Memorandum Date: October 18, 1993 To: Dan Stanley From: Alec Vachon Re: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Thanks very much for the opportunity to attend this year's APHA annual meeting. As requested, background information is provided below. I have also cleared this with Senator Dole. The meeting will be held in San Francisco from Sunday, October 24, through Thursday, October 25. Due to press of Senate business, I will return Tuesday night. APHA is the nation's largest interdisciplinary society of health professionals (about 30,000 members). During the meeting, I will be presenting a paper on the disability income program in Athens in 5th B.C. In many ways, this ancient program encountered many of the same problems as our modern SSI and SSDI programs. Written with a colleague at Princeton, this paper is a work of original scholarship; an abstract of the paper is attached. I will be attending other paper sessions, many of direct relevance to my work in this office, and generally supervising the scientific program of the Caucus on Disability, as this year's Program Chair. I will also assume the Chairmanship of the Caucus (for a one-year term). This is a mark of significant peer recognition. None of these activities involve, or have available, any outside compensation or other renumeration.