MAY-26-00 10:53 From: 2023716310 T-291 P 01/02 Job-117 OFFICE OF SENATOR BOB DOLE FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: May 26, 2000 TO: Alex Vachon Senate Finance Committee FAX NUMBER: 228-0578 FROM: Senator Bob Dole COMMENTS: Alex, would you please follow up to determine if there is any real interest? Good seeing you at the book signing. NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET:2 The information contained in this facsimile message is privileged and confidential intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of this fax is strictly prohibited. If you have received this fax in error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original message to us at the address below via US Postal Service. Phone(202)371-6007 Fax(202)371-6262 Senator Bob Dole 901 15th Street, NW, Suite 410 Washington, DC 20005-2301 MAY-26-00 10:53 From: 2023716310 T-291 P.02/02 Job-117 BILL FRIST TENNESSEE United States Senate WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 May 15, 2000 The Honorable Bob Dole Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand 901 15th Street NW, Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20005-2327 Dear Bob: Thank you for sharing with me your ideas on how to make the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) easier to comply with for businesses and state and local governments. I have heard from many of my constituents on this matter and I share your concerns regarding The ambiguous nature of the ADA. I have instructed mv staff to follow-up with the staff of Sen. Jim Jeffords to explore the possibility of joining him in working with the Department of Justice to further clarify ADA guidance. Again, thank you for sharing your ideas with me, With warmest regards, I am Sincerely, (Signature) Bill Frist, M.D. United States Senator (Handwritten) Handy for all Would love to stop by your office next thurs (Illegible)