BOB DOLE KANSAS United States Senate OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN LEADER WASHINGTON, DC 20510-7020 Mariah- Could you send this to the Senator for an OK- and then help arrange the room. Thanks Alexander, I'll het the room, if it is available. Mariah The Henry B. Betts Award VIA FAX July 18, 1995 The Honorable Robert J. Dole United States Senate 141 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Dole: I am serving as chairman ofthe 1995 Henry B. Betts Award Jury and in that capacity seek your sponsorship to hold the Award presentation in the Caucus Room of the Russell Senate Office Building. A3 you may recall, the 1994 Betts Award presentation was held in the same room with your sponsorship. We are very grateful for your continued support of the Betts Award and thank you for your consideration to our request again this year. November 9, 1995 is the date that has been designated for the Award presentation this year. The event will be an evening reception from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Everyone associated with the Betts Award would be especially honored and pleased ifyou have room in your schedule to attend the event. Your interest and leadership on behalf of the 1995 Henry B. Betts Award continue to be noticed with respect by the health care and disability communities. Sincerely. [Signature] John D. Kemp, Chairman 1995 Henry B. Betts Award Jury