(Republican elephant icon) Republican National Committee Clayton Yeutter Chairman May 24, 1991 Mo W MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR ROBERT DOLE FROM: CLAYTON YEUTTER (initialed) Bob, I met a few weeks ago with representatives of the organizations who are seeking a fair shot in our society for the disabled and handicapped. As a consequence of that session, I decided to establish an RNC advisory group to be responsive to their interests. Since then we've been focusing on membership for such a group, and the attached list summarizes our tentative choices. Because you have had so much involvement with these groups and the issues of importance to them, I wanted to run the list by you for any views you may have. If there is anyone you believe should be added or subtracted, please let me know. We hope to get Republican National Committee approval for the establishment of this committee when we meet in Houston a couple of weeks from now. Attachment (footer) Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Center • 310 First Street Southeast • Washington, D.C. 20003 • (202) 863-8700 FAX: (202) 863-8820 Justin Dart, Jr. Chairman, President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. EEOC Chair Evan Kemp Sandra Parrino, Chairman, National Council on Disability Lex Friedan - original author-editor of the American With Disabilities Act and Director of the Texas Institute of Rehabilitation Research Ginny Thornburgh, wife of Dick Thornburgh, and advocate for disabled rights Jerry Milbank, JM Foundation President, Founder of Republican Eagles Allen Clark, Asst. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Gordon Mansfield, HUD Assistant Secretary Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, President National Federation of the Blind Jim Brady, former presidential press secretary Dr. Harold Snider, former RNC Disability Liaison, currently Deputy Executive Director of the National Council on Disability Sue Souter, former Republican candidate for Comptroller in Illinois Janet Dorsey, Asst. Postmistress, U. S. Senate Peggy Pinder, lawyer in Grinnel, Iowa, very active Republican and early Bush supporter, delegate in '84 and '88, parents own chain of small newspapers throughout state. Osborne Day, retired, Director of Recording for the Blind Judy Brotman, former Asst. to Dole, ran disability coalition for Bush-Quayle in '88 Kent Waldrop, National Council on Disability, friend of President and Jeb Bush, great spokesperson Helen Walsh, Greenwich, Conn., National Council on Disability, friend of President's mother, Dottie Bush, very strong Republican, 93 years old, activist for elderly disabled Tony Flack, retired, Norwalk, Conn., disabled, has two children with disability, as a YR volunteered for Prescott Bush, drove Mrs. Bush, Sr. around during his campaign for Senate, former Eagle Bob Rothstrum, serves on Architectural and Transportation Compliance Board, works for C&P Telephone, lives in McLean, Va., active in Virginia state politics. Bob Muller, Grand Rapids, National Council on Disability, has cerebral palsy, very active Republican Craig Kaiser, Florida, Attorney, serves on Architectural and Transporation Compliance Board, visually impaired Larry Brown, former Washington Redskin, hearing impaired, Xerox Corporation Linda Allison, wife of Eddie Allison (deceased), friend of President Bush, has disabled daughter David Cruz, State Senator, Puerto Rico, blind Mike Unjhun, Fargo, ND, National Council on Disability, youngest representative in state legislature, ever, works for Blue Shield/Blue Cross, co-chaired Bush-Quayle in No. Dakota, very loyal Republican Russell Redenbaugh, blind and without hands from accident, nephew of Sen. Jake Garn, appointed to Civil Rights Commission, economics and computer consultant in Philadelphia, owns software company Boyden Gray, White House Legal Counsel Dr. Burton Lee, Physician to the President Susan Parker, Deputy Commissioner Social Security, handles disabilities, from New Hampshire, great contacts in Maine and New Hampshire Dr. Michael Marge, Proessor, Syracuse University, Special Ed. and Rehab. John Hager, Reynolds, Richmond, friend of John Warner, contacted polio when son was immunized, active in Virginia GOP