MEMORANDUM TO SENATOR DOLE DA: July 24, 1995 FR: Alec Vachon RE: LETTER FOR SIGNATURE--TO ACCOMPANY KANSAS GRANT APPLICATION TO JUSTICE DEPARTMENT TO FUND A STATEWIDE ADA CONFERENCE Attached for signature is a letter of support--to accompany a grant application from the Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns to the Justice Department for funding for a statewide conference on ADA to be held in May 1996. The conference will allow Kansas county, city, and town officials--together with the disability community--to exchange information about what has worked in their communities to implement ADA. This project is one outcome of about a year's worth of work with the Department of Justice to improve their technical assistance efforts, and about six months of work with Kansans to apply for a grant. This conference will hopefully be a model for other states. Bob Dole Kansas 141 Senate Hart Building (202)224-6521 Commities Agriculture Nutrition and Forestry Finance Rules Uinited States Senate WASHINGTON. DC 205 10-160 1 July 24, 1995 Mr. H. A. Schlobohm Program Consultant Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns 1430 S.W . Topeka Boulevard Topeka, Kansas 66612-1877 RE: Grant Application to the U.S. Department of Justice, to Conduct a Statewide ADA Information-Sharing Conference Dear Alan: Thank you for sharing with me information about your grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice for funding for a statewide conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I believe your project is very important. As you may know, I was responsible for the technical assistance authorization in ADA. In my view, we cannot expect state and local governments and businesses to do what ADA a sks unless they understand what the law requires and the most effective--and cost-effective--ways to meet those requirements. Several months ago my staff began talking with associations that represent local governments to learn how ADA was going for them. I felt this outreach was particularly important since ADA was exempted from recent unfunded mandates legislation. We learned that many local communities were having a tough time in getting straight answers about ADA. Moreover, it seems to me that much criticism of ADA has come from a misunderstanding of what the law really says. I believe your conference will help solve these problems, and will not only benefit the citizens of Kansas but, as a model project, people throughout the nation. Please keep me informed of your progress, and let me how I can be helpful. Sincerely, BOB DOLE United States Senate TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL DATE: 7/26/95 TO: Alan Schlobohm 913/296-1984 FROM: Alexander Vachon Office of Senator Bob Dole 141 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 2051 O (202) 224-6521 NUMBER OF PAGES TO FOLLOW: 1 SUBJ: ___________________________ Done