MEMORANDUM TO SENATOR DOLE DA: May 18, 1995 FR: Alec Vachon RE: MEMBERS MEETING/CONCERNS RE FINANCE BILL ON SSI The issue you may wish to raise on children's SSI is whether the Committee feels it has had sufficient hearings and received the information it needs to proceed in an orderly way on revamping the Children's SSI program. Based on conversations with Finance staff (with whom I have worked closely), the Chairman's bill will have tighter eligibility for children's SSI--but make no changes in the kinds of benefits children receive (currently a cash/Medicaid combo). The provisions seem sound--based on extensive conversations with experts, GAO, SSA, Kansans, etc. But any changes will be political dynamite. The Finance bill will drop more children that either the Conrad bill released last Thursday and a Moynihan bill in the works--but perhaps not by much (no actual estimates yet). The "glide path" for dropping children is far more generous than the House bill (Senate--after a review to determine if the child still qualifies vs. dropped automatically after 6 months in the House) . Finance will also drop SSI for all aliens--but leave them eligible for other public welfare programs such as food stamps.