December 5, 1994 TO: Howard Greene FROM: Senator Dole (large signature by Bob Dole) SUBJECT: Designation of "Disability Services Coordinator" As you know, Senate compliance with Federal laws from which Congress has been historically exempt is a priority for Senate Republicans. Among these laws are various disability statutes, including Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. In this regard, I request that as you organize the Sergeant at Arms that you designate in your Executive Office a "Disability Services Coordinator" (or similar title) . This person would have two duties: (1) providing an initial point-of-contact within the Sergeant at Arms for inquiries by members and staff, visitors, and constituents on disability matters; and (2) responsibility for oversight of the accessibility of all services provided by the Sergeant at Arms. In my view, this position would not be full-time, but rather part of the job description of one of your executive assistants. It would also be helpful if the Disability Services Coordinator was listed in Senate Telephone Directory. Once the Disability Services Coordinator is designated, I suggest that he or she undertake a "self evaluation" or internal assessment of the accessibility and usability to people with disabilities of Sergeant at Arms services. Although the Sergeant at Arms has released a policy on reasonable accommodations for employees, to my knowledge a complete evaluation has not been done. At some point, it might also be useful to survey Senate offices as to their needs and satisfaction in this regard. Incidentally, I will also be writing to the new Chairman of the Rules Committee asking that the Committee publish a print describing all Senate disability policies and services. Currently, there is no single, readily convenient reference for members and staff. I appreciate your attention to this matter. If I can provide any assistance, please contact Alexander Vachon of my staff at 4-8959.