SEN. DOLE (handwritten addition) TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1972 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS CONTACT: Mike Scanlon (202) 484-6750 OR AT: (312) 693-4444 in Chicago Monday Evening: January 24th, 1972 Depart Houston, Texas onboard either: 5:45 Houston, arrive 7:53 Chicago (Braniff # 122) 5:47 Houston, arrive 7:55 Chicago (Delta # 976) REMAIN OVERNIGHT: CHICAGO MARRIOTT INN (312) 693-4444 Room # 503 10:15 AM A.E.D. Limousine will pick up Chairman at Mariott for drive to the Conrad Hilton Hotel 10:45 AM Arrive Conrad Hilton Hotel - AED Convention Headquarters Met by: Fred Berry 11:00 AM Proceed to Grand Ballroom of Conrad Hilton Crowd: 1,000 Chairman Dole will be introduced to the Convention by Fred Berry, out-going President of AED 11:03 Remarks by Chairman Dole - The AED people have asked that the topic of the speech deal with "The New Ballgame in Washington". NOTE: Prior to the Chairman's Speech, a Mr. Erwin Miller, Pres. of Cummins Engineering Co. will be speaking on "The Year: 2000" 11:40 Conclude Remarks Depart Conrad Hilton for O'Hare Airport Should a helicopter be necessary for return immediately then it can be arranged 12:35 PM Depart Chicago O'Hare Airport for Washington onboard TWA # 428 Leaves 12:35 arrives D.C. at 3:06 PM Mike Scanlon will return also 3:06 PM Washington National Airport Met by: Marvin SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 24 - 30, 1972 (handwritten addition) Betty MONDAY, JANUARY 24 SENATOR IN HOUSTON, TEXAS 12:30 SPEAK - BOOSTERS CLUB LUNCHEON, PETROLEUM BUILDING, HOUSTON, TEXAS 3:00 SPEAK - NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS, ASTROHALL, HOUSTON, TEXAS 7:30-8:30 Reception for Young Voters for the President Committee, Marriott Twin Bridges Hotel (REGRETTED) TUESDAY, JANUARY 25 8:00 Congressional Breakfast, Natl. Religious Broadcasters, Washington-Hilton (Regretted) 11:00 SPEAK - ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS, ANNUAL MEETING, CONRAD HILTON HOTEL, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 12:30 Minority Policy Luncheon - S-207 4:00 Board of Governors Meeting, Blue Room, Capitol Hill Club (Regretted) 6/7 Reception and Banquet, National Limestone Institute, Statler Hilton Hotel (Regretted) 6:30-7:30 Presidential Reception, American Dehydrators Assn., Americana, Bal Harbour, Fla. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26 8:00 Leadership Meeting, Cabinet Room, White House (NW Gate) (No agenda) (next appointment handwritten addition) 9:45 - Photographer - (next appointment handwritten addition) 10:45 VOTE. - Dominick Amend. (handwritten time) 11:30 (9:30 - 2:00 crossed out) Do 1/2 hour interview for Capitol Cloakroom, (handwritten addition) G-329 - CBS (3rd Floor TV Gallery crossed out) 10:00 Agriculture Committee (Exec. Sess.) - 324 OSOB (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 VOTE - Saxbe Amend #822 (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 VOTE - John Long, A.P. Interview for article on political effects of (unidentified) in independent voters 5:30-7:30 Reception honoring progress made in handicapped field and 5th Anniversary of Bureau of Education for the Handicapped - 4232 NSOB 6-8 Reception for Ada Mahaffie, Capitol Hill Club 6:30/7:30 Reception and Dinner, Hutch Chamber of Commerce, Hilton Inn, Hutchinson, Ks. (Rgtd.) THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 (next appointment handwritten) 12:30 Lunch - Sen. Curtis - S-205 Cap. 11:30 (handwritten time) (11:00 crossed out) Nutrition Committee - EF-100, Capitol (next appointment handwritten) 3:30 Briefing on Pres. Rural Develop. Mag. - V. Pres. Ofc - 2203 NSOB (by Betty & Campbell) 6:00 Buffet Dinner. 20th Anniv. of TODAY Show - Statler Hilton (Regretted) 7:30 Knights Templar Mtg. (Dr. Norman Vincent Peale) Mun. Aud., Topeka, Ks. (Regretted) 8:00 SPEAK - AMERICAN DEHYDRATORS ASSN. - AMERICANA HOTEL, BAL HARBOUR, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 11:00 Taping of television program for college campuses across country - by American Program Bureau -- Marvin Center Auditorium, G. W. University, Washington, D. C. (next appointment handwritten) 1:00 Roy Pfautch - Sen. Ofc. (next appointment handwritten) 2:00 VOTE on Ervin Amend. - #829 modified 6:30 Native Sons and Daughters Banquet, Roof Garden, Jayhawk Hotel, Topeka, Kansas 8-10 Reception for Sen. and Mrs. Jim Pearson, Lower Lounge, Ramada Inn, Topeka 8:30 Preview of "Living Tree" - by Columbia Pictures, Motion Picture Assn. (Regretted) SATURDAY, JANUARY 29 8:00 GOP State Committee Breakfast and Business Meeting, Grand Ballroom, Ramada Inn, Topeka, Kansas 12:00 Kansas GOP Veterans Club Luncheon, Roof Garden, Hotel Jayhawk, Topeka, Ks. 6:30 Saline Co. Soil Cons. Dist. Banquet - 4-H Bldg., Salina (Regretted) 7:00 Ann. Mtg., SW Ks. Irrigation Assn., Ulysses, Kansas (Regretted) 6:30 Annual Steak Fry, Branch 10, NE Ks. Dist. Mtg., Natl. Assn. of Letter Carriers, Garfield Park Shelter House, Topeka, Kansas (Regretted) 7:00 Kansas Day Banquet (Black Tie) Mun. Aud., Topeka, Kansas SUNDAY, JANUARY 30 8:30-10:00 Breakfast - Ks. College Republican Federation Issues Convention - Santa Fe Room, Holiday Inn, Topeka, Kansas (Make brief remarks) 7:00 Reception for honor students in Cooperative Inner-City Education Program, Alumni Lounge (Administration Bldg.) Sacred Heart College, Wichita, Ks. (Regretted) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 17-23 MONDAY, JANUARY 17 10:00 RNFC Meeting - Mayflower Hotel 12:15 Reception and Luncheon, RNFC Meeting - State Room, Mayflower Hotel 5:30-8:00 Cocktails, Mrs. Preston Davie's suite, Mayflower Hotel 6-8 Congressional Reception, American Mining Congress, Statler Hilton Hotel 6:30 Cocktails and Dinner for Indianans by Mayor Richard Lugar, International Club 9-1 Dinner with Joseph McCaffrey (live broadcast) Embassy Row Hotel TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 10:00 Dental Appt. 12:00 Congress Reconvenes 3-4 Group of Indianans at RNC 6-7:30 Reception for Republicans from Indianapolis, Apt. 611, Watergate West, 2700 Virginia Avenue (want pictures taken with Senator Dole) 8:00 Dinner with Indiana people - Bird & Bottle Room, Paul Young's, 1120 Conn. Ave. 6:30/7:30 Reception and Dinner - Western Kansas Manufacturers, Ramada Inn, Topeka, Kansas (REGRETTED) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 19TH AND 20TH - 49TH ANNUAL MEETING - Kansas Contractors Assn., Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, Missouri 9:00 Political Issues group meeting - Harry Dent's office, 145 EOB 10:00 Agriculture Committee - 324 OSOB 5:30 Reception for Phil Guarino, presentation ceremony, Italian Embassy, 2700 16th Street 6:00 Reception/Dinner - Washington Conference, Mortgage Bankers Association, Congressional Room, Statler Hilton Hotel (REGRETTED) 7:30 SPEAK - OFFICIAL WELCOME - RNC PROFESSIONAL STAFF CONFERENCE, MARRIOTT TWIN BRIDGES HOTEL (COMMONWEALTH ROOM) (RECEPTION FOLLOWING IN CHESAPEAKE ROOM) THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 Bob Roth is in town and wants an appointment in the afternoon (next appointment handwritten) 10:00 Ag. Comm. Exec. Session - unfinished business from Wed. - 324 OSOB 2:00 (handwritten time) SPEAK - NRECA ELECTRIC LEADERS AND GOP COUNTY CHAIRMEN, WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL (The time can be at your convenience -- 2ish or 4ish) (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 Cabinet Mtg. - White House 6:30 Annual Meeting Banquet - Pratt County Soil Conservation District, Pratt, Kansas (REGRETTED) 7:30 Black Tie Dinner for the Cabinet - White House (ACCEPTED) FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 7:30-8:00 APPEARANCE ON TODAY SHOW (discussing State of the Union message) NBC Studios, 4001 Nebraska Avenue, N. W. 8:00-9:10 Breakfast for Kansas Delegation of NRECA, Vandenberg Room, U. S. Capitol (handwritten names) Filstad, Rex (illegible), Lloyd Grothusen, Harold Melville, etc. Virginia Johnson, Larned, wants appt. in a.m. on equal rights amendment. (She will be in town for a BPW Board Meeting) (next appointment handwritten) 2:30 SPEAK - RNC Staff Conf. 6:30/7:00 Reception/Banquet - RNC Professional Staff Conference - Marriott Twin Bridges Motel (Att. Gen. Mitchell, speaker) SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 2:00 Wedding of Cherie Mathis and Stuart Cataldo, Grandview Baptist Church, K. C., Ks. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23 12:30 SPEAK - Awards Banquet, Winfield Jaycees, Winfield, Kansas (REGRETTED) 1:00 Luncheon for Martha Mitchell by Perle Mesta, Carlton Room, Sheraton Carlton 6-9 Reception, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Smithsonian Inst. (REGRETTED) 7:30 Private dinner party with officers and leadership of NAHB - Galleria Roof, Houston Oaks Hotel (John Stastny, President)