SMALL BUSINESS AND THE ADA: DOLLARS AND SENSE small bus have to take action either make accommodations or justify undue hardship looking at economic -- it makes good dolars and sense. samll bus will now have a vary large eager consitutency for potential employees and or costumers. Labor 20000 Rehab technology Immigration up the limts of immigratns comming in to increase workers -- a few months earlier the Congress passed ADA -- ADA passed 43 million AMericans ready and willing to work Labor, immigration and ADA are all tied together. ADA is great to bring about qualified workforce and and strengthen small and large businesses by providing qualified people who happen to have a disability It makes good sense b/c right noe sm. bus are paying for wlfare -- it makes better sence to pay money in accommodations rather than patying for dependence -- ivest money in your business -- its a natural ioncentive -- cant buy, they can't get a job -- no transportation -- cant get there cant spend -- it's a web discrimination and isolation ADA makes moral and economic sense while at the same time doing good foe society. testified -- still concerned about sm bus -- it is cxomple itis cinfusing undeu hardsio/reasonablke accommodation and I wonder sometines and I,m familiar __ I know what sm. bus have to go thriough -- viewed as Federal gov't interbention in the marketplace Tech asst will provide -- have approp fed doller -- accommodations require creativity -- I have and had concerns reasonable accommodations -- small outlay -- didi it because it makes good comon sense. Examplke of creativity and low cost accommodation -- loyal consumers and workers. While it is fed intervention -- it wil mean enhanced ecomoinc opprtunity for sm bus -- but the law is crafted with built in incentives -- take tax users and transforming into tax payers -- replaceing new deal welfare policies and letting people pull themselves up by the bootstraps -- letting people have self determination and letting sm bus take advantage of this new constutuentcies by fedeal policies of dependence. Tech wil enable is everchanging as we move from manufacturying to a service econ0omy pwd have a role to play obviously. Addt the pace of tech inivation is increasing and tech is another key to accmondations -- abilties to change key boards so people with diaBILITES WIHT LIMITED MOTOR CONTROL CAN ACCESS TECH TO PERFORM THE JOB -- TO BE PRODUCTIVE -- TO USE THEIR TALENTSD IN THE WORKFORCE INSTEADS OF ON THE COUCH. tODAT SOMEONE MIHT BE ABLE BUT TOMOORW SOMEONE MIGHT BECOME DISABLED WE NEED AS A NATION YO IVEST IN TECH FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM SPINAL CHORD -- wHAT KIND OF A NATION IS ITWHEN WE DISCARD POEPLW WHO WERE ONCE PRODUCTIVE JUST BECAUSE SONMEONE HAS PHYSICAL IMITATIONS -- THE INTELLECTURAL CONSTRIBUTIONS THAT HTEY MIGHT BRING -- BECAUSE SOMEONE IS IN A WC DO WE SAY YOU HAVE TO LIVE A LIFE OF POVERY. as A MEMBER OF cONGRESS -- CONCERNED WITH RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH BUS -- CRAFTED NOT TO BANKRUPT SM BUS -- NOT OT PUT BUS OUT OF BUSE BUT TO PROVIDE NEW EMPLOOYEES AND BRING IN CASH -- HURTING BUS ECEOMINCALLY IS NOT THE GOAL OF ADA BC THIS IS AN ISSUE THAT HAS BEEN IMPORTANT OT ME FOR SOMETIME TO HELP PEOPLE WITH DIS AND SM BUS -- TAP INTO AN UNTAPPED RESOURSE -- THIS ISNT A ZERO SUM -- EVERYONE IS A WINNER -- THEY CAN BE IF WE WORK TOGETHER -- MENTION PWI PROGRAMS BW DISABILITIES AND BUSINESES. CHANGING OUR THINOKING -- BE DIVERSIVE -- MULTICULTURAL -- INFLUX OF MINORITY GROUPOS BUT ALSO INCLUDES PEOPOLE WITH DIFFERENT MANTAL AND PHYSICAL DISABILITES. IF WE ARE GOING TO BE A PLURALTISTC SOCIETY WE MUST INCLUSE PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN ADDITION TO THOSE OF DIFFERENT CULTURES AND GENDER.