05/03/93 08:10 (telephone icon) DPM-DC (page) 001 DANIEL P. MOYNIHAN NEW YORK UNITED STATES SENATE WASHINGTON. DC 20510 (202) 224-4451 TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL SHEET (handwritten) From Jim TO: Jay Messer FROM: Blair Haley SUBJECT: commemorative support letter COMMENT: Please tell me if Senator Dole would like to co-sponsor (4.4451) Thank you. TOTAL PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 4 DATE: 5/3 TIME: 9/10 (page 2) O:\KOR\KOR93.142 S.L.C. 103D CONGRESS 1ST SESSION S. J. RES. _ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Mr. MOYNIHAN (for himself, Mr. D'AMATO _) introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on _ JOINT RESOLUTION To designate both the month of October 1993 and the month of October 1994 as "National Down Syndrome Awareness Month". Whereas advancements in education, research, and public awareness are continuing to improve the quality of life for people with Down syndrome; Whereas approximately 5,000 children are born with Down syndrome annually in the United States; (page 3) O:\KOR\KOR93.142 S.L.C. 2 Whereas as ignorance, prejudices, myths, and stereotypes regarding Down syndrome can be overcome only through increased awareness and education; Whereas through the efforts of concerned physicians, teachers, parent groups, and the National Down Syndrome Society, programs are being established to educate the parents of individuals with Down syndrome, to include people with Down syndrome in all school programs, to provide vocational training for individuals with Down syndrome in preparation for entering the work force, and to prepare young adults with Down syndrome for independent living in the community; Whereas the television medium has greatly augmented such efforts by casting actors with Down syndrome and by offering programming that demonstrates to hundreds of thousands of viewers in a positive and educational manner the everyday, personal, and family effects of living with Down syndrome; Whereas advancements in research are improving health care and offering a brighter outlook for individuals born Down syndrome; and Whereas the many people with Down syndrome who attend regular schools, play on Little League teams, work in corporations and businesses both large and small, and volunteer in the community demonstrate daily the success that people with Down syndrome are able to achieve: Now, therefore, be it 1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives 2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That the months of October 1993 and October 1994 are 4 each designated as "National Down Syndrome Awareness (page 4) O:\KOR\KOR93.142 S.L.C. 3 1 Month". The President is authorized and requested to 2 issue proclamations calling upon the people of the United 3 States to observe these months with the appropriate cere­ 4 monies and activities.