMAN DOLE 10:00 AM Depart Baltimore Friendship Airport (301) 761-7100 aboard United Airlines Flight 735 non-stop to Las Vegas, Nevada (Co-Chairman Anne Armstrong will accompany Chairman Dole) 11:55 AM Arrive Las Vegas McCarran International Airport (702) 736-0711 met by: Mike Woodson transportation: 2 limousines available for Chairman Dole and Co-Chairman Armstrong Note: The following representatives from the Kansas delegation of the National Rural Electric Cooperative will greet Chairman Dole: Mr. Charles Ross, State Manager Mr. Gene Porter, National Director from Kansas Mr. Lowell Abelt, President (also from Kansas) 12:05 PM Proceed directly to International Hotel 12:15 PM Arrive International Hotel (Las Vegas Hilton International) Proceed to suite 1:00 PM Media and press interview - Room 1 & 2 Convention Center (in hotel) 1:30 PM Conclude press 1:40 PM Meeting with Kansas delegation - Section E, Convention Center (15 min.) 2:00 PM Program begins - Sections B & C, Convention Center crowd: 2200 men and women Chairman Dole introduced by Master of Ceremonies 2:30 PM Conclude speech Introduction of Mrs. Armstrong 3:00 PM Conclude program 3:35 PM Depart Las Vegas Hilton International Hotel for airport 3:45 PM Arrive Las Vegas McCarran International Airport 4:00 PM Depart Las Vegas aboard United Airlines Flight 686 (arrives Chicago 9:15 PM) 10:00 PM Depart Chicago O'Hare aboard United Airlines Flight 212 12:30 PM Arrive Baltimore Friendship Airport (met by: Marvin Redmond)